The Deep s01e01 Episode Script

To the Furthest Place

Hermes to Casper.
I'm deploying the drone now, Catherine.
Casper to Hermes.
50 metres from the vent field.
50 metres, bearing 182 degrees.
182 degrees, check.
Catherine? You make out anything in the headlights yet? Siphonophores.
That's about it.
Bunch of jellies hanging out with their homies.
Charlie, I'm going to bring Casper deeper into the vent field.
Follow up on last night's lab results.
Just want to see if we can find any more of those little beauties.
Copy that, Catherine.
Hold on a moment.
Got something here.
Interference on the monitors.
Oh, Charlie, I just remembered, would you put my camcorder back on the charger? It's either on my bunk or in the overhead locker.
I can't remember which, but it'll be somewhere round my bunk.
Charlie? Catherine Catherine? HIGH-PITCHED SQUEALING Ow, ow! Shit! Guys, what are you playing at? Feedback nearly burst my eardrums.
Guys? Guys, are you there? Charlie, are you receiving me? MONOTONE BLEEPING Charlie, are you receiving me? BLEEPING CONTINUES Anybody receiving me? Over.
Casper to Hermes, are you receiving me? Over.
Guys, where are you? Can anybody hear me? Guys, are you receiving me? Guys, are you there? Guys? Are you there? Casper calling Hermes.
Are you receiving me? Over.
Can anybody hear me? I'm losing contact.
Guys, please come closer.
Guys? WOMAN ON TV: 'With the vent field we've discovered on the Lomonosov plain, 'it's like no other on earth.
'It's this single volcanic outcrop, 'a kind of nursery of evolutionary difference.
'So far, the dredger samples are enough to tantalise us, but, um 'the Hermes expedition offers so much more.
' MAN: Scarlet! Grab your board.
Let's get down to the beach, love.
The problem with phoning on your birthday is that it breaks the rules.
No phone calls after we dive.
I know it does.
Dive communication protocol.
The reason we have that rule is so that everyone doesn't get in a state when someone misses a phone call.
I know we do.
You know what your granny's like, you know.
If I missed a call, she'd worry herself silly.
No phone calls after you dive.
Yeah, exactly.
That's what I'm saying.
What's this? It's a witch's stone.
I found it and I showed it to Mum.
She said they were called witch's stones because when you look through it, you can see a ghost.
Well, if there's any around.
Can the ghost see you? Yes.
I want you to take it with you.
When you get to the bottom, under the ice, I want you to leave it on the bottom of the sea.
Where Mum can find it.
Bye-bye, love.
Look after Granny.
I will.
Be good.
Bye, Clem.
Love you, Dad.
Bye! KNOCKS Hey, gorgeous.
Hi, Clem.
Where's the big man? I've come to take him away.
Yeah, you do that.
All set? Yep.
Give me that.
Bye, Clem.
How's Scarlet? Eryeah, she's great.
She's amazing.
The way she's dealt with it has been really amazing.
You know, I was so worried and, er to tell you the truth, I couldn't have managed without her.
Sandra's going to visit her.
Oh, that's great.
Take her out.
Pizzas and stuff.
Things she used to do with her mum.
If that's what she wants, of course.
No, that's great.
Sandra's great.
I know.
I know she's great.
Not a good week.
Four months of prep and training and then a week's leave just before the expedition and I thought, you know, it's going to be wonderful.
This week is going to be just wonderful.
Just me and her.
She's worried about you, that's all.
She knows the dangers.
She, er She thinks I've been unfaithful.
What!? That's ridiculous.
I know.
When? I know.
I bet she's still in there.
Frances? I bet she hasn't been home at all.
CLANKING Oi! Mind my submarine! Hello, Captain! Hi.
Look, I'm pretty sure this isn't right.
What's that? The Neonox System override sensors - they need to be parallel or the whole thing might not reboot after a power outage.
You're absolutely correct.
I've already changed it.
I just haven't changed the labels.
Cos it was bothering me.
Right, we need to get some beer down your throat before you dismantle the whole submarine! OK, you know how you're chief engineer and everything? Uh-huh.
