The Couple Next Door (2023) s01e01 Episode Script

Episode 1

Evie! Evie, stop!
Evie, stop!
Pete. Stop.
Hello, suburbia! Woo.
Can almost feel the curtains
twitching already.
Look, I mean, I was only joking,
but they are actually staring
at us.
Hey, we are the new kids on
the block.
People are gonna be interested.
Come on.
Hey, I'm sold.
Bit Desperate Housewives, maybe,
But it's nice.
Olly, your dinner's served.
Here we go.
Welcome. I'm Becka.
Hiya. Oh, hiya, Becka,
Evie. This is Pete.
Hello. Hi. Oh, my God.
It is so good to have some new young
blood on the street.
Oh, my God. How many weeks,
are you?
Congratulations. I loved being
Let me get Danny. He can lift
No, I'm, I'm OK.
Come on, babe, don't do it
yourself. Be careful.
Danny. Come here.
Babe, this is Pete and Evie.
I've decided that they're adorable.
Hello, new neighbours.
You all right mate?
Yeah, oof.
Let me help you with that.
Yeah, if you go, yeah
OK, I'll come in and then if I
Yeah, got it.
Where do you want it, mate?
Well, it's a dishwasher
Yeah, yeah.
Ooh, yeah, just careful of the
Right. What's next?
Ah, well, it's, er, just small stuff
So, weedy old me can manage that.
Oh, no, seriously, I don't mind.
Right, how about a beer for
the hard-working boys.
Now that's an idea.
Well, here's to your new home.
And to new friends.
Cheers. Yes. New friends.
You must be stoked about
becoming parents.
Mm, course. Though, you know,
it's a bit hard to imagine till you
actually get there.
Mm. Our Olly is a real chip off
the old block.
He is exactly like his dad in
every way.
Yeah. I know it's a cliche
but it's like everything made sense
once I become a dad.
Yeah, yeah. cos you were forced to
stop being a self-centred shit.
Do you see what I have to put up
I'm worth it.
Ah, babe. You absolutely are. Mm.
They were nice.
She was nice enough.
He was a bit much. I'm not sure
they're our type.
What does that mean?
What the Aussie fitness instructor
and what was he,
underwear model I presume.
They were very helpful and they were
very friendly.
You're just being mean.
I'm not.
Still, I'll never have to lift
anything ever again.
We're gonna become a family in this
We are.
This baby is as much yours as
it's mine.
No-one needs to know how we
got here
I know.
Eat up, mate.
Don't like falafel.
You haven't even tried it.
Stop trying to give me healthy food.
It's so boring.
Don't you encourage him?
What? What? He's right.
Are you finished?
Yeah, well, go get ready for bed,
I'll be up in a minute.
What? Don't do that face. Go!
Go on. Falafel will get you.
What do you think of the new
I feel like they might actually be
our new friends.
Hmm. He didn't like me.
What? Of course he did.
No, I could see exactly what he
was thinking
the moment he clapped eyes on me.
Well, you did take something right
from out of his hands.
Yeah, a dishwasher. He was clearly
Well, I think they're exactly what's
been missing from this
godforsaken street.
All right.
Cheers. Cheers.
Here's to falafel.
Alan. Dinner's ready.
Just a minute my love. Be right with
All right, don't be too long.
Come on.
Did, er, Danny tell you what he does
for a living?
No. Why?
Come and have a look.
Bloody hell. Is he a cop?
He looks like Terminator.
Try not to sound so aroused.
Oh, yeah, cause you know me,
babe. Men in uniform.
Well, if that's the mood you're in,
I might have to remind you what
I do best.
Yeah. Go on, then. Remind me.
Now class,
I am very excited to introduce your
new teacher, Miss Greenwood.
Hello, Miss Greenwood.
Hi, class 1G. Thank you Miss Atha.
Good luck.
So, who would like to know
a little bit about me?
Yes. You at the back.
Do you live in Leeds?
