The Circle (2020) s01e01 Episode Script

Hello, Circle

[theme music playing]
Welcome to The Circle, the real-life game
that asks, how far would you go
to be popular on social media
if there were $100,000 at stake?
Our eight Players will all live
in this building.
- But they can't see or hear each other.
- [camera shutter clicks]
The only way they get to know each other
is through a voice-activated platform
called The Circle.
They can choose to be whoever they want.
Themselves, another version of themselves,
or someone completely different.
When they are in The Circle,
Players need to make friends
and gain influence
because the most unpopular Players
are blocked and replaced.
At the end, the Players will decide
who's the most popular
and the winner of $100,000.
In this game,
you never know who you're playing against.
This is The Circle.
It's time to make friends
and influence people,
and the Players
have already started arriving.
Oh, damn, Gina!
Oh, my God.
I don't think we're in the hood no more.
I would like to be perceived
as a real-ass bitch
in a fake-ass world. [chuckles]
Sounds like Miss America.
Hey, everybody. My name is Chris.
I'm 30 years old,
and I'm coming to you
all the way from the Big D: Dallas, Texas.
Look at Dallas, honey.
Come on and be outside.
I am a freelance artist, graphic designer,
and hood spiritualist hustler.
When people first meet me,
they are like, "Girl, you're so confident.
Where do you get it from?"
I said, "Honey, it's called Godfidence."
- ["No Roots" playing]
- I've got no roots ♪
I was 14 years old when I found God.
He says,
"Let your light shine before men,"
so I showed up like a disco ball.
I think the key to being popular online
is basically being yourself.
The camera never lies.
So once you put that phone on your face,
you better keep it real, girl,
'cause that shit clocks everything.
I've got no roots ♪
[Chris] My game plan is just to be myself
and do whatever it takes
to do whatever I need to do
to get where I'm trying to go.
And let God do what God does
and watch
watch miracles happen.
We are gonna bless this room
with the Almighty.
[laughing] The al
The almighty photo of all time. Oh!
Let me see. Is it straight?
Ah, that is beautiful.
[Michelle] As Chris's poster becomes
the straightest thing in his apartment,
let's meet the next Circle pin-up.
Oh, yeah, buddy.
Oh, this is sick!
Oh, bro, I got my own penthouse.
What up?
Yeah, buddy.
Oh, son.
This is dope.
Oh, we got glasses. We got dishes in here.
Oh, we got bread.
I can't eat you,
but I'm gonna look at you.
Yeah, buddy.
What's up, peeps?
I'm Joey Sasso, I'm 25 years old.
I'm from Rochester, New York.
I'm a bartender,
and I'm the proudest momma's boy
you're ever gonna meet.
I get all the time
that I look like a young Robert De Niro.
And, I mean, look it, I'm not complaining
about it. He's Bobby D.
That's like the Jesus
of my Italian heritage.
You talkin' to me? Huh?
The first thing I do every single morning,
I check my social media.
People would be lying if they said
they didn't like looking
at my shirtless selfies posting updates.
People like seeing those pictures.
I can't help it.
It is what it is.
Okay, [sighs]
this is where things get complicated.
Yes, I have. I've sent a dick pic.
Mom, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to do it.
It just happened.
I didn't do it again. I'm sorry.
Look it,
I'm gonna tell you the truth here.
I'm fuckin' awesome. I believe in myself.
But, if I see a blonde girl on The Circle
who's got a beautiful smile,
that might be what brings this guy down.
We're gonna see what happens.
Got the pre-shave oil, right there.
Yes, sir, hydro-plumping,
re-texturizing moisturizer.
Another secret weapon
is the lip exfoliator
'cause these bad boys gotta be smooth
at all points in time.
But after you do the lip exfoliator,
you gotta do the menthol
right on the lips.
Makes it shine,
nice and soft. Yes, sir.
Yeah, buddy.
All right. We're in motion right now.
Oh, my God, that lineup is beautiful.
Joey, bro, we'd love to hear more
about your interesting facial products,
but we got a lot to get through.
So here's our next Player,
and I can't believe I'm saying this,
but I think she might be
even more hyped than you.
[gasps] Oh, my God!
It's so cute. Oh, my God.
[gasps] Oh, my God. It's so summery.
Just my vibe.
Okay, this is super cute.
I feel like I'm in
New Mexico, or Arizona,
or something like that.
Rar. [laughs]
Hi, my name is Alana. I'm 25,
and I'm from Brownsville, Texas.
["Good Thing" playing]
I don't need no confrontation ♪
I'm a swimsuit model and a lingerie model,
so I get judged by other girls
because they just don't want
their boyfriends to look at me,
but there's so much more to me.
I'm not always sexy 24-7.
'Cause we had a good thing ♪
I'm definitely a goofball.
I'm very klutzy, like,
I'm always joking around.
I'm always having fun.
That definitely describes me
because I'm such a dork.
I'm entering The Circle
because I want to show that not all models
are stuck-up and arrogant.
I'm going to hold back on using
the bikini and lingerie pictures
because I don't want girls
to see me as a threat,
and I don't want to look as just, like,
a sex symbol to the guys.
I will win
because I'm definitely gonna be clumsy,
goofy, dorky, 100% me.
Oh! We have a huge TV here!
Let's see. Touch screen?
No. No, it's not? Okay.
[Michelle] Don't worry.
They'll find out soon enough,
The Circle is voice activated.
Okay, let's see if the next Player
has a better grasp of technology.
Hi, my name is Rebecca.
I'm 26, from Boston, Massachusetts.
And I think I'm gonna win The Circle.
All the girls are gonna want
to be my friend,
and all the guys
are gonna want to date me, but
I do have a secret in store
for the Players.
I'm a dude. [cackles]
Hi, my name is Seaburn.
I'm from Boston, Massachusetts.
I am a caseworker
for Victor Human Services.
I work with people
with physical disabilities.
But in The Circle,
I'll be playing the character Rebecca.
Because I got the jokes,
but I'm using my girlfriend's pictures
because she's gorgeous.
We've been together for about two years.
It's magical.
She's like Cinderella,
and I'm like the ugly frog that's like,
"Hey, lady, you want to be my girlfriend?"
