The Lazarus Project (2022) s01e01 Episode Script

Episode 1

- MAN: Bollocks!
Hmm, the rubbish men are here.
Oh, shit. I didn't
put the bins out.
Run down in your pants
and ask them to wait.
(SCOFFS) I ain't
doing that again.
- Big day today.
- You nervous?
- Yeah. A little bit.
If I show you my tits,
will you make me some
toast before you go?
- Marmalade or jam?
- Marmalade.
All right, Paddington.
Exciting day today
in lots of different ways
need start-up money
for a mobile phone application.
That's correct.
And what does it do, exactly?
It's a pattern spotter.
Futurist stuff.
Market opportunities
for growing businesses.
How do you spot the patterns?
You step back far enough
away and you watch.
Conflicts brewing,
certain products starting
to sell better than others,
certain politicians starting
to do better than they should,
the age of shipping containers,
the health of monarchs.
Everything is data. It
can all be analysed.
Give me an example.
All right, DeWhitt and Weston.
Export and trading company
with an octogenarian CEO
with multiple children
from multiple marriages
sitting on the board.
Now, there's a company
heading for a period
of uncertainty if
ever I've seen one.
And what's the app called?
Uh, we're gonna call
it "Hazard Lights."
We think it's going
to change your life.
I'm so proud of you.
You big fucking nerd.
- Thank you.
NEWS REPORTER: spreading
through the continent.
The World Health Organization
are saying it's too early
to predict whether or not
the virus is gonna continue
with this growth.
But we are hopeful
Shut up.
- No
- Yep.
Are you gonna make me
another cup of tea, or?
Fuck off! (CHUCKLES)
- Karl.
- Congratulations, man.
- Cheers, mate.
- She's a good woman.
Yeah, she's, she's
all right, I guess.
No, I mean it. She's
a good woman, mate.
You look after her?
I can barely look
after myself but, okay.
infections continue
to grow at an alarming rate.
The government advises
I thought we said a small tree.
GEORGE: Yeah, we did, but then
you left me to buy it by myself
and this happened, so
SARAH: I'm gonna burn
that bloody mask.
NEWSCASTER: UK's estimated
deaths are over 1700 today.
The highest since the
start of the pandemic.
- With existing hospitals beyond capacity
and emergency
hospitals out of O2
It's gonna be all right.
SARAH: George, do you
think we're gonna die?
- MAN: Bollocks!
Jesus fucking Christ.
SARAH: It's okay, we can
just take it to the tip.
Big day today.
Pitch day? Meeting at the bank?
- Uh
- You okay?
If I show you my tits,
will you make me some
toast before you go?
REPORTER: It's an exciting day
today in lots of different ways.
already done this?
Yeah, we've
I'm sorry. This
is, this is very
Look, I'm having a strange day.
We've met, though.
Do you remember?
You gave me a loan.
I have no record of that.
GEORGE: You did. You
gave me a big loan,
I rented an office
and my company
Everything was really good.
SARAH: How did it go?
- George?
- I feel something's wrong.
- What is it?
We've done this before.
SARAH: What do you mean?
- How did the meeting go?
- Terrible. We've done
all this before.
We did this day.
We got married,
- gonna have a baby.
- We're gonna have a what?
People were getting sick
again. It was Christmas,
it was really bad.
Have you taken something?
- No!
- George?
Sarah, I haven't
taken anything. I
I don't know, I'm just tired.
- A little drunk, that's all.
- You didn't get the loan?
No. I
- Could you just take it?
- I don't need to.
George, I'm not
gonna take a test
just cause you've asked me to.
I'm not pregnant, which is
a good thing, by the way.
- Why?
- I don't know.
It's just not a good
time right now, is it?
Money's tight.
It's not something
we've planned.
This is weird.
SARAH: George?
George, I want you
to see someone.
SARAH: I don't know. A
psychologist? A therapist?
They can't help me.
SARAH: They might.
What am I gonna tell them?
Tell them about your dreams.
- They weren't dreams, Sarah!
I lived six months,
and look, look, look
This is going to grow.
It's going to mutate and
it's going to spread,
and in about two months,
the country's gonna be back
in a lockdown and people will
be wearing face masks again
Stop it! You're scaring me.
Please, please talk to someone.
- I thought I was talking to you.
- Someone that can help.
I don't recognise him anymore.
It's like he just woke up one
morning a different person.
Sarah, I hate to say this,
but from everything
you've told me,
it sounds like he's checking
out of the relationship.
It sounds like he's
trying to push you away.
Well, it's really working.
SARAH: What are you doing?
Uh, it says here:
Doctors Warn of Potential
Epidemic on the Horizon. Look
It's coming.
what are you doing?
I'm gonna stay at my mum's.
Sarah, look, I know
it sounds crazy,
but you just have to trust me.
You have to trust me, Sarah,
I'm just trying to keep us
safe, that's all I want.
George, you need help!
Everyone's worried about you
- What do you mean "everyone?"
- I
Karl thinks you have a
personality disorder,
he has a cousin who
suffered from
Oh, Karl. Yeah, I bet
fucking Karl said that!
God knows why he'd want you to
think that! Well, the thing is,
Karl's gonna be
coughing his lungs up
into a fucking mass grave
if you don't listen
ARCHIE: Let her go.
Trust me. It's not gonna work.
