The DL Chronicles (2005) s01e01 Episode Script


This is me, Chadwick Williams.
And I am I'm writing a book about the lives of the many men that I have met.
Black men very much like myself.
Some not.
Black men whose voices are muted, swept under the carpet, silenced by secrecy.
The DL man blurs the lines between an otherwise supposed clear distinction between gay and straight, normal and abnormal, moral and immoral Like a child joining two bloodlines, one dirty and one clean.
Black men caught somewhere in between a definition and a designation.
Living in a gray area.
Living on the down-low.
qualified to sing my life chronicles than me who better more qualified to sing my life.
Sing my life, sing my life sing my life, sing my life I'm heading to the parking structure right now.
Yeah, it's okay.
Oh! shit.
Excuse me.
I'm sorry.
No, no, no.
No problem.
I'm-- I'm really sorry.
Oh, no, no.
No harm done.
It's not like you messed up my new sneaks or anything.
Here you go.
You forgot this one.
Oh, thanks.
It's just my business card.
Why don't you hold onto it? I'm Wes-- Wes Thomas.
I'm a real estate banker, in case you're looking for a loan.
Um, Chadwick-- Chadwick Williams.
I'm a journalist or aspiring journalist.
Oh! Oh, oh! Honey? Yeah, I'm sorry.
I just dropped my wallet.
It's my wife.
I, um-- look, uh, I'm sorry again.
- It's okay.
No, you have a good day.
- You, too.
And, if you're in the market, look me up.
Yeah, definitely.
Honey? No, I'm here.
I just ran into a guy without paying attention.
No, no, no.
It's-- It's okay.
I'll be home in a sec.
Yeah, love you, too.
Meet Wes Thomas.
Sarah? - I'm home.
- Honey, you're late.
- I'm sorry.
I had to go to three different stores to get this stuff.
I have more bags in the car.
Here, let me get you some help.
Trent! Can you give us a hand? Trent? Your brother's here? He has a couple of job interviews in the city, and he's just gonna be here until the end of the week.
- He's weird.
- I know.
He has his issues.
But haven't we all? Issues.
Hey, be nice.
The etymology of nice is stupid.
Well, stupid is as stupid does.
That's why I married you.
See no evil.
Hi, Trent.
How you been? Um Good, I guess.
You guess? Yeah, I guess.
And you? You're guess is as good as mine.
Well, there are more bags in the car.
Here to service you.
I mean at your service.
Got jokes.
Hey, and make sure you remove all the dead leaves.
Dead leaves Got it.
Look, Mr.
You better be at your best behavior tonight.
Honey, can you give me a hand with this tie? Honey, my hands are wet.
Have trent help you.
I laid out your armani slacks, dear.
Where? Wait a minute.
Look, I don't know what's wrong with these.
They're black.
Actually, under the wrong lighting conditions, They may appear a shade too light.
Can't you do anything yourself? It's like I married a child in a man's body.
Well, what about my tie? Here, let me help you with that.
- I'll do it.
- I can button my-- I told you I'll do it.
Man of the house deserves a little appreciation every once in a while.
Why, thank you, Trent.
l-- I appreciate your concern.
No problem.
So I see that things haven't changed around here very much.
My sister's still cracking the whip.
I can see your sense of humor hasn't changed, either.
- Still cracking your jokes.
- (chuckles) You know what, I have it.
- You're wearing the wrong slacks.
- What? The armani slacks? I believe Sarah's wearing them.
Oh, I mean, getting them for you.
Yeah, right.
So what do you think is cooking in that oven? - Well, I think-- - It's a boy.
(all) Oh! Excuse me.
That is wishful thinking.
What if he is a she? - Hey, come here.
- (crowd) Aw! right.
- I love you.
- I love you, too.
Oh Wes, when are you and Sarah gonna start your family? I'll leave that question to Wes.
And on that note, I'll be right back.
Oh-- In time.
We just wanna make sure that we're well prepared.
Take it from me, buddy.
Preparation? You get past 35 Get yourself a nice dog.
I mean, it's like this.
You don't wanna be an old man at little league games.
So, Trent, you got a girlfriend yet? Rodney! You are so nosey.
You know, not quite.
but I am toying with the idea.
Nice looking young man like yourself.
What's the wait? I prefer to think, what's the hurry? That's right, Hon.
You take your time.
Sometimes people find themselves rushing into things that they wish they could get themselves out of.
- I'd like to make a toast.
A toast to two of our best friends, Charles and Patricia.
I'd like to make a toast to love, to commitment, for sticking in there when things got rough.
You know, in every marriage, there's always differences of opinion.
Of motivation, of intention.
