The Condemned (2010) s01e01 Episode Script

Första fallet

Do you want breakfast?
No, not necessarily.
Well, our guest today
has had it easy for a while.
He has assisted us in many things
and he is the most experienced
profiler in Sweden.
May I introduce
Professor Sebastian Bergman.
Good afternoon, colleagues.
I'm back.
I'll leave the microphone
for what it is.
There you sit waiting to hear
everything about profiling.
Or what we in Sweden call
offender profiling.
And that's a mouthful,
if you ask me.
The only reason I'm here today
is because my publisher wants
me to pick up my life again
so I can sell more books.
That continues on easily.
I have other things on my mind.
Just look who's here.
What's your name?
Go on, tell me your name?
- Dolores.
- I see.
I've never seen such a beautiful
living police officer. Really.
- What's your name? The blonde
at the back. -Sara.
No, you're too young for me.
I will do what my publisher
requires of me
This is my book, my book,
my book Buy it.
That's all I want to say today.
There is nothing to add.
It is nice to read,
because I am a good writer.
Please: For Dolores
with love
Sebastian Bergman. 0708 912
Are you going to listen
to that idiot?
I hoped he had changed,
but he's only gotten worse.
The police in Västerköping
have sought our help.
They have found a boy murdered in
the woods. His heart was cut out.
- Is the car ready?
- Certainly.
- It even has a steering wheel.
- We are leaving.
Yes, yes, yes
We are about 10 minutes away.
Good day, then.
Ursula, this is Kerstin Hanser,
The police chief of Eskilstuna.
She needs our help.
Hopefully this meeting will lead
to success in the short term.
- That is fine.
- This is Roger Eriksson.
He disappeared last Friday.
He was at his girlfriend's
Lisa Hansson up to ten o'clock.
His mother reported him missing the
next day, because he didn't come home.
- Where was the body found?
- In a pool near the lake.
Five days later.
- And his heart was removed?
- Yes.
To our knowledge, Lisa Hansson
was the last person to see him alive.
According to Lisa, he left at ten
o'clock and went straight home.
- Is that all?
- So little.
He had few friends and wasn't
threatened or anything.
One more thing, we couldn't
find his coat and watch.
- What brand?
- It is a special one.
A Tissot T-Race Special Edition.
He was very proud of it.
- We want to look at the lake.
- Certainly.
Munga Lake, where Roger was found.
- Has it rained recently?
- Yes, very much.
Do you think we can still find
traces of blood?
I wouldn't count on it. He may
have been murdered in the water.
No, that's too deep. Stabbing a body
that's sinking, is difficult.
The wounds were deep, so he was located
on a solid surface.
- Ursula?
- Yes.
- I found something, I think.
- What then?
Blood, I guess.
Which way would he have gone?
- What do you think?
- Yes, that indeed seems to be blood.
I'll look a little further.
Where does this road go?
This way to town
and the other to the highway.
What do you think?
It looks really fresh.
Make an impression.
What the
To Grandma and Grandpa.
Sabine Mikaela Bergman, 17 July, 1999.
Hello, I'd like to sell a house
of my dead mother.
As soon as possible.
Can you sell the furniture and
everything there?
He came at seven o'clock. We looked at
"Dancing with the Stars" and drank tea.
Then he left at ten o'clock,
as usual.
- Are you sure about the time?
- Yes.
My parents got home at a quarter past
and he was gone.
Did you know where he was going?
Had he received a phone call?
No, there was nothing special.
- How do you know each other?
- We
We were at the same school,
Is it true his heart was cut out?
Can I talk to you?
- Yes?
- Will you go?
- Yes.
- You know
A witness saw Roger fight with
Leo Lundin on Friday.
Torkel wants us to go get him.
Right now.
Hello. I'm Billy Rosen
with the police.
Is Leo home? We want to speak
to him about Roger Eriksson.
The boy they found? Leo?
Leo, come here.
- Leo, it's the police.
- Freeze, police.
- Hold it, police.
- Freeze.
I didn't do anything.
Why did you flee?
No idea, a whim.
You and Roger went to the same school,
but he changed schools.
Ask him.
