The Baxters (2024) s01e01 Episode Script

Under the Surface

Happy Mother's Day!
-[Cole] Grandma!
-[both laughing]
-Everyone's out back.
[Erin] Open ours first, Mom.
-Thank you, Erin.
-And Sam.
-Oh, this was all Erin's idea.
-[clears throat]
What? It was my idea.
Classic Brooke.
Peter what's it like being
married to a doctor
and a first-born.
Amazing. Sometimes scary.
[all laughing]
-Okay, go play
with your cousins.
Okay. Let's go, Katie.
-Take Cole with you.
-[John] All right, guys.
-Play nice
-[gasps] Look at this.
I love it.
-Thank you.
-[John] That's beautiful.
Okay. Now, open this one.
-Thank you, Kari.
-[Kari] And Tim.
He really wanted to be
here today, when you opened it.
Where is he again?
academic conference.
But it's the second to last one
of the semester, so
-Ah. It is so pretty!
That's beautiful.
-Thank you, honey.
-It goes with the scarf.
-We did a whole
-Whoa, whoa, whoa,
don't give it away.
Mom, open mine next.
Cole wrapped it.
-Come on, the suspense
is killing me.
Ah, they are gorgeous.
-[Erin] Aw.
-Look, look, look.
-[John] Beautiful.
-I'm beginning to see
a theme here.
Thank you, Ashley.
Well, technically,
this should've been first.
Oh, gosh, look at that!
Now that's
your color right there.
Thank you, darling.
Where are you going
to wear it all?
Luke Baxter
What have you done?
Restaurant Angelini!
-[John] Yay! Nice!
-[Elizabeth] Yay!
-Good touch.
-Wow, Luke!
Yeah, nice job.
Yeah, I really had to deliver
considering you all left me
out of the girls group
plans yet again.
-[Erin] Aw.
-[all laughing]
Oh, I love everything.
It's all perfect.
Well, you deserve everything.
Happy Mother's Day!
[all] Happy Mother's Day, Mom!
Love you too, John.
Thank you for putting
this beautiful brunch together.
Now what I would like is,
a photo with all my kids.
-Okay, come on.
Let's go. What Mom wants,
Mom gets.
[Elizabeth] When was
the last time
we were all together?
-I'll take it.
-[John] Thanks, Peter.
Here we go. That's it.
All right, everybody get in.
Pretend you like each other,
big smiles.
All right, remember
Can't see the camera,
it can't see you.
-Baxters, here we go.
-Get in close.
[camera clicks]
[theme song playing]
'Cause life has a way
Of pulling us under ♪
But we'll stick it out ♪
If we got each other ♪
When it all feels too much ♪
I know you'll come running
For me ♪
Through the highs and lows
We'll find our way home ♪
Family ♪
Oh, oh, oh ♪
Family ♪
Woodward and Bernstein,
anybody know these guys?
I'll give you hint.
They're not those two
crabby old guys from
The Muppet Show.
They're the reporters that
broke the Watergate story.
Anybody know how they did it?
Well, we're gonna
spend next session
talking about "door knocking."
Which is exactly what
it sounds like.
Knocking on doors
to get your story.
Woodward and Bernstein
made this method
of reporting famous
during Watergate.
And it's still the cornerstone
of journalism.
Between this week and next,
I want you
to knock on the door
of someone you do not know
and tell them
you're a reporter
on assignment.
And ask them
"What did you do last night
between 7:00 and 8:00 p.m.?"
Then, write down what they say,
or if they slam the door
in your face.
All right, that's all
for today.
Have a good
weekend, everyone.
Good class,
Professor Jacobs.
-Oh, thanks, uh
Dirk. Thank you.
-Professor Jacobs.
What a coincidence. I just
finished reading your paper.
That's actually what I want
to talk to you about.
I haven't turned it in to
Professor Keene.
I wanna hear what you think.
My next office hours
are on Wednesday.
-Come on by.
-That's the thing,
I don't think it can wait.
I was hoping we could
go somewhere now.
