The Bad Kids (2020) s01e01 Episode Script

Shu Jia

Can't you slow down a bit
and wait for me
I can barely walk
You wanted to go hiking
and now you're tired
What should we do
Shall we go back
Dad Mom
we've come so far
Just hold on a little longer
Nice spot for photos
Be careful it looks dangerous
Dad lean closer to Mom
Mom turn yourself towards Dad
Alright stay there
Let me see
Let's try this angle
What's wrong again
Just hurry up
Let me help you pose
Step on this
Mom put your foot here
Put it down
Are you done
What do you want
Can't you tell
Give it back
Come get it if you want
Get up
Let's play
Go on
Get up Zhu Chaoyang
Don't stop
That's right
Get up
Don't leave
Don't go
Come on
Keep playing
Arrogant hypocrite
That's it He's here
What's wrong with you
I'm sorry
There's rubber scum in the water
Forget it Let's go
Let's go
What are you doing
Stop there
You little thief
You little thief
Come back here
Don't run you nasty kid
Come back
Pupu how are you doing
Still out of breath?
Have some food
Are we almost there
Get me this
Wait wait
Who is this
Are you Mr Zhang Jinglin
It's me
Uncle Zhang
I'm Yan Liang
Do you remember me
My dad is Yan Wenbin
What can I do for you
Do you have a minute
I want to meet with you
I think
you should get an X-ray
We'll all be reassured alright?
It's nothing serious so why bother
Tell you what
Had I been ten years younger
No make it five
I would have caught that kid
Alright that's enough
Someone got a fax
It's for me sir
Police in Hang City called this morning
A kid called Yan Liang
ran away from the welfare house
They wanted us to help look for him
He used to live in Guangqiaoli
What's the matter sir
Do you know him
Do you know Yan Wenbin
Sounds familiar
Was he a vendor at Guangqiao Market
This is his son
I see
Let me handle this
I'll go look for him
Wait for me here
Uncle Zhang
I'm Yan Liang
Have a seat
Take it
Order something
Thanks but I already ate
you see
since Bin
I mean your dad
was taken away
I haven't
seen you again
Apart from my dad
there's no one else in the family
After he was taken away
I was sent to the welfare house
and I haven't seen him ever since
Welfare house
That's not bad
They care for you
What's going on
Are you on holiday
Uncle Zhang
Let me tell you the truth
I ran away
I've come
to see my dad
and borrow some money from you
My dad told me
to ask you for help if needed
He said you'd help
Of course no problem
Take it
Keep it
This is not what I meant
I have a friend at the welfare house
Something happend to her family
She's in urgent need of money
So I thought
maybe I could help
how much are you asking for
300000 yuan
Don't worry
I will definitely pay you back
It will
just take longer
We can write it down
Of course I trust you
you see
Bin and I
I mean your dad and I
We are
really close friends
Now that
you need help
of course I should lend you a hand
but it's a tough time for business
You know
it's hard
to have this amount of spare money
Am I right
Uncle Zhang
how much can you lend me
I'll find ways
to get the rest
I'll try my best
Thanks Uncle Zhang
Uncle Zhang
Do you know where my dad is
I'm not sure either
How about this
Let me ask around for you
Thanks Uncle Zhang
Why don't you sit here for a while
Let me get a pack of cigarettes
Have some
Would you like something else
No no it's fine
Thanks Uncle Zhang
-Thank you -Wait for me
How did it go
He agreed to help us
Have some food
What's wrong
Let's go
He was sitting right here
He he
He ran away from the welfare house
Write down your name there
That's the end
of our weekend sessions this term
The summer term
is about to begin
Come to me if you want to sign up
Math is a subject
studying internal links between objects
I hope my lessons
can help get you
interested in Math
What are we having for lunch
How about hot pot
We fit perfectly at a table
That's great
Ms Tang
This is the evaluation form for my class
Thank you
we're going for lunch
to celebrate this term
Come join us
I'll take a rain check
My wife is at home today
She rarely has a day off
Perfect family men like Mr Zhang
are getting rarer these days
Take him as your role model
Next time
Let me treat you
Come on let's get going
I'm already hungry
Alright let's go
Let's go
What's wrong with you
No more toys for you outside
He peed his pants
I'm so sorry
I'm sorry
I'll talk to him if it's easier for you
It's fine Dad I can handle it
Dad and Mom are here
I'll go for a cigarette
I stopped by the market
Why don't you join us for lunch
No thanks
We'll leave in a while
Did you buy these eggs
Her cousin's baby is one month old
She gave us red eggs
Is it a boy or a girl
Don't you have to go somewhere
We'll head out then
Stop smoking
Let's go
Have lunch first
