The Devil Judge (2021) s01e01 Episode Script

A Monster Emerges in Turbulent Times

Two years!
It's been two years, everyone.
The dreadful past two years
I'd rather not remember!
As an unprecedented pandemic
swept across the country,
companies crumbled and families
were forced out onto the streets.
Not to mention the ungrounded
propaganda against the privileged,
which lead to arson, terrorism,
and in the end…
Yes, that's right.
The Gwanghwamun riot!
Financial crisis
is now a thing of the past.
Let's now put it all behind us.
I will change everything.
That pandemic we were so fed up with?
We finally extinguished it!
-Restore the economy!
-Restore the economy!
We call on the government
for responsible action!
I will create them again.
I, Heo Jung-se,
the man chosen
by our dear respectable citizens,
will revive Korea once again at all cost,
and restore its glory!
I will sacrifice myself for this task!
Exaggerating himself
when he's under the spotlight…
It seems like
he can't fix that habit, isn't he?
What can you expect from a former clown?
To revive our nation,
we need to restore law and order first.
The strong judicial reforms
that I have rolled out will soon begin.
For the first time in history,
the entire nation will take part
in this trial as members of the jury.
Judge Kang Yo-han, dubbed the
"Justice Bao of the 21st Century"
for his ruthless rulings
against criminals,
will deliver once and for all
what you've always wanted.
A trial where justice stands!
And it was I, Heo Jung-se,
who made this possible!
So let's change Korea, once and for all!
Good evening, I am Kang Yo-han.
Judge Kang, what are your thoughts
on the controversy on Live Court Show?
Some say it goes against human rights
and that this is all for show.
Some also worry about your martinetism
and lack of consideration
for the socially disadvantaged.
-Who is socially disadvantaged?
Out of my previous defendants,
who was the socially disadvantaged?
Well, there was a youth offender,
a homeless man, and a mentally ill--
A rapist who preyed on his classmates,
a serial robber, and a random killer…
Are they really
the "socially disadvantaged?"
-Still, there is a consensus that--
-They are just defendants.
I'm not interested in
who is the powerful or the powerless.
Then are you confident about imposing
severe punishment this time too?
President Joo Il-do
is known to have strong connections.
If his group exerts pressure--
I am the authority.
I, me, Kang Yo-han!
I am the power.
And I will exercise jurisdiction
entrusted to me
by our people,
who are the sovereign power.
There is no one who is above our people.
Our citizens are the authority.
I'll see you in court, then.
He's good.
Tell me about it.
Congratulations, Mr. Celebrity Judge.
Shall we have a toast too?
Here's to power that's sexy.
And I will exercise jurisdiction
entrusted to me
by our people,
who are the sovereign power!
There is no one who is above our people.
Our citizens are the authority.
One second. Excuse me.
What are you here for?
I've been seconded here to work,
starting today.
You're our judge for Live Court Show.
Please go in.
Yes, come in.
Sorry, I mean "Justice Min."
It still hasn't stuck with me.
Forget the damned "Justice," you punk.
Wow, you're looking good.
You punk.
It's like a temple here.
It is a temple.
A temple of justice.
So this is the courthouse?
They're going to air it live.
The trial, I mean.
Why is Judge Kang Yo-han
taking things this far?
Judge Kang?
But he's not your average judge.
He is the herald of reforms
for our corrupt judiciary,
and a ray of hope for the sinking Korea.
Yes, I noticed he's very popular.
They say in times of turmoil,
a monster will appear.
Those nonsense laws he's passed…
They could only come from someone
in politics, not someone in law.
You detest him that much,
yet you had to include me
in the judicial panel.
We'll need that someone, won't we?
That someone who'll remain firm
in this crazy storm.
There is no one here
who will go against the wind.
Are you telling me to be Judas?
I'm begging you.
Do you remember
what I'd always say in my lectures?
I do.
There is no easy justice
in the mortal world.
It's nice to meet you.
What is it, may I ask?
It's nothing. I'm sorry.
So your name is Kim Ga-on?
-Yes, I look forward--
To the battlefield.
I see a resemblance.
More so than I'd expected.
Judge Kim Ga-on?
It's nice to meet you.
My name is Oh Jin-ju.
-It's nice to meet you, Judge Oh.
-Sorry, things are still unsettled here.
I'm from a long way from here,
so I have a lot of things.
No, it's fine.
So you're going to sleep here?
Oh no. Maybe not every day, but…
You know the basic tenets
for any organization.
Making a good impression
by working hard at the start.
