The Boyfriend (2024) s01e01 Episode Script

That Summer, I Fell in Love With Him

-Anyone on your mind?
-I felt a spark.
I want to be with someone
who gives me butterflies.
When I think he's cute, that turns me on.
Are you all in love?
Yes, I am.
It made me want a boyfriend.
-Do you tell your parents?
-Yeah, I can tell them anything.
"You will go on a sleepover date,
just the two of you."
If we wait, happiness will never come.
Why not try to make him fall for me?
I'm glad I could spend this time
with you guys.
In our world
I've been without my parents
from the time I was born.
I don't know what "family" is.
Why was I born this way?
Thank you for inviting me.
I'm Dai.
I'm 22 and a university student.
I've been through so much
that I believe I may never find love.
I really hope to find romance
or a great partner.
A vibe unique to that person.
I'm attracted to people
who are a bit eccentric.
What I worked up my courage to say
was totally ignored
There is one hot guy.
Nice to meet you.
Nice to meet you.
My name is Taeheon.
I turned 34 this year.
I'm a designer.
I'm from South Korea.
I'm drawn to people
who aren't also in the field of design.
It would be good if we could broaden
each other's perspectives.
I haven't come out to my family yet.
Well, all of my friends know.
I felt this could be a great opportunity
to openly express who I am to my family.
We can see the entrance a bit from here.
Yes, I saw you coming.
I thought,
"Oh, a good-looking guy is here."
Nice to meet you.
Nice to meet you.
Nice to meet you.
Please take a seat anywhere.
I'm Ryota. I am 28 years old.
I'm a model, and a barista at a café.
I don't think I need to decide
if I'm only attracted
to men or only women.
No matter who I love, that's who I am.
I'd like to accept that part of me.
If I'm attracted to someone
who already likes someone else,
I tend to step back and give up.
I hope I can grow and become brave enough
to make a move.
How tall are you?
182 centimeters.
You're tall.
I'm envious, really.
Someone is coming in.
There he is.
-It's nice to see you.
-Nice to meet you.
Where should I go?
My name is Gensei. I'm 34 years old.
I'm a hair and makeup artist.
Of course, the best thing is to meet
someone compatible,
but it'd be nice to find romance.
It's a bit abstract,
but someone who is good-looking
and a bit masculine,
but with a sensitive side.
I tend to like that type.
Someone is
We have one more.
-Nice to meet you.
Nice to meet you.
I'm Shun Nakanishi. Nice to meet you.
-You too.
I'm Shun Nakanishi, 23 years old.
My job is to create music, and I also DJ.
Ending up with the person I love
would make me happiest.
I'm the type of person
who thinks about marriage,
so I'm looking for someone
I can see a future with.
I'd like a relationship
in which we can grow together.
I want to have a same-sex marriage.
As for kids,
I'd like to adopt.
He didn't really walk the walk.
I thought, "Okay, I'm over it."
I want some space.
-I know.
-It pinged.
-Will you check, please?
-Should I look?
It says, "This is a notice."
-A notice?
-What is it?
"Welcome to the Green Room."
Oh, this house is called the Green Room.
-That's cute.
-I know.
Because it's green.
"You will begin living together here
for about a month."
Your turn.
"'Green Room' is a surfing term."
"It refers to the sacred space
inside a barrel produced by a wave."
I hope I can read it.
"We hope this month will be
a brilliant time for all of you."
"We also hope you find
an irreplaceable partner."
-That's lovely.
-Please read this.
"Now, we've prepared
a coffee truck for you."
"By running it together as a team,
we hope you can deepen your bonds."
"You are free to use the proceeds
as you wish."
That's how it is.
It started.
-This is good!
It's gripping already.
I'm psyched.
So now our new show,
The Boyfriend, has begun.
The cast is made up of young men
who are attracted to other men.
The boys will live together
for about a month.
It's a story of love and friendship.
Wait. Don't say it like
an announcement at a department store.
-I'm so psyched right now.
-Me too.
-The cast is really attractive.
-It's exciting.
The coffee truck
They're going to run one together, right?
And they will be allowed to use
the proceeds as they wish.
You see a different side of a person
when you work together.
-I know!
-That's really true.
