The Atypical Family (2024) s01e01 Episode Script

Episode 1

Bok Dong-hee.
Bok Gwi-ju.
Go back to the past.
Close your eyes.
Come on.
Hey, don't.
Bok I-na.
It's your turn.
You're in middle school now.
It's about time you proved yourself.
Your grandma's a bit cranky
because she didn't sleep very well.
What about you, Mom?
I can't even get a glimpse
of the future anymore.
The Bok family is doomed
unless we recover what we've lost.
We might as well
all jump into the sea.
You should eat before you jump.
I hear the fish here is amazing.
It all just seems so bleak!
If the future seems so bleak
with your foresight,
you should be the first to jump.
We should be fighting for our lives,
not worrying about dying.
We must do whatever it takes to go back
to the times when we were our true selves.
We used to be able to go back
to the good old days
in the blink of an eye.
Let's go back to the way we used to be!
Did he go back in time?
Help! Someone's drowning!
Someone's drowning over there!
That is a person, right?
Hey, it is!
Someone's drowning here!
Somebody help!
"The good old days"?
What do we do?
Oh my gosh.
He's not breathing.
Is he dead?
Is he alive? Someone do something!
Hey, wake up.
- Gwi-ju!
- Slow down.
Are you okay?
Thank you, doctor.
Why would you jump into the sea?
I didn't. It was an accident.
That's what I told I-na.
That her drunk dad
suddenly felt like snorkeling.
Watch it.
At least you're okay.
Be more careful from now on.
I didn't even get her number.
Ms. Bok has an appointment today.
The insomnia lady?
I heard she'll tip anyone a million won
- to get her to sleep on the massage bed.
- Dream on.
There's no way anyone is getting that tip.
"When did you open this bottle of oil?"
"It might have gone bad
in this hot weather."
And when she sees it's fine, she goes,
"How can it not have gone bad
in this weather?"
"It must be loaded with preservatives."
"There's no way this is natural oil."
It just goes on and on.
Can't she just take sleeping pills?
That prejudiced old woman?
She's too worried
about dependency and side effects
to take drugs like that.
Yikes. I'm not taking her.
- Neither am I.
- Me neither.
I don't want to either.
Someone's gonna have to.
Should I do it myself?
Would it be okay if I treated her?
I know you're good, Da-hae,
but you've been doing all the hard work.
Are you sure about this?
How else will I learn?
Nice to meet you, ma'am.
I'm Do Da-hae.
Would you like a cup of tea?
If it's one of those tasteless
herbal teas, no, thank you.
I made it using medicinal herbs
from Mount Jiri.
I love hiking.
I heard you have trouble sleeping.
These herbs are
supposed to help with that.
I guess it doesn't smell too bad.
Were you recently on a trip?
Your skin seems rough and reddish.
I'll go get some oils
that help soothe damaged skin.
You're quite strong.
Should I be more gentle?
No, this is fine.
I know there are many good oils
and products out there,
but I believe it's all in the hands.
I agree.
I like to think of my hands
as the carriers of energy.
Most of our clients come here
because they're tired
and want to feel rejuvenated.
That's why I go to the sea
or to the mountains
whenever I have time.
To absorb all the good energy
and deliver it with my hands.
I see.
I've been feeling heavy
like my body was being weighed down.
But your massage feels like no other.
I can sense a special energy
emanating from your fingertips.
It's something
you couldn't find in my family.
What might that be?
Good health.
Good health?
Yes, good health.
It's what my family needs
more than anything.
Are we already done?
You're up, Ms. Bok.
Did I fall asleep?
No way.
Goodness. How long was I out for?
Thank you, ma'am.
What's the name of the therapist
who treated me earlier?
Here she comes.
- It's Do Da-hae, ma'am.
- I see.
Hold on.
It was you, wasn't it?
At the beach the other day.
I did go to a beach recently.
It was you.
My goodness.
I can't believe I found you here.
I've been looking for you.
I'm not sure I follow.
When my son jumped into the sea
Your son jumped into the sea?
Did I help your son
get his shoes out of the water?
- He's very fond of those shoes.
- Yes.
Please take this.
Wait a second. This won't do.
