The Hijacking of Flight 601 (2024) s01e01 Episode Script

Leave Her to Heaven

[somber music playing]
[music fading]
- [pop music playing on radio]
- [phone ringing]
You guys, that has to be Aleida
asking for the key! Can you get that?
Pick up! I only have one pair of hands.
I'm not growing another.
- [ringing continues]
- Six-zero what?
One, one, one.
William, please set the table.
- That's what I'm doing!
- Boris, stop that!
- Sit down and eat your breakfast, please.
- I don't like those eggs!
You're going to eat your eggs
because I'm about to lose my flight!
- [phone ringing]
- I'm done!
[sighs] No, it's fine. I'm late.
So you guys go ahead.
I'll just take a taxi.
Why is this on? You're gonna burn the pot!
I've told you a thousand times!
- It's dangerous, honey!
- [music continues on radio]
And turn off that radio.
I need some peace and quiet!
- What did you write, Roberto?
- Six-zero-nine.
Baby, it's six-zero-one.
I'm taking you to get your ears checked
because I've repeated this over and over.
- [toys banging]
- Enough!
We're having breakfast.
Stop kicking everything. No more fussing!
Listen, there are kids in Africa who would
absolutely kill to eat these yummy eggs.
But if they die anyway,
they shouldn't eat the yummy eggs.
It's Mommy and Boris.
Not Mom, you, and Boris.
- Where's my shoe?
- It's in the fridge.
Why wouldn't you tell me
the first time I asked?
Because it's "Mom and Boris,"
not "Mom, Boris, and I."
William, enough! Open your mouth, my love.
- Come on!
- But I don't like it.
Listen, sweetheart, finish your breakfast,
or I swear I'll take these eggs
and throw them on your head!
William, help me with your brother.
Help me!
- [Boris] No.
- [Roberto] Shut up!
- [Boris] You shut up!
- [William] Hey, be nice!
Open wide. Here comes the little jet!
- [imitating jet engine]
- [Roberto] Look at this!
- Ugh!
- [spoon clatters]
- [Roberto] What's gotten into your head?
- [William] What's wrong with you?
[Boris shrieking]
You little shit!
What's this? What's wrong with you?
Boris, let me help you with that.
- [Boris shrieking]
- Sweetie, let me Ahh! Fucking hell!
- [door slams]
- Stop! Boris!
- Open up, now.
- [Boris whining] Go away!
One, two,
- [Boris groans]
- [gasps]
I'm I'm sorry! Sweetie, are you okay?
- Ah! Open your mouth. Open your mouth.
- [Boris wailing]
- Open your mouth! Say, "Ah!"
- [Roberto] What happened?
- Oh, God! Oh my God, baby
- [wailing continues]
Aw, sweetie
Let me take another look, yeah?
- [wailing continues]
- Say, "Ah!" Ah
[intriguing note plays]
[tape stretching]
[man] Let's do this. Let's go.
Son of a bitch.
Toro, put it here.
["La casa del sol naciente (House of
the Rising Sun)" by Palito Ortega playing]
Between 1968 and 1973,
the golden age of piracy in the air,
348 planes were hijacked across the globe.
More than half of these incidents
took place in Latin America,
where the planes were taken to Cuba,
a haven for communism.
Seventeen hijackings
were documented in Colombia,
including the longest-lasting one
on the continent.
This is the story.
["La casa del sol naciente
(House of the Rising Sun)" continues]
[music stops suddenly]
Oh gosh, I'm so sorry, sir.
Can I help you? You look a bit lost.
Mind if I peek?
Aerobolivar flight 601 to Cali.
Gate number five, domestic terminal.
You can just take those stairs
and look for the girls
wearing the same uniform.
- [Boris crying]
- [doctor on phone] How many teeth?
[woman] Just one, Doctor,
but it wasn't a baby tooth.
- It was a real one.
- So look for it. See if you can find it.