No it's fine
See you Dad
Your cousin is hosting dinner tonight
Don't forget
Head out earlier
Okay Mom
Let me
I bought chicken and sand ginger
I'll make some soup
I'm not eating
I'll go swimming
I thought you quit
Why are you smoking again
Did you think about what I said
Did your mom and dad come for this
Make up your mind
I'd rather not wait
What's their opinion
Do they agree
As I said
it's totally between us
It has nothing to do with them
How can you say that
We should at least
think about how they feel
They just want me to be happy
Have some soup before you go
Don't swim on an empty stomach
We adopt opening days
as our method
to give you a better grasp
of how your children are progressing
Today we'll talk about the test result
to summarize your progress
Being in a key school
doesn't mean that you're all safe
We can't ensure you a place
in the high school
Excuse me
I'd like to ask all the parents
to get extremely focused
from now on
and get ready for the 8th grade
Let's hand out the transcripts now
The best scores in our class
in this exam
are from Zhu Chaoyang again
What's more
he also got the first place in the whole grade
It's an honor for our whole class
Let's give him a round of applause
The second place in our class
is still Ye Chimin
The gap between them is getting closer
Keep fighting
If there are any issues
please talk to me anytime
And I hope our parents
can coordinate with us teachers
to help the kids perform better
That's all for today
you can go home now
Let's go
Mrs Zhou
Can I speak with you
Group 1 is on duty today
I don't worry about
Chaoyang's schoolwork
But now the all-round education
focuses on integrated development
Is he only good in some of the subjects?
No no
Chaoyang is very smart
and also willing
to study on his own
But I've noticed
that he's a little introverted
In school
he's hardly close with any other classmate
You mean
Chaoyang is not
getting along with the others
The other classmates
don't want to be with him either
In school
we should be acting as a whole
Ms Wang
a student should just focus on study
he can make friends
after he starts working
Actually I don't want Chaoyang
to hang out with some bad kids
that keep him from studying
Mrs Zhou
the reason why I want to talk
is that the students
have been talking about Chaoyang
If the other kids are jealous of Chaoyang
they should study hard like him
instead of being tattletales
Isn't it wrong for the students
to badmouth him?
Ms Wang
shouldn't you also
have a talk with their parents?
Mrs Zhou
I'm doing this for Chaoyang's sake
I know you meant well
Ms Wang Ms Wang
I'm so sorry
I was tied up at work
Sorry that I'm late
It's okay
I know that you're busy
It's okay
Thank you for understanding
Thank you
Mrs Zhou
Chaoyang is such an outstanding kid
He's in the first place every time
I was just thinking about asking
how you taught him so well
I'm very busy as well
and often stay in the company dorm
I don't have much time for him
My kid
is very independent
He doesn't need me to teach him
and just learns by himself
Even in the summer
he won't relax for a bit
He even signed up
for a Math Olympiad class
Students should focus on study
Nothing else matters
Isn't that right Ms Wang?
What are you doing?
Don't you see
Chaoyang is sweeping the floor
Why are you making it hard for him?
I'm not
Stop lying
I just saw that you threw this
Why did you do this
The second place is good enough
Dad is already proud of you
But I'm not
I'm sorry
Min is spoiled
It's okay Uncle
I know she didn't mean to
Good boy
I have to go back to the resort
Gonna work night shifts these days
There are freshly made shumai
and dumplings in the fridge
All ready to eat after steaming
I've also bought some brined chicken
Here's 50 yuan
Remember to have milk for breakfast
Don't buy those fried food
It's not good for your health
Keep accounts if you buy anything
I'll be home the day after tomorrow
I'll cook fish for you then
What did Ms Wang tell you
Don't care about what other people say
Your only mission is to study
Nothing else is important
Who is it
it's been a long time
Do you remember me
Yan Liang?
this is Zhu Chaoyang
He was my best friend when I was younger
Hi Chaoyang
My name is Pupu
Just come in
Stop bragging
Officer Chen
Take a seat
Why aren't you in uniform today
Weekends afterall
Oh right
Come on
have a drink
It's the weekend
I drove here
I don't drink and drive either
Have you done anything
that breaks the law recently?
Now I am
a law-abiding citizen
Have you seen him
This is
Bin's son
He came to me yesterday
In the same spot
I was sitting there
I even bought him two fried dough sticks
He came to borrow money from me
Did he tell you what the money was for?