That means you're in charge of breathing.
Which means you're also in charge of suffocating.
Oh? Right.
Hi, Samson.
Hey, Frances.
Ah, the boys and girls together at last.
How are you, Squire? Hey, Vince.
How was your weekend? It was actually brilliant.
I re-ran the fluid dynamics on the chaotic magma venting simulation programme with re-calibrated absolutes, and you've You've stopped listening, haven't you? No.
I'm listening.
Me too.
Sexy talk.
Right, to the pub.
Since we're all here and you're still sober enough to appreciate my wise words We'll be the judge of that.
Shut up, Vince.
I'm not sober.
I'm far from it.
Hold on.
LAUGHTER This This is such a privilege.
When the Hermes expedition was lost, all of us in the scientific community thought that was it.
Our only chance gone.
Then, only six short months later, and here we are, ready to follow where they went.
Harry Powell .
Charlie Goodison Brian Flint, who was my colleague and friend.
And, of course, Catherine Donnelly.
Clem's beloved wife.
It was in the sediment of the Lomonosov Ridge that Catherine foundhints.
Tantalising hints of microbial life, whose gifts might light the world.
Our precious, fragile world.
She would be so proud of all of you now, for picking up her torch and following where Catherine showed the way.
In Catherine's name, I give you all a toast.
ALL: Hermes.
Yes! Call it.
Where? Which one where? Ohh! Don't think I don't know.
What did you just say? No, nothing.
No, go on, Maddy.
I was in the room next door last week.
On the last night of training.
Heard everything.
I don't know what it is you think you heard.
But you repeat that in front of anyone and, I mean this, Maddy - anyone I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
Am I clear? Very.
Samson, please forget I'm actually more nervous than I thought I was.
I've never dived this deep before.
I've only ever I've probably had too much to drink now.
I'm sorry.
Forget it.
OK? Captain.
Good evening.
Frances? Captain.
A wee word inside if that's OK? A bloke has business with you, he says.
A bloke from the Admiralty.
What bloke from the Admiralty? Oh, bugger! What? What about the Hermes? Well, we have new information.
What new information? This is a recording made from a distress beacon that was recovered five days ago.
The final transmission from the last survivor of the Hermes expedition.
Is it Catherine? Mm-hmm.
She was alone in the submersible at the bottom of the ocean, no possibility of rescue.
She turned out all the lights to conserve power.
Then she broadcast from the darkness, until she asphyxiated.
You have a listen to that, Captain.
But brace yourself before you do.
RECORDING: 'Oh, God! Something's coming over me.
'There's something above me.
Oh, God! 'God, it's huge.
Guys, please! 'Can somebody hear me, can somebody hear me? 'Oh, please tell me somebody can hear me! 'Charlie? Hermes, this is Casper.
'Please, please tell me you can hear me.
'God, it's coming back again! Please.
It's coming back over me.
'Oh, Jesus.
'Oh, oh 'Is anybody? 'Oh, God, it's swallowing me up.
'It's swallowing me up.
' What the hell was that? Hypoxic hallucination? Her air running out? You think she was seeing things? Didn't sound like hypoxic hallucination to me.
It sounded like a description of events.
Like there's something terrible in there.
In that vent field.
Mr Hopkins is an Abandonment and Salvage Investigator.
I'll let him explain why he's here.
Thank you.
As you know, six months ago, DSV Hermes was diving under the ice on the Lomonosov Ridge.
All transmissions on all wavelengths suddenly failed.
There was no May Day signal, no distress signal, nothing.
Now, the Hermes' disaster remains unexplained.
The first priority of this Orpheus expedition will be to locate the black box recorder in the last known location of the Hermes.
Orpheus is not equipped for a salvage operation.
That's not what this is.
It's recovery, not salvage.
That is correct.
The moment the recovery is made, the primary objectives of the Orpheus expedition will resume.
That of scientific exploration.
So, you will resume your mission as soon as we have recovered the black box from the Elysian vent field.
You're taking us into the hydrothermal vent field? Well, that is the last known position.
I had to agree to it.
