The Creature Cases (2022) s01e01 Episode Script
The Mystery on the Monsoon Express
Welcome to CLADE. The Covert League
of Animal Detective Experts.
[theme music plays]
Sam Snow.
Kit Casey.
[Scratch speaking]
[upbeat music playing]
All aboard the Monsoon Express!
Next stop, dry ground!
[engine powers up]
[upbeat music continues]
Ah, we've reached full speed.
Watch the controls, would ya?
You got it, Chief.
[menacing music plays]
Hey, watch it, pal.
Sorry. Excuse me. I didn't mean to--
Sweet slippery slugs!
[camera clicks]
-Got it, Bill?
-Got it, Jill.
-Let's send to CLADE.
-Sam and Kit will know what to do.
[joyful music playing]
-Four! Five hidden paw prints.
This training exercise was a breeze.
Not bad.
-But you missed a few.
-Really? Where?
And here.
See, Kit?
That's why you're the animal expert,
and I'm the master detective.
-I never miss a thing.
Sam. Ya missed somethin'.
The CLADE crest!
[gasps] The Director must have
a new Creature Case for us!
-Better not keep her waiting.
-[beeping stops]
[pants, grunts]
Forty-two seconds. Not bad, agents.
-Director Scratch, we came as soon as we--
Agents, there's a major mystery
on the Monsoon Express.
Monsoon Express?
What in the woolly world is that?
-The Monsoon Express is a train.
When the jungle gets too rainy and wet,
the Monsoon Express takes critters
up to higher ground where it's dry.
But earlier today,
the train's engineer was attacked.
The Mice Squad just sent us these photos.
Hmm. Any idea who did it?
That's where you two come in.
Your mission is to figure out
who attacked the engineer.
Oo, we've never solved
a mystery on a train before.
This could be
our biggest Creature Case yet.
[Scratch] Stinkwells
will help you gear up. Good luck.
And remember.
CLADE is counting on you!
-[Kit] Can I have one of these?
-Hello, Sam.
-Hello, Kit.
[both] Hey, Stinkwells.
What are you needing today?
A Bat Jammer?
A Turtle Tracker?
Orangutan Tickler?
We're solving a mystery
on the Monsoon Express train,
but it already left the station, so…
Oh, we have just the thing for you.
These Glider Packs
will help you fly aboard the train.
They're perfect!
But… [sniffs]
Are they supposed to smell like that?
[chuckles] Oopsie.
-[both] Thanks, Stinkwells.
Goodbye, Sam.
-Goodbye, Kit.
[upbeat music plays]
[machine whirs]
-[powers up]
R.O.N., set course
for the Monsoon Express.
[beeps] span style="style2"Prepare for blastoff.
[beeps] span style="style2"Now approaching destination biome,
Asian Jungle.
Thanks, R.O.N.
[music fades]
There's the Monsoon Express.
Ever skydive onto a moving train
in a tropical downpour?
-Neither have I.
R.O.N., open the hatch.
Now, when the train
is directly below us, we'll ju--
Race ya!
[tense music plays]
Activate Glider Packs!
Oh yeah. [chuckles]
Oh! Careful, Sam! You'll miss the train!
Thanks, Kit! I owe you one!
But I told you. I never miss a thing!
[Kit] We'll get in through here.
[Sam grunts]
Thanks, Sam. Now we're even.
[music fades]
[regal music plays]
Afternoon, folks. Agent Sam Snow…
And Agent Kit Casey.
[both] Animal Detectives.
[all] Detectives?
We're from CLADE, and we're here
to solve a mystery, little buddy.
Okay. Do you know
where we can find the engineer?
-[tablet beeps]
The engineer is right over there.
I mean, I think that's her.
I wouldn't know.
[chuckles] Why would I know?
[indistinct chatter]
-[gasps] There she is!
-Can you tell us what happened, ma'am?
Nope. Those are definitely not words.
Oh, you gotta help her!