I do. Yeah, but I've just moved to
a different part,
which is why I've started at this
Miss, do you have a baby in your
tummy like my mummy?
I do. Yeah. What's your name?
Molly, Miss.
My mummy said she can feel her
baby kicking.
Really? Oh, well, me too.
What's the baby's name, Miss?
Oh, I don't know yet, but I do quite
like Isla.
Me too.
That's annoyingly good.
That sounds suspiciously like
faint praise.
No, don't.
Don't make me blow smoke up
your arse.
Oh, come on. My battered ego needs a
Oh, OK. Well, you've clearly
conveyed a sense of moral outrage.
It's a compelling story.
I mean this guy's so obviously
and the council keep giving him
Has the boss read this?
Think I'm about to find out.
I mean, well done, I guess,
but I don't have the resources
for this kind of nonsense.
Oh, come on. This is a no-brainer.
It's a big story.
I can do this around other work.
Yeah. Bullshit.
I know how you operate. I'll lose
you for weeks.
I, I really think this is worth
pursuing boss.
Yeah, in case you two haven't
we've only got four staff left.
Don't you think we have
a responsibility to cover this?
I have one responsibility
..and that is to keep this pitiful
operation going.
Are you telling me to stop working
on this?
Yeah. I'm telling you that the Mayor
is opening
a magnificent new city library
Go and file me a poetic piece of
prose that does it justice.
Calling all units
for urgent delivery.
Whitwell receiving. What's the
Transport needed for a donor heart
from LRH
to Bradford hospital.
No ambulances available and they
need ASAP.
On my way.
Inhale, reach up.
Exhale, down and fold forward.
Inhale, hands on thighs.
Exhale fold.
Jump back into high plank
and push through to downward facing
Right leg up
and into high lunge,
and through to dancer's pose.
Hold for three breaths.
If you push through your foot,
find a point of focus,
and breathe.
And relax.
Thanks, guys. Have a good day.
See you.
I don't know how you do half
those moves.
Alan, I know you're doing your best
but I think it's better to start
with the beginners' class.
Well, I'm not very good, am I?
It's fine. It can be challenging at
When do you teach beginners?
I don't. My colleagues do.
It says in your leaflet that you do
one-to-one classes
maybe I'd improve if I
I'm fully booked for one-to-one
classes. Sorry.
Of course.
Well, maybe I'll just soldier on
here then.
I think if you want to continue,
you need to do the beginner's
My colleague Tim is very good,
and he would be more than happy
to teach you.
You can leave that there.
Hi, this is Pete. Leave me a message
and I'll get back to you.
And isn't this a magnificent
Hiya love, baby's just been a bit
so I'm just gonna go and have a
Erm, I'll keep you posted.
I love you, bye.
It's probably nothing. I just
thought I'd best
No, you do well. It's always good to
All right.
Let's see where we are, shall we?
I'm going to ask a colleague of mine
to come and have a look.
There's no heartbeat is there?
I just need someone else to check.
Has anyone come with you today?
Hey, you OK?
My baby's heartbeat has stopped.
It's over.
Oh, darling. Oh, I'm sorry.
OK, come on. Let's get you inside.
Thank you.
I know you don't know me very
..but anything you need
Would you like some space?
No. Please stay. You're so kind.
It's just
..we've tried so hard even
to get to this stage.
I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.
That 50 quid's mine.
I make that five nil.
Quite a tonking that, Danny boy.
Give it a rest, you cocky twat.
There's no need for that.
Sorry, mate.
I should lay off the betting for
a while.
Got some money issues.
Oh, mate, I didn't know.
I'm sorry. Forget about the 50 quid,
It's fine, I lost.
No, I'm serious. Forget about it,
it's nothing.
Is there anything I can help with?
It's complicated.
Well, go on.
I've got a new situation.
I had to dip into savings and,
well, it's not good.
Well, you know I'm not one for
asking tricky questions, mate,
but if you want to earn some serious
money on the side, I can help you.
Doing what?
Just doing our job.