I see.
Your first placement
was in Seoul, wasn't it?
I'd been stuck elsewhere
ever since I was appointed judge,
so this is my first time working in Seoul.
Let's be honest.
A chance like this doesn't come often.
Well, are you the shy type?
Not at all.
I look forward to working with you.
Your image is a lot different
when you smile.
Now I see what they were looking for
in their judicial panel.
What do you mean by that?
Well, if you want me to be frank with you…
public image, I'd say?
I see. But does that have
anything to do with our work as judges?
Yes, of course.
Think about it.
We're the judicial panel to stand
before the entire nation.
And people have a tendency
to believe the words
from someone who's charming,
than someone who's right.
In other words, charm is power.
Don't take me too seriously.
I'm in such a good mood right now
that I'm saying all these things
without thinking twice.
To be honest with you,
I'm a big fan of Judge Kang.
In fact, I was blessed to just come here.
You finally made it, Jin-ju.
Let's work hard.
Any second thoughts on taking the case
of President Joo Il-do of JU Chemicals
as your first trial?
That case is the most appropriate one.
But there are simpler
and easier cases though.
There's no need for concern,
as long as we go by the law.
But he'll round up
the best lawyers in this country.
I suspect so.
You know that the public trust
in our judiciary has hit in the teens.
So why take a difficult case
for the public trial
where much discrepancy is expected
between the public sentiment and--
Chief Justice.
The Live Court Show
is not a kangaroo court.
It is a transparent one
with our citizens bearing witness.
And that's all that I need.
I'll get going now.
-Sure, see you tomorrow.
Now let's cross the road.
Hold your right hand up!
That's right.
Follow me, and come this way.
You bastards!
-Prepare to fire.
-Stand by at the barrier gate.
A bus that's 200 meters away
is headed for the gate at full speed.
Driver ID is unknown.
Further instructions needed.
What is going on?
My goodness. Kids, hurry up!
Are you all right?
These guns were distributed
for you to fire.
My apologies, Judge Kang.
Are you okay, mister?
This morning, a kindergarten school bus
exploded in front of the Supreme Court.
The driver, angered by the news
that the warrant
for President Joo Il-do's arrest
was dismissed…
What's this about now?
So he did that
because the warrant was dismissed?
It's only an act of defiance
against government authority.
With all due respect,
I wouldn't say defiance,
but a desperate cry.
What do you mean, a desperate cry?
Even rats go frantic and smash their heads
if you confine them in a tiny space
and starve them.
What makes you think
humans would be any different?
Chairman Seo,
now the issue is about survival.
We need the foundation's help.
We managed to vanquish the pandemic,
but with everyone out of jobs,
we have no one to collect taxes from.
A long drought will instigate a riot.
-President Park.
How are the preparations
for the Live Court Show?
You don't need to worry a thing.
It'll be a hit.
You'll have to prepare well,
because Minister Cha here is
very much interested in this.
For personal reasons.
Social Responsibility Foundation
for a safe Korea…
Are you building a jungle here?
You're home.
I heard there was a terrorist attack
at the Supreme Court.
You heard about it already?
As expected
from Inspector Yoon Su-hyeon of WAIS.
You're not hurt, are you?
You didn't jump in again like--
There you go again. Don't worry.
I was hiding at the very back.
Like a real man.
Good. You've finally matured.
Let's go up.
Go ahead first, let me finish up this one.
Enough of that. Let's go in already.
-Why are you getting mad again?
-Come on, hurry up.
So you're not going to treat me?
-Why should I?
-Aren't you going to be on TV?
It'll be difficult to meet you
if you become famous like judge Kang.
-Celebrity? I wouldn't mind that.
-Why are you being so cynical?
Just drink up.
It's not entirely your loss
working with a celebrity like Kang Yo-han.
I mean, the guy has a story.
The heir to an enormous fortune,
and the survivor of a tragedy.
People rave about things like that.
Right, it's very different from mine.
Hey, don't say that.
Now that you've become a judge
after going through all that,
you should move to a nicer neighborhood.
-What's wrong with this neighborhood?
-It's changed too much.
-But this is the only place that's left.
-For what?
To remember Mom and Dad by.
-Have dinner before you go.
You lost weight.
You've been skipping meals again, right?
If you do this to me,
I might end up asking you out again.
Though you rejected me five times
since kindergarten,
it's not over until it's really over.
I don't want to lose a good friend.
Stay for dinner.
-Are you done with this?
You heartless bastard.
I love you, you know!
