The Hockey Girls (2019) s01e01 Episode Script


[sound of roller skates]
[Germán] Come on, come on!
[Germán] Go strong!
[Germán] Go, go, go!
Come on, girls! Give them hell!
[roller skates screech]
Come on, Lorena! With both ovaries!
Let's go, let's go, let's go.
Very good, very good. Carry on.
-Wow! They scored?
-[Bernat] No, but they can still win!
Man, I haven't seen Raquel on such a
streak making saves in such a long time.
Did you train her in secret this summer?
Of course, of course, now they call
everything "training"
-[Lluc] Yeah, right.
-[Putxi] Will you stop it?
Having fun?
I'm starting in five minutes.
Shit, sorry.
We were watching the girls
[Terrats] No, no, no.
The others have been doing laps
around the pitch for 10 minutes now.
I'm starting in five minutes.
Whoever isn't ready will just have to
miss the first game of the season, okay?
-Hey, what do you think you are doing?
-Emma, take it easy!
[fighting and arguing]
[all yelling at the same time]
[Emma] Hey, be careful!
It was her, it was her!
-[Germán] Enough!
-[Emma] Twat!
-What a ruckus!
-They provoked me!
Well, they played with fire.
So, hey, they got burnt.
Let's see if you can calm down a bit;
you always get into trouble.
Look, just shut up! They also awarded
a foul to the other girl.
It always reeks here.
The same as always
when the guys have been here before us.
They're such pigs.
[knocking on door]
[Germán] May I?
[Lorena] We're not completely dressed.
But come on in.
[Laila] Shit, I forgot my socks.
[Emma] Would there be a day
when you don't forget something?
Girls, I need to talk to you.
Let's see
I'm aware that you had
a difficult game today.
But it's the preseason,
so I know it's hard to rev up
and find your rhythm.
Laila, just a sec.
Let me finish.
You're worth it. All of you.
[Germán] You're a great team.
It's the guys.
They're full of pranks.
-No worries.
-[Flor] This is outrageous.
Not even the changing rooms
in Argentina are this bad!
In fact, I came to tell you that
I'm leaving.
-What did you just say?
I'm sorry it has to be this way.
So, first you say
that "we're a great team"
and yet you're leaving us in the lurch?
They've offered me
the chance to train another team.
-[Germán] I'm sorry.
-[Germán] Emma, I couldn't turn it down.
You know that
I'm about to buy a house
and I need the money.
Truly, I'm really sorry.
I'll leave you to finish getting dressed.
Germán, Germán, wait!
Germán, Germán,
Holy shit!
Fucking piece of shit!
[slams bench]
[Terrats] Come on, Lluc, now, now, now.
[Terrats] Don't stop, short sprint.
Quick, quick, quick, get to the cone.
[Terrats] Come on, brake.
[Terrats] Okay. No, no, stop, catch it,
catch it, catch it.
Don't let him win.
Come on, shoot. Okay, very good.
Roger, position the ball. Okay.
Okay, just one ball.
Short sprint now.
Let's go.
[Terrats] Quick. Catch it. Okay, shoot.
-[Terrats] Okay, get ready.
-[Enric] Come on, Nil!
[Terrats] Come on! Go, go quicker.
[Terrats] Come on, who are you
saying hi to? Let's go, shoot.
[Terrats] Run, run, with two, with two.
Come on, long sprint. Shoot, shoot,
brake suddenly. Brake suddenly.
What do you want?
Sorry for bothering you, Enric,
but we want to know
what's up with our coach.
Did he tell you already?
Yes, and it's your duty
as the club president
to make sure we have a coach.
The season's about to start.
I know, but I can't perform miracles.
That's what Germán wanted.
What do you expect?
We're working on it.
Right. But if it were them instead,
they'd already have a coach.
Come on, please.
Just stop with the same old story.
I'm sick and tired of it.
[Terrats] Okay, okay. Very good, Miquel.
[Terrats] Shoot. Okay, okay, okay, okay.
Now what? Pass the ball to
[dialing tone]
[Santi] Anna, hello!
Hey, Dad! How are you?
Listen, I was calling Mum
but she's not picking up.
Are you okay?
Is anything the matter?
Yes, Dad. I'm okay. I'm okay.
Everything's all right.
Listen, will you be at home
in one hour?
In one hour? What do you mean?
I'm coming from Lisbon.
