The Boy's Word: Blood on the Asphalt (2023) s01e01 Episode Script

Step outside

Andrey, come eat!
I'll eat at school, Mom.
Enough, enough, get the hell out of here!
I'll smash you with this plank!
Stupid losers!
- Hey.
- Hi.
- Did you write the report?
- Yeah, I did.
- Can I see it?
- Wait, hold on!
Wait, I said! Hold up, wait.
Close it! Thanks.
"Filmstrip", losers! ("Filmstrip"
the name of the criminal gang).
Don't look.
Stand up!
Do you need a special invitation?
- Got any money?
- What?
I said, got any money?
- No.
- Let's do this.
If I find some, you both get punched.
- Yeah, sure.
- Okay, you don't have any.
Come on, jump!
Something's jingling, turn them out.
Shouldn't have lied.
So, how should we punish him?
What do you think, loser?
- I'm not a loser.
- Then who are you?
- A person.
- Even a fag's a person, so what?
A person is a person.
you're giving him the plywood initiation.
Just make it count.
If you don't pull it off, you're done for.
It was your choice.
What a freak, right!
A complete freak! I'll
remember him. I have a cousin,
an older one, from the "Razyezd".
- "Razyezd." Never heard of it?
- It's a major gang.
Well, maybe not the biggest,
but the Tatars are in it too.
I'll tell my cousin, he'll tear him apart!
Here, take this, I have 20 kopecks.
Thanks, bro.
Hello, may I come in?
- Quickly.
- Thank you.
The nerve to be late.
Vasilyev, what were we talking about?
What were you supposed to do?
- Report on Devyataev.
- Well, get to the board and start reading.
What is this?
Dropped it. "Mikhail
Petrovich Devyatayev."
- Born"
- No, what kind of attitude is this?
- "in Spassky District."
- No, my dear, that's not acceptable.
You're reading about a Soviet Union hero!
The man who stole a
plane with maps! And you?
- Boys!
- Konevich, get out, I'm teaching here.
- We have an announcement.
- Irina Sergeyevna, please come in.
- Hello.
- Hello.
Sorry, we'll be quick.
Let's unite against street hooliganism!
Yes, thank you, Denis.
Guys, today at 15:00
there will be a meeting in the hall.
Our Juvenile Affairs Inspection
in collaboration with the Komsomol patrol
will host a discussion on
defending the city from youth gangs.
- Everyone ready to join us
- Wait.
This is important. Please come.
It's not just for the boys.
Sorry for the interruption.
- Let's end this crime together!
- Enough trembling before these gangsters!
We will fight together, and together
Konevich just wants to
start some kind of gang.
We don't have any gangs!
Oh! Vasilyev, come here!
Hello! How are you?
- Fine, thanks.
- And you, Flyura Gabdullovna?
I want to talk to you about a problem.
There's a boy who needs your help.
- Is that clear?
- Well.
"Well"! Don't 'well' me!
We need to help a boy catch up.
He's a bright kid, just weak in English.
Let's go!
Wake up! Meet Vasilyev.
He'll boost your English skills.
An hour today, an hour tomorrow,
and soon you'll see progress.
One Five Eight Twelve.
All right, let's go.
If we see those guys, I don't know you.
Got any cigarettes?
- I don't smoke.
- Man, what kind of person are you?
Neither shit nor shovel.
Uncle Tolya!
Hello, Uncle Tolya!
Get up!
Can you walk?
Here's a man showing signs of a stroke.
Bessarabenko, 8, first entrance.
- Help him.
- He's just drunk.
They won't come otherwise.
You always have to help them up, got it?
They could freeze to death.
And Uncle Tolya's a great guy,
always shares his fish if he catches any.
Let's leave him here in the entrance,
it's warmer.
Mom, hi!
Oh, you're with a friend.
What's your friend's name?
- Your friend's name?
- Who?
- Ah, Andrey.
- He's going to help me with English.
- That's wonderful.