This will let them be alone with someone,
discuss various matters,
and bring them closer.
That's true.
Maybe someone will steal the money.
-No one will do that.
The episode title will be
"Today's Proceeds Are Gone."
We'd like to look forward
to such incidents though.
Durian, we've heard you are
an experienced drag queen?
Yes, I am. Usually, my makeup is
six times as thick.
-That much?
Yes, like this.
-So gorgeous.
That's how I usually look.
Since it's the first episode,
I came au naturel.
-So you'll show up with different looks?
-Please look forward to it.
-I'm so excited!
-That makes me happy.
The cast is well-balanced.
Gay guys tend to be
attracted to others with similar looks.
-But they're well-balanced.
And it's not like they all hit it off
upon their first meeting.
They're like flowers in the bud stage.
They're like trembling buds.
That metaphor is damn good!
-You're such a pro.
-As expected.
I really like that vibe.
At the moment, Dai seems the quietest?
Or rather, as the youngest,
he might be able
to enchant the older contestants.
-I see.
-I'm so excited!
-I am too.
I'm even slightly sweating.
Oh, I know!
-Shall we decide on a name?
-Yes, let's.
-Let's do it.
-We need a name.
We have the keywords "coffee" and "truck."
And when we think of coffee,
we think of the word "brew."
Words like "beans" are common.
And so on.
This is an approach I propose.
He's like a teacher.
Since we're male,
we could name it "Boys'" something.
That could be cute.
But is there anyone
who doesn't define themselves as "he"?
I go by "he/him" for myself.
Then can "boys" be used
for the participants here?
What's this, off the bat?
There was seafood art?
What was that?
When we describe coffee,
we use specific terms.
"Smooth," for example.
I thought maybe we could use
an English adjective.
I see.
It's not really easy to remember.
It's not catchy, right?
It's not catchy.
-Should we show seasonality
Maybe not
What about "BL"?
That's so funny.
People who know will get it.
-Oh, latte?
Too obvious?
So we're settled on the acronym "BL"?
As long as it feels right.
"Friendly" evokes different images
depending on the individual.
Not all of us will be able
to spend the day selling
Nice to meet you.
I'll be living here starting today.
I'm Kazuto.
It's so sudden.
Wow, a new cast member.
Nice to meet you.
I'm a chef, and I brought bonito today,
so I wanted to cook together tonight.
What? That's amazing.
That's so nice.
Another good-looking guy arrived.
It will be great if someone can cook.
When Kazuto arrived,
I was super surprised.
He's the friendly, handsome type.
I think he must be popular.
He seems friendly and smart
but mysterious too.
He seems
really upbeat, or rather
I feel like
he must have led
a totally different life from mine.
What's going on?
You've only exchanged greetings.
Don't be quick to judge.
I'm Kazuto. I'm 27 years old.
I manage a restaurant.
I joined this show because
I want to find a life partner.
I work from the afternoon
through to the night.
So if he's asleep when I get home,
and we could sleep together,
I would be very happy.
I'm the type of person
who wants to live with a partner.
I may have a crush on someone.
I'm kind of overwhelmed by my feelings.
This is too much. I can't do this anymore.
First, I'm planning to make a salad
and make an ohitashi
with mushrooms since it's autumn.
Who can wash and cut the vegetables?
I can. I'll take care of the vegetables.
Is there a knife?
I'll leave it to you two.
-Need rice?
-Yes. I want someone to cook rice.
I'm going to fillet the fish
and make sashimi
and something like a carpaccio
I'd like to eat carpaccio.
That's my plan.
-I'm gonna put it here.
-I've never seen it this close.
How can the three guys in the back
miss the filleting of the bonito?
You're right.
Bonito is really easy to fillet.
-I see.
If a guy could fillet a fish
-It'd be cool.
-It would be wonderful.
Is it okay to wash this?
Go ahead. Thank you.
Let's make a toast.
-It's good to meet you.
-Good to meet you.
Thanks for the food.
Thanks for the food.
I like the meat.
Yeah, it's so good.
Is it?
It's amazing that you can
fillet a bonito at home.
Is that a sauna?
It's a sauna.
Wow, great.
Let's make use of it.
-Let's make it routine.
