The Flash s01e01 Episode Script


Go on! Get him! - Get him! - Got you! - Look out! - You kids get in here right now! You're not allowed out after dark! I thought you were upstairs.
What do you think you are doing? Get in here.
- What's that? - Oh, God.
Take the baby, honey.
I'll get her.
- Oh, God.
Not here.
- Let's go, let's go.
- Hurry.
- Come on, come on.
- Harry, please.
- Come on.
Someone's gotta do something about this.
Look at this shield you have here.
Thank you.
Wait, Jay.
You didn't make a wish.
What did you wish for, big guy? - For a little bit of my brother's brains.
- Hey, leave me out of this.
You're not doing so bad on your own.
Hell, 42 years old, commander of the motorcycle division.
You're doing pretty damn well for yourself.
Not to mention taking down that Conway and his hijacking crew.
Dad, Barry and the Crime Lab boys put us on to Conway.
Sure, the lab boys are important.
But real cops, you know, work the street facing the scum of the earth, with nothing to back you up but a gun, a badge and a prayer.
- A gun, a badge and a prayer.
- Okay, Dad.
- Okay, who wants coffee? - I do.
- Is that for me? - Just hot water, Mrs.
I brought tea.
- I've got it.
Ginseng? Isn't that some kind of aphrodisiac? Yeah, skip the coffee, Mom.
Hey, Mom, give me one of those ginseng things for Evie and I.
- Jay! - Honey, it's my birthday.
If you teenagers are done screwing around Now, what the hell is the police department doing about those biker punks? - Yeah, the Dark Riders.
- Shawn, where did you hear that name? - It was all over the news this morning.
- It just makes my skin crawl.
So, what are we doing to shut them down? We can't seem to get a make on them.
They run over our roadblocks, disappear like rats down a hole.
Hell, when I was on the force bunch of hoods leaving dead bodies all over the damn city Shawn, why don't you take Earl into the kitchen.
Give him a biscuit.
Not until you read my fingerprints.
You got it, pal.
Come on, boy.
Now, that's enough shoptalk.
- Let's take our cake into the next room.
- Good idea.
I should have married that nice, quiet accountant.
- How about that dentist, huh, Mom? - Or the millionaire.
Don't tease your mother, boys.
- Oh, Jay, not tonight.
- No, it's mine.
Iris, Barry tells me you're going to have a first show.
- That's right.
It opens Saturday.
- Well, that's wonderful.
- Yeah.
- Well, what kind of work do you do? Painting? Sculpture? Actually, it's mostly hand-tinted computer graphics.
How graphic? That was the station.
Crime scene in West Ridge.
The Riders.
- I'm going.
- Shooting's over, cowboy.
Nothing left but the mop-up.
I gotta go.
- Call me later.
- You bet.
Jay, take Iris home for me.
Yeah, no problem.
And big Earl too, huh? Yeah, I love dog hair in my back seat.
Better run him around the block a couple times or he'll drive you nuts.
- You be careful out there, honey.
- I will.
What's he gonna do, stub his toe on a footprint? Henry.
I didn't mean anything.
Yeah, I know, Dad.
Good night.
Barry! Don't let the old man get to you.
Every time he starts that "real cops work the streets," he's taking a shot at me.
You know better.
The old man loves you.
He's just blowing off hot air.
- Come on.
- Well, it's Mom too.
I'm just tired of being worried about for nothing.
Hey, look, you promised the folks you wouldn't be a street cop.
If I had the brains for lab work, I'd change jobs with you in a second.
Yeah, I bet you would.
But thanks.
Oh, yeah.
Happy birthday.
You're kidding me.
Hey, I had this in high school.
The city relays.
I used to wear this on my letterman's jacket for good luck.
- God, I thought I'd lost it.
- No, I borrowed it.
- Forgot to give it back.
- For 25 years? Yeah, well.
You're gonna need it if you're gonna catch those Riders.
- Thanks, Barry.
I love you.
- Yeah.
You too.
- Hey, what else you have of mine? - Wait till Christmas.
Take care, buddy.
Linda Park, WCCN News.
Tell us about the assault on the arsenal and the watchman's murder.
I just got here, and I'm Is it true the Riders have taken automatic weapons and explosives? - I don't know, but - Is there another officer we can speak with? Well, here comes one now.
- You're not with the Homicide department? - No, Crime Lab.
Wanna film us pouring plaster into tire tracks? Cut it.
Let's see if we can find a real detective.
See if you can find us a real newscaster while you're at it.
I swear she was on that shopping channel selling earrings last week.
Hey, Steve.
What do we got here? Better take a sample of these.
The mud might have come out of a tire tread.
- Better get my rain suit.
- You gonna melt? Hurry up, will you? This whole place will be washed clean in five minutes.
Hey, Barry.
Barry, check this out.
Haven't seen an electrical storm like this since I was a kid.
Nothing like the storm brewing here.
