The Envoys (2021) s01e01 Episode Script

Caminen con los ojos bien abiertos

Give him some room!
Give him some room, please!
We need to give him
some room to breathe!
Call an ambulance!
He is dead
May the Lord decide
you're not yet
to enter His realm.
- Praise the Lord.
- Praise the Lord!
- Praise the Lord!
- Praise the Lord!
- Praise the Lord!
- Praise the Lord!
Do you bring good tidings?
You speak Spanish?
My goodness, that's
the first miracle just now!
I was a professor
in Hispanic philology
in Universidad de Sofía.
- You were?
- It was many, many
You can tell me
about that later.
Let me tell you,
I don't bring any good tidings.
I bring amazing news.
We've found the Great Truth.
- We've run tests on the blood.
- And?
Monsignor, you'll see.
I'm very sorry, but we'll have
to apply Saint Pius Protocol.
They're taking the tomb
of someone who might be a saint.
No. I promise you,
I won't touch the priest.
I'm just looking
for his personal belongings
he was buried with. Honestly.
Chlamydomonas nivalis.
Now, if you could
explain further
The cells of the alga divide
with the snow crystals,
they accumulate pigments,
and give the blood
a reddish appearance
that looks like blood,
but it isn't.
The alga is not from Bulgaria.
The alga was brought
by the priest from California.
He asked to be buried
with his personal belongings
and the alga has been quickly
expanding from the grave.
Although, it'll look beautiful,
and you could exploit it
for tourism.
Just calm down.
I'm not somebody who comes here
kicking down doors
and ungrounding books.
I'm an officer from the Holy See
and I deserve some respect.
If you don't respect me
for this, let me tell you,
I'm a lawyer and I could
give you a lot of trouble
if you want
to play smart with me.
So, I'm asking you
I'm not here
to show blind faith,
I'm here to prove
what we believe in,
which is very different.
Call an ambulance!
Can you hear me?
I'm the doctor.
- He's dead
- No, no!.
Make room, please!
Lord, have mercy.
You have promised us
eternal life
by your side, my Lord.
Lord, have mercy.
- Praise the Lord.
- Praise the Lord!
Rewind it back, sister.
Oh, there.
- Stop there.
- "Please"?
- Go forward.
- "Please"?
What do you ask me please for?
What do you want me to do?
No, you are supposed
to ask me with a "please."
"Rewind, please."
"Stop, please."
- "Play forward, please."
- I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
You are sensitive this morning.
Do you think I'm a housemaid?
Barking "play, stop, rewind"?
I already said I'm sorry.
Could you hand me the dossier?
You'll show me some respect
once I make it to bishop.
Sure, I sure would like
to become a bishop, someday.
No, I don't think
you'll get to become a bishop.
I will become a bishop,
and you shall show me
the respect I deserve.
Here, let's do the following.
You see that I make it to Pope,
and I can guarantee you
you'll become a bishop.
- Sure, right.
- Alright, come on.
Could you please
put the recording?
Of course, Your Holiness.
So, this is a town
in Mexico, right?
Yes, Saint "Acaccio."
No, San Acacio, sister. Acacio.
Can you repeat after me?
San Aca
Sure, we'll leave it as it is.
The man who intended to take
his own life is Santiago Balam.
Well, it's a good name
for a suicidal jumper.
Sister, please
And Santiago Balam
works in the same hospice
as Father Quintana.
Your Eminence.
That's what I say.
That's what I say.
- Please.
- Reverend Quintana.
- Balam.
- Balam.
- Go ahead.
- Sure.
Are you reading about the case?
I was reading about you.
What does it say?
Does it speak good about me?
I don't like to talk casually
to someone
who can't be casual with me.
It's alright, you can be casual
if you want to.
Did you read mine? My file?
No, what for?
I'm sitting right next to you.
I mean, we can just talk.
I could perfectly tell you
about what says there.
The file will tell you
I'm a Doctor in Canon Law,
but I'm way more
than just that, you see?
I imagine you're more
than just a medical expert.
Well, naturally, Father.
I imagine for you medics
the topic of nature
is very important, right?
I handle myself better
in other topics.
As a priest?
- No, as a lawyer.
- Oh, sure.
Here's the thing,
not everything is as it seems,
and not everything
is told is true.
Even more, most of the times
everything that's said is a lie.
Have you ever thought
of that before?
- Right.
