The Edge of Sleep (2024) s01e01 Episode Script

The Whale

Stay awake.
Katie. Katie
Stay awake.
I'm sorry.
When I look up
from my pillow ♪
I dream you are there
With me
Though you are far away
I know you'll always
be near to me ♪
I go to sleep
And imagine
that you're there ♪
With me
I go to sleep, sleep
And imagine
that you're there ♪
With me
I look around me
And feel you are
ever so close ♪
To me
Though tears that flow
From my eyes
Bring back memories of you
To me
I go to sleep
And imagine
that you're there ♪
With me
I go to sleep, sleep
And imagine
that you're there ♪
With me
With me
All my life, I've been
afraid to go to sleep.
Whenever I lay down
to close my eyes
that's when
the nightmares begin
and lately,
they've been getting worse.
What did you bring me?
Check your pockets.
Give that to me.
Goddamn, Dave.
Whoa. Hey, yo.
You good?
Yeah, I'm gonna get you
a first-aid kit.
What the hell?
Oh, come on,
let's get you up, man.
Man, don't be a little bitch.
It's just a paper cut.
You know
you're lucky it's not worse.
Oh, man,
I was having the craziest dream.
Was I saying anything
in my sleep?
Shit, I don't know.
I mean, you were mumbling
about some elephant,
and then you scattered
your pills all over the floor.
Yeah. You smashed the glass
and fell ass backwards, man.
You want to see?
No, I'm good.
Oh, shit! Your ass--
Thank you.
Thank you so much.
Hey, look,
just because you can't control
what you do in your sleep
doesn't mean the rest of us
can't find it hilarious.
Ah, you got me there.
What even is that crap?
Just your standard
Whoa, hey, bro.
What? I cleaned it.
Nah, just be easy
with that stuff, man.
You're not supposed
to be popping them
like they're tictacs?
It's just a temporary thing.
I'm still
I'm still having trouble
sleeping alone.
Don't worry about all that--
because we gonna get you
laid tonight.
That's right!
Look, we are going to that
rich kid's party, all right?
And you are gonna hook up
with the first chick
that's into
weird half-Asian dudes
with a deep, smooth,
sensual voice.
Was that a compliment?
And I'm not doing that.
Let's just leave now.
What? Because we'll get fired.
They have cameras.
They'll see us leave.
Nobody watches
that footage, man.
Hey, Daxalabs!
It's 3:00 a.m.,
so you can lick
my chapped asshole,
'cause we out!
Come on, Davey boy, let's go!
- No.
- Come on, man.
I hope you brought
your party clothes!
I didn't.
You're tuned in
to the smooth sounds
of Late-night Larry.
Nah, dude, you've known about
this party all week--
and this is
what you chose to wear?
- Yeah?
- Nah.
Ain't nobody gonna tickle
your pickle lookin' like this.
I don't want my pickle tickled.
All right, Cinderella,
now to the ball--
let's go.
I haven't slept
in, like, 36 hours.
I think I'm just gonna bail
on the party tonight.
Yeah, I don't think so, bro.
I'm really tired.
We both know that's bullshit.
You don't ever sleep, Dave.
You comin', man.
No excuses. Let's go.
Matteo, it's--
It's just--
Katie might be there
Just hit on another girl, man.
Make her jealous.
I'm not gonna do that.
I get it, okay?
You still got feelings
for the girl,
but what's it been?
Three, four weeks
since she ghosted you?
She didn't "ghost" me, okay?
She just
she said she needed some space.
Oh What a saint.
A'ight, I'm sorry.
I know you got
your own shit going on,
trying to get a handle
on your sleep condition
and all that,
but, you know,
guys who came back from combat--
even the ones with PTSD--
they-- they tried, okay?
They went
and they saw their friends,
they went to bars,
they got laid.
That is how you get better.
Take it from me.
Let's go to this party.
Let's turn up!
I'm not gonna promise that.
It's gonna be fun, all right?
All right, you night owls,
don't fall asleep just yet.
