The End (2020) s01e01 Episode Script

Do Not Resuscitate

Hello my love
It's getting cold on this island
I'm sad alone
I'm so sad on my own
The truth is
We were much too young
Now I'm looking for you
Or anyone like you ♪
We said goodbye
With a smile on our faces
Now you're alone
You're so sad on your own
The truth is
We ran out of time ♪
It says, "Do not resuscitate."
But love, you're still conscious.
Or anyone like me
Na na na
Oh na na na na ♪
Hey, guys. The approved subjects are
school, hobbies, pets, OK?
Yeah. Let's just not talk about
anything real.
Mum! Hi!
Ah, thanks for looking after her.
We had fun, didn't we, Mrs Henley?
I don't know these people.
I think they're after my money.
She's kidding.
They certainly look the type.
OK then, well, you be good now.
And no more falls.
And bye-bye.
14 hours with that lilt. Is there
no speech therapy in this country?
Right. Let's get you to the car, eh.
Let's have a look at you.
A pixie cut
with that bone structure?
She's not Audrey Hepburn.
Nanna, I can do that.
Nanna, I can do that.
I can manage
No, Nanna, don't worry.
Well, I'm keeping this with me.
It's OK.
I thought Titania decided
she wasn't a lesbian?
His name is Oberon.
We're using the boy pronouns now.
Just takes practice.
So Edie, how did you fall
out the window?
The cottage was on fire.
You know that.
Yeah. But how did the fire start?
Because didn't the insurance
report say
Let's talk about nice things.
I thought Nanna tried
to kill herself
so she could be with Grandpa?
I loved Grandpa.
I miss him every day.
Sorry I just have to check on
Shouldn't take too long.
Did they give you any blood thinners
for the trip?
How are your legs alright or?
You know I would like to bathe
at some stage
if that's not an inconvenience, yes?
What sort of flowers are those?
They're pretty.
The brochure says this is much more
of a country club
than a retirement village.
Doesn't it, Mum?
Yes, it's very well-reviewed.
Very hard to get into.
I know the urge to punish me
is always irresistible.
I can't hear you.
Punishing me.
Surely the Southern Hemisphere
is bad enough?
I still can't hear you.
You got three-and-a-half bathrooms.
It's not a question of space.
No one needs three-and-a-half
Yes, but with work
and Christopher's situation.
I told you
when you married that man.
Oh, my god. Mum, can we not
You have to sometimes go to jail
if you're going to do big business.
It's the Gold Coast.
You know, we should talk about pets.
And hobbies.
Hobbies and pets.
Mum, you need more care
than I can give you.
You drag me all this way
and then just dump me.
We are ten minutes down the road.
Open up.
Open the door.
It's not a nursing home.
You'll still going to have
all your independence.
Hello, hi. I'm Kate.
This is my mother Edie.
Art Weinberg.
I'm looking for my wife.
I left her here somewhere.
So there were four design packages.
And so you went with Tacky?
You know, but you can
swap things out.
Add your own personal touches.
Oh, yeah. There's book club,
aqua aerobics.
No Lights. No Lycra.
Been wanting to try that.
What else? Craft.
You like craft?
Why not install a bed?
I'm not staying here.
This is an obscene waste of money.
And setting the house on fire -
that was thrifty?
I didn't want you
to have to pack it all up!
I wanted it gone.
Considerate. Thanks.
You're not even going to ask,
are you?
If I'm planning to do it again?
Because I am.
And one day you're gonna come
in here and find me dead.
Right, well in the meantime,
where's your medication?
Let's get you settled in.
The fruit bats?
You want to take that
through the car wash.
The poo will eat through the duco.
Yeah, right. Thanks.
Did you know in Ancient Babylonia
bats were considered
the Souls of the Dead?
It's a terrific thought.
Rumbin Correctional Centre,
do you accept the charges?
How did it go?
How's Nanna? Any bloodshed?
I re-stocked the top drawer.
You know that Dr Charters can
adjust things?
If it's come back?
Nothing about this conversation
is OK.
What was that noise?
Nah, just Oberon, having a meltdown.
Are you guys coming to visit
before Christmas?
I'd love to see ya.
Oh, don't do that.