- You have?
Well, we'll have plenty of time
to get to know
each other, Father.
Sure, we'll have time.
What's important is
to talk to each other.
What team are you a fan of?
- I don't like soccer.
- You don't?
Even the Holy Father
likes soccer,
- there's nothing wrong with it.
- I didn't say it was wrong.
I don't say either it's amusing.
Even God
is interested in soccer.
Maradona in '86,
the Hand of God.
No, excuse me no.
It was Maradona's hand.
You can see it clearly
in every video.
Oh, come on. Come on, alright?
We'll get along very well.
Of course, as you're a medic,
when people say the Hand of God,
you see an anatomical mistake.
But, do you know what I see?
I see a big plea.
That's what I see. Did it work?
If you consider it
from a legal point of view,
it has absolutely no cracks.
Sure, from a legal point
of view it surely doesn't.
Can you take us
a little further up the hill?
No? Just a little?
Didn't you know the bus
doesn't enter the village?
Why should I?
- Because you're from here.
- Look.
Not all Mexicans
are fortune tellers.
Is it different in Europe?
Well, according to this
we're in
Let me guess.
We're about 2.5 miles away?
How did you know?
It's just I'm from around.
Alright then,
shall we call an Uber?
Don't worry,
the devotes are paying.
Finding an Uber?
That would have been
a real miracle, Father.
The village is desolated,
there's no one out there.
It was a mining village.
It used to have plenty
of gold this way.
But some 60 or 70 years ago,
the mines began to close,
and then
the village crumbled down.
Did you grow up
in a village like this one?
No, but one of my family's
ranches, it was
Oh, one of the ranches?
- How austere.
- Yeah, well
You would've known
if you read my file, right?
San Acazio
San Acacio, Father. With a C.
People here get upset
if you mispronounce it.
Good afternoon.
What is it?
We have a reservation
under Simón Antequera
- and Diego Salinas.
- It's Pedro
Pedro Salinas.
- Pedro Salinas.
- Sure.
It's here,
but it was for next week.
Don't you say? Really?
Can you solve it somehow?
Of course.
I'll solve it right away.
Why don't you leave
your luggage here
and go have a stroll
around and eat something?
- I'll take care of it.
- Thank you very much.
- Thank you.
- Thank goodness.
See for yourselves
How good the Lord is
Try and see
Blessed is
The one who seeks
See for yourselves
How good the Lord is
That's a lot of faith
for a single village, right?
It looks more like
a live concert than a service.
Blessed is the one
Who seeks His refuge
See for yourselves
How good the Lord is
Try and see
Blessed is the one
Who seeks His refuge
Holy Mother
Praise the Lord!
Blessed is the one
who seeks His refuge.
Father! Father!
May the Lord be with you.
Hey, how is the team?
Be good, OK?
In the name of the Father,
the Son and the Holy Spirit.
In the name of the Father,
the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Alright, you too.
I'm glad you could come.
- Rafael Quintana?
- Fathers! Welcome!
You can't imagine
what a long trip we've made
just to get to know you.
- Seventeen hours.
- I hope it was worth it.
Yes, of course,
even if it was 34 hours.
It's an honor
to be here with you.
In there, come on!
Hallucinating, right?
Anyway Pedro Salinas,
my esteemed colleague.
- A pleasure.
- Pleased to meet you.
Simón Antequera.
We were sent by the Congregation
for the Doctrine of the Faith.
Your actions have caught
the attention of our superiors
in the Holy See,
and ours too, of course.
It's not my actions,
it's the Lord's.
Oh, you're so humble, Rafael.
If you don't mind me
asking directly,
what does your visiting imply?
The man that jumped
from the belltower.
Our Congregation needs
to determine
if we're in presence
of a true miracle.
And how can we determine
a miracle?
Can we put a hidden camera
on an angel?
No. No, no.
No, no.
We actually don't need
to prove any miracle.
My mistake.
- What I wanted to say is
- We need to prove
that science isn't able
to verify it.
- That's it.
- If it's not science, it's us.
Well, then, that's easier.
Don't think that,
science can be a rascal.
It's been stealing the miracles
from us for two thousand years.
I was about to leave.
If I knew about your arriving,
I would have prepared
a welcoming as you deserve it.
- Sure. Sure
- Shall we walk with you?
- If you don't mind.
- Shall we come along?
- Sure
- Right, let's go.
