The Astronauts (2020) s01e01 Episode Script

Countdown / Day 1

So, Griffin,
why all the secrecy
surrounding this mission?
I have no idea
what you're talking about.
We've been very transparent.
In three short days,
we will be embarking
on an historic
manned rendezvous
with the asteroid
commonly known as "Kamohoalii."
Come on,
there's gotta be more to this.
I mean, why would
the Helios board sign off
on a scientific mission
with zero potential
for return on investment?
maybe not direct return,
but nobody's ever gone broke
pushing the outside
of the envelope.
For instance,
Odyssey II has a new primary
A.I. interface
in the ship's on board computer.
It's our latest quantum-
beta version of Matilda.
The same Matilda
who can't get
my pizza order right?
Ooh, wow, Connie,
that's a cheap shot,
even for you.
But putting aside for
the moment your preference
- You always say that.
- Molly! Don't.
the real story here
is that in three days,
Odyssey II, her commander,
Rebecca Sawyer,
and three crew members
will embark on what could be
the most significant
mission of exploration
in the history of mankind.
Kamohoalii reminds us
why we all look to the stars.
I promise, this is
the last, okay?
Don't, okay?
This isn't about you.
It's about our family.
It's about our daughter.
This mission
is different,
and you know that.
Matilda, turn the volume up.
the only thing
we know is that it demonstrates
a number
of very unusual properties.
We've never seen
anything like it before,
but what's really intriguing
is the way it moves.
It's been accelerating
ever since
we first encountered it.
Kamohoalii is a genuine
astronomical mystery
of the first order,
a mystery we hope Mission
Commander Rebecca Sawyer
will solve once and for all
with the upcoming launch
of Odyssey II.
Mission Commander
Rebecca Sawyer.
Five round trips
to the Mars Epsilon Colony,
commanding Zephyr II, Odyssey I,
and now Odyssey II
Fine, fine, fine,
don't believe me,
but I know more
about this launch
than any of you guys.
- No way. You're lying!
- Okay, okay.
My dad is jacked into some
seriously high-level sources,
and all they say Kamohoalii
is definitely
an alien spacecraft.
You wanna know how I know
you're full of it?
'Cause no one knows anything,
even if your dad is
Griffin Combes.
Yeah, no,
I don't know anything.
Um, try NASA, okay?
Harvard's Dean of Astronomy?
They all say that
there's no other explanation
for the way
it's moving, so
Oh, man, that'd be
so awesome!
I can't believe
we're stuck at this hotel
while our parents
are chasing
a real-life Millennium Falcon!
But but Han Solo's
not an alien.
Well, technically,
sure, he's human,
but born
on the planet Corellia.
That makes him
Would you like me to help you
make a selection?
No, thanks. That's okay.
Just the usual, Matilda.
Enjoy your E3 Bar.
Hey, Samy!
Come here, hang out!
Come on. Please.
If you want to catch
pneumonia, go ahead.
Probably go swimming after.
Do you see
what time it is
and what the weather is?
What is the weather?
Guys, guys, guys!
This is Samy Sawyer-Wei.
She's 11, and
in the Eighth Grade.
Skipped two whole years.
Smartest girl
at Emerson.
So, uh, this is
Martin, and
Your mom's Rebecca Sawyer?
The Mission Commander?
This is so cool.
Their dad works
in Mission Control.
He's a programmer
for the launch, right?
Yeah, I guess.
- And, uh, that's Wes.
- Will!
I've told you, like,
seven times.
I'm just here with my mom
for the launch.
What's she do?
She's a writer.
Not a programmer, just a,
you know, a writer-writer.
So, uh, Samy
for the win,
Kamohoalii, asteroid
or alien spacecraft?
Well, alien spacecraft
is a possibility
See? I I told you!
a very, very, very remote one.
Truth is,
nobody's sure what it is.
Most likely,
a big chunk
of rock and ice.
Just ice?
No, not just ice.
Ice that's been traveling
through space
for maybe millions of years.
There could even be
microscopic life in it,
which could explain
how life on this planet started.
Wait, wait, hold up.
See? I was right!
Come on, guys,
Alien life
traveling through space?
Man, what I'd do
to get aboard that thing
and find out what they're
really up to, you know?
So, what does
your mom think?
She doesn't talk
about this mission much.
