The Bionic Woman (1976) s01e01 Episode Script

Welcome Home, Jaime: Part 1

OSCAR: Memo to the
secretary. Top secret.
From Oscar Goldman,
Office of Scientific
The Bionic Woman,
Jaime Sommers.
Dear Mr. Secretary,
nobody is more
aware than I am
of the millions of dollars
that we've spent in making
Jaime Sommers bionic.
But I wonder if it's
altogether fair for us
to count on her services
after all
she's been through.
As you may recall,
it all started
when our six million dollar
Bionic Man, Steve Austin,
was reunited with Jaime,
who had been
his childhood sweetheart.
After a tragic accident,
she became the world's
first bionic woman.
She and Steve
were planning to marry,
but Jaime's body was
rejecting her bionics.
But Dr. Michael Marchetti
wouldn't give up,
even at death.
Please, Rudy,
let me try!
OSCAR: Using revolutionary
new cryogenic techniques,
Michael did save Jaime.
But when Jaime
saw Steve again
Who are you?
OSCAR: Jaime had
suffered brain damage.
Her memory was gone.
Steve decided it was
best not to tell Jaime
of their past love.
Because with Jaime's
flashes of memory
came pain.
Jaime's flashes of memory
and pain continued
and led to near disaster
during the mission against
the refinery owned
by Carlton Harris.
It was Steve
who finally realized
what was causing Jaime
the most pain.
It's me.
What are you
talking about?
I am not good for Jaime.
Well, what do we do?
Send her to Rudy's
other complex at
Colorado Springs.
Away from here,
away from Ojai.
Away from you?
Away from me.
OSCAR: Mr. Secretary,
as I dictate this,
Jaime is in
the operating room
one last time.
Doctors Marchetti and Wells
feel that she's strong enough
to take the risk.
If the operation
is successful,
her memory
will be restored.
If not
Mr. Secretary,
I'll keep you informed.
RUDY: She's doing well.
MlCHAEL: Yeah.
What percentage
of her damaged
brain cells
do you figure
we've regenerated?
All of them
we're going to.
Well, at least we've restored
part of her memory.
Mixed blessings
for you, right?
If she remembers Steve
and their life together,
you'll probably lose her.
Yeah, but at least
she'll be without some of
the pain she's had.
Hi, there.
Hi, how am I doing?
You're gonna
have to tell us.
What's your name?
Jaime Sommers.
Do you know us?
Oh, you're Rudy
and you're Michael.
But I knew that before.
Let's try
going back a little further.
Where'd you go to school?
Carnegie Tech.
It was Carnegie Tech,
Michael, I remember.
What did you major in?
I was gonna be
a teacher.
I really remember
this, Michael.
Okay. Easy now.
Let's try
another area.
Do you remember Steve?
Oh, my bionic friend!
What do you remember
about him?
He's bionic.
He's cute.
What else do you
remember about Steve?
Oh, we grew up together.
At least, I think we did.
Yes, you did.
Jaime, do you remember
your skydiving accident?
I don't think I've ever been
skydiving in my life, have l?
Yes, you have.
We've got to do some more
testing, Michael,
to determine exactly
what she can remember.
You rest, now.
Goodbye, Jaime.
JAlME: London.
Good. If you have any pain,
you tell us right away.
Stop worrying
about me.
All right.
Watch the screen.
That's Wimbledon.
That's Oscar.
That's Carnegie Tech.
That's where I studied
That looks familiar
Oh, well, that's Ojai.
Oh, that's my parents.
That's right.
Do you remember them?
Mmm-hmm. Uh
There was an auto
accident, and they died.
I was 16, I think.
Yes. Do you want
to stop now?
JAlME: Oh, no. I'm okay.
Let's go on.
That's Steve's mom and dad,
and I do know them.
They became my
legal guardians
after that.
That's Forest Hills.
Wait a minute.
You know, I remember
running in the rain,
and Steve finding me,
and I remember how it hurt.
I remember that.
Does it hurt now?
No, not now.
That's good.
Very good.
Well, can't we
do some more?
No. Not yet.
It's too soon.
We've got to do
some more testing on
your bionics, anyway.
Well I would really
like to continue
working on my memory.
Jaime, we want
to move slowly
and carefully this time.
We don't want to rush
and overload you again.
You guys are afraid
that I'm gonna blow
another fuse, aren't you?
All right,
I can take a hint.
MlCHAEL: Jaime, if you
can hear me, come on in.
I heard you
clear as a bell from
half a mile away.
Oh, Michael,
it is so wonderful.
