The Croods: Family Tree (2021) s01e01 Episode Script

Sticky Business

I'm Eep. Of the Croods clan.
And I'm on the hunt.
But not for food.
That's old Eep. I'm new Eep.
And new Eep just needs a pen.
‐ Dear Bark Journal,
so what put the new in new me?
I'm glad I asked myself that question.
I was walking with my family,
my dad Grug, my mom Ugga,
my little brother Thunk,
my little sister Sandy,
my gran Gran, and Guy,
as in my guy,
the guy of my dreams but real.
And we hit a wall.
So, of course, Dad smashed through it.
And there was a farm and a tree house.
And a family, the Bettermans,
Phil, Hope and their daughter Dawn.
They weren't happy about their wall,
and we didn't get along.
But then we were attacked
by these crazy punch monkeys
so we had to team up to survive.
It went so well,
the Bettermans invited us to move in,
and, boom, first neighborhood ever!
And, boom, again, first best friend ever!
Dawn rocks!
But the punch monkeys don't,
so welcome back, wall,
and hello, peace and quiet.
Yep, the Croods are livin' easy now.
Except it's not so easy.
‐ Is it night yet?
‐ No, honey, we just woke up.
‐ Aw, come on!
No hunting, no chasing.
‐ No fighting.
‐ Sorry, Sandy.
Nothing to fight here.
The farm has food, shelter, and safety.
It's comfortable, predictable‐‐
‐ And so‐o‐o‐o boring!
‐ Relaxing?
Good. Keep doing that.
‐ Can we help with anything, Hope?
‐ Nope. Everything's taken care of.
So I'll make lunch
and you stay out of the way
and do nothing.
‐ Do nothing?
We're the Croods!
We hunt Kangadillos.
We topple trees.
We paint the things we do on rocks.
We gotta have a purpose on this farm.
Because, if we don't,
we're as useless as a slugopotamus.
And the Croods aren't slugopotomuses.
‐ As far as we know.
‐ Is doing nothing really so bad?
Look how happy Douglas is.
See? I've always said moving is overrated.
Oh, uh, could someone
move my cup closer to my mouth?
‐ Thunk's right.
Down time has an upside.
More time for stolen kisses.
‐ Morning, Guy.
‐ More time for careless whispers. Whoops.
‐ Hmm. More time for cuddling.
‐ No. No time for cuddling.
‐ Wh What about the sleep pile?
We did that every night in our old life.
‐ That's family cuddling.
It's completely different.
‐ Fine. New Eep and Guy
can cuddle with our eyes.
‐ Hey.
‐ Hey.
‐ Hey!
‐ Hey! Something to do just ran by.
Mom's right.
Pigator on the loose.
‐ Let's grab it and stab it!
‐ Or, we can redirect that stabbing energy
into something less stabby.
‐ Uh, I'm still waiting for someone
to move my cup. Yeah.
‐ Ooh!
‐ Aw!
Morning, Phil.
‐ Good morning.
Just testing my new trap.
So no more runaway pigators.
‐ But we were gonna catch that pigator.
‐ No need. This trap is flawless.
Just like the rest of the system
that runs this farm.
So keep doing nothing, Croods.
It suits you.
‐ What was that?
‐ Oh, that's a bounceberry.
They're ripe. It's time to harvest them.
‐ Ooh! Uh, we'll do that!
‐ Oh, I don't think so.
Bounceberries are a favorite fruit
around here.
And they can be tricky. Even dangerous.
‐ Great! We love danger. We're in.
‐ You're out. It's taken care of.
‐ Uh, let me guess. By the system?
‐ Precisely. With me at the helm.
So, if you'll excuse me,
I need to limber up before the harvest.
Time for a steam in the man cave.
‐ Come on.
There has to be something
we can do around here
‐ You know who has ideas?
Guy‐Boy, I can hear those wheels turning.
‐ You get one pet name a day.
So that's it. You're done.
‐ Well, one idea is both sides compromise
and live in peace.
‐ Ha. That'll never work.
‐ You just need
something to do to be happy.
But it doesn't have to be work, right?
So, how about a game?
Ooh. How about this,
you find something
and then you throw it?
It's called "Throw."
Yeah. Throw might need some work.
‐ Better idea,
we stop doing
what Phil and Hope tell us to do
and we start doing
what we wanna do.
Because this is our home now.
‐ Yes.