Nice watch. Is it yours?
Of course.
A Tissot T-Race Special Edition,
you have a big problem.
Do you understand?
- Enjoy this?
- I did nothing.
Give me the watch.
Leo Lundin admits to
taking the watch.
He says he encountered Roger
on Pilgatan.
He bullied Roger. But
Roger fit him first.
They fought, Lundin won and
took the watch as punishment.
But perhaps Lundin had
a knife and it got out of hand.
- And stabbed him 30 times.
- Maybe a panic reaction.
Roger was screaming on the floor,
blood everywhere
and he thought: Fuck you. He
didn't call anyone after that.
We'll need very good evidence
to make it stick.
One more thing. Leo insists he
encountered Roger at nine o'clock.
- But Roger was at Lisa's.
- Apparently not.
- Any news about the scene of the crime?
- The tire tracks from a Pirelli 300.
We haven't found any others. The body
must have been dumped using that car.
Okay. Come, then we'll go to
search Lundin's house.
There's someone for you.
It's Roger's mother.
She wants to speak to the
lead investigator.
Hi, I'm Torkel Höglund of
the National Police.
I'm so sorry.
They say Leo Lundin did it.
It's his fault Roger had to go
to that snobby school.
We're going after Leo
but we haven't charged him yet.
I'm getting calls
from the press.
They want to interview me,
an exclusive interview.
I think you'd better not
to talk to them.
They want to pay me.
How much do you think
I can ask for?
I have no idea.
Sorry, but I must get back to work.
This may take a while.
If you wish, you can wait with me.
- Who are you?
- I'm Sebastian Bergman.
My mother Esther lived there.
Hello. I knew Esther a little.
- Condolences.
- Oh.
It doesn't matter.
I have fresh coffee.
Well. Thank you.
- Go ahead. The door is open.
- Fine, thank you.
- Sebastian, what are you doing here?
- I'm staying here.
There, in my mother's house.
She's dead, so I'm here
to sell it.
I think you should leave
before Ursula sees you.
It doesn't bother you
to stay alone.
Where is his father?
I called him and he said
he'll try to come home Friday.
I saw your mother now and then.
She said you were an impossible man.
But that's not true.
We're finished for the time being.
You can go home.
- Thanks.
- Can I come in?
- When will Leo be released?
- We don't know.
- Thanks. - Hopefully, it was
for the coffee.
- Goodbye.
- Good day.
- You haven't changed.
- It was cold outside.
If it was a man or a child,
you wouldn't care.
- Found anything?
- Nothing I can tell you about.
Got a cigarette?
No, I stopped years ago.
Too bad, my mother didn't like
smoking in the kitchen.
Sebastian still the same.
What are you doing today?
I live off my wife's
life insurance.
And now there's
my mother's money too.
- I didn't know you were married.
- I'm even a widower.
- A lot can happen in 12 years.
- Has it been that long?
I'd have sent a postcard
if I wanted to keep in contact.
I mean, if you regret
we've drifted apart.
I'd have kept in touch
if I had found it important.
All the best.
FBI Training
The killer was at Lioda's funeral according
to Sebastian Bergman of the Norwegian police
I don't know if I'm writing to the right person.
Thanks for the quick response.
I understand your reluctance to give
your son's address to a stranger
but I really have to get
in touch with Sebastian.
I have to talk to him or know
that he'll get this letter.
Sincerely, Petra Andersson.
Sincerely, Petra Andersson.
Greetings, Petra Andersson.
Return address
We have to release Leo today. The house
search didn't turn up anything.
I know.
We didn't find anything useful.
- What the hell?
- I am pretty good at this.
What are you doing here?
I must get back to work
With you.
- In this case.
- It's impossible.
I need it.
Work would do me good.
- It occurred to me when you left.
- Maybe, but Ursula would kill me.
- And you haven't worked for a while
- You need me. You're wrong.
- Is that so?
- The boy is innocent, you can see that.
The body was dumped
at a remote location.
You need a car for that.
Removing the heart may indicate
a ritual.
Everything points to an astute
An older, more educated person.
Not a boy who turns up at the
police wearing the victim's Watch.
