The Circle: Brazil (2020) s01e01 Episode Script

Bem-vindo ao The Circle

How far would you go to be popular?
This is The Circle.
A game where you can be
whoever you want to be
to get a 67,000 dollar prize.
Nine players will start the competition
by moving into the same building.
They will live a few meters away
from each other
without seeing or hearing one another.
They have no idea who's on the other side.
But who does?
Because they can only communicate
through a smart, voice-activated platform:
The Circle.
The key is to draw attention
through a social media profile.
Imagine having to impress someone
using only photo and text.
Which means, everything is allowed.
Even a fake profile.
If a player isn't interesting enough,
they will be blocked
and replaced by a new one.
At the end, the remaining contestant,
after being selected as most popular
by the other players,
will take the grand prize.
Welcome to The Circle Brazil.
With the rules laid out,
who will be the first player to arrive
at The Circle apartment?
Holy mother of God.
No way! I love it already!
It looks so hip.
My goodness.
It's my home.
Plants, vegetation Wow.
I feel relaxed. Everything's fine.
I was feeling tense.
My name is João Akel.
I'm 20, from Araxá, Minas Gerais.
People have a hard time talking to me.
I speak and think too fast,
nobody understands what I say.
So they only nod and smile.
I love to party.
I tried to settle down,
but it's not for me.
Where I'm from, people like to gossip.
Even I gossip, whether I like it or not.
It's an exchange.
You offer information to people,
and vice versa.
You always win in the end.
I'm a 20-year-old business student,
but in the game, I will be
a 30-year-old dietician.
My character, the doctor,
has already been tested in real life.
I dated a girl for five months
pretending to be a doctor.
She has yet to find out.
One day, she wasn't feeling that well.
Everybody looked at me.
She said I was a doctor.
If I pretend to be a doctor and older,
I can show some credibility.
There's a huge difference
between a 20-year-old and a 30-year-old.
I went way back to the 90s,
watched the movies
they watched back then, Titanic
I love that movie.
So my character is a pro in this already.
It'll be a big hit in Brazil.
Let me take a look in here.
Very homey. Wine glasses.
I will sip some delicious wine.
I broke it already.
One player breaks wine glasses.
Will the next one break the Internet?
Oh, my God!
This is fabulous!
The Circle Brazil!
This is my chance to shine, honey.
My name is Dumaresq,
I'm 24 years old and I'm an artist.
I'm from Natal, Rio Grande do Norte.
I'm not discreet at all.
Look at this face,
at these eyes, at this outfit.
I'm honest. That's the way I am.
Do you want to talk to me? Do it.
Otherwise, scram.
If I'm a bother,
if I make people talk, wonderful.
I love to expose myself on social media.
You'll see me eating, pooping,
showering, kissing.
I have a lot of nudes out there.
Men ask me for nudes,
I go, "Here, take all of them."
We get to know people through intimacy.
I love to talk about poop and B.O.
I will be myself in The Circle,
but a bit more dramatic.
I'll get into a lot of fights
because I'm nosy and love to argue.
I'll definitely be the spice in this game.
When I notice people chatting,
I will throw in some spice.
Fame, money, and social media.
I'm in my habitat.
Look at this. My God.
I'm in my element.
Your outfit even matches the sofa
because, here in The Circle,
all players deserve a spot
that suits them.
This is gorgeous!
I am my butt, my butt is me.
My name is Marina.
I'm 25, from Rio de Janeiro.
I live in Méier. It can't get any better.
I just got certified.
I'm a flight attendant now.
Because I love to fly, that's it.
I'll be an alter ego,
but I'll use my personality.
I love to sing in the shower
since I was little,
so I'll be an amateur singer.
I had this idea because I believe
music brings people together.
What's the catch? The catch is
I don't know how to sing, but I sing.
Wanna hear me sing? No can do.
It'll work out in the end.
I'll flirt with anyone if necessary.
Men, women.
An uncle. A grandpa. A granny.
There's money on the line, let's do this.
Do you want me to feed your ego?
Leave it to me.
But bring some milk.
I rarely apologize, like
"I've already
I've already apologized for that."
Get it? Like,
"It was the first thing I did."
The more you envy me,
the bigger my butt gets.
Marina, hold your horses.
People are still arriving.
Hey there! What's up?
I'm Julia.
Sometimes people judge me
because my style is different.
But I am joining The Circle
to prove that looks can be deceiving.
Julia is
this beast right here.
