The Interest of Love (2022) s01e01 Episode Script

Episode 1

All right. Let's have a productive day.
-Good morning, everyone.
-Good morning, everyone.
-Welcome to KCU Bank.
-Welcome to KCU Bank.
At exactly 9:00 a.m., the bank opens.
I can help the first customer here.
This is Chief Ha Sang-su
of the Youngpo branch.
KCU celebrates
its 62nd anniversary this year.
To our left are the financial district
and white-collar workers.
To our right
is a marketplace with 50 years of history.
Over 300 customers visit
the Youngpo branch every single day.
Welcome to KCU, ma'am.
However, we do not show
the same love for every single client.
Those who come to borrow money
must take a number and wait.
Those who come to lend money
to the bank are escorted.
VIP clients who deposit…
-…over a certain amount…
-You're here.
-…go straight to the branch manager.
And VVIP clients…
-This isn't much.
-…don't even come in…
Thank you.
…because a bank clerk goes to their home.
-I see.
I'm afraid you can't get
a large credit limit.
How much longer do I have to wait?
I'm sorry, sir.
Please wait a moment. I'm very sorry.
Who's that, then? Is this discrimination?
-I'm sorry, sir.
-One second.
-Let me check the limit.
-That's right.
We do discriminate
based on your account balance
and monthly expenditures.
During the Joseon era,
social class determined your status.
But in 2022, your status in Korea
is determined by your wealth.
Such social status ranking exists
for both those visiting the bank
and those working at the bank.
It also exists…
between me and her.
Last month, your team won
the office league ice hockey tournament.
Please tell us how you feel.
This is all thanks to KCU Bank's support
of intramural activities
to aid with employee self-development
and leisure pursuits.
-Thank you.
Hello, Mr. Ma.
I'll transfer that client
to the credit guarantee foundation.
The guarantee fund has a higher limit,
but the screening takes much longer.
Yes, sir. I'll go back and wrap it up.
Yes, all right.
-Mr. Lee.
It just ended. He'll come and wrap it up.
Sang-su can't afford to go out
and act cool right now.
He should be at work
trying to improve his performance.
The in-house broadcasting team as well.
Why shoot on a weekday?
Where are their manners? Good grief.
Because both you and those people
want to rest on the weekend.
Mr. Ha's interview is up
on the bank's social media.
Let me see.
My gosh. What is that?
He seems different in this light.
Right? He looks like
a real athlete in this uniform.
If you like him, ask him out.
Even if I did, he'd probably say no.
Men are more particular these days.
I'm just a service rep
who went to college outside of Seoul.
So what? We're all bank clerks.
Actually, we're not all the same.
Service reps are people
with unlimited contracts.
But people with regular positions
are formally recruited.
So you need to transfer positions
while you're still young.
If you don't, you'll end up like Su-yeong.
You always manage to say things
that rub people the wrong way.
Speaking of Su-yeong, where is she?
She always eats lunch alone.
Who knows where she goes off to?
Hey, Auntie.
You got your hair permed. You look great!
-Can I get married now?
-Of course!
-You're pretty!
Hey, you're here already?
-My gosh.
You just had knee surgery!
-I'm fine.
Take it easy, and don't get hurt again.
I'm fine.
Auntie, you don't look well.
Are you ill?
Your investment savings matured.
Come by sometime.
-Okay, I will.
Hey, Mr. So-Nosy. You're good at this.
Hello, Auntie!
Auntie! Two gukbaps, please.
Okay, sure.
-Hi, Auntie.
-Come on in.
You look great on camera.
I can picture your value skyrocketing.
What good is all that?
It's good for dating, that's what.
Don't play innocent.
Wait, do you like someone in particular?
Like Ahn Su-yeong?
What are you talking about?
I saw you two in the morning
-blinking like this.
-When did I do that?
I thought you had an eye infection.
Here we go.
Help yourself to more side dishes later.
-Auntie, it's time you came by the bank.
