The Houseboat (2021) s01e01 Episode Script

Episode 1

Olli is my anchor.
Dragging me down.
Fynn is my harbor.
We wanted this to be a great project
we'd be proud of someday.
Maybe a band will write songs in there
or make a record.
I thought, "Awesome,
a boat for 20,000 Euros.
We'll quickly renovate it.
We'll make some money.
A little café or a studio."
From a business point of view,
it's completely nuts what we're doing.
Renovating that thing
is the stupidest thing you could do.
Gunter Gabriel or not,
and all the glorification
about his houseboat,
that thing was a shithole.
For real. We just went ahead
and bought a surprise egg
filled with shit.
-I should tell him to get lost.
-I want to know what you're doing.
-Get the water out.
-I need to understand it.
You need to get everything out.
He got a small place on purpose
because he's a hoarder.
A clutterer.
Country and pop singer
Gunter Gabriel is dead.
He passed away today at 75 years of age
after falling down the stairs.
His most famous hit was
"Hey, Boss, Ich Brauch Mehr Geld."
I read it in the papers.
Gunter Gabriel's boat for sale.
Some people wanted to turn it
into a museum or some nonsense.
It would have been doomed anyway.
So his daughter got wind of it.
And she knew me.
And his son knew Fynn.
Me, too. That's how we got in contact.
I liked her right away.
But I haven't heard from her in a while.
I guess she knows what she sold us.
Well, Fynn. Amazing.
-This is a special moment.
This is your boat.
It is kind of crazy, though.
How does it feel?
I'm really up for what will happen here.
But it's a lot of work, too.
-You didn't change a thing?
-No, nothing.
I wanted to buy it alone
but then I saw it.
It's so much work to get
the houseboat in shape
as I don't just want to administer it
or something.
Before some idiot gets the houseboat,
I thought I'd just ask the daughter
what's what.
When I saw the boat I thought,
"You can't do this alone."
Let's have a look.
This is the upper deck.
If there's someone
who's keen to revamp this boat with me--
We were in contact anyway
and I think very highly of him.
--then it's Fynn Kliemann.
I didn't even know Olli all that well.
When we met, I thought, "He's cool."
We liked each other
and were hanging in Hamburg.
We had some beers
and good conversations.
He's a good guy.
And some days later
he came up with the houseboat idea.
Our plan is to establish a refuge
for creative folks
with a studio, a sundeck, a stage,
places to sleep, a huge kitchen,
a corner booth around a fireplace.
Just a little home in Hamburg.
See? On point, without any bloopers.
-That's a wrap.
-My boy.
-There's still the protective film on.
-He didn't finish anything.
-It's all cobbled together.
It's the first thing you do.
You know, when you get a new phone?
-That's the best feeling.
-You're not a Gabriel.
-He just moved in here?
-He didn't care.
On the river Elbe
South of Hamburg
That's where I call home
I hate messiness but it is messy.
-What's this?
-This is a rarity.
It's old 24-track tapes.
-Do you have a will?
Who'll get all this? Your kids, right?
After me, the deluge.
I found a list of debts.
Really? He had a lot of those.
To-do lists.
Debts list. Journals. What's to do.
I run that now.
This part is the heart of the boat.
Think about what you want for the cabinet.
-Olli liked the picture of Rudy Nielson.
-Yeah, he loves it.
We'll just--
We'll just keep some stuff.
This will stay like this.
-Exactly, I'd--
-The bench.
-The table, the floor, the ceiling.
That will stay the way it is.
We have to figure out
how to fix the windows.
But it will stay pretty much
the way it is.
We'll replace the kitchen but--
Let's just choose some stuff.
I like Fynn. He's a great guy.
When he released his first record,
he sent me a text
saying that he'd like to send me
his record.
We went for an amazing drive
and listened to his record.
We drove to the Falkenstein bank.
It was night, it was summer, late summer.
It was great getting to know each other.
I immediately took a shine to him.
Listen, let's just start.
You just throw out what you want to keep.
-And stuff you want to sell to fans.
All the books. Let's do it. Oh, God.
All the books? All of them? Who would buy
-Gunter Gabriel's book collection?
-Who would buy the entire collection?
-I don't know.
-See, I'd--
-Look here.
-"Gab Jan. '98. Cool head and hot heart."
-Exactly. So that's worth something.
-But if it's just a book
without any comment or notes--
-But they all have notes.