My name is Rob. I'm 34 years old.
I'm a cutler from Sorocaba, São Paulo.
People perceive me
as this savage guy, kind of a brute.
They see a wild bear from the outside,
then they realize
I'm a Care Bear on the inside.
I know the real Julia.
She's a cutler too.
In terms of personality,
Julia will be like me.
But I want her to be bisexual and single,
while I'm straight and married.
I can hardly see a disadvantage
in being a woman in the show.
I was raised by women.
My mom is my biggest idol.
To me, women are badass.
I like when people think I'm impolite,
kind of aggressive.
I can show that you can't judge a book
by its cover.
If you're competing against me,
be careful.
I'm compelling, charismatic,
and I'll win you over.
Wow. Incredible, man.
I even want to sleep now.
Shit! Son of a bitch!
I screwed up.
I hope I didn't break the bed.
Yeah, that was heavy.
Let's hope the next player takes it easy.
How beautiful! Wow.
My God, this place is awesome.
Do I wait for an "Action"
or may I start already?
My name is Lorayne. I'm 22 years old.
I'm from Realeza, Paraná,
a very small town.
I like to move, I'm hyperactive.
It's sheer torture
not to spin on this stool.
I'll miss my cellphone.
In social media stories, we see,
"My breakfast was perfect today.
My maid cooked omelet and cranberry."
F you!
I don't wanna be that kind of girl.
Lo is going single to The Circle.
If it's a pretty girl, I go
But women are not my only option.
I'm into men too.
I'm not going to make a sign
because only old people do this.
I know I'm beautiful.
I'm not doing this for you, but for me.
So yeah, I'm hot.
I don't wanna lie about anything.
I wanna be exactly who I am out there.
This way, I have a better chance
of winning.
Circle? Are you there?
Can you hear me?
I don't know how to interact.
- Is there a button?
- Circle.
- Circle?
- What's up, Circle? Where are you at?
Can it see me?
Is there a remote control for it
in this box? Can I open it?
There isn't one.
"Welcome to The Circle."
Hey, girl, thanks!
I have to start getting into
- "This is a voice-activated"
- "system."
"Set up your profile."
Wow, this is a very stressful moment.
Time for a brigadeiro.
"Select an image from your gallery
to become your first profile picture."
How do I open my gallery?
Open my gallery, Circle.
It worked.
Each player has a photo gallery.
The hardest part is selecting one
to make a good first impression.
After all, this is the only photo
the other players will see.
That photo is so me!
The one with the cats is great, too.
Circle, open the "Health" album.
Whoa, what a handsome doctor.
But I'm not starting with these.
People might get suspicious.
Circle, honey, go to the second photo.
The orange one.
Very esoteric, very hippie.
Where are the photos?
All lies.
Circle, go to my photo in the pool.
The shirtless one.
That one turned out great.
That one represents me a lot.
So Circle,
add this profile picture.
People are going to like me
because of this photo. I hope so.
Girl, it's perfect.
That photo
with the pool table.
Awesome. I like it.
It's simple, it shows her delicate side,
she shows some tattoos
Circle, add to my profile.
Add to my profile, Circle.
I love it.
Name, photo: check. Now, my age.
Thirty years old.
A 20-year-old doesn't show credibility.
I'm 25 years old, but how about 22?
They'll want to talk to me, I know it.
"Relationship status."
Single, of course.
Ready to party.
Circle, put down single.
I'm starting out smoothly.
I'm here, but not really.
Looking for love.
No, single.
In an open relationship.
It's a conversation starter.
Julia will draw more attention
if she's single, right?
Circle, add "about me."
The hardest part. Damn.
I can't mess this up.
It's gotta be something cool.
Circle, put down the following
fem gay, and full of life.
It's a general view of who I am.
I love Japanese food and astrology.
I study signs.
Virgo countryside girl,
wannabe model,
small-town, chatty princess.
I am a doctor specialized in nutrition.
It gives a lot of oomph.
I'm a singer.
One day, you will hear about me.
Fire turns scrap metal into art.
I think it looks good.
- Circle, post my profile.
- Post my profile.
It turned out really great.
Five profiles created: check!
Whoa. Here comes more people.
Wow, there's a pleasant little garden.
I love it. The sofa is amazing.
Ouch, I bumped my head.
My name is Gabriel. I'm 26 years old.
I'm also known as Gaybol.
I'm a video game content creator.
In other words, I'm a professional gamer.
Video games aren't only
for children anymore.