-Okay, sure.
-Stop by, okay?
-Got it.
-I love you!
Gosh, you're so considerate.
I might fall for you.
And I'll turn you down.
She was your immediate supervisor
when you were a rookie, right?
Was she? So what?
That was already three years ago.
You had plenty of time
to have started something with her.
Be quiet and wipe your hands.
Well, I suppose
that it's wiser just to work
and move up to the head office.
I hear human resources
always spot office romances first, anyway.
I told you not to call.
Please just leave me alone.
Do you want this?
Hey, what about this?
Come on. That's your style.
Are they?
My son said he'd wire the money today.
I have to pay rent,
and I'm out of ramyeon too.
Ma'am, then why don't you
call your son again?
His phone is turned off.
I see.
-Hello, ma'am.
-Hello, Sang-su.
How can I help you?
Can you give my card a try?
Right. Give me a second, and I'll try it.
-Please do.
Please insert your card.
Please press the desired button.
Please make sure to take
all your belongings. Thank you.
Ma'am, I think this
is all you've received so far.
Please get some ramyeon
and water with this,
and then talk to your son again, okay?
-I will.
Thank you. Goodbye.
-Thank you again.
Have you had lunch yet?
I'm about to head out.
Here. Take this.
It's surplus money from this month.
You don't have to do this.
Go eat something good.
I'm sorry, but no.
-Everyone is waiting.
-But I'm busy.
No, please take a number first.
We're not supposed to do this,
but we'll make it happen.
I'll process it now.
You said you were moving.
Did you find a nice place?
I brought the paperwork.
You're here for a refund and not a loan?
Mr. Ha here will help you with the refund.
-Mr. Ha.
Thanks a lot.
Yes, how may I help you?
-A refund.
-A refund?
Can I see your ID, please?
Do you have any more questions?
No, thank you. I'm fine.
-Thank you.
-Thank you.
Mr. Lee, I need these approved.
How much longer do I have to wait?
Please wait, and you'll be called in time.
I'm sorry.
Jeez, I already read an entire magazine.
-You're all set. Thank you.
-Thank you.
Should I take a few?
Yes, thank you.
Next, please.
How may I help you?
Number 418, I can help you at window two.
Hello. How may I help you?
I came for my credit card.
Can I see your ID, please?
Your shirt looks great, sir.
I'm heading to the airport
for Jeju Island.
It's an alumni trip.
-Gosh, you're so lucky.
-Mr. Kim Seong-hun.
One second, please.
What kind of nonsense is this?
The highest amount of interest
I can get is 300,000 won,
but I can lose up to
3.5 million won in the end.
That's true, but as I told you,
the US index rarely falls--
Will you take responsibility, then?
It's written right here.
"There is a risk of principal loss."
Would you take up something
to make a mere 300,000 won
at the risk of losing 3.5 million won?
…because you wanted higher interest
than regular savings.
So you're saying…
-Your card, sir.
-I didn't know any better…
-Enjoy your trip.
-so you wanted to deceive me?
I'm sorry for the confusion.
Do you think I'm some kind of an idiot?
I can't believe this!
I'm sorry. Let me show you
another product--
Forget it!
Take this yourself
and do whatever you want!
Who are you?
Thank you.
You need to perform well
to transfer positions, right?
I'm totally on your side.
But you need to know your clients
before you offer them products.
No matter how well you perform,
if you keep getting complaints,
you'll end up losing in the end.
You're right.
I think it's ridiculous to differentiate
between service reps and regular clerks.
One Ahn Su-yeong is way better
than a truck full of university graduates.
Su-yeong, where's the credit card
for Mr. Kim Seong-hun?
He came to collect it,
but this card is
for Mr. Kim Seong-hun, the VIP.
-Mr. Ha.
-Yes, sir.
Mr. Ha Sang-su.
Is there trouble at home?
Or do you have something against me?
How can a bank clerk give out a card
without checking the numbers first?
