The Hunter's Anthology (2021) s01e01 Episode Script

The Fortune Maker

That was a harsh stop.
- Happens all the time.
- Not like that.
It'll start up again any minute.
That's weird, there's no
passengers in the next car.
We're locked in.
It's locked here too.
What the hell is going on?
We'll start up again soon right guys?
Careful kid you could hurt yourself.
How many times did we get
stuck on the trains every week,
it's gotta be nothing.
Empty cars maybe, but locked doors?
Maybe 'cause we're stopped.
Forget it, we're between stops.
Maybe if we just give it a minute.
you know what's going on don't you?
Yeah, as a matter of fact I do.
Then why don't you say something?
I like to see what
I'm dealing with first.
I'm Mac.
No one leaves this
train until I let you.
Why won't you let us?
Because kid, we got
a demon in our midst.
And it could be any one of you.
Don't get too close
partner, that includes her.
The fact is there's
demons all around us.
My job's to seek them out.
Okay whack-a-nuts,
you know, I'm open, I'm open to it.
I've been doing this a long time folks.
I'm damn good at it.
Demons, huh?
I don't know how you expect
any of us to believe you Max.
Mac. That's Mac.
I know you've all seen
things beyond the usual,
out of the realm of science,
beyond our comprehension,
the supernatural,
that's what drew me to you.
Yeah, that's what I thought.
You've all seen things and yet,
you still don't think
there's even a chance
that a demon exists on this train.
It's probably you.
No, not me.
Quite the opposite in fact,
I'm what you call a demon hunter.
I got the ability to
feel a demon's presence
and contain it.
The problem with these
supernatural encounters is
they shield who's who and what's what,
all those memories, they look the same.
But I can tell when
you're all going to be
in the same place so I make sure
I'm there to grab a lot of you.
Couldn't have timed it any better
but then again, that's what I do.
And I promise you, one of
you is definitely a demon,
but who?
How long do you need to figure it out?
As long as it takes,
none of you would be candidates,
if you didn't have a
little gray in your past
and one of you has a
soul of absolute darkness,
but who?
Let's say there's a hint of
truth to what you're saying,
what happens to the
demon once you find it?
You can't be serious.
Demon hunting is my purpose in life.
I can only afford to be serious.
What's with the silver tip?
You know what?
I think I'll start with you.
No way, I don't want any part of this.
Then our search is over
folks, we found our demon.
Fine, what are you going to do?
Take a peek into your soul.
Ma'am, ma'am please.
Read the sign child, we're closed.
Please, it's an emergency,
I need to see the future.
I'm sorry, come back tomorrow.
Tomorrow's too late.
I have plans this evening.
It's all I've got, it's
an emergency, please.
You know, I normally don't
do this sort of thing.
Thank you.
You're welcome, child.
Here, dry yourself off
and then we'll get started.
I saw the sign out
front, 100% guaranteed.
Is that really true?
Absolutely, I pride myself on that.
Now tell me why did you feel the need
to come out here at this hour?
I just, I have the feeling
like I'm in danger you know?
That something bad's gonna happen
and I need you to
help me figure out why.
What's your name, child?
I'm Madame Renee,
you're safe here Tabitha.
My clients are like family to me
and under no circumstances will
anyone harm you under my watch.
Now, what would you like
today, a palm reading?
Dialogue with the dead?
Actually, I was hoping
for a tarot reading.
Ah the cards, no room for error,
have you ever had one done before?
No, I've never been to a psychic.
I prefer fortune teller my dear,
psychic is so scientific, so negative.
Many of my friends are clients.
They vouch that you've never
been wrong with a reading, ever.
You're in good hands, 100% guaranteed.
You see my gift comes with
a great responsibility,
I can't afford to be wrong,
my entire reputation depends on it.
Now, shall we begin?
What is your question for the cards?
I guess,
what is this terrible
feeling I have about?
In order to protect you,
we are going to have to get
to the heart of the matter.
Luckily for us, the deck and
I have a spiritual connection.
See how the cards have
a mind of their own?
We'll do a standard
cross, what has happened,
what is happening and what will happen.
Please Tabitha cut the deck.
Now we're in business.
10 cards,
six in a cross,
four on the side,
present past future,
external influences,
hopes and fears.
I've come to fear readings.
You see, fortune telling is a burden.
You never know if the news
is going to be good or bad,
but that's the price we pay
for having our fortunes read,
the truth.
We start with a major
Arcana card, the hermit,
it represents the loner, caution,
vigilance, sound like somebody you know?
Of course it does.