He said
it was for one of his friends
He wanted to borrow money
and you called the police?
He ran away from a welfare house
Of course I had to call the police
Now you're right
Did you
have dinner?
Just wait for me
Yan Liang
I want to call Xin
can we borrow your phone
Of course
Auntie Liu
I'm Yue Pu
May I speak to Xin
Yan Liang why don't you eat
You see him again
call me
Do you have my number
Of course
On the police contact card
It's in my home
He's a punk
When Bin got involved
in the gang fight in Coastal Park
wasn't you the one who caused it?
No I didn't
I am a law-abiding citizen
So how
did you get here?
We ate whenever we could
Like homeless people
We nearly got caught this morning
stealing food at the gas station
Didn't the welfare house
try to find you?
We were hiding from them
It's a long story
if your mom is not coming home tonight
can we stay for one night?
It's okay
If we can't
at least let Pupu stay
But I'm afraid that my mom
Don't put our problems on Chaoyang
I'm all good now
We should leave
Yan Liang
You can stay here
My mom is not coming home tonight
Thank you Chaoyang
We'll leave in the early morning
Thank you Chaoyang
Hurry up
The event at the center
will start at 9
Why aren't you eating
You've had this look since yesterday
What is it this time
Yan Liang ran away from the welfare house
and came back
Yan Liang
Yan Wenbin's son
Oh him
He was such a poor boy
Why did he run away
Who knows
Hang City Welfare House faxed us
and asked us to check
if he came back to Ningzhou
You're nearly retired
Don't push yourself
Stop talking about retirement
I am still working
I'll skip the activity center
I'm going to look for that kid
Why can't you take a rest on the weekend
I've already bought you a fan
I've heard people say
that you have to adapt to retirement now
it'll be easy to fall ill
When Yan Wenbin came back
I was the one responsible for him
I failed to watch him properly
so he made another mistake
That's why that kid is so rebellious
You're just a civilian police
You think you can change every criminal?
I just want you
to retire safely
After that
we can dance
and look after our granddaughter
Isn't that nice
Stop calling me civilian police
I won't be dancing with you
even if I am retired
Why are you back
I switched shifts with Auntie Li
so I came back early
Come on
What did you buy
There are many additives
in this kind of bread
Don't buy these again
Let's go
Go I'll cook something nice for you
You've grown up
You know to help clean the room
Alright Go do your homework
Do you want some wonton
Get some milk if you're hungry
It's for you
I just got home
Li is unavailable next week
so we changed shifts
What fire drill
No one told me
Can I skip that
You all know how long it takes
for me to come home and go back
I'll think about it
What's wrong
I have to go back to the resort
It's okay Mom
Just go
I can cook it myself
Dad asked me to visit him in the morning
Don't stay too late
Bring your transcript
Where did you go
We woke up the moment you left
Pupu said you left
so we couldn't stay at your home
We won't cause trouble for you
Come in please
Take a seat
Here's some milk
I'll go wash my face
Chaoyang do you have a camera
What for
Pupu said she wanted to take pictures
Don't worry
It's fine if you don't have one
Why are you still at home
I'm leaving soon
See you later Dad
Come on I'm waiting
I have to go out later
We'll leave too
It's fine
You can stay here
My mom won't be back today anyway
Thank you Chaoyang
Thank you
Place your bet
Come on
Wish you good fortune
Wish you wealth and good luck
Wish you success and all the best
See see
Come on come on
No edge no edge
No edge
You're all doomed
You serious?
Triple your bet everyone
He is really lucky
You know why I am so lucky recently?
Let me tell you
I read a book on feng shui
Put the fortune bamboo in the south
My seat is in the south
It's facing the north
Guaranteed fortune and good luck
It makes sense
That's it
Mr Zhu is not only lucky winning cards
but also lucky with his family
My daughter told me
that his Chaoyang
won the first place in the finals again
The first place of the whole school
Why didn't I know about this
You're his dad
but you know less than his classmate's dad
I don't need to know his grades
because he is the first place every time
Show off
Wish you good fortune
Come here
I have a major task for you
Come on
Help me turn the card over
I don't know how to do it
No need to know
Rub and flip it
And say 9
Come on
Come on
Rub it
Flip it over for me
It's 9 as he said
Praise him now
What can I do I'm just lucky
Come here
Good boy
He's certainly good
The rest of us
praised you before your dad just now
because you won the first place again
Thank you Uncle
Don't be the best all the time
Have you brought the transcript
Let me see
Well it's complicated
Let me have a look
Which which one is yours
Let me see Zhu Chaoyang
Chinese let me see
95 points in Chinese
100 points in math
95 points 97 points and 96 points
483 points in total
The 1st place in the class
and the 1st place in the grade too
Look at what you've done
it's impossible for these uncles' kids
to beat you in exams
Smart smart
Brilliant brilliant
Here's your reward Take it
Dad I don't need that much money
Take your time
Hurry up and take it
Your dad is not short of money
That's right
But my mom asked me not to take it
His mom really taught him well
That's the way it is
Well see
Your son's shirt
is almost worn out
his shoes are well worn
Why didn't you take him out for shopping
and buy him a new pair of shoes?
