The Broken News (2022) s01e01 Episode Script

Happy Birthday

My name is Radha Bhargava.
I am a journalist with
Awaaz Bharati News.
Today, the Editor of Josh 24/7
Dipankar Sanyal,
said that I am a traitor!
He was lying.
Opposing the Government
is not opposing the Nation.
A true patriot is one who
is ready to fight with anyone
for the sake of the Country.
Even if it is one's own Government.
I, Radha Bhargava, is a patriot.
And I am ready to fight with
anyone for the sake of my Country.
The questions raised on
Operation Umbrella
will have to be answered
by them at any cost.
For this.. ..
If they want, let them
put me in jail, today.
But not my voice!
Because this is Julia's, Yours.. ..
-And all of our voice!
Jai Hind!
Yes Ma.
-How are you, my child?
Have you got up?
Happy Birthday! My child.
Thank you, Ma.
Ma, can I talk to you later?
How long will you
remain silent, Radha?
You can't change
whatever has happened.
Here talk to your uncle.
-No, ma, please ma.
Happy Birthday!
How are you?
- Thank you, uncle.
I am fine.
How are you?
I am fine but I miss you a lot!
You come to Indore.
I will.
Surely you come this time.
We all miss you!
And happy birthday once again!
-Thank you, uncle.
In the matter of investigation
of City Glitz Mall fire,
Home Minister Shri Atul Shinde
has set up a high level
investigation committee.
City Glitz Mall is the Mall where
due to a sudden fire in the
Arabian Night's Restaurant
14 people died.
Among the dead, along with
Citizens Today Magazine's
Journalist, Julia Alvares
and a famous pastry
Chef, Gaurav Ghai
there were 5 women
and 3 children also.
Celebrity Chef, Ghai
was a very popular Judge of
India's top Chef Programme!
Ms.Julia Alvares, an alumni of IIMC
was honoured in 2017 for the
story of Punjab's Cancer Trace
with Ramnath Goenka award!
Though in the allegation of
violation of fire safety regulations
the police has taken the owner
of the mall Mr Madhusudan Awasthi
under 14 days of Judicial Custody
but the preliminary report
of the Fire Department
indicates that this fire is not
an accident but a sabotage.
Good morning, ma'am!
Wish you a happy birthday, ma'am!
Thank you.
-Accident, criminal negligence
or else sabotage.
Now what is the truth
About City Glitz Mall's fire?
This only the time can tell.
But because of this fire,
this Country has lost two
talented professionals,
Gaurav Ghai and Julia Alvares.
This truth will never ever change.
This is Dinkar Goel, from
Awaaz Bharati News!
She is soon going to be Youth Affair Minister.
Ok sir.
-Gulnaaz Khan.
Have you seen it?
-No sir.
Good morning, sir.
1 pm Production meeting.
2 pm conference call with the Chairman.
Post that we have a request
from Ms.Gulnaaz Khan for a meeting
at about 2:30 pm at her office.
Gulnaaz Khan?
I wonder why!
Sir I think one of her MMS
you know.
Of course, you know.
Confirm the meeting
but in our office.
And let her wait.
Good morning boss!
Not good morning,
I need a good week.
Search and retrieve whatever
dirt is there on Gulnaaz
I want to stretch the
story till the Friday.
Ok boss.
Media Ethics Conclave at about 3 pm.
Post that we have a very important
Delhi Bureau Review meeting at about
I know I told you that 4 to 6 pm is
Aahna's state swimming championship!
Sir that championship
was yesterday.
I had left a reminder
also on your desk.
Sir sir.
Sorry, this envelope,
Arunima ma'am has sent.
Thank you.
-Happy birthday ma'am.
I told him, happy birthday to you.
Happy birthday to you!
Very cute but please tell me you
have not told anyone in the office.
Thank you so much, Kamal and
you are such a sweetheart!
If you can't say all this
then at least don't doubt.
And to answer your question, I
have not said anything to anyone.
Till now, the office people think
that you were born on
2nd October, madam.
Thank you, K.
You are such a darling K.
Ok tell me whether you like
chocolate cake or pineapple?
-HR team asking.
What is your lead story today?
2022 CBSE topper,
Shravan Kumar's suicide.
Will the story be made without
discussing Shravan's homosexuality?
It won't be made, Amina.
Why should we not
discuss his sexuality?
The child has passed away.
If we show his sexual
preferences at prime time
think about his parents.
-His parents?
As such thousands of
such children's parents
have to suffer the same in future.
How our society treats homosexuals
if we don't talk
about it today Amina
today there is one Shravan Kumar
and tomorrow there will be many.
Think about it.
-Peer pressure.
social isolation
the after effects of
lockdown on vulnerable youth.
We can explore all these
trigger points in our story.
Fuck the trigger points.
