The Fortress (2023) s01e01 Episode Script

A New Start

This killer pandemic is
virtually out of control.
How should we handle
this in times to come?
There is a global crisis.
There is a big divide
in the population.
Waves up to ten meters high engulf
the coast of many countries.
The situation is dire.
Thousands have been
caught in the crossfire.
My main duty as prime minister is
making Norway a safe place to live.
The wall we are building,
will ensure that.
We are energy self-sufficient.
However, half the food
we eat is imported.
We can no longer rely on
the outside world for food.
We must go our own way.
From now on, Norway will become
completely self-sufficient.
Hey! Calm down!
Food production is balanced. Note
the decline in avocado consumption.
Friday Taco Nights popularity
must have declined.
Some greenhouses will
be used to grow coffee.
Salmon is still our primary protein.
Fish consumption is 2 % above target.
The new greenhouses will increase
vegetable consumption by 2 to 3 %.
- When are these figures updated?
- At 6 A: M.
Are there any more questions?
Yes. As you are all well aware,
this is our last week with Esther
before her year of sabbatical leave
in the capital. To each their own!
But since this is our last
meeting with Esther for some time,
let's take this opportunity to send
her off with a round of applause.
Thank you, thank you.
She was sad, tired and hungry.
But a beautiful butterfly put
a protective wing around her
and whispered: "Don't
cry, princess."
Step back!
I need to get Let
me get through.
Hey! Let her through.
Let go of me!
Hey! Step back. Step back.
Let go of me.
Let go of me!
It's a paradise. It's a new
beginning every morning.
A full belly every day. Can
you imagine? It's paradise.
Every morning is
a new beginning.
- What's this?
- Open it.
What's that?
You did it.
- We're going to Norway!
- You did it! Oh my God!
Oh my God!
We're going to Paradise!
You are amazing.
You're just
- You're amazing.
- We're gonna get a house.
- Mummy's amazing.
- With lots of trees. Pagoda trees.
Now, who wants hot chocolate?
Real chocolate? You've
got real chocolate?
Real chocolate. I won't tell
you who I had to kill to get it.
- With whipped cream!
- Snug yet?
- Snug as a bug.
- Nå koser vi oss.
- I was thinking, in Oslo
- Yeah?
We could tour the sewer.
- You want to tour Oslo underground?
- I got a map from the faculty.
The sewers have these tunnels
that stretch from east to west.
You got it from the faculty? So
you should tour with the faculty.
- Okay
- No.
Here are all the passwords
for access across all levels.
And if there are any problems,
just call me at any hour.
- You have Leo's number as well?
- Yes. And Johannes'.
It's never a bad time,
even on a Saturday night.
If Wilhelm suggests any routine
changes, you call me as well, right?
Odd. Pantogena is off-line.
Power failure, perhaps?
Then they lost power
2-3 days ago, at least.
- Call Stefan!
- Calling Stefan.
- You have reached Stefan Keyn
- Hang up. This guy
He promised new vaccines before I
leave for Oslo. Can we send a drone?
We're waiting for approval
to use the drone network.
- Norne, find the nearest drone.
- You can't requisition drones.
Actually we can. Wilhelm
forgot his card here way back.
Norne, send the closest
drone to Pantogena at Sotra.
Drone requisitioned.
Arrived at destination.
Stefan, this is Esther.
Can you hear me?
Your plant is disconnected
from the Norne web! What's up?
I hear you. You have no right to
trespass! This is private property!
- This drone is not accessible.
- Oh, come on!
Norne, lower the
drone to 2 meters.
This drone is not accessible.
Wilhelm Krohn, Health and
Food Supply director general.
- This is Esther Winter, head.
- Anton Janson.
- Bergen police, drone department.
- Arman Hashemi, our senior advisor.
So this is where you're
playing cops and robbers?
I apologise for the incident.
We have put in an application
Yes, I've read this
application of yours.
You know, many departments
request drone access.
- I hereby decline your application.
- We had an acute situation.
- Lives were at risk then?
- Maybe not directly, but
Then don't requsition
emergency drones.
We need drones to keep track of food
production. Algae bloom at fish
Commandeering our drone network to
check on a few rotting potatoes?
Our job is to make sure
you have food on the table.
Hi! Uma! Charlie! You're
going? You got picked?
Yeah, did you?
That's a bummer. So,
you're going back, then?
No, my family farm burned
down to the ground.
There's nothing for me
there. So I try again.
