The Aristocrat's Otherworldly Adventure: Serving Gods Who Go Too Far (2023) s01e01 Episode Script

I Reincarnated

I'm so hungry
But it's not like there's
anyone else at home.
Little bitches!
Run! Now!
I'm gonna kill both of you!
Guess it's time to show some backbone!
Hey! You need to run right—
Are you okay? Are you
Thank goodness they're okay.
But it looks like I made them cry
Am I just going to die now?
I don't know this ceiling.
Is this a hospital?
I know I helped some people, but I don't
need a fancy private room like this
M-M-Master Cain!
Do you recognize your mother?
Huh? My mother? But I'm
Master Cain!
Who is that?
Are you all right?!
Absolutely not! Who is that?!
Who the hell is that?!
Fist open Fist open
Are you all right, Cain?
Do you know who you are?
He must be terribly confused, madam.
He was asleep for a week, after all.
That's true.
Your fever seems to have gone down,
but you should rest a bit longer.
Oh, I know! You must be hungry!
Wait right here. I'll have some soup made.
Of course!
I'll bring it right away!
Just rest until it gets here.
Please excuse me!
Who were they, anyway?
Sylvia? My mother?
I'm a child.
Is this that reincarnation thing
that happens in light novels?!
That must mean
I really didn't survive!
But I did save those girls.
Well, anyway!
If I've been reincarnated, the first thing
I gotta do is check out my surroundings!
It's super common for things to get crazy
'cause the protag doesn't understand anything!
Master Cain, your soup is—
Let's see.
Master Cain!
Did you wet the bed?
In that case, we must quickly
clean you up!
Nobody's angry, okay?
Don't let it get me down!
Do you like it?
You can still taste food, then!
She's right. It's a bit weak,
but I can tell it has meat
and vegetables in it.
Wonderful! I'm relieved
to see you eating so well.
Now, then
Pat, pat, pat. Pat, pat, pat.
What are you doing?!
Good boy. Let's hear that
burp so you can go to sleep.
B-Burp?! How old am I?!
Pat, pat, pat.
I'm fine, I swear!
She almost put me to sleep,
but I got a lot of answers out of her.
First of all, my name is Cain von
Silford, and I'm three years old.
My father is Garm, my mother is Sarah,
and I have a sister, Reine,
who's two years older than me.
Sarah is the second wife,
and the first wife's name is Maria.
She has two sons, Djinn and Alec.
That makes me, Cain, Garm's third son.
Garm is a high-ranking noble,
a margrave who has his own army.
He's the one who protects the
border against foreign invaders.
And south of Gracia, the part of the
Kingdom of Esfort that Lord Garm oversees,
is the Forest of Monsters.
What?! Monsters?!
But you don't need to worry.
The adventurers—
What?! Adventurers?!
Yes. They defeat the monsters for us.
Do they fight with swords? And magic?
Of course.
Some of them can use magic.
Wow! Magic!
I wanna try using magic, too!
That will take a little time.
Try learning how to write first, okay?
When I heard this world had magic,
I made up my mind to live out my life here!
Because in the world I came from, my last
relative, my grandpa, had just died,
and I lived alone.
There's basically nothing for me to miss.
What? Cain can write?
That's not all! He can do math already!
That's fantastic!
I can't tell him this tiny body has
the mind of a high schooler in it!
Our little boy might just be a genius!
S-Sylvia's just so good at teaching!
M-Master Cain
But why did you suddenly decide to study?
You've seemed different since
you came down with that fever.
Did he have a divine revelation?
Are you all right?
Do you need some baby food?
Or some of mother's milk?
No, I don't!
I'm just trying my best to learn
all I can about this world!
I see. How very admirable.
I can't leave my estate to you,
so it's a good step toward making
your own success in life.
In that case, Father,
would you allow me to read books
on magic and the kingdom's history?
All right.
Cain, you're interested in magic?
Uh I don't think you're
ready for that yet.
You need to be baptized, like me.
True. You'll need to wait
until you turn five.
Start by studying it in books first.
I don't think you'll be able
to use it right away, though.
I guess not
Wait, I did!
What's the matter?
Oh, okay.
That was magic, wasn't it?
Why can I use it?
Oh, well! For a light novel fan,
it's a dream come true!
Let's try it again, and this
time I'll restrain my—
What's the matter?
Oh, okay.
Oh! I just studied this not long ago!
S-Sister Reine! When did you
I know all about how you've
How I've
been studying the outside world in secret!