- Come in, I'll warm up the dinner.
I'm off to the bathroom.
You're doing great.
Really great.
No one in our family plays, imagine that.
This instrument was left by my
grandfather, just sitting here unused.
- Maratik, hear how Andrey plays?
- Yeah!
Come on, it'll get cold. Let's sit down.
- Do you go to music school?
- Yes.
Can you play "Laskoviy
May"? "Sedaya Noch".
And again the gray night
Not yet, but we can work on it if needed.
- Yours?
- If only!
- My brother's. Vova Adidas.
- Heard of him, maybe?
There's his photo.
Champion in his weight class.
- Brother?
- Yeah, half-brother, on my father's side.
He's now in Afghanistan - in a recon unit.
When he comes back - it'll be something!
- He was an author in his age group.
- Wrote songs, did he?
Are you stupid?
"Author" means "authority."
Alright, let's do English.
How do you ask: "Where are you from?"
- Where are you from.
- "From" means "are"?
- "From" means "where from."
- And "are" is "are."
- It's that soft English "are."
- Got it.
- And you should answer: "I am from"
- Kazan, USSR.
Kazan, Tatarian ASSR.
I am from Kazan, Tatarian ASSR.
Very good, Marat.
I see.
Can you solve algebra for me?
Let's go for a walk.
- I can.
- Let's check out some caps at the second-hand store.
- In the shop.
- In the shop.
- What are these caps?
- Are you really that clueless?
Just two of them.
25 rubles?
I won't get that much.
Me neither.
Hello, can you please,
show me the fan?
- The fan?
- Yes, I wanted to gift it to mom for her birthday.
- Which one?
- That red one over there.
Beautiful thing.
No, let's take the blue one instead.
- You little thief! Stop right there!
- I've got you now!
Look, is she running after us?
No one's there.
Well, not bad. Here, take this.
Here, your share.
Alright, see you tomorrow.
See you tomorrow.
Son, why are you so late?
What are you hiding there? Cigarettes?
My God, what's this?
Mom, well, it's a mesh cap.
- Foreign? From the USA.
- How much does something like this cost?
I don't know, it was a gift.
- Who gave it to you?
- A friend.
What kind of friends give such expensive
gifts? Is it your anniversary or something?
What if they ask you to
do something for this cap?
- Why would they?
- And who is this friend, what's his name?
I'll call his parents now. His parents
buy it for him, and he just gives it away.
What's his phone number?
- Tell me the phone number.
- He doesn't have a phone. It's Marat.
I help him with English at school.
And he gave me the cap. An even exchange.
What exchange, do you have brains?
Accepting such expensive gifts
from strangers! Give it back tomorrow.
- Mom, come on.
- That's it, I've said it.
- That's it, I've said it!
- Go to bed.
I don't greet losers.
What, you joined a gang or what?
Why are you laughing?
- What's up?
- I lost money because of you. Three rubles.
- When?
- On the bus.
So there were 30 kopecks.
And it wasn't because of me.
- Are you counting my money or what?
- Don't BS me!
You'll bring three rubles tomorrow.
- But where will I get it?
- Do you think I care?
Or maybe I should put you on the meter?
Three rubles tomorrow!
Go to hell.
- Okay, what's going on here?
- Did you guys attack him?
- Did they attack you?
- No.
You can deny it, but we witnessed
a disgusting situation.
You secretly beat up your friend,
taking away his compote, or whatever.
- Did we take it from you?
- Why would we need your compote?
So, that's it!
If we find out this continues,
you'll be put on the record.
Is that clear?
- Tomorrow. Do you understand?
- No, I don't.
Get going!
They've already told you.
Next time, call for
help immediately, got it?
If you let them treat you like this, you'll
be their errand boy till the end of school.
And come to the meeting. The
Youth Patrol is powerful, got it?
- That's true.
- Will you come?
- Forget them all.
- The Komsomol members are just fat idiots.
- What does UCC stand for?
- "Universam" - Kings of Kazan.
