The Convict (2021) s01e01 Episode Script

Episode 1

Where are you taking me?
- Where are you taking me?
- Alicja Mazur, 148.
- Her father's name is John.
- This is a mistake.
You'll get to explain all that
at the facility. Now get in.
Get in.
Get in.
- This is a mistake.
- It's for your own safety.
Hot, isn't it?
Could you call the guard, please?
I need to use the toilet.
I know her from somewhere.
- Guard, please!
- Show me your tits!
- I have to get out.
- Why don't you suck my dick!
Regional Court in Katowice,
Criminal Court No. 5 assembled here today,
and after reviewing the case
of Ms. Agata Strzelecka,
who is accused of unlawfully
participating in the trafficking of
a significant amount of narcotics
and psychoactive substances
as part of an organized crime
and while profiting from those actions,
the court finds the defendant guilty
and sentences Ms. Agata Strzelecka
to complete a term of no less
than eight years in prison.
What for? What for?
What the fuck, eight years?!
- Silence.
- I think you exaggerated a bit.
- Silence!
- I think that's a bit too much, bitch!
Look me in the eyes.
Eight years Eight fucking years?!
For offending the court,
disregarding the authority of the court,
and disrupting the proceedings,
a fine will be imposed on the defendant
by the court
in the amount of 10 000 złoty.
- Yeah, fuck, give me more!
- Take her out, please.
This is only the beginning, I'll get you!
You'll remember "Shiv"!
You'll remember me!
- It's another one of your strict verdicts.
- No comment.
- Is this a message for repeated offenders?
- Will you consider the threats?
Will you marry me?
We are witnessing a historic moment.
Alicja Mazur, for the first time,
doesn't know what to say.
Alicja Mazur,
an unbending enemy of organized crime,
had no mercy today
in the infamous case of Agata S.
Her sentence
of eight years of strict prison
to the drug dealer gang boss
is a clear warning to the underworld.
What do you think?
Mom, you look like a million dollars.
Okay, we'll pick something
for you in a moment.
I'll take something from the closet.
It's your day, not mine.
As usual, you matter the most.
"As usual"?
Honey, you don't want me to marry Paweł?
I do, why? Paweł is cool.
And I'm not?
I guess, after dad died,
I thought you'd never be like this again.
- Like what?
- So happy.
- And pretty.
- Pretty?
Yeah. Yeah. Hey, wait.
- Ready?
- Not from down low.
- From up here?
- Mhm.
Hi. Alicja. Mazur.
But this is Zabrze. I can't be here.
I prosecuted in this area.
Number 148. Father's name is John.
It's all right.
No, nothing is right.
The verdict is not final,
and I'll sue the committee.
Welcome to the castle, princess.
Listen, ma'am. I am a judge,
and I am aware of my rights.
I understand that you have procedures,
but I need to talk to the director.
Poor thing.
You came here on a shitty transport.
I know how you feel.
Hey, look, I'm also a princess,
but I got switched
and now I have to deal with people
like you in here for a low pay.
All prison workers are obligated
to treat prisoners with respect.
Article IV, section 1 of the Criminal Code
which is a great read.
- You'll find out what they pay you for.
- And I will kick your ass For free.
- Hi.
- Hi.
Alicja Mazur, 45 years old.
Father's name John. Jail in Warsaw.
- Are you the main guard here?
- No. I'm a judge in a beauty pageant.
Oh. Look, ma'am, my attorney
has just filed an appeal
Maybe, but right now you're just in time
for the "no swimsuit" competition.
- The Criminal Code allows me to
- Mouth.
Open your mouth.
Open wide.
Your tongue.
Excuse me?
Take your clothes off.
Your bra.
Take off your bra.
Take it off.
Hands on the wall.
Your hands!
Ow, that hurts!
Yeah, it hurts. It's supposed to hurt.
You're not here for your cellulite,
But because you killed my pal.
I did not.
- You're getting a gynecological test.
- No, no! I want to wash myself.
I understand.
But those are the procedures.
Loosen up.
Have you given birth?
Yes, once.
I've a 16-year-old daughter.
So you have someone to live for.
You can get dressed.
This main guard is not so bad.
