The Forest of Love: Deep Cut (2020) s01e01 Episode Script

The Serial Killer Appears

- Let me kiss your neck.
- Stop it.
- Just your neck.
- No.
- Just a little.
- No.
- Why?
- No.
- Come on.
- No.
- Be a sport.
- Hey.
Are we parked here for the day?
We still have a long way to go.
Want to swap places?
Sachiko, you know he's the only one
with a driver's license.
This car isn't going anywhere without him.
He's just
Do you want some fresh air?
Come on.
- Let's go.
- Okay.
- Look at that.
- What?
Oh, you.
- It's so beautiful here.
- Yes.
Stop it.
- We're standing in broad daylight.
- No one's watching.
What's that?
What's that over there?
Is someone there?
What is it?
- I think it's a body.
- What?
This is really bad, Hiroko.
Hey, wait!
All right, I know you're all bored
of my small talk.
I'll tone it down today
so we can listen to more songs instead.
How's that?
- What's the matter?
- Are you ready?
Let's take a trip down memory lane
with a song from the eighties.
The smash hit of 1985
Sound familiar?
"(I Just) Died in Your Arms." Enjoy.
- Mitsuko.
- Taeko.
- Romeo.
- I'm Romeo.
Romeo, I say.
Romeo played by Eiko.
I'm Eiko.
Oh, Eiko!
You're Romeo.
- Sorry we're late!
- Sorry!
- Let's get started!
- Yes, let's get started!
Let's do this!
O, wilt thou leave me so unsatisfied?
What satisfaction canst thou have tonight?
The exchange of thy love's faithful vow
for mine.
I gave thee mine
before thou didst request it,
and yet I would it were to give again.
Wouldst thou withdraw it?
For what purpose, love?
But to be frank, and give it thee again.
And yet I wish but for the thing I have.
My bounty is
as boundless as the sea,
my love as deep.
The more I give to thee, the more I have,
for both are infinite.
I hear some noise within.
Dear love, adieu.
Taeko, I'm supposed to be Juliet!
Oh, gosh.
I'm so sorry!
- I'm Juliet!
- Sorry!
I hear some noise within.
Sweet Montague, be true.
Stay but a little. I will come again.
Oh, blessed, blessed night!
I am afeard. Being in night,
all this is but a dream.
Too flattering sweet to be substantial.
Taeko, can I talk to you?
O Romeo, Romeo! Wherefore art thou Romeo?
Are you two flirting? How scandalous!
This is a proper ladies' school.
No lesbians allowed!
Mitsuko's father
- won't stand for this.
- Her family is really strict.
You stand there,
and Romeo enters from here.
That's where the conversation
will take place.
- That's great!
- I think that works.
It's a famous scene, right?
- That's so great.
- Juliet!
Romeo is calling for you.
Go on!
- Have fun!
- Have fun!
Hey, listen.
What is it?
Okay, let me explain
- I like you.
- What?
Juliet, I love you.
I'm Mitsuko Ozawa, not Juliet.
Was that your first?
Was that your first kiss?
You're in a girls' school,
but you've never kissed a girl?
Kiss me too.
Cut it out!
Good girl.
I like you, Taeko.
Really? More than Mitsuko?
No one likes you as much as I do, Eiko.
That's so sweet.
I'm so jealous.
I want to be Romeo or Juliet,
not their parents.
You're heavy, get off!
Listen, the school festival
is just around the corner.
Let's make our Romeo and Juliet
a big success!
You got that, Mitsuko?
- She's so adorable.
- I'm in love.
- Who needs men?
- Eiko's the best.
This is why she's our class leader.
Let's do it!
Ms. Kyoko, you have stars in your eyes.
I can't help it. You're just so adorable.
The school festival is almost here!
It's soon! Too soon!
We need to get ready.
A lesbian Romeo and Juliet, how extreme!
Too extreme.
This is a girls' school.
Let's fall in love with girls.
- Is everyone here a lesbian?
- I'm bi.
- I'm a lesbian.
- I've been gay since our sophomore year.
I'm bi, but I prefer girls.
I don't know yet.
Is it because I'm a virgin?
- You're still a virgin?
- Yes. Wait
- You're not?
- Of course not.
Is anyone here a virgin?
- I'm a virgin.