Tell me, how did
you two get picked?
I've got an MA in biology. Norway
needs people who can grow crops.
I can't get hold of my diplomas.
The Internet is fucked. Nothing.
Shame. I'm too organised, I
laminated everything before leaving.
- She laminates everything.
- But the vaccine passport?
Didn't need one. They took our bloods
last time. Didn't they take yours?
- No, they didn't.
- Gotta go.
Okay, you are very very
beautiful, you two.
- Bye.
- Ciao.
Excuse me.
Come on through.
Stand still, please.
And the baby.
Thank you, sir.
- You're not easy to get hold of.
- You can't surveil me like that.
- You're disconnected. What's up?
- We're extremely busy.
I can't sit around waiting for the
new vaccine. It's one week late!
I'm feeding an entire nation here.
Is the vaccine coming or not?
- We're on it.
- That tells me nothing.
Will you log back in, or not?
- I'll see what we can do.
- Get it done.
I'm happy to see you, Uma Scholl,
Charlie Oldman, and baby Hope.
- How are we feeling today?
- Great. We're excited to be here.
- Yeah, we're very very happy.
- Your blood test results are back.
Charlie Oldman and baby Hope
passed. Congratulations to you both.
You are cleared to be transported
to a quarantine station in Norway
and await further evaluation in
order to obtain refugee status.
Uma Scholl. Your polygenic
score shows a 26 % risk
of developing amyotrophic lateral
sclerosis before the age of 55.
What? No, I'm not sick!
Unfortunately, there is
no known cure for ALS.
Your application
for refugee status
has therefore been rejected by
the medical review committee.
- What?
- You can't do that.
She's an amazing biologist and
you need her skills for Norway.
We can't go into
Norway without Uma.
- It's a misunderstanding!
- Thank you for applying for
refugee status. It's been a
pleasure getting to know you,
Uma Scholl, Charlie Oldman
and baby Hope. Stay safe.
Stay safe? That's why
we need to go to Norway!
Hello? Talk to me!
- You're scaring Hope.
- Ridiculous. It's a misunderstanding!
- Hey! Calm down!
- Cowards, hiding behind that wall!
I've got a baby. Please.
That robot's stupid. It doesn't know
you, alright? It doesn't know you.
- We can't get in because of me!
- Well, fuck Norway.
We will just go back home
to England. It's fine.
- There's nothing for us there.
- That's not true. Could be different.
We just head further up north. Maybe
Scotland takes in English refugees.
It's fine, Uma.
You and Hope were accepted.
Don't be so stupid.
I am never leaving you.
I am never
leaving you. Okay?
What's wrong?
Just some dust.
I'm fine.
Come on.
So, how did it go?
Listen, guys.
I talked to some people, and this is
really not the only way to Norway.
Tonight, at the end of the camp a car
or white van or something will come.
They will give us some
information on how to get in.
I'm pretty positive
that we can make it.
I don't know, I mean
Stefan always reports late, but
this time it's something strange.
What kind of strange?
The fish
Give me that.
You're starting to develop dad
humour. You should be careful.
I am careful.
Be careful with that.
- I'm always careful.
- Just saying
There's an e-mail.
It's for you.
Mum's moving back into her flat.
If you could, would you go back?
My dad You know
I've never even seen his grave.
I don't know if I would
feel safe outside of Norway.
Anyway We're
here, we're safe.
You know
When we move to Oslo
I think we should talk
to Johannes about
Tricking him into going
to the science museums?
I think we should
give him a sibling.
- What?
- Yeah.
I've been to the doctor, and
He told me there shouldn't be any
reason for complications this time.
You went to the doctor
I did.
Does that mean
We're ready?
I think so.
- Hey.
- This is the guy.
- So you're the one going?
- Yes.
- Identification?
- Yes, of course.
- Wait here.
- Thanks.
- Hi.
- Hi.
My boat leaves
Strømstad tonight.
Pay 300 kryptos, and I
get you behind the wall.
The boat goes to the North
Sea, and then into Norway.
- Yeah, let's do it.
- I don't know, Uma
Give us two minutes.
Okay. I've got other
people waiting.
There's no way, Uma.
Remember when Hope was born?
How we started dreaming
of a better life together?
I'm getting on
that boat, Charlie.
Jesus Christ
Your numbers are pre-programmed.
They only work in Norway.
Don't use your names or any personal
information that can be tracked.
Mummy loves you.
Charlie, don't cry. Please.