We've set up roadblocks.
We have additional squad cars from neighboring counties.
Chief, admit it.
The Central City police are incapable of dealing with this problem.
Now, that's nonsense.
The entire department is working around the clock.
- I hear that.
- And we are forming a special task force made up of our most experienced men.
I wish them luck, but I think they're outmatched.
I have complete faith in my officers, Mr.
I wish the man on the street shared that view.
Where'd you get that? Did you take a poll? Who needs a poll? Stand on any street corner Forget it.
I've heard enough.
Julio, check the clay content on this.
Cross-reference the sample from that gun shop they hit on Tuesday.
- Send this shell casing to Ballistics.
- Wait a minute, Barry.
It's 10:00.
We're getting into serious OT here.
Yeah, well, that's my call.
Problems? - No, I don't have a life.
- Good thing, huh? You know, I don't know why I bother to bring you this food.
You never eat.
- You want my sandwich? - Sure.
That's why you bother.
Julio, get me a solution of 10 percent iodine and Julio.
What, what? I'm up.
I'm up.
Just let me get some coffee.
Hey, no, no.
Get some rest instead, okay? Go home.
Are you gonna keep working? Yeah, I'll see you in the morning.
Come on, what's the deal, Barry? You onto something here? Not yet.
Still breaking down the tire rubber I pulled off those skid marks.
Can't it wait till morning? Why kill yourself? Somebody's gotta figure out who these Riders are and where they disappear to.
I get it.
He hit the family nerve, huh? - Who? What are you talk? - That guy on TV, Kline.
Come on, Barry.
Every time someone goes blasting the force, you go off.
Julio, your mother's calling.
Barry! Barry! Barry.
Oh, God.
Can you hear me, Barry? Barry.
Somebody help! Help! Help! Somebody come up to the lab! Where the hell are those doctors? Keeping us in the dark like this.
- What did the doctor say? - Is Barry okay? Judge for yourself.
- Barry, what on earth are you doing? - He's making a big mistake.
Allen you've been exposed to highly volatile and reactive chemicals.
You've suffered abrasions, lacerations and head trauma.
Cuts, bruises and a headache.
Hardly enough to keep me.
- Barry, if the doctor's telling you - You ran tests, and they were negative.
I'd still prefer to keep you here for a few days for observation.
But I can't lock you up! Excuse me.
Hell, I know how Barry feels.
When Jack Cogan put two.
38 slugs in me, I was out the next day hunting him down.
Henry, this is not about you.
Look, kid, a couple days' rest isn't gonna hurt you, okay? You heard what Dad said.
Come on, Jay.
A bunch of hoods are leaving corpses all over the city.
Some of them are cops.
I've got work to do.
Iris, take me home, will you? If we get you some breakfast before you save the world.
- Call you later, Mom.
- But, Barry Dr.
Jay Hamilton They hung the two big canvases on the east wall where the lighting's weak.
You know me, I can't say anything, it being my first show and all.
But I don't know, I think my prices are too high.
I don't wanna blow a sale on Saturday.
Saturday? Oh, God, that's tomorrow.
Do you think you'll? Barry.
- I'm sorry.
- Are you okay? You've been kind of quiet.
Yeah, yeah.
It's just I was thinking, you know, I could have been killed last night.
And something like that makes you look at your life, you know.
- I know where this is going.
- Yeah, what's wrong with it? I love you.
Isn't that enough for now? I'm sorry.
Yeah, I guess it has to be.
Now, look, I gotta get to the lab, okay? You're too much.
What were you doing there at 3:00 in the morning anyway? In case you haven't noticed, the department's practically under siege.
And you're the only man on the force? What do you think you have to prove? - I'll pay the check.
- No, I got it.
Hey, steak.
- Is it? - Yeah, man.
We'd never eat this good on the streets.
Hey, what's the matter with you, Rick? We scored tonight, right? Fifth time without the cops even coming near us.
Hey, I felt their headlights on the back of my neck.
This ain't clipping cigarettes from a minimart.
When we get busted, it's gonna be bad.
Hey, that's if we get busted, baby.
Pike is not gonna let that happen to us.
Let me tell you something, Lila.
He scares me.
I think he's completely gone.
I mean, look at the scars on his face.
The guy must have got scrambled or something.
What are you talking about? The man is a genius.
Hey, he takes care of us! Yeah, where he's taking us is hell, but we ain't going! We're getting out of here tonight.
Because I got this.
I've been pinching it from our jobs the last couple of weeks.
Don't worry, nobody saw me.
There's 300 bucks here.
It's enough to get us out of town.
Are you coming? - When? - Right now.
Let me get the rest of my stuff.
You were right to come to me with this.
All of you listen up.
- Central City is crumbling.
- Yeah! The streets are empty and its people live in fear.
- Yes.
- As you once did.
- Yeah.
Why? Because of lies.
Now, the police say that they'll protect their citizens.
