The Following s01e01 Episode Script


_ Hey, Pete.
You have a good one.
Sweet dreams of you See you tomorrow, Pete.
Where is everybody? Why can't I forget the Gene.
Oh, my God! Call it in! Signal 63! Get some help now! The past, start loving someone new instead of having sweet dreams about you? _ where he was a professor of literature.
So far, 5 guards are confirmed dead from this prison escape.
from prison early this morning.
As you may recall, Carroll was convicted in 2004 for the murders of 14 young women who attended the university where he was a professor of literature Hello? Hello, Ryan.
It's Director Franklin, FBI.
It's been a while.
What can I do for you, sir? We need you in Virginia, Ryan.
I'm not an agent anymore.
I know things didn't end well with the Bureau, but you caught Carroll.
No one knows him like you do.
I've got good agents on it.
Go consult, educate them.
We have to find him fast.
So far, 5 guards are confirmed dead from the prison escape.
Joe Carroll is still at large.
Will you do it, Ryan? _ _ Sarah Fuller? Detective Warren, Norfolk PD.
We're here on behalf of the US Marshals Office.
What's going on? Joe Carroll-- he escaped from prison earlier this morning.
I'm sorry.
He what? And where was the knife at this point, the knife that was used to stab you repeatedly? It was still inside me.
I reached down to pull it out, but I was too weak.
So what did you do? I pushed it instead deeper into my stomach and to the right.
And why would you do that? To puncture the splenic artery, to bleed out faster.
I just wanted it to be over.
I have men in place both inside and out.
Strictly precautionary.
Gonna keep you safe, Miss Fuller.
Whoa! Can't let you in! I'm her neighbor Will Wilson.
Will! He's okay-- - Sarah! - Hey.
I saw the news.
It's all over TV.
Billy's on his way home, all right? We're here for you, whatever you need.
I'm so glad you're here.
Come here.
Ryan Harding, Agent Troy Riley, BAU2.
This is Agent Jennifer Mason.
Thank you for coming.
I'm not sure what Franklin told you, but the Marshals are heading the ground search, and we're running point for the Bureau.
We got a command center set up in town.
Now your being here may raise some eyebrows.
That book you wrote.
Not to mention my reputation.
Just keep your head down, we'll do the talking.
If anyone asks, you're here strictly as a consultant.
Any questions? Yeah? How's Sarah Fuller? Carroll's last victim.
She's a doctor now in Norfolk.
She sav-- Yes.
She's under 24/7 watch.
I'd like to speak to her.
About what? I'd like to know how she's doing.
Perhaps later when we're not trying to find a serial killer.
He kills all of them in under two minutes, and there he goes.
Ryan Hardy, this is Deputy Marshal Scott Turner.
I know Ryan.
I was with the Sheriff's Office when he brought Carroll in.
Director Franklin asked Mr.
Hardy to consult.
Then he's your problem, Agent.
He left it like this.
Forensics swept.
He's scheduled to be executed next month.
The 12th.
Still a romantic.
Who let him have this? Anyone could have.
"Dear Ryan, I enjoyed your book.
Have you ever considered a sequel? Best, Joe.
" You never mentioned a note.
Any idea why he left that for you? He enjoyed my book.
He said so.
I think he's letting us know that he plans to kill again.
That's probably it.
I read your file.
I know you don't play well with others.
- You read my file? - Yes, I did! So you know me, is that what it is? Forget it.
Claire Matthews, Carroll's ex-wife.
Has anyone been in touch with her? She's being questioned.
We have her under protection, as well.
_ Sorry for the intrusion, Miss Matthews.
I have a few questions.
When was the last time your husband contacted you? Ex-husband, and I don't mean to be rude, Detective, but I'm gonna wait for the FBI to arrive, and I need to speak to Ryan Hardy.
Thank you.
Ohh! - Ha ha ha! - Ha ha ha! So how'd it go? It's official.
I'm pregnant.
Ha ha ha! Mom! Mom! Yeah.