Get off my back
Why did I ask him to come here
It's to take him for shopping
You know?
Let's go
Let's buy you a pair of shoes
Dad I need to finish my homework
Don't worry about it
You can do it when we get back
Say goodbye to your uncles
Showdown time
We don't know who will lose money
This time an eye for an eye
and a tooth for a tooth
are you okay with me smoking in here
I'm alright
You know what
You used to like riding shotgun
Why do you prefer sitting in the back now
It's spacious here
Do you remember
when we bought the car
you always asked to have my seat?
How's everything going in school
It's good
Get along with your teachers
and classmates
Your classmates now
when you grow up
will be your social resources and network
It's very important
Got it?
Can I borrow your camera for a while
What do you do with it
There's an art show for the finals
I want to take pictures
You don't perform?
Just take photos for the others?
Take it
This is an old model
Do you know how to use it
I do Thanks Dad
No big deal
I can buy you a new one later
No need for it
This one is good enough
Are you finished playing cards
I left
They're still playing there
Mr Yue said you went to the plaza
Don't hide shopping with your son from me
Jingjing wants a dress
We'll come and find you now
Wang Yao listen
Auntie Wang
knows that I'm buying you shoes
She'll come join us now
She wants to choose them for you
She has a better taste than me
I see
Your younger sister is so happy
that you're with me
and wants to hang out with you
What size do you wear
That's one size bigger than me
When I was in primary school
I also had white shoes like these
Back then
they turned brown after a few years
but we couldn't afford another pair
Your grandpa would use chalk
and paint them all white
like a new pair of shoes
But I couldn't put them on when raining
Rain would wash away the chalk
and white fluids were everywhere
This one?
They're quite comfortable
Try and walk in them
Don't worry about folding them
Flexible? Do a jump
How are they
Honey what are you doing here
Why didn't you come and watch me sing
mommy came for me
Hi Aunt
Well Excuse me
Pack this pair up
Throw the old ones away
Dad Dad Hurry up
-What -Buy me a dress
We can't wait?
No we can't
Alright then
This shop here
All right
Here My daughter wants to pick a new dress
These are the newest dresses
Please pack the shoes up for me
Go go
Hurry up
What do you want for dinner
Seafood okay?
Wait for me I'll pick up the car
I need to go back now
Why We're having seafood
Wait for me
I'll get the car
Is your alimony not enough
It is
Your mom can't buy you a new shirt?
Your collar is torn
Why did you step on his shoes
Say sorry
I didn't mean it
He doesn't have new shoes
every day like you
I'm going to find my dad
Don't go too far
She didn't mean it
Please tell my dad
that I need to go now
Dad Mom
I told Xu Jing that I was tied up
Say hi
Hello Uncle and Aunt
Please be seated
You're late
Take three shots first
All right
Since Dad asked
Enough Stop it
I'm fine
I can do it
I'm fine
didn't you say that you wouldn't come
I haven't seen you in a while
You can't avoid a shot with me
Here Fill me up
Come on
Don't drink too much
-It's been long
-He already did three shots
Xu Jing
Say congratulations
Congratulations Sister
Come on Sit down
We can talk and eat
Where's the kid
The babysitter took him
to the back to play
A little gift for the kid
You don't have to
How long have you been in Ningzhou
8 years
That's a long time
For Jing
you left your hometown
It's not easy
How's your job
I work at the Children's Palace
Still a teacher?
Not a formal teacher
A school worker
I sometimes stand in for the teachers
So you're not a government employee?