And why did you make
this ridiculous mistake…
How can you give
someone else's card to a VIP client?
Have you gone…
Look at this guy. Have you lost your mind?
I'm sorry.
I was busy, so I asked him
to do it for me.
What kind of nonsense is this?
The highest amount of interest
I can get is 300,000 won,
but I can lose up to
3.5 million won in the end.
Is that so, Ms. Ahn?
You asked him to do that?
All right, then.
Since Kim Seong-hun
is a one-of-a-kind name,
and there couldn't possibly be
two clients with the same name,
you asked him to do a quick, sloppy job?
-I'm sorry.
-On top of that,
you told him to give
a lower-tier card to the VIP,
and a VIP card to a lower-tier customer
in a noble effort to redistribute wealth?
I see.
What a great thought. Very nicely done.
Why are you just standing there?
Go to Jeju Island now!
Hey, Ms. Ahn. You go with him.
You've known this client
for some time, right?
What if he gets offended
and changes his primary bank?
If he says that,
then I'm seriously going to…
-Over there.
-Okay. Are we late?
We'll see when we get there.
Thank you.
-We're here.
-I see.
I'm sorry.
That's better, right?
I can't believe we're on a plane
to Jeju Island right now.
I feel the same way.
I'm sorry. This is all my fault.
Not at all.
I was the one who made a mistake.
I'm sorry.
Okay, then.
Let's agree this is your fault, Mr. Ha.
Why are you smiling?
This reminds me of the old days
when you first came to our branch.
I see.
Two rookies have arrived at our branch.
They're first and last place
in their trainee class.
Ha Sang-su and So Gyeong-pil.
Give them a hand.
Just to let you know,
I came in last place.
But you're first place
when it comes to humor.
Also, Ms. Seo Min-hui
will return next month
from maternity leave.
So, for now, the Goddess
of our Youngpo branch,
Ms. Ahn Su-yeong,
can train him in deposit duties.
Yes, sir.
When I first came here as a rookie,
Su-yeong was
the Goddess of Youngpo branch.
A withdrawal mistake?
A withdrawal mistake on your first day?
-Senior Clerk Ha Sang-su.
Weren't you the top of the trainees?
I thought that
we finally got a solid rookie,
but how did we end up with this idiot?
Hey, how can a bank clerk
withdraw money twice?
Is that your own money?
Is it? Say something!
I'm sorry.
Mr. So, get over here.
-My first day…
-How in the world was he trained?
I made a mistake
withdrawing money before the goddess.
What are you going to do?
I'll train him, sir.
-Get over here!
-This was the moment…
-All of you!
-I went from top trainee to idiot.
You two trained together.
What should I do with him?
-You learned this in training, right?
Secure this right here
between your left middle and ring fingers.
Fold it. Good.
Move your right thumb up and down.
Then count the cash with your ring finger.
Wait, move this finger.
Like this. One by one.
I see.
I can't move my ring finger well.
Even if you use a money counter,
you have to double-check it.
Lastly, put the clean bills
in the front and back.
-Then hold it with your index finger.
-I see. Like this?
And secure it like this.
Then stamp the stack
to show who counted the bills.
-Give it a try.
-Wrap it tightly.
-Line it up…
I'm sorry, Mr. Kim.
Goodness, you came all this way for this?
It's all right, sir.
-Thank you.
-Thank you, sir.
Yes, we gave him the right card.
Thankfully, Mr. Kim was understanding…
Yes, sir. I'm sorry.
Yes, I'll return right away.
Yes, sir.
Do you have someone to send them to?
I mean, you seemed
invested in taking pictures.
Are they for your boyfriend?
I don't have a boyfriend.
I took pictures because it's pretty here.
I see.
It must have fallen from up there.
Just leave it alone.
If humans touch the eggs,
mother birds push them out of the nest.
Can it survive like this?
It'll end up broken anyway.
But there's a chance it won't.