Yeah, right.
- Did they protect you? No.
- No! - Did they offer you food? - No! - Shelter? Or even a little hope? - No! No! - They left you cold and hungry.
- Yeah.
- Living in the gutter.
- Hey, what is this? Let go of me.
Hey, where are you taking me? Hey, what is this? Lila, why? Pike.
I was gonna give you the money.
No, that's a lie, Rick.
I promised all of you when the city and its police force are broken you'd be given your fair share.
Right! Yeah.
But you, you couldn't wait, could you? In the days of Genghis Khan a disloyal warrior was tied to a wild horse and then set free.
His punishment was left to fate.
Let's take him! Lila! He's crazy, come on! - Come on.
- Wait.
Don't do this.
No, please.
- Get him! - Strap him down! Let go of me! Traitor! All right! Barry.
Oh, man, I'm glad to see you.
- Kind of figured you'd be down for days.
- What, and leave you in charge? When I saw that lightning bolt hit the window, well, I thought you were done.
Well-done, you know? - So how much evidence did we lose? - Enough to slow us down.
Your doctor called and wanted to talk to you as soon as you got in.
- Thanks.
- Hey, no problem.
Barry Allen.
What tests? I thought you had all the results.
I see.
Well, what kind of problems? What? No, I didn't authorize that.
No, I won't make an appointment.
It's out of the question.
I'm sorry.
What was that all about? Nothing.
Come on, Barry, it's me.
There's some kind of cell damage.
Lawrence didn't know what to make of it.
So he sent my results to a specialist.
- At Star Labs.
- Star Labs? Didn't some guy get killed last year in one of their tests? That's what I heard.
If they think I'll be a guinea pig, they're out of their minds.
Listen, could you get the crosscheck on that soil sample? - Give me 10 minutes.
- You got it.
What happened? I guess I lost my grip.
Yeah, well, I'm switching you to decaf, man.
Come on, it's Saturday.
I'd really like to sleep in, huh? Morning breath.
Okay, Anderson, you're up first.
Keep your eye on the ball.
What's your hurry? You got someplace to go? - Here we go.
- Come on.
Yeah! Run it in! For crying out loud, I just got blown up.
- Nope.
No, you don't.
- Go for second.
Go on.
Earl, that's not our ball.
That's not ours.
Earl, that's not ours! I can't believe I'm still hungry.
Hey, Earl, want some chicken? What? What's wrong? Hey, it's okay.
Earl, what is it? What? It's okay.
What are you doing back there? Barry, where are you? It's after 11.
I'm at the gallery.
I thought you were gonna help me set up here.
I hope you're okay.
I'll just assume you're on the way.
Damn! - Look at that.
- Come on.
- Give him a hand.
- Who is he? - I don't know what happened.
- You all right? Call an ambulance.
What? What happened? Crystal Beach? That's 30 miles.
Oh, my God.
- Hello? - It's me.
- Barry, are you okay? - Yeah.
- Where are you? - Crystal Beach.
Crystal Beach? I know you don't take my art seriously, but I thought you'd at least show up.
I tried.
This'll sound crazy but I had a flat tire, so I ran for a bus, and suddenly here I was.
- You're right, it does sound crazy.
Look, Iris, we'll talk about it, all right? Just Can you just come down here and pick me up? Guess not.
Another wave of attacks by the Dark Riders left three police officers - Excuse me, Earl.
- Cars were ambushed along Riverview Road.
In another Riders assault, fire bombing, looting and armed robbery followed a raid on the north Main Street shopping district.
- The latest violence - Iris? Mr.
Allen? This is Christina McGee from Star Labs.
Oh, yeah.
My doctor said you had the file about my accident.
- Yes.
- That's right.
- Well, I've been having some very interesting reactions, and I was hoping there was something you might be able to tell me.
I think you should come in, Mr.
- Great.
When? - How's 10:00 tomorrow? On Sunday? - That bad, huh? - Why don't we talk in the morning? Meet me at 50 Garrick Avenue.
Thanks, Dr.
- Goodbye.
- Goodbye.
Oh, thank you, Earl.
Would you like an after-dinner mint? Come on, let's go down to Burger World so I can get something to eat.
Okay, we'll drive.
Barry Allen.
- I'm Tina McGee.
- Hi.
- Something wrong? - No.
You're not what I expected.
Then we're even.
It's pretty quiet.
- We the only ones here? - Yes.
I understand you're a police chemist.
Are you familiar with our program? No, not really.
You people are federal.
We don't have much contact.
Your doctor said you didn't want to come here.
You're a scientist.
What are you afraid of? Face it, Star Labs isn't exactly Children's Hospital, you know.
You people have a reputation.
Unorthodox experiments.
Secret government contracts.
Rumors mostly.
One of your researchers was killed last year.
Is that a rumor? - No, that's true.
- Lovely.
He was my husband.