We were talking earlier
about taking turns in the bath
Yeah, let's decide!
-There are two, right?
-Yes, two.
Who wants to take a bath tonight?
I do. I definitely want to.
I won't use it.
-Just a shower?
I prefer a shower too.
I'll take a shower.
It's so cold.
You're okay with just a shower?
Why did you guys want
to participate in this show?
I realized that I've never
faced romance head-on.
I was hoping for a nice encounter.
So it's amazing to meet you all.
What a great remark.
That was too lovely.
-And you?
In this world,
it's very difficult to find a friend,
let alone a best friend.
Whether I find romance or not,
I want to foster
a strong connection with all of you
so that our relationship
can endure long after this show.
Oh, did it ring?
Did it really ring?
"This is a notice for you."
"Your first day at Green Room
is about to end."
"Tonight, as you recall the day,
please write a letter
to just one of the participants."
"However, please do not sign your name."
Oh, it's anonymous.
-What? Wait!
-It's anonymous.
-They won't sign their name.
-They won't know who it's from.
-What? That's so thrilling.
-This is just too much fun.
"Drop your letter
in the recipient's mailbox
on their door tonight."
That's why we have a mailbox.
"Check your mailbox tomorrow morning."
What if there's nothing there?
What can you do?
Please, no.
"May your heart reach
the person you like."
-Have a good night.
Good night.
-Good night.
-Good night.
Have a good night.
-Have a good night.
-Good night.
When you write to someone,
you realize how much you like them.
That's true.
When you have an outlet, right?
Like, "Oh, I do like them."
I'm pretty set on one person.
If someone sent me a letter,
I'd be curious.
I'm worried. What if I don't get a letter?
That would mean I'm very unattractive.
I think I'll get none.
-What, Shun?
-He's super negative.
-Shun is negative.
I wrote to Kazuto.
He led everyone in the kitchen.
I had a good impression of him.
I was happy because this person
wrote quite a lot to me.
It's a hunch,
but I think it's Dai or Shun.
One of those two.
Does that mean
they weren't evenly dispersed?
It's possible.
I wrote to Dai.
I felt the most comfortable with Dai.
I'm grateful he's here I think.
I think I'll get none.
I don't think anyone
among them would like me.
-He got one.
-He did get one, see?
He must be happy.
I'm pretty set on one person.
Definitely Shun.
First, I'll tell him I'm attracted to him.
Since I couldn't sign my name,
he may not know it's from me.
He's attractive.
Seriously. I totally want
to sleep with him today.
I don't want to sleep alone.
Whoa, three letters?
-So that's how it goes.
Being carefree reigns supreme.
I received three letters.
I couldn't be happier
if one of them was from Shun.
Shun didn't write to Dai, then.
No one was even my type.
I like the idea of an anonymous letter.
I agree.
It really strikes a chord.
The fact you don't know the sender
makes you think about the letter more.
You'd look for clues the next day.
For now, it may be that
they wrote the letters
because they got along as friends.
I'm sure there's
a romantic attraction too.
Whether one should go from friendship
to romance is a difficult decision.
That's right. Yeah.
Once you get into the friend zone
Within five seconds of meeting someone,
I decide if they're
lover or friend material
from my first impression.
Know what I mean?
If your friendship becomes too good,
it's tough to turn it into romance.
-It's difficult.
-It's awkward.
Especially in situations where
both friendship and romance are possible.
It makes me wonder what will happen.
-I'm concerned about Shun's negativity.
-Yes, it's worrisome.
He mentioned marriage and kids.
He's thinking so much about the future,
he may not be able
to casually step into something.
He may have had painful experiences
with love in the past.
Everyone is incredibly earnest.
Not one of them seems mean-spirited.
They're dazzling.
Can that really be?
Their true natures may come out.
-It will.
Not a chance. I mean
There's no way they're all so earnest.
What's up with that dark outlook, Horan?
What? How nice!
-No way.
-What a lovely person.
I'd fall for him.
What a proper breakfast.
I wonder if he woke up really early.
Yeah, it seemed he woke up early.
You didn't hear him, right?
The miso soup is so good.
-This dashi, isn't it good?
I'll be away for the evening today.