She's like, "Sure, sweet thing."
The reason I'm doing this? I wanna win.
And online, hot girls get more likes.
I've done my research.
I know everything there is
to being the perfect woman.
I'm in my element ♪
Look out, Circle,
Rebecca is coming to get you.
How does that work? Hold on.
[claps] Hey H-Hello, Circle?
How this thing work?
[Michelle] With our first four Players in,
it's time to finally meet this Circle
I keep talkin' about.
Oh! It's officially begun.
Yeah, buddy!
What's up, Circle? I'm callin' you Ruby.
What up, Ruby?
[Seaburn] Oh! "Welcome to The Circle."
Hey! Hey!
Can you hear me, Circle? Oh, hold up.
Ah, okay, so it is voice activated.
We'll get to you in a second.
Hello, Circle. Can you hear me?
"You must now set up your profile."
Okay, how do we do that?
"You should select one image
from your private albums
to become your first profile picture."
I'm ready to select an image, Ruby.
Give it to me.
"You only get one chance
to make a first impression." Ugh.
I know.
The first impression is everything, too.
Have we ever made a bad first impression?
Circle, take me to my profile.
Ah. [laughs] Yo, that's [chuckles]
All right, Miss Circle,
I am ready to add
my very first profile photo.
[clicks tongue] Oh, my God.
[Michelle] All Players
have multiple albums to choose from.
These are completely private
and can't be seen by anyone else.
[Alana] Let's go to "Posing."
Oh Oh, my God! [laughs]
That picture
in the lingerie
is literally at the Playboy Mansion.
Let's not show
how frickin' cute I am right away.
Circle, take me to my private albums.
Yeah, buddy!
All right.
Circle, take me to "Gym Life Bro."
Oh, now we have some contenders. Okay.
The one up top, right here.
If I was looking at that picture,
now first of all,
I'd be like, "You douchebag, dickhead.
I gotta let you go.
We'll come back to you, though."
And we'll come back to you, Joey.
Now, when it comes to profiles,
anyone could be anyone in The Circle,
and some Players plan to do just that.
Hey, Circle. Open the picture
all the way to the top right.
This one is like a "Oh, my gosh,
who's that girl?" kind of picture,
and that will definitely catch the eyes
of the dudes
'cause we need to, you know,
get the men on board, right?
I think that one is a strong option.
Lord, please let me choose
the perfect photo.
God, don't let me Uh-uh.
Don't let me put
a big, old boom shaka laka photo. Oh
Circle, we are using
the black leather jacket photo
as my main profile picture.
I'm smiling. I'm wearing black.
It makes you feel thinner.
Let's do this one.
Circle, can I see the photo of me
with, like,
literally what I'm wearing right now?
That picture's poppin'. Like, that's cute.
My skin was so amazing that day.
All right, that's it. Polka dot.
The one on the left.
Beautiful smile, on point.
You could tell
that guy's got a nice toothbrush.
Open the picture on the right-hand side.
You wanna go for a girl next door,
so we gonna need that.
That works because it highlights us
in all our glory.
Circle, add that picture to my profile.
[Michelle] With profile pictures
for our first four chosen,
let's meet the next Player
who wants to be
the apple of The Circle's eye.
An apple a day keeps the doctor away ♪
I'm a clown. That was bad.
I'm actually hungry.
I'll just eat an apple.
My name is Shubham, and I'm 23 years old,
and I'm from California.
I am a virtual-reality designer.
My body, electric
I'm raging with the desert heat ♪
I'm really proud of my heritage
and my ethnicity,
being an Indian-American.
You know, growing up
in an American household,
you definitely see the cultures,
and you get to appreciate both.
My presence on social media,
it's very minimal.
Honestly, I think social media
is our modern-day bubonic plague.
It's actually the devil in all its forms.
Oh, you rock me ♪
It's, "Positive this. Happy smiles.
Oh, my God. Yes, yes, yes."
The world doesn't act that way.
It just creates a fairy tale
that is actually not a fairy tale.
It's a fairy hell.
Although I despise social media,
by me going into The Circle,
being myself 100% authentically,
it can show you don't have to be fake.
You can be yourself,
and that is good enough.
Going into The Circle,
I know the majority of people
are gonna people-please,
pander, and stroke everyone's ego.
Everyone's gonna see through
that bullshit, and it's not gonna work.
I'm gonna go into The Circle
100% authentically,
and I'm gonna win the game,
and that's how it goes.
Oh my, burn, uh-huh ♪
[Michelle] To put the new Players at ease,
The Circle has left a mysterious box
in everyone's apartment.
But don't worry, it's just a welcome pack.
Wow. [chuckles]
Oh, what's up?
We're gonna be making jewelry
up in here.
And we got some letters
so I can spell out my fantasies.
No idea what this is. Oh, it's Play-Doh.
[Michelle] He's not gonna put that
in his mouth, is he?
I bet you he did the Tide Pod challenge.
Meanwhile, our next Player has turned up
for our Circle turndown service.
It's all right, we can
we can we can work with it.
My favorite emoji
would probably be the purple devil.
'Cause it's me.
Y'all know for real I be mackin' ♪
Hi, my name is Samantha, I'm 24 years old,
and I'm from Miami, Florida.
Who got the clothes?
Who got the fashion? ♪
When I'm posting on social media,
I post a lot of pictures of my ass.
Come on right now ♪
[Samantha] There are two sides to me.
There's the crazy, energetic party girl,
and then on the other side of me,
I work as a behavior technician.
I work with children
on the autism spectrum.
I am bisexual. I'm a huge flirt.
It gets me in trouble all the time.
I'm not gonna flirt with everybody
in The Circle,
but I am gonna pick and choose
who I want to flirt with.
Yeah, I'm pretty confident
that people are gonna like me for me
'cause, I mean, in real life they do,
so why wouldn't they now?
La, la, la, la ♪
[gasps, screams]
Friendship bracelets. Aw!
[whining] I don't have any friends here.
[Michelle] Yeah, that's kind
of a rude welcome present for someone
living in isolation from all other humans.
Now, let's see how our next Player handles
the world's tiniest bottle of champagne.