There's so many little things
that are coming back to me.
My parents
and my childhood.
And no pain?
No, not yet.
I'm glad.
RUDY: All right.
Your fourth grade teacher?
(lN ENGLlSH ACCENT) Oh, well,
that was Mrs. Langford.
Who'd you beat last year
at Forest Hills?
Chris Evert.
No, it wasn't Chrissie,
it was
It was Billie Jean King.
That's who it was.
describe the plane you
jumped from when you had
your skydiving accident.
I'm sorry, but there is
absolutely nothing there.
Well, that makes
it pretty clear.
Your memory decreases
as we get closer
to the accident that
caused your bionics.
And then just sporadic flashes
of memory after the accident.
Well, partial memory's better
than no memory at all.
I mean, at least I don't
have that pain anymore.
Well, I will simply
have to take the life
and limbs that
you two gave me,
and live one day at a time.
And I am thankful for that,
I truly am, to both of you.
Listen, that wouldn't happen
to be about me, would it?
May I read it now?
Yeah. Well, since we've
apparently broken
the pain barrier,
at least for the time being,
I guess you're entitled to
find out a little more about
who Jaime Sommers was.
Was? What is
"ls", thank you.
Don't get up, gentlemen.
Was everything
in that file?
I left out the
announcement about
Steve and her
I just don't know
the right way to
tell her about that.
So, that's how
the pros do it, eh?
Hi. I didn't even
see you come in.
Well, I'm a quiet man.
Good to see you.
Thank you.
You look good.
Thank you.
I understand you've been
looking over your file.
Yes, that I have.
A lot of the things
I remember,
but some of them
are still pretty hazy.
Well, the past always
will seem a little
mysterious to you.
What about the present, huh?
What are you gonna do?
Want to go back on the
old tennis circuit, huh?
I don't think so.
I don't think it would
hardly be fair.
I mean, I don't think
even Jimmy Connors
could return this serve.
(LAUGHS) I see
what you mean.
What then?
What are you gonna do?
Well, before I became
a tennis pro,
I got a degree
in education,
and I always planned on
being a teacher, so, l
What I would
really like to do
is go back to Ojai,
put down some roots,
and maybe find
some old ones,
and try teaching again.
Sounds wonderful.
Good for me.
But what about for you?
Me? What do you mean, me?
Well, I've got to
think about your
needs, too, Oscar.
I mean, you've got a pretty
big investment in your
bionic woman here, kiddo.
I probably cost
as much as Steve did.
Well, not quite
six million. I mean,
your parts are smaller.
Come on, Oscar.
You know what I mean.
I owe you my life.
And I'm not gonna
forget that.
And whenever the OSl
needs something done,
I intend to help.
Jaime, after all
you've been through,
I think you deserve
a life of your own.
Well, I can
do that, too.
I just want
to help you.
No. The answer is no.
It's over.
What is this?
Am I talking to
Oscar Goldman?
I mean,
you're supposed to be
cold-blooded bureaucrat
Why don't you give yourself
a break and let me
work for you, huh?
Okay. I'll tell you what.
When you get settled
up in Ojai, why,
we'll decide then.
Oscar, if I don't
get an assignment
from you very soon,
I'm just gonna show up
and I'm gonna kick
your door down.
Ah, you're just the one
that can do it.
And don't you forget it.
Let's see now.
Now, do you need
some reservations?
Plane reservations
to Ojai? Anything?
No, I called my own
private pilot
and he's on his way.
Oh! Steve?
No, no. Steve's dad.
Tell me one thing.
How much does
she know about
herself and Steve?
Well, just that
they were kids,
they grew up together.
That's all.
We haven't
decided yet
how to tell Jaime
about Steve and their
plans for marriage.
Why don't you
let us do it,
me and Steve's mother?
Once Jaime's in Ojai
and settled a bit.
Good idea.
Jim, I want to thank you
very much for everything.
My pleasure.
Don't worry, we'll take
care of everything.
Thank you.
There she is.
All right, now, you guys,
you take care of yourself,
Don't worry.
We'll be all right.
All right.
You'll always be
in my heart, Michael,
you know that.
I know that.
She's just taking off.
I checked the flight plan,
and they're headed for Ojai,
Excellent. Now,
you know what to do.
Right. I'll be in touch
with you from Ojai.
Well, next stop, Ojai.
Oh, Jaime.
Welcome home.
Oh, thank you.
We were so happy
when you called us.
Well, you and Jim are truly
my clearest memory.
What about Steve?
That's a rough one.