The chicken is dead and
those who ate it didn't enjoy.
If you serve mutton, chicken
without adding butter and spices
forget eating, you won't
feel like smelling also.
Shravan Kumar is no more.
Will you kill his story also?
Gay boy's parents
his boy-friends, their tears
where are those bytes?
Without that how will you decide
whether it was murder or suicide?
Sir autopsy report says that..
-What's your name?
Sir, Anuj.
Sir Anuj.
This Country's
100 crore uneducated people
don't read the autopsy report.
What we say becomes the News.
Yes sir.
So first cook the News.
Cook it well and then serve.
Sir Shravan's parents don't
want to talk to the Media.
Breaking News, sir Anuj!
Ever since their Shravan passed away
Shravan is not just theirs alone.
Do you understand?
The entire Country has a right to
know as to what happened with him.
So I am leading
with this story tonight
and if I don't get his
parents' bytes before 8
Sir, you will get them.
Good next.
-MLA from Bandra
Gulnaaz Khan MMS.
Is trending a lot!
-Of course.
Even though it is 20 years
old, after all it is a sex video!
The question is
Are we a porn site?
No but..
Is Gulnaaz Khan doing
something illegal?
Is she doing something
which you and I are not doing or
the men in the room don't do?
But.. ..
It is good for TRPs.
Gulnaaz Khan's colourful nights!
MLA's sex life exposed!
Such headlines can
get us more TRPs.
Do we want to do this story?
Sorry MLA ma'am.
Hope you didn't
Have to wait for long.
I got stuck in an edit meeting.
So many explosive news and
time is so less, you know how it is.
Don't do it, Dipankar.
Don't do what, Gulnaaz?
You know you have
some fake videos of mine.
Some fake videos!
Well I have just one, but
there are more like this one?
Fake videos?
Dipankar, that is my personal MMS.
But you belong to
the Country, Gulnaaz!
I can get you arrested for privacy invasion.
What you refer to as privacy invasion,
I call it patriotism.
People have the right
to know about their MLA.
As such the MMS is in public domain!
What has the Country got to
do with my past sex life?
Why you are making the News?
I am not just delivering the News.
I deliver TRPs too!
You are despicable.
I agree, sometimes yes!
But let's not discuss me.
Your situation is lot more serious.
People have already
entered your bedroom.
And now you will have to
enter their drawing room.
And for that you don't have a better
platform than Josh 24/7!
I am anyways doing this story.
What's to be decided is with you or without you.
See you at 9 then.
Not doing this, Dipankar.
There are more videos of
Gulnaaz, I want all of them today itself.
It will be done, sir.
My story has bounced today.
I am not so sad that I
will bunk Bansal's party!
My inner Helen is waking up!
I will call you back.
What is the status of the
Surecure hospital story?
I am working on it, Radha.
I am hearing this for the past one week.
Look if you are not interested
then I can give it to someone else.
No Radha, I want to do it.
-Then just do it.
Ok, I want to see the footage
of City Glitz Mall's fire again.
Yeah, let's go.
You have only this much
footage of that night?
It was rush hour and so it took us
45 minutes to even reach the Mall.
But you must have seen something,
I mean anything out of the ordinary.
The entire location
was cordoned off.
Whatever vantage
points were there
Josh 24/7's cameras
were already placed.
Apparently, Akhil Kapoor
was supposed to come..
Yes and they wanted some
scoop on his new look!
Before you ask 3 teams from
Josh were waiting there since morning.
So Josh has all the footage?
Sir Anuj, where are you?
At Shravan Kumar's house, sir.
They didn't even know that
their son was Gay.
Is it?
-Yes sir!
His mother started crying.
I don't think we should
use this footage, sir.
This crying footage
always becomes a big hit!
But you won't understand.
It's not in your zone!
Are you giving this
story to someone else?
No..No.. your good luck is good!
The prime-time story has changed.
I have sent you a WhatsApp.
Ahmed Bilakia.
He lives in Juhu.
You meet him and come.
You give him my reference.
-Ok sir.
You started smoking?
You want a job?
-So then?
City Glitz Mall fire tapes.
Josh 24/7 has exclusive footage.
And I missed the
story in that footage.
And why should I give you the
story that I have missed?
It's not a story of your interest.
Even then why should I give it to you?
Because you started your
career from Awaaz Bharati.
-Whatever may be the reason
you left Awaaz Bharati.
But we all know that
you are a true journalist.
I know that you will go to any
extent to get a good story!
This angle doesn't work.
Let's try once again with
a more personal,
emotional touch like
begging for something?
Dipankar, I genuinely
need that footage.
And I will be really
obliged if you give it to me.
Thank you.
No, not thank you, but you look very
nice when you say please, good job!
So you will be giving
the footage, right?