Maybe so,
but the answer remains no.
I need this.
Remember my departure?
You were in a terrible state.
You'd have been National Police Chief
if no one had discovered it?
The reports were submitted on time,
The error was corrected
Torkel, you know I never beg
Why should we suddenly get the
'great' Sebastian Bergman?
He can be useful and
Sebastian is available.
- And I've lost weight.
- Pardon?
You said the "great" Sebastian
Bergman, but I've lost weight.
- And we must work together.
- My apologies.
Sebastian, sit there
and read up on the case.
- And respect my colleagues.
- Certainly.
You'll hardly notice me. Really.
Excuse me. I'm Sebastian Bergman
and I assist the National Police.
Can you tell me anything?
I'm looking for Petra Andersson who attended
the University of Stockholm in 1979.
She used to live at this address.
I can't trace her anywhere.
- Well. Is this about the case?
- Yes, absolutely.
- I need to ask the manager for permission.
- Not necessary. Torkel Höglund authorized it
I can't just go and find things.
You know that.
- I understand you're careful
- Sebastian.
- First I must ask the chef.
- I'll ask him myself.
Here, we just got an anonymous e-mail.
"Leo killed Roger. The proof is
in his garage. Someone who knows."
Yesterday we searched everything,
but we're going to check this out.
His mother helped us.
Leo Lundin would never hide
the victim's coat in his garage.
- Why not?
- He never took it.
- He took the watch.
- That's different. That's expensive.
Moreover, you were there yesterday.
We were especially looking for the
murder weapon. I took this yesterday.
And I took this today.
Someone wants to make Leo pay.
The bastards.
We know where the email came from?
Did Roger live here?
Poor bugger. Are you sure
it wasn't suicide?
It's a small private school
with 240 students.
The students come from everywhere,
from across the whole country.
So that's why we also
operate a boarding school.
To separate the rich kids
from the mob.
This is no longer just a school
for the elite.
We talk to parents who want
their children to learn.
Our students get top marks
in the country.
- How did Roger come here?
- He had problems at other schools.
He was bullied and stuff.
Beatrice Strand, one of our teachers,
knew him well and so he came here.
Did he like it here?
Did he have any problems here?
No, but talk to Beatrice Strand,
she was his class teacher.
How could he pay the school fees?
- Roger was exempted from it.
- Yes, he was a little social project.
Quota for your charity.
He got a free education at one of
the best schools in the country.
It bothers me a lot, when you
talk about my school.
I spent the worst three years
of my life here.
It takes more than your sales
pitch for me to hear a eulogy.
- You're an alumnus?
- Yes, unfortunately.
My father was the founder
of this temple of knowledge. Dad.
- You don't resemble each other.
- Thank you.
That's the nicest thing you've
said to me. I'll wait outside.
- Sorry.
- This is really important.
The email came from a hotmail address
created at your school.
- Do you supervise computer use?
- No.
We have no security cameras.
We operate on trust.
Whoever wrote it, also left Roger's
blood soaked jacket in Lundin's garage.
Someone at your school is involved
in this murder.
It is absolutely terrible. I only spoke
to him on Friday, and now
The director said Roger was here
due to your intercession.
He is a friend of my son Johan.
We saw him often and he wasn't happy
at his old school.
Was he happy here?
- At first it was hard for him.
- In what way?
Our students are highly motivated.
He wasn't use to the pace
and the level of the classes.
But it got better
after he received tutoring.
Did he behave differently lately?
No, no.
He was a very nice guy.
It is completely incomprehensible.
- Your son
- Johan.
Yes. Is he here?
No, he's at home with his father.
He's taken it very hard.
There's something
Perhaps it's unimportant,
but he called us on Friday.
- Roger?
- Yes, he wanted to talk to Johan.
But he had gone with his father.
I said he should try his mobile,
but Johan said he never called.
- Did he say why he called?
- No.
But his voice sounded different.
Scared, you might say.
- What time did he call?
- Quarter past eight.
- Lisa, do you mind?
- I will come later.
Look, we know Roger was seen
at nine o'clock in town.
We also know he called someone about
eight o'clock and sounded scared.
