The Boarding School: Las Cumbres (2021) s01e01 Episode Script

Episode 1

[crow caws]
[crow caws]
[crow caws]
[bell rings]
-[boy] Let's go!
-I'll kill you!
Come on! Yeah!
-[boy] Ok!
-[woman] What is this?
What's all this commotion?
What are you doing? Abraham, stop!
I said enough already! Manu!
[hall] Manu, please!
Help me break it up!
Enough already! Stop!
[woman] Stop!
[fight continues in hall]
[woman] Stop, stop! I said enough!
You two! Detention!
And the rest of you to class.
Pick that up, I don't want to see it.
Let's go, Manuel.
[metal door opens]
Let's go.
Get the jacuzzi ready
for when we're out of here.
[door locks]
[footsteps fade]
-[boy] Hey!
Paul, Paul.
Did that bitch say
how long we're here for?
Doesn't matter,
we're doing it anyway.
"We're doing it no matter what."
[opening theme]
[sinister music]
[blows whistle]
[man] Let's go!
Like you mean it!
[frogs croak]
[sinister music]
[blows whistle]
[blows whistle]
[blows whistle]
[blows whistle]
[blows whistle]
[blows whistle]
[blows whistle]
[coach] Amaia! Get in line.
[blows whistle]
[blows whistle]
-[bell rings]
-[whistle blows]
[coach] Very good, kids.
Hit the showers.
[woman] "It's true,
we accept students
that were rejected
by other high schools."
The school's renown for it.
Our goal is
despite their problems,
to get them through high school.
To give them a future.
I like challenges.
Welcome to
Las Cumbres Boarding School.
[announcement over intercom]
[woman] "We remind
all P.E. students,
a five-minute shower is mandatory.
Personal hygiene is a sign of respect
-for oneself and others."
-[whistle] Anyone?
-I do, give me one.
-[girl] Me too.
One over here another over there.
-Of course.
-I owe you.
-I'll hold you to that.
Hey deadbeat, what about you?
You want one,
or will your dad tell you off?
[ecclesiastical music]
[crow caws]
Where are the student quarters?
In another wing of the building.
You'll have to do
night watch sometimes.
[principal] Let me make it clear
that the reason you're here,
is because out there
no one wants you.
The truth is that society,
-and your families -[bell rings]
"quit believing in you."
[principal] "You think they miss you?
Yeah, right.
And whose fault is that?
Someone else's?"
[dog barks]
[TV] "Following the publication"
-Hello, Mrs. Virginia.
-"we're here live"
"Bonsoir", Adele. Sit. Sit.
-"Good evening."
-"Good evening."
this story is hard to believe"
Is Alba not here?
The French tutor is here.
Tell the girl!
"The dedication: 'For Carol.'
That's your daughter?"
"Yes, she's our daughter."
[woman] She's not here?
That girl's so absent-minded.
"for us, it was a moral obligation."
She's running wild
at that village school.
-It's ok, I'll wait for her.
"the boarding school burned down,
fortunately forever, meaning"
"This book is our exposé.
And a tribute to those
who didn't survive."
[presenter] "Your classmates"
-May I go the bathroom?
-[Virginia] Oui, madame.
Everything sounds so beautiful
in French.
[TV, Ivan] "move on,
start a new chapter."
[TV, Julia] "It's normal. It's normal.
Those were hard times"
[sinister music]
[toilet flushes]
[TV, Julia] "Those were hard times,
we were so young,
and it was a brutal way to lose
our innocence."
"But it's in the past now."
-Here she is.
-But it wasn't today.
Today's Tuesday.
It's Tuesday?
Oh, I got confused.
I'm sorry.
Right, I'm off then.
Alba, don't forget to do
the homework.
See you soon.
-Bye, Adele.
[TV, Julia] "The point of this book
is to make sure
it doesn't happen again.
What happened to us at
The Black Lagoon boarding school."
[announcement over intercom]
[principal] "Adele Uribe,
to the Principal's office.
Adele Uribe."
[knocks on door]
[door closes]
It's your uncle.
[In French] Uncle? How are you?
Did something happen?
Oh, you're getting married?
That's great news.
We are
Yes, he's well.
Thanks, Uncle, thank you.
Yes, yes.
You look pretty nervous.
Be careful.
What made you come
to a place like this?
I think it has a charm about it.
Depends how you look at it.
Haven't you heard
of the terrifying legends
about this forest?
Well, you just fixed my insomnia.
When I'm not teaching,
I'm writing my thesis
on local alchemists
who lived here years ago.
They're said to be very wise
and very dangerous.
[dog growls]
[dog barks]
[boy] It's him! He's coming!
Time's up.
Absolute silence.
-Good night.