You know, secrecy
and all that.
Oh, Dor, gotta jet.
Uber's here.
Where are you going?
Launch pad.
Dad's key card is toast,
so we gotta
deliver his spare.
Wait, what level access?
Red Five.
Hold up.
Dude, that's like
the keys to the kingdom.
Wait a second,
it's 10:46.
The timing's perfect.
I mean, shift change
in 14 minutes.
That place
is so huge,
this time of night,
launch pad should be clear
by the time we get there.
Yes, "we."
Come on, Samy,
don't tell me you don't
want to check it out.
You're just
as curious as I am.
Oh, and then
that would be perfect!
We could get a chance
to get selfies from Ground Zero
for the Skittlegram!
Oh, definitely not.
Every time you talk me
into doing stuff like this,
we get caught, and you skate,
and I do the time.
Come on, man,
she's right.
This is
a once-in-a-lifetime deal.
We gotta do this.
But it's not worth it.
Seriously, Dad's key card
might get us on-site,
but it's not gonna get us
into the tower elevators.
Well, uh,
I know somebody
who's got that key.
Right, Samy?
Oh, no. No way.
That's crazy.
What would your mom
do if she was you?
Do you think she would
just take a pass?
Come on, Samy.
We can do this, or
we can spend
the rest of our lives
wishing that we had.
I don't like this.
What's not to like?
Come on!
Duck down!
Lemme see the key.
Whoa, so cool!
are you doing?
Tactical hand signals.
Column formation. Stay low!
So why didn't you
just say that?
I don't know!
Dude, look!
- Where'd she stash it?
- Hotel room safe.
You have the code?
No way.
Easy to figure out, though.
Your birthdate?
My mom's first mission.
Come on!
What are you doing?
I doubt she even knows
my birthday.
Come on!
Girls, come on!
Keep going! Keep going!
Go! Come on, come on,
come on! Go! Go! Go!
Let's go!
Stay low, stay low, stay low!
Get this O2
into that rocket, pronto!
Wait for it.
Go, go, go, go, go!
Get down! Get down!
Cut the pressure!
Whoa, whoa, whoa,
back off on it, back off on it!
Now! Go, go, go,
go, go, go!
Wait for me!
Come on!
Go, go, go, go!
Key, key, key, key!
Give me the key!
- Here!
- Oh, come on!
Okay, okay!
Oh, my god, Elliot, pick it up!
I think I hear someone.
I think I hear it too.
My shift's starting.
I've got to get
to Tower 1.
Go, go! Come on! Come on!
- Chip side up!
- What?
Turn the lights on!
Hurry, hurry, hurry!
No, no, no!
Go, go, go, go, go!
Close the door!
Close the door!
I think that guy
saw me!
Dude, chill.
We're golden.
My god.
Dude, is this epic or what?
- Whoa!
- Whoa
Guys Come on, guys!
We're so high up!
Look, look, look, look, look!
We're so high up in the air.
This is so cool!
Look at this!
This is crazy!
Wait! What? Don't!
Dude, it's fine.
Just chill.
It's okay.
We're good.
We're good.
"Come on, Martin.
Just one quick snap and out."
Here we go again.
Guys guys, come on!
We gotta get out.
We will.
Just one shot
of all of us.
Come on.
We could go
stand right there.
Guys! Picture!
Guys, guys, guys,
come on, come on!
Now! Picture!
Okay, fine.
Come on, come on,
come on.
Okay, back to back.
Hello, Samantha.
I'm Matilda.
Welcome aboard Odyssey II.
Yeah. Hi?
You know my name?
Yes, Samantha.
Your mother is Mission
Commander Rebecca Sawyer
She knows her mom.
May I call you Samy?
No, yeah, Samy's good.
Thank you, Samy.
Elliot Combes
- William Rivers
- Will.
and Martin
and Doria Taylor.
Oh, wow, hear that?
Spaceship knows our names.
Welcome aboard Odyssey II.
Why are you here?
My dad's Griffin Combes!
Yes, Griffin Combes,
the founder
and Chief Executive Officer
of Helios Industries.
He sent us here
to, you know
check everything out.
Make sure
everything's gooch.
"Gooch," as in
the versatile slang term
based on the Gucci
luxury fashion brand
meaning "okay, good,
great, awesome."
