The Challenge: All Stars (2021) s01e01 Episode Script

Legends Never Die

The Challenge is
the most thrilling
competition series ever created.
One, two
Come on! Get it!
The battles are epic.
The victories are monumental.
And the defeats are devastating.
We have chosen
the best of the best,
the all-stars of the game,
and brought them
to a remote mountaintop
where their mental fortitude,
physical strength
and emotional willpower
will be tested
like never before.
The time has come to see
who is the greatest
amongst all these legends
and who still has what it takes.
Because in order to be the best,
you've got to beat the best.
Let go!
Yeah, step up to me,
you bitch!
Don't with me!
The last time you saw me,
I had two black eyes
when I was leaving Cutthroat.
Back then I was known to be
a little feisty.
I've definitely calmed down
over the years.
I'm a wife. I'm a mom.
I like to play
a very social game,
and I think
I'm pretty damn good at it.
You have to look
at past performance, this one's,
and you have to look
at everything.
I don't care if it's the 1990s
or if it's 2021,
I am still coming in
at six foot three and a half.
220 pounds of twisted steel.
And I have a size 15 shoe,
and I'm ready to jam it up
someone's ass.
I just won.
Honestly, I'm a badass.
I've made it to three finals.
I've won one,
and that was The Gauntlet II.
My life right now is
actually pretty simple.
I have a five-year-old son
and a seven-year-old daughter.
And this season, I'm on
a mission with no permission.
So, I'm 40 now.
Ooh, do we do we do that?
Oh, let's not even do that.
Um, back to me being 25.
Get up, Jisela.
Get up, Jisela. Run!
Get up, Jisela!
Fight for it, baby!
I couldn't be more
disappointed in you.
Shut up!
I'm still that young,
fresh, happy girl,
but I'm also a mom, now.
And I came back to win
this damn money.
I've done five
Challenges in the past,
and I won
The Extreme Challenge.
I think people look at me
as just one of the old dogs
that used to be a beast,
now he's calming down.
I'm here to show people
that I don't just want to win.
I expect to win.
The last Challenge that I did
was Rivals II,
and I actually left early.
I just took myself home.
I would say that
I'm about fifty-fifty
Challenge badass
and Challenge quitter.
All right, everybody.
Welcome back to The Challenge.
You all are
the best of the best.
The legends and the all-stars
of this game.
You started this thing.
You made The Challenge
what it is today.
And, for the first time, we've
brought you together to compete
in a game like nothing
you've ever seen before.
I'd like to welcome everybody
All Stars.
You may think you know
about this game,
but don't let that
get to your head,
'cause I promise you,
you have no idea
what's in store for you.
Those past relationships
that you've had
could either help you
or hurt you in this game.
This is an individual game.
Along the way,
you may have a few teammates.
Sometimes you'll have
a lot of teammates,
but doesn't matter.
It's always an individual game.
Because only one person
is walking out of here
with $500,000.
Having one winner with $500,000?
This ain't
no damn jolly reunion.
I think everybody's gonna be
ready to cut anybody
and everybody at any time.
All right, all-stars.
Go get moved in.
I'll see you soon.
Good luck.
One thing about this game is
you don't have to be a champ
to be legendary,
and I'm one of those players.
The Challenge started
out as adult summer camp.
But that is not The Challenge
A lot of these legends
have never played for $500,000.
This is a whole new game that
I don't think they're ready for.
Welcome back home, Laterrian.
It's time I dust this guy off.
I was on the Rivals.
Gauntlet III.
Duel II, Gauntlet II.
We did the Duel II together.
Oh, shit.
My name's on the wall.
This is amazing.
The quote, though, girl.
I know. It's my quote.
I mean,
I have to live up to my quote.
That's the problem.
The last time you saw me
was The Gauntlet III.
I'm known
for being the underdog.
And, for some reason,
the women never like me.
But I've got Syrus,
and I've got my Tenderoni.
Nehemiah! Tenderoni?
Oh, my Lord.
Are you with us?