It might be fine
if I cover it with this and put it back.
Let's help it first
and let the mother bird decide later.
It doesn't matter if it breaks.
I'd feel bad if we didn't try.
I think…
it might be faster if I climb up.
Should I get on my knees, then?
I'll get down, and you can step up.
-Are you sure?
-Yes, it's fine.
Thank you.
-The egg, please.
-Did you get up?
-Can you hand me the egg?
Be safe.
Are you done?
What should I…
Thank you.
See? I was right.
I was wrong.
I'm glad we helped.
Ms. Ahn?
We have some time left until our flight.
Do you want to go somewhere nearby?
We should probably wait at the airport.
Right. Okay.
Can you take a photo for me?
I'd like to remember today.
One, two, three.
One more time. One, two, three.
Thank you.
The balance is correct.
Let's call it a day.
-Good job.
-Great job today.
-Good work.
See you tomorrow.
Let's grab a drink.
A drink, my foot.
Seok-hyeon is about to break up
with his girlfriend.
Okay, let's go.
Are you headed out to get wasted?
A consolation party for Sang-su's mistake?
Yesterday, it was Seok-hyeon.
Today, it was Sang-su.
Is it Gyeong-pil's turn tomorrow?
Stop messing around together.
You three keep hanging out together
and make people call you that thing.
What was it? I can't remember.
Mr. Ma, what was it again?
The Three Idiots of Youngpo.
Right. The Three Idiots of Youngpo.
You're different.
You need to maintain your image.
Let's go. I'll make you feel better.
Do you have time in your busy day
to boost the morale of your associate?
Why do you think I like being single?
I have no wife or children to look after,
so I'm free after work!
You have my respect, sir. Let's go.
-You were great today.
-You too.
Ms. Ahn, you should join us.
Mr. Lee is going too.
I have another engagement.
See you tomorrow.
You have a lot of those.
Ms. Seo, go home right away.
She definitely has a boyfriend.
She's obviously the type
that guys would line up for.
She might have more than one.
Some say she sees
a different guy every day.
Have you seen her
with a different guy every day, Mr. Ma?
Come on.
Why else would she refuse to come out?
It's all because of men.
She's the type who lives up to her looks--
-My gosh.
What are you doing?
I'm sorry. Are you all right?
Why did you pour beer on my pants?
I just got these dry-cleaned.
Darn it.
Where's Seok-hyeon?
On the phone with his girlfriend.
Jeez, why do you all
go through the trouble of dating?
What's he doing?
It's the photo I took for her
on Jeju Island.
What is this? What does this mean?
Did she want me to see this?
Where are you right now?
What are you up to?
What are you doing, Sang-su?
Did you get home okay?
Thank you for going
to Jeju Island with me.
Maybe I shouldn't have sent that.
I had fun and got
some fresh air, thanks to you.
Watch where you're going.
Why are you so self-centered?
Who wants to go out on the street?
Move. Excuse me.
Ji-yun, you said you had
something important to tell me.
I did?
That's right. I do.
I'll go.
Will you?
I wonder which one of you
should take the street shift today.
-It's Mr. Ma's turn.
-I'll go.
I had a bit too much to eat,
so it'll be good for my digestion.
I see. That's good of you.
Don't let me stop you.
Hello, please come by KCU Bank.
Hello, please come by KCU Bank.
Hello, please come by KCU Bank.
Let me take some of these for you.
No, it's okay.
It's not a lot, anyway.
You should go sit and take a break.
I'll be done in no time.
Right. Take this.
Have some and wait just a moment.
Hello, please come by KCU Bank.
Hello, please come by KCU Bank.
Hello, please come by KCU Bank.
Hello, please come by KCU Bank.
Hello, please come by KCU Bank.
Hello, please come by KCU Bank.
Hello, please come by KCU Bank.
Hello, please come by KCU Bank.
Ms. Ahn?
What do you usually do on weekends?
What about you, Mr. Ha?