With my injury and all,
I wasn't doing much anyway.
And you've been driving
in your condition all night?
Dad, I've got a meniscus tear,
but I can drive, okay?
What's more, I'm driving the van,
so I can stop and have a rest
every so often.
Look, this is exactly
why I didn't say anything to you.
To save myself
all of Mum's calls worrying about me.
Look, I'm heading home to see
if I can get a hold of your Mum.
Wow! I'm so excited to see you!
I'm also so excited to see you, Dad!
See you soon!
See you soon!
Ah, and drive carefully!
[starts engine]
[phone rings]
[Emma] Germán says he's leaving because
you're not paying him enough money.
What's up? You haven't got the money
to pay for a coach or what?
Isn't there anything you can do?
-[Santi] Emma, let's see what happens.
-Fuck, but he's your brother!
Once again,
Uncle Enric couldn't care less about us!
Man, you took your time!
We were getting worried.
-Come over here.
-[Anna] How are you?
-You're looking good!
-Thank you.
Anna, darling.
Emma, aren't you going to say
anything to your sister?
-Damn, what's with the long face?
-How are you?
-How's your knee?
-Fine, fine. I'm getting by.
Really, better?
Yes, in fact I came so Terrats
can have a look at it.
The PT in Lisbon was okay.
But as Terrats has always handled
my injuries with Dr. Puigvert,
I thought it would be better idea.
It was a bit of bad luck getting injured
right before the season started.
[Emma] Dad, can't you and Uncle
do anything on the Board
-to find another coach?
-Emma, please.
[Santi] This is not the time to talk about
this. Your sister's just arrived, damn it.
Look, Anna, I opened this bottle
especially for you.
It's one of my favourite reserve wines.
I hope you like it.
Hey, you! Where are going?
We're about to have lunch.
We have an emergency meeting
with the hockey team, sorry.
Is it like this every day
[door slams]
Yes, child, yes.
[incoming video call]
Hello, where's Laila?
[Lorena] She's having lunch.
Fuck, girl. It's the same
for me and I'm here, right?
Come on,
let's get straight to the point.
I thought that if the issue is money,
we'll pay him more and problem solved.
Come on! We've got more
than enough with the club fees.
Yeah, right. What I made as a pool
monitor isn't enough to pay bonuses.
I don't even have enough for smokes.
Very well. So, what do we do then?
It's the club that has to find someone.
Right. But knowing what Enric's like
when it comes to us
I'm not sure about the issue of money.
Very well. Anyone has a better idea?
-Come on and give your dad a kiss.
What is it? Ah!
-Isn't it good?
-It's awesome!
This is for the kids and Sílvia.
I don't make macaroni
for my daughter's ex.
-But deep down, you really adore me.
-Yeah, right. A lot.
[Sílvia] Okay, Mum. Leave it over here.
You've already been such a big help.
What, is that the way to have lunch now,
while standing up?
Here's the thing, I need money.
I'll give it back soon, I promise.
Do I look like a millionaire to you?
What is it for this time?
-It's for hockey. It's very important.
-Yes, of course!
But I've already spent a fortune
this month, for the kit, for the fees
-I don't mind giving it to her.
-No. She doesn't really need it.
Yes, so it can go towards
the inheritance.
-How much do you need?
-Mum, don't meddle.
Pela, I need you to pay me
child support straightaway.
[Pela] I haven't got anything this week.
On Monday,
I'll claim a prize and give it to you.
Grandma, thank you!
You just saved my life.
Okay, but don't let your Mum find out.
We want to give this to you.
-What is it?
-Since they pay you a pittance,
perhaps with a little extra,
you can stay on.
Yes, and starting from now,
we'll be on our best behaviour.
[Emma] We'll give you more envelopes
if necessary.
[Germán] Girls
you're awesome.
But really, there's nothing for it now.
If we're awesome,
what's the problem then?
I already signed
to train the Olímpic team.
The men's team, right?
Of course, it's the men's team.
Otherwise he would have said
the women's team.
The men's team is the Olímpic team.
The women's team
is the Olímpic women's team.
Lore, I've been offered the chance
to train both the men's and women's teams.
And it's a really great opportunity.
And the money isn't enough
with just secondary school classes.
But you've been able
to manage until now, right?
I have to think about the future.
All of us have to think about the future.
And perhaps you also have to do
the same thing yourselves.
What do you mean?
You know what I mean.