[man] Now, we gonna christen
this place now.
This is how you do it.
This shit better pop.
[Michelle] Screw-top bottles,
known for their poppin'.
This little-ass bottle.
[champagne fizzes]
Oh, shit.
That's how you christen somewhere.
It's just like Ibiza up in that joint.
[man exhales]
Now I gotta clean this shit up.
Whoo, whoo, whoo ♪
Hi, my name is Antonio, I'm 24,
and I'm a professional basketball player.
I'm number one, top ranking ♪
I've played in Spain,
Portugal, and France.
It's probably the best sport in the world.
You get to travel the world.
You get to eat new foods.
It just brings everyone together.
I think me being me, you know,
really tall, attractive,
that comes with a lot of groupies,
a lot of girls hitting on you.
It's not a bad thing at all.
I'm real easygoing.
I don't look like a douchebag online.
I don't flash a lot of jewelry online.
I just I don't do douchebag stuff.
If I could describe myself,
I would say I'm just different.
I like to do things using my head
rather than my penis.
That make sense? That's different, right?
Ooh ♪
I have been catfished before.
It's just because I'm so trusting
and so genuine.
I am taken. I've been
in a relationship for three years.
I'm not gonna feel guilty
about flirting on The Circle.
My girlfriend's given me the green light,
and I'm gonna do anything it takes to win.
Whoo-ooh-ooh! ♪
I feel like a dickhead, man.
Ladies and gentlemen, an elite athlete.
Now, let's meet the final Player
going for gold in The Circle.
Yo, this is amazing! [exclaims]
I don't know if I want to do cartwheels
or, like, backflips, like
[clicks tongue] I wanna do
I don't even know
what to do right now, bro, like
[grunts, laughs]
Nine times out of ten,
when people meet me,
they automatically assume
that I'm an average New York thug,
but when you really get to know
the real me, I'm a lover,
I'm a cuddler. It's hard not to love me.
[laughs] Okay.
Hey, what's going on, folks?
My name is Karyn. I'm 37.
I'm from the Bronx in New York City.
Go Yankees.
I am a hundred
and thousand million percent lesbian,
and I am in a happy
and healthy relationship.
Hi, babe. [chuckles]
The thing that I like the most
about social media platform
is you can be anyone that you want
the world to perceive you as.
So I am choosing to play
a catfish named Mercedeze.
I mean,
it's not like I know her in real life.
She's just a random chick I found.
Guys see her, they usually drool.
When girls see her,
they wanna be friends.
She's Fenty all the way down,
and I am not,
so why not make myself approachable?
I am like every other girl next door,
regardless if I dress like the fliest boy
on the block. [chuckles]
I'm gonna win The Circle,
so we don't even have to go into this.
So when they play this later,
and you see it, remember I said this.
Mark it down, write it down,
take a picture. I'm gonna win.
Made for, I'm made for this ♪
"You must now set up your profile."
Ugh, I've been waiting for this.
[chuckling] How do I set up a profile?
It seems alien to me.
[Michelle] Well, I would start
by moving the plant out of the way, honey.
Shubham, yep. You got the name right.
More than all my substitute teachers
got right.
All right, Mercedeze, you're up.
[laughs] This is gonna be dope.
- [screen chimes]
- [Antonio] This is a dope picture,
but I feel like the guys will be like,
"Ugh, this cocky asshole
[chuckles]with no shirt on
in his picture."
Circle, enlarge the photo
in the blue overalls.
Damn, my alter ego is pretty as fuck.
Honestly, if I use my own photos,
it just
you can just look at me and see, like
the hardness, I guess.
First impressions are everything.
Circle, take me
to the Indian-vidual album, please.
See, the left one, I love the smile,
and I think it shows how warm
and kind I really am.
Hundred percent natural. It's no filter.
I don't wanna lie.
I don't want to deceive.
This is who I am as a person.
I like this picture. Hey, Circle,
set this as my profile photo, please.
Yes. Good job, Circle.
Let's do it.
"Relationship status."
I'm gonna play as single.
The relationship I'm in is solid,
it's official.
She told me, "Win the money, baby."
"Relationship status."
So I am taken,
but it's been on-and-off for a long time,
so change relationship status to single
because I'm just trying
to get them to like me.
[Antonio] "Tell us about yourself."
"Professional basketball player."
Those are the first three words
we're gonna have to say.
"Indian-American tennis player
who loves the match of life."
That's good. That's so good.
"God knows my heart,
but the Devil knows my vocabulary,
exclamation point.
Enter at your own risk."
Do we have emojis?
Can we put a wink or side smile?
Ha! Yo, Circle, you are the shit.
Choose the side smile wink emoji.
I like that. Circle, save all of this.
[Michelle] Okay, all our Players are in.
We're gonna win The Circle.
We gonna win The Circle.
[Michelle] And now
that they've set up their profiles,
it's time to do
what 100% of social media users do:
Come on!
[Michelle] judge other people's profiles.
The Circle!
- [Chris and Alana] "Alert."
- "Alert! Alert!"
What do we Oh, God,
I'm so nervous. This is great.
"Players it's time for the first Ratings."
Let's rate away, Miss Circle.
"You must rank your fellow Players
from favorite to least favorite."
"First position
will be your favorite Player,
and seventh position
will be your least favorite Player."
[sighs] Oh, my gosh.
This is like high school all over again.
[Alana] "Once everyone has rated,
the top two Players
will become The Circle Influencers
and will hold great power."
[sarcastically] Great.
[screams, giggling] Oh, my God.
Oh, my God.
I have friends.
Oh, there's eight of us. Aw!
This is so excite [exclaims]
When you see them all together
on the screen,
it's like a fucked-up Brady Bunch.
[Sammie] Circle, open Chris's profile.
He seems like part of my rainbow.
"I'm a hood spiritualist, makeup junkie,
spicy food addict,
and last but not least: ain't God good?"
Cutie. Aw, I love him already.
You know what, Chris?
You told me something about you.
And God is good, my friend. Amen.
Circle, please take me to Joey's profile.
Oh! Ooh!
"Whattup, whattup. Family, loyalty,
respect, and honor are everything.