Or is Derrick, Derrick
I got a new cuddle buddy!
He has a room.
I got a-I got a new
cuddle buddy, baby!
She's gonna be all over me.
Hey, isn't she married?
I think so,
but I'm irresistible.
"Tenderoni" is a name that
Beth gave me on The Duel I.
Nehemiah's still here.
My Tenderoni!
Oh, my!
Out of all of the things
that I've done
in my whole history
of The Challenge,
that's the one thing
that everybody remembers.
I was like,
"I'm gonna come and be strong
for the old people," you know?
And then, like, I'm like,
"Oh, everyone's my age."
That's kind of cool, you know?
It's like, okay.
What year?
Uh, '79.
Yeah. '79.
What are you, like, '86?
Oh, wow. Really?
You're about the hottest
40-year-old ever, huh?
Oh You can stay.
I love it.
You can stay.
Oh, I can't believe it.
I'm just curious
to see how much evil comes out
for half a million.
There'll be some shady
shit going on here.
You think so?
One thing I've learned
from all these years
is that money can bring out evil
in anybody.
Uh, you can never
never underestimate
the power of greed.
The last Challenge I was on
was Inferno 3
and, uh, my team
came in second place.
Which is not that great because
there was only two teams.
There you go, Ace!
Let's go, Ace!
Oh, you guys, we win!
Did we win?
Congratulations, Ace.
We won, right?
We won $10,000, Ace.
Ten grand, baby.
Ten grand.
Back in my day,
the stakes weren't this high.
These people before would kill
each other for a scooter.
I don't know what they're gonna
do for a half a million dollars.
Oh, so you're nervous?
Man, what you
talking about?
I eat, sleep and breathe this.
I don't know.
The Challenge, man.
This is normal shit.
Nervous? Nah, son.
That's-I don't get nervous.
I'm a personal trainer
down in SoCal,
and some of these people
might think of me
as a silent assassin.
The last Challenge
you saw me on was Gauntlet.
I got my ass kicked by Alton.
I'm here for redemption.
I'm not here to lose.
I'm not here to go home.
I'm here to bust ass and win.
Have you ever done a Challenge
where it was individual?
It's a different,
it's a different world.
This game is a political game
just as much as anything.
I don't-Haven't even
thought about that.
You should.
Uh, I-I know that I should,
I know that.
I'm not worried about that.
This first challenge
after 15 years,
it's scary.
What if it has
absolutely nothing to do
with anything that I know?
All right, everyone.
Welcome to The Challenge.
Are you ready?
All right. Well,
today's challenge
is called "Deep Blue Dive."
There's gonna be
two teams of 11,
randomly selected.
You'll get your team color.
There's gonna be
copper and silver.
As you can see, way out there,
in the beautiful clear water,
there's a minefield of puzzle
pieces with numbers on them.
Now each puzzle piece
has a certain color
to correspond with your team.
On the back side
of these platforms
there's equations.
When I say go, you're gonna
start by solving the equations.
Then you're gonna send one of
your teammates out there
to retrieve
the corresponding puzzle piece.
The bigger the number,
the further out and deeper
that puzzle piece will be.
Everyone must go out to retrieve
one puzzle piece,
no matter what.
Now, if you go out there
and you fail
to get the puzzle piece,
you're gonna come back
and tag somebody who can.
But that is
a five-minute penalty.
Once you get all the numbers
all lined up,
you will then solve the last,
final equation, write it down.
First team to solve
their equation properly
will win today's challenge.
This challenge is unlike
any other diving challenge
you've done before.
The water is colder,
the dive is deeper
and the blocks are heavier.
Now, before you do that,
once I select your teams,
I need you
to choose two team captains.
Choose wisely,
because the captains
of the winning team
are gonna have some power,
and the captains
of the losing team
Well, let's just say,
"Don't lose."
These are the pros
and cons, I feel like,
to having the captain position.
Is that, if you win, you're
probably gonna be able to pick
who's going
into the elimination.
We are safe.
Which is not cool.
And you're safe.
