The Animatrix (2003) s01e01 Episode Script

Final Flight of the Osiris

Damn it.
We were headed for Junction 21
like you ordered.
-Robbie picked up the signals
-We're confirming the HR scans.
-We weren't sure what to do.
-The readings don't make any sense.
-They read like Sentinels.
-But there's thousands of them.
-Directly above us.
-Is that possible?
We got company.
-They don't look happy to see us.
-Get us out of here.
-We're cut off!
-There's an intersection.
-It's uncharted.
-Take it!
Get to the gun turrets!
Come get some.
Hang on.
I've never seen the surface.
It's nothing now but one big graveyard.
Oh, my God.
It's an army.
-What is that thing?
-Some kind of tunneling machine.
-Oh, no.
Look where we are.
What's four kilometers straight down?
Go. Go. Go!
-Zion. Zion has to be warned!
-Someone had to get to a drop point.
-What? Are you crazy?
-We can't broadcast now!
-We have to.
-I'll go.
-There isn't much time.
I'll make it.
You know, I peeked.
So did I.
Goodbye, Thadeus.
Goodbye, Jue.
Fly, baby, fly!
Come on!
Pardon me.
I'm sorry.
I was in my own little world.
-Is it important?
-I hope it gets where it's supposed to go.
-Me too.
-These days you never know.
-No, you never do.
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