The Crowned Clown (2019) s01e01 Episode Script

The Monkey's Hair

Yeo Jin Goo: Ha Seon/King Lee Heon — Lee Se Young: Yoo So Woon
Kim Sang Kyung: Lee Gyoo — Jung Hye Young: Woon Sim
Jang Gwang: Eunuch Jo — Kwon Hae Hyo: Sin Chi Soo
Jang Young Nam: Queen Dowager — Lee Gyu Han: Joo Ho Geol
The Crowned Clown
The characters, organizations, locations, and events in this drama are fiction and have no relation to historical facts.
Yool, it saddens me deeply not to see you
grow up before I go.
Young Lord.
Crown Prince.
Come closer.
Tell me, Your Majesty.
When I think about passing on the royal throne that I have protected with my bloody tears
to an undeserving arse like you,
it makes me so angry that I can't close my eyes.
I'm worried that you might persecute
the young prince Gyeongin because of your
resentment against me.
Promise me that you'll protect your little brother.
Your Majesty, that's not how you ask for a favor.
You need to plead with tears and beg on your hands and knees.
This punk
Alright, I'll watch over you
how your world will unfold
what-what actions you will take,
this insolent punk.
Pay him proper respect.
The king has passed!
The king has passed!
The king has passed!
Your Majesty!
Your Majesty!
Your Majesty!
Your Majesty, the throne you kept with your blood and tears,
I'll protect it well.
So please go in peace.
It will be awesome if you do well but deadly if you don't!
Let's have fun!
Episode 1
How exciting!
In all eight provinces of Joseon,
do you know what the scariest thing is that will make people pee in their pants with fear?
I know!
- The scariest thing is a tiger!
- Definitely not!
- Then dried persimmons?
- Lords?
- Isn't it loneliness?
- No, no!
- It's not that.
- Then what?
More than Highness Ho Hwan and
scarier than the savages who cut off your nose and ears,
that punk is
Where is he? What? What? What is he?
Ah, that person.
Even a ghost spits and
avoids this country's infamous rogue.
The rogue.
That loutish bastard.
He's the bastard?
You punk, I am the king of this country.
How dare you try to go in front of me without any fear?
Bring that punk at once and beat him!
What are you doing?
Don't stop the torture until he confesses.
Yes, sir!
Wait. Please just spare my life.
Then, who is the leader of this attempt at treason?
Tell me the name.
Give me the name!
It's Prince of the Court Neung Chang.
Neung Chang? Are you talking about Prince Gyeongin's maternal grandfather?
Your Majesty, what should I do?
Bring that criminal at once!
What do you mean treason? Who said such things?
I'll go see the queen dowager right now!
I don't think so.
What are you going to do after seeing the queen dowager?
You wretch, Sin Chi Soo! With your sly tongue,
what did you tell His Majesty?
Do you think I will just sit around and watch?
When I see the king myself, I will report all of your crimes!
How dare you touch him?!
You wretches! Let him go at once!
You wicked girls, whom do you think you are putting your hands on?
Prince! Prince!
Your Majesty, how can you be so cruel to your mother?
Is it not enough to kill my innocent father? And now you take my innocent son, too?
Do you not fear the heavens?
Your Majesty!
Your Majesty, why would the young prince
plan treason?
While you've punished his grandfather, you must acknowledge his innocence.
- Your Majesty.
- Your Majesty!
You cannot do so.
His name came up during the interrogation of the criminal,
so the request for his crime to be ignored is
no different than a dereliction of duty.
Your Majesty, you must punish the prince for his crime and leave no stone unturned.
Your Majesty, even if he has committed crimes, he's your brother after all.
If you punish him too harshly, you will be criticized for losing your morals as a noble.
Please show your grace.
Your Majesty, what he's saying now is no different than saying to stop catching the traitors.
In addition to the traitors who endangered this country's stability,
you must also punish the ministers and councilors that sway or confuse you.
He's so determined to kill the prince.
It's up to His Majesty now.
Hyungnim, what took you so long?
Do you know how long I've been waiting for you?
Yool, listen very carefully to what I'm about to say.
I think I'm going to have to send you somewhere for a little while.
While you're there, if you listen well, eat well, and wait,
I will come to get you soon.
You promise?
Sin Chi Soo who brought down the traitors and kept this country safe,
I give him the rank of a first-class retainer and
promote him to Prince of the Court Goseong.
Your Majesty.
Your grace is endless.
Your Majesty!
That's good.
You need to pay if you enjoyed it.
Ah, this is hard.
You need to pay more.
You are stealing.
How much did you take?