- How many people work here? - Just me.
- Barry? - Oh, sorry.
Tell me everything that happened, beginning with the accident.
- Right.
- The lightning struck a rack of chemicals.
Have you any idea what was on those shelves? Any idea? Yeah, roughly.
Aluminum sulfate, glycerin, potassium nitrate, magnesium hydroxide hydrochloric acid, sulfur, tannic acid, phosphorus.
That's the top shelf.
- On the second shelf - You know all that? You know all this? - Never seen these before.
- That's because I built them.
Each sensor transmits its own signal.
It keeps me from tripping over wires.
Now, if you ran to Crystal Beach in a few seconds, let's see how you got there.
You're sure about this? We have to start somewhere.
My God, are you all right? Yeah, yeah.
Listen, I'm really sorry about that.
Three hundred and forty-seven miles an hour?! That was before the equipment crashed.
You may not have hit your top speed.
What's happening to me? All your electrochemical systems are accelerated.
Nerve synapses, brain waves.
Even when you're at rest.
Your muscle and bone tissue are changing in order to keep pace.
Changing? Into what? No, there's gotta be something you can do.
Just bear with me for a few more tests.
Card tricks? Put these in order as fast as you can.
If all else fails, we can always go to Vegas.
I don't know why I'm so worn out.
No wonder.
Your blood sugar's incredibly low.
Hungry? - Want this one? - No, help yourself.
Would you? Would you like another one? - No.
- Here, I'll take these.
I can't believe I ate all this food.
- Pretty disgusting, isn't it? - No, it's interesting.
You're burning up so much energy, your body's demanding that you replace it.
Tina, I can't pretend to understand all of this but if everything's moving faster, I could be aging prematurely.
My body could fail.
I could burn up.
I think I can help you.
But I don't want anyone else to know I'm treating you.
- Why? What's wrong? - Lf people I work with learn about you they'll take control of your treatment.
- You'll be studied, analyzed, tested.
- They can't do that.
I'm a private citizen.
If you have anywhere near the power I suspect the government will classify you as a security risk.
They'll take your cells apart, make 100 of you.
I think you've been reading too many comic books.
I'm being serious, Barry.
I've seen it happen.
Your husband? David discovered an enzyme that stimulated the brain and enhanced the senses.
We were asked to test human subjects before the process was perfected.
David said no.
Our funding was threatened.
So one night when he was alone he tried the enzyme on himself.
My husband was dead when I found him.
We'll do this however you want.
Now, does anyone else know about your condition? No one.
Earl, I guess.
- Earl? - My dog.
I feel lucky that you came to me.
You could just be my life's work.
- I better not be.
- I didn't mean I want to be rid of this.
And that's the deal.
Now I know I'm in trouble.
Even the kibble's starting to look good.
- Hi.
- I was just driving by, so - Barry, your shoes are on fire! - What? Yeah.
Well Dropped a match on the rug.
Damn synthetic fibers.
- What happened here, Barry? - Oh, you know that Earl.
He's a wild man.
Barry, we need to talk.
Yeah, Iris, listen.
I'm sorry I missed your show, okay? - But I've been having these blackouts.
- Did you call a doctor? - Yeah, I was with a specialist all afternoon.
- On Sunday? House call.
Anyway, we did some tests, and I'm gonna be fine.
Well, that's good to hear.
Listen, I've been doing some thinking.
Yeah? This is kind of hard to say, Barry.
Maybe we shouldn't see each other for a while.
Why? Barry, we've both been dealing with a lot lately.
Even before your accident, it was your job - No, wait.
or my career.
- Things have been moving too fast.
- No kidding.
I just think we need to slow things down and figure out what we want.
I know what I want.
Barry, I'm 25.
I'm not even thinking about getting married now.
- Not that again.
- I don't wanna hurt you, Barry.
I love you.
- Well, then don't.
And if you need me, I'll be there for you.
Okay? I just I need some time to think.
And I gotta go.
I just gotta go.
Iris, wait.
Iris! Pike.
You never I found out about the task force.
What did you find out? The police chief is gonna show them off to the whole city tonight on TV at 9.
- Tell Billy to gas up the bikes.
- Okay.
I think the Dark Riders are ready for prime time.
What's this? Something I wrote a lifetime ago.
I told you to stay out of my chemistry set.
- How you feeling, kid? - Good.
- I'm gonna be okay.
- Yeah? So how come it looks like you just came from the morgue? Because my love life just tagged DO A.
- Iris, she dumped you.
- Yeah.
She tried to make it sound like something else though.
I'm telling you, you're too good for her.
- Those artsy chicks - Hey, can it, Jay.
- Don't even start with me, all right? - Gentlemen, we may have a lead.
The Riders stormed Central City Mall last night, and one of them lost this.
- I got a hair sample.
- We'll send it to Chicago for DNA profile.
- Hey, I'm way ahead of you.
Just sign it.