Strike with the right,
sharply! One! Got it? Let's go.
- Are you stupid or what?
- Sorry.
Guys, playing hockey?
- Goal!
- Learn, guys.
- Is this fiberglass?
- Yes.
- I'll try it until Monday.
- Give it back!
- I will, a boy's word.
- Give it back, please!
- You'll return the stick?
- Whom to? It's mine.
- You gave a boy's word.
- Doesn't count for losers.
A boy's word is only for boys.
And again the gray night
What are you doing, freaks!
But even you can't help
This place used to be for drunks. My
brother kicked them out. Put a couch here.
More! Come on! You think
it's easy in Afghanistan?
You know without words,
you've long understood,
Only hiding the gaze
of your happy eyes
You inhale smoke and say, "Pharmacy."
- So how do you get into a gang?
- First, someone has to vouch for you.
- Then you come, answer questions.
- What did they ask you?
- Lots of things. Why I decided to approach the street.
- And what did you answer?
- Got tired of being a loser.
- Wanted to be with the boys.
And again the gray night,
and only to it I trust
- You're annoying! Can't you play properly!
- You're the one who can't!
What, you lost your mind?
But even you can't help
Stop! Catch the thief!
I'm completely, completely useless alone.
- Excuse me, do you have 2 kopecks?
- Excuse me, do you have 2 kopecks for a phone call?
- How much did you get?
- 12 kopecks.
That's only for citrus fruits.
He's screaming
something like, "Ah-ah-ah!"
I'm completely, completely
useless without you.
Good job.
Great job!
Is it not working?
- Let me help.
- You'll break it.
Don't worry.
Here you go.
Thank you.
So, from which class are you?
- Violin.
- And I'm from guitar.
Will you come to my concert? Give
me your phone number, I'll invite you.
I won't come.
They don't teach guitar here.
Are you hiding from me there?
No, just tying my shoelace.
Normally, you should come out first
to the elders, if we're talking etiquette.
I would explain to you, if
it weren't for your brother.
Well, shall I go then?
Go ahead, of course.
This. We need to go meet the guys.
- Remember Sivukha?
- Yeah.
Right, he's getting
out. A joyous occasion.
We should meet him, right?
- Of course.
- But
His car is dirty.
Kind of embarrassing in front of people.
Need to wash it. To meet the guys.
I'm just sick, can't do it myself.
Runny nose.
Can you help out?
What, they put you to work?
- Kashchey?
- Yeah.
- Maybe you'll help out?
- Bro, we worked our asses off last week,
no offense.
Three rubles. And if you don't
bring it - it'll be like this every day.
All done.
Thanks, Maratka! Come join us.
Sit down, what are you doing?
- I need to go home.
- You've got time!
Sit down, have a seat with us.
Sit down, they're telling you.
Home is where the people are.
Right? No?
You can tell right away - a decent person.
Asked for a favor, not for
service, but for friendship.
Went and did it. Not like your brother.
Your brother's also a decent guy.
Oh, you're Adidas's brother, huh?
Pour him a drink.
- No, I don't drink.
- Yeah, and you don't smoke either.
Come on, who are you
saving your health for?
For your dear mom, huh?
That's it, light up.
It's okay here, with people around.
And once you're one of us,
you can join us on a job.
Wanna be in on the heist?
We're short one guy.
And you're just the right fit.
Mom, don't be scared.
That makes it scarier. What happened?
Good Lord, what is this?
Fell off a goat, can you believe it?
Fell off a goat!
Very funny.
- So, was there PE today?
- The English teacher was sick, so they put it.
Okay, we'll apply some iodine
or make a compress.
- Why didn't you go to the nurse?
- It doesn't hurt, it's fine.
- Mom, can you give me two rubles?
- Two rubles? What for?
- We have a trip to Lenin-Kokushkino.
- To see where Ilyich hid.
Hello, "hid". He didn't hide
there, his mother lived there.
It's a nice place, you
breathe differently there.