Why are you handing that to me?
Hey, just a bit. Add to it.
That punk is quite
He is too handsome to be lowly.
Ey! You rotten people!
Since you are going wild over this craziness, I can't stop my craziness.
There! You crazy people who are crazier than me.
Eat this!
What do you mean you can't pay a penny?
You didn't expect to be paid when you played with the ruler of this country in my yard, did you?
But Lord,
it was only all for fun. How can you be like this?
Shut your mouth!
Just be grateful that I am not reporting you to the government offices.
Get lost!
Lord! Lord! Lord!
He said to get lost!
Get lost!
What filthy rich man?
Just take this and die!
What is this?
Just where do you think you are spitting?
So disgusting I could die.
What's with you again?
I was just going to go,
- but I don't think I can do that.
- What?
Hey, hey, hey!
Isn't there any food to eat?
What are you doing?!
Catch him!
Come on, come on! That scum there!
Gather up.
What was that sound?
Aigo, Hyungnim.
Pick it up!
Those punks.
Catch them!
Catch them!
Catch them!
Catch them!
Oh my! My legs! Aigo!
I died and lived again.
I thought you were taking it well.
Look what you've done.
Oh, my.
This is
What is that?
Oh my!
Isn't this that corvina that even the king has difficulty finding to eat?
They look good, don't they?
What is this taste!
Isn't it insane?
Make sure to chew as you eat. You'll get indigestion.
Ha Seon you didn't break the pot, did you?
How many did you break?
Ah that is there were so many pots
I was tapping so many of them, but I couldn't find it.
So you broke all of them?
It felt so good.
We are dead now.
You made the seven stars mad.
That lord is going to kill us!
Well if he does we can just die.
When are you going to stop playing around?
The rumors will spread quickly nearby. What are we doing to do now?
Where are we going to perform now?!
How can you eat this, you immature things?!
Aigoo, Mother.
Old man Gap Soo. Since this happened, let's head to the big stage.
The big stage, my foot.
We are clowns anyway. It's awesome if we do it well and deadly if we don't.
Since we can't perform here, let's go perform on the big stage.
Where is the big stage?
When you speak of the big stage, it means Hanyang.
Forget it. It'll take a few months.
We have no roof over our heads anyway, so what's the worry?
Let's just go.
Big Brother, wait for me.
Big Brother.
Ah, seriously
I can't go anymore. My legs are killing me.
So why break the pots?
We are almost there. Get up.
What's wrong?
I can't walk any further.
Aigoo, right.
There we go.
Get on.
Alright. Let's go, let's go.
You comfortable?
Come on.
Come on!
Onyang Temporary Palace
Your Majesty.
Tonight, you should be able to rest peacefully.
My stomach hurts so much, Hyung-nim.
Please save me.
Don't come! Get away! Get away!
Who ordered you?
If you tell me the traitor's name,
I will save your life.
You killed the late king's firstborn son, and you have stolen the king's throne.
Who are you calling a traitor?
- What did you say?
- Killing your father wasn't enough, so you killed your little brother, too.
You entrusted political affairs to Sin Chi Soo, who is a disloyal subject.
You're so busy whoring that you don't even know time is passing by.
What kind of king are you?!
Are you not even afraid of the people's resentment towards you?!
Drag this man away
and interrogate him until he confesses.
They all whisper to each other that I have gone insane.
They think I've gone mad and killed my little brother.
But look.
There are people hiding outside trying to kill me.
They don't acknowledge me as king.
They are trying to kill me. They are trying to make me go crazy!
Your Majesty.
Please put down the sword.
Promise me that you will find them all and kill them.
If I could protect you with my words,
I would do it a hundred or a thousand times.
Empty words are good enough, as well, so you can relax.
Can you not tell me
that you will try with all that you've got?
Until my dying breath
I will protect you, Your Majesty.
That is not enough.
Find a way.
Find a way to wipe all of them out and protect me.
Can you find a way?
Yes, Your Majesty.
I will find a way.
Your Majesty.
Before I really go crazy.
The reason why the king ended up that way
is because I ignored your advice and brought in Sin Chi Soo.
It's my fault.
At the time, the king needed a hunting dog like Sin Chi Soo.
Since that hunting dog has become a first-class retainer,
it seems as if he'll be promoted to Left State Minister.
We just have to prevent that.
I will petition the king. Find a good day for it.
Yes, Your Excellency.
Seems like you failed.
I apologize.
What is this?
It's Hanyang! Hanyang!
Finally we arrived!
Wow, it's Hanyang!
- I told you guys not to make a fuss!