If we want to carry on the work we've been doing.
Why is this happening so late? What's changed? Like you say, we know everything there is to know about the Hermes' disappearance - which is absolutely nothing.
Clem No, hold on a minute.
So why is Mr What's your name again? Hopkins, but call me Raymond.
Why is Mr Hopkins being shoe-horned into this expedition so late? We have new information.
New information? Yes.
That whatjust came out to you out of the blue, all of a sudden? Pretty much, yeah.
What kind of new information? What new information? I'm afraid I'm not at liberty to say.
Come on.
Right, Frances.
Ring the Admiralty and get them to yank this joker back to whatever pointless job it is he does.
Mr Donnelly, have you ever investigated an underwater crash site? Have you ever conducted a search and recovery operation in the wreckage of a submarine, containing six-month-old corpses, 2,000 feet down, in the dark? Trust me.
You'll want me there when we recover what remains of your wife.
Thank you.
Take Mr Monkey.
This is for you to sign.
See, even at the North Pole we have red tape.
Another 10 or 20 years, that ice could all be gone.
And how's that going to affect the exclusion zone? How're we going to enforce it then, huh? Lot of very cool gear you've got here.
A sardine breaks wind in any direction for 200km and we will know.
United Nations spares no expense.
Hmm, very reassuring.
This is Hatsuto.
He monitors all our sonar surveillance.
Doesn't matter how much gear you've got.
No transmissions through a hydrothermal vent field.
I've put my objection to this on record.
We know if something goes wrong down there, nobody's coming to get us.
If something breaks, we fix it.
Apollo Astronauts didn't have stand-by spaceships to help them if they got stuck on the moon.
Did they? What's down there - what we suspect might be down there - it's a game-change for the whole world.
'Final checks, Alaska.
Ready to submerge on my command.
' Svet, are you synched on all systems? Last chance to download from Alaska.
All systems are synchronised, yes.
Clem, are we fired up and ready to dive? Dive systems primed.
Buoyancy on standby.
Ready at your command.
At my command.
Svetlana, are you completely synchronised? I am asking again.
I am as synchronised now as I was when you asked me 15 seconds ago.
Pressure stable at one atmos.
Hulls locked and secure, about to commence descent.
OK, Orpheus.
Stable and secure up top.
'On your command, Frances.
0845, Zulu Expedition vessel Orpheus.
' Ready when you are, Alaska.
Is this it? Last contact with civilisation and mankind in general? 'OK, Orpheus.
We are now loading four and a half winches.
'Initiating descent.
'Bon voyage.
' Aw, man.
It shouldn't shake like this, should it? 'Frances, I have Sandra Ungliss on the satellite link.
Samson's wife.
'I'm patching her through now.
'Com link seven.
Be quick, Frances.
' Shit! Hi, Sandra.
It's Frances.
'Hi, Frances.
'Could you put me through to Samson, please?' No.
I can't do that.
'I need to speak to him.
' No, I'm sorry.
I can't do that.
'Put me through, Frances.
' Sandra, we're on a dive communication protocol.
I can't put a personal call through.
He's prepped and ready to go out on the submersible.
'Frances, I have to talk to him.
' Sandra, please.
The protocol's there to make sure 'Um, I found an e-mail.
On his computer.
' Oh Oh, Christ, I'm Well, I'm very sorry.
'I've got to speak to him, Frances.
' This is exactly the situation, the reason, why we have this protocol.
'Frances, I've got to speak to him.
' I have to say goodbye, Sandra.
'Please, don't' OK, Alaska.
This is the last you'll see of us for two weeks.
There's also the possibility of cadavers on the wreckage of the Hermes.
I wanted to be sure you're going to be OK with dead bodies.
Sorry? That smell.
The Neonox system just kicked in.
From now on, we're breathing a mixture of neon and oxygen.
You ever breathed Neonox before on a dive? No, I've breathed Hydroxin.
Well, Neonox gets us deeper still.
CLANKING Listen, guys.
Should it be making these noises? Yeah, I can hear it, too.
Doesn't sound good, Mads.