There are millions of people
in this industry, serious people.
It's what I do for a living.
I'll say I have a girlfriend.
I'm only here to win the game.
I'm more into slaying dragons
than French kissing, dude.
Such a nerd.
I'm hyperactive.
I can't stop moving, I can't shut up.
I'm going to be myself.
I'm really great with strategies.
I'll be that guy
who waits for the right moment
to stab in the back.
Watch out, dude.
I'm going to beat The Circle.
Circle, good morning.
Circle, good afternoon.
Circle, hello.
Circle, what's up, bro?
Circle, what's good?
While Gaybol tries to figure things out,
shall we peek into another apartment?
I'm in The Circle!
Have you heard stories about
the fearless girls from the Northeast?
So yeah, I am brave,
and I'm very proud of that.
I'm bullied because of my accent,
and, due to my stereotype,
people don't believe I'm a northeasterner.
You don't want to hear my accent?
No? Non?
Too bad.
I'm here to break all the stereotypes
you can possibly imagine.
I'm a DJ. Yes, women can be DJs too.
I was Miss Paraíba 2018.
It was an honor to represent my state.
It'll be a good opportunity for me to show
I'm more than just a pretty face.
Because I competed
in the Miss Brazil Pageant,
I have an advantage.
I have experience in competitions,
especially when it comes down
to popularity.
So I'll be myself.
I can't pretend to be somebody else.
With my originality,
the winner of The Circle
will be from Paraíba.
You will see.
I feel crazy talking to myself,
but it's okay. It is what it is.
There's a box here for me.
I hope it's alcohol.
Wow, there's so much food.
I thought I wouldn't mess up my diet.
Some people can't control their hunger,
some can't control their excitement.
Oh, my God! I have a bathtub!
I have a bathtub
Dad, do you see this?
I have an apartment, all to myself
I'm Paloma. You can call me Loma.
I'm 26 years old.
I'm the meme queen.
I joke about everything.
This princess deserves a thousand likes.
My smile is beautiful, after all.
I like to define myself
as a trucker gay.
I'm very persuasive.
I've had several flings.
I had two relationships at the same time.
They didn't know.
My bad.
I'm single now, thanks to a divine energy.
I've figured out the ideal profile.
In The Circle, I will be Lucas.
A 25-year-old straight man,
with a man bun.
I only wear a bun if my hair is dirty.
I borrowed my friend Lucas's photos.
We tell the same silly jokes,
we have the same outrageous laughter.
He's persuasive too.
A heterosexual, white male,
with straight hair,
is automatically the most popular.
I might be the best catfish of all time.
To enter the game,
I did some research into male behavior.
I'm prepared. I have a few pick-up lines.
I believe I'm irresistible.
I almost feel like a TV actress.
Mom, I'm on TV!
What's this?
Is it edible?
I hope so.
Oh, it's paçoca!
Oh, my God! It's so delicious!
Paçoca changes lives.
And our last player saves lives.
What an awful joke.
Let me kneel here.
Hello, smart Brazilian people!
Smart people from the whole world!
I have arrived in The Circle!
My name is João Paulo Gadelha.
You can call me JP or Gadelha.
I'm a true northeasterner.
I'm a military firefighter.
I like saving lives,
rescuing people, animals.
This is what I'll show to people.
I'm not just a shallow, good-looking guy.
I have much more to offer than a body.
I get hit on all the time,
I get harassed all the time.
I receive a lot of nudes.
Some of them make you wonder
how they managed
to get a certain angle in a photo.
I lose my temper easily.
Joe Balloon is my nickname.
Because I burst easily.
You don't want to mess with me.
My military experience
will help me in The Circle, for sure.
I'm very picky and meticulous.
Willpower, bravery.
These are my strategies.
So in The Circle, I want to fight
until the very end and win.
Exfoliating scrub.
This one is a facial cleanser.
I have to take care of my skin,
so I don't end up with a wrinkled face.
Don't worry. Nobody will see you.
Enough chit-chat.
Shall we put together a profile
so we can get some compliments?
It's time, my dude!
To the left, to the right
Now do a circle
Circle, open my photo album.
I like it. Hold on, let me see.
Circle, open "Hobbies."
There are some nice photos in there.
My eyes are really intense there,
they draw attention.
And I'm not wearing a lot of makeup.
Circle, I want to add this photo
to my profile.
It's bad. Terrible first impression.
Circle, add this photo to my profile.
Very nice.