I know a great place
around the corner.
Reagan, I had no idea
you had this much
design experience.
This is amazing.
[Reagan] Yeah, that's why
it was so hard for me
to leave New York.
But the grad program here,
it's so good.
How are you liking it
here? I mean, it must
be a huge change.
Yeah, it has.
But honestly, the church
community has been so helpful
in terms of
meeting people like you.
Well, it also turns out to
be a great way to get a job.
You are hired.
Wow, I have to tell you,
today is my day.
I just signed a lease
on a new apartment,
now this.
Now I just need
a boyfriend by the
end of night
-and my life is set.
I may know someone for you.
Kari, you're like my
guardian angel.
How do you feel about guys
that have four older sisters?
You're thinking of Luke.
He's a good guy.
-He's also a goof, if you're
into that sort of thing.
-[both laughing]
This is gonna sound
so old-fashioned,
but I'm really looking
for true love.
Respect, a shared
sense of faith.
I had a similar list
before I met my husband.
How did that work out?
Falling in love is
out of your control.
But staying in love,
growing your love,
that's the commitment.
It's not always easy.
But I do believe
it's worth it.
Can you like teach
a class on this, please?
[chuckles] Hmm.
[Tim] Hey, babe.
Out came the sun ♪
Dried up all the rain ♪
And the itsy bitsy
spider went up the spout ♪
Again ♪
Itsy bitsy spider ♪
[singing indistinctly]
[Cole] Why is Mommy's hair
all funny?
Well, your mommy,
she's always been
very creative.
You know, once she shaved
your Uncle Luke's head
and I wasn't happy about that.
Uncle Luke says
I look like him.
Let me see that smile.
Yeah, you do,
you look like him.
Look, that's him when
he was a little boy your age.
-Who is that?
-My Aunt Kari.
Yeah, that's my girl.
Biggest heart on the block.
What does that mean, Grammy?
Well, that means that
you love with all your heart.
And that's what Aunt Kari does.
She loves even when
she's hurting.
Even when others
have stopped.
Just her nature,
I guess.
Pastor Mark, it's Kari.
Is there a time this week
for me and Tim to come by?
I have this idea to help
couples in the church.
So many people
are struggling
with relationships.
I feel like there's a way
we can serve.
Can you send me
some times you're free?
I'll see what works
for Tim's schedule.
All right. Bye now.
Have you ever
been to Italy?
No. You?
Mmm-mmm. I've always
wanted to go.
There's something
about people
leading with passion,
you know?
Yeah, I do.
Like, even their language
is romantic.
Things are just
beautiful to be beautiful,
no other reason.
And they don't let
social norms get in the way.
They eat pasta whenever
they want to eat pasta.
They drink wine
for breakfast.
They take naps during the day,
the whole country.
I could live like that.
-Do you?
-I don't know.
I want to.
I want to so much.
There's always been
something holding me back.
And life moves so fast.
Since I met you,
I actually see things.
And I feel
free when I'm around you.
My mom always says,
"Live life to the fullest."
She's been through
so much pain
and she still says it.
Because she came
out on the other side.
And she raised you.
A strong, independent,
beautiful woman.
Your mom's right,
Live it to the
To the full.
Guess what I got?
[in Italian accent]
Chocolate gelato.
[inhales and exhales deeply]
[keypad beeping]
[line ringing]
[cell phone ringing]
[phone beeps]
[Dirk] Um, look.
There's something
you should know.
Excuse me?
Sorry, I couldn't hear you.
Who is this?
I can't tell you
who I am.
Hang on, honey,
I'll be right down.
Your husband's not there.
Okay, I'm calling
the police.
Your husband's
having an affair.
I thought you deserve
to know the truth.
You have the wrong number.
Is your husband
Professor Tim Jacobs?
Who is this?
Look, let's just say
I'm doing us both
a favor, okay?
Your husband is in
the Silverlake Apartments.
At Angela Manning's apartment,
number three.
-[line disconnects]
[line ringing]
[Tim on voicemail]
Hey, it's Tim,
leave a message.