-[boys] Good night.
[Paul] The spaceship lands on Mars.
Not knowing what they'll find,
they send out an expedition
After walking for hours,
they arrive in a town,
and it turns out
the inhabitants are
their dead relatives from Earth.
If I went all the way
to Mars and my family were there,
I'd shoot myself.
That bitch forgot about us.
[bed creaks]
Caught in the act.
Phone, please.
[suspenseful music]
[door closes]
[electric shaver buzzes]
[bell rings]
-Good morning.
-[all] Good morning.
Where are Paul Uribe
and Manuel Villar?
In detention since yesterday, sir.
Sit down.
Ok, today we'll be looking
at the translation
of the Gallic Wars,
by Julio Cesar.
[girl] Paz
Paz, what are you doing?
[chair slides]
It's a piercing.
How do I look?
Don't do that again.
Translate pages 14 and 25.
You have ten minutes.
[door opens]
You can't lift
a punishment I imposed, Elias.
You locked them up all night, Mara.
And a girl came in
with a shaved head.
She had lice.
She did it
so as not to infect the others.
I doubt that.
[Mara] No need to doubt
a colleague, Elias.
The students are difficult,
and unpredictable.
but that doesn't justify cruelty.
-Harsh punishments don't work.
-You're wrong.
Here, the fact is, discipline works.
I understand the students
need limits.
But they could do
with some compassion.
We're going to get exactly
the opposite of
what we're looking for.
Kids full of hate and resentment,
capable of anything.
Look, Elias.
Perhaps you don't understand
the responsibility we have here.
Most students here are dysfunctional.
We have a girl here
who shot her step-dad with a rifle.
Another did drive-by robberies.
Some come straight from rehab.
If they weren't here,
they'd have ended up in jail,
or worse, dead.
This isn't your parish.
We don't need your sermons
or your blessings.
There's only room here
for people who want
to do things my way.
So, you're out.
[footsteps approach]
[woman] I'm really sorry.
I want you to know I agree
with everything you said in there.
What use are these words in private?
No use at all.
Thanks for nothing.
I deserved my punishment
and I promise to not break
the rules again.
[all] Thank you to the institution
for showing us the way.
You son of a bitch.
Know the first thing
I'll do once we're out?
You pig.
You know?
In less than 15 hours,
we'll be at the beach.
-Drinking beers.
-Jumping waves.
Kissing you all over.
If we go to the wedding,
we can convince him to let us stay.
I'm sure he'll invite us.
Like when he was gonna take us
to Greece.
Or when he was gonna take us
to Landes.
Adele, he's lying to you.
And you know it.
[psst] Manu.
[Paul] What's up?
-[Manu] We got everything. -Yes.
You're welcome.
Ok, ok.
Bus tickets.
Ok? And
-How much is there?
It's either the beach
or we end up in jail.
We're already in jail.
And yours?
[Manu] Here it is. Sedatives
-And the meat.
-I'll get it at dinner.
Ok, ok.
Your class is going in now.
And they're looking for you.
-You're so harsh, huh?
-She's a scaredy-cat.
"Music is a combination of sound"
[foot stomps]
and silence.
Anyone follow?
[foot stomps]
It creates a connection
between people.
It can alter your heartbeat
cause chemical reactions in the brain
that last forever.
Do we agree?
I suppose.
[piano music]
Music travels across time
and connects us emotionally to
different eras and places.
Describe your best and worst memory.
And associate them
with whichever song you like.
What? Nothing come to mind?
Where are you going? You can't leave.
She can do anything,
didn't you know?
[door opens]
[man] There you are.
I used to come here to smoke
and get some air too.
Not always on my best days.
What's wrong?
Father, I've been waiting for months
for a response from the Holy See.
I'm starting to think
you never sent him my letters.
There's nothing
keeping me here, Father.
I want to leave.
I've received news from the school.
You want to go, sure.
But go out with your head held high.
Let's say I still have a conscience.
Certain things disgust me.
I ask myself
What will become of those kids
when there is no one in the faculty
who speaks for them?
I've tried everything.
I don't know what more I can do.
I'm still the standing director.
I can demand your reinstatement.
You're our last teaching friar.
This is important
for our congregation.
Very important.
But I can't go on.
It is human to have doubts.
Jesus Christ had doubts.
There's no friar who hasn't had them.
Father, they aren't doubts.
-They're certainties.
You should nurture humility.
What happened wasn't your fault.
Those were God's decisions.
Everything is in God's hands.
I don't understand
this God you speak of.
You have to believe in God
to hate him.
Give yourself a chance.
Don't spoil your priesthood.
If not for yourself,
or the congregation,
do it for the students.
I know they matter to you.