And since when is it two rubles?
Are you taking a taxi or what?
- Have they lost their minds?
- Well, Fliura Gabdullovna said two each.
Will they feed you there, probably?
Okay, I'll call Farida, you'll take it
from her then. When do you need it?
On Friday, but
Actually, it needs to be paid tomorrow,
she's been asking for a while.
I forgot.
Can't do Friday.
It's grandpa's anniversary on Friday,
we need to go to the cemetery.
I'll write a note for you,
saying you can't go.
Let's apply the ointment.
- Wow, who did this to you?
- Needed people.
You got hit too?
- What happened?
- Bye.
Hey, Andrey!
Hi. Why are you standing at the door?
Coming for breakfast?
- With pleasure.
- Come in.
- Did you two fight each other yesterday?
- Marat told me about physical education.
Well, it's good that
you've made up, right?
Good that you've taken up music.
- Marat says you play.
- Getting the hang of it.
- Well, that's great, maybe you'll form a band.
- Find a couple more crazy guys like yourselves.
Like a business. Much better
than hanging out in the yards, right?
Much better.
- Listen, I was thinking.
- Maybe you can help me too?
Iskander demanded three rubles from me.
Said I'm a loser, all that stuff.
Well, who are you?
You're really a loser.
- I'm not a loser.
- Did you promise him the money?
Well, there you go, don't pay.
I'm not going to stand up for you.
Can I join your group?
- What group are you talking about?
- Well, to join.
You can't.
Why not?
Boys, you'll be late.
Really, why can't I? I've
seriously thought about it, I can do it.
Listen, it's not for you. You're a
musician, there they break piggy banks.
If I take you, you'll somehow break away,
then they'll come after me.
Don't follow me.
I'll kill you!
- Hi.
- What's up?
Sorry, I'm here to see a girl.
I'm Marat's friend, the guitarist. Can you
step out into the corridor for a moment?
Akhmerova, tell your friends
all questions are after class.
- I'm seeing him for the first time.
- That's not true.
Hello, sorry. Irina Alexandrovna asked to
double-check Akhmerova's phone number.
So, boys.
If I see any of you,
even one, smoking - you'll all get it.
Because we're like in the army -
everyone gets punished.
If I find out you're
stealing from your own,
we'll cut you off harshly,
your mom won't recognize you.
- Understood?
- Yes!
Good, carry on.
Just a moment, it's from the district.
We'll resolve the issue now.
Are you crazy?
- I brought the phone.
- This is a meeting, outsiders can't be here.
Akhmerova's phone. The
one who plays the violin.
- Get out of here.
- Marat!
- Any problems?
- No, all good.
- Get out of here before you get beaten.
- Okay, okay.
Marat! Who's that with you?
Hey, boys! I came to join.
Marat, do you know him?
- Yes, this is
- Of course, he knows.
He said he would vouch with his head.
He's nervous.
You came to join the Komsomol?
Does he have any backers?
What can you say about him?
- Not really.
- I'm not asking you.
- I don't know of any backers for him.
- So, he's a good guy, right?
- Seems like a good guy.
- So is he good or just seems like it, Marat?
He's not involved in anything bad.
And why did you come to our group?
- I'm tired of being a loser.
- Want to be with the guys.
Want to be with the guys.
- Ever snitched on guys at school?
- Never. And I won't.
Ever hang out with snitches, informers?
With snitches? Never.
- Really?
- Absolutely.
- Willing to contribute to the common fund?
- Yes.
And why didn't you
start hanging out earlier?
I had music school.
A musician!
We haven't had musicians before.
Let him stand with Marat.
Hear that? You brought
him, you stand with him.
Let's see what you've got.
- Come on, Marat!
- Come on, come on!
You're screwed.
- Come on, come on!
- Come on!
- Come on!
- Hit more!
He'll back off.
Come on! Come on!
I said enough.
Whoa! Cops!
Stop! I know you!
You're back?
We're going to the police!