‐ Grug, go tell Phil
that's what's happening.
‐ Aw, in the steam?
‐ Yes. And I'll tell Hope
I'm gonna help her.
Whether she likes it or not.
‐ Dawn will love this.
Her whole life, her parents have been
so worried about her getting hurt,
they've never let her do anything.
Let's go, Guy‐baby.
‐ One pet name a day. That's two.
‐ You're always welcome
in my man cave, Grug.
My steam is your steam.
‐ Uh, yeah, thanks.
So I'm here to tell you‐‐
So I'm here to‐‐
I'm here to tell you things‐‐
are going to change around here.
‐ Of course.
Let's talk about that.
‐ Great, so we're gonna‐‐
‐ After the steam.
‐ Right, but‐but Ugga said‐‐
‐ Steam first, talk after.
‐ Okay, but, uh, I'm‐‐
‐ Steam, then talk.
‐ But‐‐
‐ Steam, talk.
‐ Well, how long of a steam?
Phil? Phil?
Phil, where'd you go? Phil!
‐ Yes?
See? You're completely relaxed,
thanks to the steam.
‐ So sweet of you to offer.
But I'm making lunch. Okay?
‐ No. We're making lunch. Together.
‐ Ohh. You wanna help make lunch?
In my kitchen?
‐ Our kitchen.
‐ Of course. Our kitchen.
Because you live here now.
So we share the kitchen,
that was once mine. Good.
‐ I'm glad you're not upset.
‐ Upset?
In the kitchen I helped build from nothing
that I never had to share with
anyone before now?
How could I be upset? That's crazy.
‐ We're cooking meat, right?
Because that's all I eat. Meat.
‐ Oh, good. More help.
Well, we're making soup, so‐‐
‐ Soup? You got it.
‐ So you don't know what soup is.
‐ Nope.
‐ Ew.
‐ You're saying we're gonna
do something around here?
But my parents
don't want me doing anything.
Even playing Throw like this.
'Cause they think I'll die.
‐ I'm so glad you guys like Throw.
‐ Forget your parents.
Because we're not gonna do anything.
We're gonna do everything.
Whoa, game changer.
You're saying I could eat
breakfast for dinner?
I could get dirty and stay dirty?
I could tell my parents what to do?
‐ Exactly. And that's just the start.
‐ Breakfast‐dinner? The best.
Dirt? Never gets old.
But I think your parents
like to be in charge.
It's their thing.
So maybe we start smaller.
‐ Smaller how?
‐ Well, what if we added
something to Throw, like catching?
Ooh! We could call it Catch.
‐ Hey, uh, could one of you
move my cup closer to my mouth?
‐ Or you could just get your cup.
‐ Are you nuts?
It's all the way across the farm
by my hammock.
‐ Thunk, wanna play Catch? Catch.
‐ Or we go bigger. Bigger like a‐‐
Let's bounce!
‐ Lunch is served.
‐ Which is what I used to say
because I always served lunch.
But now Ugga's doing it.
And I'm fine with that.
Because I have to be.
Or do I?
‐ Wh‐‐ What? Why would you‐‐
‐ Oops. Ugga spilled the soup.
But don't worry, I'll make a new lunch.
‐ We'll make a new lunch.
‐ Perfect.
‐ At least they have
something to do. Lucky.
Well, so do we.
‐ Bounceberries?
‐ Bounceberries!
‐ Bananas!
We're saying fruits, right?
‐ Uh, no. Bounceberries.
We're gonna help you harvest them.
‐ And you will not uh, stop me?
‐ Strong start, Dawn. Keep going.
‐ Because, you don't own me!
‐ Comin' in a little hot, Dawn.
‐ Let's do this.
I know nothing about bounceberries
but they're my jam.
Ooh, bounceberry jam.
Great idea.
We'll make it together, Hope.
‐ Sure.
First lunch, then bounceberry jam.
In fact, why don't you just
make a to‐do leaf for us?
‐ Already done. Here you go.
‐ So it's settled.
We'll all harvest
the bounceberries together?
‐ Done deal! Bounceberries! Boom!
‐ You're heating up
instead of cooling down, Dawn.
‐ I'm sorry, Croods,
but we have a system here.
And, if you disrupt it,
there could be chaos.
‐ Works for me.
‐ Ugh. You keep saying system.
What system?
‐ I spent years creating
an intricate system to run our farm.
Don't touch the system.