The way things are at the Minerva
Forget it. It doesn't matter.
I thank you from the bottom of my heart.
You don't know how bad it makes me feel
to have to tell you no.
You're amazing!
[birds chirping]
I see that you've retrieved
your keepsake box.
You were always obsessed
with keeping everything.
You can come sleep in the house
if you want.
You don't have to stay in your refuge.
Thanks, but I'm happy in my refuge.
What do you want?
I'm sorry about what you saw earlier.
Seriously, did you come here
to talk to me about that?
I can't believe it!
Anna, it's been a long time
since you've been at home.
You don't know what a relationship
of more than twenty years is like.
There are
I don't want you to explain
your marital problems to me.
What's the problem, you haven't got
any female friends or what?
Well, that's it. I want you to let me do
my own thing, okay?
Why did you come?
What's the problem, are you afraid
I'll tattle on you or what?
No, I didn't come because of that
as I know you won't do that.
I only
want you to know
I'm really sorry in short.
Berta, how's the research work going?
If I write any more,
my head will explode, Aunt.
That's the way I like it.
Hey, not broccoli again!
-How about I make some crepes?
-No, no. I want to watch what I eat.
Lots of folic acid and eating healthy.
And don't you have to be careful about
microwaves if you want to get pregnant?
I've got all the stress
of the first team on my shoulders.
If this injection doesn't work, I assure
you it won't be due to microwaves.
And if it works?
-Will you have to leave the team?
Berta, I'll be pregnant, not infirm.
We made the cut,
which is history in the making!
-When you're sure of what you want
-I know.
No, when you're sure of what you want,
there are no obstacles
Have you talked to Enric?
Yes, but at the moment
we've been left high and dry.
They really haven't found
anyone as a replacement?
I don't know.
[microwave dings]
So, everything revolves around Anna,
Of course. Since Ms Anna is around,
everything revolves around her.
And what's more, Germán's leaving.
My life is shit.
You're a drama queen, girl.
The world doesn't end with Germán,
even if you're his favourite.
Do you want a puff?
Come on.
[Emma coughs]
Breathe, breathe, breathe.
It's normal, you have to get used to it.
-[Terrats] No one?
No coach agreed? I can't believe it.
[Enric] Have patience.
We'll find someone.
If you already knew
that Germán was leaving,
you should have starting looking
for someone earlier.
[Enric] Terrats, I need you
to focus on the first team.
The objective is for you to win
the OK League now that you've moved up.
We have to become a competitive club.
The best, one of the top clubs.
Otherwise, Mercadol and the sponsors
-will withdraw their support.
-[Terrats] Enric, please. Don't lie to me.
You've had the female division
in your sights for some time now.
You've never looked out for them.
Germán leaving works out perfectly
for you.
Terrats, you're not aware of even half
of the things going on at this club.
We're going through a rough patch,
And it all involves money
that your team needs
if you want to finish at the top.
I've engaged a fitness trainer,
another physical therapist, the trips
None of which is free.
Yes, and the girls can get stuffed,
If you have the slightest interest
in the female division,
you'll find a coach and money
from wherever.
Yes, if it were up to me, I'd get rid
of the women's team once and for all.
Yes, that's right.
It's a bottomless pit.
[door slams]
-[Emma] What?
What's the problem now?
It's Uncle's fault.
Enric wants to get rid of the team
and no one gives a shit!
Listen, Emma, not everything is black
and white. Money is tight and
-[Emma] You see?
You're the treasurer.
Isn't there anything you can do?
You know what the problem is?
No one gives a shit
whether we play or not.
Look, fuck this!
She'll get over it
once they get a new coach.
Good night, darling.
Good night.
-Are you tired?
-A bit.
Don't worry, I'm also tired.
I love you.
Me too.
Good night.
Good night.
[flashback cheering]
[flashback cheering continues]
[flashback applauses and cheering]
[flashback chanting]
[Terrats] Anna Ricou, European champion.
-Do you remember?
-Of course, I remember.
I thought you'd kick me off
the team for breaking the trophy.
Now don't tell me
that you weren't serious.
You had me using superglue
the entire night!
Come on. Enough with the nostalgia.
-Let's have a look at that knee?
-You've remained exactly the same!
Listen, I was looking forward
to seeing you.
Yes, same here.
Ah, bloody hell!
Come on, don't complain.
Listen, what happened
with the girls' coach?