Do you insist he stayed with
you until ten o'clock?
He left at ten o'clock
and didn't call anyone.
- I must go now.
- I think you're lying.
My parents I can't
talk any more.
Your boyfriend is murdered,
but you worry about your parents.
- You don't know them.
- I'd love to meet them.
And mostly to tell them
you're lying to the police.
How worried then will that make them?
- Roger wasn't my boyfriend.
- What?
- But he was approved of.
- By them?
Who were you with?
- Did Roger have a girlfriend?
- Yes, he said so.
- Who?
- He didn't say.
- Hello. Is something wrong?
- No.
Routine questions. But
We were ready, right Lisa?
I don't know.
I tried to give him everything.
But what I bought him,
he always wanted more.
I thought the new school
would help, but nothing did.
- She took him away from me.
- Who?
A trip to Mauritius,
skiing in the Alps
It wasn't good enough at home.
I wasn't good enough.
None of us were good enough.
After a while he sat alone
in his room.
He didn't speak to me.
Did he ever get threats
or have conflicts with others?
- No.
- Do you know that?
If he was at risk,
would you have known?
- We want to speak to Roger's father.
- He doesn't have one.
- What do you mean?
- You must go now.
I'm expecting a visitor.
- Who is coming?
- A journalist from the Evening News.
Her son was murdered
and she only thinks about money.
See the benefits the situation
presents, it may relieve the pain.
It's sick.
- She can't be fixed otherwise.
- How about crying?
She gets no counselling for her
feelings. Unfortunately.
No matter what she experienced,
she can always mourn.
What do you know?
Have you ever lost someone
you hold very dear?
- No. -Then you don't know
what you're talking about.
Then the girl should shut up and
stop judging other people.
Hi, I'm Vanja Lithner with
the police.
We know he wasn't at Lisa's
that evening.
Do you know with whom he spoke?
He didn't talk much about it.
But he needed money.
He always said he needed money.
Do you know if someone hated
him a lot?
- Maybe Axel.
- Who is that?
Our former industrial arts teacher.
He was fired a few weeks ago.
It turned out Axel sold alcohol
to students at the school.
- For a long time.
- How did you find out?
Roger is a responsible boy
and came to tell me.
We had someone contact Axel
to purchase alcohol from him.
- We caught him.
- And then?
He was summarily dismissed
and that was the end of it.
- And the police weren't informed?
- How would that have helped us?
- Our reputation is our best advertisement.
- So you don't report crimes?
Selling acohol isn't a great crime.
Axel would have only received a fine.
The damage to our reputational would have
been greater. That was our priority.
Roger got a teacher fired
and you didn't tell us.
Axel Johansson isn't at home
and doesn't answer his phone.
Track Axel down.
Well, Roger wasn't at Lisa's.
But who was he with?
- How are you?
- Fine.
And you?
What is this?
I'm looking at the surveillance camera
videos in Västerköping
on that Friday We hope to see Roger.
Hey, you're good with computers, right?
Thank you. If they show something.
But from the amount of material
I haven't found anything yet.
Can you help me?
I am looking for Petra Andersson.
She studied in Stockholm in 1979
and lived at this address.
Petra Andersson?
- Does this relate to the case?
- It may be a trace.
I want to know first before
I inform the others.
I must know what this has
to do with Roger.
That's a long story.
Maybe I'm mistaken.
Trust me.
- Well, I'll check it out.
- Nice, but we'll keep it between us.
Those girls would be pleased
to see the back of me.
- Hello, is there something wrong?
- Yes
Well, I spoke with my son
He said Axel, their teacher,
maybe involved.
So I wondered if my son
might also be involved.
- I'll handle this.
- You don't need to worry.
Roger ensured Axel got fired.
The mere thought that Johan
may be involved, makes it worse.
I understand that.
Where is Johan now?
He's went out with Ulf.
Johan had to get out.
That will do him good.
- How are you?
- Me?
Do you need anybody to talk to?
It is a painful history.
- Sure.
- You often neglect yourself.
You want something to eat?
I just want to go out to eat.
- Are you coming?
- You're a cop
No, I assist the police sometimes.
I am a psychologist.