President Joo Il-do is claiming
that he knew nothing
about the wastewater leak.
That it was just an accident.
If the public sentiment leans
towards the judges during the trial,
what's our next card?
We'll have to emphasize
that the sewage purification facility
was damaged.
And that it was an unfortunate accident
brought upon by the city's…
-President Joo.
-Hi, Mr. Oh.
Would you agree
that the media is making a big fuss?
Those ungrateful hyenas.
There are tens of thousands of dogs,
feeding on the crumbs off my table.
They won't be able to find
any clear evidence
for environmental disputes.
How would the CEO even know
the wastewater composition?
We'll argue for not guilty.
Even if things don't go as we planned,
it'll be professional negligence at worst.
Professional negligence…
What's the penalty for that?
Five years of imprisonment
is the maximum penalty.
Five years?
Recently, we had all kinds
of special acts coming into force,
but because the courthouse
is very conservative,
they won't be able to vamp it up
so much at once.
Don't you know I can't even sleep a wink
without my prescribed mattress?
Goodness, President.
Just think of it
as a one-year meditation retreat,
and we'll have you released on parole.
You'll be walking out
in better health too.
Are you sure?
If you're still anxious,
we always have him.
Yes, that's right.
About yesterday,
thank you for saving my life.
You're welcome.
I saw you fired without hesitation.
Did I?
Were you going to kill the driver?
-If it was necessary, yes.
The bus would have continued on
even if the driver died on the spot.
You shot that gun
so he'd turn the wheel by instinct.
-And he'd be the only one dead.
-Isn't that how math works?
One is a smaller number than two.
Yes, you're right.
So, about Kang Yo-han.
What did you think of him?
-I lived, thanks to you.
-You're welcome.
I guess I shouldn't be the smaller number,
not in front of you.
Whatever suits you.
Why do you think Kang Yo-han
chose President Joo Il-do
as the first defendant
for this Live Court Show?
Isn't it because there is
high public interest on this case?
Yes, you're right. But…
He is also one of the highest contributors
to the Social Responsibility Foundation.
Kang Yo-han's judicial reforms
were only possible
because it was backed
by the Minister of Justice
and the Social Responsibility Foundation.
In other words, he purposely chose
a case that would place him
in an awkward situation?
I'm wondering
if he has an ulterior motive.
Judge Kang,
about that bus driver from yesterday.
How about we indict him
without detention for now,
and put him on trial?
Why do you want to do things that way?
With the Live Court Show
just around the corner,
we wouldn't want to gain attention.
There's also what you did yesterday too.
Aren't first impressions important,
after all?
"Show compassion to a terrorist."
Is that what you're saying?
I'm not telling you to show compassion,
I'm telling you not to lose face.
Then there's no reason
to be concerned about that.
The more noise there is,
the more attention we'll get.
Others deploy
noise marketing as their strategy.
It's fair that we detain him
for something like this.
May I add in something?
That bus driver's three-year-old daughter
is one of the victims
of the JU Chemicals case.
Not only that, her grandmother
took her life as a result.
So what?
So I'm wondering if it's really fair
to detain that bus driver
when we dismissed the warrant
for President Joo Il-do's arrest.
Judge Kim!
Joo Il-do is a defendant who is innocent
until proven guilty in court,
but the bus driver's a flagrant offender.
Don't you know that much?
But there are grounds
to extenuate his actions--
Do you have the right
to harm people for being a victim?
Not really, but he's currently injured--
There are doctors
at detention centers too.
Let's go by the book.
After the young victim
of the JU Chemicals Wastewater Leak
died in hospital during treatment,
her guilt-ridden grandmother
took her own life,
resulting in yet another tragedy.
This brings
the total number of deaths to 11.
If we include those victims
who are in treatment,
the number goes up to 47.
The exact details of the case
are under investigation,
and President Joo Il-do will soon stand…
Sorry, but it's a little hard to watch.
It's reminded me of where I used to live.
I'm a country bumpkin, you see.
Though I don't look it.
Well, I'm a Seoulite,
as you can plainly see.
-From the shantytown?
-Can you tell?
I guess the poor ones
recognize each other.
As if we have a radar for that.
Then what do you see in Judge Kang?
You mean Judge Kang Yo-han?
I see nothing.
The tenets of office life.
Never harbor unnecessary curiosity
for your bosses.
-Let's just focus on work.
-All right.
Oh, there's an ordinance
that came into force. Read it.
For our Live Court Show.
It may anger you a little.
Sir, don't you think you're a little
obsessed with playing with numbers?