I'm just the assistant engineer!
I don't know
how to drive this thing myself.
We're on it.
Sam, check this out.
[gasps] A clue!
Huh? It looks more like a hat.
It is a hat. And a clue.
But it's not my hat.
-Or the engineer's.
Exactly. Whoever attacked the engineer
probably left it behind.
Hmm. Interesting pattern.
[electronic buzz]
Any idea what this is, Kit?
Looks like a scale.
-[beeps, buzzes]
-A reptile scale.
Like from a lizard.
Or a snake.
A snake… Hmm…
Just as I suspected. A snakebite.
-How can you tell?
-There are two little bite marks.
The kind left behind
by something with two big fangs.
Like a snake.
A snake, huh?
Hey, don't look at me.
I may have fangs,
but I'm just a completely not dangerous
egg-eating snake. [chuckles]
Nope. No venom at all. Huh…
It's true.
Some snakes have venom,
and when they bite, it makes you sick.
Like this.
This egg-eating snake here
doesn't have venom.
But the snake
that bit the engineer definitely did.
If we can find them, we can turn
some of their venom into medicine!
You can?
A lot of snake venom made her sick,
but a teeny little bit,
mixed in with my special ingredients,
will make her feel all better again.
Solid plan.
Just one question.
How do we get the snake venom?
With this. A Venom Extractor.
Snake bites this here.
Venom drips into here.
-Never leave home without one.
-Now all we have to do is find that snake.
Clu-Bots, check this train for snakes.
Eh? Eh? Uh?
[electronic noises]
According to the Clu-Bots,
there are 32 snakes on board.
Ah, you'll never find the one
who bit the chief.
Oh yes, we will.
Check it out.
Only half of these snakes are venomous.
And only four have enough venom
to make the engineer sick.
[gasps] The Big Four!
Afraid so.
Uh, the big who?
The Big Four are the four
most dangerous snakes in these parts.
The Chain Snake,
the Common Krait, the Indian Cobra,
and the Saw-Scaled Viper.
There's one of each on this train.
And they're all venomous.
So one of these Big Four snakes
must have bit our engineer friend here.
[Kit] But don't you worry.
We're gonna find that sneaky snake
and make some medicine to fix ya up.
[ominous music playing]
We'll be reaching dry ground soon,
and she's the only one
who knows how to stop the train!
And if the train can't stop, we'll crash!
Crash? Oh no!
We're gonna crash?
Oh no!
Stay calm, everyone.
We're on the case.
Time to find that snake.
Okay, Sam,
we've gotta find this snake. Fast!
[Sam] First on our list of suspects,
the Chain Snake.
That's him over there.
And boy, is he hungry.
Remember, Sam, all of these snakes
are fanged and dangerous.
Excuse me, sir. Agent Sam Snow.
We'd like to ask you about-- Huh?
Sam, look out!
Excuse me.
Still digesting last week's dinner.
Looks like you'll be working
on that for a while.
[stomach grumbles]
Food stays in a snake's stomach
for a long time.
I see.
I don't suppose you know
who bit the engineer?
Who bit who now?
The engineer was bitten
by a venomous snake,
and now she can't drive the train.
You mean nobody's driving the train?!
We gotta do something! Okay.
-I'm stuck!
-Stay calm, everyone.
If he'd bitten the engineer,
he wouldn't have been able to escape.
Yeah. Not with that big belly of his.
I already told you.
It's from last week's dinner.
Well, we can cross him off the list.
One snake down,
three more to go.
Here. Let me help you.
Next up, the Common Krait.
This is the sleeping car.
[whispers] Sorry.
This suspect is very dangerous and very--
-We may have found our suspect, Kit.
I bet she tired herself out
attacking the engineer.
-Now we just have to wake her up and--
Sam! Common Kraits are nocturnal.
They sleep all day
and only wake up at night.
And the engineer was bitten
in the daytime,
when this snake was fast asleep.
-[bubble pops]
Yep. She didn't bite anybody today.