I don't often work with the police.
Do you know a good restaurant?
- Yes.
- I've lived on pizza all day.
Come, come in.
- Here it is.
- I see what you mean.
- What am I?
- Well, a bit dangerous.
Or is that just your way of working?
- I'll get us something to drink.
- No, thanks. I've had enough.
No, you just need it.
- Hello?
- Do you have a daughter?
- No.
- But here is:
"To Grandma and Grandpa.
Sabine Mikaela Bergman, 17 July, 1999."
She's dead.
I'm sorry.
Really, really sorry.
- I'd better go.
- Why?
You're just
We've already gone too far.
We haven't even begun.
Say, say
Listen, I'm not going to bed with you.
I want to talk to you, but
I'm not going to bed with you.
You think I need someone
to talk to?
- Do I need it?
- Stop it. Stop it.
Who do you think you are?
She was four years old
Four years old.
I held her little hand
I always saw myself as a
civilized, well-read
and intelligent person.
I knew everything.
The tsunami
I held her hand when the wave came.
We turned around to the water.
I held her.
The worst sound I've ever heard.
The whole time I felt her hand
in mine.
I knew I'd never, never let go.
But it happened.
There must still be something
in that water
They never found her
or her mother either.
Each night
I feel her hand in mine.
And every night I let go
of her again.
Every night she dies again.
I can put an end to
the uncertainty
because I have a fairly clear picture of
Roger's last walk from the cameras.
The first time he was filmed,
in this area
shortly after the encounter
with Leo Lundin.
We see him exactly nine minutes later
again, at eight minutes after nine.
Here at 21 minutes past nine.
These are the last images on the camera.
Here are some enlargements.
They are a bit grainy,
I can't get better ones.
He crossed the street,
if he'd gone straight
He'd appear on the next camera.
But he didn't.
Does someone he knows live there?
Axel Johansson lives there.
That's close by.
- We need to find Axel.
- His house is being watched.
- Not necessary any more.
- What?
I just talked to customs. Axel was
caught smuggling liquor into the country.
He's been in custody since the weekend,
intercepted with a load of vodka.
- He can't possibly have done it.
- Wait
What else is in the area of the
the last camera?
Houses, a small wood, a motel,
a community center
- A motel?
- Yes.
Roger and Lisa both had
appointments with other people.
Motels are cut
for secret meetings.
Hi, I'm Billy Rosen with
the police.
How many rooms were occupied
last Friday?
I'll check.
- six rooms were occupied.
- I want to know who rented the rooms.
Names, phone numbers and addresses.
- Did you talk to her?
- Billy is working on it.
Here is Roger's autopsy report.
It was worth the wait.
It is full of surprises.
38 stab wounds, to his upper body,
but also on his arms and legs.
Not on his face.
And this is the first surprise:
All the stab wounds were
applied post mortem.
- What?
- He was dead when he was stabbed.
- What is the cause of death?
- Because his heart was removed.
They wanted the bullet back.
So he was shot?
The bullet is missing,
but there are marks on his ribs.
He was shot in the back with a
relatively small caliber, 22.
- What else is there?
- More? Isn't that enough?
Surprises always come in 3's?
Ragnar Carlsson,
The rector of Palmlövsskolan
is the chairman of the rifle
club in Västerköping.
- He's a top scorer.
- There are three.
What do you want? Wait outside
until I say you can come in.
Wait outside until I say
you can come in.
- Answer the question.
- What question?
- Do you have a 22 calibre rifle?
- Am I be under suspicion of anything?
Answer the question.
- Yes, I do.
- Where do you keep it?
- At home in a gun safe.
- Who is this man?
Frank Cleven.
- What is it?
- Wasn't he at the motel?
Cleven Frank lives in Eskilstuna,
is married and has one daughter.
He didn't understand at first what
I was talking about
but we just went through, and reminded
him of the the motel in Västerköping.
He was afraid
his wife would find out.
Because Frank was with him
at that motel.
The rector of the nice
private school is gay.
How do you make it?
What do you think, Sebastian?
That it's a secret that absolutely
mustn't be made public.
- Did Frank say at what time Ragnar left?