- Me too.
- Are you a virgin, Mitsuko?
- What?
- Don't tease me!
- I knew it!
Come with me!
What is it? What's going on?
So what if Mitsuko and I are virgins?
It's no big deal.
That's because you're a lesbian.
- Are you a lesbian too?
- What?
You can't come up here!
Let's go.
Our high school days ♪
Are numbered now ♪
All those days ♪
Are such fond memories ♪
These classmates ♪
I may not see again ♪
The years and months ♪
Have passed so swiftly ♪
- Mitsuko.
- What's the matter?
What do you think we were doing?
A foot massage?
No, stupid.
What is it?
Moonlight in the white forest ♪
In all of the trees ♪
Cicadas emerge ♪
From their chrysalises ♪
And so ♪
As thoughts of you run through my head ♪
My body reaches the final stage ♪
Of transformation ♪
Moonlight ♪
In the frozen forest ♪
Sipping sap ♪
I am an insect woman ♪
- See you, bye.
- See you later.
See you later.
- Later.
- Later.
I'm home.
Why are you back so late?
- Mitsuko!
- Mitsuko!
Hey! Mitsuko!
Three words, dear Romeo,
and good night indeed.
If that thy bent of love be honorable,
thy purpose marriage
Hey! Open this door!
send me word tomorrow.
By one that I'll procure to come to thee
where and what time
thou wilt perform the rite
- Open the door!
- And all my fortunes at thy foot I'll lay
and follow thee, my lord,
throughout the world.
Open the door!
I come, anon.
But if thou mean'st not well,
I do beseech thee
Open the door!
By and by, I come.
Tomorrow will I send.
Is Mitsuko home?
You're one of those troublemakers!
Mitsuko! There was an accident!
Hurry! Come with me!
Hang in there.
Hang in there.
I woke up early the next morning.
I got dressed as fast as I could.
The thought of the school festival
depressed me.
I wanted to get to school
before everyone else.
I wanted to be the first to get to her desk.
There was no one else around.
Romeo's desk did not look out of place
in the empty classroom.
I could still feel Romeo's warmth.
It's okay, you can stay there.
I'm a rotten fish.
Go to hell.
What am I doing in Tokyo? ♪
I came to Tokyo ♪
What now? ♪
Tokyo is ♪
Tokyo is Tokyo ♪
Because Tokyo is Tokyo ♪
And Tokyo is Tokyo ♪
- Look at that guy.
- To
Toddy ♪
Tokyo ♪
Tokyo ♪
Hey, you.
- You're interesting.
- What?
- Where are you from?
- The Aichi Prefecture.
Aichi? Are you from Nagoya?
From a town called Toyokawa.
- I would love to go there.
- Yes.
Do you know what?
I just got to Tokyo!
Yes! Tokyo!
Listen, Tokyo has everything.
Booze, chicks, drugs, clubs.
Anything you want to feed on.
- Come with us!
- Okay.
Hey, listen. I like your style.
- I'll be your guide.
- Really?
- Yes, of course.
- Let's go!
Check out my pad!
- Here?
- Yes.
Cool, isn't it? Come in.
You're one of us now!
Come up.
Say, what's your name?
- I'm Shin.
- All right, Shin!
Come in.
Impressive, right?
We have clothes.
We have magazines.
- Want a smoke?
- Okay.
We have games.
We have fridges, two of them.
You can do whatever you want
with the stuff in here.
- Awesome, right?
- Awesome.
You know it. Okay, see you.
- What?
- Something came up.
Let's go, Fukami.
I'm just a regular guy
trying to make an indie film.
I may be nothing special now,
but when I bloom,
I'll be a rare and unique flower.
Let me introduce you to the new actor
I found last week.
- Futoshi.
- Nice to meet you.
- Hi, Futoshi!
- All right.
- Introduce yourselves!
- Yes, sir!
- Hey, new guy!
- Yes, ma'am!
I'm Yoko, in charge of sound recording.
Hey, I'm Goto. I do the lighting.
I'm Chihiro, the costumer.
Satsuki, makeup artist.
Pleased to meet you.
I'm Fukami, the cameraman.
I'm the director. Meet our actresses
- I'm Mari.
- I'm Masuyama.
- Let's go!
- Yes, sir!