He needs his whiskers to balance.
I'm making him beautiful.
Put your mum on the phone.
Mum, Dad wants to talk to you.
I have work.
No. She doesn't want to talk to you.
She's being very stubborn.
That's alright, Chorky.
I'll see you soon.
How's Mrs Peterson?
After lunch, her grandson was there
by her, um What else?
Beth's putting on the pressure
about going home again.
OK. I'll talk to them.
Thank you.
Oh. Bogan's back. Bed five.
Big smiles now.
He's climbing the walls.
Shh Kristina.
Let the lady do her job.
I take more than that
for a hangover.
Hey, Mr Bogdanowicz. You had some
morphine 15 minutes ago.
Did that shift the pain at all?
I think, a little, maybe.
Is that a lie?
He doesn't want you to think
he's wussy.
Alright, can you squeeze my hand.
Hard as you can.
That's good. Right, relax.
And relax, that's good.
Walk right in
Sit right down
Baby let your hair hang down
Walk right in
Sit right down
Baby let your hair hang down
Everybody's talking 'bout
a new way of walking ♪
Bride or Groom?
Are you a friend of Barbara
or Robert?
I'm looking for an off-licence?
Join us.
We've plenty.
Did you have a fall?
We have to be so careful, don't we?
Gosh, Barb, watch the hip!
His wife, gone now how long?
Four months.
Barb started with casseroles,
worked her way in.
It's the ratio
Which is why I keep Henry
on a short leash.
He doesn't mind.
Wouldn't say if he did.
And what did your husband do, Edie?
Before retirement?
George was a man of the cloth,
Church of England.
The Vicar's wife?
I'm surrounded by Atheists.
And is he back at the villa tonight?
No. Cancer of the bladder.
We lost George about six months ago.
His last years were
Parkinsons. I nursed him myself.
wouldn't recommend it.
We were only blathering before.
You're welcome to sit here,
with us, anytime.
Because I might be in the market
for a husband.
It may not be safe
to let them near me.
She's kidding!
Of course she is.
It's mix CD, Old-school
but it's just some meditations
and affirmation crap.
I thought you could use it.
You shouldn't be worried
about my stress levels.
We were doing up a playlist, anyway.
Yeah, I want the whole snot-tears
Every dick ex-boyfriend is going to
sit there and feel so guilty.
Hey. I'm doing the guest list,
there'll be no ex-boyfriends.
You'll make an appearance, yeah?
I mean, I get that you normally,
probably wouldn't
but I kinda want to be
the special patient.
Of course. But really,
we're not at that stage yet.
Not even close.
Yes, we are.
I'm going home tomorrow.
I know that was the goal we set
but I'm concerned,
that with your pneumonia, we won't
be able to manage your breathing.
Doesn't matter anymore.
Josh? Can you
We got some Nembutal.
I can't see that.
I'm sorry
but we need your help testing it.
I tried but I failed
Grade 9 science.
Even if you just tell me
if I'm doing it right.
Guys, no.
There are huge risks here.
if it doesn't work properly.
That's why we need to test it.
Legally for you, Josh.
Criminal implications. Serious ones.
I'm going to swallow it myself.
While I still can.
I'm done.
I know it feels like options are
starting to run out
I'm not gonna die in here
on a machine.
That's not what I'm saying
You didn't fail me, OK.
It's just how it is.
So you'll make sure it's good?
No, I'm ethically bound.
I have to report this.
OK, fine.
Can you just give it back.
We'll find another way to do this.
Hey. Bed five's restless.
Dr Brennan?
No, I can't
Hey, hey, hey, it's OK.
It's OK.
I can't.
Hey, it's OK.
Let's go to paradise
And they can go to hell. ♪
I think you're down
on Lorikeet Drive.
You're with Artie Weinberg?
He's got his wife buried
in the garden?
Surely that's a public health risk?
I doubt she's truly
No. For him to be so unwell
and let loose on the streets?
Take it up
with the Wellness Committee.
You know, every few weeks
he digs something up
and buries it again.
His wife's been dead nine years.
He can't let it go.
You want some?
So which way is?
Straight down.
Pop a left.
I need someone to call me if Beth
keeps talking about going home.