Should we start a family? Should we not? Do we both want to? And yet you're always on the same page, and I adore that.
I-- I aspire to that.
As every marriage should.
And, um, last but not least, a toast to the reason why we're gathered here tonight.
A toast to life.
A toast to new life.
Congratulations, Patricia and Charles.
- Thank you.
Thank you.
- Congratulations.
I wish we could all be so lucky.
Salud! Salud! You're next, man.
Congratulations Yeah.
Excuse me.
Why do you do that? You love to humiliate me.
What are you talking about, Wes? Don't patronize me, either.
Your little speech? All those fucking innuendos? Do not curse me.
I do everything for you! - Keep your voice down I work-- I work my ass off 60 hours a week at a job I hate for you.
I had this house built from the ground, When I had barely anything, For you.
I am knee-deep in debt, all to make you happy.
I mean, what else do you want from me? You promised to take care of me.
You took that vow.
You said, "I do".
We are husband and wife.
And let me remind you, it is your duty-- It is your duty to have sex with me.
Maybe I would want sex with you if you weren't so damn utilitarian about it.
What is so utilitarian about wanting to have children? - I expect that.
- (groans) (Trent) Hey, is, uh Everything okay in here? - Yeah, we're fine.
- (scoffs) Yeah, we're great.
(sighs) Come in.
Hey, am I bothering you? No.
I'm already bothered.
Well, I'm just checking to see if everything is cool, because it's 3:00 in the morning, and I'm supposed to be sleeping on that futon right there.
Oh, sorry, man.
No, it's cool.
I mean, I could go and sleep on the couch.
No, no.
I'll go.
It's-- (grunts) Where-- Where's Sarah? She's asleep.
She went to bed hours ago.
So, uh What happened? Nothing really.
Silly marriage stuff.
Silly enough for you to down a whole bottle of whiskey? It's not all gone.
There's still some left.
You wanna have the last of it with me? Hmm? (whispering) Nightcap.
Whoa Am I that fucked up? - Yeah, almost.
- Mmm You know what, there's only one glass.
Let me go and grab another one.
No, that's okay.
we can share it.
I trust you.
You first.
Ah, that's, uh (coughs) - Strong straight.
- (chuckles) You know what? I was thinking you were a pretty amazing guy.
Why do you say that? Well, it's because I admire you.
You know, I remember when you and my sister met in high school, and my folks wanted nothing to do with you.
- Said you weren't decent enough.
- Mm-hmm.
Their way of saying too poor.
Now, look, they love you to death.
You're a self-made man.
And I commend that.
I admire that.
I admire that.
Thank you.
But are you happy? (whispering) No.
Oh, shit.
Oh, where's Sarah? Well, good morning to you, too.
- Where's Sarah? - Work.
Trent, were you awake when she left? I slept on the couch.
What? I slept on the couch.
What the fuck? Well, hi.
What are you doing in here? Flowers? For me or Sarah? - Trent, I can't-- - And the winner is "Sarah Thomas".
You know what? I'm sorry, Sarah's on location at work, working overtime, staying as far away from home as possible.
But I would be honored to accept that on her behalf.
And she sends her love.
Oh, look, l-- - This is not happening.
- What's not happening? This, Trent.
this is-- It's not happening.
God, look, this is crazy.
And-- and it's not right.
I love Sarah.
She's my wife.
- She's your sister.
this-- - What's not right? The fact that you cheated, The fact that Sarah's my sister, or the fact that you had sex with a man? Look, what we did doesn't change anything.
I'm straight, okay? I love my wife.
And I don't doubt that.
But love is in the doing, not in the saying.
Shut the fuck up! You said you weren't happy.
What we did meant nothing, okay? Nothing.
And I think it's best that, after this weekend, you leave as soon as possible.
Speak no evil.
I'm sorry.
Good night.
I love you.
Good night.
Baby, is something wrong? No.
I'm just tired.
Why? Well, you still seem a little bothered about it.
It's just been a long day.
I want to talk to you about something.
Hmm? About my brother.
Yeah? I know how he is, you know.
And I know how you are.
I spoke with Trent earlier, and-- called me at work.
He said he was going to be leaving this weekend because of what happened.
What are you talking about? He told me everything About feeling intrusive, with us having all our fights and all.
And I told him he can stay.
Is that all? Yeah, I know I should have asked you first, but it's just until he can get back on his feet.
Honey, if our brother wants to stay, he can stay as long as he likes.
Thank you, baby.
You're welcome.
(Williams) When faced with the multiple-choice question of being Who am I? To which world do I belong? The downlow man desires an eraser at the end of a ballpoint pen, never realizing that ink is not an easily erasable medium.

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