Now, let's find out what
your immediate challenge is,
based on your question.
The nine of swords.
Is that bad?
No, in your case I'll
assume it means anxiety,
that you need to trust your instincts,
but you're doing that already.
Maybe by looking into your past,
the problem will reveal itself.
This one friend of mine,
she told me you predicted
that she would have
a major career change, she
was fired three weeks later,
she decided to open her own business.
She followed her dream
thanks to your reading.
The greatest reward for fortune tellers
that little push to greater success,
I am very happy for your friend.
Wonderful, the 10 of cups,
it seems that in your distant past
you grew up in a warm, loving
family with true friendships
and yet you are lonely now.
Maybe that's due to your
inability to trust anybody,
this deficit of love in your life
makes me assume that you are single.
That's exactly right,
but what does this have
to do with my bad feeling?
Did somebody ask you out recently?
Actually, yeah, this guy
I used to see at the gym,
he talks to me sometimes, asks me out.
I always say no.
Don't fear my child, it's reversed.
You know the death card normally
doesn't mean actual death,
that's a common
misconception, in reverse
it could actually mean
quite the opposite.
Thank God.
In this case, it
represents your recent past,
it just means immobility, slow changes
and if that's not it I'm sorry to say,
it could be something
more dire than that.
It could be interpreted as
a narrow escape from death,
cheating death, I wonder if,
tell me about that guy again.
From the gym?
I bumped into him another
time outside, but..
Maybe he's following you.
Maybe he is the bad
feeling, no need to fret
we will get to the bottom of this now,
wonderful the eight of
wands, my lovely Tabitha
you are in luck, your
best possible outcome,
brand new ideas are coming your way,
a new love, a new journey,
anything is possible.
Now that we know the
sky's the limit for you,
why don't we find a
way to get you out of
this path of danger
and onto a better one?
Got another one for you.
This guy I work with,
he was really down,
unable to muster up the
courage to ask for some
promotion at work.
He came to see you
and you insisted the cards were clear
that he should go for it.
What else?
It worked.
This is your second major Arcana card.
It's the Empress and it's reversed.
Your immediate future is
filled with indecision,
lack of understanding.
There's something happening
around you already, but what?
Four cards left,
factors affecting your situation.
The seven of cups, there's
something that you're not aware of
will affect you soon.
A secret, a lie maybe.
The two of swords reversed,
loss of balance in a relationship
violent passion,
misunderstanding of love,
oh my dear child you
must avoid that man.
I thought it was nothing.
Now that I think about
it, I see him everywhere.
I thought it was
because he lives nearby,
but I see him at
restaurants, on the street.
That sounds like a
lot more than nothing.
We must find a way to keep you safe.
Good thing we have
the cards to guide us.
The cards never lie.
This reminds me of my other friend.
He said you predicted
that something precious
would be taken from him.
He spent hours and hours hiding things,
his money, valuables,
all material things.
He had no idea it would
end up being his wife.
I remember that man.
He didn't believe me, he
didn't listen to the cards.
You believe me dear don't you?
I do.
Some fates aren't ours
to decide I'm afraid,
that's why I said I read
fortunes with a heavy heart,
but let's finish yours
and find a way to help you.
Two cards left.
Another major Arcana card?
Your hopes and fears, the fool.
This can't be good.
This centers around a choice
you have to make and soon,
in your immediate future,
that man wants you dead.
One card left, the final outcome.
Come on, flip it.
Flip the card.
What is it?
The nine of Pentacles, reversed.
Loss is possible, danger from thieves,
Based on your best possible
outcome, you can beat this.
Please, Madame Renee,
let me stay here a little while longer,
at least until the storm passes.
I suppose a little while
longer couldn't hurt.
Thank you, Madame Renee, thank you.
I know,
why don't I do you?
Let me read your fortune,
anyone ever done that before?
No, no.
Oh come one, you don't even
know what the cards mean.
I'll deal, you explain,
what else are we going to do?
You said what you gave me
before was all that you had.
Yeah, and a good thing too.
I mean right, what else are we gonna do?
We'll treat it like a lesson.
Always wanted to try this.
What are you doing with $400
cash in your purse anyway?
No uh, we're doing you now,
cut the deck right?
Okay, so I start with
inside of the cross?
Oh no, like this child.
The magician and the present,
represents creativity,
skill, willpower, confidence.
Sounds about right, 100%
guaranteed of course.
The two of Pentacles,
I'm able to handle multiple problems,
taking on a new task could be difficult.
Expect a helpful message.
Is Madame Renee stressed out?
(CHUCKLING) Aren't we all.