I have no clue
where that tooth went, Doctor.
Keep applying pressure to the wound.
Don't think about rubbing coffee on it.
[Roberto] Be brave.
Of course not. I would never!
Ah! Doc, I found it!
Here. It's right here. I found it.
It's got its little root and all.
So put it in your mouth
and get it over here as soon as possible.
- To prevent it from getting lost?
- To prevent death.
- You mean that Boris might die?
- His tooth, Edilma.
- So his tooth doesn't die.
- Right, right.
- [Roberto] Stop moving!
- [crying continues]
["Él o yo" by Sabu playing]
- [indistinct chatter]
- [exhales]
Good morning, witches!
- [woman] Well, speaking of the devil.
- Morning!
[woman] How you doing, Bárbara?
Oh, yeah, Bárbara, someone sent you those.
- [woman 1] Ooh!
- [Bárbara giggles]
[woman 2] Who are they from?
["Él o yo" continues playing]
- [woman] Not the note you wanted?
- No.
Not the suitor I wanted.
Now, where's the supervise bitch?
Supervise whore's better, Miss Gallo.
If you insist on being vulgar,
at least try to be a bit funnier.
Two shoemakers, to town they stomped
to stomp in a shoeless stampede.
Very well. Dávila, hop on the scale.
Well, you're fat.
And now?
You're still fat.
No, I'm not fat.
You've developed
into what we call an air walrus.
Or you're pregnant,
in which case, you're fired.
You, new girl!
- [chair clangs]
- Uh, yes, Ms. Manchola?
There are three essential attributes
we look for in attendants.
One, she's unwed.
Two, she's childless. Three?
No. I'm not fat.
[Manchola] Gallo!
[sighs heavily]
[teacup clatters]
[scale rattling]
Perfect weight.
Your nails, makeup, overall appearance
- Okay!
- [pen scribbles]
Hair down, please.
Oh, come on, Manchola.
I said hair down. Now.
[laughing] I knew it. I knew it.
You're not allowed
to make changes to your appearance
without direct approval from management.
But look at the elegance, the class.
[beseechingly] Look at me, come on.
Darling, don't bother.
That little haircut
won't hide your pretty Indigenous face.
I'm putting you and the newbie
on the overnight flight, okay?
- Edilma Pérez!
- [phone ringing]
- [Manchola] Edilma Pérez!
- Give me the phone.
- [Manchola] Where the hell is she?
- Hello?
Bárbara, it's for you.
It's your grandma.
Hey, Grandma. What's up?
- [Boris whining] I don't want to!
- Bárbara?
[drill whirring]
I slammed the door on Boris's face,
knocked his tooth out.
The dentist is putting it back in.
Oh, my goodness.
Another urinary infection? How awful.
- What's the problem, Manchola?
- Mm-hmm.
Hmm? Oh, I'm sure it's one of those
really strong yeast infections.
It's a fungus!
- Boys! Roberto! William, sit down!
- [boys arguing]
Aw, come on, do me a favor.
Think you might be able to cover 601?
I'm not leaving my kid.
No, you're gonna have to get yogurt
and smear it on something.
How about the other late-shift ladies?
There must be someone who can cover it!
No. No, Grandma.
See, my gynecologist is fully booked out.
And to make matters worse,
his new secretary is, well
She can't tell her ass from her elbow,
you know?
- What? Is this code or what? What do you
- [Manchola] All right, enough! Give me!
Let me explain something,
I don't have anybody to replace you,
and you need to train the new girl.
Hi, Manchola.
Can you believe
I'm in the ER with my mother?
Help me out, reassign one of the girls,
and I'll take
No! Impossible!
I can't reassign anyone today
because it'll be chaos at the airport.
Let me rephrase, flight 601
is going to leave at 8:10 on the dot.
Either you get here on time
or find a new job.
- I'll cover your boarding, but hurry!
- [call drops]
- [Boris whining] I wanna go home!