You really don't have to.
You probably couldn't sleep comfortably.
You can only be so comfortable
on a bed that's not your own.
Would you visit me at home then?
You do house calls, don't you?
Yes, of course.
I'll see you at your home, ma'am.
Hello, Ms. Bok.
It's Do Da-hae from Illusion Spa.
Ms. Bok?
Hi, it's good to see you.
- This way, please.
- Okay.
What a beautiful garden.
Do you take care of it yourself?
Do not come out under any circumstances.
Would you like a cup of tea?
One minute, please.
Excuse me.
Do you need a hand?
The electric opener
should be here somewhere.
It can't be safe to leave it like that.
Damn it.
I'll open it for you.
Forget it.
I told you it wasn't safe.
Just leave it.
Please don't move.
You'll hurt yourself.
And you seem drunk.
My goodness.
What happened?
Did you do this, Gwi-ju?
Are you okay?
Wait a second.
All right.
It's okay now.
My, thank you so much.
You helped him again.
Have you said hello yet?
She's the lady who saved you.
Ms. Do Da-hae.
Isn't that such a pretty name?
This is my son, Bok Gwi-ju.
Goodness, you're a mess.
It's good to know that you're doing okay.
You must be here to collect your reward.
This lady here will pay you.
That's no way to talk
to the person who saved you.
Bok Gwi-ju.
Excuse me.
Your parents must be very proud.
They have such a great daughter.
They both passed away.
Oh my.
I'm so sorry.
Anyone else in your family?
I'm on my own.
I used to be married,
but it didn't work out.
But you're so young.
I've actually been married twice.
How come?
Babe, guess what I have
prepared for you tonight.
My first husband
cheated on me every chance he had.
I said stop running!
My second husband
turned into a different person
whenever he got drunk.
I was too eager.
I really wanted a family.
Is that so?
my son, Gwi-ju,
has been in and out of a marriage too.
His wife died in an accident.
It was a long time ago.
He got married in his early twenties
when he didn't know any better,
so his marriage
wasn't exactly smooth sailing.
And yet, he can't seem to
get over his loss to this day.
I guess that's just
how dedicated he is to love.
I'm home.
I'm sorry I'm late.
Where's the lady who saved Gwi-ju?
She left.
Did you not ask her to stay for dinner?
I bought a ton of groceries.
She left as soon as we were done,
saying she had a client waiting.
I'm so tired from waking up so early.
She's lost her loved ones,
just like Gwi-ju has.
I'm hungry.
- Please hurry up.
- Okay. Thank you.
Hey, I'm busy.
Just eat some instant noodles.
She's no junk food.
She's like homemade food, so to speak.
She's not like Gwi-ju,
who can't move on from his past.
Even after getting hurt by people,
she still seems to
dream of having a family.
Are you sure you're not just
intrigued by the fact
that she's all on her own?
Because no one will
come knocking on our door
even if something happened to her?
That's why you chose me.
This is new.
You were sleeping like a baby.
I was almost worried
because you wouldn't wake up.
I had a dream.
- A dream?
- It was all blurry,
so I couldn't get a good look at anything.
But you haven't had a dream in forever.
You should be grateful
that you had one at all.
What did you see?
I saw that woman. Do Da-hae.
She was wearing our family ring.
No way.
I'm positive.
She's the savior who's come
to restore all of our powers.
I should officially invite her
this Saturday.
Hey, I-na.
About this Saturday.
If there's
anything you want or need,
please let me
By the way
I didn't
jump into the water that day.
Excuse me.
Excuse me.
Aren't you the owner of The Bok's Gym?
I heard you were hiring personal trainers.
You can start tomorrow.
Just like that?
It's all about looks, isn't it?
A personal trainer needs more than looks.
May I have a look at that?
Who are you?
I'm the owner of this building.
Well, soon-to-be.
"Summer Hot Body Contest"
A home workout channel with
Hold on. 300,000 subscribers?
I'm pretty famous in that field.
I heard you can
buy subscribers these days.
You're famous too, right?
- No, I'm not.
- I think you are.
I'm sure I've seen you somewhere.
You're mistaken.
You run a mukbang channel, don't you?