Yeah, like that.
See, I told you guys,
we're golden.
launch sequence.
T-minus 20 minutes
and counting.
- What?
- Oh, my god.
What do you mean,
"launch sequence"?
20 minutes and counting.
backup flight system
to launch configuration.
Crew, check and confirm
final cockpit
switch synchronization.
This is Flight Director
Lind Bellows.
Well, I have no idea
what happened.
Just pull together
anyone you can,
and get up here, stat.
What's going on?
Niles, are you running
some kind of launch simulation
with Matilda?
No, just debugging
some code.
A few last-minute
maintenance routines.
- Comms open.
- Dad!
I swear we didn't
touch anything.
It just, it just started
counting down all by itself,
I promise!
Sorry, you know
that kid?
My daughter.
this is Flight Director
Lind Bellows.
Pause the T-minus countdown.
this is Flight Director
Lind Bellows.
Emergency authorization KX-7.
I am ordering you
to stop the countdown
Respond and confirm.
Inertial measurement unit
preflight alignments are go.
T-minus 19 minutes
and counting.
We gotta get this.
Maybe "gooch" was some kind of
secret launch code
thing or something.
Right, so now
this is all my fault.
I'm just saying!
Here, let me try!
T-minus-18 minutes
Step one, pre-launch check.
checking CO2
and 02 pressure
What are you doing?
I need to confirm cockpit
switch configurations.
How do you know
what to do?
Been practicing on my mom's
simulator program
since I was five.
When I was five,
I could barely
handle Pokemon X.
Will, this is
real complicated.
If I don't get
everything perfect,
we will all
be incinerated.
Yeah. At best.
I'm gonna find
another way outta here!
Lind Bellows, Mission Control.
We've got a 17-minute
countdown to launch,
and five kids trapped
inside the command module.
Scramble a team
and a plasma torch, stat.
Run up the tower.
Breach the main hatch.
Hard out in 11 minutes
and 30 seconds.
No, I can't abort.
Now, just stop wasting time
and do it!
I count five of you
up there in the module.
Is that everyone?
Is that little
Samy Sawyer-Wei
I see there
in the command chair?
- Yup.
- Wanna tell me
what you're doing there,
Configuring cockpit control
Okay, no, no, no, do not touch
any switches or controls.
If she doesn't,
and we blast off,
we're all gonna be
No one is blasting off!
I have an engineering team
coming up there
to get you out of that hatch.
If you all just stay calm
and don't touch anything,
we'll get you out of this
safe and sound.
See? I told you.
They'll get us out in no time.
We're golden.
Stop saying that!
Every time you say that,
something very bad happens!
Elliot, is that you?
Uh, yeah.
Hey, Lind.
Ground Control,
we are approaching the catwalk.
Go, go, go!
We are in position!
Ready to breach the hatch
on your go!
Hang tight, little man!
We'll get you
outta there soon!
He's what?
You tell me exactly,
where are we in the countdown?
I've scrambled
an engineering team
to breach the main hatch
No, absolutely not.
Griffin, you're not suggesting
that we launch a spacecraft
full of children
without making
an active effort to
to what?
To kill them?
The engineers will never
get through in time,
and if we compromise
the forward fuselage,
those kids are toast, so, no.
This is a software glitch.
We need to hack into Matilda
and abort the launch.
Sawyer and I will
be there in five.
What's going on
out there, Griffin?
Nothing your audience
would be interested in.
Excuse us.
T-Minus seven minutes.
Closing vehicle vent valves
No! No, wait!
Hey, what are you guys doing?
They're ordering us
to leave!
What about the kids?
We're outta time!
No, wait, no, wait!
Go! Go!
Get us outta here!
Get me out of here!
Golden, huh?
cockpit access arm.
are you going?
No, no, no, no, no!
Move, move!
T-minus five minutes.
Arm solid rocket booster
range safety
Maybe the lady's right.
Maybe you should stop.
If I do, and we launch,
we're dead.
No. Uh-uh.
No way my dad will
let that happen.
Samy, listen to him.
For all we know,
you might be undoing
everything they're doing.
Guys, leave her alone!
Let her do her job!
It's not her job, okay?
She's just a kid!
T-minus three minutes,
55 seconds.
Initiating aerosurface
and main engine
gimbal profile tests.