You'll make the ruling based on the number
of votes by our audience?
Do you call that "playing with numbers"?
I call it democracy.
If you want a democratic trial,
then why do you need us?
-I guess you read the ordinance.
-You call that a trial?
Why do you need us
if you're going to make the final ruling
based on numbers
even if the panel has a point to make?
We need emergency measures
for emergencies.
Besides, it won't look nice.
It won't look nice?
It'll feel empty
if there is no one besides me.
It is a show, after all.
It's me. There's something
I need you to do for me.
Yes, what is it?
The spare key
to the Supreme Court Archives.
Hey, you think it's that easy?
If you can't even manage that much,
I recommend you quit your job.
Who was it again,
that dragged me into this?
Tampering with case records
will get you imprisoned.
I won't tattle on the accomplice, sir.
Found it.
You're it.
You persistent little punk.
So you dug through the records
from 20 years ago?
They say your first love
will always be dear to you.
First love?
When President Joo first got into trouble
while expanding his business,
it was Cha Gyeong-hui who excused him.
But that wasn't the only time.
It was three times, in fact.
And very discreetly.
Of course, that didn't come for free.
When Cha Gyeong-hui
first entered politics,
who do you think sponsored her?
Joo Il-do?
In other words,
Joo Il-do is Minister Cha's sponsor
since her days as a prosecutor.
And Cha Gyeong-hui is the one
who backed Kang Yo-han all this time.
Yet Kang Yo-han
had to pick Joo Il-do,
out of all people, for the trial.
But Cha Gyeong-hui continues
to watch on, without opposition.
Do you think this is a trial
to shed light on his crimes,
or the very opposite?
The problem is,
these are all just suspicions.
I'll have to dig into it,
using whatever means.
I have a feeling
I'm digging my own career grave,
but it's already too late to go back.
First love, did you say?
How is Su-hyeon doing?
Hey, Ga-on.
It's okay, go on.
A wiretapping device?
Why would you need such a thing?
-Stay still.
Hey, I'll call you back.
Stop right there!
Police. Step back!
Help me…
-She's our sister.
-Stand against the wall.
I'm telling you, she's our sister.
-Are you okay?
-Please help me…
-It's okay.
You're fine now. I'm an officer.
Minister, Director Jung
from the SRF is here to see you.
-Tell her to come in.
-Yes, ma'am.
Hello, Minister.
I'm here on behalf of Chairman Seo today.
What is his business?
If you don't mind, may I sit down first?
Thank you.
Not just Chairman Seo,
but many of our sponsors are
quite concerned for this upcoming trial.
What concerns?
Please excuse me, but let me be direct.
"Let's beat down
on petty criminals to appease the public."
Wasn't that the motive
behind this Live Court Show?
So is there a need
to pick a corporate case?
If it results in heavy penalties,
then it'll set a bad precedent
for all businessmen.
Those are the concerns.
Have you ever seen
Kang Yo-han make a mistake?
That's true, yes…
But you still could have picked
a simpler case for the first trial.
Just why are you so obsessed
with this particular case?
Did you say, "obsessed"?
I'm sorry, but I'm only the messenger.
Why are the members
of a social welfare foundation…
Or should I say, the conglomerate alliance
so nosy about state affairs?
I'm sure I clearly said
I have it all under control.
How rude.
My apologies, Minister.
I stepped out of line.
But if you don't mind,
may I do so one last time?
That chair you're sitting in,
and that desk,
as well as the painting
and the car you drive to work…
Are you aware
they were all funded by our foundation?
We don't have much budget
for the Ministry of Justice this year.
On top of that, we're also forced to build
private correctional facilities too.
Which is why I'm curious, Minister.
I'm just curious to know
who is really running this country.
Why would a judge need
a wiretapping device?
Do you have a girlfriend
who is cheating on you?
If that's a viable excuse,
then I'll say yes.
-I can accept it, but I can't forgive you.
-Let's just go with it even if you can't.
Enough with your jokes.
Where do you want to use this?
You'll get hurt
if you try to know too much.
But then again,
you've always had to have it your way…
Let's see if it works.
Go out on the rooftop.
-The rooftop?
Hey, you need to put this on you.
What are you looking at?
You can't do anything by yourself, right?
You shouldn't beat up
innocent civilians, detective.
Can you hear me, Judge Kim Ga-on?
Will you marry me?
Just kidding, you punk. Love you.
Her voice was nice, at least.
Were you able to hear me?
-Very well.
-And your answer?
I'm supposed to pretend
I heard nothing while wiretapping.