There are worse.
Please, be careful.
I will try.
Inmate Alicja Mazur.
Everyone rise, the judge is coming!
Stand next to me, inmate.
Go right in.
What the fuck are you looking at?
You're just gonna stand there,
smelling nice?
That's your bunk.
Don't turn your back to me
when I'm talking to you!
- I am Alicja.
- Alicja my ass.
This is my cell.
You do what I say, got it?
Okay, so, you agree with that?
Well, I acknowledge it.
What are you a fucking linguist?
You, tell me, what's the difference?
Actually, there's none.
Right. You should be glad
that you're in my cell, Miss Judge,
and not with those you sent here 'cause
today would be your judgment day.
Yeah. Put your stuff away.
Yeah. And for your information, I'm Pati,
and I like things to be clean.
So when I get back from work,
I do a white glove test,
so everything has to shine like at home.
No, I won't clean like at home,
this is just a stinky cell.
I don't wanna live here,
I just wanna survive.
It stinks in here?
Then grab a fucking rag,
so it doesn't stink anymore!
Yes, I'm coming.
Please don't marry him.
He doesn't love you.
- What are you talking about?
- He'll never love you, understand?
What are you talking about?
Leave him. Today.
Trust me, it's for your own good.
What are you What are you doing?
Who are who are you?
Alicja, come here!
You're as ready as you can be.
- Don't marry him.
- Mom?
Paweł, tell her the truth.
Okay, I should leave you two alone.
Who was that?
Please, give us a moment.
She's my ex, we split up a year ago.
She never got over it.
She said you don't love me.
Because she's convinced
that I can only be happy with her.
She harassed me with calls, emails,
but I stopped answering.
- She's jealous and
- Are you fucking her?
No. Is that what she said? Fuck
We both have a past.
And I can't apologize for mine.
- Why didn't you tell me?
- 'Cause it's over. It doesn't matter
Obviously it matters to her
since she came over here.
Should I call police?
I'll do it if you want.
I love you and I wanna be with you.
Why do you believe some stranger
and not me?
Just say one word,
and I'll call off the wedding.
We'll disappear, we'll leave.
Or trust me.
And marry me today.
What for?
We shouldn't let her ruin this day for us.
Aware of the rights and obligations
that arise from starting a family
I solemnly declare that I'm entering
into marriage with Paweł Witkowski
and I swear that I'll do everything
for our marriage to be harmonious,
happy and lasting.
Scrub it, scrub it!
Missed a spot here, in the middle.
It's okay. Swieta's here today.
- How do you do it, girl?
- Be quiet, please, Aneczka.
Act like it's a conspiracy,
or "Pati's bar" will come to an end.
You're lucky you're staying with Pati.
- Yummy!
- What, are you feeling hungry?
Would you like this warm,
delicious toast for breakfast?
Forget it! None of this is for you, bitch!
It tastes just the way it looks.
What are you doing?
Go ask Aneczka for a plate with your food!
No, thanks, I'm not hungry.
Oh, I see. We're very sorry.
Next time we'll be serving
Your Highness caviar on crackers.
You don't have to eat it but take it,
or you'll get a punishment note.
Are you almost done?
What is this mess?
Pati, I already told you.
They'll catch you with this straightener.
It's okay, calm down. I'm sorry.
Don't worry, the bride will take care
of everything, she'll clean up.
The bride is requested at the salons,
so she won't take care of it.
- Somebody has connections with Penis.
- With who?
And I thought
that you were really intelligent.
From "penitentiary." Major.
Assistant director. You know the guy?
No, but I'm sure
he already knows I'm here by mistake.
Did you hear that?
She says that she's here by mistake.
Come on, she should
clean after herself first, right?
You know something, you're right.
She should clean first.
Sir, senior sergeant Swieta Palamarczuk,
is here escorting inmate Alicja Mazur.
Have a seat.
It's always hard at the beginning,
but it'll get better soon. Coffee?
I would love some, thank you.
Sir, there has been a mistake,
- I shouldn't even be here.
- Cream and sugar?
No, no, thank you.
The thing is the penitentiary committee
was supposed to transfer me to another
Thank you very much. As I was saying,
to another facility, but in Warsaw.