- [dentist] Enough, enough.
- We're almost done.
- [Boris cries] No!
[suspenseful music playing]
[officer] Sir, your boarding pass, please.
Brown pants and white socks?
There a problem, officer?
Have a pleasant flight.
[suspenseful music continues]
[chair creaking]
[captain] Am I on the wrong plane
or something?
Where is Villanueva?
Good morning, Captain.
Um, he's not here today.
What happened was there was some
last-minute adjustments to the schedule,
so I'll be assisting
as your co-pilot for today.
Pleasure, Guillermo Luís Lequerica.
Are you planning on taking over
as captain, is that it?
I've piloted 18 different types of engines
in 31 years of service.
I've logged 27,320 hours of flight time
and intend to reach 40,000,
so I strongly recommend
that you stop warming my seat.
No, sir.
That was not my intention, I swear.
I was simply just
You were simply enthralled
by the human miracle of aviation, sir!
You were day-dreaming about the most
wonderful career in the world!
[both laughing]
Richard Wilches. Pleasure to meet you.
The pleasure's all mine.
- Brother, you really
- Captain.
[door opening]
- [Edilma] Aleida! Aleida?
- [Boris] Toys!
- Aleida!
- [Roberto] Yay!
- Roberto, where's my car?
- Aleida, we're home already.
Time for TV, kids!
- [kids cheering]
- [indistinct chatter on TV]
[Edilma] Where's my hat?
I gotta go. I'm going to miss my flight!
I bet you already missed it.
You're failing at school
because of that attitude.
- My love, enough!
- [Roberto] No!
There's plenty of food in the fridge.
- One hour of televi
- One hour of television.
- Or else we'll go square-eyed.
- Good.
Bye, boys, be good!
- [chatter continues on TV]
- [Edilma] I love you! Bye!
[thunder rumbling]
- [Boris] Edie! Edie!
- What's wrong?
You forgot this.
[laughs softly]
A little bitty dot for you,
and one for me.
There we go. Now, we're connected.
[Edilma laughing and kissing]
Love you. Put ice on that.
["La capilla de los sueños"
by Los Moonlights playing]
- [music stops]
- Ahh!
[sighs] Come on, hurry up.
- The plane won't board itself, honey.
- These heels are killing me. I'm trying.
[sighs] Oh, you and me both.
But beauty is pain, my dear. Now, get up.
Here's the thing, honey.
Just about a year ago, Julio Iglesias
Julio Iglesias came on to me on a flight.
My whole body was saying yes,
but I said no.
Want to know why?
This uniform
doesn't come off for just anybody.
This uniform, Marisol, drives men crazy.
It opens up many doors and, above all,
gives you a certain class
that you clearly do not have yet.
Now, if you're starting to feel
like this uniform is a little big on you,
I'm positive you can find one
that fits better elsewhere.
Am I clear, honey?
[indistinct chatter]
Go check the emergency equipment
and verify that the meals are in place.
See you in a sec.
- Come on, go, go! Go on!
- Yes, yes.
[Bárbara] Captain Cabrera!
- [laughs]
- [Cabrera] Uh
- You go ahead. Bye.
- [man] Yes, Captain.
[Cabrera] Hello.
Well, I wanted to congratulate you
personally, face-to-face,
for accomplishing
your 20,000 flight-hour goal.
I had a little present for you,
but, well,
you didn't go to the pilot party.
- You'll have to use your imagination
- Bárbara, not here, please.
So now I'm "Bárbara"?
What was it you called me in San Andrés?
"My caramel queen,
I want to feel the touch of your skin
for the rest of my life."
All right, what are you insinuating?
Because I just want to reiterate,
as I said in the beginning,
I was very clear,
I will not walk away from my marriage,
and especially not for you.
I've never asked you to do that.
And never would.
All I wanted was for you
to dance one song with me, one song!
I'm not going to risk our thing
for one simple song.