Actually come out of
the college canteen.
The outside world doesn't
work on ideals but works on deals.
There is no free lunch.
Check the entire City Glitz Mall's
footage once again.
You guys have missed something
and send a copy of that to
me, the entire footage.
Ok sir!
And I want Gulnaaz's MMS urgently.
Radha, where were you?
Walk with me.
There is a change
in today's line up.
We are not leading with
the Shravan Kumar story?
Today TRP and VIP
both are with us.
Gulnaaz Radha!
I have sent you a WhatsApp.
It is a sixer, sir!!
Sure shot.
Yeah, we just want to
-One sec.
Something urgent.
Namrata, what is it?
We are on standby.
Guys Gulnaaz is missing.
What the fuck!
How did she go just like that?
Don't know ma'am, I
had gone to get coffee.
Only 5 minutes are left.
Gulnaaz's phone is
switched off even now.
Check this.
But she came to us on her own.
She was saying that
she won't apologise.
She wanted to stand
up for her rights.
Instead now she will
play a victim card.
She will apologise.
-Not Gulnaaz.
She is a strong woman.
-But that Dipankar is a ruthless man.
What will we do?
Only 4 minutes are left.
Let's lead with
Shravan Kumar's story.
Good idea!
No, I think we should
stick to the Gulnaaz story.
Without Gulnaaz?
-Before Gulnaaz’s apology.
this story was necessary
only for Gulnaaz.
But now it is
necessary for every women!
Now Amina we must surely do this story.
But.. ..
Let's do it effectively.
-Let's go, come on.
See how frightened she looks!
Come on, come on guys, focus.
Fifteen, fourteen, thirteen
You are going live in
front of 30 crore people.
What will you tell them?
That people will forget your
sex MMS and remember you?
What? Dipankar
-Six, five, four.
Without dying one can't
reach heaven, Gulnaaz.
Greetings, I am Dipankar Sanyal
and you are watching Josh 24/7!
I am Amina Qureshi and
welcome to today's Awaaz Bharati.
Today in our studio, Bandra's MLA
Women's right activist and Feminist
Gulnaaz Khan was scheduled to come.
Not to give explanation about the MMS
which is being shared in digital media
But the right which a
woman has over her body
The right to one's own body
to give her opinion on that.
But what happened
at the very last moment
that she was compelled to leave
her fight against her rights?
What was the compulsion?
Did you make this video
under someone's pressure
I made this video at my own will.
I was 18 and immature.
I aspired to become an actress.
And I was willing to do
anything to further my career.
And now?
I am ashamed.
I am ashamed of my mistakes.
If your private
moments become public
then you will feel ashamed.
You will feel hurt.
At that very moment if you are
asked to give an explanation
Or asked to apologise,
how would you feel?
I have made a mistake.
And the first step to
reform one's mistake
is to accept one's mistake.
You are absolutely right, Gulnaaz!
To accept the mistake is the
first step towards reformation.
And the second step?
Gulnaaz Khan's video is
her own personal property.
If someone is making it public
then we must investigate that
person and not Gulnaaz Khan.
Gulnaaz, people of this
country want to know
what your second step will be?
Will you still become the youth minister?
I have decided that I will
become a minister only when
I become worthy of that.
Who has erred and
who is getting punished?
Just think, if a strong
person like Gulnaaz Khan
Is made to be embarrassed like this
then what will happen to
ordinary people like us?
Till then I will continue to serve Bandra
and the Bandra constituency.
And I will try my level
best to prove my worth.
Today Gulnaaz is defeated.
Tomorrow it will be our turn.
This is not just Gulnaaz's personal
issue, but it is a question of our rights.
The right to love,
the right to our bodies!
Tonight I have only questions.
And the answers are around you.
Your daughter-in-law,
daughter, mother, sister, wife
or else ask your girl-friend.
You will get the answer.
On National Live Television,
Gulnaaz Khan's sensational case
is a historically strong step.
Ms.Gulnaaz, thank you for coming
to our studio and speaking to us.
Like the famous poet
Ghalib Saheb has said
'Just like a child's playground
this world appears to me
every single night and
day, this spectacle I see.'
This is Dipankar Sanyal and
you are watching Josh 24/7.
This is the matter of Country.
This is Amina Qureshi and
you are watching Awaaz Bharati News.
And that's a cut.
Now you'll trend not your MMS!
Why Dipankar, we had
decided that I will only apologise.
Why did you push me?
-That's my job, Gulnaaz!
And not to break is yours!
Well, you will not become
a minister in this term, but
the next election is yours!
And then I will give
you a special focus
on this very channel!
And next time, a bit respectfully.
Good night.
Yeah Gulnaaz.
I understand Gulnaaz.
But atleast you could inform me.
Anyway, forget it, take care.