- Is this a dream?
Or is it reality?
- How is this?
- It hurts!
Then, that means it's reality!
Come on out!
Oh, my!
The main entrance truly is as big as an entrance should be!
Wow, Hanyang's brothels are truly different, right?
I can just tell that we'll be beaten and thrown out. Let's just go.
No, no.
You can stay here. I'll quickly go.
What will you do?
Really? You're going to play around with (mimic) the king.
Yes. If you give me a chance,
I have the confidence to make your jaws drop!
We have enough jokers and entertainers here.
Go elsewhere.
No, just give us one chance. Just one! Please!
Madam! Madam!
Please. We can do well.
What are you laughing at?
Is it not funny? You said you would play around with the king.
Who would want to see something like that nowadays?
Something like that?
Wait I am playing with my neck on the line and you call it something like tha
Something like that?
Shall I give you some advice?
Rather than a king who is a gentleman,
playing with the Queen and Seon Hwa Dang
is more popular amongst the brothel's guests.
How is that more popular?
Seeing that you don't know of this,
you truly must be from the countryside.
So then what are you talking about?
The queen disposed of the king's concubines and persecuted them.
The queen disposed of the king's concubines and persecuted them.
I heard her wickedness is incomparable to
regular women.
Are you saying
the queen is such a terrible and wicked wife?
Your Highness, Seon Hwa Dang has arrived.
Your Highness, you called for me?
I have something to give to you.
Do not feel pressured.
I'm giving this to you so that you can assist the king for my sake.
I am very sorry.
You are so considerate like this,
but I do not know why there are such rumors that fly about you.
Are you talking about the rumor that I persecuted you
and delayed you from spending a night with His Majesty?
You knew of it?
They say all rumors are half lies.
I am not too worried about it.
So, you should not worry, either, Seon Hwa Dang.
I will be leaving then, Your Highness.
You should've seen it, Uncle.
She's only the queen for appearance, but she pretends to be so kind and puts on all sorts of airs.
It was too much for just me to see.
Take this away. I don't want to see it.
What is this?
My lord brought it.
What is this, Uncle?
This is a talisman for having a son.
Birth of a boy
When you meet His Majesty tonight, you must keep it on your person.
It will be effective when you do so.
Talisman for conception of a son
To not disappoint you,
I will do my best serving His Majesty tonight, so don't worry.
That won't be enough.
You have to put your life on the line.
Because if something goes wrong, you have to pay for it with your life.
My dearest niece, I didn't make you a concubine
so you could merely compete with the queen.
Earning His Majesty's favor and giving birth to a son.
That's the reason why you are here and
the only way for you to keep your life.
Yes, Uncle. I will keep that in mind.
Your Highness, what are you thinking about so deeply?
Father. When no one is around, at least,
couldn't you talk informally to me like you used to?
I'm asking you because it's so suffocating.
Of course, I will do that.
So Woon, is palace life still hard and
Since I'm living in the palace,
how embarrassing it must be
that I have a new habit of missing somewhere that's not the palace.
So Woon.
His Majesty won't be like that forever.
He's someone who used to have the qualities of a good and wise king, did he not?
I will do my best to serve His Majesty, so
hang in there a little bit more.
Yes, Father.
Your Majesty.
Your father-in-law Prince of the Court and Chief Royal Secretary are asking to see you.
What should I do?
Let them in.
So you're saying that Sin Chi Soo
was taking bribes, secretly helping those who blocked us from receiving taxes,
and pocketing relief aid sent in by various provinces?
Yes, Your Majesty.
They are freely paying off government officials and public resentment is widespread.
I understand your intentions, my father-in-law,
but Sin Chi Soo is a first-class retainer.
You know that I can't punish him unless it's treason.
Your Majesty, the royal court is already filled
with Sin Chi Soo's men and is moving according to his will.
Since no one can stop whatever he does,
they're even saying that there are two suns in the sky.
If Sin Chi Soo's crime is not severely punished,
the order of this country will collapse and, eventually, so will your reign.
Father-in-law, don't exaggerate.
- But, Your Majesty—
- Stop, I don't want to listen!
Do you think there is even one man who is free of any speck of dust if you shake him?
Are you confident (that you will be free of dust)?
Your Majesty, I am—
Forget it!
I don't want to hear any excuses.
What is that on your clothes?
This is an accessory, a gift from the queen.
The queen gave you something like that?
Yes, she said that I should serve you well.
These refreshments are also sent by the queen.
Drink this.
Eat this.
How does it taste?
You gave it to me. How can it taste bad?
So it's very good?
Yes. It's very sweet and good.