We're young.
Let's make one thing clear.
We'll fail. It's a given.
But the bitter taste of failure
will turn into sweet success one day.
- So don't give up!
- Yes, sir!
- This is our prison set.
- Amazing!
This is our toilet set.
Follow me!
Let's move on.
This is the train set where we'll shoot.
- I'm ready.
- So am I!
- Camera's rolling.
- Let's do this!
Ready Start!
Crap, I'm going to be late for school!
Can't this train go any faster?
Oh, my God.
What's going on? What's with this train?
It's full of gorgeous women!
Who are you?
I'm Mariko, from J High School.
- Me too!
- Let's get off together!
- Okay.
- We're late!
We're late! We're late for class!
Wait, this is our classroom!
You brats are late for class!
Sorry, Teach! But you see
We're getting married!
- What are you looking at?
- What?
A porn magazine.
Are you a virgin?
Seriously, are you?
- Yes, I am.
- Poor guy!
I guess, but
We can fix that.
What? Really?
The years and months
Have passed so swiftly
And now
It is our time to part
It's been a while.
You're looking cool, as always.
I've got a favor to ask.
Can we talk inside?
Sure, but what's this about?
Pleased to meet you.
Who's this?
- Shin. We just met, but we're buddies now.
- Yes.
- Right?
- Right.
- So?
- Let's talk inside.
What's this?
A poster of a play we were planning.
Romeo and Juliet.
But they're both girls.
Look at these boobies.
Like a Jane Fonda sci-fi flick.
A bit Shuji Terayama.
How avant-garde.
Well, maybe
That's what they would've said.
O, Romeo, Romeo! Wherefore art thou Eiko?
I messed up.
School festival, here we come!
- What's the matter?
- It cracks me up.
What's so funny?
Nothing, I'm just reminiscing.
Look at this. She's writing a play.
I'm starting a new theater company.
- Help me with my play.
- Sure.
It's about a couple,
kind of like Sid and Nancy.
Except both Sid and Nancy are women.
They're a lesbian punk couple.
So listen
I have a favor to ask.
- What?
- Sit down.
This guy's still a virgin.
- So?
- So
would you mind
- Not a chance.
- Oh, come on!
Over my dead body!
I'm just kidding.
- He's not bad.
- Right?
Fine. I'm a slut, anyway.
Look, this scene here.
- We should get a better take.
- You're right.
Take off your clothes.
I like your face.
- What?
- I like your face.
What's with you?
Can I get a closer look?
Well, okay.
What's your problem?
- Weren't you going to kiss me?
- I like this.
This is who you are, right here.
Why did you get this? Why "Romeo"?
None of your business.
It must have affected you deeply--
Drop it!
- Tell me.
- What's your problem?
- Don't you want to have sex?
- I do.
I'll do it now.
Guys! I can't do this, he's impossible.
- What's the matter?
- Did you do it?
What's his problem?
- He's cute but hopeless.
- What's wrong, Shin?
I was just looking at her pretty face.
And other parts of her body too.
He's too weird. I can't do this.
Just get it over with already.
I've got it. Shin, you should
- treasure your virginity.
- What? Why?
His virginity is something special.
He should hold on to it
and wait for the right moment.
No, I'll get it over with.
- Let's do it.
- Stop it!
- Shin! Get off, Shin.
- Let's do it.
- Let's do it.
- Shin!
- Let's go. Come on.
- What?
- But why? What did I do?
- Come on, Shin.
- What's the problem?
- Why?
Why did you come to Tokyo?
Nothing special.
I thought maybe I would kill someone.
Kill someone? What?
Or have sex.
Anything else?
They're waiting outside.
Let's do this another day.
Know anyone good for him? Someone pure.
I do know one.
She's a recluse.
I want her to act in my next play.
One more time, whatever it takes.
I want you to break her shell.
We're making an indie film.
We're going to win the grand prize
at the Pia Film Festival
and become directors.
"Pia Film Festival"?
I'll teach you about cinema
When I first met Jay,
I was inspired by what he said.
The Pia Film Festival?
It's an annual film festival.
Indie filmmakers submit their films.
Winning the grand prize
is the shortcut to becoming a director.
A director?
A world-renowned director.
Do you hear me, Fukami?