Oh, no ma'am.
Guys? Samy?
What do you think you're doing?
She's pretending to be
an astronaut!
Main engine gimbal
profile tests complete.
Whatever it is
that you think you're doing,
you need to stop.
Oh, yes, you most
certainly will, young lady,
and right now!
Oh, Rebecca,
thank god.
Will you please
tell your child
to stop
mucking around?
Baby, what're you doing?
Yeah, I'm here.
She's on her way,
but, baby, you gotta
take your hands
off those controls.
You're freaking
a lot of people out down here.
You think
you're freaked out?
Yeah, I know, it's crazy,
but you gotta stop.
I can't.
Why not?
You know why not.
Main engine
fuel temperature optimal.
Charlie, check
the pre-flight synchro.
Is she working it?
Like a rock star.
Keep doing
what you're doing, baby.
You're killin' it.
Hey, what are you doing?
- We do.
- Copy that.
Matilda's been hacked.
That's impossible.
By who?
Someone with
bottomless pockets.
It's crowd-sourced big time.
maybe thousands of coders.
See how it's scrolling?
No, no, no,
it's being written.
Right now.
In real time, on the fly.
They're exploiting
the patches we installed
in the core program
of the On-Board Variant
We don't talk about
the patches, remember?
To anyone.
Yeah, yeah.
All right,
pull the plug.
Take Matilda off-line.
Matilda is the line.
She controls avionics,
trajectory, life support.
Look, without Matilda,
those kids don't have a prayer.
T-minus two minutes.
Retracting oxygen vent arm.
Crew members,
close and lock visors
What visors?
Are there helmets?
Do we get to put on
Not unless
you brought one along.
Everybody strap in!
Okay, uh
There are only
four seats.
Got it.
Come on, Dor.
Hurry, hurry, hurry.
Come on.
T-minus one minute.
Close LOX and LH2 outboard
fill and drain valves.
That's it.
Matilda's show.
No stopping it now.
- Engines?
- All five are a go.
- Oxygen?
- We're at capacity, sir.
Lind, open comms?
we've done everything we can
down here.
I'm sorry, we're, uh
we're out of options.
Oh, my god.
Oh, my god
We are actually
blasting off into space!
Dad, are we gonna?
I mean, I-I can't
You're gonna be okay, son.
Ship's rock-solid.
I'm scared.
Don't be. I'm not.
Trust the ship.
You'll be okay.
We're gonna get you home soon,
and safe, I swear it.
Just in the meantime,
you gotta be brave.
You all do.
T-minus 30 seconds.
Copy. T-minus 30 seconds.
Right, this is happening.
Go flight.
Go flight.
We are go flight.
Dad, I'm sorry.
I didn't wanna come up here,
but Martin
Don't you blame this on me!
You were the one who
It's okay, guys, it's okay.
It's not your fault,
and we know that,
and we're dealing with it.
you take care
of your baby sister, okay?
You know I will.
Dad, I love you.
Love you back.
T-minus 12 seconds.
Activating main engine
hydrogen burn-off system.
Burn-off systems check.
Yeah, baby?
What's my birthday?
June 7th.
We are go
for main engine start.
What are you doing?
I just gotta do this!
- Three
- Brace for liftoff.
- Brace for liftoff!
- Two
Solid rocket booster
and burnoff.
I'm here.
She's up.
She's up.
It's okay.
It's just
the boosters.
It's supposed to happen.
I am so grounded.
Second stage
separation and ignition
in three
And second-stage
ignition is a go.
We're gonna die!
Shutting down main engine.
Optimal velocity attained.
Trajectory confirmed.
Mission is go.
Oh, I don't feel so good.
What a ride!
This is crazy.
Forget it.
Phones are toast up here.
Oh, yeah.
Oh! Whoa!
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!
Are you crazy?
This is awesome!
Will! Small movements.
That actually
looks kinda cool
Deploying outriggers.
Not cool!
Not cool!
What's going on?
This isn't going well.
This isn't going well.
It's okay, guys.
It's supposed to happen.
We're good.
"It's okay,
it's supposed to happen.
We're good."
Not good!
Not good! Not good!
Why is
everyone just watching?
Shouldn't they
be doing something?
They will, Mol.
Got a ways
to go yet.
deployment is go!
Okay, people! People.