That's all!
Sounds to me like I'm only your
caramel queen behind closed doors,
but I can also tell you that you're
ashamed of addressing me in public.
- No, no!
- Look, Cabrera!
You and I are over.
You will never find someone like me.
Oh, thank God.
["La capilla de los sueños"
by Los Moonlights resumes playing]
Why can't Nora get married in Bogotá?
I'm confused.
Cali is essentially a public sauna.
How do I explain this, Martha Lucía?
Our daughter is engaged
to the heir of a sugar cane factory,
and the cane factories
are not in the capital.
- [fading] That a good enough explanation?
- [intriguing music playing]
I'm told it's your first time
flying a DC-6. Is that right?
Uh, yes, sir.
Let me tell you something,
this plane is much like a woman.
How so?
Well, if you don't treat her with respect,
she will torture the hell out of you.
- Ah.
- You maneuver her well, and it's all
How do you say?
- [slowly] Groovy!
- [chuckles] Groovy!
[both laughing]
Ladies, good morning to you.
Passengers can board now.
[expectant music playing]
[Bárbara] Welcome.
Sir, how nice to have you on board.
Welcome to Aerobolivar.
[expectant music continues]
Are you gonna take all that?
Flying petrifies me.
I want to lose consciousness entirely
before we're airborne.
[expectant music continues]
[indistinct chatter]
- [man] Elvira, could you help me?
- Yes. It's on your left.
Go on. Go on, my love. Nine and ten.
- [girl] Nine?
- Nine. Nine, then ten.
- I want the window seat!
- [Elvira] Right here. All right.
Go ahead, darling.
- So, did we make it? What did I tell you?
- [man] Barely.
- [Elvira] We made it. We made it.
- [man] Barely.
[seat belts buckling]
[man] We're late like always.
This damn suitcase.
Okay, there we go.
[car horn blaring]
[brakes screeching]
- [cars honking]
- Fuck!
Sir, could you please go any faster?
I'm so late.
Captain Wilches?
- Boarding complete, 43 passengers
- Ugh.
- Uh, 43 PAX confirmed.
- Mm-hmm.
What are you doing?
If Edilma doesn't show?
- Then you're on your own. You can manage.
- No, Bárbara, wait!
[Bárbara] It's just 43.
Remember, all you need to do
is just smile.
If a passenger's rude to you? Smile.
They touched your ass? Smile.
Oh! A passenger is having a panic attack?
Just smile.
Say it after me,
"Six hundred and sixty-six."
Six hundred and sixty-six.
- Relax, relax!
- Mmm.
Six hundred and sixty-six.
- Six hundred and sixty-six.
- That's perfect!
No whining, bye.
No, please don't go, Bárbara!
Six hundred and sixty-six.
[airplane propellors whirring]
- [bell ringing]
- [man] Excuse me, ma'am?
Six hundred and sixty-six.
["Mony Mony" by Las Moskas playing]
[grunts] I'm okay, I'm okay.
["Mony Mony" continues playing]
Oh! Oh, I'm so sorry!
["Mony Mony" continues playing]
Oh no, don't leave!
No! No, wait!
- No, no, no! Don't leave!
- No, honey, it already took off.
I gotta go, or I'll miss mine.
I'll call from Medellín. Ciao.
- [Edilma whimpers]
- ["Mony Mony" continues playing]
- [airplane taking off]
- [inaudible]
[Guillermo on radio] BogotáDepartures,
good morning. Aerobolivar 601.
Aerobolivar 601,
heading towards exit via Girardot.
Ascending, 190.
[ominous music playing]
[indistinct chatter]
[ominous music continues]
I'm done. Have some, man.
[man sighs]
My, uh
My doctor won't let me
eat anything that has sugar in it.
[ominous music continues]
[ominous music building]
- [mellow rock music playing on radio]
- [door opens]
[Edilma panting]
[woman] What the hell
are you still doing here?