Hey, maybe this reading will help you.
Yeah, maybe.
Okay, distant past is next, right?
The eight of cups, reversed.
Abandonment of one's original path.
Disappointment in love,
complaining without
Something wrong?
No, complaining without cause,
the desire to leave one's
success for something better.
Remember that friend I told you about,
the one you predicted would have
a career change and got fired?
Turns out she lost a flash drive
with a big presentation on
it, prepped it for months
for some big account,
it just disappeared,
fired on the spot,
ruined the entire company.
But you said that you
found a new, better job.
Yeah but her startup
went under soon after,
the fortune was right,
just unfortunate that's all.
The strength card reversed.
That's the second major
Arcana card, right?
I guess it means weakness,
since it's facing the wrong way.
Lack of faith, tyranny,
abuse of power,
I think yes, this has to do
with someone I used to know.
Someone you know?
Okay, now we're in business.
Best possible outcome is next.
The hanged man.
Another major Arcana card?
I think you're going
for the world record.
But we're not even halfway
through yet, that's impossible.
- The odds are
- The cards never lie, best possible outcome,
change, reversal, abandonment,
sacrifice, improvement, rebirth.
What is this?
Who are you and what are you doing here?
I'm just reading your
fortune Madame Renee,
immediate future is next.
10 of swords, sudden
misfortune, the ruining of plans,
defeat, failure, pain.
This is the worst
fortune I've ever seen.
What do you want from me?
Why are you doing this to me?
Four cards left,
the queen of swords, a
quick and confident decision.
Someone who can bear their sorrow,
remember that other story I told you
about the guy I work with?
Of course you do, he was
competing for that promotion.
Soon after your reading his competition,
mysteriously went missing,
doesn't change that you were right,
just strange how it all happened.
External influences already?
Oh look, the page of
swords, so many swords.
We're done here, get out of my shop.
Now, now child, you know
it's bad luck to stop
in the middle of a reading,
besides how can we ever
solve your problems?
Outside forces you can't control,
an imposter, an unexpected event.
Two cards left,
hopes and fears.
Will you look at that.
Another major Arcana card,
the Moon, deception, trickery,
danger, disgrace.
Cards, 22 major Arcana (WHISPERING)
10 cards in the cross
four major Arcana cards,
that's almost half.
That last story I told you,
about the man you predicted
would lose something.
He wasn't just some friend,
he was my sister's husband
and you murdered her to
make your fortune true.
You're not a fortune teller,
you're a fortune maker.
You tell fortunes and
you keep your reputation
by making sure they come true,
no matter what the
cost, 100% guaranteed.
That's right, I'm a fraud,
those cards are random
pictures, art, they mean nothing.
That's where you're wrong Madame Renee,
you might be a fraud, but the cards
are very, very real,
at least as long as someone
like me is handling them.
So many fortune tellers
try to make their clients
feel better by saying the death card
doesn't really mean they're gonna die.
The truth is, it usually does.
Time to make your fortune come true.
So wait, are you telling us
Tabitha murdered Madame Renee?
I didn't murder anyone,
but I can't stop the spirits
from casting their revenge,
I'm just the messenger, a medium.
Yeah well she still died,
Mac told it to us all the same.
Yeah but it's not like she didn't
come at her with a knife guys.
Right, self-defense.
Yeah but Tabitha didn't
have to show up at all.
Madame Renee trusted her, took her in.
For a hell of a lot of money.
Wait Tabitha, so if you're a
psychic and can see the future
which one of them is the demon?
It doesn't work that
way, I need my cards.
Are you sure of what
you saw demon hunter,
what you're telling us?
I told it just as I saw it
as she saw it,
I can't just,
it's like watching TV,
I can see and hear experiences,
but I can't be sure of anyone's intent.
I think he's making this shit up.
What he saw was true.
Why admit to that?
That made you look pretty bad Tabitha.
Yeah exactly, because no one
in their right mind would,
it also proves I'm not the demon.
No, it doesn't.
Maybe you and Mac are working together,
acting like your story checks out when
you're really a plant.
Oh please, this guy
knew something about me
that nobody possibly could.
You're saying he's for real then.
Yeah, he's for real.
Is Tabitha the demon, Mac?
I don't know
and I won't until I looked
through every one of your souls,
one by one, the answer
always reveals itself.
I've never been wrong.
I don't think you're a demon.
Thanks, kid.
The two of you are married.
Gee, everyone's a psychic.
I hate sarcasm.
You're both connected,
your stories ar the same,
get close so I can look
through one eye each got it?
Next Episode