You can do anything in movies.
You can make a movie
about bombing Tokyo Station.
Or about fucking women around the world.
Or even blasting a machine gun.
It's all legal.
In movies, we have total freedom.
- Cool.
- Here, hold the camera.
Wait, what?
Try filming.
This is amazing.
That's your world.
You're recording your world, Fukami.
You're a virgin looking through
a camera lens!
I'm so jealous! I was a virgin once too.
This is your beginning.
You'll eventually know as much
about cinema as I do.
You'll have so much fun.
There's nothing like it!
I want to go back to being
a movie virgin too.
You're amazing, Jay! You're my hero!
Oh, sorry.
Guys, time for another booty call.
- Okay.
- I want you to help a friend of mine.
- We have another girl for you, virgin.
- Okay.
Who is it?
One of those rich, sheltered girls.
- Well? Come on!
- Okay.
- This place is massive.
- Right?
She must be from a distinguished family.
- Yes?
- Hello.
Is Mitsuko home?
Oh, my.
- Taeko, is that you?
- Long time no see.
How many years has it been?
Is Mitsuko here?
Mitsuko, are you awake?
- Mitsuko!
- Mitsuko!
Hey, Mitsuko!
- Mitsuko!
- Mitsuko!
What's the matter?
- Hey.
- Long time no see.
Having good sex?
It's been so long.
Did you lose a lot of weight?
Does it look that way?
I guess not.
I'm just a little slimmer.
It's okay, you can stay there.
I'm a rotten fish.
Why are you doing this?
I didn't think you would dig
even deeper into the past, Mitsuko.
Everything is just as it was.
You still have Eiko kept here, don't you?
Is Romeo still here?
- No.
- She is, right?
- No.
- She is!
- What?
- What are you talking about?
Create a scar and move forward.
That's deep, Taeko.
Tattoos aren't scars.
But memories are life's scars.
Good one, Shin.
Create a scar and move forward!
Mitsuko, you need to create a scar
and move forward!
Isn't it about time
you break out of that princess shell?
- Let me introduce this guy.
- Wait--
My name is Shin.
I started a new theater company.
I want you to play Juliet again.
But this time you'll be Nancy
from Sid and Nancy.
I want you to bust out!
Have you had any boyfriends?
I've changed, you know.
I'm not a virgin.
I'm a slut!
- The world's number one
- Slut.
- The universe's number one
- Slut!
What are you talking about?
She can't do it. Not with men.
Another one?
- Shin!
- What's this about?
Have you slept with a man?
Leave me alone.
I don't think
she has ever been
with a man.
Oh, come on.
- How old are you?
- I'm only 25.
Already 25.
Mitsuko, it's not about
"only" or "already."
This room is nuts.
What are you saying?
I sleep with a different guy every night.
This room makes me want to puke.
I may be desperate,
but yours is a dead woman's world.
I've been struggling ever since that time.
To hell with virginity!
I'm a virgin too.
I don't have any experience.
Sorry about that.
The virgins can get closer.
Forget it, let's go.
Mitsuko, just get it over with!
I can't!
I just can't!
Think about the play.
Let's perform together again.
- Let's go.
- But
I just brought you tea.
Sorry, something came up.
I see.
Thank you.
What strange people.
What is it?
- I'm going home!
- What's wrong?
Hey, wait!
O sweet Juliet
Just a minute.
Oh, I'm
Are you from earlier?
What? Earlier?
I'm Murata, a cousin of
one of Mitsuko's high school classmates.
I'm sorry.
Some young men came by earlier.
I thought you were one of them.
I see.
Is Mitsuko available?
- Romeo
- Mitsuko!
You have a phone call
from a high school friend of yours.
Someone named Murata.
- Murata?
- Yes.
Mitsuko? This is Murata.
I attended a girls' school, you know.
Do you know Kaoru Nakagawa?
- I remember Kaoru.
- Right, I'm Kaoru's cousin.
Anyway, I want to return your 50 yen.
- Fifty yen?
- Yes.
We were at a sweet shop with Kaoru,
and when I was short 50 yen,
you were so sweet.
You lent me 50 yen,
even though I'm 15 years older.
It's raining.
Is this one of Jay's pranks?
Don't tease me
Just because I'm a virgin.