Better cross her off the list.
[Kit] Two snakes left.
The third suspect should be in here.
The Indian Cobra.
[Kit] There she is.
Excuse me.
Hmph. Hmph.
And she looks like a mean one.
Ew! Pink scale polish? How vulgar.
Excuse us, ma'am…
What do you want?
Uh, my partner and I just need
to ask you a few questions about--
No questions, pussycat.
Ma'am, earlier today, we--
I said no questions!
Ha! [hisses]
Careful. Cobras flare out their neck hoods
when they feel threatened and might bite.
And her neck hood's a-flarin'.
Neck hood?
Sorry to bother you, ma'am.
Have a nice trip.
[gasps] Oo, tail warmers?
Sam, she was acting pretty guilty.
We're just gonna walk away?
We sure are, Kit.
She has a neck hood that flares.
But check out the Mice Squad's photo.
[gasps] The snake who bit the engineer
doesn't have a hood!
So the cobra wasn't the biter!
See? I never miss a thing.
Now we know it wasn't the Chain Snake,
the Common Krait, or the Indian Cobra.
Which means there's only one
of the Big Four snakes left.
The Saw-Scaled Viper.
Exactly. The Saw-Scaled Viper
must have bitten the engineer.
-But where are they?
Agents, I don't mean
to rush your detective work,
but can you please hurry up?
Don't worry. We've almost
cracked the case wide open.
Well, this train's gonna crack wide open
if the chief can't stop it soon.
We're about to crash!
Don't get your tail twisted. We're on it.
Okay. We know it was
the Saw-Scaled Viper,
but now we only have minutes to find him.
Whoops! Excuse me.
Totally not venomous egg-eating snake
coming through. [chuckles]
Whiskers, that's it! We just found him!
The egg-eating snake we met
when we first arrived? But, Sam…
Stop that snake!
Watch out!
[action music plays]
There he goes!
[music fades]
[mysterious music plays]
-Ah! What was that?
Oops. Sorry.
[music ends]
[intense music plays]
[Viper] Oo…
[music ends]
[dance music plays]
Hey, that's my hat!
Hey! Watch it!
Ha! Nowhere left to slither now, Viper.
Listen, I told you before, huh?
I'm just an egg-eating snake.
I'm not dangerous.
Nice try, but you're actually
a venomous Saw-Scaled Viper!
You sure, Sam?
Egg-eating snakes and vipers look
a lot alike. They're hard to tell apart.
Check it out, Kit.
The pattern on his scales looks
just like the pattern on the hat we found.
Hey, my hat!
I mean…
That don't prove nothing.
And remember the snake scale we found?
Well, guess who has a bald spot
on his head?
Oh… That's embarrassing.
Well, ain't that something.
He's a Saw-Scaled Viper all right.
And he's the biter. He tricked us.
Okay, so I'm a viper!
But I didn't mean to bite the engineer.
She startled me and I snapped!
It's just my nature.
Easy now.
We just need a little of your venom.
My venom? Why?
I can use it to make medicine
for the engineer.
So she can stop this train
before it crashes!
You want my venom?
Come and get it!
-Oh no, you don't!
[venom pours]
You're all venomed out, Viper.
At least for a while.
-Nice work, Kit.
Come on. Let's get back to the engineer.
We don't have much time!
I hope they hurry. We're gonna crash!
Oops. Is this mic on?
Just need a teensy bit of viper venom,
my secret blend of herbs and spices…
[alarm beeps]
Hurry, Kit!
There! The perfect snakebite medicine.
-It's working!
-She's waking up!
Good morning.
Chief, I know you just woke up,
but you gotta stop the train
before we crash!
Sweet slippery slugs!
I gotta stop the train!
Look out!
[brakes screech]
[all sigh]
-All right!
Ladies and gentlemen,
we've reached dry ground!
What a relief.
-Here we are.
I had the weirdest dream.