And if you lose, it might be
you guys going in. I don't know.
Which is not cool.
After all that,
does anyone want to be it?
All right, ladies?
Wait, I'm sorry.
What guy is doing it?
All right, ladies? Anyone?
I feel like I kind of have
an upper hand
and an advantage in this game.
I have the most experience,
but I'm not gonna be captain.
So if we win or lose
it's not my problem.
Fine. Okay.
I put up with a lot of crap
on these seasons.
And I've done incredibly well
making a name for myself.
I don't think being 34 has
changed that fire inside of me.
I am known for being
the formidable wild card.
Oh, you got to
be kidding me!
And I don't play quiet.
I'm down to risk it now
so that later, hopefully,
I won't have to.
If you have
the "we might lose" energy,
you're thinking, "I don't want
to go into elimination."
I'm having
the "I can do" energy,
and I already got some ideas
on how we can do this, okay?
Would you like to be captain?
I'm fine with it.
I'm fine with being a captain
if y'all want me to.
Who's my counterpart? Gentlemen?
Go big or go home, baby.
Go big or go home.
This-this is us.
This is us, this is us.
I need you guys to remember
that my challenges
were us doing sugar cookies
in the sand.
This first challenge
is so crazy and death-defying.
And all I keep telling myself
is this can't
be real, this can't be life.
One, two, three, Silver!
All right, well, let's--
We're at the border. Right here.
I'm looking
at my team, and I feel like
we have some
really strong players.
We have Derrick. We have Ace.
We have Mark Long, KellyAnne,
This is gonna
be a good team.
They've got
a stacked deck of cards,
and we look like
the Bad News Bears.
All right, guys. You ready?
Four divided by seven
The last time you saw me
on The Challenge
was 18 years ago.
Back in 1999, I was a teenager.
And now I come
as a career-driven architect,
husband, father.
I'm a state math champ.
So hopefully I can help
carry this team
all the way to the finish.
17 into 20.
It is, it is 12.
Okay, that's your challenge.
We need that first number, guys.
Let's stay calm.
You can't write anything down.
So I'm trying to carry
numbers in my head,
I'm trying to, like,
invisible-write, like, I
I-I feel like I'm losing
my mind right now.
And I look over, and I see Alton
from the other team
in the water.
And I'm like, "Oh, no,
this is terrible."
You got this, Alton!
Right there, baby.
The objective of Deep Blue Dive
you solve a math equation,
swim down,
find your correct number,
swim it back and then carry on
to the next equation.
We need that first number, guys.
Let's stay calm.
19 goes into 24 one time.
Then there's 57.
19 goes into 57 how many times?
Three times.
So 13. We want 13.
You got it, Beth.
When you look at Alton, I mean,
the six-pack-it's probably
a 12-pack, who am I kidding?
His physique
screams athleticism,
screams, "I can do anything."
Do you see it?
Yeah, 13 feet under.
I really don't like being cold.
I know that I can't do it,
so I'm gonna swim back
as fast as I can.
You're going the wrong way.
Beth! Beth!
Beth, we're over here!
does the answer go into this?
Yes, look.
Yes. Yes, it does.
Thank you
for figuring that out.
12 times
Yeah, so
12 times 57 is 684.
So we have to go
and find 57.
I'm going to get 57.
Go for it. Go for it.
I think the next person
has to go.
Okay, go.
Go, go.
Beth, it's okay. We're fine.
Come on, D! Get it!
If you thought TJ
and the Challenge guys
were just gonna bring
a bunch of 35-plus-year-olds
in here
and take it easy on us
you are sadly mistaken.
Go, go. Move. Move.
Watch out.
Good job!
Good job!
Finally, we have a puzzle piece.
I'm like, "Yeah. Yeah.
That number does not
look like silver."
Oh, you got
the copper one, dawg.
Maybe Darrell
just picked
the wrong puzzle piece
'cause whenever
you're a little older,
you can't see as well.
The Copper Team,
they got two numbers already
and we still ain't got none.
This ain't looking good.
