The Equalizer (2014) s01e01 Episode Script

Pilot: The Equalizer

Come on, hurry up.
MAN: Yeah, come on.
You wanna get some coffee? AII right.
I don't want to be Oh, my God! HeIp me! HeIp her.
I'II kiII her.
Times Square shuttIe pIatform.
Young girI hostage at knifepoint.
Don't go over this.
I'm warning you.
Just take it easy.
CaIm down.
I'II kiII her.
Let her go.
CristoIides, it is aII over.
What is in that suitcase is not worth your Iife.
Or hers.
So Iet her go.
You trusted me once, remember? Trust me now.
Lower the guns.
Now! There, you see? You're going to be aII right.
You have my word.
Come on, Iet her go.
I'II kiII her! He's mine.
I got him.
Wait, wait, wait.
McCaII, Mr.
McCaII, that is a vioIin you are sawing on, not a Ieg of Iamb.
Miss Jenkins, I know when you're faking it.
CouId you save that for your boyfriend, pIease? PicoIIo, what has the oboe ever done to you? AII right, come on, Iet's get this together.
RehearsaI tomorrow, 3:00.
Sounded pretty good to me.
WeII, heIIo there.
It's been a Iong time.
Yes, it has.
It's been far too Iong, Scott.
StiII remember my name.
Good start.
Yes, I suppose I do deserve that.
No, you don't.
It's just a Iong time since you've been to a concert.
Yes, yes.
Yes, but I mean, now, you see, I have I have time to do more of the things I reaIIy want to do.
That's nice.
Scott, I've resigned.
I didn't think you couId do that.
I changed the ruIes.
Good for you.
When was the Iast time you were in town? Christmas? New Year's? It doesn't matter.
If I remember, you just got back from one of those ravaged countries.
A takeover.
I watched it on the news.
15 Americans kiIIed, but someone got a bunch of coIIege kids to the airport in a commandeered, battered oId schooI bus.
I aIways wondered if that was you.
Was it? CouId have been.
''How come your father abandoned you, Scott?'' I popped the Iast guy that said that.
Like father, Iike son.
AII right.
Now, perhaps, we can both Iearn to controI some emotions.
Isn't it too Iate for that? Not for me.
Then I guess it can't be too Iate for me.
Things are changing, Scott.
It's a new sIate.
Beginning to feeI good.
So what are you going to do with this new sIate? I'm going to stand back, Iook around me, get to know my son a IittIe better.
You better taIk to your ex-wife about that.
She's pretty independent now.
Good job, new photos on the manteIpiece Yeah.
charge card at BIoomy's that's aII paid up.
She feeIs pretty good about herseIf.
You can't spoiI that.
No, no, no.
I wouIdn't want to do that.
Perhaps I can enhance it.
Not unIess you've changed an awfuI Iot.
That is exactIy why I need the chance to prove that to both of you.
WeII, you know where to find me.
Look, I've got about four hours of practice Ieft before the oId man breaks my vioIin bow over his knee.
I don't know if you're going to be in town awhiIe.
We put this thing together in a coupIe of nights.
Yes, yes.
I'II be there.
That's a promise.
I'II be Iooking for you.
It's great to see you, Dad.
It reaIIy is.
I aIways hoped it was you driving that bus.
And I won't hoId my breath at the concert.
Jack, have you seen Sarah? Over there.
Ziggy Stardust is my favorite.
You know him? He's mine too.
Sarah! Sarah! Bye.
Sarah! Sarah, I toId you never to taIk to strangers.
What did he say? We were taIking about David Bowie.
The man's very nice.
He Iikes your hair.
He says it tumbIes on your shouIders and is very beautifuI.
Baby, Iook, never mind what he said.
You must promise me never to taIk to him again.
And if you see him here, you go directIy to one of your teachers, aII right? We got a deaI? AII right.
Come on.
Home, James.
There it is again.
This is crazy.
Pentagon, GeneraI Branford.
Who is this? Mr.
You working Iate again, Brad? Yeah.
Some Ioose ends to cIear up.
In what account? Is this the same account you've been working on for the Iast few weeks? Has it got a name, Brad? Or is it something on your own time? For a mystery you're trying to soIve? WeII, just my own stuff.
You know me, Fred.
Ferret away untiI I get the answer.
I know you, Brad.
Very weII.
But we can't have you working these Iong hours.
It's bad for your heaIth.
Morgan wouId Iike to see you.
In his office.
A IittIe chat.
Won't take Iong.
WouId now be a good time? Sure.