We're out of the woods for now,
but let's not forget,
we have five untrained kids
on that vessel, yeah?
Everything okay up there?
Yeah. We're, uh
We're good.
A little freaked out,
but okay.
Should I commence
post-launch checks?
No! Don't. Sweetheart
You You don't
have to do anything.
We've got it all covered
from down here, okay?
Hey! You!
Brown-jacket boy,
get back in your seat
and buckle up!
My name's Will.
Thank you for the introduction,
Now, please, get back
in your seat and strap in.
This is not
an amusement park ride.
No kidding!
It's way cooler!
Do what the lady says!
You're giving them
heart attacks down there.
Capcom, personal screen.
Thank you,
but I am not "the lady."
I am Lind Bellows,
your Flight Director.
I coordinate all systems
on board during space flight.
A real flight director!
That means
it's my job to keep you safe.
So here's the deal
You do nothing
without explicit direction
from me, you got it?
Hey! Guys!
You're doing a great job
down there, all of you.
Now, you're handling
this like champs.
Okay, how
do we get back?
Can you turn
this thing around?
Well, we're
working on that.
Airlock C sensor
indicates pressure deviation.
Hey! Ground control?
We got an alarm up here.
What do we do?
I got nothing.
All systems look good.
All on board sensors
route through Matilda,
and she's clearly
We can't trust
a thing she says.
From this point forward,
disregard Matilda
unless we tell you otherwise.
disregard Matilda.
As soon as we have
some hard answers,
we will let you know,
but until then, sit tight.
Mission Control out.
That's not good.
They said
that we can't trust Matilda,
and she runs the whole ship.
I mean,
the whole ship.
Cabin pressure loss
in cargo bay.
Cabin pressure loss
in cargo bay.
Here, hold this.
What are you doing?
The airlock's back
in the cargo bay.
Standard protocol's
a visual inspection.
Yeah. So?
I'm gonna go check it out.
Put this on.
I'll report up to you
if I see anything.
You can relay back
to Mission Control.
Got it?
Okay, okay.
Right. That makes sense.
Can I come?
She's really
good at this.
Small movements.
Matilda, open the hatch.
Shut up.
Guys, I'm heading
down the spine.
You guys need to see this ship.
Samy, what's that sound?
What's she saying?
Samy, come in?
I'm approaching the cargo bay.
Pressure loss in cargo bay.
Is somebody in there
Pressure loss in cargo bay.
Matilda, lights, please.
Pressure loss in cargo bay.
Looks like they weren't
finished loading cargo
when we took off.
What do you mean?
I mean, just a lot of stuff
floating around.
Pressure loss in cargo bay.
Hang on.
I think
I see the problem.
The inner airlock hatch is open.
That doesn't sound good.
Done and done.
- Samy
- Did you guys feel that?
Samy, get back here!
I wish I had some.
What we know
is whoever hacked Matilda
wanted this to happen.
The hackers
have carved
a superhighway
of malicious code
directly into
her program.
I can have
500 coders here
in 18 hours,
at your disposal.
It's not a question
of manpower.
Look, 5,000 can't do it,
but one might.
No. No! No way.
That is not an option.
The guy is a burnout.
He's been off
the grid for decades.
Yeah, but he built Matilda
from the ground up.
He's basically
her father, Griffin,
and she's the one
we need to fix
if we're ever gonna
have a chance
of getting
our kids home.
There it is again!
Hey, Samy?
Do you copy?
I don't like this.
Is that supposed
to be happening?
No. It sounds
really wrong.
Told ya.
Hey, Lind?
The alarm stopped,
but we're
wobbling up here.
Sorry, what?
Wobbling. We're wobbling.
Okay, yeah, I see it.
It's a, um
slight rotational aberration.
Minor routine issue.
This doesn't feel
Sweetheart, I assure you
that it is,
so don't you worry.
The system
will sort itself out.
It all looks great on our side,
so just settle in, relax,
and we'll keep you posted.
Mission Control out.
The inner airlock hatch
was open.
What do you mean?
I mean the airlock doors
don't just open by themselves.
Something is seriously wrong
with this ship.
is there something
Samy, come on.
They told us
not to talk to her.
She's toast.
Maybe, but what
I'm seeing and feeling
and hearing
tells me
that this isn't
a "minor routine issue."