This can't go on any longer.
Now everything will be fine, mom.
- Did you bring it?
- No. And I won't.
- Well, you're in trouble now.
- Hi, Andrey!
The boy is with us now.
I see.
Now remember.
You're now one of the boys,
you're now with the street,
and everyone else is the enemy.
It all started with "Teplokontrol."
About 10 years ago, they ran around
the "Novotatarskaya" area with sawed-offs.
They threw grenades at locals.
"Tyap-Lyap" were fierce!
Almost all of them got
imprisoned, two were shot.
Here's "Khadi Taktash." "Khadi Taktash"
were tough, they once flipped a trolleybus.
Caught some guys from
Kurchatov on their turf,
chased down a trolleybus, surrounded it,
and flipped it.
The Kurchatov guys got
a serious beating that day.
And all the Khadi guys got picked
up by the cops, about 60 people.
Here are the Soviet ones. On some holiday
they took down flags from buildings,
sharpened the top parts,
and attacked "Adelka" with them.
Damn revolutionaries.
They once ran with teapots, and it stuck.
Here are "The Bottoms."
Well, you know "Filmstrip."
But all that's nothing.
Heard about the stand-off at the lake?
What have you heard?
They really took a beating there.
What have you heard?
250 against another 250.
"Zhilkovtsy" against "Mud" clashed.
Centaurs swooped in - they brought
a whole squadron of mounted police.
And in general, many people got trampled there.
Everyone knows about it, a legendary fight.
How am I supposed to remember all this?
Get hit once - you'll remember.
Good afternoon! Can I see Aigul?
- Hello, yes?
- Aigul?
- Hello?
- Aigul?
My name is Marat. Head of the youth patrol
named after Mikhail Devyataev.
Our patrol wants to invite you to join us.
Please note the details.
Our squad meets every Sunday
at the House of Culture, at 4 PM.
- Okay.
- See you there.
Let's go.
What do we call ourselves in the group?
Either shells, or stars.
Or stars.
What, guys, smoking?
Swallow it, Maratik.
And you, the cheekiest one?
Boys don't apologize.
- What got busted?
- With cigarettes.
- You?
- No, me.
First four!
To me!
Just don't dodge.
- From what?
- Just don't dodge.
Come here.
- Any chronic conditions?
- Flat feet.
Your brother will be back and
he'll beat you up himself. Go.
Eh! Come here.
Come here.
Here, apply this.
Imagine, Turbo is taking us to
Moscow. We're leaving tomorrow.
For what?
Are you dumb?
It's Moscow, after all.
Got money for the ticket?
Then we need to start collecting.
A competition, then?
Yeah, three rubles each.
An hour ago,
your solfeggio teacher called.
You weren't at solfeggio.
You havenât shown up
anywhere for three days, spill it.
He just didn't see me.
I was sitting in the back row.
Son, are they bullying you?
If they're bullying you, you must tell me.
I'll talk to them, I'll go to the principal.
If it comes to it, we'll move,
given the situation.
Why move, mom?
Your father would
never have allowed this.
It's fine, mom.
- It's not fine, Andrey!
- I don't recognize you, do you understand?
You've changed completely,
you're like frozen.
- It's like an icicle got into your heart.
- Mom
- You're not going anywhere tomorrow.
- -Tomorrow, you're not going anywhere.
I'll call the school,
we'll go to the police together.
Where are you off to?
- I'll be right back.
- No.
I won't let you go anywhere.
- Let me go, please.
- No, I won't!
- Andrey!
- Don't upset mom!
I'm not, I'll be back soon!
Don't cry, don't cry, he'll be back soon.
Almost new. Ten rubles.
- Two.
- No, not two That's too low.
Find some other fool.
What's that you've got?
- Nothing.
- Come on, show me, I won't take it.
I'll give it to you for eight.
- And the watch?
- Those are my dad's, not for sale.
Four rubles.
The Kazan-Moscow train
is departing from platform four.