- Yeah? Good man.
After Cooper's press conference, you've got a meeting with the head of the task force.
Wouldn't wish that job on my worst enemy.
Yeah? How about your brother? Who else? Congratulations.
- Thanks.
- Good luck.
See you.
Your police department is determined to give you back your streets and rid them of the fear that keeps us all awake at night.
So this evening we are rolling out our first task force intended to deal directly with the criminals plaguing our city.
Commander Jay Allen is leading the unit.
I can assure you that there is no more capable officer on the force.
I'm not so great at making speeches.
So I just wanna say that my men and I we all have families like you.
And we wanna clean this up as soon as possible.
Get down! Julio, the Riders! Get down! - You all right? - Yeah, what hit me? I did.
Come on.
Easy, easy, easy.
Watch your step here.
Let's get the paramedics down here.
Move it! Linda Park, WCCN News.
Can we get a statement? - Let's move it out of here.
- Give me a hand here, please.
- How do you intend? - Yeah.
We're gonna bury these guys.
And you can quote me on that.
There are injuries here, including Chief Cooper.
Can your task force recover from this humiliating raid? - Listen.
Linda, right? - Right.
- Why don't you parasites start backing us? - Back off.
Interview's over.
- Hey, you all right? - Yeah.
Damn it! This was a hit-and-run just to show they could do it.
Look at this.
Marking their turf like stinking dogs.
And this was the scene earlier this evening when our WCCN cameras caught the raid live as it happened.
- Yeah! - Yeah! - Someone got hurt, honey.
- Get paramedics here.
Let's go.
Move it! Linda Park, WCCN News.
Can we get a statement? Yeah.
I'll give you a statement.
We're gonna bury these guys.
And you can quote me on that.
- Hey, hey, wait a minute.
- What's up? - Pike.
- Quiet.
This is the man who betrayed me.
The man who gave me my scars.
- We've crushed his city.
- Yeah! We've humiliated his beloved police force.
Now it's time for Commander Jay Allen to die.
You really think this is gonna work? Well, if we're gonna control your power, it's the first step.
You're the doctor.
So, what am I wearing here? That's a Soviet prototype deep-sea suit.
The project was abandoned months ago, so I borrowed it.
- How does it feel? - It's okay.
It's strange.
I don't know.
Like it's molding to my body and expanding somehow.
Well, it is.
There's a layer of reactive insulation next to your skin.
The suit can handle high-velocity pressure, and it will regulate your body temperature.
Listen, my skin isn't affected by speed.
Do I really need to wear this? As your clothes keep falling apart, it's either this or you can run buck-naked.
Oh, thank you.
Okay, put this communicator in your ear.
Okay, Barry, whenever you're ready.
- Barry, can you hear me? - Yeah, what's my velocity? Holding at 480.
Can you go any faster? 620.
Be careful, Barry, you're about to cause a sonic boom.
Barry? Barry, please answer me.
Sorry, my ears were ringing.
I think I'm starting to like this.
I envy you.
How does it feel? See for yourself.
Barry, what are you doing? Sorry.
I got carried away.
Or you did, I guess.
Your breathing's regular.
Your pulse is too.
Yeah, I guess my body's adapting like you said.
- Oh, how did the suit hold up? - Great.
For the first time, I felt I was in control.
Like everything was working together.
Don't get too confident.
We've got a lot more testing to do.
Barry? Barry? What's wrong? Okay, put your head between your legs and breathe deeply.
- I'm gonna go and get some oxygen.
- No, wait.
I'm okay.
What was that? Dehydration, perhaps.
Or glucose deficiency.
But I think we should get back to the van and check you out.
- Going somewhere? - When you didn't show up, I figured I'd - Put in a couple more hours.
- Yeah, you read my mind, Barry.
Tina, this is Julio.
- Hello.
- My pleasure.
I asked Barry to show me the lab.
Thought it might be interesting.
- I hope you don't mind.
- No, look around.
Just stay away from the windows.
We've had trouble in that area lately.
I thought I was a fast mover.
Iris is gone two days, and you got a new woman.
- Knock it off.
- Her idea of a hot date is a visit to the lab? - Marry her.
- Something's coming in here.
It's the DNA identification from that hair sample.
Wait, what is this? This is a department ID photo.
- Motorcycle cop.
I told these guys not to - Wait a minute.
Pike was thrown off the force three years ago.
- Did you know him? - He was my brother's partner.
Pike had a hijacking operation on the side.
Guns, narcotics, explosives.
Jay got onto him.
He set up a decoy out on Highway 61.
A semi full of phony cargo.
When Pike showed, Jay chased him down.
Pike's cycle crashed and burned.
A couple weeks later, he escaped from a prison hospital.
- He hasn't been seen since.
- Oh, my God.
Gotta tell Jay.
You can't.
He's on escort.
They're on radio silence.
Where? Where? They got a tip the Riders were gonna hit a semi full of medical supplies on Highway 61.