-[phone beeps]
-Hey, Tim, it's me.
Will you call me
as soon as you get this?
[kettle whistling]
-[keypad beeping]
-[line ringing]
Hi, can you please
connect me with
Tim Jacobs' room?
Well, this is
the Landmark Hotel,
isn't it?
And you are hosting
a conference
this week, right?
Oh, okay, well
Is that the Hyatt
across town?
Give me the number
for that hotel?
[exhales in exasperation]
-[line ringing]
-Hi, is there a Tim Jacobs
staying at your hotel?
No. Well, he's my husband.
Can I please speak
with the manager?
He goes to
a lot of conferences.
No, he didn't
specify which hotel.
All right.
Thank you anyway.
-[John] Honey?
-[door opens]
-[door closes]
-I'm in here.
Oh. Wow, what a day.
Sixty-year-old guy came in
with fluid in his chest.
Turned out he ruptured
his esophagus.
I think I will regale you
with stories of my rounds
a little later.
What is it?
I'm a little worried about
Kari and Tim.
Did you talk
to her today?
Yeah, she said that Tim
can't come for dinner
this weekend.
And that's why
you're worried?
Well, that's a second time
this month.
And you know, they don't
look at each other
the same way anymore.
[chuckles softly]
Only you
would notice something
like that, Elizabeth.
It's the one thing that
Tim had that
always made me think
he had something over
Ryan Taylor.
-The way he
looked at Kari
is the same way that
you always look at me.
I thank God every day
for giving me more
time with you.
All right
You remember when
Kari was young she
would always ask,
you'd still pray for me?
Even when I'm gone
and married?"
I wanna pray for her now.
Let's pray.
Lord, we
we come to you tonight
with hearts filled with
concern and expectation.
[John] Whenever our family
has encountered troubles
in the past, you have always
been there to counsel
and console us.
[car alarm beeping]
So, we are leaning
on your promises tonight.
[door opens]
Whatever the issues
between Tim and Kari,
we know they are not
beyond your mighty hand.
And so we ask now
[John] in this moment
that you be with them
in your special way.
[car starting]
And that you heal
whatever brokenness might
exist between them
and that you shower them
with your love,
and your beautiful grace.
They need you now.
-We ask this in Jesus' name.
-[Elizabeth] In Jesus' name.
[both] Amen.
[John] They need you now.
[Kari continues sobbing]
I'm here for the, um,
Bible study.
Is this the right place?
Yup, you're in the right place.
This is Aja and
this is Mauricio
-and I'm Tim.
-I'm Kari.
We're waiting for one
more person and then
we'll get started.
This campus could really
use a parking expansion.
Awesome. Someone new.
I'm Ruth.
Sort of the
unofficial assistant
to our amazing
group leader over there.
[chuckles] There's no
official group leader.
We all just take turns
reading and sharing
when something really
speaks to you.
Jesus wants to have
a relationship with us.
A friendship. This just
all helps us stay on track.
Let's pray.
Dear Lord, it's so good
to be gathered here today
with this group, people
looking for a deeper
understanding of your word.
Thank you for bringing
Kari to our study
for the first time.
I pray that you'll
meet her right
at her place of need.
Lord, let your Holy Spirit
give us wisdom,
show us your will.
We dedicate this time
to you
and surrender to
your leadership.
We ask all of it
in your Son's name.
[all] Amen.
Let's begin.
Kari. I have
something for you.
What's up?
I thought you might like
a copy of the book we're
using as a guide.
What you shared about
God not forcing his will,
it really made me think.
I'm, uh, glad you came.
Really? Good. I thought
I shared way too much
first day and, wow,
I can't shut up.
Can I walk with you?
Yeah, sure.
Can't believe
you're a senior here.
We've never crossed paths
before now.
Well, it is a really
big campus.
And you're faculty, right?
I mean, that pretty much
guarantees we don't hang out
with the same people.
[Tim] You're right, I teach
two writing courses here,
but I'm also working
on my PhD in journalism.