Want me to teach you about it?
Thank goodness she didn't see anything!
So, from then on, Sister Reine
stopped by my room every day
and taught me about the 300-year
history of the Kingdom of Esfort,
and how its first king started as an
adventurer before building the kingdom.
His name was
She taught me that and all
sorts of other things.
Wait this guy's Japanese, isn't he?
She also taught me
that there are elves, dwarfs,
and beastfolk in this world.
that there are fluffy things, too!
I wish I could go outside right now!
I can't wait two more years until my baptism!
I survived the wait!
Where's Cain? He's going to be late.
I apologize,
Cain looks so cute!
I'd say he looks handsome.
That's my son for you.
Thank you.
You're five now, after all.
I'm glad you've grown so big.
Don't grow too big, though!
Father, Mother
Thank you. At last, I can be baptized.
You've been looking forward
to it for so long!
All right, let's go.
We have your baptism, your debut,
and all kinds of other things to do today.
So this is the outside world!
The alternate world I dreamed
about in my past life!
It has old buildings, soldiers, monsters
And it even has magic!
Sister Reine, what's it like to
be bestowed with status magic?
I'll show you.
Status, open!
So this is what it looks like!
Margrave's Eldest Daughter
Adorer of Cain
What does "Adorer of Cain" mean?
Margrave's Eldest Daughter
Adorer of Cain
Margrave's Eldest Daughter
Adorer of Cain
Oh, no!
Did you see that?!
Huh? N-N-No!
I was just surprised you can use
three different elements of magic.
Reine was granted level 2
protection by the God of Magic.
Protection? Level?
Magic and protection are attainable
in levels 1 through 5.
The higher the level, the higher
the user's natural talent.
Protection is a very handy thing
that determines how much magic
is needed to activate a spell,
and it affects skills, too.
Oh And this "protection"
A god gives it to you.
A god?
The Marineford faith that is
practiced in this kingdom
is dedicated to the worship
of seven pillar gods.
Today, we'll be informing those gods
that you've reached five years of age.
I see. So this is my baptism.
I hope you get lots of protection
and magic from the gods, too.
My lord.
We will now begin the ceremony of baptism.
Cain von Silford, the seven pillar
gods of the Marineford faith
celebrate your baptism
on your fifth birthday.
Devote your life to the service of the gods.
I will.
Gods who created this world
and watch over it today,
I inform you that this child, Cain von Silford,
has reached the age of five.
Now, show this child the
path that he is to walk!
What is this light?!
Where am I?!
The world of the gods,
where we, the seven gods, reside.
We have longed for this day, Cain
Shiina Kazuya.
What?! The gods themselves
show up for a baptism?!
Nobody told me this!
I am Zenom, the God of Creation
and creator of this world.
Huh? I thought he was some weird
old dude in a costume, but he's a god?
Incidentally, since I'm a god,
I can hear everything you're thinking.
Now, on the subject of your reincarnation
Rime, tell him.
I am Rime, the god who governs
death and the cycle of rebirth.
The truth is your death was unexpected.
You were protecting two young girls, correct?
Little bitches!
I'm gonna kill both of you!
Guess it's time to show some backbone!
But even if you hadn't done that,
the criminal was going to trip and fall,
and be restrained by passers-by.
What? You mean I wasn't even needed?
Wait, so I died for nothing?
That's right.
But it took so much courage to do that!
What's more, since you died,
the criminal was charged with murder.
Rime, can't you tell him in a way
that's a bit easier to swallow?
I'm sorry.
But for what it's worth,
since you died doing a good deed,
the god of Earth requested that
I reincarnate you in this world.
It was considered a good deed, then?
I thought nursing and diaper changing
would cause too much mental torment for you,
so I meant to block your memories, but
For some reason, you recalled
them at age three. I'm sorry.
No, please, don't apologize.
Since my memories came back so quickly,
I was able to learn how
to write and use magic.
And best of all, I live a happy,
fulfilling life with my parents and sister.
I should be thanking you for
leaving my memories with me.
Hm, very good. I like him.
I'm Reno, God of Magic.
Cain, you've been practicing
magic all this time, haven't you?
I'll grant you my protection,
so continue to work hard.
Indeed. I'll grant you
my protection, as well.
I'm sure we'll meet again, after all.
We will?
I'm Sarnos, God of War.
Remember to work on your sword skills
and martial arts, too, not just magic.
I'll give you my protection.
Train well and grow strong.