[wheels clink]
Where are you going?
And the backpack?
Weren't you gonna tell me?
Or take me with you?
You'd never have come.
And you know it.
[door opens]
[knocks softly]
What a hottie!
[Manu] I can't believe it.
We're escaping this fucking hell.
-Ok. Manu, the meat.
cash and bus tickets.
[Manu] Don't kill the mutt,
just put him to sleep.
Come on, come on.
Give me a second.
[Manu] Come on, dude.
-Paul, will you open up?
-These two.
Good job, good job.
All those sleepless nights.
[Amaia] Careful, careful.
[dog growls]
[dog barks]
-Meat, the meat!
-[barks continue]
Shit! Fuck!
Fuck, Manu.
Get down! Get down!
[man] Come, Caiman. Come, Caiman.
Come, I'll feed you.
It'll taste better
than that dead bird.
Come, Caiman.
Very good, Caiman.
[Adele] We can't do it
without the meat.
[Adele cries]
-[Adele cries]
-Shut up!
-No, we can't do it.
-[Amaia] Shut up.
The van isn't far away
if we drop here.
If we hurry before
the dog finishes
[Adele] What are you on?
He's a killer dog,
he'll rip us apart.
We have time, we have to jump now.
-Let's go.
-No, please.
-No, please.
-Honey, you have to try.
-I can't.
He'll bite us, I can't do it.
I can't.
I'm not going.
[Adele cries]
-You guys go.
-Paul, we're in this together.
I love you, man, have a drink for me.
For us.
-Go, hurry.
Run, dude.
Come here.
-On three.
One, two, three.
[Manu] Let's go, let's go.
Let me do it. Go! Go!
Get it! Get it!
[Mara] Everybody up!
Let's go!
-Good, good.
Good, good.
Run, run.
[Amaia] Close it, Manu!
Ok, ok!
-[Paul] Go to bed, Adele.
-Come back with me, please.
-Go to bed!
Get changed, hide your bag.
If they ask, you were in the bath.
Someone stole 500 euros
from my office.
So we're doing an inspection.
Right now.
What the?
What's the meaning of this?
[man] There's one missing
over here, too.
-[Manu] Ok.
-[Amaia] Go, go.
-Hurry up.
-How did it go again?
That's it. Two cables, two cables!
Did you see them leave?
What did you see?
Nothing, ma'am.
I was asleep.
Mara! Two boys
are missing from their dorm.
[engine starts]
[Paul] Let's go, go!
-No, fuck.
-[Manu] You ok?
-Shut up!
-Get it out!
-Give it to me.
-Here, take it.
-Let's go!
[janitor] What are you doing?
-What are you doing? You!
-Run, run!
[janitor] Kid, get back here!
[both scream with joy]
-We're out of here!
-I can't believe it!
I can't believe it,
I can't believe it.
Fuck, son of a bitch!
-[Manu] They're after us! Go!
-[Amaia] Manu!
You okay?
Yes, better than ever. Let's go!
Fuck, that's no good.
We'll have to run.
[man] We'll find them.
Run, go!
[man] They can't have gone too far.
We just have to get up the Black hill
and down the other side.
Manu, we have five hours
before the bus leaves.
[suspenseful music]
[man] Come,they can't have got far.
Careful, Manu.
Come on.
[man] Let's go, let's go.
[Amaia huffs]
Ok, shit. This way.
[man] They're in the trees.
[Manu] Get down.
[coach] They won't be far away.
You two go that way, you this way.
[whispers] They're right there.
[man] They passed through here.
-[Manu] Shhh.
-Shit, shit.
[Amaia] What's that?
[mysterious music]
[man] Party's over, everyone to bed.
[mysterious music]
[owl hoots]
[Manu] What is it?
I thought there was something there.
Come on.
Manu! Manu!
Manu, no!
[suspenseful music]
# There's a place near here
# If I get close and scream
# No one will hear
# It's like a calling
# A calling from within
# Appears constantly
# Running through my dreams
# And I don't know, don't know
# If I should continue this way
# Should I go
# And never return
# Leave this place
# Run, run, run
# Away from here
# Run, run, run
# Away from here
# Run, run, run
# Away from here
# Run, run, run
# Run, run, run
# Run, run, run
# Run, run, run
# Away from here
# Run, run, run
# Run, run, run, run
# There's a place near here
# if I get close and scream
# No one will hear
# A calling from within
# A calling from within
# Appears constantly
# Running through my dreams
# Run, run, run
# Away from here
# Run, run, run
# Away from here
# Run, run, run
# Away from here
# Run, run, run
# Run, run, run
# Run, away from here
# Run, run, run
# Away from here
# Run, run, run
# Run, run, run
# Run #
Next Episode