Always the life of the party."
We'll see about that, honey.
You ain't partied with me yet. [chuckles]
So, he's obviously a frat star.
Protein shakes,
brotherhood, parties, and girls.
"Whattup, whattup."
Gagging already over him.
I feel like he's gonna be one of the ones
that slides into my DMs
and flirts with me.
I guess, whatever.
If it happens, it happens.
Circle, can I see Alana's profile?
No, completely no.
"I'm a full-time model,
and I'm living between"
"Texas and LA."
I don't want to judge her just off of,
like, the full-time model part but
I wouldn't think that she would be
a full-time model, though.
She's not my type of girl.
I don't do models. [laughs]
"Tacos all day, every day."
[chuckling] That's kind of like
every basic girl's profile.
Can we just be honest about this
for one second, Alana?
There is no fucking shot in hell
you eat tacos all day, every day.
But if you're real,
God convince me she's real.
Just let me get lucky
one time in my life, please.
I can see Mercedeze
just totally ignoring Alana.
Damn it, Mercedeze,
you're just too judgmental.
Please take me to Mercedeze's profile.
Mercedeze. Mercedeze.
With a z.
you better add some flair to that name.
Mercedeze is using
a really big filter over her face,
so I'm not sure how I feel about it.
"God knows my heart,
but the Devil knows my vocabulary.
Enter at your own risk."
Oh, no! [laughs]
Why? You look so pretty.
That means you're gonna be
She's pretty,
but she looks like she has a
a mean side.
Take me to Shubham's profile, please.
[chuckling] "Relationship status: Solo."
Oh, he's cute.
Not gonna lie,
he kinda looks like he's a catfish.
I feel like it might be a girl.
He seems more like a geeky guy,
which is cool 'cause I'm a dork myself.
I'm a super dork.
So super dorks, assemble! [laughs]
[Antonio] I'm kind of diggin'
Shubham's shit. That is dope.
He loves the match of life.
- That is dope.
- All right, Circle.
Open up Antonio's profile.
I can see Mercedeze and Antonio flirting.
I can see them doing a little bit
of back-and-forth,
uh, cat-and-mouse playing.
Oh, he loves to cook.
That's good. Me too, homie.
"They call me Chef Antonio."
Then he posts french fries, hot dogs,
and pizza and a burger. Bro
Honey, he can bake this muffin.
[Joey] You're full of shit.
Don't trust ya, don't like ya.
It does help that he is single.
I'm gonna work
on being the apple of his eye.
Toot, toot. [chuckles]
Circle, take me to Rebecca.
Rebecca looks sneaky.
Like, she might be one of them crazy girls
who just, you know, you cheat on her,
she'll slash your tires
and bust your windows in your car.
[Michelle] Ah, so crazy people
don't like being cheated on,
though, right?
This is just not a good look.
She looks like a poodle.
"I am shy at first,
but when I get to know you,
I really open up."
[Alana] "Winky face, kiss face."
You're not that shy, Rebecca. Don't lie.
[Shubham] I wouldn't even be surprised
if it's, like, a 70-year-old girl or guy
pretending to be her
to flirt with the guys to keep her here.
Circle, open up Sammie.
Sammie, good pic.
It doesn't look like it's Photoshopped,
it's, like, probably in her bedroom
or something. I like this.
All right, Sammie. You Gucci.
"Sammie, 24, single.
Bottle service with brains, bitches!"
Jesus Christ.
What the hell is wrong with this girl?
Sammie's gonna be feisty,
I already know it.
She and I are gonna get on pretty well,
so I'm excited.
I'm actually excited about Sammie.
Thank God I like a girl on here.
I've literally gone through everybody,
so now it's just time to
rate everyone, holy shit.
This is crazy that I have to do this
without even meeting people.
You're not gonna meet the people.
That's the game, remember?
Yo, this is nerve-racking. Oh, my God.
I wonder if everyone else
is losing their shit like me right now?
This is so stressful.
I'm sweatin' bullets.
Ugh. I'm scared.
I think I'm ready to rate you bastards.
Circle, please put Alana
in first position.
She's my favorite. She's blonde.
I sound shallow.
But I still I I gotta do it.
I gotta do it.
She just gives me catfish vibes.
I don't know. You know, my gut never lies,
and it's giving me catfish vibes with her.
Too good to be true.
Alana, I gotta give you seventh.
Mercedeze is going to be seventh place.
I feel like
there might be some drama with her.
I mean, we're going off first impressions,
you know, so her picture is hella edited.
That was, like, the deal-breaker
with me and her.
We'll go with Sammie, number one
because she looks like
we would be best friends.
Or we would be girlfriends,
if she swings in that direction.
Okay, um,
I'm putting Antonio as first place.
Everyone is smiling in their photos,
and he's not.
He's just being himself.
There's no makeup, there's no gimmicks,
there's no filter.
So, I really respect that with him.
Shubham, you're seventh
because I just don't believe you.
But it's okay.
We'll work this out.
Number seven is going to be Joey.
He looks like a super flirt.
[Joey] Put Chris second.
Yeah, Chris, I'll put you second.
You look like a nice guy, bro.
Nice guy.
Please put Rebecca
at the very top.
Rebecca, I am hoping that you are
everything you say you are.
Antonio will be number one
because he's definitely gonna be
the number one person that I'm gunning for
to win over and keep
and keep in my little box of trust.
Circle, I'm very happy.
Please submit my Ratings.
Ratings are complete!
[Karyn] Whoo-hoo!
I feel like I'm watching the ending
of The Sopranos right now.
I'm on the edge of my seat.
This is terrible.
[Michelle] The Players will find out
the results later,
but who's gonna be first?
Who's gonna be worst?
And who the hell
is Shubham playing ping-pong with?
While the Players wait for the results,
it's time for The Circle to get social.
"Circle Chat is now open."
Oh, my God. What's happening?
Oh, my God. I have to pee.
I'm so frickin' nervous.
[screen chimes]
I'm not gonna be the first one to talk.
I'm gonna wait.
Oh, my God.
Oh, my God.
[clears throat]
I think the first person who writes
is probably someone
who loves social media.
Circle, please message.
