The Assassins (2024) s01e01 Episode Script

The Covenant

‫Religion is a pure spring
‫its light carried by messengers
‫from heaven to earth
‫to mend the people's souls and conditions.
‫After the passing of our Master, Prophet
‫of Allah, peace be upon him and his family
‫and his four Rightly Guided Caliphs
‫People were divided into Sunni,
‫Shia, and schools of thought
‫factions and warring states
‫from a Rightly Guided
‫Caliphate to an Umayyad Caliphate
‫and from there to an Abbasid Caliphate
‫and every caliphate after
‫the Rightly Guided Caliphate
‫Sought vengeance against the preceding one
‫sects emerged
‫Khawarij, Mu'tazila, and
‫Murji'ah, among others
‫the Abbasid Caliphate ruled half the globe
‫but in the 11th century
‫the Abbasid Caliphate
‫in Baghdad deteriorated
‫and became in its worst state
‫a group of Turkish shepherds
‫from the Seljuks appeared
‫and formed the largest army on earth
‫they got their legitimacy by claiming
‫to protect the Sunni Abbasid Caliph
‫but in reality, they had
‫authority over the Caliph
‫and at the same time
‫the Shiite Fatimid Caliphate
‫in Egypt and Morocco
‫was in its weakest state.
‫sects, ideas,
‫and schools of though were increased
‫among them
‫as the Esoteric Sect
‫from which a man emerged
‫who was the most dangerous and strange
‫Hassan ibn Al-Sabbah.
‫"Alamut Castle"
‫"11th Century"
‫Which of you is the Castle's Sheikh?
‫He's messenger of king of France,
‫coming with a request from the king
‫the conditions are simple
‫to pledge the castle's
‫loyalty to the king of France
‫and form an alliance
‫with the French kingdom
‫Alamut Castle's only
‫loyalty is to its master.
‫The Frankish king underestimated
‫Alamut Castle's strength
‫and its sheikh and the loyalty
‫of all its soldiers to their master.
‫What strength?
‫How strong can a castle on a mountain
‫be against the king of France?
‫What would you sacrifice for the Dawah?
‫My life.
‫My life is a sacrifice to
‫the holder of the key of heaven.
‫"Episode one"
‫"The Pledge"
‫"Capital of the French Kingdom"
‫"40 years ago"
‫"40 years ago"
‫"Rey City"
‫Why don't you play with us?
‫Are you scared to play with us?
‫Then tell us the game you like,
‫and we will play it with you.
‫The game of reading faces.
‫You mean physiognomy?
‫Can you tell who I am from my face?
‫You are the baker's son
‫coward, you always steal a pie from
‫oven and run away, your mother caught you
‫and burnt your arm by the fire.
‫And you, the son of the sabil keeper
‫you carry your father's
‫water jug and mimic him
‫and you spilt it over yourself
‫the jug was drained of every drop of water
‫and he was going to dunk you in the well
‫you kept screaming
‫he pulled you up at the last gasp.
‫And you, the son of gravedigger
‫You accompany your father to the homes
‫of the deceased at night, lying to them
‫and tell them that you saw light coming
‫out of his grave, so they'd give you money
‫and if you knew that he's stingy
‫you'd tell him that you saw
‫a snake going inside his grave
‫to scare them so they'd give you
‫money to keep quiet about the secret.
‫-I can break your face without reading it.
‫-What do you have to do with him?
‫He looks at our faces and knows our
‫secrets and we have to hit him, Omar.
‫Nobody will get near him.
‫Why are you sitting alone, Hassan?
‫Are you still upset about
‫what happened with your friends?
‫No, they are helpless.
‫He's still young.
‫He's young in age
‫but his spirit is noble and can endure.
‫I saw him flying with wings in a dream.
‫I fear for him.
‫There's no fear.
‫The letter is dangerous
‫and its power is big.
‫The letter is a secret
‫and he can keep it.
‫Which list should I start with?
‫The illuminating letters
‫and the spiritual numbers
‫for each letter
‫a secret and a conjugation
‫the letter is a secret
‫and a drawn sword.
‫The secret of Haa
‫A wall
‫with an enchanted door
‫and with the trace of Seen
‫A protective fence
‫or with the effervescence of Noon
‫and the secret of be and it is.