There's still so many
pieces missing there.
Well, maybe it'll
come back in time.
But this place, I don't
remember much about it.
Did I come here a lot?
No, we just bought it
three months ago.
Oh, you could've
fooled me, you know.
Come on.
Oh, honey, I'm gonna
show her the place.
Jim and I are finally
going to take the time
to do some traveling,
so we won't be
here a lot.
We've always wanted
to raise horses,
and when this ranch
came on the market,
we couldn't resist it.
You know,
it's gonna be a great
place to come home to.
We think so.
I sure hope I can
find a place in town
that I really like.
That's part of the reason
I brought you out here.
Look there. That barn
has an apartment over it.
At least the Health Department
might call it that if it were
all fixed up.
Oh, it's a mess.
It's really full of junk.
But with your bionics,
it should be a breeze.
It's yours
if you want it.
Well, I don't
feel like I could just
come in here and
Oh, now Jaime,
if you really remember
what you feel about us,
there's something else
you should remember.
We are family.
It's so good to be home.
It's good to have
you home again.
Well, what do you say?
It seems to me like
you got yourself a tenant.
Hey, here's a card
from Steve in Rome.
Here, you better read it,
my arms are getting too short.
"Dear Mom and Dad.
Rome is beautiful.
"The people are fun
and the food is good.
"But I still like
Mom's pusghetti better.
"Be home soon.
Give Jaime my love.
That's what he used to
call my spaghetti
when he was a little boy.
Is that a scrapbook
on Steve?
HELEN: Mmm-hmm.
Can I look at it?
Well, l
Maybe it'll help me
remember, you know.
Go ahead.
Is that Steve?
HELEN: He started out
sort of pudgy, didn't he?
Oh, but he's cute,
it's okay.
Look at that.
Oh, that's Steve
with his first fish.
HELEN: There's one of you.
JAlME: I remember this.
And there are
the two of you together.
How much do you remember?
Boy, you know,
it's strange.
I look at some of
these pictures
and I remember them,
and yet other ones
I look at and
I don't know,
I feel warm.
But it's still like
I'm looking at
somebody else.
Oh, my graduation.
And look at those shoes.
What's wrong?
There's something
you need to know
before you turn the page.
You and Steve were
much closer than
you remember, Jaime.
The next page may be
painful for you.
What is this
We were gonna
be married?
Married? I don't
Steve and I were
gonna be married?
That's right.
Do you remember anything?
Anything at all?
Is it painful for you?
Are you feeling any pain?
No, there's no pain.
It's just
It's just so hard
to believe.
I can't understand how
I get these little
wisps of memory,
but it just feels like
there's something missing.
And I can't
What is it?
I don't know.
I just don't know
what it is.
Think it'll do?
Looks great.
Where did you find it?
At a used appliance
store in town.
Seems to work okay.
Here, let me get
off the truck
and ease it down.
No, no, that's okay.
You know,
it really knocks me
out to see you
do things like that.
Well, I'll tell you something.
It's a little secret because
it actually impresses me, too.
You and Steve really
are something.
Hey, don't worry about it,
Dad, it's okay.
I've been thinking
a little bit about him
myself these days.
Hey, first phone call
on my new phone.
Be right back.
Jaime? Any luck with
that school up in Ojai?
No, I struck out.
Oh, I'm sorry to hear that,
but, you know, I think
I've got something for you.
At the Air Force Base School?
Right. They've got one
teaching position left.
Well, that's all I need.
Okay, who do I talk to?
Talk to Lieutenant
Colonel Tom Hollaway,
Deputy Base Commander.
He's awaiting your call.
Okay. That's great.
I talked with
Helen last night.
I understand that you
learned a few new things.
Yes, I did.
I've got somebody here,
a friend of yours,
who wants to talk with you.
Hold on.
Uh, Steve? Hi.
How're you doing?
Well, pretty good.
How's Mom and Dad?
They're fine.
Are you gonna be
coming out this way soon?
Yeah, in a couple of days.
I'm on my way to Thailand.
You think we could
spend some time together?
There's a lot of things
I'd like to talk to you about.
Good, I'll see you
soon then, huh?
Hi. I'm Jaime Sommers.
And I'm gonna see Lieutenant
Colonel Tom Hollaway
at the Base School.
Oscar Goldman
had a lot of nice things
to say about you, Jaime.
Oh, he's sweet.
As a matter of fact,
I've been a fan
of yours myself.
Saw you play last year
at Forest Hills.
You want to tell me
why you decided to go
back to teaching?