"What's poppin', everybody?"
Send message.
Ah, that's my boy, Chris.
All right. "What's poppin', everyone?"
I like Chris.
[Seaburn] Circle, type
"Hey, guys. Smiley face emoji." Send.
"Hi" with a bunch of i's.
Message. "Chris. I like your vibes, bro."
"Chris, I like your vibes, bro."
Hey. Welcome home, Chris.
Circle, message the group.
"Hey, everyone.
How is everyone finding their apartment?
It's dope, right?" Circle, send message.
Where's Shubham?
Okay, I think it's time I write.
Message. "What's up, everyone!
Exclamation mark."
"This is such a crazy,
cool experience, right?
I just got through a heart attack
after that last Rating."
[laughs] That's funny.
Send it.
Ah, it's good to know
we're all feeling the same right now.
"This whole Rating thing had me sweating
like a ho in church."
"Like a ho in church." [laughs]
Message. "LMFAO
Chris, that's exactly how I feel."
It seems like everyone's engaging
with Chris, which is interesting,
given I rated Chris so poorly.
These bitches are going so fast, sheesh.
"Am I the only one
reading a mile a minute?"
Message. "Oh, my gosh,
I gotta run for now. A bitch is hungry."
Salute, cent' anni, my friend.
First one in, first one out.
Not too shabby.
[clicks tongue]
Ooh, that was nerve-racking.
That was awesome.
Still didn't answer the question
on how did everybody rate, though.
I can't wait to see that.
Circle, I would like to start a group chat
with the girls only.
I would like to call it
the "Skinny Queens."
[laughs] Oh, God. I can only imagine
the shit that's about to be said
in this group here, boy.
I love females. You guys are the best.
"Skinny Queens chat"?
Why would they name it that?
[Alana] Message. "Hey, girls, hey.
I wanted to start this chat
just to get to know all of you.
Girls who stick together are pretty girls.
Emoji heart," and send.
So this bitch is all about looks and
Skinny girls, pretty girls
"Pretty girls." [chuckles]
She gives me such a Sweet Valley High,
Mean Girls club look
in her profile picture.
How do I go about this
and still be conversational?
I don't know how I feel
about Alana right now.
I'm kinda happy that I had her, like,
lower in my Ratings
'cause now I'm just getting a vibe,
and I don't know if I like it. [sighs]
Message. "@Alana.
Thanks for starting the chat,
Send message.
So, she is nice, and she's pretty,
so that's a good thing, like, you know?
Alana and Mercedeze
are not my kind of girls.
I'm not with the pretty girl gang,
skinny girl gang.
[sighs] Oh, man.
Now I definitely have to put
my girl body on and make sure I know
how to approach this.
I hope they're not, like, mean girls.
At the end of the day,
we don't really know who anybody is,
so, like, God forbid
there's, like, a bigger girl playing,
and, like, that made her feel bad.
Message. "Hey,
thank you for starting the chat.
I'm excited to get to know you guys,
See, Rebecca.
That's why I knew I liked you. Girl power.
It has nothing to do with being skinny.
How old is Alana, again?
'Cause she's acting like
she's in high school.
Uh, message. "What do you girls think
about the guys so far?" Send.
Ooh [mutters]
"Chris seems super funny,
definitely loving his vibes." Send.
"Definitely love his vibes."
I knew that those two would get along.
Do you think Chris is cute?" Send.
[Sammie] "Baby girl, he's gay.
Laugh my ass off."
- Is he? Mm-hmm.
- [pan scratching]
How did you not get gay vibes from it?
That's why I feel like
Rebecca's a catfish.
[Karyn] Rebecca, he gay as gay.
It don't get no gayer than that, honey.
he is Macy's-window-on-Christmas gay.
"What does everyone think
about the rest of the guys?"
Send message.
Let's see, "@Mercedeze.
I feel like Joey and I would get along
because he seems like a partier." Send.
Message. "I think Antonio is really cute,
and I wish Shubham would get a haircut."
[Sammie] I'm over her.
Message. "@Mercedeze.
Antonio is cute. Girl, go for it."
[Sammie] I wonder
if the guys were talking about us, like,
"Oh, who do you think is cute?"
[Michelle] Oh, Sammie. You got no idea.
[Antonio] Message. "Fun question.
If you could be any animal,
which animal would you be and why?"
Send message.
I like that question, Antonio.
[Michelle] So while Antonio tackles
the killer issues,
and the girls just kill time,
Rebecca, aka Seaburn,
has Shubham in her sights.
[Seaburn] Hey, Wonder Woman,
you want to start a private chat?
Word. Hey, Circle.
Start a private chat with Shubham.
[Shubham] Oh, wow,
there's private chat now?
Oh, shit.
[Seaburn] Message.
"Hey, Shubham. How you doin'?
What do you think about the group chat?"
"Hey, Rebecca. Doing great.
I thought people were skating on thin ice
and trying to people-please, LOL.
How about you, question mark." Send.
Message. "I definitely agree with you
about skating on thin ice.
I felt that"
[Shubham] "people were trying
to rub shoulders and people-please."
Thank you. Yes.
Wow, I really like Rebecca, actually.
Message. "Who out of the girls
did you feel was being fake?"
Send. All right.
I'm gonna move to the living room.
- Uh, message. "@Rebecca"
- [Seaburn] "Based on the photos,
I think Mercedeze could be fake
because there seems to be a lot
of unnatural filters on her profile."
Ah, yes! Yes, yes, yes!
Rebecca and Shubham.
I always like people
with seven-letter words.
Unless they're a catfish,
and his name's, like, Bill.
Me and freakin' Shubham.
"I, too, thought Mercedeze was fake
because of the unnatural filter
on her image, as well as her introduction
was a little bit on the edgy side,
and I don't think
that's her real personality."
[claps] Whoo!
Holy shit, this girl is, like,
extremely, like, open with me.
[Seaburn grunts]
Message Rebecca.
"I really like how honest and open
you and I are at the beginning of this."
"I feel like we can form a real connection
and work together
in an alliance till the end.
What do you think?"
[Michelle] So, day one in The Circle,
and already alliances are forming.
Oh, not bad.