So, technically,
I'm still a student.
What about you?
What're you passionate about?
Oh, wow,
that's a great question.
No one's asked me that
in a while.
Um, so much.
It's like I need
to figure out where
to put all my passion.
I love people.
I believe in people.
I wanna give back somehow.
Why'd you come today?
I've just been
feeling stuck.
Like someone pressed
the pause button on me.
I don't know
if that makes sense.
I was really close to someone
and it didn't work out the way
I thought it would.
Oh. [chuckles softly]
So, I needed a change
to get me back
on track.
So, was this
a good change?
Yeah. Yeah, it was.
Is there still
someone special
in your life?
Not anymore.
That's good to know.
Now I can work up
the courage to ask you out.
I'll see you around.
Thank you, Mom.
How about some fruit?
No, thank you.
Communications class, dude
gives a brand new speech
on punctuality every time
someone's late.
-I love you.
-I love you.
-Oh, sorry, Pop.
-I'll see you later.
You heard from Kari?
No, but I think I should
give her a call.
Well, she always comes to
us if she needs our help.
We'll give her till tonight.
We still haven't heard
from her, then we'll call her.
-All right?
[chuckles softly]
[Tim] Kari.
Please Lord
guide my path.
[door opens]
Are you in love
with her?
Yes, I'm in love with her.
[crying softly]
Believe me, I
I wasn't
I would never
intentionally hurt you.
[Kari] Tim
what you've done
what you're doing
I can barely breathe.
Remember how happy
we were?
All the dreaming.
Picking names.
I never saw you
so happy.
But it was
all ripped away.
We can still
have that life.
I can still
see us happy.
By trusting, together.
Letting Him repair our pain,
just like He did when
our little girl didn't make it.
[Kari sniffles]
I called Pastor Mark.
I had this idea
to start a couples ministry
in the church.
Couples ministry?
We're the ones
who need help.
-I I can't
do this anymore.
-No, wait.
What's happened to you?
[bag thuds]
This isn't just about me.
We did this.
We failed.
It won't do any good
to talk about it.
But you're
everything to me.
But how come you never had
time for me?
You're always at the showroom,
or you're at church,
and if it's not some
side project with
their name on it
then it's some
Baxter family dinner.
I have built my whole world
around you.
No. Not me.
Your family.
You you're my family.
What about the Kemp Award
I got last month?
All you had to do
was show up.
You think
I'm not supportive?
I am so proud of you.
What about your faith?
Your promise to God.
God knows
we're not perfect people.
We're all just trying to do
what makes us happy.
And being with Angela
makes me happy.
You're my husband, Tim.
Whatever you've done,
God can forgive you.
He can help me forgive you.
I won't live a lie.
I want a divorce.
Don't leave!
Don't give up on us.
I won't give you
a divorce, Tim.
[cell phone rings]
Hi, Kari, I was just
thinking about you.
[Kari] I I need to
Can I come over?
I need to talk to you.
Are you okay?
What's wrong?
I just can't
be here right now.
Can I stay there
a while?
Maybe a few days,
I don't know.
Of course, honey.
You can stay here
as long as you need.
-Okay, I'll be there soon.
Oh, hi, honey.
-[Elizabeth] Hi.
What's wrong?
It's Kari.
She came over last night
with two duffels,
and she was in tears.
I don't honestly know.
I heard her up
this morning,
so, I'm sure
she'll be down soon.
Come on in,
Dad's making breakfast.
It's gotta be something
about Tim. Why else would
she be sleeping here?
[John] Yeah.
Hey, Ash.
Good morning, sweetie.
Did you manage
to get some sleep?
Not really.
Kari, whenever
you're ready,
whatever you need, honey,
we're here for you.
[voice breaking] Mom.
[sniffling] Tim is in love
with another woman.
[Kari exhales]
-How long has this been
going on?
Since the beginning
of the semester.
-[Kari exhales]
She's his student.
Oh, I can't believe this.
-What a total
Sweetheart [sighs]
I could kill him. I swear,
I could kill him.