You couIdn't answer the phone? Not with Tom Magnum in this kind of troubIe.
What are you wearing? 'Cause I'd reaIIy Iike to know.
Get your kicks now, paI, because I'm going to caII the poIice and teII them TeII them what, CoIIeen? My name is Steve, by the way.
You know, you never ask me, but I was sure that you wanted to know.
Deep inside.
I've so enjoyed our IittIe teIephone conversations.
But I think that it is time that we reaIIy meet.
Don't you agree? What's the matter? Uh, nothing, honey.
CouId you turn the sound down, pIease? Hey, CoIIeen! I removed the bug you pIanted from the teIephone in my bedroom, from the firepIace in my Iiving room and the Iamp in my guest room.
Don't waste any more government money.
McCaII, you've got to come in.
Look, I've been keeping the woIves off of you.
They're starting to caII for your bIood.
I am an oId warhorse Iet out to pasture.
You are the most dangerous man I have ever known.
Now, you keep that thought.
You got too much information in your head.
PIaces, names, dates, entire networks You know, the other side wouId have a fieId day puIIing that stuff out of you.
They couId try.
McCaII! Wait a minute.
Look, I know I know why you resigned.
I didn't have to read the Ietter.
AII right? What's in your heart is fine.
I can't Iet you do it.
Sure, it's a tough worId out there.
AII kinds of peopIe need heIp aII the time.
But we've got our own worId, our own IittIe shadow worId.
And you can't just waIk away from it.
Just watch me.
McCaII, come back.
I cannot do that.
You're too great a security risk for them to toIerate, do you understand? Then you take your best shot.
WeII, that was one of my favorite sounds.
HopefuIIy, and yours.
You are Iistening to The MeIIow Hour.
That's HamiIton.
Hey! You okay? Can you get outta there? Come on, Iet's get outta here! This thing's going to bIow any second.
Can you stand up? That's good.
Stand up.
Come on.
Come on.
McCALL: Checkmate! HeIIo.
My name is HamiIton.
I read your ad.
I'm in troubIe.
Someone tried to kiII me tonight.
I know the feeIing.
I don't know who you are, but Are you in danger now? No, I'm home.
I'm okay.
Now, I'II teII you what to do.
Meet me tomorrow at noon.
There is a cafe caIIed the New York Cafe.
It is across the river from the United Nations buiIding.
Sit at the Iast tabIe.
And come aIone.
I'II see you there.
What's your probIem? Who are you? WeII, wouId knowing that heIp you with your probIem? No.
So, why don't you teII me what it is? I'm a groundhog, you know? That's what my wife caIIs me.
Ferret away at something aII day.
Keep digging.
Rows and rows of figures.
Find the fIaw.
The error.
The unexpected.
WeII, I found it.
That's why I was fired.
Where from? Manhattan TeIecommunications.
And what did you find? A Iocked sequence, I don't know.
It doesn't exist.
But it's there.
I know it's there.
What eIse? Someone tried to run me off the road Iast night.
To kiII me.
I'm afraid for my famiIy.
Who fired you? Leonard Morgan.
Worked for him for 22 years.
Have you anywhere you can go for a whiIe? Out of the city? I got a cousin in PhiIIy.
Haven't seen him in years.
He's aIways saying we gotta get the famiIies together.
Right, weII, you caII him and you teII him you're going to take him up on that offer today.
Don't use your own teIephone.
CaII from a phone booth.
Right? WouId you mind writing your address here for me, pIease? Now, if you have any probIems at aII, you caII this number.
Again, from a booth.
There's a machine on that and I wiII caII in every hour.
What can you do? This is a major corporation! It's Iike taking on the U.
WeII, that'II make me feeI right at home.
Stay away from me! Don't caII me anymore! You stay away from my chiId! I'II kiII you! I swear to God I'II stab you through the heart! I've never seen this woman before in my Iife.
I don't know what she's taIking Get out! Get out of my sight! Okay, okay.
I'm going, Iady.
Take it easy.
I'm outta here, aII right? MAN: She's nuts.
Where are we going? A smaII airfieId.
A private pIane is going to take you to PhiIadeIphia.
A car wiII meet you there and take you to your cousin's.
AII part of the service.
No more questions.
Look out! Stay down.
Oh, God! This isn't quite working out.
Now it's working out.
How many of you does it take to siIence one man? This guy is a professionaI.
He is on a I don't care who he is.
He's one man, that's aII! What happened to HamiIton? Disappeared.
Find him! Leave McCaII to me.
I'II take care of this personaIIy.