Sounds like all the, er bolts and rivets are loose and somebody left a hatch open and there's a giant, psychotic squid with a spanner You try to frighten her! I'm not frightened.
I wasn't frightened.
At least I wasn't till they decided we were going into the vent field.
Ah, here we are.
'This vent field that we found in the middle of the Lomonosov Plain is like no other on earth.
'It's a single volcanic outcrop, 'rising from this vast sedimentary plain.
'Temperatures inside a hydrothermal vent field can reach upwards of 700 degrees Celsius, 'which makes navigating them immensely dangerous.
'But explore them we must, because there are many scientists who now absolutely believe 'this is where life began.
'And that we need to understand these hydrothermal vents for what they are.
'The very engines of existence.
' She's lovely.
Poor Clem.
Do you think she found what she was looking for before she died? We'll never know that.
Doesn't matter.
As long as WE find it.
Wow! You maybe all want to come and look at this.
Look at those monsters.
The engines of existence.
Trapdoors into hell.
Metalliferous discharge from the seawater percolating back out of the magma resulting in deposition of anhydrites, sulphides of copper, iron, zinc Right, that's it.
You've killed it for me.
This is as far as I'm taking Orpheus.
Over to you, Raymond.
You have the helm till the recovery's complete.
Drive carefully.
THROUGH INTERCOM: 'Running dual systems co-ordination, Samson.
' Copy that.
We'll set initial course for the last known location of Hermes.
'Just get me in and out of there the fastest way possible.
'Clem, at this juncture I just want to say,' if you see anything coming up on these monitors, 'you're not happy with, pull the plug.
That's it, OK? 'Clem?' 'Copy that, Samson.
' OK, Raymond.
I want a word.
OK, now, listen.
Samson is about to risk his life taking the one-man submersible into a hydro-thermal vent field unsupported.
Do you understand what that means? Everybody risks their lives on my trust.
What else do you know about Catherine? About what happened? Ernothing.
You don't know anything else that might be down there? No, Frances.
All right, Lurch is in the water.
My God, Vince! 'Are you seeing this? 'Some of these must be 20 storeys high.
' Yeah, I'm seeing it.
It's just like Catherine said, three times the height of the Endeavour vents.
Must be cemented by barite.
We could be looking at internal chimney temperatures of anything up to at least 750 Celsius.
The sooner we locate the black box, the sooner you can take a look at the scenery.
Has anyone seen Clem? I thought he was here.
Where is he? Hey, what are you doing? What's that? Oh, nothing.
Let me see.
Scarlet found it and Catherine made up some story.
Said if you looked through it you could see ghosts.
Called it a witch's stone.
Does it work? Not so far.
Maybe there's no ghosts down here, Clem.
Who the hell believes in ghosts, Frances, eh? You know why didn't you patch Sandra through to Samson earlier? Well, you know why.
What, dive communication protocol? Come on.
Clem, I have a responsibility above everything else to this ship and this crew.
Not Sandra's feelings.
I have a responsibility to keep everybody safe.
And I know it's hard for her, but You can't treat the crew like children.
That's not fair.
That's not what I'm doing.
What's this? It's not right that you haven't heard it.
It was meant for you.
Oh, my God! Maddy? What is it? 'Hold on.
Hold on.
Wait till you see this.
'Straight ahead.
' Look at this beauty.
Oh Vampyroteuthis infernalis.
Vampire Squid from Hell.
'An Arctic vampire? New species!' Is it evil? The Vampire Squid from Hell is beyond good and evil.
It's got different blood from any other cephalopod ever found.
Like Dracula.
Oh, my God! It's amazing.
Stay on course, Samson.
I am on course, Raymond! The bugger is following me.
RECORDING: 'Oh, Charlie, I just remembered, would you stick my camcorder on the charger? 'It's going to be on my bunk or in the overhead net.
I can't remember which.
'But it'll be in the dorm, just somewhere around my bunk, OK? 'Charlie, are you still there? 'Charlie?' Hey, Clem.
It seems we're down to 85% already on one of the batteries.
'Ow! Shit.