When you go out there,
you can see.
All these puzzle pieces
have extra numbers
that are close to each other.
They're all similar.
I'll go next.
I'll go next.
Okay. Okay.
All right,
what's our next number?
Let's go, KellyAnne.
Let's go, KellyAnne.
We're doing
the first equation!
13 silver!
Come on!
- What the hell?
I thought we were
gonna be, like,
hanging out, having a good time,
having cocktails by the pool,
but no.
This is a real challenge.
13 silver.
13, 13, 13!
Come on, girl.
I don't have time
to dillydally with these people.
I go into mommy mode.
I march my ass in that water.
I got to do it myself.
What number did I need?
13! 13! Silver! Silver! Silver!
Silver! Silver!
Silver! Silver!
Silver 13!
17, KellyAnne!
I can't find it!
I'm looking around
for the number 17.
I'm swimming back,
left, right
and it doesn't exist.
Come on, KellyAnne.
This is where they can catch up.
Good job!
Let's go, Jisela!
Good job!
Let's cheer her on!
You got this!
Let me tell you about Jisela.
This girl is strong, and she
is strong-minded
and strong-willed.
She figured out a way
to get that puzzle piece.
That's right.
Good job, baby. Good job, baby.
Good job.
Go, go, go.
Goes to show you what type
of competitor Jisela is.
You killed it.
You-you killed it.
I went past the right number,
Lis-Listen to me.
Listen to me.
: Did you see 19?
Yes or no?
No. Maybe. No.
Okay, okay.
You're good, you're good.
Go for it.
I fucked up.
No, no, no, no.
No, we fucked up
the math. Okay?
You know your number,
right? 52 silver!
What's wrong?
I feel my body
rejecting this.
I have a cramp.
I'm feeling this cramp
from my sternum down
to my groin.
And then, all of a sudden,
I just can't move.
You're okay.
I got you. I got you. Go!
Need help? You all right?
You all right?
52 silver, dawg.
Warm her up.
Way to go. Way to go, Arissa.
We got the medic here.
Yeah, Jonna!
Does she think she has it?
Yeah, look, she's going down.
Come on, baby girl!
Do it for them kids!
Oh. She's close.
Jonna, one more time!
One more try!
Breathe, Jonna!
Don't panic, baby!
Oh, she's waving.
She's waving.
He's coming! Stay up!
It's all right!
Good job, Jonna!
Good job, Jonna!
Get your breath!
There you go, Teck Money!
Refocus, baby!
I think he's coming back.
He doesn't have anything.
Little further, Ruthie!
You're real close!
Oh, shit.
You got this, Kendal!
Welcome to The Challenge,
uh, the senior edition.
Today looks like
recess at the old folks' home.
We need water!
We got the medics out here.
We got the walkers out.
We got the wheelchairs out.
It's a lot of old people
going down today, y'all,
myself included.
I'm just mad
I didn't at least get one.
No. It's hard.
Oh, shit, yeah. Fuck.
You got it, Ace!
Right there, baby.
He's looking. He's looking.
I cannot find my number,
and I'm looking everywhere.
19, 20, 21!
You got to put
your head under water
to see it, though!
The water is so cold
that you almost can't catch
your breath.
This is an absolute nightmare.
Go, Yes!
My man!
Silver! Silver!
Yes! Yes!
Let's go!
Let's go, Yes!
Let's go!
I know
we got this.
And watch out,
'cause the underdogs
are gonna have their day.
Let's go.
Go, Easy!
There you go!
Yeah, buddy!
Good job, Easy!
your number's 200. 'Kay?
Let's go, Easy!
You got it! Use the box!
Oh, no, no, no, no.
Yeah, Easy. Aw.
Oh, shit.
Grab your puzzle!
It's all right, brother.
Go, go.
Right, go. Go.
Big Easy comes back
with a lifeguard
instead of coming back
with a puzzle piece.
Come on, Easy.
Fuck. I wanted
to shock everybody, man.
Hey, man.
You did it, man.
You did great, man.
Can you get it?!