It is you.
No wonder the sound of you
eating chips was so appealing.
So nice to meet you.
I'll see you tomorrow.
Ms. Mukbang Babe.
That little
How come you're at work?
The business would be better off
if you stayed home.
How come you're at the gym?
Did you mistake it for a snack bar?
This will be
the last bag of chips I ever eat.
I'm going on a diet.
Don't bother. You'll fail.
You'll get even fatter afterward.
You'll lose muscle only to gain more fat,
getting you more out of shape
and more prone to weight gain.
It's all meaningless.
It's so that I can get married.
And once I do, this building will be mine,
and your squatter of a gym
is getting kicked out right away.
Is that rent money?
Can you buy a present on my behalf?
Right, liposuction.
I see your concerns.
You came to the right place.
Please have a look.
I'm worried it might go wrong.
If you only get the advised amount
of 2,500 cc removed per session,
it's totally safe.
- Then why haven't you gotten it?
- Me?
I have undergone the procedure myself.
Are the results only temporary?
When you go on a diet,
you're merely reducing
the size of fat cells.
Liposuction, on the other hand,
permanently reduces
the number of fat cells,
which prevents you
from gaining the weight back.
What the heck?
I'm sorry, ma'am.
I can't believe
it landed right on your face.
Please give us a call!
You seem tired these days.
Why don't you take some time off?
I'm fine.
I can't take any time off
until the business is on track.
That's just the thing.
The clinic can't get on its track
because the patients lose their trust
as soon as they see you.
I'll handle all the consultations myself
for the time being.
- Yes, doctor.
- Yes, doctor.
Your card is maxed out.
That's weird.
Could you try this one?
This one is maxed out too.
I don't understand.
Hurry up, will you?
I can't use this money.
Here you go.
I'm working, Mom. What's this about?
What? You're inviting who?
Our savior?
Thank you. That's all we need.
Thank you so much.
Have a good one.
What if she's vegetarian?
Maybe we should've kept it vegan.
This is more than enough.
What if it's too much
and makes her uncomfortable?
She might think I'm showing off
if she's not used to these things.
How's the air quality today?
I checked it three minutes ago.
Are you also worried the sky might fall?
What's all this?
It's a birthday party.
Didn't I tell you to dress up?
You're her dad.
We've never celebrated her birthday.
We were just letting you
have your mourning period.
But let's change that from this year on.
I'm home.
The gate was open.
Is our savior here yet?
I invited a guest.
Hopefully, she'll be the savior
to save the otherwise dull party.
Where's her present?
It'll arrive soon.
Do you even know this person well?
Did you run a background check?
I can take care of it. Just keep quiet.
What's the tracking number?
Overseas shipping can take a while.
You have no idea, do you?
Mom hasn't told you
what she's got cooking up.
- Didn't I tell you to keep quiet?
- What?
You spent the money on food, didn't you?
Is there anything else I should know?
What's taking I-na so long?
I-na! Bok I-na!
Goodness, you didn't have to.
It's beautiful. Thank you.
Thank you for inviting me.
I should thank you too.
You saved my little brother
from drowning, right?
It seems you hit the jackpot.
Are you really going to marry Gwi-ju?
- Sorry?
- Please have a seat.
This way, please.
I thought you could use
each other's presence
since you share the experience
of losing loved ones.
Does that mean
you're trying to set us up?
We should introduce our family first.
It's my daughter's birthday today.
- Your daughter?
- Yes.
I have a daughter.
Bonding with a stepchild
is hard to begin with,
and she's a 13-year-old adolescent.
She'll rebel no matter how hard
you try to understand her.
If you try to discipline her,
you'll be labeled as an abusive stepmom.
- Me?
- I-na wouldn't do that.
Come down, will you?
See? She's locked herself in,
ignoring everyone.
I'm Gwi-ju's big sister,
Bok Dong-hee.
People say sisters-in-law can be mean,
but this woman will bleed you dry.
She's been practically donating
the family fortune to men.
You're making that up.
She's opened a wine bar, a café,
and most recently, a clinic.
Thanks to that,
she's dabbled in a few things.
What are you right now?
A coordinator?