Yeah, honey.
What's going on? Why can't I watch TV? I didn't know what to say.
Um It's dad, isn't it? Oh, honey.
_ I need to speak to someone about Joe Carroll.
Fill this out, take a seat with the others.
He then studied in the States, where he married and became a professor of literature at Winslow University.
Also, budding novelist.
In 2003, Carroll's first and only novel "The Gothic Sea" was published.
It would go on to become a best-seller, but in its initial printing, it was a commercial and critical flop.
This triggered his piquerism, the act of stabbing, slicing flesh for arousal.
That's not accurate.
I'm sorry.
Would you like to say something, sir? By all means, if I've got it wrong, please correct me.
Ryan Hardy.
Joe Carroll was obsessed with the Romantic period.
His lectures consisted of Thoreau, Emerson, in particular his hero Edgar Allen Poe, and like Poe, he believed in the insanity of art, that it had to be felt.
He didn't just eviscerate He was making art.
He cut out his victims' eyes as a nod to his favorite works of Poe, "The Tell-Tale Heart" and "The Black Cat.
" See, Poe believed the eyes are our identity, windows to our soul.
To classify him as a piquerist would be too simplistic.
Okay, guys.
Mike Weston.
It's a real honor, sir.
Did my thesis on Joe Carroll at the academy.
Your book was-- it was invaluable.
It's a real thrill for me, sir.
Wow! That was pathetic.
Man is a hero.
Took down Carroll single-handed.
And the Bureau still let him go.
You haven't read his book, have you? He's on disability.
Turner said he lost it, went crazy.
Carroll stabbed him in the chest, punctured his left ventricular.
He can't be in the field anymore.
He's got a pacemaker keeping it all pumping.
Who are the women? Carroll's groupies.
We're interviewing anyone who visited Carroll in prison.
Carroll had 112 visitors in the last two years, Who had the most access to him? Was he confined to his cell, did he have any privileges? Most of his time was spent preparing for his third appeal.
He'd foregone legal aid and was representing himself.
His records.
So he had access to a legal library? Yeah.
Every Tuesday, Carroll was shackled and transported to the Sussex County law library, where he was confined to a sealed room, one guard.
And furnished with law books.
Actual books or digital files? Digital.
Everything's archived on the library's server.
So he had internet access.
It would have been restricted.
Because that would stop Joe Carroll? Damn it! We need to rip apart the library's ethernet! Get the cyber techs in here.
Weapon! She's got a weapon! Stand back! Take it easy, ma'am, easy, easy, easy, easy.
Easy, easy.
Drop the weapon! Drop the weapon! Drop it! Ma'am, ma'am, look at me, look at me, look at me.
You don't want to do this, okay? Just just hand that thing to me, and everything's gonna be okay.
Lord, help my poor soul.
Lord help my poor soul.
No, no.
She's right-handed.
She did most of the upper left region herself, but this is someone else.
Carroll possibly.
We're running analysis for a match.
Thank you.
"Once upon a midnight dreary.
" "The Raven.
" "This fever called living is conquered at last.
" It's all Poe.
And what she said at the end-- Yeah.
Poe's last words.
When found delirious on the streets of Baltimore, he's believed to have uttered, "Lord, help my poor soul.
" Is that water, sir? Yes.
Mint? Sure.
We've run her prints.
So far, we've found in 3 states, and 2 of them visited Carroll repeatedly in the last 6 months.
Anything on the cell phone? Disposable.
The text said, "Do it now.
" Carroll could easily convince an unbalanced brain to do this.
It's an exertion of power, theatrics.
I have Sarah Fuller for you.
Hello? Mr.
Hardy, it's been a long time.
Sarah, hi.
How you doing? Well, not great.
We're gonna find him.
Nothing is gonna happen to you, I promise you that.
I really appreciate you calling.
I'm just, um, happy to hear you're safe.
Bye-bye now.
Good-bye, Mr.
Thank you.
They questioned Claire Matthews.
She won't speak to anyone but you.