We got another tune
drifting in to your mind's eye.
Hey, how do you know
this kid again?
We went
to high school together.
Man, I knew
we should've left earlier.
Whole thing done.
Oh, I know that's not
who I think it is.
Dave Torres!
Is that you?
That's me.
Dave in the house!
You know homeboy?
Yeah. Hey, Connor.
You missed one hell of a party.
Randy's already passed out.
Hey, my man,
there's more coolers
in the fridge.
A'ight. For sure.
Can you get me one?
Yeah, thanks.
This is my man, Gus,
right here,
from Huntington Beach.
How's it going?
How you been, man?
How you livin'?
You workin'?
Yeah. Yeah.
I'm workin'.
We just got off our shift.
night watchmen at Daxalabs.
That's a big-time bodyguard
right there.
- Big respect. Big respect.
- Thanks.
You know, it must be
tough, though,
with your mental illness thing
you got goin' on.
Yeah, no, he's diagnosed
with the craziest shit, bro.
- What?
- What's wrong with you?
What's it called
There's nothing wrong with me.
It's just parasomnia.
yeah, yeah, that.
That right there.
The craziest shit.
Back in high school,
this dude used to be
the biggest freak I knew.
We all thought he was nuts.
One time,
we went to this party, bro,
he passed out,
pissed his pants,
woke up screaming,
and started bashing his head
on the floor.
They had to take him
to a mental institution.
You were dating
Shoot, what is her name?
She was just here.
Uh um
Right! Right! Katie!
She was
that junkie girl, right?
That's the one!
Don't call her that.
Ho, ho, ho, ho.
That was snappy.
No, you don't call her that.
You don't know
what she's been through.
Bro, relax.
Relax, bro, relax.
Relax, relax.
You don't want to have
a little meltdown here, bro.
Yeah, you don't want to have
a meltdown here, bro.
- Hey! Fuck!
Whoa. Damn, my bad, homeboy.
You did that
on purpose, didn't you?
Nah, actually,
it was an accident.
Like how your moms
accidentally gave birth
to a douchebag like you.
- Whassup?
- He's a funny guy.
Whassup, homie?
You want--
- Fuck!
- Bitch!
Oh, shit!
You okay, man?
Oh, shit! Shit!
Yo, you okay?
Move, man.
Hey, back up, back up.
Give him some room!
Yo, he good?
- He's not breathing.
- Oh, shit!
- He's not breathing!
- What the fuck?
What the hell did he take?
He just smoked weed.
Well, someone call 911!
Can't be my phone.
Man, this--
Oh, God!
Come on, come on,
come on, come on.
Yeah, I'm just getting
a busy signal.
- What?
- We gotta roll.
911 was busy!
I don't know!
Where's Randy?
He's upstairs,
passed out with Alisha.
Hey, Matteo, take over for me.
Oh, shit.
Yo! Hey! I know you're not
trying to roll out like that.
Hey, man, you're good.
I can't be here.
I got a misdemeanor.
Hey, y'all
some bitches, man!
- You got this, though.
- Fuck!
Randy, you gotta get up, man.
Tony hit his head real bad.
He might--
Randy? Randy?
Hey, Alisha.
Hey, Matteo!
Matteo, there's gas!
There's like a gas leak
or something, I don't know!
What the hell
are you talking about?
Randy and Alisha--
they're not breathing!
- What?
- They're not breathing!
So what are we supposed to do?
Well, we gotta take them
to the hospital.
Are you out of
your goddamn mind?
This looks so bad, bro.
It doesn't matter!
We've gotta help 'em!
Oh, fuck. Take his arms.
Get his arms.
- Yeah, yeah.
- Shit.
Shit, shit, shit, shit.
- Watch his head!
Hey, you've reached Katie.
Leave a message.
Katie, it's me.
Listen, if you took anything
at the party tonight,
you have to call 911, okay?
I'm not accusing you
of anything,
but if you did,
it might have been laced
with some pretty bad shit.
Call me back.