‫Go outside, Hassan
‫take a walk
‫look at the sky
‫you will find the moon in its fifth house
‫walk with it
‫and remember the three
‫letters of your name
‫It might be one of
‫the lucky and fortunate nights.
‫Omar and Abu Ali
‫aren't here to protect you.
‫Help me!
‫Help me!
‫I will die!
‫Don't worry.
‫Shall I get you out?
‫Yes, get me out.
‫Would you be obedient?
‫I will be obedient.
‫Get me out!
‫Will you choose light or darkness?
‫Choose darkness.
‫The darkness.
‫Come on.
‫Don't fear anyone anymore.
‫No one could kill you again.
‫No one could overpower you again.
‫Are you okay?
‫"Ten years later"
‫Darkness is a great secret.
‫Light is the real battle.
‫I feel gratitude towards
‫the precise order of the universe
‫day and night, whatever
‫happens in them from events and tales
‫night and day remain as they are
‫no event changes their timing
‫and no one can delay them.
‫Exactly like us.
‫Despite our diverse ideas and
‫schools of thought, we'll remain friends
‫Yes, Hassan.
‫Although, we don’t separate,
‫we see each other every day
‫we studied in the same schools
‫but friendship is a big dream, with
‫its own set of conditions for fulfillment
‫What dream, Hassan?
‫That we reach our goal together
‫and change the unjust world.
‫No one can change the world.
‫I can.
‫We all can.
‫If we’re friends, let's
‫make a pact from now.
‫Make a pact on what?
‫Since injustice dominates the world
‫I know it’s impossible for the three
‫of us to reach our goals together
‫but maybe one of us will
‫That's why we would make a pact
‫the one of us who reaches his goal
‫will help the other two.
‫But suppose I reach a high position
‫wouldn't then you'll call
‫me oppressor or disbeliever?
‫-According to…
‫-To my school of thought
‫And what comes first,
‫the promise and the friendship.
‫And here is the book of God.
‫And I don't think any of you
‫can disagree on book of God
‫We make a pact.
‫Put your hand, Omar.
‫The Pact of Hassan Al-Sabbah,
‫Omar Khayyam and Abu Ali Al-Tusi
‫whoever of us obtains power or authority
‫he will help the other two
‫A pact that transcends any
‫disagreement or school of thought
‫A pact that transcends any
‫disagreement or school of thought
‫A pact that transcends any
‫disagreement or school of thought
‫"Hassan Al-Sabbah"
‫"11th Century AD"
‫"Capital of Seljuk State"
‫Peace be upon you, Abu Musa.
‫Peace be upon you, and may the
‫mercy and blessings of Allah be upon you
‫Who are you?
‫Don't you remember me?
‫I came to you yesterday and we talked.
‫We talked?
‫-Talked about what?
‫-How God must put an end to oppression.
‫It's you!
‫That's the young esoteric who argues
‫with his son in solitude, catch him!
‫You fool!
‫Be careful!
‫You stupid hunchback!
‫Oh God conceal us!
‫A young man fled from here.
‫He ran towards the mosque.
‫Who are you?
‫That's the last of the food
‫in the house, Hassan.
‫Why were they after you?
‫Every justice seeker is either
‫hunted, killed, crucified or imprisoned.
‫I still don't know who you are?
‫The description of the oppressed
‫my name is Zaid ibn Suhon
‫and as you can see, this is my state.
‫Seljuks, Abbasids, Fatimids.
‫There's no one who
‫hasn't left a mark on me.
‫Because of time
‫time of injustice,
‫corruption, and disbelief
‫and the devil's ascending
‫on the throne of power.
‫Your words are cryptic.
‫Seems like the words of
‫truth are no longer understood.
‫Relax and leave safely tomorrow.
‫Who are you?
‫A soul that heard your calling.
‫You didn't just save me
‫It felt like you heard my heart's voice.
‫Every matter has an exoteric and esoteric.
‫Are you esoteric?
‫I'm still searching, and seeking.
‫- You mean you're…
‫- It's difficult
‫it's different to know my truth.
‫As you, for example, are not hunchbacked.
‫Stand up straight.
‫Can you get me to ibn Attash?
‫Why did you save him?
‫Saving the oppressed is
‫also a saving for my soul.
‫We're all oppressed,
‫seeking justice and its leaders.