Why is that? When I speak to her, I'll ask her.
I really don't think you got enough food, babe.
Do we really have to feed the cops? I mean, can't they just order pizza? There's plenty of food.
Thank you, Billy.
So how's she doing? She's right here.
She's fine.
Well, then why are we ignoring that hot cop candy in the corner over there? Is he single or what? He's not wearing a ring.
I checked.
beloved by his students, and with his charm and good looks, he was understandably a favorite amongst the female contingent.
So Poe's chief principle, insanity as art.
This is the Romantic period.
Death is about theme, mood, motif, emotional aesthetic.
Poe equates death with what? He equates death with love? No, not love.
Poe equates death with Beauty.
Poe believed that art was about beauty and that nothing was more beautiful than the death of a beautiful woman-- "Helen," "Lenore," "Annabel Lee.
" And to bereave beauty is To elevate one's soul.
Carroll never visited same web address twice, which suggests he's using various URLs.
Who with? Well, there's the rub.
Every time I access an IP address, it mutates.
This is a fairly sophisticated virus.
Where were the guards when he was sitting there chatting online? Who are these idiots? The detail changed, but there's one recurring name.
Jordan Raines.
- Jordan "Jordy" Raines.
- I got it.
death row, works the night shift.
Was he working last night? Uh Called in sick.
- That's him.
- Prison guard.
He helped Carroll escape.
Get his home address.
I got it.
_ Federal agents.
Open up! Hit it.
Clear the room! Room clear! All clear! He's not here.
Say hi to the camera.
Say hi.
Say hi.
Can you say hi to your friends? Yeah.
Say hi.
Your friends are out there.
That's right, buddy.
Oh, sweet pup.
You're gonna want to see this.
Can you smell them? Ohh! Bags.
What is that? It's a German shepherd, I think.
He's been practicing.
Carroll was teaching him how to become a serial killer.
I can handle dead people.
You kill a dog, I go crazy.
I got this little terrier mix.
Forget it.
What is that? It's Joe Carroll's novel.
Oh, look.
It's inscribed.
"Jordy, you're capable of greatness.
You just have to believe.
" So this Jordy guy, is lonely, he's unstable, vulnerable to kindness.
Carroll recognizes his potential and seduces him.
He's emulating Carroll.
The animals, he removed their eyes.
Well, Jordy looks to Carroll the way Carroll looks to Poe.
It's a godlike kind of worship.
Is Carroll really that powerful? Well, you know, when I first started to suspect him, all I had was instinct.
I didn't have any evidence at all.
I was having a hard time convincing people of my Poe theory.
In the book, that's when you started following him.
Home, work, school.
I was just waiting for him to get sloppy.
That's when I first recognized Sarah Fuller.
I'd seen her in his class.
I used to sit there and watch him teach.
You know, he was amazing.
He could inspire people.
It's a gift.
Hardy, let's go.
Where to? It's time you talked to Claire Matthews.
No official word at this time, but sources have confirmed to us that woman is dead today by her own hands.
Now the FBI is speculating the victim may have been one of Joe Carroll's groupies Enough of that.
As a direct mess-- I say we watch a movie.
Actually, I think I'm just gonna lie day for a little bit if it's ok with you guys.
That's even a better idea.
You should get some rest.
We're right next door, okay? You call us if you need anything, all right? We'll come running.
I love you guys.
- Love you.
Good night.
- All right.
Let's go.
You want me to have manners? That was creepy.
Whole night's been creepy.
It's so quiet.
Because everyone's in Daytona having fun, everyone but us.
The hangover has begun.
Told you not to drink.
I'm not interesting enough to not drink.
That's-- You okay? Annie? Annie? Aah! No! Sorry.
Just to let you know, there's two officers outside the door if you need them.
Thank you.
Claire will be right down.
Hey, Joey.
Do I know you? Yeah, but I haven't seen you since you were this big.
Ha ha ha! Let's let the man do his job.
Professor Matthews.
- Yes? - Hi.