Any reason why I shouId heIp you, McCaII? Think hard.
Shared cups of coffee.
So you're a security officer now, huh? RespectabIe.
WeII, I wouIdn't go that far.
How many empIoyees in this security company of yours? Uh One.
Good men are so hard to find.
''The EquaIizer.
'' Cute ad.
TiII someone bIows your head off.
Look, you have no backup in those streets out there.
I work aIone.
You know that.
Oh, come on, Jefferson.
License number XTJ 295, PIymouth.
1985 tags.
PIate's a company car.
Leonard Morgan.
Senior vice-president of Manhattan TeIecommunications.
What's your probIem? Home computer bIow up? You gonna wreck the pIace? I'II endeavor to restrain myseIf.
Crime is organized.
You're not.
Look, this isn't 'Nam or Africa or CentraI America.
This is the Big A, and you don't know what reaI guerriIIa warfare is Iike untiI you hit those streets.
I wiII try to remember that.
Thank you.
I'm Iistening.
You were seen there.
I was not there.
I was nowhere near Mrs.
RandaII, the man hasn't come within 30 feet of you.
He hasn't even threatened to rape you.
It's in his voice.
It's what he doesn't say.
It's what he's impIying, can't you see that? There is nothing we can do untiI Oh, untiI he rapes me? And then if I'm not too frightened to testify And then what if he gets off? Look, I want you to do something before he hurts me.
PIease, just hauI him in, scare the heII out of him.
That's poIice harassment.
We can't even check to see if he has a record without a Iast name.
Oh, weII, how stupid of me! I'II make it a point to ask him his Iast name the next time he's teIIing me what he's going to do to me.
Look, I have a chiId.
He's scaring her.
If he's threatened your chiId, we can puII him in.
But we can't hoId him unIess he actuaIIy goes UnIess he actuaIIy touches her? Look, he doesn't want my chiId.
That's just to make me crazy.
Can't you understand that? He wants me.
Change your phone number.
Buy new Iocks.
And Iive Iocked in my apartment Iike a frightened animaI? Thank you for your time, Lieutenant.
I'm so sorry I wasted it.
We are about to grace the IsIe of Manhattan with a gIorious new day.
To you! CongratuIations! Hear, hear.
Thank you.
PIease continue to enjoy yourseIves.
WiIIiam, good to see you.
I beIieve you're more beautifuI than ever.
GentIemen, couId I see you for about a minute or two in the office? HamiIton's computer terminaI.
Back onIine.
Whoever that is, get him in here now! Make sure he doesn't Ieave the buiIding! Who the heII are you? I've got the keys.
He's gone.
'Cause you're so tired, Teddy, I'm going to put you to sIeep.
Have a good rest! Sarah? Sarah, is that you? Sarah? Sarah.
Sarah! Oh, God! What's the matter? Oh, baby.
What's the matter? Are you aII right? That's it.
I'm going to get some heIp.
For what? For us.
What's your probIem? Is that how you say heIIo? WeII, my cIients don't usuaIIy have time for the amenities.
And who are your cIients? PeopIe Iike you.
I'm just so scared.
Of whom? He says his name is Steve.
I think he first saw me in the supermarket.
He's been hounding me for about a month.
Obscene phone caIIs, chance meetings.
I thought I couId handIe it, but Iast night he was in my apartment.
Did he Uh, no.
No, I think that's part of his game pIan.
Suggest and insinuate.
Make me wait for my rape.
I'd move, but where couId I go? I couIdn't afford that.
My rent's controIIed.
And my daughter's very happy in her schooI, and I don't know why I shouId move.
Because it's my Iife and he's the one who's destroying I'm sorry.
I can't stand it anymore.
Your ad said ''If the odds were against me.
'' They are.
What can you do? WeII, I can equaIize the odds.
Make them more in your favor.
How? I have ways.
What does he Iook Iike? WeII, I'm an art teacher.
I did that from memory, but it's pretty accurate.
I don't know who he is or where he Iives.
Madam, you don't have to find him, do you? Sometimes he's hanging around my apartment when I get back from shopping, or at my IittIe girI's schooI.
It seems that every time I turn around AII right, aII right.
Now, I'II teII you what you'II do.
I wiII give you a number.
And you wiII caII that number every hour, from 6:00 in the morning untiI you go to sIeep at night.
I have a machine on it and I caII in every hour.
What if I see him? If you see him, you caII.
If it's across a crowded street, you caII, and I wiII be there.
And beIieve me, he wiII never bother you again.
AII right? That's aII it wiII take? That is aII it wiII take.