Is that yours?
It was a donation
from a faithful.
- That's a good ride, huh?
- Yeah
This is actually
a very humble village,
but there are
some wealthy people
- with ranches in the area.
- Yeah, we know them.
They're from our team.
It's very useful
for our daily lives,
and the roads
are pretty bad shape.
This helps us to come
and go from the hospice.
- Right.
- By the way,
I must go on my rounds around.
If you'd like,
we can meet later at my house,
my assistant can give you
my phone number.
You know what?
We're on a lucky strike.
To be honest, we're excited
to know the hospice,
so if you're
in your way there, then
we can move on
with our pending matters.
If you don't mind
of course, Father.
Let's go.
Most of the people
visiting the hospice
don't really care
about coming back.
You have to be very Christian
to be that sympathetic,
to see so much suffering
in others
and still see the person
behind the interned.
There aren't good Christians
to spare really.
Are you OK?
Kind of. I'm going
to see Adriana.
- Shall I come with you?
- No, no. Not now.
- Excuse me.
- Of course.
What a great place, Father.
That's it.
How many people
you have interned?
Over 200, Father.
A lot of ill people
for such a small village, huh?
- Here madness is an epidemic.
- Good morning.
People say Mexico is hell,
but it's here in San Acacio
the devil set his tail first.
The number one office,
right down this aisle.
Excuse me.
Is that Santiago Balam?
Yes, the same one.
Can we say hi?
- Santiago.
- Father.
No, stand up, son.
Get up. Come, look.
The Fathers came
from the Vatican.
What a surprise to see you
so well, Santiago.
- How are you doing?
- I'm good.
You are?
Maybe it's not the right time,
but if you'd like,
we could talk later?
- What do you think?
- May the Lord bless you.
- It was a voice
- What is it?
It was a voice.
A voice? From who?
It came from the inside,
but it wasn't my voice.
Whispering, like a secret.
At first, they were too many,
I couldn't understand.
But then a voice became clear.
What did that voice tell you,
That I should make everyone
a favor and kill myself.
It was the devil,
it got in my head.
Why do you say that, Santiago?
You know when the devil
is in front of you.
Have a nice day, OK?
Santiago, we'll talk more later.
Thank you.
- Psychotic break.
- No
A psychotic break
doesn't turn you in Superman.
A man with a 99-foot fall
ends up dead.
I'd be dead with a 17-foot fall.
Besides, he didn't have
any broken bones.
Yes, it is kind of low.
Eat some cookies
and it'll be fine.
- How are you doing?
- Hello.
- Dr. Adriana Cordero.
- How are you doing?
I'm Simón Antequera.
- Pleased to meet you.
- You too.
- How are you?
- I'm fine.
Fine, thank you.
Pedro Salinas.
Pleased to meet you.
A pleasure.
The Fathers came
from the Vatican.
They're here because of
what happened with Santiago.
You're the medic from the video,
aren't you?
- You tended to Santiago.
- Yes.
There wasn't much to do
when I arrived.
He was completely wrecked.
Well, we don't want
to bother you now.
We can talk later
if you'd like
But we're here already, right?
I'd like to ask you
if you could be more specific
and tell me how did you find
Santiago that night.
Well, the ribcage
was completely dented,
a couple of broken ribs
that could've pierced his spleen
and collapsed his lung.
I pronounced him dead because
Well, because he was dead.
- Right.
- So, that means
I'm also a medic,
I'm your colleague.
Don't misunderstand me,
I would have done the same.
But it caught my attention
why didn't you make a report?
After Father Quintana
helped him,
we took him to the hospital,
we ran some x-rays and tests,
but absolutely nothing came up.
You either believe or blow up.
That's when things get
very interesting, right?
What explanation
would you provide?
What is it?
What's going on?
- A patient just ran away.
- Who is it?
- Valentina.
- Valentina
It's Valentina's shoes.
Rafael, take that way.
Santiago, come with me.
Hail Mary, full of grace.
The Lord is with thee.
Blessed art thou amongst women,
and blessed is the fruit
of thy womb, Jesus
Don't be scared.
- Ah!
- We've come here to help you.
- Calm down.
- Be at peace.
Be at peace, OK?
Everything is OK.
We'll help you.
- Everything is alright.
- Help me
Sure, yes.
Everything is fine, OK?
That's it
don't let them take me
No one will take you anywhere.