Circle, add this photo to my profile.
I would kiss this dude on the lips.
Too bad we're just friends.
And I'm not into men.
I'm going to say I'm 28 years old.
I'm actually 31, but
I think it's a good age.
It's not quite 30, it's close to 30.
He's an experienced man.
"Relationship status."
Single, since I'm actually single.
Circle, put down "in a relationship."
Lucas is single.
I'm single too because
Well, there's plenty of fish in the sea.
We can't stop.
Sassy northeasterner.
Wait, not sassy.
People will keep saying, "Oh, he's sassy."
I started modeling
when I was 15 years old.
I also work as a DJ.
I like to spend time with my family.
Family shows this cool homebody vibe.
I like anything that allows me
to stay at home.
Physical effort is also not my thing.
And a heart emoji.
It's great, I love it.
Circle, post my profile.
Dude, we're perfect.
No flaws at all.
If you see a fire, just hit me up.
Circle, you may post my profile.
Man, I can't wait to meet
my fellow players.
Nine players perfectly settled
into The Circle apartments.
The time has come.
Shit. What happened?
Holy shit!
What's this?
Earthquake? Tsunami?
Oh, my God!
"All players must rate one another
based on first impressions."
Before I talk to any of them?
Lord have mercy.
"Open the profiles and rate the players
from first to eighth place."
This is so messed up, Mouse.
Hold on. Are they going to rate me too?
I'm ready, Circle. I'm ready.
"First place is your favorite player,
and eighth place is your least favorite."
It's a lot of pressure to rate everybody
just like that, out of nowhere.
Oh, no.
Time to judge a book by its cover.
"The top two players
will become influencers
and will hold great power."
My goodness.
Who wouldn't want it from the start?
With great power
comes great responsibility.
This will literally start a bang, bang!
"All other players
- will be at risk of being blocked."
- Blocked?
Oh, my God! No!
Blocked right off the bat?
Brace yourselves.
I'm shocked.
Open the profiles, Circle.
It's time to meet this crazy bunch.
I'm already regretting my photo. Crap.
They'll think I'm a catfish.
Hot, hot,
I'd date him, hot
Hot. Oh, my God.
Circle, open Ana Carla's profile.
"Ana Carla. Age: 22.
Relationship status: single."
I don't know, that photo looks kinda fake.
She's so beautiful.
My competition.
"I'm from Campina Grande, Paraíba."
Another northeasterner?
The bit about being Miss Paraíba is
Circle, open Dumaresq's profile.
It's a peculiar name.
His mom shuffled letters at random
to give him his name.
But that is a fierce queen!
"In an open relationship." Naughty.
"Artist, northeasterner
Fem gay."
"Media student. In my free time,
I go out and slay."
I like it. I slay too.
We have to see who is better at this.
I'm so mad I didn't think about that!
open Lorayne's profile.
Lorayne, girl!
She's wearing a coconut ring. Is she
a lesbian?
We have something in common.
I said I love astrology.
and like to party.
I love it. "Party."
Just the word I was looking for.
We're gonna get along.
My English is bad.
Circle, open JP's profile.
He's so hot.
One could say he's a porn star
dressed as a firefighter.
"Relationship status: actively looking."
"Actively looking," bro?
"Actively looking?"
Stereotypical male, you know?
He's going to flirt with everybody.
I can already tell.
I ship him with Ana Carla.
He's going to hit on me.
I'll encourage him.
I'll use my seduction game.
I think it'll help me.
"If you see a fire, just hit me up."
I'm on fire, JP. Come and get me.
Circle, open Lucas's profile.
All right. Lucas is 25 years old.
"Relationship status: single."
Everybody is single, man.
He looks like a surfer dude.
He could shave the armpits
and let the beard grow some more.
"I'm a fun guy."
Everybody says that, honey.
Nobody would say, "I'm boring."
"I like to spend time with my family,
work and drink. I'm only human, after all.
That's true. We're only human.
A typical boozer.
"Water eater," as people say in Bahia.
He took a photo in his backyard.
He's a homebody.
We can see the rug airing behind him.
But who knows if Lucas is really Lucas.
Circle, open Akel's profile.
He looks like me.
At least, the photo does.
"I love Japanese food and astrology."
We can exchange some ideas.
He loves astrology?
He probably doesn't know his rising sign.
"I am a doctor."
This is exactly what I need.
I feel a bit weak.
I need treatment, you know?
Usually, doctors don't believe
in signs or astrology.