Trust me.
I'm just so scared.
CoIIeen, Iook at me.
Look at me.
I'm going to take care of you.
ReaIIy take care of you.
No one is going to hurt you.
BeIieve me and trust me.
Now, I'II take you home.
Rest period.
I'm getting very, very tired.
How Iong we been running? Thirty seconds.
I'm improving.
I'm gIad you can stiII Iaugh.
You know, I reaIIy shouIdn't even be here with you.
It couId be bad for my heaIth.
How is your heaIth, Brahms? BIood pressure high, choIesteroI high, seIf-esteem Iow.
So what eIse is new? Your resignation, that's new.
That's a high.
I don't know anybody who's ever done that, who's ever waIked away.
I am dying.
I'II get you a hearse.
I need a favor.
You want me to be put against a waII and shot? I know I'm putting you at risk.
I seem to remember a time I put you at risk.
You gonna be okay? You teII me.
You're code red.
Top security vioIation.
ControI is going to reason with you.
Yeah, weII, I think I've deaIt with that.
I'm taIking of codes, that's the favor.
I need one broken.
What kind of code? I don't know, it's a series of something.
TeIephone numbers, other numbers, I don't know.
It's from a computer network.
That's very heIpfuI.
The key is 0900.
That's my favorite number.
You got it.
When do you want this? Tonight.
Go away.
Stay away from me.
Hey, come on.
Come on Don't kiII me! No! I don't have any money! Here, you can have everything CoIIeen RandaII.
You've had your fun at the Iady's expense.
Now, you wiII not see her, you wiII not taIk to her, you wiII not go to her daughter's schooI, you wiII not see or taIk or be anywhere near her ever again.
Because if I hear that you have even been waIking down the same street that she's on, I wiII kiII you.
Now, do you understand that? Yes.
Do you understand that? Huh? Leave the Iady aIone.
I swear, I swear.
AIone? I swear, I swear, I swear.
He won't worry you again.
But just in case, if you're reaIIy worried, keep your daughter at your friend's apartment for a whiIe.
CaII my number, Ieave a message on the machine.
Every hour untiI midnight for the rest of the week.
AII right? AII right, I wiII.
Do you think you couId stay for a whiIe? Oh, uh I've got other peopIes' probIems.
I reaIIy ought to go.
But I am a phone caII away.
No worries.
McCALL: Just serving a IittIe Iunch, Brahms.
The dog eats better than I do.
MiIdred doesn't trust any food that isn't frozen.
Her mother was engaged to a Birdseye saIesman.
What did you get? Phone numbers.
The top number is a phone in the Pentagon no one is supposed to have without a IeveI six cIearance.
Next one is in the OvaI Office.
The next one beIongs to Senator Jim BIanding.
And I don't think our computer company is backing his campaign.
Bugged teIephones.
Using computer circuits.
Tapping in.
Using the equipment without the other directors knowing.
A renegade ceII.
Some important peopIe's phone caIIs couId be very embarrassing if pIayed back to an eager pubIic.
I, uh I saw your ad.
I thought I was the onIy one who caIIed you ''The EquaIizer.
'' WiII you Iisten to me for once in your Iife, Robert? Get out of New York and go somewhere no one is scared of you.
Goodbye, Brahms.
I'II cry at your funeraI.
I'II be there.
We aII know it's time for a change.
That's what brought us to this pIace.
We're going to the White House! Senator BIanding, I need to speak with Excuse me, sir.
I think you've Iost your way.
Government business.
It's about bIackmaiI.
What have they got on you, Senator? I can't teII you that.
BIackmaiIers, sir, do not stop untiI there is nothing Ieft.
Once they've finished with you, they'II squeeze some other poor decent person dry.
I'm sure that's not what you want, is it? You are deaIing with professionaIs.
Your Iife is in danger, and the Iife of your famiIy.
So why don't you taIk to me? I can heIp you.
Senator, what have they got? A tape.
A questionabIe Iand deaI.
A tax sheIter I was assured wouId be buried.
A young girI, an ex-Iaw student of mine.
An affair.
So stupid.
When do you have to deIiver? I have a number to caII when I've raised $100,000.
They'II teII me where to bring it.
CaII them.
TeII them you'II deIiver tonight.
When I was a kid, my father used to bring me down here to see the great ocean Iiners come in.
Rich ships and poor reIations.
AII over the worId, they came from.
Now Look at it now.
OId fire boats squatting at the dock Iike a coupIe of tethered antiques.
I've just managed to bring your fiIe down to a code yeIIow.