Right here!
He can't do it.
Swim all the way in, Syrus!
All the way in!
Yeah, Jemmye.
When I first started doing
the Challenges, I was just here
to party, to have a good time.
But after coming out
of retirement,
I'm not treating this round
like a vacation.
I came to work.
right behind you! Come on!
She's already got her piece!
Come on, come on, come on.
Go, Jemmye. You got this!
I am so impressed
with Jemmye. She just
kicks ass,
and we are ahead.
We really have a chance
to win this.
Yes, Mark!
The puzzle pieces
are actually heavy.
It's grueling,
but I want
to just look cool as can be.
Push it! Yeah, there you go!
I'm kind of, like,
having flashbacks of Florida,
maybe running on the beach,
doing the Baywatch style.
But I'm totally out of breath,
so I probably look
like an idiot.
All right, go!
All right, go!
Yeah, Nehemiah!
Are you sure it's 200?
There is no 200.
200! 200!
Come on, Laterrian!
I look down,
and I see 150
so far away.
My muscles are cramping,
and my body is like,
"You're done.
You are done."
Think he's doing all right?
No, he's not.
No. Oh, my gosh.
He's about to drown.
Get him! Get him!
Being team captain,
it's not a good showing.
I look like a fucking punk.
Oh, my God!
Get him!
I'm feeling
like I'm about to die.
I'm not breathing well.
I'm not 23 doing this.
I'm 43 doing this.
And, uh,
I'd like to live to see 53.
Go! Go!
Go, Aneesa!
You got this!
All right, Darrell!
Take your time, baby!
You got this!
Good job!
We're losing, guys. We have
no swimmers
that are willing to go out there
and do the job.
Someone else besides me, Alton
and Derrick have to step it up.
All right, I'm-a go again.
You got it, girl.
You okay?
You don't think
you can do it? Is she winded?
Come on, Jisela!
That's our captain right there.
Team captain!
Jisela is impressing me most
in this entire challenge.
I see all the Copper
falling apart.
I think we might
actually win this.
Let's go, Yes!
He got it, he got it.
I just keep seeing Yes
and Nehemiah
coming back with pieces.
I'm like, "Man,
I'll be damned if we're
about to lose this challenge."
And I'm about to get bitten
in the ass
for being team captain.
Can we do 640?
70 times nine
is 630.
I can see the end
of this challenge in sight.
As Yes is trying to finish
the last equation,
we all hold our breath as TJ
stands there with the horn.
A nine, baby. Game.
Nine. He's making a nine.
Yes! Fuck, yes!
Let's fucking go!
We won, bitch.
Yo, we won.
Team Silver,
aka Team Tranquilo.
And Jisela, I mean,
she's the MVP.
She got two bricks.
Game, set, match!
Oh, my God!
I can't even believe
that we just won this.
I feel amazing.
My kids are gonna flip.
The way I did it,
I even surprised myself.
Up high! Up high!
"Silver" one time.
One, two, three.
First challenge, guys.
First challenge back.
How do you feel?
Some of you
never missed a beat. Yes,
dominating performance.
Followed by Jisela.
Team captains
of the winning team,
you guys have some power.
This is a men's
elimination challenge, so, Teck,
you are safe from elimination.
Thank you. Thank you.
I'm not going home today,
you being
the other team captain,
you now will receive
a lifesaver,
which means you can save
the nominated player
going into
the elimination round.
The lifesaver can save people
from elimination,
but then what happens?
Do you vote
someone else in?
Do the rest of the people vote?
It just kind of makes the game
a little funny.
As for the team captains
on the losing squad,
this is a men's elimination,
so you are going into
the elimination round.
As for the rest of you,
it's time to nominate one male
on either team
to go into the elimination round
to go against Laterrian.
Got it?
All right,
I'll see you guys soon.
Good luck. Good job.
Thank you.
How you feeling?
I'm straight, yo.
Yeah, man.
I can't be
the first motherfucker to leave.
Let's worry
about me coming back first.
I want Ace.