Then drink more.
Your Majesty
I'm giving you as much as your greed's worth, but why don't you like it?
Drink more. More!
What is this?
I don't know.
It must be a talisman for having a son.
The queen wouldn't have given you something like this.
This must be the work of a greedy old one.
I wanted to do something that would make you happy. That's all.
And that's giving birth to a son?
Even if you give birth to a son, he will be illegitimate.
Unless he's a legitimate first son, I don't need one!
Y-Your Majesty!
Let me go.
I said, let me go!
Your Highness, His Majesty is—
Your Majesty, what brings you here with no notice?
When someone is so desperate to have a son that she comes to me with a talisman,
how come you are not doing anything?
Get a talisman, perform an exorcism.
If that doesn't work, you should at least beg me to build a temple so you can make offerings.
You are neither Confucius nor Mencius.
How can you be so calm?
What Your Majesty wants is
for me to defy a court lady's rules and employ witchcraft?
If that's what I wanted, would you do it?
If it's your order, then
I will follow no matter what, but—
- But what?
- I hope that
you become an example for all people.
If you build a graceful character with bountiful mercy, wouldn't the heavens be touched
and give us a son that will carry on your line?
That condescending nagging again!
Your Majesty, I know that
my words are meaningless to you.
If you don't want to listen to my words, then please listen to the citizens.
Please meet them in person and—
Those fools must think
that I'm the one rejecting you.
Who would know
that you're the one rejecting me?
What good is it to have beauty so beautiful that the flowers cry and the moon hides?
She can't even win over her husband's heart!
Young girl, unfamiliar girl, other girl.
I can't live because of them!
- What about you?
- You wenches!
You wicked wenches!
Come out here!
- My husband!
- That wench! Seon Hwa Dang, you wench!
Get away from His Majesty this instant!
How dare you
put your butt there?
Oh, my! The queen is killing me!
Your Majesty! Your Majesty!
You wench, there is no point in calling for the king!
Go ahead and die!
Alright, you wench! Now let's see if you die, or I die.
- Let's have at it!
- This btch!
Looks like I won.
Are you alright, Your Highness?
Seon Hwa Dang, you!
Have a taste! Have a taste of it! Tickle, tickle!
It tickles! Geez!
I could just chew you up, Your Highness.
Come here!
I told you to be gentle! Come! Come!
Save me!
Save me!
You're so fast!
So the king only wants a firstborn son born from the queen?
Blood is thicker than water.
I cannot believe
he is becoming so much like the late king, whom he resented.
His Majesty trusts and relies on the queen's father.
If the queen gives birth to a son, that'll be a huge problem.
We have to stop that before it happens.
Is there a way to stop it?
He only wants a son from the queen.
Then we just need to change the owner of the queen's quarters, don't we?
That is easier said than done.
You just wait.
Soon we'll have a new queen.
Yes, Your Majesty, it's true that I have been amassing wealth.
However, I did it to build Your Majesty a main palace.
What does that mean?
After the last uprising destroyed the main palace,
how many years has it been that you've lived in this shabby annex palace?
Also, having a main palace is like the difference between earth and heaven.
After you said you would make me the left state minister,
I was even more concerned about that.
So you are saying that all the bribes you took were for my sake?
Your Majesty.
I did it out of fear that if the rebuilding of the main palace is delayed anymore,
not only the dignity of Your Majesty,
who is the face and the father of this country,
but also the prestige of our court could fall to the ground.
Please give your thoughtful consideration!
I'll believe your loyalty.
Your grace has no bounds, Your Majesty.
Do we really have no way to stop him?
Minister, Chief Royal Secretary.
What is it?
The man we captured in Onyang Temporary Palace is ready to talk.
So who are you working for?
Deputy Minister of Justice, Sin Chi Soo.
You mean you tried to assassinate the king under Sin Chi Soo's order?
Can you give that answer in front of the king?
Even if I speak a hundred times or thousand times,
my answer will be the same.
If he's telling the truth, we can stop Sin Chi Soo.
We must be cautious.
I understand your meaning,
but we can't lose this chance.
I am instating Deputy Minister of Justice Sin Chi Soo as Left State Minister.
Your Majesty.
Please wait a moment.
I wish to report an act of treason.
Who is that traitor?
Please listen to it directly from the one who confessed.
Bring in the criminal!
You will say nothing but the truth.
Who ordered you to kill the king?
If you only tell the truth, I will save you.
Who is the one who gave you orders?
It was your father-in-law.
How dare you lie here?
Didn't you tell me Deputy Minister of Justice Sin Chi Soo had ordered you?!