Why are you lying, baby?
Circle, open Julia's profile.
She's got tattoos. I like her already.
She looks gayer than Lorayne.
Much gayer.
Julia is older. A cougar.
"Fire turns scrap metal into art
and art into scrap metal.
It all depends on you."
Circle, open Marina's.
I like her already. She's exciting.
I love her hair.
I love when they have lots of hair.
"I'm an adventurer.
I love meeting people, hip hop"
We'll get along.
"A true carioca, I'm everywhere.
I'm a singer.
One day, you will hear about me."
Can you imagine
if she's a male singer instead?
Circle, open Gaybol's profile.
Gaybol? Is he gay?
He is 26 years old. Wow, he looks younger!
"In a relationship." Are you sure, dude?
Nerd and relationships don't go together.
I hope his girlfriend isn't a video game.
"I love video games.
I have the best player two by my side."
He looks crazy,
like those nerds who shout,
They screened the profiles.
Who are the most popular
among the players?
The moment of truth!
I'm almost pulling out my nails.
I'm so nervous.
Now I wonder. I have to think about it.
People who are very different from me,
I have to rate them lower.
Circle, start ratings.
Let me start from the beginning.
Circle, rate Marina as first place.
Circle, Marina in fourth place.
I didn't like Marina.
Maybe everybody liked her?
Ana Carla in fourth place.
I think she might like my profile.
She's looking at me in such a way.
Anywhere I go, she's staring.
The eighth place, unfortunately
goes to Ana Carla.
Her profile is very shallow.
Gaybol in first place.
Circle, let's put Gaybol in sixth place.
He doesn't like to leave the house,
he looks crazy.
Fourth place goes to Lucas.
I don't think he's lying, I don't know.
Put Lorayne in first in the ratings.
Beach girl, likes partying
We're soul mates.
In first place, I'm gonna put Dumaresq.
I think he's very authentic.
In eighth place, Circle,
please put JP.
I think JP needs to go back home
and get some rest.
And in last place
Julia. Who are you, Julia?
Who are you, girl?
Circle, complete my ratings.
Circle, send.
I can't!
Ratings completed, expectations set.
I can't wait to see
who's going to be an influencer
and who's going to fail straight away.
There's something on the screen.
It opened here.
"Circle Chat is now open."
- Let's go.
- Circle
open chat.
Oh, it's everybody.
I'm going to wait.
Circle, message.
What's up, guys! Exclamation mark.
Is everything all right?
Question mark.
Circle, send message.
This is so crazy!
People are already messaging.
What's up!
Go ahead, put a bunch of U's.
Very nice. Awesome.
Circle, message to Gaybol.
I saw you like video games.
We're going to get along.
Nice, Marina! That's what I like to hear!
Circle, message to Marina.
And a laugh at the end. LOL.
Who laughs like that?
Oh, God. "LOL."
Circle, message.
I got nervous
trying to describe myself in my profile.
"But I think everything turned out well."
Circle, message.
Dumaresq, your profile is fucking awesome.
I want you right here, next to me.
Lorayne got involved in the chat.
They like me.
If you like my profile,
then you like my profile.
No one mentioned
the controversial topic. Here it goes.
Circle, message. What did you guys
think about the ratings?
It was so hard, right?
Circle, message.
Akel, I agree. It's hard to rate people
without knowing them!
Exclamation mark. #Stressful.
People, let the energy flow.
Good vibes! Exclamation mark.
Beautiful people,
if you need a few laughs,
if you need to vent,
if you need a girlfriend, talk to Auntie.
"If you need a girlfriend?"
What the hell, Julia?
That's lame. I don't like her.
I don't like thirsty people.
It's unnecessary.
Let's see if this friendliness
will last until the end.
If you last until then, you'll find out.
To win this game,
you better start socializing.
Circle, open a chat with Ana Carla.
"JP has invited you to a private chat."
I love it!
Circle, message.
Hey, Paraíba girl. Are you there?
Question mark. Send.
What's up, northeasterner? I'm cooking.
What about you?
"What's up, northeasterner?"
Circle, message.
Invite me to dinner.
"Invite me to that post-workout dinner."
You are invited. Come over.
Make yourself at home.
Circle, message.
Where do you stay
when you go to Recife? Send.
I stay at my cousin's,
in the Boa Viagem neighborhood.
Maybe next time I'll stay at yours.
Threw yourself, huh?
I'm gonna take a shower now.