Just look at these muscles!
I, Grim, God of Technology,
will also grant you protection.
There isn't much entertainment in this world,
so feel free to use your knowledge from
your previous life. Just don't overdo it!
I'm Panam, God of Commerce.
With my protection, you'll be able
to use Judgment and Item Box.
Use them well.
I'm Bela, God of Earth.
I'll grant you my protection, as well.
My protection is a bit unique,
so just try going all kinds
of things after you go back.
Thank you!
Well, that's just about all the time we have.
You'll find that you've received
my protection after you return.
Now, Cain, until we meet again.
Cain! Cain!
I've never seen the statues of the
gods shine with such brilliance!
Maybe it means he received
lots of protections.
Cain, can you show us your status?
I have a bad feeling about this
Sorry! My stomach just started to hurt!
Cain! Wait, Cain!
Status Open!
I'm definitely glad I didn't show them this!
Ten! Ten! Ten! Ten! Ten!
Military Arts, Martial arts, Item Box, all 10!
Protection of the God of Creation: 10!
Protection of the God of Life: 10!
Protection of the God of Magic: 10!
Protection of the God of Earth: 10!
Protection of the God of War: 10!
Protection of the God of Technology: 10!
Protection of the God of Commerce: 10!
What the heck are those gods doing?!
Isn't 5 the highest level?!
So this is what he was laughing about!
Crap! I have to hide this!
I can't let anyone see it!
Isn't there some way to keep it hidden?
I made it so you can create magic.
Try using "Status Conceal."
That's it! Thank you, God of Creation!
Status Conceal!
Sorry to keep you waiting.
Does your stomach feel better?
Yes, Sister Reine. Thank you.
Now, let's celebrate Cain's fifth birthday.
Happy birthday, Cain.
Happy birthday!
Anyway, what do you suppose that
light was during the baptism?
That didn't happen when I was
a child, nor did it for Reine.
Cain, were you able to check your status?
Yes. I received lots of
protections from the gods.
Good. Then why don't you show us?
Okay. Here's my status.
He has the protection of not
just the God of Creation,
but of the six other gods, too!
And how do you have so much magic?!
Crap! I didn't fix it!
Even palace mages only have about 10,000!
And you're still only five!
And what's more
You have Item Box and Judgment, too!
No matter what job you choose,
you'll be guaranteed success!
That's amazing, Cain!
It's more than amazing!
Don't ever show this status to anyone else!
It's very promising, but it could also
be seen as a threat to the kingdom!
One wrong move, and you could
be put under state supervision!
Sebas and Sylvia, you mustn't
tell a soul, either!
And don't let anyone find
out at his debut ceremony!
I finally got my baptism,
and it ended up like this?
What's considered an average status, anyway?
What's this?
A book on summoning magic?
I wonder if I'll be able
to summon fluffy animals!
Aw, my soul sure could use some healing
Sylvia won't be around for a while, right?
Summon! Come, fluffy!
A monster?! That's not cute!
Parma, you were out here?!
Run, you two!
Time to show some backbone!
I want
to protect these two!
I don't want to make them cry!
Hey, cat ears
Cain! Cain! Are you okay?
I wish I could have touched them just once.
Cain! Cain! Are you okay?
Cain, no! No!
This is all that ever
seems to happen to me
Cain, no! No!
Sorry I made people cry again.
Am I just going to die again?
Fist, open, fist, open
I'm alive?
Thank goodness, Cain!
Do you hurt anywhere? I'll get Father!
I'm fine.
Yes. I'm sorry I scared you.
I'm so glad you're alive!
I made those girls cry that time,
but this time, she's smiling.
Sister Reine
In this world I can help people.
Thanks to all of you, I have
safely reached my fifth birthday.
But I am still young and inexperienced,
so I hope to grow with all
of your guidance from now on.
Cain, you are my third son,
so you can't inherit this estate.
Since I have the opportunity to ask,
what would you like to be in the future?
I want to go to all kinds
of different places.
I want to learn lots of things
and help people in need.
I want to meet all kinds of people.
In order to protect all of your smiles
I want to be an adventurer!
Great Zenom, are you sure it was wise to
give him protections higher than level 5?
Actually, it's not even enough.
By the age of sixteen,
he needs to be the kingdom's
no, the entire continent's strongest denizen.
Because the time will surely come
when we need Cain's strength.
Please hurry, Master Cain!
The next episode is
"My Tutor Is an Adventurer"!
Next Episode