I am from here.
I prosecuted some of the women here.
- I'm not safe.
- But you signed the documents. Sit.
I did sign them because I was sure
the conditions would be better
and I'd be able to see my family,
but it was supposed to be in Warsaw.
- You do know how the justice system works?
- I do.
That's why I'm asking you when will you
send me where I'm supposed to be.
To be honest, I have no idea
why you were sent here.
But I'm glad you were.
People from justice should stick together.
You're a judge,
you know how to read people.
And listen and draw conclusions.
You want me to snitch?
If you help me, I'll help you.
No. You can't do that.
No. No!
Sorry, I can't send you anywhere else.
You're sorry?
I was transported here like cattle.
The guard did not react
when I was almost raped,
then the guard here was terrorizing me,
and now I'm supposed to eat
from a straightener full of hair?
And you're telling me you're sorry?
Would you like another one?
It's a shame your family isn't here.
I'm sorry about that.
Well, you are my family now.
If my dad was alive
I'm sorry you'd never met him.
- I know.
- You would've liked each other.
Most likely.
I'm sorry, sir, it's a private party.
No, I'm sorry.
I'm actually a guest of the bride.
- May I have your surname, please?
- Serafin.
Piotr Serafin.
There he is, the prodigal godfather.
- Hey, Hania. Hi.
- You missed the most important part.
No, the most important part is ahead.
It's called life.
- Oh Jesus
- Not some vows. Come.
Thank you, thank you.
As an attorney and a friend of the groom,
I would like to say a few words to
- That there is a verdict!
- Be quiet!
They've been sentenced to life, bravo!
Please provide
the justification of the sentence!
See, he made it to the reception,
though not to the wedding.
- Already drunk. Or Still.
- Yes, stop whining. No, stop.
- Let's go.
- Okay, go.
I don't know if you know,
ladies and gentlemen,
but Excuse me.
But the bride
is a known repeated offender.
The previous groom
is now turning and turning in his grave.
- Hey, hey, Serafin
- Turning and turning and turning.
That's for good luck.
- Sir, come with me.
- Excuse me.
Be careful, man.
Excuse me.
- That's enough.
- Okay, let's go.
- Let's have fun, everyone!
- And it's done.
- Okay, we know what he's like.
- My dears!
First fight of the night is over.
Let's have fun now. Music, please!
I'll I'll be back.
- Turn around.
- What the hell is this?
- Turn around.
- You know about this?
- No.
- Turn around.
- Hey, what's going on?
- Director's orders.
Oh really?
Smells like casseroles. I like them.
So, you'll get a punishment note
for possessing
illegal objects inside your cell.
That's all.
All right, come on in, ladies. Go inside.
Is there a problem, inmate?
- I'll clean up.
- Don't touch my stuff, bitch!
You snitched on me, slut!
You're so fucked now.
- I need to get something to drink.
- What?
- How about a drink?
- No, thank you.
I want water. You don't have any water?
- Well, that's a shame.
- You have to talk to me.
You again?
I'm sorry, I can't be here.
What do you want?
It's about you.
I'll be waiting in the restroom.
For your family's sake, please come.
Mom! Mommy!
- Mommy!
- Stay on the dance floor.
Mom! Let's dance!
Anybody here?
Can you hear me?
Can you
- Mom?
- I think she's dead.
- What happened?
- I think she's dead!
- What?
- Paweł, I think she's dead!
- Ludmiła, can you hear me?
- Oh God.
Is she dead?
- Stay here, don't leave.
- Paweł!
I'll be right back. Hania, leave.
Do not come in, please, leave.
Leave Stay here.
The waitress saw you two
arguing just before the wedding.
She attacked me, I had to defend myself.
By slamming her against the mirror?
What are you implying?
I didn't kill her.
I found her in the restroom.
Where exactly were you at 11:05 pm?
- Probably dancing on the floor.
- Probably dancing?
Yes. A hundred people can confirm that.
What do you mean?
Nobody is sure they saw you
on the dance floor at that time.
Because I was in the restroom.
That woman wanted to talk to me.
And you just agreed to go
after you had both a fight?