Everything is going to be alright.
- Calm down, they won't take you.
- Everything is going to be OK.
Valentina! Valentina, calm down!
Valentina! Valentina, calm down!
- Valentina!
- Valentina!
Grab her.
- Valentina
- No!
- I'm sorry, Father
- Don't take me with him!
- Are you OK, Father?
- Don't take me with him!
- Are you sure you're OK?
- Yes
- You sure?
- I'm fine!
I asked you to wait.
I'm sorry,
we just wanted to help.
You wouldn't know how to do it.
Our job is not easy, gentlemen.
Valentina has been with us
for a long time, fifteen years,
and she has never gotten better,
that poor thing.
What's wrong with her?
She had
so many cuts and bruises.
Because they hurt themselves
with their own hands,
with their nails.
They bump against the walls,
the branches,
the stones,
whatever they can find.
That's what we're trying
to avoid.
We tie her down
during the nights, yes.
But we can't have her
tied down the whole day.
- Don't you think, Fathers?
- Sure
why don't we do something?
I'll ask someone
to take you back to the village.
And tonight, I can invite you
over for dinner in my house.
- Is that OK with you?
- That would be fantastic.
I'm sorry for raising my voice.
Shall we go?
Police! Put your hands up!
Mexican delicatessen,
Father Salinas.
To bid you welcome to Mexico,
Father Antequera.
Thank you very much.
Tinga, pascal, pozole,
squash blossom quesadillas,
tlacoyos, hibiscus water
and save room for the best one,
San Acacian doughnuts.
- Dessert?
- That's right.
That painting,
it was a gift from a devotee
that came asking
for his husband.
A wealthy family with ranches
in the outskirts of San Acacio.
He couldn't make it here,
he was in the final stage
of a multiple sclerosis.
Poor woman,
tired of struggling for years
for her husband.
Her poor husband couldn't walk,
was blind, couldn't talk
They tried everything,
all over the world.
They spent half
of their fortune.
They brought me
a picture and his hat,
I took the picture,
the hat and prayed.
I prayed the Lord,
I prayed with all my strength.
I begged him so he removed
the cross off that woman's back
so he could receive
her supplications.
- And?
- Look.
There they are.
The picture is from this summer,
on a cruise
across the Mediterranean.
The man could live again.
He has some consequences, right?
But the Lord made
a great job with him.
the other half of their fortune
is enough for their expenses.
And, they gave you
that painting.
It was the only thing
I accepted from them
It's from the Viceroy, right?
- That's right, Father.
- Is it José Sánchez?
That's right, Father.
You're such a connoisseur.
And it's in a great state also.
It must be very valuable.
But, for me, the most valuable
is the picture.
- Whiskey?
- Yes.
Whiskey? Don't you say?
- Would you like some, Father?
- I don't drink, thank you.
I'll have just one glass.
- Can I ask you something?
- Sure.
No, I don't dilute it.
Today in the afternoon,
when you said
you said in San Acacio
the devil had set
his tail first here.
What did you mean by that?
Well, you could explain
1, 2 or maybe 20 interned
- Thank you.
- Father.
like the ones we have
at the hospice.
But, when there are
so many cases
of abrupt madness,
of perfectly normal people
that one day all of a sudden
begin having
an erratic behavior,
with their voices shifting,
speaking in strange languages,
having seizures.
Do you understand me?
Something settled
into the village,
and doesn't want to leave.
Sometimes I think
the Lord gave me this gift
so we could balance out
A gift you've taken
a lot of advantage of.
Haven't you, Father?
Excuse me,
- but "in vino veritas."
- No, it's fine.
It's fine. I get it.
I get it
But surely you must know
about discretion
in the use of goods.
People donate what they want,
if they want.
The church?
Now it's doing better than ever.
The hospice was falling apart,
and now
it's a model institution.
And, yes,
if there is some to spare,
I have no shame
to say I get to enjoy it.
If I'm doing fine, the parish,
the hospice are doing fine,
and also the thousands
of devotees that need me.
You must look after
the golden goose,
don't you think?
Go ahead.
I'm sorry, excuse me.
Everything OK?
What happened?
I'll call you back.
OK, I'll see you then.
Is something wrong?
No, everything is going fine.
Don't worry about it, Fathers.
Another drink?
- Sure.
- Alright.
This man is one of mine.
The restroom?