I would love to have
Miss Paraíba's hands massaging my back.
The poor guy doesn't know
my hands are awful.
Circle, message.
Go ahead. We can set up a massage later.
I loved talking to you.
That will be my strategy.
Maybe after the game,
if that's really her,
we'll get to know each other,
and something will happen.
Nice guy. I'm into him for real.
I mean it. I'm up for it.
It's not a strategy.
Oh, I ship this couple.
What should we name them?
AnaP or JCarla?
The first day is over,
and they can get some rest.
Send the cattle back to the corral.
Miss Paraíba's secret is being revealed.
Good night, Circle.
I always wanted
to clap my lights off. Maybe
Good morning, Circle.
Good morning, Circle!
We're awake!
Another day, another dollar.
I hope I don't get eliminated today!
My strategy today is to approach
one of the players
that stood out yesterday.
I think it's a good strategy.
- Wow, so warm.
- This place is so cute!
Dumaresq sent a headtag
in the chat yesterday.
It was "#GoodVibes."
- "Headtag?" You mean, hashtag.
- Let's talk to him.
"Hey, Dumaresq. What do you think
about the Carnival in Bahia?"
Circle, create a group chat with Dumaresq,
Lorayne, JP, and Marina.
"Carnival Social."
No way, we have a group.
Akel has invited me
"Carnival Social."
I'm shocked! I was just relaxing here.
I accept it, though.
I want to join the group, Circle.
"Carnival Social."
So many emotions this early in the day.
Circle, open chat with Akel.
Good morning, guys.
I saw that you love a party
and to socialize.
Circle, send. Wow, it turned out perfect.
Party is my middle name.
Circle, message.
I'm already excited. Hahaha.
I'm even twerking in the ofuro tub.
She's even tweerk?
What is that? I need a dictionary, please.
For Christ's sake.
I don't know what a toerk is.
What is a tweerk?
Circle, message.
I created this group
so we can plan for the next Carnival.
What do you think? Question mark.
It's my favorite time of the year.
Circle, message.
Akel, I've been thinking about
the next Carnival since the last one.
I can wear a different costume everyday.
I love it so much.
Circle, message.
Girl, you can help me with outfits, then.
Introduce me to some of your girlfriends.
LMAO. Sassy emoji.
Circle, send.
I'm really curious about something.
Circle, message.
Lorayne, what do you mean
by me introducing you
to some of my girlfriends?
Circle, message.
Dumaresq, honey,
at a barbecue, I eat salad
"and sausage."
She's bi!
"I eat salad and sausage?" Wow!
Circle, message.
The party is on. #DontGoAwayChat.
I loved this morning chat.
It warms things up.
I would have added Ana Carla.
She's a DJ, loves parties and music.
But I'm not sure about her,
about some things in her profile.
And she loves electronic music.
I don't know if she'd have liked
the Bahia Carnival,
with a bunch of sweaty people
and all that.
They'll gradually get to know each other,
forming bonds and severing ties.
But the truth is,
no one is here to make friends.
They are here to be popular
and take home the 67,000 dollars.
"Ice Breaker."
Whoa, we're gonna play a game.
I'm great with games.
I will use my Northeastern heat
to melt this ice. Let's go.
I'm ready.
I love that question!
"Do you know how to dance quadradinho?"
Everybody will say yes,
and I'll be the only one who will say no.
What? Of course.
Check it out.
I'm gonna try.
Let's see who knows how to do it.
All the girls but me.
I'm so mad!
Julia said yes!
"Have you ever revealed
someone else's secret?"
Oh, shit.
Circle, no.
I hold my tongue.
We're putting the cards on the table.
Only three people said yes.
Akel, Dumaresq, and Lorayne.
Dumaresq is so honest, dude.
I knew he wouldn't hide anything.
Circle, message.
In a conversation,
everybody has let out
a secret or two unintentionally.
Akel, this story about letting out
a secret unintentionally
does not have me convinced, young man.
Magnifying glass emoji.
Look at her, playing detective.
Little Miss Perfect.
Hey, I'm being honest.
If honesty serves any purpose in life,
more power to me.
Are you being honest?
How old are you again, doctor?
Look, another question.
"Have you ever sent nudes?"
There we go.
I love talking about dirty stuff.
Your biggest mistake is saying
you're gonna take a shower.
Circle, my answer is "yes."
Julia loves to send nudes to people.
I'm too old for this,
so I don't do this stuff, man.