She's ideating.
Do you want me to get Psych down
for a feelings chat?
Who's up there?
No. She hates her.
Hm. What about Visual Obs?
I think let's just give them
some breathing room.
Heya, might I recommend
a few hours sleep?
Or at least drive-thru Botox?
You're looking worse
than the patients.
She won't be able to talk.
She'll choke.
You want my wife to choke
Dr Brennan?
OK. Josh, I need to get to my car.
Is it in here?
You know, I've seen people
They often grow at the end.
It can be a special time.
Where is it?
Look. I'm not going to report it
but I can't let you take her home,
not now, I know. But I'm gonna
make sure that she's really
That it's nice?
You wouldn't do this to a dog.
I hate that argument.
She's not a dog.
And you don't know.
Today she thinks she wants this.
Tomorrow you don't know
what she'll want.
She doesn't want to die, Kate.
She is dying.
Hi, it's me, Beth.
Congratulations, one of my favourite
people on this earth.
And I am narcissistic enough
to think that
you might miss the sound
of my voice.
So, we're gonna start
with a song.
Oh get me away from here
I'm dying
Play me a song to set me free
Nobody writes them
like they used to
So it may as well be me
Here on my own now after hours
Here on my own now on a bus
Think of it this way you could
either be successful or be us
With our winning smiles
And us with our catchy tunes
or worse
Now we're photogenic
you know
We don't stand a chance
Oh I'll settle down
with some old story
About a boy who's just like me
Thought there was love ♪
He didn't give you a spare?
Oh, we haven't got one cut yet.
Typical Johnny. Forget his head.
I'm Edie's daughter.
We've just moved in?
Ah, yes. Just addling this heat.
Come on, Mum.
I got a key.
Not that I'd use it.
Johnny who used to lived here
before, he was a good friend.
Oh, that would be Thanks.
What. Did you have a party?
And when did you start drinking?
Never knew what I was missing.
All those years watching you
obliterate yourself Who knew?
Right. Up. Out of bed.
Come on. Land of the living.
Now. Let's go.
What is this thing?
I'll make you do a gratitude list.
You'll hate that.
I'd be grateful for a daughter
who'd end my suffering.
You people do it all the time.
We don't, actually.
We fight quite hard.
You're depressed.
It's treatable.
Not terminal.
That's a matter of opinion.
Oh, good Lord.
..cross, cross. Whew! That's good.
Let's try the
Hey, I know you miss Dad.
And that's just normal grief shit.
But, you know, I was thinking,
you've never been alone.
Your whole life.
I would be embracing that.
For the first time,
you're not a wife, you're just you.
And I know that Dad
would want you to
You knew what he was doing.
Everyone knew.
It was the talk?
I found his diaries.
I always hated that he kept a diary.
Can you think of anything
more indulgent?
So many descriptions
of all those women.
Thank God they were women,
I suppose.
Mum, whatever you've read,
Dad really loved you.
And you
Please don't unpickle
all those years
All those things he did to them?
Well, guess what,
he never did any of that to me.
He gave it to me?
The cancer?
No. HPV's linked to cervical but
So I'm neutered because of that man.
He took my breasts.
The breasts weren't secondaries.
That's a whole other
different cancer.
He took everything and you think
that I want to be dead
so that I can be with him?
I don't know what you want.
I want to be dead
because I can't stand to be alive
knowing I wasted all of it.
All of it.
So, this is where I get
a bit dirty to be on you.
I've become a sort of person
who has a morning meditation ritual.
Which is fucking ridiculous.
Also helpful.
Like, I'd to close our eyes
and then breathe out
..all the while imagining
that we have enough.
Enough money.
Enough love.
Enough patience.
Enough time.
Let's stay on time.
Drop it. Drop it, now!
No! We can't. It's murder!
Can we have a funeral?
Shadows settle on the place
that you left
Our minds are troubled
by the emptiness
Destroy the middle
it's a waste of time
From the perfect start #
Aaaah! the finish line
And if you're still breathing
you're the lucky ones
'Cause most of us
Setting fire to our insides for fun
Collecting names of the lovers
that went wrong
The lovers that went wrong. ♪
Captioned by Ai-Media
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