"Virgin"? What do you mean?
I can live my life
without sleeping with men.
- Jay!
- I'm Murata.
My full name is Joe Murata.
So you really don't remember?
That's a shame.
But I really want to return
the 50 yen I borrowed.
May I return it to you?
You might think 50 yen is nothing,
but to me, it's a precious memory.
It might as well be 5 million,
50 million, 500 million.
I would love to give you 500 million.
I just want to see you.
I want to return the 50 yen
that feels like 500 million.
By the way, after I graduated
from Harvard summa cum laude,
I was the top of the class at MIT,
and now I'm building a career
in Hollywood and Wall Street.
I don't need your 50 yen.
Let me return it.
No, thank you.
Do you have a boyfriend?
I don't need one.
Let me return it. Answer my question.
I don't have a boyfriend.
I'll take your 50 yen.
How about after 5:00 p.m.
at Hinomaru Park?
Fifty yen, right?
Thank you.
Why did you leave me?
You left me all alone.
I don't have anyone.
Mitsuko's changed.
He says he wants to return the 50 yen
that I lent him seven years ago.
What do you think?
Well, if he really insists on it,
why not go and accept the 50 yen?
He graduated from Harvard University.
But I don't remember him at all.
He doesn't sound dangerous.
Just go get the 50 yen.
Yes, man! Bring it!
- You okay?
- You ducked.
Come on!
Hey, sorry to keep you waiting.
Oh, well
- Mr. Murata?
- Yes.
I'm Joe Murata.
Do you remember me?
No. I'm sorry.
So I figured.
Back then, I didn't stand out.
I was just your average kid.
Sorry for what I said earlier.
You mean the virgin thing?
I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that.
I never sugarcoat things, you see.
I speak without holding back,
so people often misunderstand me.
It's fine.
I really don't remember the 50 yen.
Not 50 yen.
For me, it was 500 million.
Take it.
That sand is from a private beach in Hawaii.
I snuck it out, just for this day.
Is that right?
That 50-yen coin
weighs more than 500 million yen.
I'm sorry, I really don't remember.
Look at her.
That virgin's already snagged a man.
Virgin my ass, Shin. She's a man-eater.
No, she's pure.
Let's film them.
Yes, they may get hitched someday.
- I'm having fun!
- So am I!
Up you go!
One more time!
Isn't this nice?
I'm home.
Welcome back. How was it?
Look at you.
It's written all over your face.
- My face?
- He must have been a charming man.
What? Oh, no
He was really weird.
You should invite him over.
Why would I do that?
Don't tease me!
- Where's my yearbook?
- I don't know.
Where did it go?
It's us again.
- I'm done playing your virgin games.
- We want to borrow your monitor
to watch a video we shot.
I don't remember him at all.
But is he the key to the future I seek?
I'm home.
I'll be right there.
You're home early.
There was a university strike
and classes were canceled.
Is that right?
Faculty meetings were canceled,
so I had to come home.
So much disturbance.
Well, it's just the culture of the school.
- Where's Mitsuko?
- In her room.
She saw someone
she knew in high school today.
- And?
- Listen, dear.
If he's a nice man
He's a man? Is he trustworthy?
Don't get angry. Let's wait and see.
What's he like?
I know you want to get a son-in-law,
but will you stop forcing her
to go on all the blind dates?
Shut up!
You went on a date?
I only met him because
he wanted to return some money to me.
Listen, your curfew is 9:00 p.m.
You'd better tell him that!
Follow my rules, or he can't see you.
Dear, please! That's enough.
- This looks good.
- A great shot.
Let's start shooting an actual story.
We'll never win the grand prize
- at the Pia Film Festival at this rate.
- True.
Let's see it.
- Look, it's Mitsuko.
- Mitsuko.
And the mystery man.
- What a cocky-looking guy.
- Right.
Wait, this man
What? What's wrong?
I know him.
Hello? Machiko?
I found him!
- What's wrong, Taeko?
- Who?
Murata was at Hinomaru Park.
- What's going on?
- Mr. Murata?
Listen to me.
This guy is dangerous.
- How so?
- Why?
Looks like she's had sex with him.
What? Are you serious?
- Seriously?
- Listen to me!
I'll tell you everything.
Subtitle translation by Li Woon Chen
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