- Quarter past nine.
- Roger was here at
- 21 minutes past nine.
On the way to the motel.
Immediately after his meeting with Leo.
He sees the rector.
Roger threatens to tell
everyone and wants money.
He underestimates how much is
at stake for Ragnar.
Ragnar's life would collapse.
There is only one option:
Stop Roger.
Then he realizes his
fingerprint is on the bullet.
- That didn't happen.
- Tell me what happened.
It didn't happen at all.
I didn't stop Roger.
But you were at the motel with
Frank Cleven.
We know you were there.
The interrogation is halted
at a quarter past twelve.
- Was that all?
- No, we search your house too.
Two officers will remain here
until we are ready.
Be discreet, no uniforms.
If it becomes known I met Frank
Please, for the sake of the school.
It would be terrible if the truth
came out.
No blood, no muddy shoes,
no traces of Roger.
I've had the car checked:
No blood, no Pirelli tires.
- Has it being recently fired?
- He is a passionate rifle-man.
- But without a bullet
- Damn. Turn everything upside down.
We have to find something, damn.
We need to find something.
We've searched the whole house
and found nothing.
What do you think?
- He has a cottage somewhere?
- Nothing.
I think the killer knew Roger.
Why do you think that?
No stab wounds in the face.
This suggests a relationship.
I don't think it was the intention
for him to die.
But someone who is shot and then
gets stabbed 38 times
- can't possibly survive.
- The bullet was removed.
That is bloody, takes time and
increases the chances of discovery.
But the gunman had no choice.
The bullet would betray him.
If he had planned the murder,
he'd have brought another weapon.
- So why the gun?
- To threaten.
- To frighten him.
- That he was serious.
And the gun was the only thing
he had available.
Patience, we're on the right track.
The killer knew Roger.
Come and look. I have something, I think.
There was a camera
I hadn't checked so far.
I thought the pictures wouldn't
yield anything.
But here is someone who in terms of
clothing and movements looks like Roger.
There is something interesting to see.
I just play again.
I'll pause, there.
See that car?
We assumed Roger continued walking.
But what if he didn't
and got into that car.
Therefore, no more pictures
of him.
- It looks like a Nissan.
- It is a Nissan King Cab.
- Good job, Billy.
- Thank you. Vanya, pass it to Ursula.
No, I don't recognize him.
Don't the parents of Roger's
friends own dark pick-ups?
Yes, they have them.
They feel safe in them.
It is a common car.
Is this
Is this the last picture of him?
- Does she recognized him?
- No.
There are about 30 pickup trucks
registered in this region.
I compared the names to the
school register, but found nothing.
Check all the pictures. That damn car
must have come from somewhere.
Okay, I'll do it.
Come to my place.
The police showed me pictures.
Interesting photos of my son
and a car
I recognized it.
We'd better talk.
- What do you think about that?
- Hello.
We have checked the tracks
of 300 Pirelli tires.
This is definitely the crime scene.
- But he wasn't killed here.
- Why not?
You said this was a crime scene.
That's right, but he wasn't murdered
here. He was dragged here.
Be careful where you walk.
You see how he was dragged?
The tracks lead to the place
where he probably died.
Shot in the back.
The killer found this place,
dragged him into the trees.
Removed the bullet
and masked the gunshot
with the stab wounds.
The car with Pirelli tires
drove up, loaded the body
and drove to the dump site.
What was he doing here?
How did he come here?
The person who picked him up,
deposited him here.
But why?
He lived nearby. There, right?
- Maybe he was on his way home.
- Maybe so.
Could be.
When he was brought here by car,
the car was parked there.
Would Roger walk here if he knew
someone with a gun was waiting for him?
Maybe they just went
shooting for fun.
When he got out,
crossed the field and went home
- Did the gunman stand by the car?
- A good marksman could do that.
No, there's something about
- Where are you going?
- To Roger's mother.
I want to know if Roger
often went home.
It's Sebastian. Stay on the line.
It's Sebastian.
I'm at Lena Eriksson's home.
The school has a metallic green
King Cab.
It seems that Ragnar is the most
frequent driver.
Let's pick him up.