Yes. You promised to spare my life if I said so.
This bastard
Your Majesty, he is lying.
I have never seen this man before yesterday
and I never ordered him to do such a thing!
Then present me with one piece of evidence
that he is lying.
There is no evidence
except for my loyalty.
Lock up my father-in-law who planned treason at once!
Your Majesty!
Your Majesty! I have been framed!
This is a lie! Your Majesty!
- Queen.
- Your Majesty,
my father has lived his entire life for the sake of you and the citizens of this country.
How could you say that a person like that betrayed you?
I am certain somebody framed my father to remove him from court.
He has been unjustly framed?
Yes, I believe so.
You're right.
How could I believe the words of the man
who put a blade to my neck?
However, it's obvious that my father-in-law tried to scheme with lies
to take down Sin Chi Soo.
I can't forgive his treason.
But I also can not forgive the fact that he tried to trick me.
If you understand, move.
What is this now?
Your Majesty is doubting my father's loyalty.
How could I be your queen?
If you throw away my father, throw me away as well.
Are you threatening me right now?
How could you call my earnest and desperate words a threat?
Please give my father an opportunity to resolve this.
You will put your position on the line?
Because a witness testified to your father's crimes,
there is no choice but to treat it as treason.
If you dare threaten me again with this matter,
I will not overlook your crimes either.
Know this and leave now!
Now the only thing that doesn't fall under Sin Chi Soo is
the queen's court.
I understand what you are saying.
I will protect the queen's court,
so do not worry.
It seems that the king was betrayed by somebody he trusted.
This is all going according to your plans, Prince Jin Pyeong.
Things worked out better than expected.
If, by chance, the king's assassination fails,
confess that it was the doing of the queen's father.
Yes, I will do so.
When I sit on the throne, I will give you and your children government official jobs.
Your grace is limitless.
My decision to put you on the throne in case of the king's death was indeed correct.
Your Majesty, I've held back for a long time.
This is just the beginning. You can look forward to it.
Bring me more alcohol.
You've already drunk a lot. If you drink anymore--
Stop your gab, and bring it.
Seeing how your behavior is not even acceptable at the taverns on Juja street,
it looks like something big has happened.
Woon Sim,
I have a favor to ask.
The queen bitch is trying to kill me.
Your Majesty! Your Majesty!
Even if you call His Majesty, it doesn't matter! How about dying once!
Fine. Let's see who'll die first.
Let's go a round today!
What's this? You can't get up?
You punk! Whose name do you think you are disgracing?
Lord, why are you like this? What crime did I commit?
This punk.
But you still don't know what sin you've commi–
Is it a crime to have fun and perform?
Oh my Sir, we've committed a grievous crime.
What are you doing? Beg for forgiveness on your hands and knees.
Forgive me.
Woon Sim, lock this punk up in the storage room.
Sir, why make a big deal over a clown making fun?
Turn him over to the authorities.
Lock him up.
Noona. No, no
Sir! Go look in the market streets.
They all play like me.
My lord!
- What just happened? Ha Seon!
- Brother!
Oh my
That man's name is Ha Seon?
Are you really going to turn him over to the authorities?
That's none of your business, Woon Sim.
Until I tell you, you can never let him go, do you understand?
Yes, I will do that.
Chief Royal Secretary, we have a big problem.
It seems the king's madness is back.
Bring me the rest of the porridge.
- Eat it.
- Pardon?
I'm telling you to eat it to see if there is poison!
Yes, yes.
You wench, what are you trying to start?
It's because it's really hot.
This wench!
I told you to eat. Eat!
Stop crying at once!
Stop crying at once!
Your Majesty.
Your Majesty, I have something to tell you in private.
Just say it.
Please let them leave.
This is about a way that I promised to you before.
You are all dismissed!
Have you found a way?
Do you remember the Chinese Odyssey you enjoyed reading when you were young?
What does that have to do with it?
I think I found the hair of Son Oh Gong in the book.
The hair that when you blow on it, you can create a duplicate.
Are you releasing me now?
Have respect. It's His Majesty the King.
Your Majesty.
Try it on.
"This punk," say it.
This punk.
This punk! Are you not going to play properly?!
This punk! Are you not going to play properly?!
The Crowned Clown
There are only two options to survive in the palace.
Either you stomp on them mercilessly and cut off their airway,
or you totally ignore it.
Have you slept well?
I can't really read Chinese characters.
Is this your playground?
This is something I really needed as the person dying in place of His Majesty!
Queen, I'm sorry.
If you leave now, I'll have to kill you.
Next Episode