Wait, why aren't you at work?
You got fired.
Shut up.
Can we have a word, Gwi-ju?
Come with me.
I'll go check on I-na.
We ended up making fools of ourselves,
but my family wasn't always like this.
We're all just a little bit broken.
You should eat something.
Don't starve yourself.
I have to lose weight.
I used to fly everywhere.
If only I could fly again
Did you use to be a flight attendant?
I'm sorry,
but could you get me some water?
I see.
You don't want a party, do you?
But it's your birthday.
Come blow out the candles on your cake.
Fine. I'll leave you alone.
Did you make seaweed soup?
I want your seaweed soup.
Of course I made some.
Will that get you downstairs?
Do you need anything?
I was just getting some water.
- I'll take that.
- No, I got it.
It's over there.
Bok Gwi-ju!
How could you pick this date
to invite another woman home?
I wanted to help you move on.
You simply couldn't seem to,
so I wanted to help you
by finding someone else for you!
Today is I-na's birthday as well.
Don't you care about your granddaughter?
You tried to kill yourself
right before her birthday.
No, I didn't.
So why did you jump into the sea?
You're too obsessed with your dead wife
to pay any attention to those around you.
You tried to leave your parents
and child behind and follow her!
Do as I say for once!
Se-yeon would never have died
if she hadn't married you.
I tried to stop you.
I told you I couldn't see a future
for your marriage.
But you went ahead and got her pregnant,
saying you'd make your own future.
And how did that turn out?
Your relationship was doomed
from the beginning!
My birth was the beginning
of their misfortune?
I know that.
My lobster
My steak
Oh no.
- What do we do?
- Cover that up.
One at a time.
Hurry, Dad.
- I'll bring this in.
- That's it.
Way to go, Dad!
- What's wrong?
- Are you okay?
- Honey!
- Mom!
- Honey!
- Are you okay?
I'm okay.
I'm just a bit dizzy.
You're sleep-deprived.
- We'll take you to the doctor.
- I'll get the car.
Let me help you. Be careful.
One, two
- The stove.
- Sorry?
I left the seaweed soup on the stove.
- Please turn it off.
- Okay.
- I was just--
- What were you putting in this one?
You must've seen me
adding something to the tea.
That was licorice extract.
It adds a hint of sweetness.
Okay, bye.
We told you not to show up
looking like a mess.
He's just upset.
He's worried
that Se-yeon would feel bad
to see you like this.
How's I-na doing?
I'm sorry
I couldn't bring her.
Se-yeon was always reserved,
just like I-na.
But I still don't understand
how you survived the accident
without a scratch.
Se-yeon once told me something strange.
That you had this special power.
Is that true?
It's more like a special curse.
It's already been seven years.
It's not a crime to survive.
So just live.
You're still here.
I heated up the seaweed soup. Want some?
There's some rice too.
Who knows what you put in it?
It smells delicious.
I'll eat first.
Your dad wasn't trying to kill himself.
I happened to be there that day,
and I saw everything.
He only went into the water because--
Run before you get more involved
with this family.
What do you mean?
Didn't you notice
anything off about my family?
I'm not sure.
Like what?
Are they hiding any secrets?
I'm only telling you this
because the soup wasn't too bad.
My family
has superpowers.
But they lost them
because of their diseases.
- Diseases?
- Modern lifestyle diseases.
You don't like me, do you?
Why do you think my grandma
is so obsessed with sleep?
Because she's suffering from insomnia?
Because she has to sleep to have dreams.
That's how she sees the future.
So she sees the future in her dreams,
but she happens to have insomnia?
Aunt Dong-hee became too heavy to fly
because of her obesity.
What about you?
What's your lifestyle disease?
Smartphone addiction?
And what's your superpower?
Hold on. No way.
Do you have X-ray vision?
Is that why you've been avoiding
looking directly at me this whole time?
I don't have any powers.
That's why Grandma is so anxious.
What about your dad?
He could go back
to a happy moment from his past
by recalling it with his eyes closed.
Why can't he do that anymore?
Because he can't find happiness
in any moment of his past.
He's depressed.
You're back.
What are you doing here?
I warmed up some seaweed soup.