Down the aisle,
the first door on the left.
- Thank you very much.
- It was delicious.
It was a pleasure
to have you here.
We'll see you tomorrow
at nine, then.
- Of course.
- By the way,
we're interested in, above all,
interviewing other devotees
that have been healed.
If that's possible.
Sure, it will be great
to visit them.
- Good.
- Alright.
- OK.
- Thank you very much.
The paths the Lord shows
are a mystery,
just like the path in the wind.
But the paths the evil one shows
are not only mysterious,
are also devious.
Walk with your eyes
wide open, Father.
We shall.
God bless you, good night.
- May the Lord be with you.
- Thank you.
Well, your first Mexican dinner
was not bad at all, right?
Better than in Europe,
you can't deny it.
Hey, Father.
Quintana doesn't sleep alone.
What do you mean?
How do you know that?
I entered his bedroom,
I saw his bed,
it was unmade on both sides
and on the nightstand,
I found woman's jewelry.
You entered his bedroom?
With whose permission?
Father, it's not the first time
this happens in our industry.
That's how crusaders got
into Israel.
Sure, but excuse me,
Quintana's bedroom is not
the Holy Land, come on.
Father, you're new to this
and I perfectly understand.
When I began, I also wanted
to search for miracles,
but we're here to find scams.
If Quintana lies,
he's not going
to say so happily,
he will try to hide it.
And we're here to find out
what they're hiding,
not what they're saying.
I apologize,
but the hotel is full.
With Father Quintana
this looks like Acapulco.
But I got to save you this one.
A big bed,
a small bed, it's pretty,
it's clean
and it's all what we left.
- It's kind of cold, isn't it?
- Oh, don't worry about it.
There are some blankets
on the closet.
Have a good night's rest.
I'm sorry, I have some
customers downstairs.
God bless you.
Sure, right
Are you awake, Father?
Can I ask you something?
Of course.
Why did you become a priest?
What's with that question now?
The thing is
I see you, I listen to you
and analyze you, and
nothing that I see tells me
this is a man of God.
I didn't even see you pray
before bed.
Well, that's because God
made prayers
for the people
with no imagination.
And I have plenty of that,
you know?
I do talk with him.
Every day,
I talk to him in silence.
Well, it's more of a monologue.
He never answers.
Maybe he doesn't like
what I say.
It's true sometimes I get
a little bit intense.
Yes, I realized that.
Are you going
to answer me, or no?
I can recite the Apocalypse,
we'd end sooner.
Alright then. OK, good night.
I'll let you sleep now.
Thank you.
I could tell you
why I became a lawyer,
I have that even clearer.
Let's hear it.
I love to bargain, you know?
My whole life,
since I was a kid.
I was there, boom, bang.
I used to live
in a very small neighborhood
in Madrid,
in the outskirts, very stark.
Let's say my vow of poverty
was made when I got baptized.
Five brothers
on the same bedroom.
- Wow.
- It was like war,
you had to bargain everything.
The food, the clothes,
your turn to use the restroom
My mother's caressing.
Luckily, my Father
left home soon after
and a bed was vacant.
Of course, you had
to negotiate your way into it,
- and who won that bed?
- You?
That's when everything started.
Then I stepped
into the neighbor,
that was a big deal.
There you got things
in two ways,
by force or bargaining.
And using force
it wasn't a good option.
I wasn't the imposing man
I am now.
Now, bargaining
no one could beat me at that.
I was a master of that,
I'm telling you.
That's why I enjoy
being a lawyer.
I have no doubt about it.
And what about being a priest?
Being a priest?
- Look, let me ask you something.
- Let's see.
How is it like
to live in a ranch?
There's plenty of space.
Let's see,
my bed was like this one,
don't imagine anymore.
And, unlike you, I didn't have
to bargain anything.
I just had to ask,
and that's it.
And not to lose the habit,
I'll ask you for one
of those sleeping pills,
because it's too hard for me
to sleep besides people
I don't know.
Sure, kiddo.
I'll give you a sleeping pill
right away, buddy.
So the miracle for tomorrow
isn't you waking up.
Your Mexican accent is horrible.
I know it's bad.
Please don't do it again,
out of respect of the country.
Thank you.
It's still closed?
Sir, sir.
- When does the church open?
- It should be open by now.
We had an appointment
with Father Quintana.
- The Father hasn't arrived yet.