Elizabeth, let's try
to stay calm here.
Ah, don't tell me
to stay calm.
-He betrayed our daughter.
-He betrayed our family.
-Dad, eggs.
-[pan sizzling]
I keep going over it
in my mind
and I have no idea
how we got to this point.
-Did you suspect anything?
I should have known.
I should have felt it.
What can we do to help?
Pray for us.
Pray for us.
Of course,
we'll keep praying for him.
try not to hate him.
You know, um,
Dr. Chen's wife
is a divorce attorney,
so when you're ready,
I can set up a meeting for you.
It's just one less thing
for you to worry about.
I'm not getting
a divorce.
I told him
I wouldn't give him one.
So he did ask you
for one then?
Why are you guys looking
at me like that?
Tim is still my husband.
-But he's cheating on you.
-I wouldn't expect
you to get it.
You really wanna
work this out?
How can you even
ask me that?
I'm holding on to the same vows
that have held you two
together all these years.
We've definitely had
our struggles,
but we've never
been unfaithful.
Divorce isn't an option.
What's wrong with you?
We're just trying
to understand.
Yeah, sweetheart.
Isn't love a choice?
Isn't that what marriage
is about?
The promise
we make to each other
to God.
Isn't that the moment
we decide to love each other?
Not just during the fun times,
when it's good and easy,
but through all of it.
[chuckles softly]
What made you so wise?
[Kari sobs]
[John] Aw!
[John sighs]
Sweetie, you just
Let us know what you need
to feel supported,
and we will do it for you.
[Kari sniffles]
We love you.
[Jason] Drop. Ascend.
[breathing deeply]
-[Dirk grunts]
-Oh, 11. Let's go, let's go.
Got it. Whoo.
-[Dirk exhales]
-[Jason] There you go.
-Good job, man.
-Thanks, man.
Time's looking good.
[Dirk] Hey, Jason.
You got any more
of that tren
Whatever you call it?
You're pressing 200.
Trust me, you're good.
Yeah, but I'm
trying to hit 235
by this week.
It's not a miracle drug.
It's a boost.
Listen to me,
if you keep taking that stuff,
it'll start to messing
with your head.
Forget it.
I'll get it from someone else.
I love this blazer on you.
Yeah, why do you think
I wear it so often?
[Angela chuckles]
You're gonna make me
late for class again.
Don't blame your tardiness
on me, Professor.
Can I get a ride?
Oh, uh
You getting out
of the same car as me
in the faculty parking lot.
It's too soon.
Let's evolve
into this slowly.
But Kari knows.
Yeah, I need to give
the administration a heads-up.
You know
I actually don't know.
There's no reason to hide.
Can I handle this
in my own way, please?
I wanna do this
the right way.
You and I finally get
to start a life together.
When I take you
to university events,
I don't want there to be
a bunch of confusion, or
Or questions about us.
Let me tell my colleagues.
Trust me, it'll be worth
the wait.
And then, how about tonight
you and I have dinner
at The Grammercy?
Well, we'll definitely
be seen there.
Exactly. Let's say 8:00.
I'll have to meet you there
after class.
That sounds perfect.
[cell phone ringing]
I walk out first.
I'll see you later.
[door opens]
[door closes]
[automated voice speaking]
The party you have dialed
is unavailable.
Hey, Angela,
it's Dirk.
I was thinking, uh,
maybe we could get some
of the classmates together
and go get drinks or
dinner or something fun.
[chuckles nervously]
Uh, but, yeah, uh
call me back.
All right, bye.
[panting] Okay, I'm done.
[Kari sighs]
-I'm glad
you're enjoying this.
Just so you know,
these track suits were
all the rage in 2002.
Mom keeps everything.
I'm not gonna lie,
I kind of feel like
I'm racing Jessica Simpson.
[both sigh]
Come on,
let's do one more.
I have to be
at the showroom in an hour.
So take like a, "I just found
out my husband's having
an affair" day.
I'm sure they'll understand.
I thought the whole point
of this run was to help
take my mind off things.
I have to be honest.