I was too late.
But there's one to Cali in 20.
I'll board that one and come back on mine.
Your brother's
still in billing and accounts?
[woman] Yes.
I'll tell him to get you on board.
- [panting]
- [Manchola] Just a minute, Edilma.
I don't understand
why you believe that in this company
you get treated like first-class.
I thought I'd been clear, you're fired.
[Manchola] You heard me.
- Look, ma'am, I can
- "Ms. Manchola."
Ms. Manchola, as I explained,
I have a sick mother
That's enough!
Your mother already died twice last year.
I know you have kids.
I've known for a while.
But, today,
you demonstrated you're unequipped
to have a career
and be a mother at the same time.
Look, Ms. Manchola.
- If you had children, you'd understand
- Ah!
If I had children like you do,
I wouldn't be working here,
because I would be with my kids.
I'd raise them, care for them,
but I don't have children.
So here I am.
Go home! Go, get out of here!
Go be with your children.
You are dismissed. 'Kay?
What kind of authority
do you believe you're firing me with?
[exclaims] What?
I am the right hand of Mr. Pirateque,
director of this company.
No, you're his secretary!
Because he's the one with the title,
not you!
"Ms. Manchola."
Show some respect.
Edie, do not make
things even more difficult.
Well, I'm also
not making things that easy!
Ms. Manchola.
[door slams]
BogotáControl, Aerobolivar 601 has
reached and is maintaining a level of 190.
She's all yours, Kemosabe.
Well, wake me up
just before we land in Cali.
I'm gonna have a little nap.
Let the cattle run wild.
[indistinct chatter]
[sinister music playing]
[menacing music playing]
- [menacing music continues]
- [water running]
- [music stops suddenly]
- I'm sorry.
[kettle whistling softly]
[Marisol] Yes, sir? How may I help you?
[hijacker] See this?
Do as I say, and I won't kill you.
Now make me two coffees.
[whimpering] No, sir.
Please don't kill me. Please, sir.
- [crying softly]
- No, no! Shh! Calm down, calm down.
- Don't cry, don't cry, don't cry.
- Why are you
Don't cry. No, no, no.
I won't harm you. I won't harm you.
Look at me. I promise, I won't kill you.
Just calm down, calm down, calm down.
I'm not gonna kill you.
- You're all right.
- [bell ringing]
[ringing continues]
Cabin lady, please, come on!
Those girls don't have
their heads screwed on right.
[coffee pouring]
- Go on.
- [Marisol softly] Yes.
[menacing music playing]
[muttering softly]
Six hundred and sixty-six.
Six hundred and sixty-six.
[man] Miss.
[loudly] Miss?
- Miss!
- Mmm?
I've been calling you for ages.
I've been pushing that button.
I don't know if it's not working
and you can't hear me.
I need some water to take my medication.
Miss, did you hear me?
Miss, hey!
- You see?
- [menacing music continues]
[man] She's crying.
Maybe her boyfriend left her or something.
[menacing music continues]
- [whimpering]
- Do it!
[sputters nervously] Uh, Captain Wilches?
Would you like a coffee?
Captain, I brought you coffee!
[Wilches] Come in!
[Wilches] Some coffee would be nice,
- [shrieks]
- Stay where you are, and nobody gets hurt!
- Hey
- Don't move, motherfucker!
- Okay!
- Motherfucker, stay still! Don't move!
Stay still.
- Don't move.
- Calm down, calm down.
Are you hijacking us?
Switch paths to Medellín.
We'll stop and refuel,
and then we're flying to Cuba.
- Got it?
- [Wilches] Yes, yes, yes. That's fine.
Don't worry, we are going to cooperate
[door opens]
- Hey, partner! Partner!
- [shrieks] We're all gonna die!
Ahh! He has a gun,
and he's gonna kill us! Ahh!
- [passengers clamoring]
- [yelping] Let me go! Let me go!