What do you mean?
Why would Lind lie?
I'm not saying
that she's lying.
I'm just saying
that she's not up here.
We don't know what's wrong,
and they won't tell us
maybe Matilda can.
What's making
that sound?
The ship
is out of balance,
a severe rotational deviation.
I project
catastrophic structural failure
in 31 minutes.
We're gonna die
in 31 minutes?
Maybe we should listen to her!
That sounds like
a great idea.
Let's listen to the machine
instead of about
a zillion experts on the ground.
Matilda, is there something
we can do to fix this?
I've detected
a critical weight deficit
of two metric tons
in Outrigger "B",
The garden!
Guys, I think I know
what the problem is.
I could use some help.
Cargo bay closing.
The launch
wasn't supposed to happen
for another three days.
They didn't finish putting
this cargo where it belongs.
The terrariums.
There are six of them
down here.
What's 367 kilos
times six?
2,200 kilos.
Two metric tons.
I like math.
Matilda was right.
She isn't unreliable.
Matilda, show me a view
of Outrigger "B."
Our parents have no idea
what's really
going on up here.
Come on, guys.
We gotta move these plants
up to where they belong,
or this ship is gonna break
into pieces.
So I just got a call
from Security.
Facial recognition
has got a positive I.D.
on Brown-Jacket Boy.
You're never gonna believe
who his mother is.
Connie Rivers.
The reporter
Connie Rivers?
As in the Connie Rivers
who's been trying to nuke
every single thing
I've founded
in the last decade?
Yep. That's the one.
You wanna tell me why
you launched my kid into space?
Man, this spinning
is messing me up.
It's a lot better
than it was.
You think?
Lind's right.
The ship's just
sorting itself out.
what's it like
having the richest
dad in the world?
Ha! Uh
No. He's
He's not the richest.
He's like, um, like,
number 14, or something.
I just bet you guys do
all kinds of fun
things together.
You know, like hang
out with celebrities.
Ever met Super-M?
Let me show you.
I still can't believe
this thing is fried.
What are you doing?
There's a whole media
library in the crew lounge.
Might as well check it out.
Nothing's happening here, right?
All right, let's go.
The garden is that way.
All right, you got it?
Floatin' like a butterfly.
Catastrophic structural failure
in 24 minutes.
The ship spins.
- You okay there, buddy?
- Martin?
It just suddenly
got really heavy,
and I lost my grip.
Whoa, guys. There's gravity
in the outrigger thingies.
Actually, dude,
it's not gravity.
It's centrifugal force
created by the rotation
of the outriggers
Get the others.
With gravity,
this is gonna be a lot harder
than I thought.
What are you doing?
Where's Elliot?
We got bored,
so we decided
to check things out.
Oh, look, look, look!
Très chic.
Kinda big, but gives me
plenty to work with.
Okay, that's great,
but listen, we gotta
Dibs on
the commander's cabin!
Dude! You gotta see this.
Totally luxe. Private bath,
and the sheets are, like,
the really good kind.
And the smoothies
This is totally top shelf, dude.
You gotta check it out.
That's great,
but we have to
Catastrophic structural failure
in 22 minutes.
We need your help! Now!
structural failure
in 18 minutes.
Guys! We're running
out of time.
We've got 18 minutes
to move five more of these
from the cargo bay
down into here,
or the ship won't be balanced.
It's easy when
we can float them,
but once gravity kicks in,
it's a whole 'nother story.
True, that.
So I came up a simple game
to keep everything straight
that I call
"Rabbit in the Hole."
You with us?
You're first.
You and Will start
in the cargo bay.
You need to get the terrariums
up as fast as possible.
Rabbit-2 up.
Catastrophic structural failure
in 16 minutes.
Whoa, whoa, whoa!
Not so fast!
Then, Will,
you thread it
through the open hatch
to Martin in the spine.
Rabbit-2 on the leash!
you'll take one of the cables
from the cargo bay,
attach it to the terrarium,
and use it as a pulley system
to lower it
down the boom shaft.
That way, it can take
all of the weight.
Here it comes, Samy!
And as soon as
the gravity kicks in
Centrifugal force!
Whatever. Be ready.
'Cause it's gonna get
real heavy, real fast.
Then, Doria and me are up.
Catastrophic structural failure
in 13 minutes.