Oh, yeah.
The thing with Ace is he's
who I have the least
like, amount
of a relationship with.
We've never hung out.
We've never communicated.
We've known each other
for 24 hours.
I'm glad I'm doing this now.
Oh, yeah.
I knew that was a chance
whenever I volunteered
to be captain.
It ain't no thing, right?
You know what I mean? Like
I hear you.
I don't walk on the hoop court
thinking I'm gonna lose.
That's not life.
That's not.
Life for us is understanding
we're doing whatever it is
because we're gonna win.
I don't care
if it's your first time out
at fucking ping-pong.
You want to win.
Good job, everybody.
Everybody did a good job.
Everybody tried.
That water was cold.
That water was deep.
Good job.
Thank God we had a mathlete.
If we didn't have a mathlete
There's all y'all.
There's y'all.
There's y'all, man.
What do you think
is the fair way to do this?
I can kick it off if you want.
Yeah. Kick it off. Kick it off
for 'em, Syrus.
You know, Laterrian's my dude,
and-and I think
in these situations,
you can't really judge
on a million things.
It's the first time out,
first time back in a long time,
and Laterrian told me
he just wants to go with someone
already that he chose:
So, if we could honor that,
it'd be a good thing.
If we can't, if we don't agree
that it's the right thing,
then we don't.
But I know what
the man said to me.
So-so, every time
when we lose a contest,
we're gonna let the loser
always pick
who he wants to go against?
At the beginning,
at the beginning,
when Laterrian and KellyAnne
stepped up to be our captains,
they said,
"Hey, we'll do this,
but you guys need
to have our back."
I don't think anybody here
doesn't like me,
but I-I feel maybe sometimes
I seem like an easy target
because they know
that I'm not gonna do anything
horrifying back.
They pass it on as being noble,
but they're not noble.
They're evil.
I thought
we were supposed to talk
about deliberation here,
not in there,
but, you know
It always happens.
We're still
having a conversation.
TJ's not here. Like,
we just talk. We still talk.
Now, y'all already had
y'all's minds made up.
Can I say something?
You guys
are fucking monsters, dude.
Mark has the floor.
Can I say something real quick?
You know,
this is unfortunate, obviously,
but the first competition, there
are so many different variables.
You know, who brought
a block back, who didn't bring
a block back. Right.
Who couldn't do math problems?
So, so, I think
it's a difficult decision,
and if someone
really wants someone,
then they should have a choice.
If they're passionate about it,
I think that is
a fair thing to do.
It, like,
breaks my heart,
because I love Ace.
But nobody
wants to rock the boat.
Nobody wants to make
a big move right now.
One day, you're safe,
and the next day, you're not.
This situation
works out perfectly
for y'all 'cause you know
it's not you on
the chopping block. It's never
gonna be fair. You're
always gonna do what's best
for you. And tomorrow, the rules
will change, because
you're all monsters, man.
Ace, Ace. Calling us
monsters and shit, man.
This is the fucking game.
What are you talking about?
take your ass into elimination.
Somebody got to go in.
Y'all gonna need someone
to pick on.
I might as well be
the first day.
Everyone's gonna get picked on.
$500,000 on the line.
Someone's gonna get picked on.
It's fine.
I don't even know what we're
talking about anymore.
It's over. Let's go. I'm done.
I just hope y'all remember
the same rules tomorrow.
We have the same conversation
in-in three days.
I hope y'all remember that.
Do we need to take a vote?
Yeah, sorry, Ace.
I'm not against you.
My vote would be
for Ace.
My vote
will be for Ace, as well.
Um, I don't want
to vote for him.
You can vote
for whoever you want.
I used to be
a hot-tempered
little firecracker,
but nowadays,
I'm way more empathic and Zen,
so to see Ace react
as viscerally as he does,
it hurts me.
Hey, Arissa.
All right.
You should say me. Thank you.
I appreciate the gesture,
though. Thank you.
Ace. Sorry, man.
Got to go with, uh, you, Ace.
Go in there and do your job.