Yeah, take them all.
I don't know that much about Gunter.
I just know he did some cool stuff
and motivated people
and creative--
He wanted to create a creative center.
I think we'll try that, too.
I don't know if that's his last wish.
And I don't really care.
I just like the boat
and he stood for cool stuff.
Room by room, Yvonne.
Yeah, Fynn.
-Room by room.
-I'll stay here for a week.
Yeah, probably.
The torches! He kept everything.
After a concert, these torches--
-You're gone.
-I'm here.
One of his songs is "Man With a Torch."
And during a concert at Nürburgring,
many men showed up on stage
with burning torches.
-That was really touching.
-Man with the torch.
Young people.
It was last weekend.
Fynn brought 15 really cool people
from his Kliemannsland.
They didn't know who Gunter Gabriel was
and just cleared everything out.
His stuff was still everywhere.
Even private notes and possessions.
I wondered who to give that to.
Should I keep it myself
and deal with his private life?
No, I don't.
We want to fix up the boat
and renovate it.
It was really intense and powerful.
Within five hours, we got rid
of everything that was still in there.
Come on, move it!
Oh, boy.
This is heartbreaking, right?
Throwing away all this stuff.
But it's good to know for when you die.
I'll clean up everything.
No one has to carry my stuff out.
I thought it will be a huge project.
But Fynn was like,
"No way. Just some new paint.
We'll just put in some nice furniture
and it will be really cool.
-And we'll have a nice houseboat."
-One! Two!
-There'll be beef in the village.
-Out of there!
Wait-- In the middle--
-I'm done!
-Keep at it!
Yeah, you're almost there!
-Awesome! Schulz has rear-wheel drive.
-I'm through!
The story goes like this:
It was the premiere
of Tatortreiniger.
And Olli said,
"Gunter Gabriel's houseboat is for sale.
I'm seeing it tomorrow. You want to come?"
-There's Bjarne.
And the boat was
a piece of garbage.
It didn't even take me ten seconds to know
that there's no need to take a look at it
except out of interest.
But not to seriously invest in it.
It was just too run down.
-We need to stop clearing out.
All the containers are full.
We need the roof.
-Or we can't use it anymore.
-So the roof first?
Guys, stop working down here.
We're going up.
It's coming down there.
-Let him come first.
-That would be a nice end for you.
-You could put it on your YouTube channel.
I'll do that.
You can put that on your "Chanel."
You need to move.
-You need to move.
-No, you need to move.
He's scared now.
Stand your ground for once.
Without this project
we wouldn't be so close.
-Just for that it's worth it.
-For real though.
-I don't have friends, I have colleagues.
In my life. For real.
I neglect all of my friends.
However, I take good care of you.
Yeah, because we--
We need each other.
Yeah, I need-- I take care of you, too.
-I introduced myself to your mom.
-Your mom and your friends like me.
-I do.
-It's good you hang with Ollie Schulz.
-Franzi didn't say that.
Well then.
Fynn, what did Franzi say?
She thinks you're cool.
-So cool.
Today's work.
This is all gone.
The sofas are gone, the room is empty.
The folders are gone.
I don't even know.
We filled a dumpster.
The problem is this. Have a look.
This is all wet. There's a pipe, too.
I thought this was okay, but look at this.
Damn, all this needs to be redone.
This is why everyone says to plan
for twice as much money.
Look at this. That's all
Look, this is
This is
Great, this is all wet. The problem is,
this is where the cables are.
Do we have a bucket or something?
Give me that.
Well, yeah.
We'll take care of this later.
Let's see what we've done so far.
Olli's gone. He's not here anymore.
I think.
-Did Olli leave?
-I haven't seen him.
Nobody saw him.
He left his friends and took off.
Right? Maybe we find him
somewhere on the boat.
Have a look. The kitchen.
All gone. The kitchen's gone.
Dining room is clean. Everything is clean.
Well, not exactly clean,
but the stuff is gone.
Windows are accessible again,
technical stuff, too.
Figge is still here.
This room.
There was a wall here.
This is where the wall was
and that was a bathroom.
We want to turn this into two
bedrooms and a wall.
-This is wet, too. That corner, right?
-I thought you headed off.
-No, still here.
-Were you here all the time?
It's coming down.
I had to go number two.
Something fell into my shirt.
An animal or something.
Close your hood.