-Wasn't Germán the one coaching them?
-Yes, but he left.
From where? From town?
No, from the team.
Now he's coaching other girls.
Turn over.
I've tried calling up people I know.
But all of them have already been
recruited for other teams
or are not interested.
-They're not interested?
It probably isn't easy coaching
at the same club as you.
In fact, I'm not sure
how Germán did it all this time.
Germán had wanted to tell them
to piss off several times.
I think that you'd be
the only one who could stand me.
-Listen, what about you?
Why don't you coach them?
-I can't do it.
-It would be the most logical thing.
You created the division and you
were our coach for many years.
No, impossible. I've got tons of work.
Coordinating sports for the club,
coaching the boys in the first team
This ligament
Listen, have you heard anything
from your former teammates?
No, it's been a long time
since we last got in touch.
No, right. Okay
I insist, Terrats. The girls
have been left in the lurch. I think
Right, but I'm trying to get pregnant.
Wow, that's really great news!
I don't want to push myself
beyond my limits.
Getting pregnant through artificial
insemination is hard enough as it is.
-It seems they're not getting it right.
No, congratulate me when I get pregnant.
[taps leg]
Listen, I'm not sold
on your physical therapist in Lisbon.
-Your knee's really swollen.
I don't know.
He told me it was normal.
No, no it's not normal.
If you want, while you're here,
I'll rehabilitate your knee.
Uh, well, I don't know.
I should be back in Lisbon soon.
We'll talk about it.
Yes, while you're here,
I'll rehabilitate your knee,
and you can give me a hand
with the women's team
as we look for a new coach.
-Pardon me?
So, all that was for this?
-No, of course not It was
-Terrats, no fucking way!
Don't get me mixed up with this
because I know you, so
Come on, Anna.
[bus honks]
Fuck, fuck, fuck.
[Berta] Come on Emma.
We are all waiting for you.
[bus honks twice]
-[Raquel] Come on.
-Pardon me, girls. Sorry, sorry.
-Come on, Emma.
-But are you really sure about this?
-Come on, girls. Don't doubt me.
-Let's listen to her, girls.
Gina is a genius with these things.
If she says that by doing this,
we'll be unstoppable,
-we'll blow them away!
-Come on, let's cut the chitchat.
Up, up!
[phone ringing]
Yes, hello?
Oh, hello, hello
Sorry, sorry What?
Okay. Yes, yes.
Um, wait a minute.
Okay. Now, now. Yes.
Perfect. Okay, thank you.
I promise to work
on my English this year.
It was the head office in Budapest.
You have to get on Skype
straightaway, because it's urgent.
-And they didn't say what it was about?
-No idea.
I hardly knew they wanted to Skype.
I don't know what's the rush right now.
Just wait,
there'll be some last-minute changes
and the factory's going to kill us.
Well, I hope not, because we have
to finish this design as soon as possible.
we're not going to make it on time.
Come on, let's call them.
-Let's go.
-Right, right, right, right.
Come on, Rach, you?
-Yes, yes, yes.
-Come on, girls.
[stomping and cheering]
-Come on.
Very well.
There's a game going on.
What's wrong with you?
Our president
doesn't want women in his club!
He wants to shut down
the female division!
We're sick of having women's sports
relegated to the background!
We only want to play!
We also want to play!
We also want to play!
We also want to play!
We also want to play!
We also want to play!
We also want to play!
We also want to play!
-We did it!
And they've gotten on, I don't know how,
the club's Instagram account,
and posted it there for everyone to see.
In this club,
we say things to one's face.
If there are any complaints,
they're brought up to the Board
and not behind its back,
while making serious accusations.
I've already gotten calls from Mercadol
and other worried sponsors.
No, and I agree.
The way they went about it isn't right,
I agree.
But they're right, Enric.
They're right.
Don't get me stoked with sermons.
You know what I say?
This video is an embarrassment.
We can't keep players like that in a club
that has to be at the top of its game.
So, that's the end of the female division.
I didn't think things
would get this fucked up.
Or if they were going to get fucked up,
at least we'd be better off for it.
My aunt says that
we're in deep shit, girls.
[phone rings]
Rach, why don't you put it
on silent mode?
It's been some time
since I last took a look at it.
I've got a lot of likes
but to what purpose?
Everything's just so fucked up.
Look, Lore, your friend.
Girls, girls, girls.