[Michelle] But we don't want them getting
too comfy-cozy,
- so here comes a nice icebreaker.
- Ah, nice.
[Michelle] And like everything in here,
it's not just for fun.
It could affect their game.
[Michelle] Take it away, Circle.
Oh, my God. What's happening?
Ice Breaker!
Come on, Ice Breaker.
Let's see what this is about.
Circle, open Ice Breaker app.
[Shubham] "All Players will be shown
a series of statements.
You must decide if you agree or disagree
with each statement."
Let's go! Whoo!
This is where it gets
[Michelle] And of course, we want everyone
in everyone's business,
so they'll all know how each other voted.
- Sounds like fun.
- Oh, this is exciting.
[sips loudly, smacks lips]
[Chris] "It's okay to pee in the shower."
Hell no. What?
It is definitely okay to pee
in the shower.
Who doesn't pee in the shower?
Absolutely not.
I think Joey's a peeer.
Oh, man. He's definitely a peeer.
Everyone pees in the shower.
It's, like, a universal thing.
You're gonna dry off to take a leak?
Come on.
[Karyn] Disagree.
I really wanna see who said this.
Oh, my God. Please, females,
don't do me wrong on this one.
Aw! Come on.
Okay. I'm callin' straight bullshit.
I'm shocked how many people disagree.
People really said no?
I'm kind of surprised that Sammie agreed
that it's okay to pee in a shower.
Sammie pees in the shower. [laughs]
That's raising some flags in my head.
Like, why is Sammie the only one
that says it's okay?
She might be a dude. All I can say.
[Antonio] All right, Circle. "@Sammie.
You're the only girl who chose
to pee in the shower."
Send message.
Message. "I don't know about you guys,
but in the shower, I wash with soap
and then rinse,
and the water goes down the drain."
"Aim for the drain, exclamation point.
That's what I always say."
"Aim for the drain!
That's what I always say."
"@Alana, don't lie.
You love peeing in the shower. LOL.
Laugh out loud emoji." Send.
I don't pee in the frickin' shower!
I mean, I'm shocked
that the others disagreed with me.
[clicks tongue] This is fun.
Let's see what the next question is.
"Money can buy you happiness."
- Hundred percent disagree.
- I disagree.
[makes squeaking noise]
- Agree.
- I'm very, like, in the middle about this,
but I am gonna put agree.
[Seanburn] Ooh!
Ooh-hoo-hoo! Ooh-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo!
Who agreed to that?
Ooh, Alana?
That's typical model shit.
Y'all are lying because you're here,
and at the end of this game,
you will be winning a cash prize.
Y'all fake.
Now, Alana, of all people,
you have to say no about something
as little as peeing in the fucking shower,
but money can buy you?
That's cute.
Message for everybody.
"Money can't buy you true happiness,
but it sure can buy you
temporary happiness.
I sure would love some ass implants."
[laughing] "Ass implants."
Man, dude,
I'm finding Chris really, like
"Ah! Ah!"
All right, let's see
if there's another good question.
I feel like we're
on The Oprah Winfrey Show.
"It's fine to message someone
a naked pic."
Absolutely not!
Oh, no, no, no, no. No, it's not fine. No.
I get dick pics all the time,
and I'm just gonna say this,
it's not flattering.
It's cool to send a naked pic
when you're in a relationship.
I've never sent a naked picture,
and I'm very happy about that.
Very happy.
[Seaburn] That's not okay.
Rebecca definitely would be livid.
She would be so mad.
As a woman, you always get sent,
like, dick pics
and nobody wants to see a dick pic.
That's nasty.
I can see most of the females disagreeing
with this.
I'm gonna agree, though,
just to go against the grain.
I mean, shit,
Mercedeze has taken implied pictures,
but me, personally,
[clicks tongue]
this body is for me and God.
[laughs] Hell no!
I got to go with agree.
I would like to say disagree, but I can't.
Why do I gotta be honest?
I'm not lying.
Oh! Yeah, Joey pees in the shower,
and Joey sends nudes.
"I spot three kinky peeps in The Circle."
Jesus. I gotta learn to lie.
"@Alana. Since being a model,
would you ever pose nude, question mark."
"@Antonio. I turned down
Playboy centerfold,
so that's a no for me."
Damn, maybe she really is a model.
What a way to break the ice. Phew.
[Michelle] For an icebreaker,
that was pretty heated.
And while Sammie cools off
by taking a shower that she may
or may not pee in,
Joey starts a private chat with one Player
who's caught his attention.
You'll never guess who it is.
[gasps] Oh, my God.
"So, word on the street is
you are crushin' on me hard right now."
Oh, my God.
[grunts] Pfft.
"Clearly I'm private messaging you
for a reason.
Wink emoji." Send.
[exclaims, laughs] With a winky face.
Message. "Aw, that's cute.
The Ice Breaker app was so crazy.
It really brought everybody together."
"That's very true.
But I have to say, I am disappointed,
dot, dot, dot."
Oh, come on. [clears throat]
Message Joey.
"I'm sorry I don't pee in the shower.
Crying emoji."
Yes! I love this girl. Message.
"This just went from a curiosity
to a straight pursuit.
I'm hittin' 90 on the freeway.
I'm comin' to get you, girl.
"YeahBuddy." [laughs]
He is Italian.
I think she's feelin' it, dog.
She's feelin' it.
We're getting along pretty good.
I like this.
He seems fun to talk to.
Now the question with all this is,
is she who she says she is?
In this case,
I'm flirting back a little bit.
Forming an alliance
with a guy is a great thing to do.
All right, message.
"All this is sounding
way too good to be true.
I have to ask, how do I know you're real?"
God, that's the thing,
people always will think that I'm fake.
Oh, my God. What do I even say?
Message. "LOL,
you got a good point right there"
"it's kinda crazy to think
there are people in here
that could be a catfish.
But everything about me is real,
and you have somebody that you can trust."
I mean, I'm hoping,
but you're kinda sayin' too much
of all the right things.
Message. "Night night." Send.
"Night night."
All right, honey. You got my attention.
Joey is like Joey from Friends.
Literally, such a flirt.