This weekend,
I'd like to meet with you, Ms. Ahn.
There's no special reason
behind my asking.
We've worked together for a while
but haven't shared a meal,
and I felt grateful
that you came to Jeju Island with me.
Okay, then.
I mean, I'd like that.
Mom, I told you to ring the doorbell.
I'm changing the passcode.
You don't ring the bell at my place.
You punch in the passcode too.
The place I ordered from last time
was a bit too salty.
It's better to eat bland food.
Then go ahead and find
a store that sells bland side dishes.
We're both single, so it's nice to share.
What's the big deal?
-I sent you half the money. Are we good?
And let this ripen for a day
before putting it in the fridge.
-What happened to your hand?
A group came in.
What kind of director
massages clients herself?
They've been coming to me from the start,
and I need the money to expand.
I need to work hard.
I told you not to overdo it
with the expansion.
Who's the woman?
What do you mean?
I gave you that facial pack
over a year ago,
but you refused to use it until now.
-Are you dating?
No, it's not that.
I used it because it was about to expire.
Mom, why do you keep doing this?
Go on now. Leave.
-What does she do?
-Let's go.
-Parents? Which university did she go to?
That kind of information
is important, you know.
Let's go, Mom.
It's not like that. What's with you?
Where are you?
I'm already here.
I'm sorry. I don't think I can go today.
I'm just kidding. Just count to ten.
Am I late?
Shall we?
Mr. Ha, you seem different
from when I see you at the bank.
Just a little.
You seem different, too, Su-yeong.
May I call you Su-yeong?
Where's your hometown?
-Tongyeong? I see.
I really love Tongyeong oysters.
I like them raw,
and I like oyster gukbap too.
And oyster jeon.
Oyster jeon and makgeolli together
just taste amazing.
I actually hate oysters.
You hate oysters. I see.
What's your family like?
It's just me and Mom in my case.
My father passed away when I was young.
My parents are back in Tongyeong.
I have a younger brother.
So you're an older sister.
How old is your brother?
I see.
That's a fun age.
Why did you jump into
the workforce right away?
It seems like you would've
done well in college.
I enjoyed drawing more.
Guess who?
Why are you so late?
It was all too pretty for me to study.
What about art school?
My family couldn't afford art school.
I'm sorry.
There's no need to apologize.
Who cares about college anyway?
You may not have gone to college,
but you're the best clerk at our bank.
I mean, look at me.
I made that huge mistake last time.
College isn't important at all.
This is it for me.
Your place has a great view.
I had fun today. Get home safely.
Can we…
Can we do this again?
And what if we do?
I just thought it'd be nice
to see you again.
I don't like undefined relationships.
I feel the same way.
Clear and defined.
Then let's meet again next week.
Mondays are hectic, so how about Tuesday?
That's my day off.
Then let's have dinner.
I'll treat you to something good.
Something that's clearly good.
Kim Min-seok at Dangsang branch is
getting married. Did you see his invite?
Why do people insist on getting married?
This invite just looks like
a utility bill to me now.
Was that your attitude
when you came to my wedding?
I didn't go.
I sent you money the way I pay my bills.
You and your mouth.
But they're an office couple,
so they'll see each other often.
What? Are you jealous?
It'll be awful if they get divorced.
I've seen a lot of people lose everything
after dating someone at work.
Living a glamorous, single life like me
is the trend these days.
I agree. Just working is the best.
Who can we date, then?
We get off work too late to date.
Do you all want
to date at work that badly?
Ms. Ahn, are you interested
in an office romance too?
It depends on the person.
Let's see here.
Did you all receive the director's email
about the vice president's
Ready-Go Card event?
Twelve from the Deposits Team.
Five from the General Consultation Team.
And the General Affairs
can manage three, right?
We get department store vouchers
if we reach our goal.
Let's beat the Dangsang branch again!
We can do this!
-We can do this!
-We can do this!
What's going on with you?
You've been in
a suspiciously good mood lately.