I was attacked
by a venomous snake wearing a tutu.
That was no dream.
Well, except for the tutu part.
-Thanks for all your help today!
-Don't mention it, Chief.
Well, Kit, that's another Creature Case…
[both] Closed!
Nice work, agents.
Now, come on back to CLADE
for your next assignment.
We're on our way, Director Scratch.
-Uh, Sam?
-Yes, Kit?
Did you forget to put R.O.N. on autopilot
before we jumped out?
'Course I didn't forget.
I never miss a thing. Why?
It kinda looks like you forgot.
[laughs] Never miss a thing, huh?
-[Kit] Hey, R.O.N.!
-[Sam] Over here! Hey, R.O.N.! This way!
-[Kit] R.O.N.! Over here! R.O.N.!
[both] span style="style2"Fact File! Yeah! ♪
Mice Squad Fact File.
-Bill ♪
-Jill ♪
-span style="style1"[R.O.N.] Status?
-Chill ♪
System Settings? ♪
[both] span style="style2"Set to thrill! ♪
[Bill] span style="style2"Update. The Big Four Snakes.
[both] span style="style2"Fact File! ♪
[Bill] span style="style2"The Big Four are the Chain Snake,
span style="style2"the Common Krait, the Indian Cobra,
and the Saw-Scaled Viper.
[Jill] span style="style2"They're four
span style="style2"of the most dangerous snakes in Asia!
Fact File! ♪
[Bill] span style="style2"All four snakes have venom.
[Bill] span style="style2"Which can make you
span style="style2"pretty sick if they bite you.
-[both] span style="style2"Fact File! ♪
span style="style2"-[Bill] span style="style2"They don't ride trains,
but when it rains,
they do head for dry ground.
[Jill] span style="style2"So watch out for the Big Four.
[R.O.N.] span style="style2"Error. Upload incomplete.
[both] How to fix it?
[R.O.N.] span style="style2"Move your feet.
Fact File! ♪
Fact File! ♪
Fact File! ♪
[both] span style="style2"Yeah! ♪
[closing theme music playing]
of Animal Detective Experts.
[theme music plays]
Sam Snow.
Kit Casey.
[Scratch speaking]
[upbeat music playing]
All aboard the Monsoon Express!
Next stop, dry ground!
[engine powers up]
[upbeat music continues]
Ah, we've reached full speed.
Watch the controls, would ya?
You got it, Chief.
[menacing music plays]
Hey, watch it, pal.
Sorry. Excuse me. I didn't mean to--
Sweet slippery slugs!
[camera clicks]
-Got it, Bill?
-Got it, Jill.
-Let's send to CLADE.
-Sam and Kit will know what to do.
[joyful music playing]
-Four! Five hidden paw prints.
This training exercise was a breeze.
Not bad.
-But you missed a few.
-Really? Where?
And here.
See, Kit?
That's why you're the animal expert,
and I'm the master detective.
-I never miss a thing.
Sam. Ya missed somethin'.
The CLADE crest!
[gasps] The Director must have
a new Creature Case for us!
-Better not keep her waiting.
-[beeping stops]
[pants, grunts]
Forty-two seconds. Not bad, agents.
-Director Scratch, we came as soon as we--
Agents, there's a major mystery
on the Monsoon Express.
Monsoon Express?
What in the woolly world is that?
-The Monsoon Express is a train.
When the jungle gets too rainy and wet,
the Monsoon Express takes critters
up to higher ground where it's dry.
But earlier today,
the train's engineer was attacked.
The Mice Squad just sent us these photos.
Hmm. Any idea who did it?
That's where you two come in.
Your mission is to figure out
who attacked the engineer.
Oo, we've never solved
a mystery on a train before.
This could be
our biggest Creature Case yet.
[Scratch] Stinkwells
will help you gear up. Good luck.
And remember.
CLADE is counting on you!
-[Kit] Can I have one of these?
-Hello, Sam.
-Hello, Kit.