Now, look, you don't think Pike's setting the same trap? - I have to contact that escort.
- You can't.
You need authorization.
- Where are you going? - To find Jay.
I have to warn him.
Look, please don't try anything.
You don't know what could happen.
He's my brother.
What seems to be the problem? My engine died.
Well, we've gotta get this vehicle off this highway right now.
Well, I wish I could, but it won't start.
Gentlemen I need a push here! Listen l've been standing out here a long time.
I'm kind of freezing.
Yeah, I bet you are.
You're not gonna leave me out here, are you? Look, I'm not supposed to do this but I'll radio in for a tow.
I'd really appreciate it.
Get away from the car! Remember me? Nick.
Jay! Jay.
- Dad.
- Barry.
Hello, son.
Mom told me you'd be out here.
I could hardly cry yesterday with 300 cops standing around.
Just wanted to say my own goodbye, I guess.
I stopped by Jay's house.
Eve's holding up pretty well, considering.
But Shawn he wouldn't let go of me.
- Damn it.
I walked a beat for 30 years, never made it higher than sergeant.
But your brother, he could've made chief.
Could have been anything he wanted.
I made a decision, Dad.
- I'm going after Pike myself.
- Don't be a damn fool.
I'm onto something.
If I play my cards right, I can track him down.
Leave that for the Homicide boys.
Your mother's got enough grief.
Mom doesn't have to know.
Son, I know what you're feeling.
I'm torn up too.
But a man's got to know his limitations.
You don't have any faith in me at all, do you? That's not it, Barry.
I'm asking for your blessing.
Well, I can't, Barry.
You're all we've got left.
It's not the same anymore.
If there's anything I tried to teach you two boys it's that you don't fire a gun without a bullet in the chamber.
I have the bullet.
- What are you doing here? - We're through with this crap.
No more testing.
No more games.
- I know what you're going through.
- Do you? Yes, maybe I do.
I'm sorry.
- It's okay.
- But if you understand you'll give me what I need.
The red suit.
I need more of it.
- Why? - I want you to build a hood to cover my face so no one will know who I am.
And gloves so I won't leave fingerprints.
Can you do that? - Well, yes, I suppose so, but l - Pike murdered Jay.
I'm gonna bring him in.
That's crazy.
You're barely able to control your Power? That's what you called it.
And a very unstable one.
You came here asking to get rid of it.
I've changed my mind.
Well, then I'm afraid I cannot help you.
I'll do this without you.
I'll give you what you want.
But let me build in sensors so I can track you and monitor vital signs.
I don't believe you! You're still worried about your experiment, your life's work.
I am worried about you! Okay.
Now, there's one more thing.
Pike has been terrorizing this city.
Well, I'm gonna terrorize him.
You know that insignia of his, that blood dot they all wear on their backs? Well, I've got one of my own.
Damn! What happened to Bill and Steve? I don't know, man, but Pike said don't stop for nothing.
Hey, what's that? Run him down! I want Pike.
Where is he? Tell me! Go to hell! Freeze! Come on, Barry.
Where are you? Hey, Allen, is that you? - How's it going, Murph? - All right.
What are you doing here? Thought you lived in North Park.
Yeah, my damn dog saw a poodle.
- Been chasing him for blocks.
- Something wrong with your leg? Yeah, he bit me on the way out.
- Must have been some poodle.
- Well, hop in.
We'll give you a ride home.
- Thanks.
- No problem.
Barry, I want you to know we're all real sorry about Jay.
Thanks, fellas.
Did you hear the latest? We bagged a couple of those Riders tonight.
And get this, they said a ghost tore them right off their bikes.
If you ask me, they're all on crack.
Thanks, guys.
Appreciate it.
Hey, Allen.
How much is that doggy in the window? - Guess he beat us back, huh? - Looks like it.
- Good night.
- Good night.
- Hey, Bellows.
- What? I know those guys from the crime lab are whacked out but did you check his red boots? I'm sorry.
- Murph.
Will you give the poor guy a break? - What? I mean, how would you act if you got hit by lightning? I'd probably go out and buy red boots.
- Who ate all the doughnuts, man? - What? - I don't believe you.
You pig.
- Me? I don't believe you.
Where did you come from? - I've been following you.
- What? I thought you were gonna monitor from your lab, not your ice-cream truck.
You're injured.
I saw it on the readout.
What happened? - I was stabbed in the leg.
- How bad is it? Well, the pain and stiffness are almost gone.
Well, that doesn't seem possible.
I'd like to check it out.
Come on up.
I guess I shouldn't have let myself in.
- Here's your keys anyways.
- It's not what you think.
- This is Tina McGee.
- Hi.
- She's a doctor.
A scientist.
And she's - A genetic-fingerprint specialist.
I'm helping Barry track down the Pike gang.
This isn't the best time to compare notes.
- Look, if you have business to talk about - No.