That took three minutes.
We need
to move faster!
Okay, I got it!
Rabbit-2 engaged!
Outrigger 40% balanced.
Hey, Samy!
It's working!
Guys, we're ready for Rabbit-3.
Okay, here you go!
Catastrophic structural failure
in 12 minutes.
Rabbit-3 on the leash!
No, no, no,
listen here,
I want a full panel
of launch diagnostics stat,
and I'm still waiting
for the fuel comp shots.
Where are
those inventory reports?
I asked for them
an hour ago.
What are they doing?
We've got
a serious problem here!
What just happened?
Okay, all I want
is a straight answer.
Connie, I am doing
my best here
What are you doing,
Mr. I'm-Doing-My-Best?
Have you launched
a rescue mission?
I mean, what about
all your other ships?
They're all in transit,
delivering cargo
to the Mars Epsilon Colony,
and even if we could
reroute one,
it would be 14 days
before we could launch, okay?
We have a situation.
What on Earth
are they doing in there?
I don't know,
but if we don't
correct this deviation
in less than three minutes,
the ship's scuttle protocol's
gonna kick in.
Why am I hearing
about this
for the first time
just now?
"Scuttle protocol"?
The ship will detach
the outriggers.
Dor! You got that one?
Our kids are inside those!
Override it!
Can't. It's hard-wired in case
of a full-system failure.
Get back to the command
module immediately!
In a sec!
We're almost done!
Warning. Rotational
deviation remains critical.
- Come on!
- Ready?
Two minutes until outriggers
separate from vessel.
Hey, Matilda? Stop that.
What are you doing?
Rabbit-5 engaged!
One more to go!
the ship is about
to scuttle the outriggers.
You all need to evacuate
to the command module, pronto.
But, Dad
Do not listen to Matilda!
T-minus 90 seconds
to separation.
Dude, what
are you doing?
Didn't you hear him?
We gotta get back
to the command module.
No! We gotta
finish this!
They're not up here!
T-minus 80 seconds
to separation.
One more! Come on!
We're almost there!
Sorry, Dad.
Yeah, man, come on!
That's an order!
Evacuate immediately
No. No, wait!
Can't you see?
They're balancing the load!
They're shifting
the weight of the cargo.
They know exactly
what they're doing.
T-minus 60 seconds.
Rabbit-6 on the leash!
The next one's coming!
Go, go, go! Hurry!
Guys! Come on!
You can do it!
It got to Samy.
Guys, this might be
a bad time to tell you
My arm's getting really tired!
T-minus 30 seconds.
All crew must evacuate
-Last one!
-to central hub.
It's stuck!
One, two, three, push!
It's in!
T-minus 20 seconds.
All personnel
must evacuate to central hub.
But it's in!
It should be working!
Vessel recalibrating.
Oh, my god.
Doria, you gotta
get outta there!
It's not working!
I told him
not to listen to Matilda!
Vessel recalibrating.
All crew evacuate
to central hub.
They don't have time
to get back.
All crew
evacuate to central hub.
Come on!
Come on, come on!
All personnel,
prepare for outrigger
Balance restored.
Outrigger rotation stabilized.
Emergency outrigger
separation protocol terminated.
We did it!
Outrigger rotation stabilized.
Emergency outrigger
separation protocol terminated.
We did it!
- Oh, my god!
- Yes!
I thought we were gonna die, but
we totally didn't die.
Guys, do you know
that we didn't die?
Oh, my god, dude!
We made it!
We did it!
We were about to explode!
We were about to get
out into space!
The outriggers
were about to fly away
My arms are still tired,
I cannot believe
a bunch of kids
just pulled that off.
Well, they're not kids.
They're astronauts.
Whoa! Hey!
Get outta here!
Can't you read?
The signs on the road
say "private property."
Oh, yeah.
You probably don't bother
with roads anymore, do ya?
Not enough of a carbon footprint
for your taste, is it, Griff?
I need your help.
It's about Matilda.
She's been hacked.
That's not possible,
and we both know it.
I warned you about Matilda
30 years ago.
You made your bed, Griffy.
She initiated
an unauthorized launch.
She took off with
five kids on board.
She took my son!
Now, whatever would make you
do that, Mattie?
You're my brother.
So name
your price.
I'll help you.
Next Episode