I'll join everyone again tomorrow morning.
So I'll be stepping out for a little bit.
Thank you for the food.
Thank you, Kazuto.
Thank you very much.
Considering the times, let's ask the AI.
Help us
A helper.
It's a truck run by five or six men
that departs from a house
called "Green Room."
Can you provide names for a coffee truck?
What? Is it possible?
-By providing information?
-What? Seriously?
-Isn't it crazy?
Oh, here. "Brewtiful" came up.
We "brew" coffee,
and it becomes "beautiful."
Is it lame?
Not at all. I love it.
T, I, F, U, and L.
"Brewtiful" and "U"?
-It's settled.
-We finally decided on a name.
Thank you, everyone.
Thank you.
-Hello. Nice to meet you.
-Nice to meet you.
-Thank you for coming.
Thank you.
We're here to teach you
how to make coffee today.
Thank you.
We'd like to divide you into groups.
Please divide yourselves
into two groups of two and three.
-What should we do?
-Do you wanna do it together?
Rock, paper, scissors?
-Two and three?
-Two and three?
Over here, I'd like to explain
how to make drip coffee.
Pour up to 300.
It smells good.
The aroma is more pronounced than before.
Yes, I feel like it is.
Now it's done.
It's dark, isn't it?
Let's practice.
It tastes more robust than before.
-Let's start.
I'm sorry, but I have to go.
-Have fun.
-Bye for now.
-See you.
-I'll be going.
-Take care.
-Thanks for today.
When Dai left, he was like, "See you."
Well done!
It was good, right?
-Was that intentional?
-Of course!
-That was impressive.
-Thank you for coming today.
-Happy birthday!
Thank you. I'm turning 23.
Dai, you're all living together, right?
Anyone you're interested in?
His friends are direct!
They are.
I like these ladies.
They're definitely direct.
Well, there's one really good-looking guy.
What's he like?
Is he your type?
-He must be.
-What's the type?
There's a guy named Shun, and he's
He's crazy hot?
And today, we learned how to make coffee.
We had training with everyone.
The five of us split into groups
of two and three.
And I was next to Shun at the time.
He said, "Do you wanna do it together?"
That's great!
-So you two were together?
-I thought, "It's just the two of us."
-He's interested.
Yeah, he was smooth.
I don't know,
but it wasn't really like that.
-Maybe he's just a natural.
-He's used to it?
But that makes us dance to their tune.
Yes, I'm a dancing puppet.
I'm furiously dancing.
-You can't help it.
But he's hot!
-He's so good-looking.
-I really want to see his face!
I like pure-hearted people.
Yes, pure-hearted.
Yes. And someone
who doesn't make me feel insecure.
-You feel strongly about Shun.
I'm into Shun.
You're worried?
-But you could get anyone you're after.
-No, stop.
-I agree.
-All the guys are seriously attractive.
-I see.
-You're the most attractive, Dai!
I think I can gradually make Shun mine.
I think so too.
He's very calm, really.
I tend to expect too much from my partner.
I'd like someone
who can accept that part of me
and has a strong will
I'm hoping that I can find a good partner.
Whoa, Dai!
He's so built.
What? You don't get a body like that
with just any exercise.
No way.
Dai really works out.
Dai had the ideal body.
He's slim with no fat on his face
and has extremely toned abs.
I definitely like Taeheon's body.
His body is so sexy, isn't it?
I was so surprised.
Shun is also quite
But I kind of expected it.
I had seen his pecs through his shirt
and the way he watches his diet.
I knew he wasn't a person
who didn't care about his body.
Rather than someone who's ripped,
I feel more relaxed
with someone less toned.
Someone with a belly wouldn't bother me.
Kazuto's kindness and sincerity
are starting to seem fake to me.
His personality is too innocuous.
Right, since he's so neutral,
he can't get close
Well, he's close with everyone
but can't get any closer.
He's 27, so his experiences
may have become like
-Like a barrier?
-Yes, he may have built a barrier.
Will his nice personality work for
or against him in love?
Yeah, I feel like
we haven't seen his true self yet.
You're right. We can't see his true face.
-Another wonderful day.
-Thank you so much.
I didn't cook at all.
I brought two kinds.