Let's close this properly.
Close this. This is work wear.
-You're great at this.
-And the mic.
-Can you hear Olli? Say something.
-Great, thanks.
-You're welcome.
-Two bedrooms, as good as--
We can lay down here.
Let's do this real quick.
Let me, too!
Like that.
We don't need this anymore.
We'll fill at least two or three
more containers.
-Those huge ones.
-You look awesome.
Like a rapper from the '90s.
-This looks good.
-God, that's disgusting.
You know what this was? His shoe rack.
Speaking of foot fungus.
Not much has happened in here
expect for clearing it out.
We need to raise the ceiling.
We discussed this
with the dock master.
-What is all this here?
-This is Yvonne's.
The stuff she wants to keep.
This is nonsense.
She just wants to keep random things.
You think so she can come back?
She said he still had Cash records,
first pressing, worth 7,000 Euros.
No idea, somewhere here.
Let's find it.
No idea, she probably took it.
There's hot stuff here, too.
-All of that is hot shit.
-Like this.
It has to stay.
Just imagine he'd had lots of space.
It would be hell.
He got a small place on purpose
because he was a hoarder. A clutterer.
A chronicler of our times.
Yeah, positively spoken.
But there was cool stuff, too.
-But also tons of garbage. If I--
Only cool stuff when you die.
Yeah, lots of action sport equipment.
And everyone needs that.
I want to say thank you.
Fynn never does that.
He doesn't treat people well.
And many approached me today
and said that Fynn
wasn't cool with them.
So from the bottom of my heart,
thanks for helping.
I hope we'll see each other again
when this boat will be designed.
-Thanks. It's coming from the heart.
-Yeah, thanks.
If you're in trouble, just say my name.
It opens doors and closes even more.
-Beer, anyone?
-Thank you.
-Have a beer.
Thanks, everyone!
It's amazing we got so far.
Yeah, it's amazing. Give it up for you.
We didn't expect
that water damage, though.
Right here. Did you see that?
-Do you smell that funk?
-Yeah, that's mold.
So much work.
-We need more money, dude.
It's a disaster.
We're at the dock.
It's already cleaned.
There are some surprises below deck.
This is all just a mess.
And now we need a buoyancy--
We need a buoyancy certificate.
It's the technical inspection for boats.
Some guy checked the boat
and we didn't get it.
Mr. Sommerfeld will tell me
why we didn't get it
and what we have to do to get it.
That's the thing, right?
This is the float.
He even stored stuff in here.
It's always wet in here.
Great place for storing
mattresses and rims.
There's so much shit in there.
Well, get it out.
-I have to.
-As easy as that.
The stuff has to go.
Here and in the front,
it's dripping from the ceiling.
We've already seen that.
We've already said
that it needs to be fixed.
This too, right?
-That's what you meant, right?
-Yeah, this is all garbage.
-You're welcome.
-Goddamn it!
This is so much!
You need to redo everything. Everything.
Leave nothing.
Completely gut it.
Damn. Great.
Can we have a look at the top?
You need to redo the electrics, too.
Yeah, we know.
This is garbage.
And it's even worse over there.
What's just put on is trash?
-Everything that's put in is good, right?
Yeah, well-- Okay.
Put that on the list as well.
All the lids, all cleaned up
and the two strips underneath.
Burn holes in it from underneath
so the water can drain.
Or do you want to keep it?
No, but you don't need much
You don't have to tell me what to do.
The water has to get out.
But don't weld in huge sheets again.
-Just make a hole and--
-You'd have to tell him
-to get out of here.
-I'm just asking what you do.
-I need to understand it.
-The water.
There is a difference between
burning a hole
and making a hole.
-And for a sheet
-He's more patient.
No, he understands
First, I'm interested,
second, I have to pay for it.
That's why we need to discuss this.
Young people.
-They always know better.
-No, I don't. I just try to understand.
-You know--
You're like my eldest son.
-I chased him away at some point.
-Looking for something else to do.
He's in Norway now.
-What does that mean?
-It means that he's in Norway.
-That's it?
It's a fiasco.
I thought we got something awesome.
Put in some new bulbs
and invite musicians over.
You know where we'll be anchored?
Have a look.
Around the corner.
A deal with the museum harbor.
We exit here and just pull it--
Only 550 yards from here.
The berth is amazing.
We can just get here by car,
put up a nice
A jetty.