[both] Hey, Stinkwells.
What are you needing today?
A Bat Jammer?
A Turtle Tracker?
Orangutan Tickler?
We're solving a mystery
on the Monsoon Express train,
but it already left the station, so…
Oh, we have just the thing for you.
These Glider Packs
will help you fly aboard the train.
They're perfect!
But… [sniffs]
Are they supposed to smell like that?
[chuckles] Oopsie.
-[both] Thanks, Stinkwells.
Goodbye, Sam.
-Goodbye, Kit.
[upbeat music plays]
[machine whirs]
-[powers up]
R.O.N., set course
for the Monsoon Express.
[beeps] span style="style2"Prepare for blastoff.
[beeps] span style="style2"Now approaching destination biome,
Asian Jungle.
Thanks, R.O.N.
[music fades]
There's the Monsoon Express.
Ever skydive onto a moving train
in a tropical downpour?
-Neither have I.
R.O.N., open the hatch.
Now, when the train
is directly below us, we'll ju--
Race ya!
[tense music plays]
Activate Glider Packs!
Oh yeah. [chuckles]
Oh! Careful, Sam! You'll miss the train!
Thanks, Kit! I owe you one!
But I told you. I never miss a thing!
[Kit] We'll get in through here.
[Sam grunts]
Thanks, Sam. Now we're even.
[music fades]
[regal music plays]
Afternoon, folks. Agent Sam Snow…
And Agent Kit Casey.
[both] Animal Detectives.
[all] Detectives?
We're from CLADE, and we're here
to solve a mystery, little buddy.
Okay. Do you know
where we can find the engineer?
-[tablet beeps]
The engineer is right over there.
I mean, I think that's her.
I wouldn't know.
[chuckles] Why would I know?
[indistinct chatter]
-[gasps] There she is!
-Can you tell us what happened, ma'am?
Nope. Those are definitely not words.
Oh, you gotta help her!
I'm just the assistant engineer!
I don't know
how to drive this thing myself.
We're on it.
Sam, check this out.
[gasps] A clue!
Huh? It looks more like a hat.
It is a hat. And a clue.
But it's not my hat.
-Or the engineer's.
Exactly. Whoever attacked the engineer
probably left it behind.
Hmm. Interesting pattern.
[electronic buzz]
Any idea what this is, Kit?
Looks like a scale.
-[beeps, buzzes]
-A reptile scale.
Like from a lizard.
Or a snake.
A snake… Hmm…
Just as I suspected. A snakebite.
-How can you tell?
-There are two little bite marks.
The kind left behind
by something with two big fangs.
Like a snake.
A snake, huh?
Hey, don't look at me.
I may have fangs,
but I'm just a completely not dangerous
egg-eating snake. [chuckles]
Nope. No venom at all. Huh…
It's true.
Some snakes have venom,
and when they bite, it makes you sick.
Like this.
This egg-eating snake here
doesn't have venom.
But the snake
that bit the engineer definitely did.
If we can find them, we can turn
some of their venom into medicine!
You can?
A lot of snake venom made her sick,
but a teeny little bit,
mixed in with my special ingredients,
will make her feel all better again.
Solid plan.
Just one question.
How do we get the snake venom?
With this. A Venom Extractor.
Snake bites this here.
Venom drips into here.
-Never leave home without one.
-Now all we have to do is find that snake.
Clu-Bots, check this train for snakes.
Eh? Eh? Uh?
[electronic noises]
According to the Clu-Bots,
there are 32 snakes on board.
Ah, you'll never find the one
who bit the chief.
Oh yes, we will.
Check it out.
Only half of these snakes are venomous.
And only four have enough venom
to make the engineer sick.
[gasps] The Big Four!
Afraid so.
Uh, the big who?
The Big Four are the four
most dangerous snakes in these parts.
The Chain Snake,
the Common Krait, the Indian Cobra,
and the Saw-Scaled Viper.
There's one of each on this train.
And they're all venomous.