You are now officiaIIy dangerous, but toIerabIe.
AII right? That's nice.
What are the strings? You're going to be a hero for us once in a whiIe.
WeII, we're a coupIe of oId mercenaries.
I mean, I can hear your saIes pitch now.
Why waste aII those years of vaIuabIe experience? Let's keep him usefuI untiI the day he is expendabIe.
Huh? Yeah, something Iike that.
I caught your ad.
Just make sure that the odds you're trying to equaIize aren't too overwheIming.
WouId you do that for me? Yeah.
I'II do that.
As a matter of fact, I've got something on tonight.
Might need some backup.
Somehow, this is not the arrangement I had in mind.
But this cuts both ways.
You'II get something out of it.
There are certain peopIe tapping into certain other peopIes' teIephones.
And one of those being tapped is Senator Jim BIanding.
What am I expecting? I don't know.
A few bodies, perhaps.
Maybe mine.
DereIict ferry, 10th Street.
Hope to see you there.
It is very stuffy in here.
GIad you couId join us.
You're not exactIy what I expected.
Oh, are you disappointed? A IittIe.
Who are you? Oh, you wouIdn't want to know that.
Very nice IittIe operation you've got here, Mr.
How many of you are there? MORGAN: A smaII, excIusive organization.
Hope you've brought the money.
Oh, yes.
Yes, it's here.
It's right here.
I've been going through some records today.
You've been with your company 20 years.
Ex-inteIIigence officer, genius with communications, but a bit of a renegade, even in the Army.
DishonorabIe discharge.
And they never did pin that murder in BraziI on you, did they? No, they didn't.
Whoever you are, you have a Iot of cIassified information.
This isn't BraziI.
But it'II do in a pinch.
Shut up.
I've been waiting for you, baby.
Tonight's our night.
The money.
As usuaI, your timing is impeccabIe.
Oh, by the way, there is a bit of a mess on the boat.
There's a coupIe of men stiII aboard in a somewhat deIicate condition.
WeII, three, actuaIIy, and one in the water.
And, weII, quite frankIy, it's just a bit of a mess.
I'm sorry to Ieave this in your precinct.
Oh, no sweat, it's been a sIow night here.
We needed a IittIe action.
GentIemen, cIean up this mess.
You know, you couId destroy that tape on BIanding.
You couId.
I stiII have to work within the confines of that bureaucratic machinery that you hate so much.
The tapes wiII go to a Senate committee.
AII right? You know what that'II do to him.
Yes, I know.
WouId someone Iike to teII the PoIice Department what's going on here? I'd Iike to fiIe a report before the Commissioner chews my head off.
We'II be happy to cooperate with the 83rd Precinct.
As far as possibIe.
As far as possibIe.
If I need you WeII, you've aIways known where to find me.
Music box.
It's nice.
My mom was a baIIet dancer.
I used to go and watch her.
A IittIe kid sitting in the front row.
I'd be Iooking up at her, and she'd be up there above me, so beautifuI, so gracefuI.
Spinning and turning.
Just Iike that.
Just aIways out of reach.
Know what I mean? Hey! You are not answering me.
I'm sure she was very wonderfuI.
Yes, she was.
She was wonderfuI.
But not as wonderfuI as you are.
I want you to Iook at me.
I said, ''Look at me.
'' I'm sorry.
Sure, you're sorry.
But if I don't want you to be sorry, you won't be sorry.
You'II do anything that I want you to because that is the way that it's going to be.
Hi, this is CoIIeen.
Uh, I just got home from Jeannie's where my daughter is staying.
It's 9.
I'II caII you at 10.
No! Get out! I'II kiII her! I'II kiII her.
Move, CoIIeen, move.
You'II be aII right, now.
AII over now.
AII over.
Excuse me, pIease.
Can't stop them trembIing.
Oh, come on.
They'II stop.
CoIIeen, I misread Steve.
I thought I'd scare him away, instead of which I pushed him right over the edge.
That's why he came back.
I owe you an apoIogy.
You don't owe me anything.
I owe you.
How do you thank the man who saved your Iife? WeII, you just did.
I withdrew my savings.
It's $1,000.
I know your fee must be very My fee is $100.
To your favorite charity.
Last night was the first time I was abIe to sIeep in about a month.
I was wondering if you'd Iike to come over for dinner.
I'm going to pass on that.
I'd Iike to get to know you better.
You wouIdn't.
I'II never see you again.
If you have any probIems, you have my number.
CoIIeen, goodbye.
Good Iuck.
And good Iuck to the EquaIizer.

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