- Oh, you made it?
- Yep, but I'm in car 7.
Let's go smoke.
Let's go.
- Can I?
- Not in that coat.
Looks like a loser.
Come on, in Moscow,
you'll pass as one of us.
Smoke. The coat!
You'll be "Coat" with us now.
Guys, when we make it big in Moscow -
we'll return in a coupe.
Riding in a coupe would be nice.
I want a bike.
"Ducati". Saw it on a gum wrapper.
A beast.
"On a gum wrapper".
Yeah, really.
What about you, Zima? What do you want?
A red Porsche.
And you, Eralash?
An iron.
- An iron?
- What?
My grandma has this old one, from the war.
She heats it on the stove.
I promised her that when I get rich,
I'll buy her a new iron.
- Imagine that, guys.
- A Porsche, a Ducati, and an iron.
Moscow, here we come!
- Can you see this thing?
- Yeah, it's clear.
- Got it?
- Yep, got it.
- So, you study here? In which
- Adidas! Stop groping her.
Let's go.
- Sir, are you a student?
- Yes, why?
- Oh, sir, my grandpa is a student too.
- He's sick now. Can you help?
- I don't have anything.
- At least your sneakers, then.
My grandpa is completely barefoot.
Are you an idiot? Get lost, you hyenas!
Stop right there!
- Why are you being rude to my little brother?
- I wasn't rude.
- Was he rude, young man?
- Called me an idiot.
And hyenas.
And you said you weren't rude.
I promised his mom I'd protect him.
And you swear at the kid.
What if someone did that to your brother,
what would you do?
Right. That's not okay.
- But he wanted to take my sneakers
- Sneakers?
- Well, take them off.
- And what will I wear?
We'll figure it out.
Give it here.
Tribunal, tribunal, tribunal
- Sir, that's not right.
- Go to hell!
- What, are you lost, who are you rude to?
- What if you have to answer for it?
You damn pissant!
Let go, I said!
Alright, let's split up. Meet at the station.
- He's alive, right?
- Do you even care about him?
Get up, you'll freeze.
Can you get somewhere on your own?
You are you alive?
Police, help!
- Hello, excuse me, may I?
- Yes, of course.
- Come in.
- And you are
Andrey Vasilyev's mother.
We came to report to the inspection.
You write there that he went somewhere,
committed robbery
Wait, have a seat.
Supposedly some student - from VGIK,
I don't know - supposedly was a victim.
Do you know him personally?
- The student?
- No, do you personally know my son, Andrey?
It's written there that
he stripped someone.
How is that even possible?
Look at him,
he's the one who could be stripped.
I saw the protocol with my own eyes - that
forehead is 20 years old, a student, and Andrey?
- May I talk to him?
- No, in my presence.
That's a stain!
It's a stain, we are a music school,
understand, please.
Have you seen his fingers? He's a pianist.
Look at him, he wouldn't hurt a fly.
Show them your fingers!
- I'll be right back, mom.
- I'll talk and come out.
I need an explanatory statement from you.
It says here: "by a
group of persons". Write.
- What to write?
- Names.
I won't write anything.
Look, Andrey.
You seem like a good guy.
Something went wrong,
you got attached to gangsters. Forced?
Understand, I have
experience too. I can see.
Some who come here - my goodness,
only the grave will correct them.
But you're not like that.
You can see, you love your mom.
You do, don't you?
Well, you made a mistake once.
But understand, being on
record is not a sentence.
Just don't make a mistake now.
Make the right conclusion.
Do you go to the cinema?
Which one?
- Well, tomorrow at seven, "Little Vera".
- We can go.
You're too young for that. Go, Vasilyev.
Report on the 22nd, from nine to one.
Excuse me, can I have your phone number,
so I can call you directly?
I need to know what's going on here.
- Guys!
- Hello, guys!
Coat! Coat! Coat!
- Hello!
- Hello!
Alright, let's go, guys.
Let's go!
Bye, mom!
Next Episode