This is unbelievable!
You're scaring me
after your "great" idea.
We're in deep shit and now
they're kicking us out of the club.
But what are you saying?
You're the talk of the town!
I sent the video
to my friends in feminist groups.
And you won't believe
how it's set social media on its ear.
Everyone's talking about you.
And I've just been contacted
through Facebook by the TV people.
They want you to appear as guests
on the programme Tot es mou tomorrow.
Girl, Gina. Don't mock us.
I'm not. It's the truth!
Do you honestly believe
now is the time to be doing that?
Someone has to do it, right?
we have to decide
on something together.
I don't know what we'll do
without both of us working.
I already told you it wasn't smart
to work for only one client.
-In the long run, these things
-Pardon me.
But let me remind you it wasn't me
who insisted on letting other clients go.
Well, because back then, we had Emma,
who was still very young.
And we were so busy,
spreading ourselves so thin.
They've also given us
the option to go there.
To Budapest?
You aren't
really thinking about it, are you?
What would the two of us do there?
Don't you think that a change of scenery
might do us some good?
Things haven't been right
between us for some time now.
Starting over
What's this, Emma?
Didn't we agree that you were going
to empty the dishwasher?
Yes, and didn't we agree
you wouldn't make things so hard for me?
-Come on, don't start.
-You're both being very difficult.
How hard would it be
for you to bring me to the TV station?
It's important to me.
I understand how you feel.
-So you understand. But that's it, right?
-Emma, please.
The Board is trying to find a solution
for the female division.
Please let us take care of it.
And what does appearing
on TV have to do with that?
At least we'll get a voice
and have people listen to us.
Look, at your age,
everything seems like a battle.
But you can't do things that way.
I'm sorry.
It's a lie.
You're not sorry for anything.
"Come and have dinner,
don't go to the TV station."
I have to do everything you want me
to do. As if I were your slave.
What's the problem?
Wasn't that what you adopted me for?
Emma, enough!
Look, you're not going,
and that's the end of it.
All of us have problems and we don't
go around yelling and throwing tantrums.
I'm not sorry for you,
because you get to decide everything!
"At your age,
everything seems like a battle."
Emma, that's enough! Fuck, enough!
Now, please empty the dishwasher.
[moans and grunts]
Stop, stop, stop, stop.
Enough with that filth!
Cool it.
Girl, don't you have a home to go to?
I should charge you like AirBnB.
Come on, Lorena, cut us some slack.
Sleeping on the sofa isn't too bad,
is it?
Okay, done.
Yes, if you take us to the TV station.
I already told you no.
Come on, heed what Mum told you.
Don't fuck things up even more, Lore.
But neither should we just stand
around doing nothing.
Don't you start as well.
You'd be doing us a huge favour, love.
No, for you it's so easy,
but driving a van there
And it's been barely a month
since I got my driving licence.
But you drive so well, baby.
I'm still amazed at how you got us off
that shitty road going to the beach.
Well, you know.
We were right beside the cliff.
Remember? That was harrowing.
-You're not going to convince me.
No, no.
-No, no.
[kissing and giggling]
Laila! Get on!
We're going to the TV station.
Let's go. Buckle up. Ready to go?
-Do you want to have something to drink?
-No, thank you.
Youssef, a decaf for me, please.
Look, I told my wife to put the beers
in the fridge so they'll be cold,
but no go.
-All warm.
-Your wife is a saint.
Well, she covers for you well
when you're on the pitch as an official.
If she were such a saint,
she wouldn't have left me hanging
with the boys' party today.
Pardon me?
Who covered for you the other day when
we celebrated my birthday with Santi?
Let's see, pardon me. Pardon me.
Do you have a secret pact with her?
You're my friend, as far as I know.
Come on, a coffee.
Serve me a cup of coffee.
[Sílvia] Hello.
-Three white coffees to go, Youssef.
-But one with soy milk.
-Soy milk. I remember.
What would I do without you?
-Hello, Sílvia.
-How's Lisbon?
-Great, I arrived yesterday.
-Everything okay?
-Yes, everything's fine.
-You look great.
-Thanks, the same goes for you.
Look, tonight I'm in a bit
of a pickle with the first team's party.
Could you please give me a hand?
I'll try to leave work a little early
and come straight over here.
Okay, I don't know how I'll manage,
but I'll make it happen.
-[Youssef] Thank you.