Have your drink and stop talking
No I'm not
The job is actually quite secure
Listen to me
A man's career is very important
A man without ambition isn't a man
We don't talk about work today
Have something to eat
Mom Here
Help youself
Wish you get promoted and paid more
Okay Thank you
He's old and drank too much
He couldn't help himself
Don't take it to heart
I didn't mind
He was enjoying himself
If you're free
you should go out more
Liufeng Mountain is well developed now
It'll be nice to go hiking
It will be sunny tomorrow
Jing can take you there
I can't go tomorrow
I'm busy with the hospital
We can go there another time
It's fine
We can go there by ferry
I'm free tomorrow
How about I take them
The ferry is too crowded
You can drive my car
Why didn't you tell your dad
I don't want him to think
that I'm inconsiderate
You are too kind
If I were you I would've slapped her
I'm used to it
I think you've changed a lot
You used to talk a lot
When I first got in the welfare house
I didn't think I could survive
My dad never called me
I didn't know where he was
Hadn't Pupu talked to me every day
I couldn't have made it
think about it this way
At least you've got your dad
I can't see my father even if I want to
Pupu takes a few photos every year
to burn them for her parents to see
Wait a minute
Thank you
You remembered it
Let me show you to a place
The wind is picking up
It's cool here
copy me
Damn you
What does that mean
I learned it from the Beijing kids
in the welfare house
It's a swear word
Damn you
That's not loud enough
Hold your breath
and shout it out at once
Damn you
Damn you
Yeah that's it
Damn you
Damn you Damn you
Damn you Damn you Damn you
How do you feel
Much better right?
Let's take a picture
Let's go to the Liufeng Mountain tomorrow
We can take more pictures for Pupu
Yan Liang you woke up
Where is Pupu
I just woke up
Hurry up
We're taking pictures for Pupu today
Oh no I forgot my hat
go with my dad
I'll get it
It's in the back
Got it Mom
Hurry up and finish it
We are gonna go hiking later
My legs are sore
Mom have some water
The Liufeng Mountain
is great after the development
Much better than before
I'm thinking if you have time
to teach me photography
Lighting is crucial
As long as the light is right
anything will look good
do you think I still have a chance
I think
you two are not happy together
so end it before it's too late
It's better for both of you
I was asking if I have a chance
at photography now
Of course
It's never too late to learn
can you help me persuade Xu Jing
I know she listens to you
we know you have feelings for her
after so many years together
But we can't force her
to stay in the marriage
You can put forward your demands
You've been in Ningzhou for so many years
In fact we've never
treated you badly on money
We just want our daughter
to be happier
She has the right to choose a new life
You have to understand that
We also hope you well
We've told you all
that we want to say
Think about it
I see
it is bright and sunny
We should go further up
Let's go
This mountain is so high
Yan Liang wait for me
Don't go so fast
You're too weak
I can totally run a few more miles
Stop bragging
I dare you to compete with me
Alright I'm not afraid of you
Whoever runs to the top first wins
Come on
Wait for me
The scenery is nice
Let's take a picture of Pupu
All right
Come here Pupu
Stand here
Lean on it
Good enough?
You're good at singing right?
I can record a video for you
Which one should I sing
The Little White Boat
sing along with us
I don't know the song
Don't worry
I can teach you
What's the first line of lyrics
Uder the blue sky and the galaxy
Uder the blue sky and the galaxy
there's a little white boat
On the boat is an osmanthus tree
Where will you go
We haven't decided yet
We need to find a place to live
Don't worry
Call me if you are in trouble
thanks for your help these days
Not at all
I don't want you to leave
but my mom is coming back
We'll meet again
Go upstairs
Keep safe
Goodbye Chaoyang
why are you back so late
Where did you go
I went to
I went to the bookshop
There is milk in the fridge
Remember to heat and drink it
There is an accident in our area
I can't come back in the next few days
Take care of yourself
Got it Mom
I'm hanging up
Here you go
There are photos
that we shot today
What's the first line of lyrics
Under the blue sky and the galaxy
I said we would meet again
there's a little white boat
On the boat is an osmanthus
Someone were pushed over
Come here and see
What's the first line of lyrics
Under the blue sky and the galaxy
Under the blue sky and the galaxy
there's a little white boat
On the boat is an osmanthus
On the boat is
On the boat is an osmanthus tree
with playing white rabbits
Dad Mom
The oars are invisible
and the boat has no sail
It is floating out of the sky
Under the blue sky and the galaxy
there's a little white boat
On the boat is an osmanthus tree
with playing white rabbits
The oars are invisible
and the boat has no sail
It is floating out of the sky
Floating out of the sky
Under the blue sky and the galaxy
there's a little white boat
On the boat is an osmanthus tree
with playing white rabbits
The oars are invisible
and the boat has no sail
It is floating out of the sky
Under the blue sky and the galaxy
there's a little white boat
On the boat is an osmanthus tree
Next Episode