‫Are you ready?
‫I'm eager.
‫There must be a link between us.
‫So listen with your heart
‫and comply
‫I bind myself to God's covenant
‫and his pact
‫and by the covenant of all the prophets
‫to bestow upon us your soul
‫and your mind and body
‫with desire and consciousness
‫Your secret, your exoteric and esoteric
‫your opinion, efforts and determination
‫to our master, the timekeeper
‫Say after me
‫I bind myself
‫I bind myself
‫so if you broke my covenant
‫or contradict my opinion
‫then you betrayed
‫Allah and all the prophets
‫and and fell for the temptation of Satan
‫and you own neither blood nor wealth
‫instead, a disbeliever whose
‫blood and wealth are permissible
‫and there is no repentance
‫for you except by being murdered
‫and this bond
‫is binding to me in my life and my death
‫with my opinion and my intention
‫and my conscience.
‫Say after me
‫I bind myself.
‫I bind myself.
‫Blessings to ibn Al-Sabbah
‫the preacher to our master,
‫the Keeper of the Secret.
‫And how can I finish my journey?
‫By pledging allegiance to
‫our master Al-Mustansir in Egypt
‫and this is a difficult matter.
‫It's not difficult for
‫the sincere preacher, master.
‫Come on, what's wrong?
‫Let's go!
‫What's wrong with you.
‫What is this?
‫-What's your business!
‫We speak the same language
‫and know how to communicate
‫you have nothing to do with it, let go.
‫-Sell it to me.
‫How much do you want?
‫100 dinars.
‫Unleash the horse, son.
‫Do you know who this is?
‫That's Omar Khayyam
‫a young poet and philosopher
‫interested in algebra and astronomy.
‫Algebra and astronomy?
‫This is fool paid 100 dinars.
‫"Omar Khayyam"
‫"Poet, Scientist and Philosopher"
‫Find someone who understands your language
‫Apparently, you are indeed different
‫and you possess something sacred
‫It's ibn Attash's first time
‫speaking like this to someone
‫binding him from the first meeting.
‫I saw you in the vision
‫yesterday calling for my help
‫and when I met you in the market
‫afterwards, I saved you at noon
‫From the first moment, when you
‫signalled me from atop your horse
‫You said you didn't save me out
‫of pity for a poor chased hunchback.
‫I read your secret and heard your call
‫and saved you.
‫I will follow you to death.
‫I will go on resume my mission.
‫God is the Greatest
‫I bear witness that there is no deity
‫but God
‫Praise be to Allah and thanks be to Allah
‫I was praying to God
‫that I'd see you today.
‫Thank God.
‫Does owning a beautiful
‫and melodious voice when calling to prayer
‫means that your prayer is the one
‫answered and not the mother's prayer?
‫There isn't a voice more
‫beautiful than yours, Julmar?
‫You haven't heard your mother while she's
‫singing softly, like honey to the ears.
‫Wow, sing us something, dear mother
‫-Stop it, boy.
‫-Am I the one that should stop!
‫he's flirting with you in front of me.
‫I flirt with her as if
‫I'm flirting with myself
‫May God bless you, Abu Yahya.
‫Oh, I wish to find a
‫woman who loves me that much.
‫My son, my darling, there no one like me.
‫-Yes, there are.
‫-Where, sweetheart?
‫-They definitely exist, right, father…
‫-The point is
‫Tell me, how are you doing, soldier?
‫Thank God, I am doing well.
‫the leader told me he might let me
‫participate in the upcoming battles.
‫Right on time.
‫Yes Yahya, open the door for Omar.
‫-Who's Omar?
‫-He's a poor young man
‫who helps us while you're gone.
‫-and I show him kindness, let's go.
‫My sheikh and darling.
‫How are you, Omar?
‫Come on, come eat with us, come on.
‫I need to go back to training.
‫Thank you for serving my father, Omar.
‫May God protect you,
‫my son, go ahead.
‫-Goodbye my darling.
‫-Goodbye my son. Take care.
‫She's mad at you.
‫-Not that much, Yahya.
‫-I'll right up.
‫I've missed you, Nourhan.
‫All I dream about is
‫the day you become my wife
‫We'd share our life together
‫behind the same closed door.
‫Shouldn't you tell my father
‫that in order to this to come true?