Let me go!
Hey, hey, hey!
- [Marisol screaming]
- [passengers yelling and clamoring]
- [passengers exclaiming]
- [gun cocks]
[passengers shrieking]
- [passengers clamoring]
- Sit down! Sit the fuck down!
Sit the fuck down! Sit the fuck down!
- [all clamoring and yelling]
- [hijacker] Get back to your seats!
Now, motherfucker!
- [passengers clamoring]
- Where's Bárbara?
She's not here, sir.
- [clamoring continues]
- It's only us and the new girl.
[hijacker] Stay! Don't move!
Grab the fucking seat in front of you!
Come on!
- [passengers shrieking]
- [hijacker] Sit down!
[Toro] Let me see your hands!
- [hijacker] Don't look at my face!
- [Toro] Hands on the seat in front of you!
- [Toro] Don't move!
- [hijacker] Hands where I can see them!
[clamoring subsides]
[Toro] Ma'am,
I suggest you keep your mouth shut!
- All right, to Medellín!
- [Toro] Shut the fuck up!
- I just
- [Toro] Shut up!
I just want to be clear
that we are willing to cooperate in order
to protect the wellbeing
of our passengers and our crew
- Stop talking and do as you're told!
- Okay.
- Take us to Medellín.
- Fine.
[Toro yelling in background]
- [chair rattles]
- Now the plane is mine, sir.
[phones ringing in background]
[Pirateque] I'm not here.
One day, I'll burst into
the women's restroom unannounced,
so you know how good it feels.
- [Edilma] Pirateque
- Director.
Leave us alone, Marito.
- Do you like it?
- Hmm?
The fabric?
Is the fabric English?
Prince of Wales. Dandy.
- Industrial Revolution.
- Manchola fired me.
- The way you present yourself
- I missed a flight. Not the point.
The point, Edilma,
is the door you just flung open
with such carelessness
now says "director."
- Well, yes, precisely.
- Because, because, because
I no longer work in Operations.
Now, I'm director of this company.
And as director, any problems
regarding the flight attendants are
Pfft. None of my concern.
That so?
[phone ringing]
Guess that means
I'm not supposed to be concerned
with all of the olives, almonds,
and whiskey that Manchola
forces us to haul constantly.
- [ringing continues]
- [phone lifts and clicks]
[ringing stops]
Don't know what you're getting at,
but I never argue
with women who are menstruating.
- Who's menstruating?
- [phone ringing]
You have some balls, I'll give you that.
[ringing stops]
You let that hag fire me,
I swear I'm exposing her
for smuggling with the airline,
and then you lose your
I'll get you your job back.
No need for all this smuggling
and airline nonsense.
We'll buy you an alarm clock
so you can make it to work on time.
Welcome back Edilma to Aerobolivar.
Thank you.
- Aristides.
- Yes?
I want to speak about something personal.
Tell me.
Why won't you pick up the telephone?
[door shuts]
They've hijacked They've hijacked 601.
They what?
They're refueling in Medellín
and then heading to Cuba.
[Pirateque] How many people?
Forty-three passengers and
three crewmen.
They left only with the newbie.
[laughs] Where the fuck
is the other one, Manchola?
She's sitting in front of you.
- You're fired.
- I'd already fired her, director.
I just rehired her a minute ago. Oh, well.
Now I'll get the pleasure
of firing her myself.
Edilma, get out.
I don't wanna see you ever again!
["Llorarás" by Los Terrícolas playing]
No more clowning around in this company!
["Llorarás" continues playing]
- [lock slams]
- ["Llorarás" continues playing]
Hey, lady. Lady, hey.
Lady, hey.
["Llorarás" continues playing]
[song fading]
[bell ringing]
[ringing continues]
Excuse me.
Sir Hijacker.
So, mister, the thing is,
I have a delicate heart condition,
and those things
make me very, very nervous.