Our food, our water,
even our cooling breezes
are made possible by the system.
I said, don't touch the system.
"Don't" is the key word.
For example, these vines
gently gather chicken seal eggs
and carry them to baskets
without cracking a single egg.
It's a flawless system.
Which is why I said don't touch it.
Whew. There you are.
I've been looking
all over the farm for you guys.
Hey, uh, could someone please
move my cup closer to my‐‐
‐ If your system's so great,
why did it break?
‐ Yeah, we don't break.
Guess we're better than your system.
‐ You? Better than my system?
‐ Try us. On the bounceberries.
‐ Eep can do it, Phil.
When she goes after something,
she gets it.
Like my heart.
‐ Well, unlike your heart,
I can't risk the bounceberry harvest.
They're too delicious to squander.
So only the Bettermans
can tame the bouncy beast.
‐ What? We hate doing it.
We only do it because we have no choice.
And you almost die during every harvest.
Oh, no!
No, no, no!
Help! They're gonna get me!
‐ This year we have a choice.
The Croods wanna help, so let them.
‐ You're right.
Why stand in the way
of the Croods' happiness?
Besides, what's the worst
that could happen?
‐ Boy, those eggs
were really up there, huh?
‐ Bounceberries, they may look fun,
but they're not.
‐ Because they're heavy?
No problem.
‐ No.
‐ Poisonous?
‐ Seriously?
They're called bounceberries.
‐ Right.
So they stink.
‐ So close.
But I think they bounce.
Because bounce‐berries.
‐ And they're hard to catch
because the moment they leave the bush,
they bounce for the hills.
‐ No problem.
Eep, Guy, you run point
and drive the berries forward.
Gran, Sandy, you're in the wings.
And you'll all herd the berries
to this point here
so Ugga and I can catch them.
‐ What about me? What's my job?
‐ Oh, Dawn. This is too dangerous for you.
You could get bruised.
Or bumped. Or tired.
You can watch from behind that rock.
‐ No. You can't make me
watch my life anymore.
'Cause now I'm gonna live it!
I‐I mean, if that's okay with you, Mom.
‐ Nice heat adjustment, Dawn.
‐ Very well, let's do a trial run
with a few bushes.
A dry bounce, if you will.
But first, some rules.
Rule number one, do not eat
the bounceberries when harvesting them.
Here's why‐‐
‐ Wanna bounce, Guy‐lyface?
‐ Only if I'm bouncing with you, Eepykins.
‐ That's three pet names today!
Way too many.
‐ That's not harvesting.
That's frolicking.
‐ If you're enjoying it,
you're doing it wrong.
‐ My dad was right.
This is just like a kangadillo chase!
‐ Even better,
everyone's cooperating and happy‐‐
Except me.
‐ Your head looks like a bounceberry.
‐ Oh, no! Where are Mom and Dad?
‐ They're MIA! Sandy, break those berries.
I got this one!
No, I don't!
‐ Never fear. I'll catch you.
Sorry, Dad!
‐ Nice catch, Phil.
‐ Sorry, Mom!
‐ Oh, no! I think these bounceberries
are going for a swim.
‐ Oh, no, they're not.
‐ Who wants bounceberries?
‐ I do. Eat up, gang.
Mm! Mm!
I told you not to eat them.
‐ Why not? We caught it. We eat it.
‐ Right. Also, sticky.
‐ No!
‐ Whoo!
I'm alive!
And stuck.
‐ Ugh.
‐ I don't mind being stuck.
I mind.
Stop sticking!
No, no, no, Sandy, don't‐‐
Uh never mind, sweetie.
‐ That's why you can't eat them
during the harvest.
The berry juice makes you sticky.
And when you're sticky,
you can't harvest berries.
Just ask Hope.
‐ Yep.
I learned the hard way.
And I guess I get to do it again this year
on top of completely losing control
of everything in my life!
‐ So, now that you're all too sticky
to finish the harvest,
we have to find another solution
so we don't have to do it.
‐ Huh? Huh? What about us?
They just left us.
‐ You think that's bad?
I'm their daughter.
‐ Don't worry. I'll get us free.
Just need to use some muscle.
Or a lot of muscle.
‐ Or we wait for them to come back.
‐ Hang tight! I'll kick you loose.
‐ No! Anything but your‐‐
‐ Guy, get your face off my feet.
‐ It's okay, guys. Thunk'll save us.