-Youssef, turn the volume up on the TV.
A little more, a little more.
[Berta] We just want to be treated
like equals.
What the hell are they doing on TV?
[TV host 1] they've posted a video
on social media, which went viral.
And this video brings to the fore,
as we said before,
and encourages debate
on discrimination against women
in the world of sports.
[TV host 2] I think your argument
is moving.
But I don't think
positive discrimination
is the way forward. No.
But if we start out with a situation
of inequality, it's only--
[TV host 2] Look, if we respond like that,
we're going to start showing favouritism
because she's a woman,
that one's gay, he's black
Being a woman is not an added value
to achieve things.
Or didn't you want to fight for equality?
Aren't you saying we're all equal?
So, why do you want
to be treated better than boys?
We're asking for equal treatment,
not better treatment.
[TV host 3] Sorry, sorry. I think that
a club that has a female division
is a club that already has a starting
point that is beyond feminist.
I don't think it's necessary
to go to extremes.
[TV host 2] And aren't men
mistreated as well?
Simply pointing fingers isn't enough.
You need proof, and not just slander.
With all of these #metoo conversations,
things have come
to a point that this, this is a joke.
But what fucking joke?
Does this hoax think
we have things easier?
How many women's team games
are broadcast
and how many men's team
games are broadcast?
In this world,
no one cares about women's sports.
Men don't have
to prove anything to be on TV.
Why do women have to prove
I'm sick and tired of everyone
trying to pull the wool over our eyes
that there are no differences!
We constantly have to put up
with shit out in the streets.
Too skanky, too fat,
too pretentious, too prudish!
At least out on the pitch,
it's different.
The only things that matter
are the stick, the ball and the goal.
And if you don't understand
what it's like to live for a sport
that gets you out of bed every
morning without even having breakfast
to do laps around a pitch in December,
in the freezing cold, but pumped up,
because you believe in your team
and that you can do better
with each passing day,
then you don't feel passion
for anything!
In that case, you can shut up
and keep your opinions to yourself.
[TV host 1] Well,
we're here right now to
Terrats, can I have a word?
Perhaps if we sell the car,
we'll get something.
What are you saying?
Selling a car is the worst possible
business in the world.
Wow, really.
I don't know what possessed us
to buy the house.
[Santi sighs]
Listen, with employment benefits,
what do we get?
A pittance! We're self-employed.
Núria, we'd have one salary
and a really good contract.
In Budapest. Santi, no, no.
[sighs] What a fucking mess.
[Sílvia] I'm going to kill her.
This time, I'm going to kill her.
What happened?
You don't know?
-[Núria] One week without your phone.
-[Emma] It's not fair, Mum!
You know I'll die cut off
from the outside world for a week!
Everyone will forget about me
and I'll miss out on everything.
-My life will be hell.
-[Núria] Don't be dramatic.
You asked for it, Emma.
You deceived us and went on TV.
[Santi] Yes, it was a hell of a thing
that you did.
First, you skip class,
and then you get a van on your own.
I wouldn't even want to imagine
what could have happened to you.
It's almost time.
Yes, I'll just go get my jacket
and be right back.
-Shouldn't you be getting changed?
-I'm not coming.
What's this about not coming?
Don't talk rubbish.
Let's go, please go and get changed.
No, I'm not coming.
[Santi] Look, whatever.
[party ambience and music]
[Emma] the only things that matter
are the stick, the ball and the goal.
And if you don't understand.
The talk-show guest was a twat.
-No, she went too far.
-Very bad.
The girls are saying
that they don't want to come to a party
given by a club that doesn't want them.
-[Óscar] Santi, Núria.
-Bye. Bye. Bye.
Look, we'll show up for half an hour
and leave. I'm the treasurer.
Well, it's been worked out.
It's been worked out.
[phone rings]
Do you want any?
-Flor, do you want any?
Enough chatting
with your Argentine girlfriend.
Leave me alone.
God, what a drag!
If I'm like that someday,
someone give me a good, hard smack.
Girls, I keep receiving notifications.
You're blowing them away on Instagram.
That's cool, but tell me
what good it does right now.
We've done what we can.
Especially Emma.
Come on, let's have a toast for Emma,
the best talk-show guest in the world.
Yes, that's true.
-[Berta] Hey, look who's coming!
-[Óscar] What's up?
-[Putxi] Oh, great.
-[Raquel] You guys are here.