Would it be possible to get some water
for me to take my medication?
[Toro] Hey, lady,
give that guy some water.
No, no, please. I quit. Please, sir.
- [Toro] Stand up and get a glass of water!
- [crying] No, sir, I beg you, please.
Leave me alone, please, sir.
- [Toro] Let's go! Get up! Let's go!
- [whimpering and crying]
- [wailing] Let go of me! No!
- Get up, now!
Hey! Calm down, or I swear I'll hurt you.
Get up.
Appreciate it, sir.
I'm taking it.
Thank Thank you.
[ringing repeatedly]
We also need a glass of water
for my daughter.
- Sit down!
- [man] Sit down, damn it!
[crying] Okay, okay, okay!
- [Toro] This isn't a fucking restaurant!
- [crying]
- [man] Yes, sir, we know.
- [crying continues]
[man] Shh. Calm down.
Next passenger
to push the button gets shot!
[Wilches on radio] Lequerica, do you copy?
Yes, captain.
Get on the HF radio immediately
and tell Operations
we need them to give us the
aeronautical charts for Central America
and the Caribbean.
Also, tell them
that the hijackers
are demanding we bring in a new attendant.
Make sense, Kemosabe?
Captain, they haven't demanded
we bring in someone new.
Please don't ask me that.
Are you gonna be a pussy
or are you gonna call them?
I'm worried I might get in trouble, man.
I have seven kids.
Call them if you ever want to step foot
on a fucking plane again, son.
[Wilches grunts]
[radio crackles]
this is Aerobolivar 601.
[man] 601, go ahead. I can hear you.
Lequerica, also tell them to tell my wife
I won't join her for dinner.
[man] "I won't join you
for dinner."
- Director Pirateque!
- ["Llorando estoy" by Vicky playing]
Cool and collected. Yeah.
["Llorando Estoy" continues on radio]
[Pirateque] Girls,
I'm here to thank you
for the magnificent work you do,
both up in the skies
as here on the ground.
I'd like to put myself
at your disposition,
but please don't see me as your manager,
but as a friend.
Not even a friend,
I'd like to be a paternal figure.
We've built a family here.
And if experience has taught me anything,
it's this one thing.
A man's heart is measured by what
he's willing to sacrifice for his family
Just so you know, when he says "man,"
he's referring to mankind as a whole.
Today, one of you
will have the opportunity
to show your family your beautiful heart.
Which brings me to this question.
Who wants to be Daddy's favorite?
["Llorando estoy" continues on radio]
Well, this news must not leave this room.
We have a code 7500 on flight 601.
- Oh, no fuckin' way.
- What?
[Manchola] And due to the negligence
of one of your ex-colleagues,
only the new girl is on board,
and she's passed out.
- [woman] Aw, poor girl.
- And what can we do?
I need to get a flight attendant on board
while they refuel in Medellín
and right before they fly off to Cuba.
We must act before the cops get involved
and the media rebrands us "Aerohijacking."
It's a three-hour flight in exchange for
three days on the beach at Hotel Nacional.
Pirateque, you know better
than anyone how meager our pay is.
Do you really think any of us is
stupid enough to board a hijacked plane?
[Edilma] I'll do it.
I'll board the plane.
You're no longer employed here.
Then give me my job back.
[woman] No! Edie, don't be foolish.
If you promise I'll have a job tomorrow,
I'll ride that plane to Cuba.
You get to keep your job,
I keep my job as well.
Even she keeps her job.
And I want more money.
- We'll work something out.
- And a five-year contract.
Three, three. We got a deal or not?
[phone ringing]
Boris. Hi, my love.
Tell me that Aleida is there.
[Boris] Hi, mommy.
You received a telegram.
by Los Yetis playing on radio]
[Boris] Collapse.
On the road.
Won't make it.
Mommy, are you on your way?
No, not yet, my love.
Let me talk to William.
[Boris] William!