So one of these Big Four snakes
must have bit our engineer friend here.
[Kit] But don't you worry.
We're gonna find that sneaky snake
and make some medicine to fix ya up.
[ominous music playing]
We'll be reaching dry ground soon,
and she's the only one
who knows how to stop the train!
And if the train can't stop, we'll crash!
Crash? Oh no!
We're gonna crash?
Oh no!
Stay calm, everyone.
We're on the case.
Time to find that snake.
Okay, Sam,
we've gotta find this snake. Fast!
[Sam] First on our list of suspects,
the Chain Snake.
That's him over there.
And boy, is he hungry.
Remember, Sam, all of these snakes
are fanged and dangerous.
Excuse me, sir. Agent Sam Snow.
We'd like to ask you about-- Huh?
Sam, look out!
Excuse me.
Still digesting last week's dinner.
Looks like you'll be working
on that for a while.
[stomach grumbles]
Food stays in a snake's stomach
for a long time.
I see.
I don't suppose you know
who bit the engineer?
Who bit who now?
The engineer was bitten
by a venomous snake,
and now she can't drive the train.
You mean nobody's driving the train?!
We gotta do something! Okay.
-I'm stuck!
-Stay calm, everyone.
If he'd bitten the engineer,
he wouldn't have been able to escape.
Yeah. Not with that big belly of his.
I already told you.
It's from last week's dinner.
Well, we can cross him off the list.
One snake down,
three more to go.
Here. Let me help you.
Next up, the Common Krait.
This is the sleeping car.
[whispers] Sorry.
This suspect is very dangerous and very--
-We may have found our suspect, Kit.
I bet she tired herself out
attacking the engineer.
-Now we just have to wake her up and--
Sam! Common Kraits are nocturnal.
They sleep all day
and only wake up at night.
And the engineer was bitten
in the daytime,
when this snake was fast asleep.
-[bubble pops]
Yep. She didn't bite anybody today.
Better cross her off the list.
[Kit] Two snakes left.
The third suspect should be in here.
The Indian Cobra.
[Kit] There she is.
Excuse me.
Hmph. Hmph.
And she looks like a mean one.
Ew! Pink scale polish? How vulgar.
Excuse us, ma'am…
What do you want?
Uh, my partner and I just need
to ask you a few questions about--
No questions, pussycat.
Ma'am, earlier today, we--
I said no questions!
Ha! [hisses]
Careful. Cobras flare out their neck hoods
when they feel threatened and might bite.
And her neck hood's a-flarin'.
Neck hood?
Sorry to bother you, ma'am.
Have a nice trip.
[gasps] Oo, tail warmers?
Sam, she was acting pretty guilty.
We're just gonna walk away?
We sure are, Kit.
She has a neck hood that flares.
But check out the Mice Squad's photo.
[gasps] The snake who bit the engineer
doesn't have a hood!
So the cobra wasn't the biter!
See? I never miss a thing.
Now we know it wasn't the Chain Snake,
the Common Krait, or the Indian Cobra.
Which means there's only one
of the Big Four snakes left.
The Saw-Scaled Viper.
Exactly. The Saw-Scaled Viper
must have bitten the engineer.
-But where are they?
Agents, I don't mean
to rush your detective work,
but can you please hurry up?
Don't worry. We've almost
cracked the case wide open.
Well, this train's gonna crack wide open
if the chief can't stop it soon.
We're about to crash!
Don't get your tail twisted. We're on it.
Okay. We know it was
the Saw-Scaled Viper,
but now we only have minutes to find him.
Whoops! Excuse me.
Totally not venomous egg-eating snake
coming through. [chuckles]
Whiskers, that's it! We just found him!
The egg-eating snake we met
when we first arrived? But, Sam…
Stop that snake!
Watch out!
[action music plays]
There he goes!
[music fades]
[mysterious music plays]
-Ah! What was that?
Oops. Sorry.