I really don't know why
you wanna stay with him.
I'm fighting for my marriage.
I have to.
-But why?
-Tim is just confused.
Somewhere along the way,
he lost his faith.
-He needs me.
-[chuckles softly]
Kari, that is [chuckles]
Look, I know
it makes you uncomfortable
to talk about God,
but I believe He can
help us through this.
And Tim and I
we're gonna come out
on the other side
even stronger.
Tim doesn't deserve you
or your faith.
He didn't even
have the decency
to tell you himself.
You had to hear it
from some psycho.
Who was that guy, anyway?
I don't know.
Someone mad at Tim.
Maybe one of his students
got a bad grade.
Well, don't you think God
would rather you be happy?
That's what Tim said.
I just don't know
why you're so hung up,
when there are plenty
of other fish in the sea.
Like handsome,
football-playing fish.
-Can we not go there?
-Oh, come on!
I know it's at least
crossed your mind.
You know he moved back
to Bloomington?
It doesn't matter.
Ryan made his feelings
very clear.
What does that mean?
It means it's in the past.
Tim is my husband.
Yeah, Tim's your husband
because of Ryan.
What are you talking about?
The only reason
you ever got close to Tim,
is because you were trying
to make Ryan jealous.
Ashley, that is
completely ridiculous.
Is it?
Look, I know you pride yourself
in telling it like it is,
but that is so not
what I need right now.
I get you made
a commitment to Tim.
Commitment? You don't know
anything about commitment.
You can't commit to anything,
not even being a mother
to your own son.
Wh Where did that
come from?
You leave Cole
with Mom and Dad,
so you can develop
your artistic voice,
and then spend
half your time hanging out
with your hipster friends.
Cole's growing up,
very fast,
and he hardly knows
his own mother.
You have no idea
how good you have it.
Some of us would kill
to be mothers.
You said you would stop
holding that against me.
I'm sorry.
I didn't mean to upset you.
I just love you and I want
what's best for you.
You don't know
what's best for me.
You don't even know
what's best for yourself.
He doesn't want you, Kari!
And you don't want him!
[man] Come on, let's go.
Let's go boys.
Ashley Baxter.
Catch up.
Wow, this is crazy.
I was just, um
I was just thinking about you.
-Are you coaching here now?
Yeah, I'm taking over for
Coach Curtis. He just retired.
No, Coach Curtis
is still alive?
[both laugh]
Well, I bet they're excited
to have you.
Yeah, I'm winning 'em over.
Oh, come on.
Ryan Taylor, NFL superstar,
leading them to victory.
Former NFL superstar.
So, how's your family doing?
Mom and Dad all right?
Isn't it Kari you really
want to know about?
Yeah, all right.
How's Kari?
She's okay.
Just okay?
Um, she is going through
some stuff right now.
What kind of stuff?
Is she all right?
Well, her lowlife husband
has been cheating on her.
So, she's been better.
-You're kidding?
She's staying with
my parents right now,
and she's a total mess,
to be honest.
Look, I really should not
be saying anything,
I know, but
I don't know, Kari's marriage
is falling apart
and here you are.
Maybe it's a sign
from God or something.
Ashley, when did you
start believing in signs again?
I think now.
Hey, I gotta go, but
I really hope
I see you around, Ryan.
Yeah, you too.
All right. Come on, guys.
Let's go.
[Elizabeth] Next time
on The Baxters
If Kari hadn't found out
on her own,
were you gonna
tell her about me?
I'm serious about us.
Let me prove it to you.
I have absolutely no idea
why you wanna stay
with that creep.
Divorce goes against
God's will, you know that.
He's sleeping
with a student.
Even God wouldn't ask you
to stay with someone
like that.
Lord, I know there are
people here
who are hurting and in trouble.
-[Elizabeth] you okay?
-You were right.
I don't think I'm ready.
Come, and let someone
pray with you.
[Luke] Let's join hands.
[Tim] We're really doing this.
To new beginnings.
[glasses clink]
[theme music playing]
Next Episode