Stop being so nosy.
Do you really have to know everything?
Goodness gracious.
Are you drawing a line between us?
That makes me sad.
My gosh.
Hey, you're not the sad one. He is.
He broke up with his girlfriend.
Have you lost your mind?
You're on the clock.
Do you want Mr. Noh to go off on you?
It's non-alcoholic.
Why did you two break up?
Didn't you want to marry her?
Have you ever seen a squat toilet?
I did. The toilet in her home
was that ancient.
My heart raced, and I fell for her.
I asked her out, and we dated.
Then I found out
that her family was far below mine.
But I didn't care
because my family is rich.
But after a while,
I started feeling self-conscious.
Whenever we went on dates or trips
and even when we talked about marriage,
her situation always came to mind first.
Do you know what's worse?
I began thinking
that the food she eats comes
from my parents' money and mine.
When I went to meet her family,
I ate boiled chicken
at her home and thought to myself,
"From now on, the money I make
will no longer be mine."
"I'm going to lose money by the second."
You should've thought it through
before dating her, then.
You said you loved her.
-If you didn't think you could--
Hey! Who knew it would be like this?
That my love was shallow?
Am I the only piece of trash around here?
No. Of course not.
Come on.
Why add insult to injury to Seok-hyeon?
Why did we meet? Why did I fall in love?
Only Romeo and Juliet
can love in a world like this.
But their families were
equally well-off, right?
Here is your ID.
Thank you.
You must like accessories too.
My gosh. I love that ring.
Where did you get it?
I got it with my credit card points.
Credit card points? What do you mean?
I like to shop, so…
Would you like to check out
this card, then?
It just came out.
If you like to shop or go to cafés,
there are lots of perks and discounts.
This sounds nice.
Let me know if you're interested.
I think Su-yeong is going
to win the vouchers again.
You have to be tough like her
to become a permanent clerk
after starting as a part-timer.
So what?
If she can't transfer positions,
she'll have to stay at the window.
And even if she does,
it's still a problem.
If she transfers to a regular position,
she'll have to start from the bottom
and end up suffering as a senior clerk
for many more years.
But she's performing well,
so I think she still wants to.
Do you think
she'll get through the competition?
I don't think so.
Ms. Ahn, you met our quota.
I knew you could do it.
Keep up the good work.
-Good. Keep it up.
But Mr. Ma. Didn't you like
Su-yeong, too, at first?
-Did she turn you down?
-No. Turned down? Me?
What? Of course not.
So what if Su-yeong is pretty?
Does that help her résumé?
No. She needs actual skills
to fill her résumé.
Let's be honest.
She's a high school graduate.
And she's just a service rep.
Her family isn't much, either.
Turned down by her? No way.
-Sounds like you were.
-I agree.
No way. Excuse me, but who told you that?
-I won't tell anyone you told me.
-You so did.
Every single man
must have had feelings for her.
"But anything that couldn't
instantly meet her emotional needs was…
considered utterly useless.
She discarded everything…
that she deemed as useless."
Where are we meeting tomorrow?
I made a reservation
for seven o'clock
at the Tawon Hotel sushi restaurant.
Ha Sang-su.
So Gyeong-pil. Yang Seok-hyeon.
You three again!
Sitting right next to each other!
Sang-su, are you going through puberty?
Is this your rebellious stage?
You were doing so well. What happened?
I'm sorry, sir.
Even a rookie wouldn't make this mistake.
What's going on with you three?
The balance is correct.
Thank you.
The balance is correct.
I'll be leaving, then.
Mr. Ha, will make sure
that the balance is correct
before he leaves.
Good work, everyone.
Thank you.
Goodness, you've had such a day.
Thank you, Ms. Seo!
What just happened?
Is he leaving just like that?
What? Come on.
I had problems yesterday
because of the balance,
and then my phone broke.
I'm sorry I couldn't make it.
Did you wait a long time?
What do you mean?