It isn't necessary.
- Where did you get the keys from?
- The office of the rector.
- This is his private room?
- No one else had keys.
The dream of a psychoanalyst:
A locked room full of dark secrets.
In your father's fine school.
- Do you have the keys?
- Here.
Ragnar and his fine school.
Gay porn. My father would
have disapproved.
Ragnar sent Roger two text messages
in the week before his death.
This is the first.
"This must stop in the interest
of everyone."
And this is the second.
"Roger, lets hear from you. Now."
- Hello, Billy.
- Roger was in the car.
- I have found fingerprints.
- Okay.
Also it has Pirelli tires.
But there were no traces of blood
There is also a travel log. There's
an entry on Friday afternoon
and one on Monday, but there's no entry
for a 17 km trip on the weekend.
We know Ragnar Carlsson
hid his homosexuality
and sent text messages to Roger.
Have you heard from the bank? Are there
discrepancies in the school accounts.
He paid 30,000 SEK to an external
consultant a month ago.
Then another 30,000. And another
30,000 before Roger was killed.
- Whom was it paid to?
- To Lena Eriksson. Roger's mother.
- Blackmail?
- Probably.
We know Ragnar and Roger
were at the motel.
Did they have a sexual relationship?
Roger was also in the car.
His mother discovered the relationship
and began to blackmail Ragnar.
Maybe Roger threatened
to reveal everything.
Ragnar grabs a gun
The distance is no problem
for a sniper.
The rest is history. The bullet,
The stab wounds, the dumping of the body.
When we asked Lena Eriksson if she
recognized the car, she lied.
She realized the murderer was Ragnar
and she decided to blackmail him.
He drove out to confront
her and it went wrong.
He realized he couldn't explain
and decided to kill her.
Fine, but you forget some small
Think of the porn and Frank Cleven.
Adult men.
Ragnar Carlsson was not into boys.
The killer is cool in nature.
Cool enough to remove a bullet
from a dead boy.
Cool enough to dump the body
in the woods.
Cool enough to place evidence
that leads us to Leo.
So why wouldn't he remain cool?
Why would he shoot himself
in the head?
That doesn't match the
offender's profile.
The evidence points
in that direction.
There is no doubt.
Ragnar Carlsson is guilty.
You are wrong.
But I've had enough anyway.
- I did what you asked.
- What?
The address of Petra Andersson
you're looking for.
- The woman who lived Vastertorp.
- I'm still interested.
- It has nothing to do with the matter?
- No.
12 Storsjögatan in Stockholm.
It was fun working with you.
I should say that.
Here are some papers found in
Lena Eriksson's house.
I'm no longer working
What papers?
It's mainly about the school.
Keys, numbers and stuff.
Nice. Thank you.
Well, set the trip odometer to zero.
We start at the motel
on Oxbindargatan.
Drive to the lake now.
- Hey, have you a minute?
- Why?
I have something to say.
You're not a cop.
The case is closed. Let it go.
I can't if it's wrong.
Lena blackmailed Ragnar. That's right.
Ragnar killed Lena. Probably
by accident, but he did it.
- But Ragnar didn't kill Roger.
- Why not?
They had no sexual relationship.
Come, come and see
The school's car was driven 17 km
on the weekend.
The route from school to the motel,
to the soccer field
to the dump and back to school
is 35 km.
But the route to the motel,
the football and returned 17 km.
The car wasn't used
to dump the body.
And second:
Why was Roger at the motel?
To meet someone.
But that wasn't Ragnar.
I've spoken to the motel owner.
Guess who frequently came to
the motel, but not on Friday?
Roger had a relationship
with someone from school.
Someone who helped him,
who gave him good grades.
Gave him confidence.
Roger called Friday.
We thought he called Johan,
but it wasn't so.
I know I should have told
I'm married.
He was my pupil.
It just happened.
He needed someone.
He received no support at home.
And I
I wanted to be needed.
Is it terrible?
How did Roger's mother learn
of your relationship?
I don't know. She knew.
But instead of ending it
- she started to blackmail Ragnar.
- And then?
Ragnar told me to end the
relationship with Roger.
It would harm the school.