One is spicy, and the other is not.
Here's to our great day.
Let's dig in.
This is so good.
-It's so delicious.
Are you attracted to women?
My last relationship was with a woman.
-Oh, I see.
I like both,
but maybe that sounds a little unfair.
But I mostly date men,
and I feel more comfortable that way.
Do you mean
you're sexually attracted to both?
With men, it usually starts with,
"Oh, he's sexy."
But with women, it starts with emotions.
Only after falling for them
have I taken the next step.
Is anyone else bisexual?
Me. I'm the same as Dai.
They could fall in love
with anyone in the world.
It feels like it would increase
the competition.
It raises the bar.
If women are also included,
I don't feel like I could win.
There'd be too many rivals.
I'd be jealous of a female.
There have always been bisexuals
in gay circles, of course,
but it was rare for them to be able
to unabashedly say, "I'm bisexual."
I mean, even if you're gay
you might tend to see
bisexuals as living in a different world.
So it was nice that they came out
without any hesitation.
Yeah, it was great.
As Shun said, is it true
there'd be more reason for jealousy?
It's possible, especially if you're young.
Shun was like, "If women are rivals,
there's no chance I can win."
It's probably a source of worry.
We need to decide
what to sell in the coffee truck.
So far, we've decided on
hot and iced latte.
And hot and iced drip coffee.
Then for the filters
It says, "This is a notice for you."
-I haven't heard that sound in a while.
"You are going to go meet
a new cast member tonight."
They're going to go meet him?
Is that it?
-I'm excited.
-Me too.
-He could be a rival.
-I don't like that kind of thing.
It says, "Going to go meet."
Where are we going?
Anyone you're interested in?
Interested in?
You look happy!
Then the person who loses
in rock, paper, scissors will go first.
Who you're interested in.
-Name the person I'm interested in?
No, I can't do that.
Dai is carefree and going for it.
That's it.
Oh, he's got the advantage.
A game where you say the name
of the person you're interested in.
Let's do rock, paper, scissors.
Loser says the name.
Then let's do it with everyone.
With everyone?
This is a confession, right?
It's gonna be a confession.
Who do we tell?
-Let's tell everyone.
-No, not everyone!
A person you can trust.
Let's do it!
Rock, scissors, paper. One, two, three!
Rock, scissors, paper.
This sucks!
Who will you tell?
I'm going to tell Shun.
If you open the phone, you'll see it.
How about you, Gensei?
Look at both. Have you looked already?
Are you looking?
I'm still exploring my feelings,
but I want to talk to Kazuto a bit more,
which is what I wrote.
I wrote "Shun" on my iPhone
and handed it to him.
I just thought I'd go for it.
I figured he already knew.
Hey, wait. Dai is a formidable guy.
That's incredible!
He's a love monster.
Is "attack"
the only word in his dictionary?
A big smile on his face.
This is good!
But what a thrilling development!
Dai is impressive!
He struck his heart.
Wow, that's amazing!
They all have incredible muscles.
Is one of them the new cast member?
A new cast member?
I want it to be him on the far end.
I know what you mean.
Farthest end.
-He's famous.
-He is famous.
He's unreachable.
-Isn't he sexy?
-The man is
-He's sexy, right?
-In a different league.
He's super sexy!
We'll get to meet the new cast member
right after, won't we?
The fave for me and Ryota.
Him or the slender one.
-Oh, right.
-With the beard.
We predict one of those two.
-Excuse me.
The man from earlier came.
This is crazy!
Nice to meet you.
I'm Usak, the go-go boy.
I'm the new cast member.
-This is awesome.
-Thanks for having me.
-We're happy to have you.
-I'm excited!
He's one of the most popular
go-go boys in Japan.
This will change things.
Most definitely.
I can't believe this.
I was like, "He really came."
I've only seen him on stage or on flyers.
So I'm kind of in a panic.
I'm not calm about the situation.
He's too hot.
I'm looking forward to the future.
You were so cool.
You were so bright on stage. The best.
-We thought it couldn't be you.
Are you serious? I'm very happy.
-Okay, to our friendship.
-To our friendship.
You were my fave. I wanted it to be you.
-Hey, Dai.
-This is great!
Next Episode