Whoever says no is a liar.
People who haven't sent any nudes
can cast the first stone.
Everybody has sent nudes.
- Of course.
- You're all crazy.
You can't withhold your nudes.
Circle, message.
In long-distance relationships,
nudes are an essential tool.
Look, we have a new information:
Akel had a long-distance relationship.
I have many friends in medical school.
At some point, they all have
a long-distance relationship.
Akel is turning out to be a real guy.
Circle, message. I'm floored!
"They put a bunch of pervs in this game.
# SendNudes. #AuntieWillTakeThem."
I love that woman.
Julia is too much, dude.
She's so awesome.
"Auntie" again.
I bet people are getting tired
of this Auntie thing.
Dude, "Auntie" is her trademark already.
- "Congratulations, you broke the ice."
- "You broke the ice."
Awesome. We totally broke the ice today.
Cool, I loved it.
These people are crazy. I love it.
The game is warming up, and people
are already planning strategies.
Who am I to judge?
Once again, Dumaresq stole the scene
when we played the game.
He's a very strong player.
I need to try chatting with him privately.
Circle, open private chat with Dumaresq.
Oh, my God.
Circle, open private chat with Akel.
He accepted it! Nice!
Let's see what you're gonna say.
I'm curious.
Circle, message.
Dude, it's great having you here!
Two exclamation marks.
One of my best friends is a lot like you.
Your profile was very reassuring to me.
Circle, send.
That's so cute.
The two of us.
Circle, message.
That's so cool!
You can be my best friend too.
Circle, message.
Akel, why didn't you add more players
to the Carnival Social Chat?
# Julia. #Ana. Only those.
I don't care about the rest.
I like them both. Especially Ana Carla.
Devil emoji.
But I don't know if she's a catfish.
What do you think about her?
Circle, send.
I think Akel wants to be careful,
and that's great
because we have some catfish here.
Circle, message.
I was thinking about that.
I reckon a catfish, "in theory,"
doesn't want to draw attention.
If you were a catfish,
would you have used
that fabulous photo Ana Carla added?
Question mark. Send.
I couldn't have said it better.
I wouldn't have used
a fabulous photo like that one.
That photo is really fabulous.
Circle, message.
How about this? If we find something out,
we can inform each other.
Do we have a deal? Send.
Look at that! Nice, I'm in.
Circle, message. Akel,
I'll keep my eyes peeled. Period.
Hugs. See you soon.
If I have this guy on my side,
it'll be great.
Now I know he's suspicious of Ana.
We have a target. A two-in-one target.
This is an advantage for me
at this moment.
At this moment.
After a few chats,
I can't wait to see
who are the most popular in the game.
- Alert!
- Alert.
I just got butterflies in my stomach.
Oh, God.
Oh, my God!
Jesus Christ!
"The rating results are in."
I've got goosebumps.
It's time.
I'm fine.
Let's go, hurry!
Shit. They crushed us.
What? I'm ninth?
What? And JP is eighth!
Bunch of intolerant people!
Yeah. They are all cruel.
Ana, with her impossibly
turquoise blue eyes,
is kinda suspicious.
Nobody posts perfect photos
right off the bat. It's always like that.
This always happens to me. People
judge me without even knowing me.
I'm so mad!
I knew it. JP must be thinking, "Fuck.
They know the truth."
Do they think I'm a catfish?
Dude, I doubt you're a man.
I bet you're a woman.
I was so happy to have gotten in here.
I don't want to leave!
I think I'm probably third or fourth.
I'm being optimistic.
I haven't felt this nervous
since I got my driver's license.
Oh, God!
Let's not panic. No reason to panic.
Gaybol. Honey, I told you.
You admit you like to play,
while in a competition?
Gaybol in seventh place?
Better you than me.
I have to talk more,
use more slang,
and bond with everybody
because this rating is too low.
This is crazy!
I'm drinking champagne tonight
to celebrate being in the game.
Julia must be fifth place.
Unbelievable. What did people see in her?
Wow, Mouse! We are doing really well!
I think it'll be Lorayne and Julia.
Akel is in this one for sure.
He couldn't be in a better place.
Wow, Mouse. I am relieved.
This is actually great.
Fourth place!
Cool! It could've been better.
I'm top three!
I'm gonna cry, girl.
I'm nervous. I want to laugh and cry
at the same time.
I'm in the top three!
Marina, Lorayne, and Dumaresq
are the top three.
I am shaking, girl!