Well, after my
skydiving accident,
I wasn't quite the same,
so I just decided
to settle down.
I'm sorry to hear that, but
I'm afraid you're not gonna
be able to do much settling
with your class.
You see, I only have
one position open,
and it's not exactly
the easiest.
As a matter of fact,
they've managed to chew up
four substitutes
in three months.
(EXCLAlMS) Sounds like
it's going to be a challenge.
It's a class comprised
of sixth, seventh,
and eighth graders,
kids of our
service personnel.
They travel a lot,
which adds to the
learning process,
but unfortunately they
spend most of their time
adjusting to new schools,
teachers, friends.
I think quite a few
of them have tough
disciplinarian fathers,
that sort of thing.
It's not gonna be easy.
I hope you've got
a couple of good
solid legs to stand on.
Well, as a matter
of fact, I do.
Good. Can you
start tomorrow?
Oh, you bet. Where can
I pick up the books?
Come on, I'll show you.
And how about a little
tennis sometime?
All right.
HELEN: Anybody home?
Just us schoolteachers.
So glad about
your new job.
Have you met
your class yet?
No, apparently they're
something you have
to brace yourself for.
You can handle them.
Why don't you have
dinner with us tonight?
No, thanks.
I'm gonna whip
a little tuna salad.
And I've got
a lot of studying to do.
Don't think I have
a can opener.
Oh, I'll get you
one at the house.
No, no, no,
that's okay.
I mean, what are
fingernails for,
you know?
You don't happen to have
an extra set
of those nails, do you?
No, but I'll have
Rudy check the parts
department for you
and see what he can
come up with.
I brought over some
old pictures I found
for you to look at.
Okay, I will.
It isn't easy, is it?
No, it's not.
How does it feel?
I look at those pictures,
and I see somebody
that looks like me,
and sometimes I even
remember bits and pieces,
but mostly it's in my head,
and not in my heart.
Especially when it
comes to Steve.
Can I say something,
just between you and l,
I care an awful lot
about Steve,
but I just don't know
where my heart is.
I understand.
It's so frustrating
to be confused.
It really is.
Well, there's one thing
not to be confused about.
I almost had you
for my daughter-in-law,
and nothing could have
made me happier.
But back when you
were growing up,
even before you
lost your parents,
I always thought
of you as my daughter.
And I always will, Jaime.
So you see,
I win either way.
Hi, Jaime?
Welcome aboard.
I'm Karen Stone.
Hi, Karen Stone.
You know, I was
new here last year,
but now I'm an old hand,
so if you need any help
at all, just give me a holler.
Thank you.
And it might be
sooner than you think.
You know they gave you
the dirty dozen?
I know. Are they really
as bad as they said?
Not really, they're just
into pre-adolescence,
so they're a little more
outspoken than some
of the other classes.
And, of course,
you're the new teacher,
so you've just gotta be
put through the mill.
Of course.
Shh! Be quiet.
My class has come.
Come on, you guys.
Sit up straight
and be quiet.
Good morning.
I'm Miss Sommers.
We know you.
Well, good.
I'll get to know your names
as quickly as I can.
You had to quit
tennis, huh?
Yeah, but that's
a long story,
I'll tell you
about it sometime.
Now, I don't know what kind of
a routine you're used to,
but I've written my plans
for the classroom organization
on the board
Well, I thought
I wrote it on the board.
Just one moment, please.
How'd you
do that so fast?
All right, I would like
each of you to copy off the
section that applies to you.
See, I've got sixth,
seventh and eighth
Who did that?
Nobody did that, huh?
Would you please
hand me that
telephone book?
Thank you.
I guess you know
what a rotten reputation
this class has.
The other teachers have
all sorts of terrific
little names for you.
I guess you can be a pretty
rough and rowdy bunch, huh?
That's okay.
I don't mind that 'cause
just shows me
you've got a lot of
spirit and I like that.
However, I am not just
another substitute.
I am here to stay.
And if we're gonna get along,
you're gonna learn
a little bit about respect.
Now, some teachers
feel that the best way to get
respect from their students
is to threaten them.
I don't like to make threats,
because most of the time,
they're not really
carried out, you know.
And I've always felt
that the best way of teaching
was the gentle approach.
I feel that respect
for a teacher
should grow naturally
through friendship
and through trust.
And I expect you
to be able to develop
and understand all this
and have that kind of
respect for me.
Boy, this broad is spooky.
I know.
I'll make you a deal.
I won't call you
a service brat and you
don't call me a broad.
Wow, how'd
she hear that?