So you won't answer me?
Fine, go catch your cheating girlfriend.
Hey, I've been called in.
-I'll call you.
-Bye, stay safe.
Yes, I'm on my way now.
Will you marry me?
Just kidding, you punk. Love you.
Will you marry me?
Just kidding, you punk.
Love you.
Take care, then.
Judge Kim?
-You're here early today, sir.
-The trial's just around the corner.
So what are you doing here?
The library was locked.
But in the dark?
I have good night vision.
Please excuse me, then.
-You live on your own, you said?
It's tough, isn't it?
Your shirt's crinkled.
I just couldn't find the time to iron it.
I see.
Well, keep it up.
What an interesting kid.
Hello, Minister.
Hey, Judge Kang.
It's about the Live Court Show.
I have my complete faith in you,
Judge Kang.
There is no need to worry.
Justice will stand.
I'm sure the citizens aren't that foolish.
It's me. Is it all ready?
And did you meet with that Doc?
So what did you say?
Good. Yes, good work.
I'll meet with his attorney tonight.
That's Joo Il-do's lawyer.
-May I have your name for the reservation?
-Kang Yo-han.
The judge met with the defending attorney
right before the trial,
and talked with the Minister who is
suspected to have ties with the defendant?
And who is this "Doc"?
It all looks suspicious, yes,
but you know that alone
isn't enough to prove anything.
He can always give the excuse
that it was for legal proceedings,
and as for the phone call,
all he said was that justice will stand.
But the trial is tomorrow.
I'll have to keep my eyes open
and watch in the courtroom.
Improve the classification system
for building use
so that facilities for new technology
such as EV charging stations
can be installed
at the hearts of our cities,
and make the blueprint public
while establishing a hub.
Also, followed by laying out a roadmap
to utilize information on…
There's something I can't miss today.
Let's see how talented
Judge Kang Yo-han is, then. Shall we?
Father, forgive them,
for they do not know what they do.
Thirty seconds!
-Prepare the insert screens.
-Yes, sir.
Sound check.
It's exciting for us
average citizens to take part,
and I think it's great to see
our opinions reaching a consensus.
If you committed a sin,
you should be punished for it.
And fairly too, regardless of
whether you're rich or not.
They're counting our votes
and it makes me think
that it'll be a proper trial.
This is going to be fun!
The first trial of the Live Court Show
will take place today.
With the faith
in our judiciary at an all-time low,
will the Live Court Show
be able to turn things around?
Our citizens are now eagerly
waiting for their first trial,
praying that all will be treated fairly
before the law.
All eyes are now on Judge Kang
and his judiciary panel
on whether they will meet
the expectations.
Hello to all of our citizens!
I'm currently standing at the center
of history, here at the courthouse.
For the first time
in our Constitution's history,
a Live Court Show awaits
your participation.
And it's very easy to do so.
As you can see on the screen,
first install the app,
"Goddess of Justice, Dike,"
and tap on the statue.
You'll then be able to see
the current trial in session.
-Gyu-bin. Come have some mandarins.
Below the screen,
you'll also see two buttons.
While watching the trial,
if your judgment is
that they must be punished,
press the red button.
If not, please press the other button.
Your opinions
will be collected in real time,
graphed, and sent to the judicial panel.
Our judicial panel will then
see your opinions in real-time
and make their judgment based on them.
Let me introduce to you now,
our presiding judge today…
Judge Kang Yo-han!
My fellow citizens.
Your court is now in session.
No longer will we see trials
in a league of their own
which ignores the common sense.
All proceedings will be made open
and transparent
to hear our people's voices.
We will rule by the law,
but never disregard your will.
You are the owners
and the power of this court.
Have the lights ready.
Let's now meet with our case today.
Prosecution, you may proceed.
There is a village
where all its young population has left.
Total population, 47.
Average age, 72 years old.
Of them, 11 have passed away,
and 23 are still in intensive care.
Thirteen of them have been discharged
but they suffer severe complications
such as respiratory distress
and neuropathy.
One of the victims
who died was just three years old,
and another is her grandmother.
Her daughter left her child with her,
but when she died,
she had taken her own life.
Her granddaughter had been
the only child in this village.
And the culprit of this tragedy
is sitting right there!
JU Chemical's Plant 4,
which is operated by our defendant,
was located just five kilometers away
from this village.
And they had dumped toxic chemicals
into the streams and rivers
without adequate purification.
Yes, into the very waters
that the residents drank,
washed with, and used for their farming!