Guys?' That's not BLEEPING What the hell is it? I have an incoming acoustic signal.
Broadcast frequency at 37 kilohertz? Ah, roger that.
37 kilohertz.
'Samson, you need to orientate the submersible to the locus of signal strength.
' 'Bearing is 109 degrees' due Did you see that? I've got interference on the coms monitor.
Samson, you need to take Lurch round and determine the source of that light.
Is everything being recorded, Svetlana? Of course.
All streaming to hard drives.
Every camera, always.
Raymond? This light 'Could this be the, er, Hermes? I mean the beacon?' It's not the black box.
The black box only has an acoustic transmitter.
It's not fitted with any form of flash.
So it's the beacon from the Hermes? After six months? That powerful? 'Frances, there is a gap between these two smokers.
'I'm taking Lurch up.
' Can you see anything? Nothing.
'Pitch black.
' Black as the grave.
'It's coming back over me.
'Oh, Jesus! 'Oh, God, it's swallowing me up! 'It's swallowing me up.
' Holy shit! What was that? What was that? Wind it back, wind it back.
OK, freeze it there.
What the hell is that? It's a structure.
It is man-made.
Is it the Hermes? Is it the wreckage of Hermes? I don't think so.
Look at the angles here - solid.
Samson? Can you get Lurch in any closer? 'Not from here.
' Gap's too narrow.
I'll bring her back down to the base of these smokers.
'Manoeuvre around them.
' We need a better look, Frances.
Bloody hell! What was that? 'Are you OK?' 'Bumped something.
Hang on.
' Samson, what's happening? 'I'm not moving is what's happening.
' OK, I'm going to give it some gas and that should do it.
Shit! I'm not moving.
Samson? What's happening? Oh, my God! Er, Clem? 'Are you seeing this? It looks like it might be a camera drone.
' 'Clem, we need you on the bridge.
' 'If anybody hears this, please tell Clem I love him.
' 'Clem!' 'Shit, man.
This is not good.
Um' this is not good at all.
'Tell him I love him and tell Scarlet I love her.
'God, please I don't want to die down here.
'I don't want to die down here on my own.
'Oh, God, please!' 'Clem, are you hearing me? Clem!' 'Oh, God.
Clem 'Clem, please' 'CLEM!' I'm here.
'It's the Hermes drone.
It was dead on the sea-bed.
'Lurch is tangled up and can't break free.
' 'On my way.
' We go in and we get him.
We don't leave him.
That's all there is to it.
We are not equipped for salvage.
You said so yourself.
Samson doesn't constitute "salvage".
He snuck his way round the base of the smokers.
That's where they're the safest.
Up at the vent fumaroles the conditions are total turmoil.
- So, what? We just leave him? - No, no.
All I'm saying is Vincent's right.
I don't think we can follow him in.
Orpheus is 50 times the size of Lurch.
Precisely, is all I'm saying.
Frances? There is a possible route over the vents.
Yeah, but Clem, can we get up over the vents? Yes.
All I'm saying is, Orpheus takes a direct blast from any one of those smokers We go exactly the same way Hermes went.
How much air does he have left? Um29 minutes.
We go now.
No choice! 'Main batteries down to 36%.
' Turning heating and lights all off.
Glad I wore my thermals.
We go up over the vents, drop a grappling line down How much line do we carry? 120 metres.
That will give us enough clearance? This is crazy.
Look, there's no guarantee we'll be able to find Samson in there and if we find him, there's no guarantee we can lift him out.
Frances I am going in there.
We are going to get Samson.
For Christ's sake, we can't leave him.
Frances, I don't think we should be too hasty.
What the hell do you mean, too hasty? He's got 25 minutes of air left before he gasps his lungs up.
No, Raymond is right.
What's the use if we attempt to get him, but fail because we all get killed? We all die and Samson dies anyway.
That is my assessment too.
Frances, you understand you can't bring Orpheus in here.
'You cannot get Orpheus between the smokers.
' You let us worry about Orpheus, Samson.
'And if you try to get Orpheus over the smokers, you run the risk of STATIC BUZZES .
all being boiled alive.