Jesus Christ!
She said it was for my family's sake!
I just wanted to tell her
to stop harassing us!
Well, she'll definitely stop now.
Is that all? I'd like to go home now.
Mrs. Alicja
I have immunity.
- You can't arrest me.
- Not yet.
We'll see.
Wait, I have to wash myself. Wait.
They asked me thousands of questions.
I'm sorry.
- Hania, your mom needs to rest.
- Don't cry.
We can talk about this later.
- Pati, I know, what you're thinking but
- Hey.
I think that you're a piece of shit.
- I just said something stupid
- Shut up!
- Oh, Pati is going at it, good!
- A piece of shit who smells like shit.
And I don't like shit but cleanliness,
as you might have noticed.
- So, what's up, beauties?
- It's okay.
We're here talking with cellmate Mazur.
Because there was an incident with her
over in the shower just now.
- An incident?
- Yeah, I can show you.
I can't describe it with words.
Go on.
It was right here.
Shoot, I could understand a guy,
but for a woman to make such a giant?
Yeah, that's exactly the thing, right?
You know that I'm no snitch, right?
- But since you're here, I'm reporting it.
- What did you have to eat, inmate?
Probably something at the boss's office?
'Cause there's nothing to eat in my cell.
Well, Pati, we appreciate it.
Thank you.
You're gonna clog the drain.
What am I supposed to do?
How should I know?
You better hurry up,
so you're not late for visiting hours.
Unless I tell the husband
to come back some other day, right?
When you have some more free time.
And because of the dignity
and authority of the position
and the gravity of the allegations,
this disciplinary court has ruled
to revoke the immunity
of judge Alicja Mazur
and further allows for Alicja Mazur
to be fully prosecuted immediately.
Regional Court in Warsaw,
Criminal Court No. 2 assembled here today,
and after reviewing
the case of Alicja Mazur,
accused of killing Ludmiła Mielnik,
based on Article 148,
section 1 of the Criminal Code,
finds the defendant guilty
finds the defendant guilty,
and sentences her
to 15 years of incarceration
15 years of incarceration.
People, what are you doing? I am innocent.
Please calm down.
- The ruling is not final, we'll appeal.
- No!
No! I didn't kill anyone! You're lying!
- You're lying! No!
- Please take the defendant out.
You're lying! This isn't over!
This isn't over!
This isn't over!
- Sit down, please.
- How is it possible?
They just can't
There you are.
Move away from each other.
We don't have much time.
- You need to get me a straightener.
- What?
A hair straightener, get it?
You have to get it for me.
I will, I'll bring it, don't worry.
How are you feeling?
What do you think?
I don't know how this happened.
The attorney reached out to his contacts.
- We're trying to fix it
- Don't tell me that you're trying.
There will be an appeal.
You'll get out of here, I promise.
You'll be okay.
Hania didn't want to come?
I think it's still too difficult for her.
So she believes that?
You have to explain to her that I
She's a smart girl, don't worry about it.
What matters right now is you.
You know, she came to see me that night.
- Who?
- Ludmiła.
She said it was about my own
and for my family's sake.
She also said I loved her
and almost canceled our wedding.
I'm so sorry.
- What if something was really going on?
- Okay, time's up.
Hang in there, Alicja.
For me and for Hania. I'll get you out.
- Please, find out what it was about
- I will.
- Find out.
- You'll get out of here.
Hang in there.
Do you have a hair straightener?
- A straightener?
- Your mom mentioned it.
Other than that, I think she's fine.
Can I go in and see her next time?
I don't know, Hania.
This is very tough for her.
Besides, I'm not sure
if you should see her like this.
- I'm not a child, you know.
- I know.
- And I hope there won't be a next time.
- What do you mean?
That your mom will be back with us again.
Let's go.
First time in the yard?
Come here, come here.
I believe in justice after all.
I'm not looking for trouble. I'm sorry.
Sorry for what?
I don't get offended easily.
How much did you get
for offending the court?
Ten grand maybe?
Lick it off.
Lick it off, bitch.
No. No.
Lick it off.
Lick it off.
- Court is down!
- Court is down!
Hey! Disperse!
Right now!
Next Episode