My fellow citizens,
this is murder.
-What, already? Bring it up on the screen!
We enjoyed that statement
of defense from the Prosecution,
or should I say, propaganda?
Watch your words.
We have just witnessed
the dangers of a media trial.
A trial is not a movie.
Nor is it a show.
A trial is a proceeding to establish
the truth with objective evidence.
You had just called it murder,
but what psycho businessman
would murder people on purpose?
As long as he dumped toxic wastewater,
aware that it may kill people,
this is murder by willful negligence.
I'd like to ask you all
to take a look at the screen.
As you can see,
the embankment at the rear of the plant
had collapsed,
damaging the purification system.
Prosecutor, when I studied law,
I learned it is the local government
who is responsible
for managing such embankments.
Or am I remembering it wrong?
It is true
that this incident caused partial leaks.
However, the plant stopped
operating immediately
for an emergency repair,
so in all, the total leakage time
was no more than an hour.
Your Honor.
What more could we have done?
This was beyond our control.
Are you sure there was no previous leakage
due to the aged facility?
Do you have evidence?
Are you asking whether we have evidence
after replacing all those parts
that may turn out to be problematic?
In other words, you have none. Understood.
Well, looks like the only point
we've managed to prove so far is that
there was temporary leakage
due to an uncontrollable incident.
But nothing about the circumstances
before the incident.
According to deductions
by an appraisal agency,
a leakage that lasted just an hour
could not have--
Deductions, did you say?
I must have heard that incorrectly.
-Is that objective evidence?
-He's absolutely right.
How could you accuse
a patriotic businessman
of being a murderer?
Do you know how many people
are able to make a living thanks to me?
We have about 17,400 employees
at JU Chemicals,
and if you consider their families
and our partners too,
we're burdened
with the lives of hundreds of thousands.
-So to use this propaganda trial--
-Watch your words, President Joo!
I have the right to speak also!
President Joo!
Why isn't he saying anything?
This is not good.
Hey, get the ads ready.
-Defense, return to your seat.
-Yes, Your Honor.
-President Joo.
-Yes, Your Honor.
Please resume your seat.
Oh… yes.
Are both sides done
presenting their cases?
Yes, Your Honor.
We'll take a short break before we resume.
Take a bio break.
Your Honor, may I ask a question?
The embankment you mentioned
collapsed on the very night
following the first victim's death.
Is that correct?
Yes, that is correct.
I must say, what a coincidence.
How could such an incident
could have taken place
right after we saw the first victim,
erasing all evidence?
My apologies, but Your Honor,
but our argument is
that the first victim's CoD is unclear
and irrelevant to this case.
According to his diagnosis,
the symptoms he suffered include vertigo,
headaches and loss of consciousness,
and they aren't so different
from what other victims reported.
Those are deductions. Also, an autopsy
was never performed for his case.
There is no evidence that traces
of toxic chemicals were detected.
-Your Honor.
-You may proceed.
For a more objective opinion,
I'd like to call Dr. Yoo Jong-baek,
a leading expert
on heavy metal intoxication, as a witness.
Yes, go ahead.
Is it all ready?
And did you meet with that Doc?
Before we start, I appreciate you
taking the time to attend the trial.
The stream water sample
that was submitted as evidence…
There it is.
You analyzed it, have you not?
What are your opinions
as an expert in this field?
While many of the victims show
symptoms of heavy metal poisoning,
I have reservations
about whether the wastewater leakage
is the sole cause.
It's easy to think
that exposure to heavy metals
is only a risk in certain environments,
such as factories.
But that's not the case.
Heavy metals exist all around us
in our daily lives.
Crops that were harvested
from contaminated soil.
Cosmetics. They're something
we're exposed to every day.
Especially this village is the first
to be affected by particulate matter,
which carries heavy metals,
and there is an impact from pesticide
and chemical fertilizers
as a farming village.
So, to compare that
against this much leakage…
Well, it's hard to say.
Dr. Yoo, I also have a question.
Yes, Your Honor.
You just said, "this much leakage."
But leakage of what, exactly?
There was a mix
of different chemicals, and--
Which chemical was detected the most?
-it's something called KCN--
-Please put it into simple words for us.
What is its full name?
Dr. Yoo?
Potassium cyanide, Your Honor.
-Potassium cyanide?
-Potassium cyanide!
Number seven!
I know the word may sound scary,
but KCN really is common.
Yes, it's actually very common.
You find it in almonds,
apple seeds, apricot seeds, cherry seeds,
ginkgo nuts, and even peach seeds.