I have very good hearing.
All right. Let's break up
the regimentation
here a little bit.
I want everybody to move
their desks in a circle
so we can all see
each other a little better.
Now, once we get
the desks moved,
I want each of you
to write an autobiography
because I want to know
everything there is to know
about each and every
one of you.
So think about that while
you're moving your desks.
Come on. Move it!
Get going.
Jaime, how was
your first day?
Oh, it was fun.
Well, I'm sure
you'll be fine.
Listen, the Control Tower
called my office.
Colonel Austin radioed
that he's over San Antonio.
He'll be landing here
in about an hour and a half.
Okay. Good.
I'll come back
and meet him.
Say, are you two
I don't know, Tom.
It's okay. Just checking.
Help! It's gonna explode!
It's gonna explode.
My leg. I can't move my leg.
Can you walk?
No. The pain.
Don't move me.
All right. I'm gonna go
for help, okay?
I'll be back.
Down this way here.
Oh, now he's right
He was right
Look, are you sure
this was where you left him?
I mean, there's
nobody out here.
Well, he was
right here.
Well, maybe somebody
beat us back here and
took him to the hospital.
No, the guy
couldn't even move.
Okay, lady,
then where is he?
I don't know
where he is.
SAYERS: You wouldn't believe
what she did to get me out of
that car after Johnny hit me.
Good. Yes, Miss Sommers is
quite a unique young woman.
I think it's time
I went to Ojai.
We have quite
a few surprises
in store for her.
No, Oscar, it was
the strangest thing.
They still haven't
found a trace of him.
Jaime, I'll look into it.
And let me know if
anything else happens
that's unusual, huh?
Okay, I've gotta run now,
Oscar, 'cause
Steve's plane is landing.
So, well,
I'll see you soon.
Okay. Bye-bye.
Hello, Vaughn.
Oh, it's so good
to be back in Ojai.
Even though you don't
remember all of it?
Oh, yeah, even then.
You know, I got to see
your mom's old scrapbook.
We really did
grow up together.
(LAUGHS) Yeah.
Do you remember
any of it?
Well, I've been
trying real hard.
How did you
and I first meet?
Well, it was my first day
in the third grade,
and you dared me to eat
one of everything
in the cafeteria.
Did l? Did you?
Yeah, I tried
and I got pretty sick.
And I got even with you
right here on this swing.
Yeah? What'd you do?
Stick a frog down my back?
No, it was a lizard.
Ew! That's an
awful thing to do!
Why did you
hide this from me?
I was afraid it might
bring back your memories
and your pain.
Does it?
No. Not anymore.
Somehow it's a lot
easier for me to face
all those things now,
what we were to each other
and our engagement.
You know about that?
Oh, it must have been
so awful for you,
trying to keep all that
bottled up inside of you.
I really appreciate
everything that you have
done for me, Steve.
And I appreciate
what we must have shared.
But I don't feel
those feelings now.
I can't remember
what it was like to be
in love with you.
I understand.
I mean, knowing you now
I can understand how we
got to be so close.
And maybe in time
we can be that close again.
I guess what I'm trying
to ask you is if
this can be a whole
new beginning for us.
How long will you
be in Thailand?
Just until I can
convince Oscar that
the mission's completed.
It won't be long
if I know your son,
Well, the sooner he's
home again, the better
we'll all like it.
Bye, Son.
Goodbye, Dad.
Goodbye, dear.
Goodbye, Mom.
Are you coming, Oscar?
I'll be along.
I've got a little
business here, Steve.
You will come home
and see me, won't you?
Oh, you can count on it.
We'll join you
in a minute.
Want to talk with you.
What's wrong, Oscar?
Well, I'm a little concerned
about something, Jaime.
I can see that.
Well, what is it?
Jaime, it might be dangerous
for you living here in Ojai.
What are you
talking about?
That accident,
that accident
you just saw,
may not have been
an accident.
Someone may be
trying to kill you.
We don't know.
But we think it
might be safer for you
to be away from here.
Jaime, I want you
to plan on
Oscar, wait a minute, now.
I came back to Ojai
to put down some roots,
and to teach,
and to make my life.
Now I can't run away
from all of that just
because you're suspicious.
All right, let me
ask you something.
Say there's another accident,
only this time
you're in the middle of it.
Do you think
you can handle it?
It's easy to say, huh?
I can't leave here, Oscar.
Sooner or later,
I'm gonna have to make
a stand for myself,
and I may as well
do it right now.
I'll be in, in a minute.
Don't worry.
Next Episode