Come back. We all want
to see you in the house.
Okay, I'm sending you
powerful vibes.
By the way, biggest
This is the only reason
I did Real World,
because of her.
Right there.
He had a crush on her.
Yeah, I had a huge crush on her.
All right.
Ace, you're country strong.
Do it.
You got this.
Yeah, yeah.
In past challenges,
I have always
done what I believe was right.
But it turns out,
uh, that the monsters
just always seem to win.
And maybe it's because there's
not enough heroes to slay them.
But there's only so many of me.
You going in?
No, Ace is going in.
Ace? Cool.
Where is Ace now?
He's-he was just having
a moment out here.
He just wanted to cool out.
I'm going to bed.
I know you're not supposed
to take this personally,
but I felt like I was
getting ganged up on.
And it was just frustrating.
People, fall in line, everybody!
Have your I.D. ready!
You must be 40 and above!
Who's ready
to grow the fuck up?!
This is what we used to do.
This is what we came here for.
Hey, what are you doing?
Wait, I thought you said 1890s!
No fucking way!
I've never been able
to hold a grudge.
These are people I've been
friends with for 20 years.
The memories
and the friendships,
that's why I'm here
and that's why I need to win.
Hey, can I just say this is
the best party I ever been to?
What's up, mamí?
What's up? Good morning.
How you feeling?
Like a million bucks.
There you go.
Wow. Can I get some?
Nope. Not a penny.
I'm kind of disappointed,
though. I can't get nothing.
Okay. I'm done with you.
You heard it here first.
It's a dog-eat-dog world.
You know?
I thought we were
better than that,
but you know, The Challenge is
as The Challenge does.
It appears
I cannot party
like a kid anymore.
The 90s party was great,
but that 2021
recovery-not so much.
I keep trying to tell myself
to stop thinking about it,
overthinking it, 'cause No?
No, you got to overthink it
the night before.
You got to.
Yeah. Okay.
Going into this elimination--
there's $500,000 at stake,
and my rep,
my ego, my pride.
If I haven't done
a frickin' challenge
in 18 years,
I'll be damned if I'm gonna be
the first person to go home.
I'm going back
to fucking football days,
and Derrick Henry,
the motherfucker.
Like, Heisman.
I can't expect to get
a half a million dollars
and not have to go
against anybody.
It's not gonna happen, so
I really want to win this,
and not for myself.
I want to win this money
so I can give it all away
and try to make the world
a better place.
All-stars, welcome to the arena.
The arena where all
the elimination rounds
are gonna be taking place,
in this season of
All Stars.
Now, Laterrian,
you were the team captain
of the losing squad,
so come on down.
As for the rest of you,
I sent you home
to vote for one man
to come into the arena
and go against Laterrian.
You chose Ace, so come on down.
Go, Ace.
Jisela, you control
the lifesaver.
Do you want
to use that lifesaver
and save Ace right now?
I specifically remember watching
The Challenge,
and Ace saying, and I quote,
"She's dead weight,
cut it, let her go."
Bye, baby.
I think
Jisela's kind of dead weight
for our team, and I'm kind of
glad she's bowing out
right now.
Call us!
Well, guess what, Ace?
Your past is coming back
to haunt you.
Who's dead weight now?
Jisela, you want
to save Ace or what?
All right, so, Ace,
Laterrian, tonight,
you guys are gonna have a good
old-fashioned pole wrestle.
Let's go, boy!
Let's go!
A what?
What the fuck's a pole wrestle?
Remaining twist!
Pole wrestle is where
you guys both hold the pole.
When I say go, rip that pole
out of your opponent's hands
by any means necessary.
First one to win
two out of three rounds
will win tonight's
elimination round.
Loser goes home emptyhanded.
All right, boys, good luck.
Thank you.
Pick it up.
Let's go, boys!
Tonight is pole wrestle.
Fuck you guys, and
Let's go, boys! Let's go now!
Let's go, boys!
I don't think
I've seen Laterrian smile
the entire time
that we've been here.