[song continues playing]
Aleida's not here, Edie.
[nervously] Yes, I know.
How many lunches are left in the fridge?
There's seven meals left.
[Edilma crying]
[William] Are you crying? Why?
Because they've switched my flight.
I'm gonna be stuck here overnight.
And I feel terrible
leaving you on your own.
[William] Is it just for one night?
[sighs] I'll take care of things,
but don't forget my birthday.
[laughs softly]
Of course not, my love.
- Do you know what kind of cake you want?
- A carrot cake?
Promise me you'll take care
of your brothers.
I promise.
I need to board, my love.
- I love you.
- We love you too, Mom.
[darkly intriguing music playing]
[darkly intriguing music continues]
[music fades]
All right.
Two hours to refuel.
You have 30 minutes.
But a 30-minute refuel is not even enough
to make it out of the country
No buts, we'll depart in 30.
Flying to Cuba
takes four-and-a-half hours
- You don't understand, we're leaving
- You're the one who doesn't understand!
All I want you to understand is that,
with a 30-minute refuel,
this plane will go down.
I don't plan on risking
the lives of all my passengers.
How long to make it to Cuba?
One hour, minimum.
You've got one hour. Not a minute past.
[darkly intriguing music resumes]
[man] Edilma,
please fasten your seat belt.
We're landing in ten minutes.
[darkly intriguing music continues]
[plane humming loudly]
[man] These are the aeronautical charts.
- [Bárbara] Let me help you with that.
- What are you doing here?
I'm coming with you.
My flight got canceled.
Bárbara, what? Are you crazy?
- Sweetie, we both know, you more than
- No!
than anybody needs a vacation
away from your kids!
And who better than your
very best friend to accompany you?
I'm not going on vacation!
Oh, honey, please take me.
Please, a hijacked plane
is all I've really ever wanted.
Oh, imagine what an amazing story
it'd make for the kids and grandkids.
Oh, you think
getting on a hijacked plane is fun?
- And you don't?
- I don't!
I only have seven meals left for my kids.
And my kids will need
more than just that, Bárbara!
If I don't board that plane,
in two days,
they'll run out of food completely!
Go on, board the plane.
Die a martyr. Turn your kids into orphans.
Wait! That's not true!
They'll have Auntie Bárbara!
There's no way in hell
I'm keeping those kids, understand?
I love them, but I can't stand them.
I'd honestly rather take care of you.
I won't let anything happen to you.
We'll board and exit
that damn plane together.
- [Edilma laughs]
- [Bárbara grunts impatiently]
["Volveré" by Diego Verdaguer playing]
[bittersweet song continues playing]
[bittersweet song continues]
- [music stops]
- [gun clicks]
Good morning.
We were told you wanted us
to come with you to Havana.
- Nobody asked for that.
- [Wilches] I did.
I asked for it.
As the captain of this aircraft.
Meaning that I am the one responsible
for the lives
of the 43 passengers we're carrying.
I need experienced staff
to take care of them.
I'll gladly fly you to Cuba
if that's what you want.
But I need my crew members with me, sir.
You're not the captain,
and you're not responsible for anything!
I decide things, and I call the shots!
I give you orders and you obey.
If you try to pull that shit on me again,
I'll kill you.
- [Toro] Get off the plane!
- [hijacker] No, they're staying!
Two more hostages.
Grab that one and take her to the back!
[plane engine starting]
[Bárbara] Why the long face?
I mean, in four hours, more or less,
we'll be on a beach in Havana!
[hijacker] No, sir.
We're not going to Havana.
We're following these coordinates.
[Guillermo] Look, sir.
["Guantanamera a la Vírgen
de Guadalupe" by La Lupe playing]
[upbeat song continues playing]
Even though it's inspired
by real facts and people,
some characters, incidents, places,
dialogues and names are fictitious.
Any similarity to reality
is for dramatic purposes.
[upbeat song continues playing]
Next Episode