Does it have to be like that?
It was my mistake.
-Just do it like before.
-Okay, I get it.
No, I don't think so.
-Isn't this a team leader's job?
-Overtime work…
-No, you can do it.
-Did you get a poodle?
Since when was it like this?
-This one?
-Yes, that one.
The balance is correct.
-Good work.
-Great work today.
-Good job.
-The balance is correct.
-Okay, good work.
-Good work.
-Great job.
The balance is correct.
-Good job.
-Great work.
The balance is correct.
-All right!
-Great job.
-Good work.
-Great work.
-Okay, bye.
I'm sorry I couldn't keep my promise.
But aren't you being too harsh?
I said that I was sorry!
Hey, you. Are you there?
Ms. Ahn? Su-yeong!
Are you asleep?
I've lost it.
I've gone crazy.
I've lost it! I've gone crazy!
Eun-jeong, I borrowed your pen yesterday.
-Thank you.
That doesn't mean they're dating.
Come on.
Ms. Ahn and the security guard,
Mr. Jeong, went to a park far from here
and sat across each other
while having lunch.
They're at least flirting or dating.
That snobby Ahn Su-yeong
turns everyone down,
but packs lunch boxes for Mr. Jeong?
But we don't know
if Ms. Ahn made it herself.
Then do you think Mr. Jeong did?
She turns down section chiefs
and assistant managers
for a rookie security guard?
I don't think she's in her right mind.
That's taking it a bit far,
don't you think?
And so what? They look great together.
Like attracts like, you know.
I know what I saw.
It wasn't just any kind of lunch.
Mr. Jeong kept blushing and smiling.
There was a really weird vibe.
I could tell something was up.
I'm certain of it.
Please excuse me.
Where are you going?
I have to get some cigarettes.
-That's nice.
-Have another one.
-Thank you.
Right here.
-Have a drink.
-Thank you.
-Eat up.
-Thank you. This is great.
-Do you like it?
-What a relief.
-It's great.
Try this one too.
All right, attention, please.
Now then.
We settled the accounts
for the first quarter.
We didn't reach our target performance,
but let's work as a team
and work harder in the next quarter.
You've all done a great job,
so I prepared this event today.
Everyone, clap!
-All right!
What do you think about office romances?
Have another drink.
What about me?
Mr. Ma.
I feel like this team dinner
is especially great.
Is it thanks to our hot Mr. Jeong?
Yes, Mr. Jeong is quite handsome.
He kind of looks like me.
What are you talking about?
Your looks are just…
Gosh, I don't feel good all of a sudden.
I'll get you for that.
Mr. Jeong looks like
an idol star, don't you think?
-No, not at all.
But Mr. Ha looks more manly.
You know, like Humphrey Bogart
in classical films.
-Don't you think?
Which type do you prefer, Ms. Ahn?
Do you like idol-star looks?
Or classical-movie-star looks?
I don't like classical films.
I see.
So Mr. Jeong is more your type
than Mr. Ha, right?
-I see.
Then what's your type, Mr. Jeong?
I also don't like classical films.
-Is this a coincidence?
Wait, Mr. Jeong and Ms. Ahn? Really?
-No way.
-Wait a second.
No way. Are you dating?
Stop that.
What's wrong with two young people dating?
If you two are dating,
then I think Mr. Lee here,
just wants to congratulate you.
It's not like that.
Are you sure?
Are you two really not dating?
No, we're really not.
Come on.
Stop denying it. We all know.
So nothing happened between you?
Be honest.
You're dating, right?
Right, just be honest with us.
Do you think we'll say you two are a joke
because you're dating a complete rookie?
Goodness, please stop.
Why are you turning
our fun dinner into a hearing?
So what if they're dating?
Will you give them matching rings?
When your superior is talking,
you need to be quiet.
So is that a no, Ms. Ahn?
That's right.
Mr. Jeong, you too?
We aren't dating.
If you say it's not true,
then that's that.