Just escorting vehicles from point A
to point B,
safely, on an ad-hoc basis.
You're not serious.
I've been doing it for ages.
Have I ever been in trouble? No.
Have I ever been caught? Not once.
Have you lost your mind? You could
lose your job.
Mate, it's the easiest money you
will ever earn.
Working for who?
Some businessman.
Look, I've actually got a job coming
up in a bit.
It's gonna run you five grand
for about 30 minutes' work.
I don't know how desperate you are,
do I?
So, just give it a thought.
Pete, where have you been?
Jesus Christ.
Well, I only just heard your
I've been stuck at work. I'm sorry.
What's happened?
Oh, no!
Evie, no.
Come here.
Brought you a beer, mate.
Oh, fuck.
I know it might not feel like it
right now, but guys will get through this.
We've already been through more
than you can imagine.
Sorry to hear that.
They're huge.
They carp?
They are, yeah.
They came with the house,
but I really like them, actually.
They're hard work, you know?
Water has to be perfect.
Can't over feed them.
Sensitive buggers.
Aren't we all?
Tell me to piss off.
I know it feels awful right now.
Give it some time.
Maybe you can try again.
..not with my puny sperm.
We had two failed IVF attempts
and, er,
then we had to use a sperm donor
and it still hasn't worked.
I'm sorry, mate.
Oh, I can't tell you how much she
wants kids.
She's been talking about it ever
since we were at Uni.
What, you've been together
that long?
17 years.
Yeah, I'm her first and only ever
Seriously. That's amazing.
Evie's gonna turn in. She's pretty
Give you some peace.
Look after each other.
Yeah, will do.
Evie? Evie?
If you're ready we can start
the induction.
Hello, everyone.
How are you all? Good.
All righty, let's take a pic for
some Thursday motivation.
Perfect. That's stunning.
OK, everybody ready? Yes.
Warm? Yes. Good.
What is it love?
Can you just come down
for one minute, please?
Alan, have you booked that man
to fit the stairlift?
I, I didn't know we'd even
chosen one.
You said yes.
Well, I probably wasn't listening.
I've been very busy.
Well, not too busy to buy things off
Yeah, well, that's just a book for
How much are we talking for
a stairlift?
I mean, things are quite tight,
Yeah, well, how much are you willing
to put a price
on your wife's mobility?
I didn't mean it like that.
Wouldn't it be nice if I was
upstairs again?
You know, so we can be together.
Of course.
Ah, don't you want me up there?
Come on, don't be daft.
I know it's important.
I'll get it sorted.
I wonder how Pete and Evie are
I really liked spending time
with them.
I know.
Just give them some time.
Danny? Mm.
I'm bored.
What kind of bored?
She's got that look in her eye.
Have I? Mm.
Is that bad?
Hey know that couple that we
met in Marbella? Aah.
I was thinking
..maybe we could look them up. Mm.
Maybe we should.
Oh, yes.
You sure you're OK? I'm fine.
Have you had any counselling, Evie?
Look, Miss Atha, it's been two
months and GP's cleared me. I'm, I'm good.
Would you like me to explain to
the children?
No, no, no. I'll, erm, I'll do it.
Thank you.
Hiya, class!
Hello, Miss Greenwood.
Hello, Molly.
We should probably get up.
I don't want to go.
They want to see you.
They care about you.
Becka's invited us over for
a barbecue tonight.
Might need it after your mum's
We feel your presence here, oh,
We feel your presence here,
oh, Lord.
We feel your passion here, oh, Lord.
We feel your passion here,
oh, Lord.
We are born with original sin
We are born with original sin.
..and if we walk in the way of the
Lord, we will be redeemed.
Say it with me sister,
we will be redeemed if we follow
the light.
Cast off the sin
Our prayers are with her, Susan.
Thank you.
Hi, Brian.
It's all right. It's all right.
I'm sorry for you both.
Thanks, Brian. That's, er, that's
much appreciated.
Did mum make you say that?