We can talk about it tomorrow.
- It was nice meeting you, Iris.
- You too.
- Good night.
- Well, I'm gonna show her out.
- I'll be right back.
- Sure.
Listen, I'm sorry.
I did not know she was there.
- I understand.
I'm worried about your leg.
- It's okay.
Look, if it's not, I'll call you.
Barry, I wanted to talk to you at the funeral.
But there was just so much to say.
I'm really sorry about Jay.
I know how close you were.
Look, I know I should have called first but I just needed to see you.
Tell you how much I missed you.
Well, I missed you too.
- You still love me, don't you? - Of course.
But after everything that's happened in the last few days I think I feel differently about a few things.
- Well, like what? - Well, like marriage for one.
- I mean, we weren't doing so bad before.
- No, I didn't think so.
Yeah, well, you were right.
I mean, there's a lot going on in our lives right now.
And l'm gonna make it a lot easier on both of us.
The pressure's off.
- It is? - Yeah.
Well, that's great, Barry.
I mean I mean, I don't know what I mean.
I came here to tell you that I thought it over and if it was the only way we could stay together I was gonna say yes.
And now - Sometimes you're very confusing.
- That makes two of us.
So, what do you say? Can we start to see each other again? Maybe put things back the way they were? I'd like to try.
I can't believe it was over so quickly.
- Disappointed? - Well, yeah.
After all that anticipation, why bother? Yeah.
Twenty bucks for a fight that's over in two rounds.
- The Thai food.
- The what? The Thai food was ready 10 minutes ago.
I should go.
I'll go.
- You will? - Yeah.
No complaining? No.
I'll just go get I'm gonna go.
- I'll hurry.
- Okay.
- Thai food, coming up.
- Barry, how did you get back here so fast? You were only gone a couple seconds.
- You must have fallen asleep.
- I didn't fall asleep.
- Here, have a shrimp.
- I didn't fall asleep.
Well, maybe those blackouts I was having are contagious.
- I don't think so.
I don't think - I think they are.
it has anything to do with falling asleep.
- Petrolli, I never step on your toes.
- Out of the question.
- Let me talk to her.
- I don't know anything about interrogation? - Five minutes.
- Allen, I don't come up to your lab and play with your microscope.
- What have you got to lose? We've been around and around with her.
She's got nothing to say.
- You going in isn't gonna change a thing.
- You know this is important to me.
Your brother was a good cop.
We all liked him.
Well, he taught me a few things about interrogation too.
- I really shouldn't do this.
- Petrolli, they murdered Jay.
Okay, you've got five minutes.
Wait! Go ahead.
It's okay.
Let him in.
- Lila, right? - Yeah, so? Pretty frightening how you and your friends were caught.
What was it again, a demon? The guys around the station think you're all on drugs, you know.
Or crazy.
But I know better.
I know you really did see a demon.
He was as red as blood, wasn't he? And fast.
Like a flash.
So if you care about Pike, you'll tell us where he is.
Because, Lila if we don't find him, the Flash will.
Now, I know you really wanna tell me.
Where is he? I can't.
I can't tell you.
I can't.
Take off her clothes.
Send them to the crime lab.
- and six of the suspects were arrested.
None of us is free while Lila rots in their prison! Tonight we open the gates of hell! - Yeah! Barry? I got the topo that you wanted.
- Great.
Talk to me.
- All right.
The areas marked in yellow match the soil samples found at the crime scenes.
Thanks, Julio.
Come on.
Yes! Bring me that map, will you? - We got it.
- What? Pike's hideout.
There's only one area where that plant appears with that soil.
Yeah, Devil's Gate Dam.
That reservoir's been closed for a year.
We gotta tell the chief.
What are you doing, Tyrone? Turning it down.
Want the whole world to know where we are? What does it matter? After tonight, with every psycho punk loose we can do whatever we want, right? Yeah, well, until then keep it down, because you're blowing my head off.
"Keep it down, you're blowing my head off.
" - I told you, Scott! - Hey, I didn't do anything, man.
- Don't mess with me, man, all right? - All right.
That was real funny, huh? Yeah, that's pretty funny.
I think that's I realize how an unhappy childhood probably led you to all this but that's really no excuse.
Vacuum later, Gus.
I'm still working.
Chief Cooper? Sir, I need to speak with you.
- Barry Allen, Crime Lab.
- I know who you are.
- It's about Pike.
- Yeah, what do you make of this, Allen? We chase these hoodlums for weeks, and then we find six of them lying in the road.
You know, there may be a rival gang out there.
Good theory, sir.
Chief, I've located Pike's home base.
- What? Where? - Devil's Gate Dam.
- You sure? - I've been there.
- You've been? - Yes, sir.
- We'll hit them with everything we got.
- They're not at the dam right now.
Allen, you're confusing the hell out of me.
And what do you mean, going out alone? - You're not authorized.