Ahmed Bilakia, the
Bollywood director
had one more video of Gulnaaz.
Of a rave party!
Acid, coke, molly
she did everything.
And Dipankar has found that!
My God, he blackmailed her!
Radha, thank you for pushing us.
It was necessary to do this story.
Yes today you were also fantastic.
Sensational news and all.
Tomorrow's TRPs will only decide.
Come in.
Please come.
-Let's see.
Follow that car.
-Okay sir.
Let's go, Surti.
Hello, hello, hello.
So how was the gift?
I liked it a lot.
Liked it a lot.
Open it, now itself.
Wait, wait.
Let me open it for you.
Wow! Good choice!
Oh perfect!
And now you can thank me.
Thank you, Kamal.
I love it.
So fancy!
That is what you have to be.
Fancy all the time!
Love you.
Thank you!
Ok, I have to go.
My boy-friend has
shown me the watch.
Have fun.
So we will meet tomorrow.
Same time, same place.
Happy birthday to you.
Happy birthday to you.
-Thank you.
Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday to you!
Just one more please.
-Yes ma'am.
Deepali ma'am's son?
Anuj Saxena?
You remembered!
We had met in Awaaz Bharati
-You had come for an interview.
Josh 24/7!
You people had rejected
me what could I do?
Not us, but our budgets!
Well, this is what it is.
Can't be that bad!
No actually it's not.
Today I almost did my
first prime time story.
The Shravan Kumar suicide!
It was left out by us as well.
But I saw a clip
you had taken a byte.
Yes of course, that byte
yeah, his parents
were crying bitterly.
And I was pushing them for bytes.
And I was taking a
close-up of their tears!
It was definitely one
of my finer moments!
It was great!
One more for me, thank you.
It is my birthday.
I am allowed!
Oh, I am so sorry, I didn't know.
Happy birthday!
Thank you.
One more for him.
If you feel like roaming around,
we can go to Pune.
Food at the Food mall is not all that bad.
My taste is a bit
sophisticated, Dipankar.
I feel as if
you are not calling yourself
sophisticated but calling me cheap.
MMS scam!
Gay porn!
All such wretched things
during family time?
Should these be run on prime-time News?
Well, you are getting TRPs, right?
For the past 72 weeks, our channel,
is the Nation's No.1 News Channel!
I don't want to be India's No.1, but
want to be India's best Channel!
And you were hired on
the basis of this very criteria.
Dipankar, I want the
channel I am funding
to be posh and classy!
Don’t run my channel as per
your taste but run as per my taste, ok?
Surti, stop the car.
Sir will get off.
Thanks for the drive, Surti.
And it just slipped out of my mouth.
-I mean on a National TV, you
during a Live debate,
you abused Maulana Azad.
And still you were not sacked?
I didn't abuse.
'haraamzada' is an abusive word.
It is on TV atleast.
Not in my vocabulary.
And technically, I was sacked.
Have you ever seen
me on TV after that day?
I was removed from the screen but
not from my job.
Amina is a sweet heart like that!
She takes a stand for her
team, no matter what.
Stop ahead on the left please.
Stop, stop.
You live here.
It's nice neighbourhood.
Do you want to come up for a drink?
Welcome to my humble abode!
Nice walls, they
match your shirt also!
Don't judge me.
It's the Landlord's idea.
It is nice!
Haven't you cut it yet?
Want some?
-I don't mind.
My flatmate had ordered!
Are you still working on
City Glitz Mall fire story?
Seven days are already over!
You know even I was
working on that story.
For a long time.
What do you think?
What is your angle?
I have some whisky too.
Yes, anything.
Or this.
Should we go to the bedroom?
Hope your roommate doesn't come.
It has happened to me before
Is she out of town?
Where is she?
-Anuj she is dead.
She is no more.
Do you want to ask anything more?
I am so sorry.
The journalist from the City Glitz Mall fire incident,
Julia Alvares was my flat mate.
The journo who died!
I mean those cut-outs
You don't think it was an accident.
Do you have condoms?
Or shall I get?
-No it is okay.
It is not possible
without condoms.
No, no, I mean let
us not do it today.
Come on.
Now you are emotionally vulnerable.
And maybe you are
not thinking straight
we need some time.
-Ok don't tell me
what I am thinking.
You know, I am happy
to just hang in and
and talk about it, if you want.
Fuck off.
-We can chill.
Did you get the divorce papers?
Can we meet?
I will meet Aahna and
discuss the terms also.
10:30 pm tomorrow!
You don't need to ring the bell.
You have the keys.
-I know.
I have the keys.
Who is this?
Where are you going Julia?
That's weird.
17th October .. ..
17th October .. ..
Shit! Shit!
Restored to factory settings!
17th October.. ..
8:37 pm.
Same time.
Next Episode