[music ends]
[intense music plays]
[Viper] Oo…
[music ends]
[dance music plays]
Hey, that's my hat!
Hey! Watch it!
Ha! Nowhere left to slither now, Viper.
Listen, I told you before, huh?
I'm just an egg-eating snake.
I'm not dangerous.
Nice try, but you're actually
a venomous Saw-Scaled Viper!
You sure, Sam?
Egg-eating snakes and vipers look
a lot alike. They're hard to tell apart.
Check it out, Kit.
The pattern on his scales looks
just like the pattern on the hat we found.
Hey, my hat!
I mean…
That don't prove nothing.
And remember the snake scale we found?
Well, guess who has a bald spot
on his head?
Oh… That's embarrassing.
Well, ain't that something.
He's a Saw-Scaled Viper all right.
And he's the biter. He tricked us.
Okay, so I'm a viper!
But I didn't mean to bite the engineer.
She startled me and I snapped!
It's just my nature.
Easy now.
We just need a little of your venom.
My venom? Why?
I can use it to make medicine
for the engineer.
So she can stop this train
before it crashes!
You want my venom?
Come and get it!
-Oh no, you don't!
[venom pours]
You're all venomed out, Viper.
At least for a while.
-Nice work, Kit.
Come on. Let's get back to the engineer.
We don't have much time!
I hope they hurry. We're gonna crash!
Oops. Is this mic on?
Just need a teensy bit of viper venom,
my secret blend of herbs and spices…
[alarm beeps]
Hurry, Kit!
There! The perfect snakebite medicine.
-It's working!
-She's waking up!
Good morning.
Chief, I know you just woke up,
but you gotta stop the train
before we crash!
Sweet slippery slugs!
I gotta stop the train!
Look out!
[brakes screech]
[all sigh]
-All right!
Ladies and gentlemen,
we've reached dry ground!
What a relief.
-Here we are.
I had the weirdest dream.
I was attacked
by a venomous snake wearing a tutu.
That was no dream.
Well, except for the tutu part.
-Thanks for all your help today!
-Don't mention it, Chief.
Well, Kit, that's another Creature Case…
[both] Closed!
Nice work, agents.
Now, come on back to CLADE
for your next assignment.
We're on our way, Director Scratch.
-Uh, Sam?
-Yes, Kit?
Did you forget to put R.O.N. on autopilot
before we jumped out?
'Course I didn't forget.
I never miss a thing. Why?
It kinda looks like you forgot.
[laughs] Never miss a thing, huh?
-[Kit] Hey, R.O.N.!
-[Sam] Over here! Hey, R.O.N.! This way!
-[Kit] R.O.N.! Over here! R.O.N.!
[both] span style="style2"Fact File! Yeah! ♪
Mice Squad Fact File.
-Bill ♪
-Jill ♪
-span style="style1"[R.O.N.] Status?
-Chill ♪
System Settings? ♪
[both] span style="style2"Set to thrill! ♪
[Bill] span style="style2"Update. The Big Four Snakes.
[both] span style="style2"Fact File! ♪
[Bill] span style="style2"The Big Four are the Chain Snake,
span style="style2"the Common Krait, the Indian Cobra,
and the Saw-Scaled Viper.
[Jill] span style="style2"They're four
span style="style2"of the most dangerous snakes in Asia!
Fact File! ♪
[Bill] span style="style2"All four snakes have venom.
[Bill] span style="style2"Which can make you
span style="style2"pretty sick if they bite you.
-[both] span style="style2"Fact File! ♪
span style="style2"-[Bill] span style="style2"They don't ride trains,
but when it rains,
they do head for dry ground.
[Jill] span style="style2"So watch out for the Big Four.
[R.O.N.] span style="style2"Error. Upload incomplete.
[both] How to fix it?
[R.O.N.] span style="style2"Move your feet.
Fact File! ♪
Fact File! ♪
Fact File! ♪
[both] span style="style2"Yeah! ♪
[closing theme music playing]