- Pike and his men are headed for the jail.
They mean to break out friends and anyone else who wants to come.
That's a pretty wild story.
You know, you've been under a lot of stress.
Sir, I know I'm just another fingerprint duster here.
But if you don't trust me, trust this.
I found it at the dam.
It was my brother's.
Tina, I need help.
I can't move.
Keep it moving! Keep it moving! Pike! - I knew you'd come.
- You're all right? - Yeah.
- Come on.
Get on the radio.
Deploy the cars coming from the south to the rear of the building.
- Anderson.
Patch me into the prison PA.
- Right.
- Unit 13.
Baker Two, on our way to the jail.
- Roger.
- How does it look up there? - That's the main cellblock.
All the nuts.
- Serial killers, hit men, you name it.
- Chief, we're tapped into the prison.
Pike, this is Chief Cooper.
I'm giving you 60 seconds to come out of there or we'll fill that building with so much tear gas, you'll be crying for the rest of your life.
Who does he think he's dealing with, some punk robbing his first liquor store? Give me that.
What the hell do they have up there, an army? - You feeling better? - Yeah.
Your blood's fully oxygenated, and the glucose should help.
What happened to me? A recurrence of the metabolic failure suffered at the testing ground.
I've gotta get to the jail to stop Pike.
Is this gonna happen again? - I don't know.
- What do you mean? You're the expert here.
I thought my system was adjusting.
Well, maybe I was wrong.
Maybe it takes time.
Look, you're one of a kind, Barry, and I'm only human.
But I can't let you go after Pike.
Not now.
You could be killed.
I can't let that happen again.
Don't you think I know why you follow me around? Why you hook me up to these monitors? I'm not your husband, Tina.
It's not happening again.
You're in extreme danger every time you use your speed.
There's five squads of cops about to meet a mob of armed convicts.
- You need my help.
- Not this time.
Oh, come on.
Come on! Damn it! They've got us pinned, sir.
We can't get close enough to launch tear gas.
- I advise that we fall back out of range.
- Fall back? Captain, if Pike gets past us with 100 men, he'll burn the city to the ground.
Yes, sir.
But with the kind of firepower they've got in there I don't know how much longer we can last.
Sorry, boys.
Shooting gallery is closed.
All right, listen up.
- We're pulling out.
- What? Riders will drive a wedge through the police line and the rest of you will follow.
- Yeah! Once we're past these walls the city that locked you away is yours! Yeah! All right, mount up! What's that smell? Let's go.
Let's go! Hurry, get out this way.
No! You're not gonna leave me?! That's tear gas.
How did someone get close enough to launch it? Attention, all units.
Prepare to move into the main building.
- Come on, let's move! - Move! Move! Hey, Murph, I saw it.
The thing.
The red ghost.
Sure you did, Bellows.
And I'm Marie-Antoinette.
No, I'm serious.
He was standing right there.
Come on, what do I have to do, check you for head wounds? Jeez.
What are you? And where did you come from? I came from you, Pike.
You made me when you killed my brother.
I killed a lot of men's brothers.
His name was His name was Was Pike! Remember me? Thank you.
That was a dirty trick, stealing my distributor cap.
- I'm trying to help you.
- I got Pike.
We sail.
It's over.
I'm sorry I didn't let you follow me.
I was afraid you'd get hurt.
I can take care of myself, Barry.
I've been doing it a long time.
I can care about you too, you know.
It's no crime.
Course not.
I was watching the monitor.
You had a slowdown, didn't you? Another seizure? We gotta eliminate that.
If I'm gonna use my speed to its full advantage I was afraid of this.
Why should it end now? What about side effects, complications, things we don't know about? You'll figure it out.
I have faith in you.
And if I refuse, you'll do it anyway, right? Well, the truth is, I have faith in you too.
I hope it wasn't too much trouble having us over.
No, I love having a house full of people.
Especially now.
Hey, Julio, I heard a rumor that you and Barry were up for a citation for tracking down Pike's hideout.
Well, the chief's big on parchment and gold seals.
What I could use is a raise.
Hey, talk about rumors.
What about this Flash character? The red ghost? The phantom? You get tear-gassed, you'd be seeing demons too.
Yeah, but a cop at the station saw him.
I'm starting to think there is something.
Oh, look, Barry hasn't touched his breakfast.
- Where's he gotten to? - He's outside.
With Shawn.
Your dad ran anchor on the relay team, see? And our school made all-city finals.
When Jay got the baton that day, we were dead last, right? But Jay wouldn't give up.
I mean, he kept going until he passed every man but one.
And he won the silver medal.
But if that race had been 10 yards longer, man, he would have won the gold.
Because Jay didn't really get beaten.
He just ran out of track.
Uncle Barry I miss my dad.
I miss him too.
Shawn I want you to know something.
Any time you need me, I'll be there for you.
I couldn't run like your dad but I'll be there in a flash.

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