And then we just put all the shit
that's left in there.
Like this, you need to rent a crane
and borrow tools and so on.
We can just approach.
I just call my buddy, he gets us a skip,
we fill it up. Done.
Much easier.
Pull up a couple feet.
I overslept. You know where the boat is?
Let's see where she is.
Good morning.
We have to turn it around.
Can we turn it around?
We want it facing the other way.
I still have to learn how to talk
to the people here at the harbor.
You're a dick for leaving me alone
when we're doing the most important step
of the year.
They put in the boat the wrong way.
Now they're turning it around.
That's Luise.
That's how they all did this.
I thought it was a huge ship
pulling our boat. But no.
He does it all.
We really thought we could
reuse the wires and stuff.
We have to redo everything.
All this--
Electricity needs to be redone.
I can snip this all off.
This is all useless.
We'll never fix that.
We have to route all the wires.
We just bought a pile of steel.
We can't use anything.
Anything. Damn.
It wasn't our plan from the beginning
to gut it.
That happened step by step.
We just wanted to get rid of stuff.
We wanted to empty this room
and then that room.
But we reached a point when we thought,
"Damn it, everything has to go."
In case the fine gentlemen Olli Schulz
shows up,
we can make a plan.
Is that him?
There he is.
Hey, Schulzy!
Dude, give me that.
Where have you been?
I got that stuff.
The keys.
Even if you don't always see me,
I do a lot of organizing
in the background.
Yeah, sure.
Olli is a master
at weaseling out of every situation.
He's just so good at it. I've never met
anyone you just can't be mad at.
How many more tons
do we want to get out of here?
Another 1000 cubic foot of shit
in a container.
This is the whole team.
May I introduce?
-Olli Schulz.
-That's all staged.
Olli told him to film him
while he's carrying something.
That's the thing.
Fynn goes to the bathroom.
And what do I see on Instagram? During
that minute he spent in the bathroom,
he edited and uploaded a story
while sitting on the shitter.
We need to get all the dirt out of there.
The problem is that there are
toxic substances, too.
That's why you need a respirator mask
but we only have one.
So only one can go in there.
So we chose the only woman to do it.
She just--
-Was that you?
-No, you did that yourself.
I saw what you did there with your hand.
Craftsmen like us.
Damn it!
We're missing half of it.
My sleeve is full of muck.
I'm the executive here.
Yeah, but I want you
to lay off that a bit.
One thing bugs me.
-That craftsman thing.
You got so consumed by it
that we forgot that you're
an amazing musician.
As music will be part of this,
it would be awesome
not only to see some short Instagram clips
plonking away on the piano,
but a small concert.
I know, this is still a pie in the sky
but so is our beautiful houseboat.
For me, this is a personal matter.
I don't want this to be a side project.
I love your record.
I'm serious.
But if this is just one
of your many projects--
-Quality suffers.
Yeah, he makes brass lamps, too.
And he made a Ping-Pong table
out of a door.
Imagine John Lennon
had a thrift store on the side.
-That would be lame.
-No way.
Lennon is so big,
that it would be down to earth.
But for me right now?
-I'm just the huckster.
-The huckster.
And I was lucky with that record.
Maybe I'll have to prove myself someday.
You know what you should do?
Play your songs.
That's liberating.
I played the guitar yesterday.
And I felt so inspired and happy.
I forgot everything.
I just jammed.
You always play at night, too.
-Just play anything--
-But I also get so worked up about it.
If I don't come up with a hit right away,
I go crazy.
And then I just smoke.
You thought, "One more," right?
You think I can jump as high as you?
You can jump really high.
-Can I do it?
But as in leapfrogging.
-Over me? That's easy.
-Then do it over me, you can't do it.
-I have a bad back.
-But you can jump high.
-Like that.
But don't stoop!
-No, forget it.
-Don't stoop!
I promise I can make it.
-I promise I can do it.
-Fynn, my back.
-Like that. Don't move.
-Don't stoop.
-You stooped!
-Because I was afraid!
We had a deal.
Nothing would have happened.
-I haven't known you for long.
-Are you in pain?
No, but if--
Have you seen what he just did?
-Who are you talking to?
-Your car.
-I see.
-Just dummies.
Can we please continue working
and stop fooling around?
Careful, it's heavy.
Careful, it's heavy!
Subtitle translation by Marcel Zriki
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