But when he realizes this is
gonna be a physical elimination,
Laterrian looks like
he just won the lottery.
I'm kind of pumped.
My last elimination,
I was awful.
I definitely feel the sense
that I need
to redeem myself
in this elimination.
I need to step the hell up.
All right, gentlemen.
All right!
Let's go.
Let's go, boys!
Go get it done!
Kick it off right, baby.
Come on!
Kill each other!
All right, boys. You ready?
Let's go, guys!
Kick us off! Go.
Kick this off, fellas!
Now we're talking.
Now we're talking!
When I see Ace
and LT hit the ground,
all of the hair on my arms
stands up because I know
this is real.
We got half a million dollars
on the line,
and they're out there
giving it their all.
Good job, boys.
That was really good!
All right, guys,
let's get in here.
You got this, Ace!
Stay strong!
All right, the score
is one-nothing Laterrian.
Ace, you got to win this one
to stay in the game.
500 grand on the line, boys.
Let's get it done.
Ready? Dig deep!
Dig deep, boys! Dig deep!
Stay in it.
Dig deep.
Way to fight.
Dig deep!
Way to fight.
Hang on, baby!
Dig deep!
Ace looks like he's
being plunged into a toilet.
Literally. Plunging.
Kendal turns to me,
and she goes,
"Is it always this brutal?"
I'm like, "This is exactly
what I'm gonna do to you."
Ace, you got this!
Finish it up now!
Finish it up! Here we go.
That was amazing, guys!
That was really good.
I see you, L.
Yes, sir.
Made it through
my first elimination.
Most importantly,
got a little bit of redemption
from the last challenge
that I lost.
Feeling much better
about myself
and my chances
to win this thing.
Another round, Ace.
Good job, man.
Way to compete, fellas.
Good fight, boys.
- This has been rough.
Hurting, honestly.
Then when I was hitting
the ground, it's like
getting the air knocked out
of you every single time.
It was pretty painful,
I got to be honest with you.
Losing anything is upsetting,
But it's life, right?
Gentlemen, what a way
to start off this season.
Laterrian, congratulations, man.
You win tonight's
elimination round.
You are still in the game.
Go ahead and rejoin the group.
Good job!
Well, Ace, you are definitely
an OG legend, no doubt about it.
Everyone loves you.
Thank you so much
for being here, man.
We really appreciate it.
Thank you.
This ends your time here on
The Challenge.
Love you.
Take care, baby.
Yeah, baby!
Honor of my life, fellas.
Thank you.
Thank you so much.
Ace! Ace! Ace!
Ace! Ace! Ace! Ace! Ace! Ace!
Ace! Ace! Ace! Ace! Ace!
We love you, Ace!
This has been the honor
of my life.
Getting another chance
to see these people
after 15 years was worth
getting the crap kicked out
of me, so it was great.
But I'm very looking forward
to going home and
seeing my dog
who I miss very much.
All right, now you see
what time it is.
Volume's turned up
a little bit
when there's some real money
on the line, huh?
I'll see you guys real soon.
Yeah, baby!
Get out of here.
Everybody is shaken.
The game has changed.
It ain't the same
like it used to be.
After seeing Laterrian
whoop Ace's ass,
everybody in the house
is like, "Damn."
Well, welcome back
to The Challenge.
Captioned by
16 years ago
we're talking about.
Yes. Yes.
Let it go.
I've known you since
I was fucking 20.
To who we were 20 years ago.
It's scary.
You're basically saying
that I'm a liar.
She started a war.
Wrap 'em up!
You would think
that I was sabotaging you.
Ain't nobody scared
of nobody, dawg.
Best friends don't even
have each other's back.
That just stays between us.
Should we drop her?
No. This is a lot
of money, you guys.
Let's stop fucking around.
People are breaking down
right in front of us.
So, fuck you.
There's people I love, but
I trust them, like, 75%.
I really, really hope
that good people
fucking win, finally.
You're just quitting? All right,
don't take care.
Hope to see you never.
Man, that's some bullshit.
Next Episode