So I did, or at least I tried.
He called me on Friday
and wanted a final meeting.
We wanted to talk it through.
So I borrowed the car from school
and picked him up at the motel.
He had been fighting and
had a nosebleed.
We drove to the soccer field
He refused to accept we couldn't
see each other anymore.
He cried and was angry.
The last I saw of him,
was when he crossed the field.
I drove back and parked
the car at the school.
I had nothing to do with his death.
- Is Sebastian here?
- Why do you ask?
I want to talk to him.
- Why?
- I just want to.
And? Did she do it?
No, she's speaking the truth.
What did she talk to you about?
If she is telling the truth,
Who did it?
She deceived someone. What do
we know about her husband?
- Pirelli tires.
- I saw it.
There is blood.
He has guns. Billy, go back.
Vanya, you're coming with me.
Sebastian, you stay here.
- Wait, wait. Don't shoot.
- No movement.
- I did it. Put your guns away.
- Continue until I say stop.
My son is upstairs. He is afraid.
Keep on walking. Halt.
- Easy, easy
- Search him.
- Nothing.
- Cuff me. I won't do anything.
Can someone just look at Johan,
then I come
- How long did you know?
- What?
Roger Eriksson a sexual relationship
with your wife.
For a while.
When did you find out? When?
- I can't remember.
- You don't know?
Your wife fucks Roger Eriksson and
you don't remember when you found out.
He couldn't remember.
Why are you lying? Why?
Stop it.
Ulf, quiet. We need to think
about Johan.
We want to help Johan.
Easy, easy
Where is he?
Where is he?
In his room.
- Where is that?
- There, behind the living room.
What really happened?
He called
and said something bad had happened.
And you went there.
Removed the bullet.
And moved the body.
A 15-year-old couldn't do that.
If you didn't know about Roger
and your wife
Then why would Johan shoot Roger?
I thought it was an accident.
A game gone wrong.
- Can I talk to him?
- You stay here.
I am, Sebastian.
Remember me?
I want to talk.
Go away.
- Is everything okay?
- Leave me alone.
I am unarmed and I came here
to talk to you.
Go away.
I'm coming in. I am alone.
Quietly and gently.
I'm unarmed.
I'm unarmed.
Let them leave.
They should leave me alone.
That won't work.
We'll do it as follows:
I close the door and go down.
I shut the door.
Nothing happens while I'm here.
I'm not armed, Johan.
Put down that rifle.
You tried to protect the people
you love. Isn't that true?
That is normal, Johan.
I've tried to myself.
And what happened?
They died.
So I know how it feels.
I know how you feel.
You'd do anything to help them.
Isn't that true?
- Before Roger mom had another one.
- And then your father left.
Then your father came back
and everything was fine.
Until your mother met someone else.
And that happened to be your friend.
He promised to quit
but they didn't,
So I told his mother.
But they went on.
And then that Friday
He had to listen to me.
Give me that.
Come on, Johan.
- Good. Hands behind your back.
- I love you.
- Come with me. Keep calm
- Everything will be fine.
- You slept with her, huh?
- Who?
- With his mother. Beatrice.
- No, I didn't.
- Are you jealous?
- Fuck you.
- Are you coming?
- Yes.
- Sure?
- Yes.
I talked with Billy.
You asked him to do something
you had no right to.
Are we right now?
I won't bother you anymore.
Who is Petra Andersson
you were looking for?
I found letters hidden at my mother's.
They said she was pregnant.
- How old were these letters?
- 30 Years.
And you knew nothing?
I must do something, Torkel.
Good luck. Yeah, I mean it.
- Excuse me, I'm Sebastian Bergman and
- I know who you are.
My mother recently died
and when cleaning out her house
I found some letters.
Letters you wrote long ago.
I never received them.
Excuse me
but I must ask you something
Do we have a child?
She has a father.
She knows nothing about you.
So I have a daughter?
- I'd like to see her some time.
- No.
I promise I won't say who I am.
Then you make her life a lie.
Do you want that?
Forget her.
Forget her.
What are you doing here?
A friend of mine lives here.
You understand me, don't you?
I'm too young for you.
Next Episode