Charlie, it's okay. Uma and I
will take care of each other.
Stay with us. Stay with us.
Come here.
Okay, let's go now.
I have to get my nails done.
Oh, because it's your
last day at work?
Because I'm going
to a surprise party.
The one you and
Anette are planning.
The surprise/going-away party?
You do?
You do!
- Are you spying on me?
- No, I'm not spying on you.
- It was a coincidence.
- Oh?
- You left your phone in the kitchen.
- Yeah?
Yeah, and I was grabbing my keys
and saw a text Anette sent you.
Because you were grabbing
your keys. Right
You little spy, you.
You little spy
How can a tiny country like
Norway fend for itself?
I was asked that every single
day after our wall was built.
The answer then and now is that
we've always fended for ourselves.
We're the world's
largest producer of fish.
Our agricultural industry provides
the world's most organic food.
We have oil and gas for generations,
our waterfalls produce clean energy.
And today, we open the thousandth
factory since I was elected.
Not too shabby for an itty
bitty teeny tiny country.
The capitalist logic dictated
that computers could and should
be manufactured cheaper abroad.
But today, we start
up the production
of the most crucial component in
all computers and mobile phones:
The brain. The computer chip.
During the World War II
occupation of Norway,
a paper clip on one's lapel became
the symbol of resistance fighting.
And now this, to
me, becomes a symbol
of us refusing to let Norway be
governed by anyone but ourselves.
I will carry this with me.
Thank you, everyone.
Surprised face on.
- Your party bus will be so cool.
- Join us for a spin!
- Can I?
- Can you? Of course you can!
- Would you like more cake?
- Silly question. Jinx! Double jinx!
- Did you hear Heyerdahl's speech?
- Some of it.
- Is he getting your vote again?
- I haven't decided yet.
- Heyerdahl runs a tight ship.
- Yes.
And all our neighbouring
countries are kaputski.
- If you believe the news, that is.
- Hello!
- You're here as well?
- You knew?
- Hi.
- You look fantastic!
Yes, Anette, I believe
the news. Why wouldn't I?
- Because everything is filtered.
- Otherwise we'd get hacked.
I won't waste my time on fake news.
The world is falling apart anyway.
I choose to have
faith in the world.
"No to the wall". What
were their latest ratings?
Three percent, if that? It's
futile. Even my big toe knows that.
What if we reach four percent?
Has your big toe considered that?
- More to drink?
- Yes, please.
Arman needs to restore his fluid
balance after our bathroom fling now.
Don't be so shy, Arman.
Sex is totally natural.
- He can take a joke, right?
- Sure.
- I had no idea you liked Arman.
- I don't like Arman. God.
- I've met someone.
- You have? Who?
He's not a doctor.
He's not married.
His name is Erling. He's
an autopsy technician.
But he's
He's 27.
- Years? 27 years old?
- Yes, he's 27 years old.
I'll say! Well, I
mean, anything goes.
- Yeah.
- Well, I don't know what to say.
- Where did you two meet?
- We didn't even meet at the hospital.
We met at a "No to
the wall" meeting.
- You don't give up, do you?
- No, I don't.
It wasn't so long ago that you stood
alongside us on the barricades.
Long enough to grow a brain.
In-season asparagus
from Hvasser
I've looked everywhere. They're
impossible to get hold of.
Sold out everywhere.
Did you get them?
No, we can't bring home as much
as a blueberry. Leo found them.
A friend of mine has a
An asparagus farm.
You sneaky foreigners.
- You're taking over the country!
- Absolutely.
You'll be the first one up against
the wall when I become dictator.
Don't shoot. Don't shoot!
- You knew about the party all along?
- M-hm.
And you're terrible at
keeping secrets from me
Stefan Keyn still
hasn't logged on.
You're joking? What
the hell is he up to?!
- Call Stefan.
- Calling Stefan.
You have reached Stefan
Keyn. I will call you back
- Look.
- Is that net-pen 1?
- Yesterday?
- Yeah, and number 3 there.
A bottle for net-pen 3, please.
Just what we need now.
Pack up the vaccines.
- Hi. What are you doing here?
- We agreed you'd log on to Norne.
- I had to get the fish vaccinated.
- So the vaccine is ready?
Yes. Yes, it's in production.
- But other than that, all is good?
- Yes. We're vaccinating.
- Can I see a few?
- A few?
- Salmon.
- Is this an inspection?
It's a friendly visit, Stefan.