I'm Agent Ryan Hardy, FBI.
Can I speak with you? Sure.
I didn't know about the eyes.
It was withheld.
Try Edgar Allen Poe.
Um, "The Tell-Tale Heart," "The Black Cat" both have strong eye allegories.
The eyes are symbolic, the essence of identity.
You should talk to my husband.
He knows a lot about that time period.
You're married.
Yes, I'm married, Agent Hardy.
Why? Are we flirting? With this material, no, not a chance.
Hello, Ryan.
I'm Agent Mason, Miss Matthews.
I understand you wanted to speak to Mr.
Yes, but I need to speak with him alone, please.
I'm afraid that's not possible.
I'm afraid I have to insist.
Would you excuse us for a minute? How's your heart? Same.
But you're drinking too much.
Have you heard from him? Yeah.
A week ago, this came for me.
I thought you should see it.
How does he know? He doesn't.
He's guessing.
No one needs to know about this.
It's not gonna help us find him.
We have two killers out there now.
He's got help.
Are you a cop? Joe's always teaching.
It was ingrained in him, so that makes sense.
It makes sense he would find a student.
Where do you think they would go? Would he leave the country? No.
Joe's not looking for his freedom.
He wants to keep killing.
He's good at it.
I need to find him, Claire, and I don't think I know how.
I'm sorry I didn't call you.
It's been 8 years, Ryan.
I got the hint.
I mean, I know-- I know that when the FBI found out about us that was difficult for you.
That's not why I didn't call.
You deserve more.
I belong in your past.
I work better in people's pasts, I always have.
Uh, the girl safe? The last victim, she's-- Sarah Fuller.
Uh, yeah, she's under protection.
She's good.
She's a doctor now.
I'm glad someone was able to get beyond this.
I'm sure that upsets Joe.
Why's that? He fancies himself Edgar Allen Poe.
That was the impetus for writing his novel.
Poe died with an unfinished manuscript, "The Lighthouse," and Joe's novel "The Gothic Sea" was sort of his way of finishing what Poe started.
What was that about in there? It was personal.
What do you mean personal? We have to get to Sarah Fuller.
What did she tell you? Carroll is gonna make a move.
He wants to finish what he started.
That would be Sarah.
It's right this way.
I'm Detective Warren.
Miss Fuller went to bed about an hour ago.
Officer Pontz works the front door.
Another officer here.
Two men upstairs.
Officers! Where are they? Officer Watts.
Kelly, where are you guys? They should be here.
Sarah? She's gone.
Where is she? - Where the hell is she? - I don't know! How did she get out of here? We got an officer down.
We got an officer down.
Go around.
Come on.
Neighbors next door.
Let's go.
Give me a light.
Get the lights.
Get the lights! Hardy.
_ So the neighbors Will Wilson and Billy Thomas left in their SUV No one thought to search the vehicle? There was no reason to check.
She wasn't missing.
Will Wilson teaches public school, second grade.
Billy Thomas as is a computer tech.
He runs the fraud division of a regional bank.
And I bet they weren't gay either.
Carroll placed them here to watch over her until he was ready.
Come on.
They've been her neighbors for 3 years.
She'd never suspect them, and now they're taking her straight to Carroll.
He's finding people to help him do it on the damn internet.
It-- it's like they're his followers.
I'm not buying two men would pretend to be gay and shack up next to a woman because some nut job told them to.
Prison guard worships him, ice pick lady is brainwashed to kill herself.
These two guys have dedicated years of their lives to him.
There's some kind of fanatical obsession at play here.
It's like it's a cult.
It's-- "Nevermore.
" "The Raven.
" Poe is symbolizing the finality of death.
Have you pulled the GPS? Where are the satellites? I knew you'd show up eventually.
- Do something! - This is the Hardy I remember.
How many checkpoints have you set up? - Get him out of here! - Don't just stand there! - Move! - Hardy! Back off, dude.
Sorry, sorry.
Come on, Sarah.
- God.