What kind of party
did you bring me to, man?
I brought you to?
You brought me to the party!
I didn't want
to go to the party!
Where the hell is everybody?
I don't know.
- Hey!
We got an emergency here!
Y'all, we need some help!
What the hell's going on?
I don't know.
Excuse me!
Hey, we need some help!
What the--
Hey, yo!
Yo, we've got an emergency.
I mean, this is an E.R., right,
so I'm assuming you know
about emergencies.
Come on.
We have three people
in the back of our car.
Dead people!
Wait, three?
Hey, Brit!
What's up?
I need you a minute.
- Let's go!
- Yeah.
You just found them like this?
One of them
was on a couch,
the other two
I found them dead.
We'll have to notify
the police.
You'll both
have to stick around,
answer their questions.
You can wait in the lobby
until they arrive.
And the bodies?
We can lay them out
on the sidewalk.
You want us to just dump
three cadavers
on the side of the road?
That's what you want?
There's no need
to raise your voice, sir.
Ma'am, those were our friends.
All right?
We just want to know
what's happening.
Where is everyone?
Why were there bodies
in the hallway?
What the hell is going on?
Look, sir,
we are severely
understaffed tonight.
Okay? And we have lost
several patients,
so your cooperation
would be greatly appreciated.
Let's go.
Wait. Hey
Where y'all goin'?
Y'all gonna leave us with this?
What kinda
bogus-assed hospital is this?
Let's get this shit
over with, man.
It's hard.
It's Modafylyst.
Stay awake,
stay alert,
stay alive.
Modafylst is the modern drug
Stay off the leg.
the central nervous system
to generate brain activity
in tired individuals.
It enhances alertness
and mitigates fatigue
I hope you don't mind.
It helps him sleep.
Oh, no, we good,
as long as you give us some.
I'm playing with you.
or brighten their moods.
Are you tired of nodding off?
It's all you, bro.
Okay, let's shut
our eyes for a few minutes.
Say goodbye
to that old medication
and get Modafylyst.
It just doesn't make any sense.
- There he is.
- Dr. Gordon
Dr. Gordon!
Where are you going?
I've ordered the staff
to go home.
In the middle of a Level 1 MCI?
Linda, I don't know
what this is.
I can't get Dr. Laghari
on the phone,
or anyone from the board.
All the emergency lines
are down.
We've tried the CDC, the FBI.
We can't reach anyone.
Okay, but Santa Mira
is the only hospital
in 30 miles.
We can't just shut down.
If you want to stay,
I won't stop you.
I need to check on my family.
Jesus Christ, Gordon,
we need a doctor!
We've lost seven patients
in one shift!
I'm sorry.
Uh-uh. No.
Don't even ask.
Will you stay?
I've been working
since yesterday morning.
I know, but the shift change
hasn't come.
and there's nobody else, Brit.
It's just us.
This is a nightmare.
I know.
I need a ten-minute nap.
That's all I ask.
Thank you!
I owe you.
Wake them up, Dave.
It's Modafylyst.
Stay awake.
Stay alert.
Stay alive.
Stimulating the central nervous system
to generate brain activity
in tired individuals.
Some side-effects may include
- paranoia
- Matteo.
and mental depression
in certain individuals
Hey. Hey, Ma'am?
Hey, I think your dad is--
Oh, shit!
Hey, we need some help!
Hey, nurse!
I-I-I don't know.
I don't know.
We were just waiting
and-and they collapsed.
Oh, shit.
- Britney!
- What the hell?
- Brit!
- What the--
What happened?
She was sleeping.
That's when she died
She died in her sleep.
Rock me to sleep
in my saddle ♪
Let me dream about the day
that used to be ♪
Just singing a song
while riding along ♪
Old Ranger under me
Rock me to sleep
in my saddle ♪
It's the place that
I will always love the best ♪
With blue skies above
on trails that I love ♪
Roping cattle way out west
I can hear the meadowlark
a-calling ♪
And the sage a-blooming
on the hill ♪
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