Jesus! What? 'On my screen.
Something's approaching.
' Frances.
I have an image on sonar.
'Eight 700 metres and closing.
It's huge! What is it? It's got to be some kind of shoaling organism.
'It's too big to be any' Samson? Frances? Samson! Samson?! Frances? Clem? Guys? Where is he? Samson! This happened to Catherine.
What? Do you know what that is? He's heard the recording, Raymond.
What is it? What is that thing out there? We don't know.
And we don't know what happened to Hermes.
Frances? 'Frances?' Oh, no! We've lost all communication with Samson.
What? No.
On all systems? No, that's not possible.
He's gone.
Look, whatever it is that's out there, we're going in to get him, we're going to take Orpheus into the vent fields to bring him back.
That's it.
What's in there, Raymond? Where? In the vent field.
That killed Catherine.
That killed Samson by now, too.
Is it going to kill us all? Listen, Maddy I saw your face.
What're you talking about? You know what's in there.
I know you do.
Maddy, let go of me.
What's in there? We shouldn't do this, Frances.
All communications down - same as Hermes.
There's something in there, and Raymond knows what it is Maddy! You're not thinking straight, Frances.
Please Look, you have a responsibility for all of us, and that is what you should be following.
OK, that's enough! I can feel the heat from here.
Get on the proximity sensors.
Try and keep a distance.
15 metres to starboard.
Nothing on visual.
Seabed coming into view.
No sign of Lurch.
Temperature's climbing fast.
413, 414.
12 metres and getting closer.
Smoke is venting at 420 degrees.
Eight metres to starboard.
I can see him.
Lurch is down there.
Lurch is intact.
Vincent, let down the winch.
Lowering winch.
Temperature's 460 degrees, climbing fast.
10 metres to port.
I see him! Shit! Out of cable! Right, we need to drop down another 10-15 metres.
Frances, we can't.
Oh, come on! Christ, Frances! God! Another two metres.
We've got him! There he is.
Yes, yes.
I'm pulling him up.
I can see him.
Let's go.
We're swinging.
Lurch is making us swing! We're too close, Frances! Everybody, brace! MOANING AND GROANING Is anyone hurt? Hull is holding up.
I don't know how.
There's no leak breaches registering.
Svet? Maddy? Are you all right? Frances! I don't believe it.
He's trying to dig us out.
And there's no way of getting any air to him? None.
And there's no way for him to manoeuvre into the moon pool? Not as long as we're pinned to the seabed.
We need to contact the Alaska.
We can't because there's too much interference from the vent fields.
How much air does he have left in the submersible? About 11 minutes.
Svetlana, come.
Try again.
No response.
Give me a second.
Bypass the system's fail safe.
OK, again.
Try again.
Ohh! You see that structure over there? Yeah, I see it.
Definitely not the wreck of the Hermes.
Do you have any idea what that thing is? Under the UN Monitoring Station, right in the middle of the Exclusion Zone.
How did it get down here? CREAKING God Frances, interference on the monitor.
What's happening? Look.
For Christ's sakes.
Look up.
Above us! Oh, my God almighty! It must be 300 metres long.
HIGH-PITCHED SQUEAL Debris? We're going up.
Come on.
Jesus Christ Shit.
This is Orpheus.
Please identify yourself.
This is Frances Kelly, Commander of DSV Orpheus.
We're a civilian oceanographic research vessel.
We are in full compliance with all UN treaties.
Please identify yourself.
Samson! He's still down there.
He must be out of air.
I have less then three minutes of air left in Lurch.
His battery power's at 9% and draining fast.
Stop the ascent.
Whoever you are, please.
There's a man outside.
We have a submersible beneath us.
He won't make it.
Stop the ascent! They can't hear us.
Please, stop! CREAKING Have we stopped? We've lost him.
No sign of him on sonar.
No, no, no! He's down there! He's got Neonox for two minutes.
One minute 50.
A minute 45.
A minute 40.
A minute 35.
A minute 30.
Can't see him.
He's underneath us.
Come on, Samson.
Come on, come on.
You're nearly there, mate.