Brace yourselves, everybody!
But only two of them
can become influencers.
Oh, my God!
Fuck yeah!
I feel like dancing.
I'm one of the two
Best rated players
Take that!
That split.
I knew it!
I knew it!
Well done, baby girl!
Am I seeing things?
First place!
I was right.
Dumaresq, first. Marina, second.
They're like twins,
their vibes are identical.
All the girls are up there, and I am last.
The Circle Brazil!
From now on,
it's best to use your brains, princess.
Otherwise, the crown will fall.
Shit, alert!
When that comes up on the screen,
you better brace yourselves!
"As the most popular players,
Dumaresq and Marina
are now The Circle influencers."
Yes, bitches. Did you hear that?
Congratulations to both of you.
"All other players failed
and are at risk of being blocked."
I thought only the bottom two
could be blocked, dude.
That was my fear, Mouse.
"The influencers must decide
who they will block."
What do you mean, we must decide?
"Dumaresq and Marina, please go
to the Blue Room to make your decision."
Marina, dude.
We got along. Help me out.
"All other players must go
to the At Risk Chat."
They'll run their mouths.
Holy crap. Talking to them right now
is going to be stressful.
Relax, everything will be fine.
Everything will be fine!
Whatever will be will be.
That is my new hashtag. Excuse me.
I have to dress for the occasion.
Let's do this. It's time.
Did you think I was kidding?
You better respect me. Check it out.
I wouldn't want to be in Marina
and Dumaresq's place right now.
I also wouldn't want to be the player
they're gonna block.
My crown fell off. I'm excited!
Calm down, Marina!
This place is fancy.
It looks like a fortune teller's table.
This green tablecloth
This is actually almost the case.
Somebody's fate will be decided here.
Shit, it's about to go down.
Circle, message.
Mari, well done!
I'm very happy that you are here with me.
I love it!
This is incredible.
Circle, message.
How about
we analyze every single player,
so we can come to a decision?
Great idea, girlfriend. I'm gonna start.
Lucas got a terrible rating
but I think it's a result
of his bad communication skills.
What do you think about him?
Question mark.
Nice. Circle, message.
I thought the same thing
about Lucas at the beginning.
Period. Send.
Circle, message.
Do you know who I don't trust? Gaybol.
He declared himself a player,
and I'm scared of him.
I think Gaybol is a cutie, but
maybe Gaybol isn't Gaybol.
Circle, message.
What about Ana Carla? She's adorable,
but too perfect.
I don't know, but I also think the same.
She doesn't have a lot of depth.
There is not a lot of intricacy either
in Ana Carla.
What do you think about Julia?
The only thing I know
is that she makes
"And she's hitting on everybody."
I've noticed that too.
I'm tired of this Auntie thing.
This is stressful.
There are some people missing
from this conversation.
Could they be the protégés?
"At Risk Chat is now open."
What a harsh name.
I feel like blowing up in the group.
Circle, message.
What's up, at-risk players!
Exclamation mark.
I'm scared, nervous Ellipsis.
Circle, send message.
Circle, message.
Dude, between us,
I think we are all winners.
#GodKnowsEverything. Send.
I'm devastated over my rating.
People always judge me by my looks.
If you're not a catfish,
your biggest problem
is that you're too pretty.
It intimidates people.
On social media, people don't accept you
because you might be a catfish.
Circle, message.
I'm still hoping they say that was a joke,
that no one is leaving yet.
#Faith. Circle, send.
Is this going to be my day
to pack up and leave?
Better someone else than me.
I'm crossing my fingers
praying I won't get blocked.
How stressful!
I have no nails left to bite.
Circle, message.
I'm sure we are making
the right decision.
Circle, message.
I'm happy we have reached an agreement.
Whatever happens, happens.
Alert. Oh, my God.
The time has come.
Who got blocked, who didn't?
It could be us, man.
"The influencers
have made their decision."
Everybody must be freaking out.
"All players must go to the Circle Chat."
Circle, message.
Dumaresq is messaging something.
They're dropping the bomb right now.
Whatever will be, will be, dude.
As influencers,
it was hard to make a decision.
"Not only because
it's the first rating"
"but also because
this is a dream for some."
I agree, dude. Oh, my God.
Yeah, this is a dream
for a bunch of people.
Due to lack of dialogue
and suspicions of catfishing
Fuck me!
Oh no, Mouse.
I don't want to look.
The blocked person is
I'm closing my eyes.
I don't want to look.
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