[Michelle] So,
Joey's made a move for Alana,
but he's not the only guy
asking a Circle girl, "How you doin'?"
[Antonio] Ah, I can't hit that shit.
[Michelle] 'Cause pro-baller
Antonio's ready to shoot his shot.
Circle, open private chat with Mercedeze.
All right, Antonio.
Let's see what you talking about, babe.
"Hey, Mercedeze, what's going on?
How you doing?"
Message. "Hey, Antonio.
Pretty quiet on my end.
About to cuddle up with a good book.
Are you a reader or just a baller?"
Ooh, she's like
She wants to know more about me
more than I wanna know about her.
My game plan is is to flirt
but not too much.
You gotta keep it player.
Um, message.
"I am a reader, a baller,
and I do a lot of other things.
Smiley face."
So you're getting straight
to nitty-gritty. Aw, shit, Antonio.
I was trying to be your friend first, bro,
and then go down that line, like
But [clicks tongue]when in Rome,
do like the Romans, so let's go!
Message. "Why are you single?"
Send message.
[Antonio] Ooh.
I'm not really single.
Well, in this game, I am.
She's definitely flirting with me,
which is a good sign.
We're right here with it.
This is good. This is good.
We gotta keep goin'.
"I think I'm single
because I haven't found the right one.
What about you?"
"I am single
"I'm single because I haven't found
the right one to take home to the family."
Now, this is how you keep it player.
This is where the flirting comes in.
I'm about to
I'm about to set her up real quick.
"Have you ever dated
a professional basketball player?"
"Families love me."
I knew that was coming.
Bow! And you did exactly what I want
Yo, guys are so fucking predictable, bro.
I know.
I need to give lessons of this shit, man.
I need to write a fuckin' book about it.
I'm gonna leave him right here.
"Goodnight. Sweet dreams.
Talk to you later." Hmm.
Good times, man. [laughs] Good times.
Aw, shit.
- [humming]
- [Alana gasps]
[screams] It does switch on!
[Michelle] Earlier,
we had our first ever rankings, people.
[belches] That was a good one.
[Michelle] Excuse you.
All Players got to rank each other
based just on their looks
and basic profile.
Ten shots.
[Michelle] And now,
just because it looks like
they're getting
a little bit too comfortable,
let's hit them with one of our alerts.
- [alarm blares]
- Oh, no. Alert!
Oh, alert, alert, alert, alert, alert!
"Just when I thought I was out,
they pull me back in!"
[Shubham] "Players,
the Rating results are in." Oh, my God.
Drumroll, please. [imitates drumroll]
[chuckling] Oh, my gosh.
Let's see. I want to be, like,
somewhere in the middle.
The first people who's the first now
are gonna be, like, the threat,
like, people are gonna want to get them
the fuck out of here, so
If you're last,
you're gonna be fucking last.
"Seventh and eighth."
[clicks tongue] Come on, come on,
come on, come on,
come on, come on, come on.
Okay. Get ready.
[sputters, grunts]
I'm just hoping I don't see my photo.
Oh, my God, I got eighth?
Are you kidding me?
Damn. I gotta be more active.
No, not Shooby.
How are you eighth? What the fuck?
Ugh, this is so bad. This is so bad.
[Sammie] All right, well,
the hardest part's over.
[laughing] As long as I'm not last.
As long as I'm not last.
That's all I got to say.
All I've got to fucking say.
Five and six. Fifth and sixth. Okay.
Come on.
- Oh, my
- [Seaburn] Yes. Okay.
Okay, good. I'm number six.
[kisses] Word.
I can work my way up from there.
Oh, wow. I'm number five. Not too bad.
[Antonio] Damn.
I wanted to be fifth or sixth.
Now everyone's gonna be headhunting
for me now.
[sighs] Come on, give me fourth.
Fourth would be perfect for me.
It's, like, right in the middle.
I'm guessin' Antonio. No, Sammie.
I'm gonna say Alana.
All right. Oh, my God.
Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Oh, my God.
Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Oh, my God.
All right, I'll take four.
I'll take four!
Oh, my gosh. Ugh!
[Michelle] So, that leaves Alana, Sammie,
and an irritated Antonio
- to the top three spots.
- [Antonio] Damn.
[Michelle] The top two
will become Circle Influencers
and will use this influence
to influentially influence
things in The Circle,
but who's just missed out?
We're doing good, Alana.
[in singsong] Team Alana.
My heart is beating in my vagina.
If I'm not third,
I might pick this bed up and throw it.
Oh, I'm third. Okay, so I got top three.
Oh, my gosh, it's over.
[Michelle] But who's The Circle's top dog?
[blows raspberry]
My strategy isn't working, obviously.
Yeah, it makes sense that those guys
got one and two.
They seem natural.
But I really didn't want to be second.
I wanted to be where Joey and Chris are at
'cause it's not much of a threat.
Now everyone's gonna gun for me.
They're gonna try to get me out now.
I wish I could get naked.
[Michelle] Oh, don't worry.
No one can see you.
It's not like your apartment
is filled with cameras.
Our new Influencers are about to find out
that with great influence
comes great responsibility.
- [alarm blares]
- Another alert! [squeals]
Okay, let's go.
Tell me something I don't want to know.
Oh, here we go. What's next, Circle?
Whoa. So now we're doing, like,
[chuckling] back-to-back heart attacks?
[Sammie] "As the most popular Players,
Sammie and Antonio
are now The Circle Influencers." What?
[Antonio] Influencers,
what does that mean?
What's an Influencer?
[sighs, chuckles]
How the fuck did this happen?
"All other Players
are at risk of being Blocked."
[whining] Oh, my God!
Hold on,
they're gonna do that right now?
"Influencers, you must now decide
which at-risk Player you wish to block
from The Circle."
Oh, my God, no.
It's crazy because, like,
I've hated influencers my whole life,
and I think they're everything wrong
with social media,
and now my fate is at the hands of them.
[sighs] We gotta pick someone to block.
"Please go up to the Hangout
to discuss your decision."
Where's the Hangout?
[Sammie] Wow. I'm verified.
That's a verified check, bitch.
Well, I think today went
from friendly getting to know each others
to now we're gonna see
some fangs come out,
and it's definitely gonna get interesting.