The kid hadn't eaten anything
on her birthday.
I-na ate something?
Don't tell me
that's a birthday gift
for a middle schooler.
I heard you lost the power
to go back in time,
but it seems more like
you're stuck in the past.
Who told you that?
Your daughter.
She's got quite an imagination.
I hope your time will start moving again.
For I-na's sake.
I've got depression.
When you get married to someone,
you vow to protect that person.
But I can't protect anyone.
But I saw you
protecting someone.
My Bunny-bunny.
- It's too dangerous.
- We have to save her.
- My dolly.
- Please stop.
But Bunny-bunny
Let's get something to eat.
- But my dolly
- Let's go.
Mom! Dad! There she is!
I found Bunny-bunny.
A superhero must have saved her.
A long time ago,
somebody saved my life too.
I was sure I was going to die,
but someone came to my rescue.
But for some reason,
I felt guilty about surviving.
I wished someone more worthy
had survived in my place.
All I had left in my life
was loneliness anyway.
someone risked his life to save me,
so I had to live.
Life may be meaningless,
but I try to live as happily as I can
for his sake.
You remind me of him, Mr. Bok.
You're just like him, aren't you?
You save other people
and help them carry on.
can't save anyone.
You're mistaken.
You may have saved me,
but that doesn't mean I'll save you.
Don't count on it.
Can I count on you to do the dishes?
Great job, my lead actress.
Have some rice punch.
Here you go.
Can I have some too, Mom?
You should watch your figure.
But she gets whatever she wants
because she's the lead?
Why do I always get the crappy roles?
"You remind me of the person
who saved my life."
My heart
That's just bad writing.
Who'd fall for that?
Hey, do you think only women
dream of living a fairy tale?
Men also dream of being the prince
who slays the dragon to save the princess.
That's how both her exes fell for her.
You said it yourself.
That I looked like the person
you owed your life to!
I don't actually owe you anything,
but I'll repay you.
Plaintiff's counsel,
you may question the defendant.
Do you remember injuring Ms. Do Da-hae
by throwing a liquor bottle at her
while drinking at home on December 8th
as seen in this picture?
I don't remember anything.
The wound appears
pretty serious in the picture.
She must have been in great pain.
Are you sure you don't remember anything?
I swear, I don't remember anything at all.
There's something fishy
about that Bok family.
What do you mean?
Did you find out anything else, Uncle?
Bok Gwi-ju's daughter told me
that her family had a secret.
They have superpowers.
Come to think of it,
it doesn't sound like complete nonsense.
I was curious how they became so rich
when the gym
was their only source of income.
Turns out,
Ms. Bok has precognitive dreams.
That means she can see
the winning lottery numbers
and stock charts in her dreams.
I need sleep.
We thought they were pushovers,
but they have superpowers?
We're in serious trouble.
They might shoot lasers out of their eyes
if they find us out.
- Let's report them first.
- To whom?
The National Intelligence Service?
Or Marvel?
What's a "Marvel"?
Hold on. It doesn't end there.
Do you know what's even funnier?
They've lost their powers
because of their lifestyle diseases.
What a load of bull.
Lifestyle diseases, my foot.
They're just spoiled.
Let them try scrubbing
people's bodies all day.
They'd have no trouble sleeping.
They'd never gain any weight either.
the guy's sister bothers me.
Ms. Bok promised to pass down her building
to whichever child gets married first.
Da-hae already charmed
the lady of the house.
Isn't it game over?
There's another person
I have to win over to marry him.
Come in.
Hey, I-na.
Happy birthday.
Thank you.
Are you leaving to save someone again?
Who will save me then?
This bunny will protect you
while Daddy's away.
Answer me. Se-yeon!
No. Se-yeon.
I-na. Se-yeon.
Do some more digging.
Thank you.
For holding my hand.
Do you need help?
Do you want to marry me?
I have trouble exchanging favors.
I'll pass this building down to Gwi-ju
once he gets married.
I think what's more important
is to try living together.
Bok Don't Eat or whatever her name is
might beat you to it.
Could it be that you came from the future
and held my hand?
You held my hand.
Subtitle translation by: Min-jin Kim
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