Battery power 40% And Neonox level now critical.
You're nearly there, mate.
Come on.
Yes, yes, yes! He's in, he's in! He's made it.
Samson! Get out of there.
You've got to blow the hatch, Samson.
Samson! The hatch! It won't open until Lurch is docked.
Can Clem over-ride the air-lock? No, that's the point of it.
Samson! Blow the hatch! Samson! His heart rate is low, too low.
And respiration is falling.
Samson, you must release the emergency bolt to the submersible hatch.
Now, Samson! Samson! Samson! Samson! Come on! Samson, wake up.
Samson, please! Come on, Frances.
Come on, come on.
Tell him Sandra called.
Samson, come on, listen to me.
Samson, I talked to Sandra.
She called.
She wanted to talk to you.
She's so angry, she was really upset and she was sad because she thinks you've been seeing someone else.
She thinks you've been cheating on her.
I'm going to tell her the truth, Samson.
I'm going to tell her that you were an unfaithful shitbag.
Samson, listen to me! Samson! I'm going to tell her that you slept with me! Don't you dare! We've completed the sweep on all frequencies and there's no sign of the Orpheus anywhere yet.
'They should be clear of the vent field.
' By now they should? Hatsuto's not picked up any signal either.
I don't think it's time to panic just yet.
I'm not panicking, Mr Lowe.
'Let me know if a sardine breaks wind.
' Over.
It's still there.
The only thing in the world that could possibly be is some sort of shoaling organism.
Surely it's too stable? It's been there 26 minutes, just on the very edge of the vent field.
It came out of nowhere? Yeah.
Just suddenly appeared in that position? Yes.
And now it's gone.
That was not a solid object.
That was a lot of little things coming together, and when they'd done what they had to do, theyvamoosed.
Like what? Fishy freaks of the deep.
Fishy freaks? Listen, you just keep scanning.
We have no idea at all what that thing is that's got hold of us.
Did you see the size of it? I've never seen anything like that above water, much less below.
Jesus Christ, I mean, how did it get there? Who built it without us knowing about it? We'd know about it.
If there was something that big out there, someone, somewhere would Hey, come on.
And now it's just up there.
It's just hanging up there, above us.
Do you think Raymond knew it was down here? Oh, yeah.
I think that thing is the reason he was sent down here.
So the black box was just .
to get him to the same place the Hermes disappeared so he could get a look at what he's sent here to investigate.
God, I'm cold.
Me too.
Clem knows.
When I was banging on the door when you were suffocating.
He knows.
I know.
I heard everything you said.
I know we said we wouldn't tell anyone, you know that we'd just forget it ever happened Frances But I couldn't, really.
I don't think you're a shitbag, Samson.
I know.
I thought you were going to die all alone in the dark.
I shouldn't have brought the Orpheus in there, should I? I risked everybody's lives because of you, and I shouldn't have.
I nearly got everybody killed.
I know.
Because of you.
WOMAN SCREAMS What's that? Electrics all down.
CRYING CONTINUES It's Maddy! Help me! Maddy! Help me! Get off her, Raymond! Raymond, stop it! Raymond, leave her alone.
Raymond! She's having some kind of fit, she grabbed me.
Maddy! Please help me.
Is she all right? What's happened? What's happening? Maddy? Maddy? Maddy? Maddy.
She's dead.
It won't move.
The dead-bolts are locked solid.
There's no power.
Look, it's Clem.
NO SOUND I can't work out what he's saying.
What's he saying? Clem.
Clem! It's not going to work.
Shit! Oh, my God.
Samson VINCENT: I think Maddy must've found out why Raymond's really here.
So he killed her.
There are people who would kill without a qualm to get hold of Catherine's work.
You have no idea what she was involved in.
Components melted.
All destroyed.
What the hell could have done this? Whatever happened out there, whoever's left won't be friendly.
If we don't find out what killed everyone, it might kill us.
What if we don't get power back in time? We could What, watch them suffocate through the window? We are going to die in here.
Take Lurch up.
We don't have enough battery power to get up to the surface! He doesn't mean the surface.
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