Okay, then.
If things work out between you two,
then let us know.
It's not like I'm a dumb cop or something.
I'm just a team leader
who wants to celebrate a great occasion.
What other motive could I possibly have?
-Mr. Lee.
You really shouldn't say "dumb cop."
What if Mr. Jeong passes the police exam,
becomes a detective, and then returns?
Do you think it's easy
to become a detective?
Even if he does,
he wouldn't do anything to me.
Mr. Jeong isn't the type
who would hold a grudge or hurt me.
Please excuse me. I need to go.
-Come on.
-I had fun.
-Is it because I said dumb cop?
-We were having fun!
-Wait a second.
-You can't leave.
-Mr. Jeong.
-Don't go!
-They never know when to stop.
-Darn it.
-He just left.
I'm sick and tired of this.
-I need to watch what I say.
-It was just a question.
Mr. Ha.
Why did you stop me back there?
What were you going to say if I hadn't?
Look, it doesn't matter
if Su-yeong dates Mr. Jeong or not.
They didn't deserve to be interrogated.
What was all that anyway?
Jeez. Mr. Lee and Mr. Ma.
Have they gone insane?
It's not the first time.
A love scandal
is their source of entertainment.
What about you?
You seem pretty pleased
with what Mr. Lee did.
Was it fun?
If you and Mr. Ma hadn't said anything,
this would've never happened.
I'm not the one who gave it away.
It was Mr. Ma,
who has the loosest tongue in this world.
And what would've happened
if you had intervened?
If you had stepped in and done something,
would she have felt
grateful, happy, or comforted?
I like her.
I like Su-yeong.
-Do you feel okay?
-Yes, I'm fine.
-What about you?
-I'm good.
-Why you still here?
-This way.
See you.
-I'm going this way.
-Let's go.
Let's go.
-Let's go.
-I'm fine.
Are you okay?
What do you mean?
I mean, Mr. Ma and Mr. Lee
caused a scene in front of everyone.
It was as if they were insane.
But why are you asking me that, Mr. Ha?
-If you know it's offensive,
why bring it up again?
What made you think
that I'd want to talk about this with you?
If you think
that Mr. Lee was at fault,
then go tell him off.
He acted insane. So what?
Good for me for staying quiet?
Or are you asking
why I just sat and smiled like an idiot?
No, it's not that.
I was worried,
so I wondered if you were okay.
Of course, I'm fine.
What other choice do I have?
Should I report him to the head office?
It's more annoying
to see you acting like you're different.
You acted like everyone else back there,
so you should
keep quiet like them as well.
Hey. Ms. Ahn.
I'm sorry for not keeping my promise,
but don't you think
you've been too harsh on me?
I told you that I couldn't make it
because I couldn't verify the balance.
Is that why you think I'm upset with you?
Then why are you acting this way?
You know how I feel about you.
I don't want to know.
My feelings for Su-yeong were like…
the withdrawal mistake I'd made.
Anything else to say?
I shouldn't have given her my heart,
but I did it anyway.
I like you.
I said I like you.
I mean it.
I like you.
I know I didn't keep my promise that day.
I'm sorry. I truly am.
But I like you.
It was a mistake…
because the woman I liked…
Su-yeong was…
I'm afraid I have bad news.
They were right. I'm dating Mr. Jeong.
…a real bitch.
Are you serious?
Are you two really in a relationship?
Then what will happen to us?
What's the matter with you?
Is it because of Su-yeong?
Do you only study?
I'm sure you're too busy
to do anything else, but study.
My name is Park Mi-gyeong.
I'm the newest member to join Youngpo.
It's nice to meet everyone.
Sang-su. Don't you remember me?
Is there a reason why
you can't go on a blind date?
Are you really going on that blind date?
This is none of your business.
Am I not allowed to like her?
If you keep this up,
it won't help Su-yeong, either.
I'm in front of your house right now.
I need to tell you something.
Next Episode