‫I can't tell your father
‫all that, right Nourhan?
‫No, Yahya. Tell him that you
‫love me and want to marry me.
‫I've turned down
‫twenty potential suitors.
‫Twenty suitors!
‫Those twenty suitors would die.
‫Once I establish myself in the army,
‫I'll bring my father and propose for you.
‫When will you establish
‫yourself in the army?
‫As soon as the
‫leader trusts my capabilities.
‫When will the leader
‫trust your capabilities?
‫As soon as I pass his tests.
‫-Are these exams difficult or easy?
‫-Very difficult, Nourhan.
‫Why are you talking to me like this?!
‫Because I love you.
‫Excuse me, love birds
‫but we need to return to the camp.
‫We wasted all our leisure time,
‫half for training and half for questions.
‫When will you establish yourself and
‫when he will trust your capabilities.
‫I love you too.
‫Couldn't you say it earlier.
‫"Abu Ali Al-Tusi (Monarchy)"
‫"Minister of the Seljuk state"
‫My lord, the Sultan.
‫This is a summary of the people's
‫state in the markets, my lord.
‫said by our soldiers in our lord's army
‫and the Abbasid Caliph's court
‫and the Byzantine Empire
‫the Fatimid Caliph's court
‫And every word of hatred and betrayal
‫uttered in our world from China
‫-to the Morocco.
‫-Such a great effort.
‫Your service to me in the past.
‫until the establishment of my sovereignty.
‫I value this greatly.
‫My reward is that
‫the state remains strong, my lord
‫and it will remain strong thanks to you.
‫What is the new's summary?
‫Regardless how the Abbasid
‫Caliph is weak and useless
‫our loyalty to him is necessary.
‫We are the sword of the Caliphate.
‫He is our legitimacy.
‫What are our spies in Byzantium saying?
‫The Byzantines are getting ready, my lord.
‫Especially since they have not forgotten
‫your defeat of them and their humiliation.
‫I believe a truce is more appropriate
‫until we are ready.
‫As for the Fatimids
‫Famine has consumed
‫and paralyzed them completely.
‫How are the people of Isfahan?
‫The people range from
‫Sufis, Dervishes and lunatics
‫and they're completely
‫immersed in their matters.
‫Public opinion about them ranges between
‫belief, doubt, and excommunication.
‫Take care!
‫Should I call the doctor?
‫What about the scholars and philosophers?
‫The scholars are our hope, my lord.
‫As long as their speech
‫has reasoning and simplicity.
‫But as for the theologians and
‫philosophers, there's no hope in them.
‫Their debate among
‫themselves has exhausted them
‫and the public sees them as
‫disbelievers no matter what.
‫But the real danger
‫comes from the Esotericists.
‫They've spread everywhere.
‫They are under observation for us
‫but their danger
‫is that they bear more than
‫one name and more than one form.
‫-Oh God!
‫-The public's minds are weak
‫nationalism is their approach
‫any vague rhetoric, any talk of oppression
‫a love for home nights
‫the public would believe
‫I cleaned your shoes, sir, and
‫hung the cloak behind the door.
‫Thank you, Omar.
‫You've been serving me for a year;
‫the service of a son to his father.
‫May God grant me the ability to repay you.
‫You're capable.
‫If you listen to me.
‫A year
‫A year, every night I go
‫to serve him and his wife.
‫You have a kind heart.
‫A year waiting for the chance to tell
‫him the truth and he'd be one of us.
‫-This muezzin, does he have a nice voice?
‫-His voice is exquisite.
‫A nightingale.
‫It means that if he called for dawn prayer
‫and ended by duaa to our Imam
‫The whole city will be
‫on our side in the morning.
‫Unfortunately, I asked him to join us.
‫I kissed his hands and
‫head and cried for him.
‫But he insists on living
‫his life as an disbeliever.
‫Did you reveal yourself to him?
‫But what will he do?
‫He will do a lot.
‫So, what should I do?
‫Kill him.
‫Can you imagine that the young
‫man who served us for a year
‫and pretended to be limping and poor
‫turned out that he doesn't
‫have a limp nor poor.
‫What do you mean neither limping nor poor?
‫Go inside.
‫-Is there something wrong?
‫-No all is fine, go inside.
‫Come on.
‫What brought you back here?
‫You won't call for prayer anymore.
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