They're not always harmful.
It's the concentration.
-Yes, it's all about the concentration.
-Dr. Yoo.
Right in the vicinity was a village
where most of its residents were elderly.
Can you still claim it was insignificant?
-I'm sorry, but--
Your Honor. I'm sure
you know the law better than I do,
and the same goes for me.
I know more in this field.
Science is all about the fact.
It's not up to the public sentiment.
Dr. Yoo!
Judge Kim.
That's enough. No more.
Dr. Yoo, you are excused.
-Yes, Your Honor.
-You may step down.
You must be exhausted
after what was a long testimony.
Please take some water.
-Will the Clerk give him some water?
Thank you.
Hold on, that water…
Are you sure it wasn't mixed up
with that water sample?
What the hell?
Your Honor, no.
The evidence is right here.
I apologize, my mistake.
But they looked so similar.
I apologize, Dr. Yoo.
You said it's fine!
How embarrassing.
If you have no more to say,
you may leave, Dr. Yoo.
I shouldn't have done it!
That was bloody embarrassing.
This is all because of that President Joo.
Jeez, what's with me?
Your Honor, I will now examine
our next witness, Jang Gi-hyeon,
who is the site manager
of the plant concerned.
Mr. Jang.
You have been at this plant
for 12 years now.
There were no issues
with the purification facility
before the embankment collapse,
were there?
Mr. Jang. Didn't you already testify so
to the investigative authorities?
Where is your answer?
-Let me organize my thoughts.
-Mr. Jang.
-Mr. Jang!
-President Yoo.
-Resume your seat.
I apologize, Your Honor.
You may proceed.
Yes, Your Honor.
There's actually something
I'd like to say.
Mr. Jang, what…
There had been leakage
even before the incident.
I still don't understand
why the embankment
collapsed all of a sudden
after 30 years of standing strong.
What I can assure you is
that there had been leakage
even before then.
Because it was a serious matter,
-I'd even alerted the President…
-Mr. Jang!
Resume your seat.
Mr. Jang.
You can take your time.
I told him the facility has aged
and that there will be
serious consequences
if we don't act upon it immediately,
but President Joo said not to waste money
because the plant will be
relocating next year
and not to make a big fuss over nothing.
-Mr. Jang!
-All right.
And what was your answer
upon hearing his words?
I asked what if something happens
to the elderly in the village.
President Joo said,
"Those old geezers lived long enough,
so who cares?"
Mr. Jang, when did I say such a thing?
"Those old geezers lived
long enough, so who cares?"
Did you really say such a thing?
Deep down I thought,
"Isn't this murder?"
Can we really do this as human beings?
No, that's not true.
Your Honor, I said no such thing!
My colleagues call me "Dr. Safety."
I'd worked my entire life adhering
to the safety manual, and now…
I just want to die, Your Honor.
Is it all ready?
And did you meet with that Doc?
May I call Dr. Yoo Jong-baek as a witness?
My colleagues call me "Dr. Safety."
-Darn it.
-My goodness.
-Look at this jerk. He's complete trash.
-No need to watch anymore.
It's a death penalty.
-Look at how shameless he is.
-Let's vote.
Death penalty!
Your Honor, I really am innocent!
It's all lies. I mean it!
I never said such a thing.
"Those old geezers lived
long enough, so who cares?"
Why would I say such a thing?
So you never said such words?
-Then what did you say?
So you don't deny
meeting with our witness.
What did you say to him
when you met with him?
President Joo.
Please answer.
Our entire nation is watching.
Because I have so many
roles and responsibilities,
I don't remember
our exact conversation, Your Honor.
No, that's not true.
Your Honor, I said no such thing!
No, that's not true.
Are you taking our people as fools?
No, Your Honor…
"Those old geezers lived long enough?"
What do you mean by that?
No, Your Honor!
"I don't care if others die.
All I care about is money."
Are you aware
that this is murder by willful negligence?
President Joo.
We'll argue for not guilty.
Even if things don't go as we planned,
it'll be professional negligence at worst.
Were you aware, President Joo?
I'm sorry.
It was true I received the report.
So you admit you received
the report on the leakage?
Yet you didn't care about the residents?
No, Your Honor.
Then what?
What the hell is that bastard doing?
-What's he playing at?
-Please calm down, Minister Cha.
I'm sure he has a plan.
Plan? What plan?
Back then, I didn't think much of it.
There wasn't a great amount
of leakage in the beginning,
so little did I know
it would end up like this!
Murder, did you say?
Never, Your Honor.