[Michelle] Influencers Antonio and Sammie
are headed up to the Hangout
to determine the ultimate fate
of one of their fellow Players
over some lovely hors d'oeuvres.
[gasps] Aw! [laughs, gasps]
Is this a martini?
I could live like this.
This is, like, nerve-racking.
Is this real?
This is nice.
[Sammie] Scary business here.
Okay. Message.
"Hi, Antonio.
So who do you think
we should start out with?" Send.
Message. "Let's start with Chris."
[Sammie] Message.
"My pros for Chris is that he seems
personable. I feel like anybody
could really talk to him.
He's definitely someone
I want to keep here
because I want to be his friend."
If I had to block someone I didn't like,
it would be Chris.
But Chris isn't a threat right now,
so we have to be strategic.
Chris don't seem like he's
he's out to get me.
Message. "Okay, now Joey.
I think it's my best interest
to keep Joey for now."
Message. "For me, I think we should keep
Chris and Joey for sure."
"Okay, what about Shubham,
aka Shooby?"
"Shooby"? Who the fuck named him Shooby?
I hope Sammie doesn't come for my boy.
You know, that's my boy.
[Sammie] Message.
"My pros for Shubham
is that he's extremely intelligent"
"and he always has something good
to say, whatever the topic."
I agree. I definitely agree.
I can't get rid of a guy
'cause it'll look shady on my part.
They're gonna get rid of me next.
So I can't get rid of a guy right now.
But if I get rid of a girl,
the girls will think
Sammie's the reason
why she got rid of a girl.
[Sammie] "Let's talk about Rebecca."
Message. "I don't really have
any pros about Rebecca.
I feel like I don't really know her yet."
Honestly, I guess I don't really have
any pros about her either.
She's kind of just, like, there.
Message. "To be honest,
I don't have any pros,
and I don't really have any cons."
Sammie is basically saying whatever I say
in a different way.
I'm the Influencer
influencing the Influencer.
That's crazy.
"Now, let's talk about Alana."
Message. "I feel like Alana might not be
who she says she is."
I agree. I don't feel like Alana
is who she says she is.
I have the same feelings.
"The pros for Alana are that she does know
how to talk to people.
However, I would say that her cons,
from my perspective,
are that she talks about
appearance a lot,
being pretty, modeling, et cetera." Send.
Message. "Mercedeze." Send.
"The pros for Mercedeze is
that she always has something to say.
The cons for Mercedeze,
her profile picture is very,
very filtered.
I would like to see
a more natural picture of her."
- Send.
- [Antonio] Hmm.
Okay. I can see that.
"I totally agree, but I don't think
she's much of a threat
being all the way at seven." Send.
I just feel like she's a threat to me
right now because she's always talking.
She's always replying to people,
so I just feel like, right now,
she would be my biggest competition.
"Do you think we should pick Alana,
question mark." Send.
"Do you think we should pick Alana?"
I wasn't ready for that.
I don't know. Alana
Alana and Mercedeze.
[Michelle] While the Influencers
are deciding who to block,
the other Players are feeling the stress.
"Can you guys fucking believe
this is happening right now?" Send.
Message. "Girl, I am shaking
in my space boots, exclamation point."
"I'm freaking out, guys."
"I knew I was bad at first impressions,
but this one really hurts.
Think I'm the one going, period.
Best of luck with this game."
Send. [chuckles]
"I think I'm the one going.
Best of luck with" Oh, no!
Message. "Sending lots of love
to all of you, heart emoji."
[Sammie] Message.
"So, who's going to break the news?" Send.
Message. "I'll do it on one condition."
"I don't usually do conditions, but
I'll hear you out."
- Send.
- Message.
"On one condition.
We protect each other."
"We protect each other."
I like that. Message.
"I'm down for that
because I know I'm loyal."
[alarm blares]
Ooh! Y'all better hold on to your panties,
Don't pee on yourself,
'cause we've got an alert.
"The Influencers
have made their decision."
Oh, my gosh.
Our fate is literally in the hands
of two people
who don't really know any of us.
"All Players must go to The Circle Chat."
Please, guys, I'm begging you.
Give me the shot.
Take it away, Antonio.
It's your time to shine, boo.
"Sammie and I have come to a decision,
and it wasn't easy."
[Shubham] Well, I mean, that's typical.
You have to say that
when you're sending someone home.
"The reason we picked this Player
is because
we don't think they are
who they say they are."
Oh, God. Now I don't want to see.
Here it is. [sighs]
Are they talking about Chris?
Are they talking about me?
Oh, my God.
"The Player we decided to block is,
dot, dot, dot."
Oh, my God.
Oh, God.
You gotta build the suspense.
You gotta build the suspense.
Who are you picking?
[exhales deeply]
Whoa! [chuckles] Yeah!
Holy shit!
I knew it. They don't think I am who I am.
I was not expecting that!
Oh, shit. Alana is done.
Oh, of course,
I knew that they were not gonna think
that it was me
because, obviously, I'm a model,
so they wouldn't think that I am who I am.
Oh, bitch. Look at my hand.
[voice shaking] It's shaking, boo.
"Alana has been blocked from The Circle."
Oh, no!
Definitely did not expect this at all.
[Karyn] Oh! Y'all block her automatic.
You don't even give us a chance
to say deuces.
So, Alana is leaving tonight.
'Cause I didn't get to talk to them,
and I didn't get to explain
who I really am.
I am real.
Oh, my goodness.
This sucks.
Moment of silence.
Moment gone. Next.
- [Seaburn panting]
- That was intense. [sighs]
Oh, my God.
[alarm blares]
Another fucking alert!
I feel like
The Circle's trying to kill hos.
What the hell could they say to us?
"Alana has been blocked from The Circle."
We saw that part.
[Sammie] "Before Alana leaves,
she can meet one Player."
Oh, shit.
"Alana is on her way
to meet one of you now."
Oh, my
Oh, my fucking God.
I've got to put a jacket on.
They don't tell us?
If she came in here pissed off,
I'm just gonna say it was Sammie's fault.
It wasn't my fault.
[theme music playing]
Next Episode