That's good.
‐ Cup too far.
‐ They're not coming back.
‐ It's fine. Because we're going to
pull ourselves apart on three.
‐ For freedom!
‐ That didn't work.
But it did bring us closer together.
So close, it's hard to imagine
being apart from you.
‐ Oh, Guy. You're so romantic.
‐ No. No romance.
We're stuck here forever.
We need to decide which one of us
we're gonna eat first.
Ha‐ha! I knew you'd come back.
Didn't doubt it for a second.
You‐you can get us free, right?
For freedom!
‐ Of course. All it takes is water.
‐ Water? That's it?
Why didn't you free us right away then?
‐ Free you? When the bounceberries
are ready to be harvested?
One must have priorities.
‐ And priority number one
is making sure we don't have to do it.
‐ Yes, as we recently established,
I don't enjoy it.
And you don't follow directions.
But now it's in good hands.
Or should I say fists?
‐ Why would you say fists?
Punch monkeys?
‐ Not good.
‐ Why? Because punch monkeys
do nothing but punch, steal, lie, destroy
and generally make our lives
more difficult in every way?
‐ True, we've had our differences.
But that's history.
They're strong, fast,
they've got big hands,
and unlike you, they listen.
So I asked them to give us a fist
and they said yes.
‐ But this was our job.
‐ And now it's not. Isn't that great?
‐ No! This was our purpose.
It was gonna save us from being useless.
Like a slugopotamus.
‐ And I'm no slugopotamus.
‐ No, you're like
a beautiful meteor shower.
But on the ground.
‐ Comin' in a little hot, Guy.
‐ Okay.
‐ And you have a lot to learn
about meteor showers.
Now, gawk as the punch monkeys
do what you couldn't,
finish the harvest.
And for a mere one banana per monkey.
‐ Someone should tell them that.
‐ What are you doing? Stop!
Huh. I don't understand that punch.
Uh, Guy, you speak
better punch monkey than I do.
What did he say?
‐ He said you told them that they could
take all the bananas they want.
‐ What? No!
That's a mis‐puncher‐standing.
I said one. Like this.
‐ There's your mistake.
That's not one. That's all.
This means one.
‐ Ooh! Really? This means one?
‐ No. That means thirsty.
This means one.
‐ This?
‐ No. This!
‐ Oh. Thanks for clearing that up.
What are they saying now?
‐ They feel misled.
So they're gonna take all our food.
Right after they trash the farm
to teach you a little lesson
in honesty and integrity.
‐ They said all that with punches?
‐ It's a rich, mysterious language.
‐ So, Croods, you still want to help
with the bounceberry harvest, yes?
‐ By stopping the punch monkeys?
‐ And fixing your mistake?
‐ Oh, I wouldn't put it like that.
‐ I would. That's exactly it.
‐ We're on it.
‐ And I'm all over it
because this is how I roll now!
All Dawn, no rules, so deal with it!
‐ Same team, Dawn.
‐ Yeah. The Kill Team!
‐ Uh, no.
No killing necessary.
Here's the plan‐‐
‐ No offense, but your plan
is why we need a new plan.
‐ Right. So here's the plan.
Hey, punch monkeys!
You forgot the bounceberries.
‐ So we brought you a bunch.
‐ To go.
Look at us, working together,
bouncing together.
This is a real moment.
Boy, I am really up here.
Oh, pretty clouds!
That one looks like a pillow.
And there's an egg, a coconut, Thunk,
a‐a‐and going down.
Going back up.
Oh, yeah!
‐ Guy.
‐ Hey, no bounce‐frogging.
This is serious monkey business.
‐ It's time to chew and shoo
these monkeys outta here.
Everyone, chew!
And shoo!
Abandon berries!
Phil and Hope, you're up!
‐ And that's how you bounce
punch monkeys out the door.
‐ Along with all our bounceberries!
Except for that one. Which you are eating.
‐ The point is, we did it together.
We built a bridge between ourselves
and we crossed it.
‐ No. The point is,
we found our purpose here.
Fixing Phil's mistakes.
‐ Starting with the system.
Yeah, let's crush the system!
‐ Ooh. And afterwards
maybe we could play Catch.
‐ No! They'll ruin the system.
‐ Who cares?
If they're busy, I get my kitchen back.
So I win.
Which means you win.
‐ You're right. High five.
‐ And we're stuck.
Next Episode