- Okay, I'll call him.
I've been calling him for two
hours, but he isn't answering.
That's odd.
Oh, I have his assistant's
number too.
Elena, good morning.
How are you doing?
This is Father Salinas.
Hello, Father, good morning.
We're at the church waiting
for Father Quintana,
but he isn't here yet.
Could he be over there with you?
No, he isn't with me.
That's odd,
he should be there by now.
Don't worry,
I'm on my way, Father.
I'll see you soon.
Thank you. I'll see you around.
When did he tell you
she'd be coming over?
Now. She said
she'd be on his way.
Are you sure he's in Mexico?
I don't understand. That's odd.
Well, I'm not trying
to make a competition here,
but if the mountain
won't come to Mohammed
- Thank you.
- Thank you, God bless you.
What are you doing?
What are you doing?
I think we should
call the authorities, Father.
Come on, we work
for the maximum authority.
Father, we should call
the police. This is not OK.
No, this is not OK.
What is it?
That's strange.
They even took the José Sánchez.
Did you find anything?
- What?
- Son of a
What's wrong with you?
Can you at least
announce yourself?
Everything is looking
too strange, Father.
Yes, it is strange.
But even the fridge is empty,
they only left some pens.
Did he escape then or what?
Let's see
By surprise two priests
from the Vatican arrive,
and all of a sudden
everyone disappears.
He's gone, his things are gone,
and his assistant is gone.
Come on, man.
Two plus two is four.
Don't you think
it's strange, Captain?
It is strange indeed.
It's not the oddest thing
that has happened here,
but some really strange things
have happened.
It's not worth
the investigation.
I'm sorry to ask you, were you
able to contact the assistant?
The assistant?
Yes, that girl, Quintana's.
- She won't answer.
- She's a girl.
Are you insinuating
that Father Quintana
and his assistant had
a relationship?
There is no use in insinuating.
Everybody knows about it.
They pretend
that we don't know about it,
and we pretend
that they don't know we know.
It's a group collaboration.
I could send a patrol
to her residence,
but we won't find anything.
She doesn't live there,
she lives with Quintana.
Surely, they left together.
Sometimes the simplest answer
is the correct answer.
Sometimes it isn't,
but we accept it as it's simple.
It was a joke.
Look, Captain, we're here
in a particular mission
for the Vatican.
And it's of vital importance
for us to know
Father Quintana's location.
Sure, it's also very important
for us too.
He's our biggest touristic
attraction, you can imagine.
Here, let me give you an advice.
As you work for the Vatican,
and as our parish priest
is missing,
it's like you had ran out
of a branch.
I think it's best for you
to go back to the Vatican
and you let us find Quintana.
And once we find him,
you can come back
and you can resume
your activities with no problem.
I think it's for the best,
so any of us
does not meddle with the other.
I think that's
a very good advice,
Thank you very much.
Any other advice?
Sure, of course.
Before you leave, you must visit
Quesadillas del Paraíso.
- Right next to the church, OK?
- We will pay a visit.
I really recommend it to you.
- Thank you very much.
- Thank you, Fathers.
- I hope you do well.
- Have a good day.
See you later, Fathers.
- Adriana.
- Thank you for coming, Fathers.
Let me introduce you
Father Guillermo Prado,
head of the hospice.
Hello, how do you do?
- Pleased to meet you.
- Father, it's a pleasure.
I was informed there were
visitors from the Holy See,
and I came back immediately
from the Archdiocese
of Tulancingo.
- Thank you for coming.
- Have you had any news?
- No, nothing.
- Fathers
Pray for him, he will need it.
Why do you say that?
He's never missed church.
Never, not a single day
since he arrived here.
I know he's in danger.
I knew death,
I saw myself on the ground,
my body splattered in blood.
He came for me
in the realm of the dead,
he robbed me from death.
Calm down.
- Are you OK?
- Calm down, Balam.
Do you want some water,
Balam, are you okay?
- Santiago?
- Santiago!
Give him some room, please.
- Please, please.
- Balam, can you hear me?
Does he have a pulse?
- Balam?
- I'll call an ambulance.
Could you send an ambulance to
the San Acacio church, please?
He's gone.
- How?
- What? How could that be?
He was doing just fine.
What was the cause of death?
A puncture on the spleen.
It's like the piercing
he had reappeared
when he jumped off
the belltower.