So you deny murder by willful negligence,
but admit to professional negligence?
Joo Il-do is Minister Cha's sponsor
since her days as a prosecutor.
And Cha Gyeong-hui is the one
who backed Kang Yo-han all this time.
Is it all ready?
And did you meet with that Doc?
I'll meet with his attorney tonight.
I'm sorry.
It was my oversight.
I was foolish
not to think much of it…
That plant was
due to be transferred anyway, right?
I truly deserve to die.
There's no need to worry.
Justice will stand.
I'm sure our citizens aren't that foolish.
I have my complete faith in you,
Judge Kang.
So he'll push for professional negligence.
Your Honor.
To find my client
guilty with homicide after a few words
by our witness will turn this trial
a laughing stock.
I ask you to make a firm ruling
under the rule of law.
I will keep that in mind.
We will take a short break
before delivering the verdict.
Yes, Your Honor.
You said a maximum of five years, right?
Don't worry. It's not them who make
the decision to release on parole,
but the Ministry of Justice.
But murder?
Why did Jang Gi-hyeon spew such lies?
Judge Kang! Our show is a hit.
Our ratings averaged 11.4%,
and peaked at 14.7%!
But most of all, the viewer ratings
for the 20-30 age range exceeded 6%!
-So we're a success?
-Yes, of course!
Is this a reality show?
No, that's not what I mean.
I mean this show interested the public.
He's always a bit standoffish.
-We'll be in your care.
Don't they know how much I paid up
to get exclusive broadcasting rights?
Our CEO will be grinning from ear to ear.
But don't make it too obvious
how ecstatic you are.
All right. You can have beef tonight.
Buy us dinner.
I'll buy you all the meals in this world!
Someone made a lot of money.
We will now deliver the verdict.
The court has taken the opinions
of our citizens with great consideration.
We had a hard time reaching a verdict,
but arrived at the conclusion
that the evidence submitted alone
was not enough to convict willful murder.
However, as the Defendant contended
this Court finds him guilty
of professional negligence
on primary charges.
The maximum penalty
for professional negligence
is five years of imprisonment.
in the judiciary reform bill
that was passed last year,
there is the clause
which allows for imposing
cumulative punishment for each victim.
Don't tell me…
Ms. Kim Sun-ja,
Ms. Park Myeong-sun,
Mr. Lee Jeong-ro,
Mr. Bae Myeong-jae,
Ms. Yoo So-yeong, our youngest victim,
Mr. Lee Gap-bun,
Mr. Kim Dong-jae,
Ms. Park Yong-sun,
Mr. Hwang In-chan,
Mr. Kang Jeon-il,
Ms. Koo Jong-ok,
Mr. Kim Yu-chun,
Ms. Jung Gwon-a,
Ms. Park Mal-ja,
Ms. Seon Yun-jeong,
Ms. Lee Myeong-suk…
-He sure knows how to impress.
-Mr. Lee Seok-gyu.
and Ms. Won Yeong-seon.
To our Defendant, who,
driven by his foolish greed,
robbed the lives of the innocent
and caused lifelong suffering
to the survivors…
this Court imposes a cumulative punishment
for each of the 47 victims!
I sentence you to 235 years in prison.
Stop the car for a bit.
Is this even possible?
May you live long.
I mean it.
But you clearly said five years…
Your Honor!
Thank you, Your Honor.
Your Honor, thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you, Your Honor…
Your Honor, thank you.
-Please get up.
-Thank you, Your Honor.
I have no more regrets, Your Honor.
Ms. Kim Sun-ja, who hanged herself
after losing her dear granddaughter
is my sister.
I tried so many times
to follow her footsteps,
but life can be so cruel…
It wouldn't grant me death
even if I wished for it.
Thank you, Your Honor.
So you deny murder by willful negligence,
but admit to professional negligence.
Show their photos one by one,
and I'll call on their names.
Yes, Your Honor.
Mr. Bae Myeong-jae, Mr. Lee Seok-gyu,
and Ms. Yoo So-yeong, our youngest victim.
I found it very touching.
I even teared up a bit.
Rule of law… Is the purpose of a trial
really to serve justice?
Pretending to have a heart
when you're merciless…
It's all about selling hope
and receiving it back through fear.
What is it that you want from me?
A man who has all the fun
by himself is not so charming.
And pretty useless too.
Why are you doing this?
You're just bait. And a fresh one at that.
Maybe he hasn't been fully tamed.
That crazy bastard!
Subtitle translation by: Jeong-yon Kim
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