- You don't have to be rude.
- Sorry, sir.
- Come on.
There's a killer on the loose, and you want me to have manners? That was creepy.
The whole night's been creepy.
Behind you.
Ugh! Unh! Hey.
What do you got? Well, both men were listed in the prison's visitor log.
You got a file on these guys.
Nothing except some property records in Lake Whitehurst.
_ I came alone, Joe! Isn't that what you wanted? No! No! No! No! No! No! No! No! No! No! Unh! Hello, Ryan.
I was curious to see how your heart was holding up.
Unh! I see it has its limits.
Where is she? You know, the human eye is connected by 7 muscles.
I removed each one individually.
You know how hard that is to do? No! No! Sarah? No-- No! No! You know how I love my little souvenirs.
No! Aah! Ohh! No! She lasted much longer than I thought she would.
She's quite the fighter.
I'd like to turn myself in.
I surrender.
I surrender! Stop! Hardy! I surrender.
Come on.
Get off.
Off him, off him.
Get off him.
I surrender.
No! I surrender.
Carroll's en route to Richmond.
He'll be placed in federal detention until this is all over.
couldn't crack it.
I made so many mistakes.
But Sarah I saved her.
How'd you know he'd be here? Carroll's book was inspired by Poe's last unfinished work "The Lighthouse.
" Sarah was his unfinished work.
He wanted to get the ending right.
_ Joe Carroll had over a thousand blogs, chat rooms, online forums.
Could have multiple resources.
He'll only talk to you.
Sarah had to die, Ryan.
I know it's sad.
It's tragic.
Poor thing.
She worked very hard to get her life back together, and she'd done quite nicely, which is more than I can say for some.
Oh, you've been quite the disappointment, Ryan.
Now I never expected you capable of "in cold blood," but what was it with the true crime drivel? So what's my sequel about Joe? Everyone outside is anxious to know.
Well it's going to be a collaboration.
We're gonna write this together, Ryan.
My first book was clearly too avant garde, lost in literati pretense.
Now my new story will play to a much wider audience.
Hell, even Poe whored himself out eventually.
So the prison guard, the gay neighbors, how do they figure into your new plot? We know about the cult.
I'm not a big fan of that word.
I like to think of them as my friends.
It's important to have friends, Ryan.
Did you know that the FBI estimates that up to 300 serial killers are active in the US on any given day? Oh! Sorry.
Didn't mean to scare you.
Is everything ok? Extra patrol this evening.
I thought they caught him.
I saw it on the news.
Still, mind if I look around, check your doors and windows? Do you have any friends, Ryan? Come on in.
I think everyone's asleep.
I will be your friend even though you slept with my wife.
There is breaking news tonight from Waverly, Virginia, where serial killer Joe Carroll has finally been caught.
The escaped convict was found at an abandoned-- Did she show you the letter? What's he talking about? What letter? Claire is very important, Ryan.
Every good story needs a love interest.
I'm going to bed.
- Good night.
- Good night.
She's the only woman I've ever truly loved.
She's the mother of my son.
Joey? And I'd like to see her.
She'd never agree to that.
She might just change her mind about that.
Joey? Joey?! Where is he? Joey? I thought I might go more traditional this time, you know, villain, good versus evil.
I need a strong protagonist so that the reader can truly invest, a flawed, broken man searching for redemption, and that is you.
You are my flawed hero.
Yes, I ensured that by killing Sarah.
She was the inciting incident, the hero's call to action.
This is merely the prologue, this is just the beginning.
That was the entire point of Sarah's death.
It was for you.
Everybody's looking for something some of them want If this book ends with anything other than your death, you better plan on a rewrite.
Aah! Oh! Guards! Guards! Joey, honey, where are you? Where's Denise? Denise? Where is-- where is Denise? Guards! Ohh! Unh! That's enough! Where's my son? Joey! Joey, where are you? Call Claire.
It's just the beginning.
It will be a classic.
It will be our masterpiece.
Call Claire.
Call Claire!
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