[Lluc] What are you doing here?
There's really
not much to do without you.
What's more,
with the Terminator there, it's scary.
I can't sleep at night
with how much my legs hurt.
And something even more troubling,
I don't even have the energy
to masturbate.
-The Terminator, the castrator.
-Hey, don't go too far. She's my aunt.
[Lluc] Hey, if you want, we can stage
a protest with placards in front of Enric.
Like a demonstration.
How about it? Yes or no?
You can't give up now.
You're brilliant on and off the pitch.
Thanks, guys. Really.
But as you can see,
this is how things are right now.
[party music playing]
[Enric] What a success, right?
Yes, yes. And this round,
there's enough to drink for everybody.
Pardon me. Man, what an honour.
The sports councillor in the flesh.
No events for the football team today?
Ah, this is the wrong moment, Ricou.
What are you going to do
with the female division?
You know the opposition
has us by the balls.
And this is making us look really bad.
Do you think I was happy
to come across as Gargamel on TV?
Come on, don't exaggerate.
Look, look.
I don't want any protests by indignant
feminists in front of my house.
Don't worry.
I've got this under control.
I hope so.
Hello, how are you?
-[Terrats] Hi, it's good to see you.
-[Omar] Likewise.
-[Terrats] Oh, sorry.
-[Omar] Quim.
But what are we doing?
Please, this is pathetic.
It's not as if we're 15.
This has to end.
-You hear me?
-[Óscar] It's a good thing he didn't come.
-[Putxi] Yeah, but
-Oh crap.
-Hey, hey, hey.
Come on, come on, come on.
I wasn't born yesterday.
But I don't want you showing up with
a hangover for training tomorrow, okay?
And that goes for you girls as well.
But we haven't got a division.
Yes, you do. For now, everything's
working out in your favour.
[Enric] You're staying,
but under one condition.
You have to meet the cut for the OK
League and move up a category.
[Enric] Otherwise,
it's your last season. Understood?
Are you serious?
There's no way we can do
that with how things are at the moment.
Well, you want to play hardball, right?
Then bring back the glory
of the Minerva women's team
and show that you deserve
to keep playing.
Now's your chance
to show whether you're a real team
or just four clowns.
First team, get inside.
We have to take a photo
to post on Facebook.
Girls, you can keep playing.
-That's great, right?
-Isn't it?
You don't hold back, do you?
[cheering and howling]
Enric, why don't we have a toast
to the women's team?
Terrats, you got what you wanted.
The girls
No, girls, no. Young women.
There's a surprise
in store for you this year.
What? Are you thinking
of coaching them yourself now?
Nope, not me.
I've got someone better.
[loud cheering]
To be honest, I think having you
as our coach sucks.
Really? After all I've done to help you
make it into the league?
Anna, we could have trained perfectly
on our own or with Terrats.
Okay, yes, Emma.
Whatever you say, girl.
I need to get this off
my chest or I'll explode.
What? What's going on?
You were right.
We need a change of scenery, don't we?
Start over. Let's go.
Yes, let's go,
-Let's go to Budapest. Let's go.
-Núria, are you serious?
Yes, I've looked at the numbers
and I don't know.
It's also time we thought of ourselves.
We enjoy it and it's a new challenge.
You have no idea how to coach, girl.
Don't you know that playing
and coaching is not the same thing?
Okay, Emma. This is getting tiring.
-But Germán at least had experience.
-Yes, of course, yes.
Dad, are you coming?
-We're coming, we're coming.
Listen, what about Emma?
She'll have to come with us.
We have no choice.
Come on.
Oh, my God
I've never skated so much in my life.
This is our plan for Saturday.
I don't want a show or anything fancy,
just pass it to Flor
and keep scoring. Is that clear?
It's your online profile.
So you can find a guy to cheer you up.
Can you believe it?
I just got a date.
What else do you expect me to do
if you won't let me train?
I need to talk to you about something.
No, Mom, don't say that.
Stop playing around!
-Calm down, Anna.
-No, drop it, Youssef!
Please, Anna, in two days
you'll be the queen of Lisbon.
And I will be in a city that has
no fucking idea what roller hockey is.
I never thought you'd be such a hypocrite
and not tell Dad anything.
Don't be so hard on her.
Dad, you can't be making excuses
for her all the time.
[yelling and cheering]
[All] Three, two, one, zero!
You'll do great.
Next Episode