Maybe the spleen was injured
and had a puncture
we didn't see and it burst.
I don't know, I really
can't give an explanation.
Thank you, doctor.
Okay, there's something
here that doesn't fit.
We have a man that jumps
off a belltower
that is really, really high.
There's a priest
that touches him,
he heals him and leaves
no trace at all on him,
not a single bruise,
like a brand-new car.
Then the priest leaves
and this man dies.
Come on, man.
This looks like a miracle.
Then we have the policeman
that threatened us.
- That guy did threaten us, OK?
- Yes.
And then, we have a priest
that instead of investigating,
he spends the whole day
sitting reading a file
and scratching his balls.
Do you get this anxious
all the time, Father?
No, I don't get anxious,
I get effusive.
I can't understand
how you can be sitting there
without doing anything,
reading the file and
Well, I'm doing your job.
As you don't want to do it,
I'm the one who has to.
Look at this,
do you remember yesterday
at the hospice,
the patient that got away?
- Valentina?
- Yes.
I was saying
that name rang a bell.
Valentina Blanco
is Quintana's first healing.
Presumed healing.
Why doesn't the lawyer
go interview the first witness?
I knew you had some potential.
- Let's go.
- No.
You should go
take the statements.
I have
some medical work to do.
May the Lord bless you.
Hello, Valentina.
Father Antequera wants
to ask you some questions.
I can't help you,
you better leave.
I couldn't, it can't be done.
Would you leave us alone
for a second, please?
- Excuse me.
- Go ahead.
I'll sit by your side.
Is that OK?
How are you doing?
You were the first person
Father Quintana healed.
How was it?
You can't swim like a fish.
Us humans are air beings,
not water beings.
I swam like a fish, and I died.
What happened exactly?
He prayed.
He yelled and yelled
to the Lord,
and he brought me back.
But that's wrong.
I was already dead,
I was forgetting about life.
And he brought me back
And now I can't forget
about death.
Hush, Valentina
Calm down.
Let's talk quietly, Valentina.
Yes. Yes, quietly.
You must say his name quietly.
Satan, the devil.
Belial, Samael,
the Great Dragon, Jaldabaoth,
the Black, Prado, Luzbel
You are not the Father!
- Valentina?
- No.
Never come back in here
without my permission.
These people
are not like you and I.
These are tormented people,
It's not acceptable
for a good Christian
to poke on their wounds.
Leave, now.
Father, is everything OK?
- Father, are you done yet?
- I'm done.
So, then get over here.
Where are you?
At Quintana's place.
Do you remember
when we went to the hospice?
Sure, I won't ever forget it.
Well, that's when I realized
you were looking at Elena
a little too much.
A very attractive woman.
She was fanning herself,
she felt bad for the heat,
she rearranged her air,
and that's when I realized
you were looking at her
too much.
Even a little dazed,
if I may say.
Well I also stare dazed
at the Sistine Chapel.
Can't I admire beauty?
It's part of God's creation.
Sure, right.
But what you didn't see
is that Elena
had some acanthosis
on her armpit.
Some acanthosis nigricans.
It's a reaction to insulin.
Later, in Adriana's office,
I realized she had
a cotton ball on her finger.
Adriana recommended her
to eat some cookies.
Have some cookies and that's it.
Elena had
low blood glucose, Father.
And the last clue,
you gave it to me.
The fridge's pens.
These are not pens,
these are insulin pens.
Elena Flores
is diabetic, Father.
There's just one thing
I don't understand quite yet.
What is it?
What do I care about it?
That a diabetic needs these
in order to live.
Elena could have never escaped
leaving this behind
and taking the yogurt.
Don't you realize?
We must go to the captain.
And this is enough to move
a disappearance allegation.
No, hold on, stop.
We can go to the captain.
- Why not?
- You're forgetting that
Look, you as a doctor
you see that woman
and see
that rare affection you said.
But me, as a lawyer,
when I saw the captain,
I saw the kind of person he is.
That guy is not one
of the good ones.
I saw how low that man can be.
Trust me, that guy is not up
to anything good.
- OK, alright
- Alright.
I didn't want to be
such a daredevil, but
"Flores, Elena Santiago.
Lot 8, no number, 77890.
San Acacio, Hidalgo."
Let's go?
Shall we come in?
Yeah, come on. We're coming in.
- We're already here.
- Right.
- Elena?
- Hello?
Next Episode