Cos I'd imagine that you'd think
it was God's punishment.
This is, it's really delicious,
Actually, I want to know.
Do you think losing my baby is
God's punishment because we used
I'm not judging you my child,
but I know what the good book says.
Behold children are a heritage from
the Lord.
The fruit of the womb, a reward.
It cannot be a gift from
God if it's not natural.
There's always a quote, isn't there?
Well, here's one you made me learn
by heart.
I am the Lord who practises
steadfast love,
justice and righteousness here on
the earth.
Where is it?
Where is this steadfast love
this justice from this God of yours?
It's not for us to know God's will,
If this is truly God's will then
he's no God of mine.
Evie, let's
..let's leave it now.
You know I never felt welcome
here, Dad
..even when this was my home.
Same for Rachel.
You can ask her.
That's how you made your own
children feel
..and you still do.
Excuse me.
Wow, that sounds really intense.
Well, it's me versus God, isn't it?
And God always wins.
They're just trapped in their
belief system.
Yeah, which is a cult.
So, in a way you can't blame them.
I bloody well can, Pete.
My sister's just as happy-clappy
as them,
and she's still nice and kind.
It's just not how your parents
should be, is it?
I don't know. I had the complete
My dad wasn't even on the scene.
And my mum was this Thank you,
darling. ..this mad hippy.
She pulled me out of school,
we went to the Gold Coast,
and she just taught me herself on
the beach.
And she used to have these wild
and all these different guys.
Which is why Becks has absolutely
no boundaries.
Yeah, he's to Beck's crazy ma
for raising a wild one.
Oh-ho-ho, we've got a thirsty one.
Sorry. Wine is the only remedy
for today.
Never apologise.
You do whatever you've got to do.
Shall we get you another one?
Yes. Yes.
Right, what would you like next?
I have got everything. Let's leave
them to it, shall we?
Right. Come on.
Are cops allowed to do that?
Are you gonna dob on me?
Come on, mate, I'm not gonna smoke
the whole thing on me own.
Oh. Go on, then.
Pete, you naughty boy.
Danny, how do you feel about showing
me your sexy motorbike?
Thought you'd never ask.
Check her out.
Oh, you know what? I've always
wanted a go on one.
Since when?
There's still some things you don't
know about me, Pete.
You ever been on a bike? No. You
want to put that right?
What? Now?
Is this wise? You've been drinking
and smoking.
Ah, it's only a spin round the
block. Come on.
Do you like it? Yes. I love it.
This is so much fun.
Aah, waah. Whoa.
Hold on.
I am.
Go really fast.
Yes. Are you ready?
Ready, I'm gonna take my hands off.
I'm going. Yes, go.
Yes. You are crazy.
I love it.
Oh, my God. How was it?
It was amazing. I loved it.
I've got a hot girl on the back of
my ride.
You are a lucky man.
Oh, Pete, let's get one.
What? Do I even know you?
So much fun. Here you are.
Thank you. Cheers. Cheers.
You all right mate?
Mate, if you want in, this is your
Go and pick up your police bike and
get your arse
down to the airport within the next
I, er, I've got to go, babe.
What for?
Emergency hospital delivery.
No ambulance available.
Sorry. I'll see you later.
Yeah, bye.
Come on then. Yeah? Yeah, yeah.
All this for a briefcase?
Hilarious, isn't it?
They wouldn't be paying us unless
there was a threat.
Correct. So, let's stay vigilant and
we all get home safe, don't we?
You've got to ask yourself why would
they have flown in a load of cash.
I don't want to think about it.
Who's that?
That's the boss. Mr Spencer.
You sure you want to do this?
Shall we go upstairs?
No, let's just do it.
What was it?
Another heart transplant.
You OK?
Fine. Just a stressful ride.
Hope I made it in time.
You probably saved somebody's life.
I am proud of you every day.
Do you want a hand?
I'm good.
That was different.
Well, we've christened the kitchen.
It was fun, wasn't it?
Of course.
Next Episode