If the salmon have redmouth
disease, you must shut down.
Relax, it's just one fish.
- You said the vaccine works.
- This is extremely recent.
Anyone coming or going must
be disinfected. The farm too.
Every fish must be destroyed.
The seawater is murky, so
the bacteria are thriving.
What have the weather
conditions been like lately?
Onshore wind. All week.
The Pantogena farm has a suspected
outbreak of redmouth disease.
All farms and the FHI
have been notified.
Preliminary spot checks indicated
eight other affected Bergen farms.
- Imminent danger of further spread?
- The bacteria follow the currents.
My theory is that it has flourished
in the North Sea for some time.
Surely all the farmers
have vaccinated their fish?
The vaccination was delayed, which
poses a risk of a crisis like this.
Hello, beautiful.
- Bad day?
- Yeah.
We have to shut down all productions
and sales of salmon in all of Bergen.
- Wow We have meat and chicken.
- Not nearly enough.
- And fish from the rest of Norway?
- The bacteria's coming with the sea.
Worst case, we'll have to shut
down everywhere. It's crazy.
I know we're moving tomorrow,
but I don't know what to do.
- Wilhelm?
- He's an administrator. I mean
I made the system. It'll take
him days to figure it out.
- Arman knows the system.
- Arman knows the system.
He knows how to get in and
call me if there's a problem.
I'm sorry. I'm really sorry.
It's not the end of the world.
- I'm sorry. I'm really, really sorry.
- I know.
Don't let go.
- I don't Oh!
- Oh, come on.
Poultry farming provides sustainable
protein. It'll replace salmon fast.
We'd be violating section
25 in the Animal Welfare Act
if we were to succeed
with your plan.
20 animals per square meter?
5-10,000 in each building?!
The critters must be fed concentrates
to reach that weight in 30 days.
Their skeletons would collapse. The
animals will be crippled or die.
How can you propose this rather
than increase vegetable production?
You must understand that Bergen's
citizens won't turn vegan overnight!
I understand this: Bergen's citizens
won't turn into anything overnight.
We must control the outbreak and
increase production of vegetables.
Let's see what the Minister
of Health has to say.
Odd Seljestad? He's
on his way here?
- Norne, please turn on NRK.
- Streaming NRK1.
We'll be going live to the Minister
of Health's press conference.
Welcome, everyone.
For years and years, the
Norwegian fish farming industry
has been spared major outbreaks
due to our very efficient vaccines
and food production
safety measures.
Today, we were given proof
that this monitoring pays off.
Redmouth disease has been detected
in several West Norwegian fish farms.
Our fish have become infected.
From the outside. The ocean currents
brought this disease to Norway.
The government has thus deemed
the following measures necessary:
There will be a full, nationwide stop
to all slaughter and sale of salmon
until we have verified that the
disease has not spread further.
For the sake of our elderly and
those unable to access a store,
the government has invoked section
6 of the Emergency Powers Act,
restricting the amount of
fish each citizen may buy.
This is simply to prevent
stockpiling. Thank you.
I must hand it to you.
This is outstanding work.
You spoil me.
That's great.
- Did you see the latest numbers?
- No.
As good as we could hope for.
A 7-percent rating boost.
My department and I have
rarely been more popular.
Not to sound cynical, but this
food crisis shines a light on us.
I wrote "nationwide temporary
halt", but you went for "full stop".
My colleagues urged me to
overplay rather than downplay.
That's our job from this point on:
candid and clear communication.
People have become complacent,
the crisis shakes them up,
and our role becomes
vital, right?
And it does feel good to give people
a break from seeing Amund on TV.
- Hello?
- Hi, Vigleik.
Did you fix the Huldra account?
Yeah, I just had to log
in with the new password.
- Really?
- Yes, you can upload photos again.
Thank you. Let me know if there's
anything I can do for you.
Just take care of yourself.
- I'll do my best. Okay, bye.
- Bye.
- Ariel Mowinkel speaking.
- From the Ministry of Health?
This is the Prime
Minister's office.
I really really wish I
could travel with you guys.
Yeah, I think we'll manage for
a few days, won't we, Johannes?
- It won't be long before I join you.
- No.
Look after yourself. I
only have one of you.
- Take care.
- You too.
Love you.
Come, my friend.
- Bye.
- Bye.
This way! Get into the
bus! Nice and easy.
Into the bus. There we go.
That's right. Nice and easy.
Next Episode