You're not ready for
what's happening,
how do you think
she's gonna feel?
Anyway, I'm pretty sure
you're going to get
- another chance with her.
- Sorry, who are you?
You've been searching
for something, George.
Time travel, time loops,
time jumps, Tim jumps,
I'm pretty sure that
last one was a typo.
And you're worried about
the viral outbreak.
And you should be.
It's already much worse
than the news is letting on.
Seriously, who are you?
I'm someone with answers
to your questions.
Did you go back too? Did
you, did you feel it too?
Tell you what. If
it happens again,
go straight to this address.
Please, please tell
me who you are.
ARCHIE: Maybe I'll
see you, George.
of MERS-22 related deaths
rise exponentially.
Government calls for
tighter restrictions
to be put in place for
the Christmas period.
of deaths are at 1800 a day.
And show no signs
of slowing down.
With the existing health
services completely overrun
- GEORGE: Bollocks!
- Can I kiss you?
- Sure?
- Oh, I love you.
You need to brush your teeth.
I love you too.
Are you all right?
Sorry. I have to go.
Remember, you have the
meeting at the bank today!
ARCHIE: Freaks you out
at first, doesn't it?
I need to know what's going on.
When did you start to notice
time was jumping backwards?
This is the second
time it's happened.
Did you enjoy living the
last six months again?
It was a nightmare.
- Sorry to hear that.
- What the fuck is going on?
What's going on? Yeah,
okay. So, here's the thing,
and don't take
this the wrong way,
- but you're a mutant.
- A mutant?
Yeah, not like, fucking
Wolverine or anything.
I just mean the
cells in your body
have changed in a
fairly unusual way.
of the world's population
can recall time jumps.
Usually, the ability is
manufactured and given
to suitable candidates.
Very, very occasionally,
someone will develop
the ability organically.
- You, in this case.
- Recall time jumps?
Discarded timelines.
You've experienced over
twenty time jumps
in your life so far,
you just didn't remember them.
Why is time jumping backwards?
- Because we made it.
- "We?"
- The Lazarus Project.
- Wait. What?
We're a top-secret multinational
organisation dedicated
to preventing and undoing
mass extinction events
via diplomatic, scientific,
or militaristic means.
Oh, and we can make
time go backwards.
When did the world end?
Oh, I thought you'd start
with the time thing but, okay.
The world ended in 1963
when Russia and America launched
nuclear warheads at each other.
It ended in 1979 when
Pakistan seriously overreacted
to their Prime Minister being
assassinated by an Indian agent.
It ended in 1983
when a scientist
at the Centre for
Disease Control decided
to take smallpox for a walk.
And it ended yesterday,
when we failed to
develop a vaccination
for a mutant strain of
MERS. Again. Our bad.
Those are just a few
off the top of my head.
And you stopped all of them
with with time travel?
Only when we exhausted
all other methods.
How does that work, exactly?
Is this where you
keep the time machine?
We don't really call it that.
- Why not?
- 'Cause that's not what it is.
So, if it isn't a time
machine, what is it?
It's a singularity.
- Right
- In space.
- Got it.
- No, you don't.
That's the time machine.
And that moment there,
that's the checkpoint.
You know, like in a video game?
You die in the game, you go
back to the last checkpoint
you reached every time
until you reach a new one?
- Yeah.
- Well, our checkpoint
is that moment. 1st
of July, every year.
So, if we used it now
We'd wake up yesterday.
And every time we go back,
we'd wake up on the morning
of the 1st July, 2022.
Until we go a whole year
and get to July 1st, 2023.
And that becomes
our new checkpoint.
So, you couldn't use
it to go back to, like,
London in the 1800s?
I'm a brown woman, why
the fuck would I want to?
Yeah, okay, fair enough.
So how, how do you control it?
Do you happen to have a
degree in Quantum Physics
- by any chance?
- No.
Really not much point in me
trying to explain
it to you, then.
So, why didn't you undo 9/11?
The world didn't end.
Thousands of people
died. There was a war.
Not a nuclear war.
- So what, you didn't want to
- The world didn't end.
We can't reset every time
something bad happens.
Then what?
We travel back whenever
there's a mass murder?
Or a plane crash? Or
a fire in a school?
Or your dog dies or
you burn your toast?
Are you equating the attack
on the World Trade Centre
with burning your toast?
We're not here to make
the world a better place,
we're here to stop
it from ending.
What about Coronavirus, why
didn't you go back and stop that?
You got a vaccine
in nine months.
You think we didn't go back?
(SIGHS) This is
a lot to take in.
This morning, I was supposed
to go to an interview
- about a business loan.
- George.
Almost no one on the planet
has the ability you have.
This is an incredibly rare gift.
So, I wouldn't worry about
the loan, is what I'm saying.
How'd you like to come and
save the world with us instead?
I don't know anything
about saving the world.
You pick it up as you go along.
Did you get it?
- Yeah, yeah, I think so
That's amazing.
I mean this could be
life-changing, right?
Uh, yeah.
Yeah, completely life changing.
MAN 1: It's a dual injection.
Two jabs, six weeks apart.
- 80-85% effective.
- WES: And cost?
The pharmaceutical company has
agreed a two-year moratorium
- on raising the price.
- Oh, they're all heart,
aren't they? What
about the body count?
MAN 2: We'll lose
just under 20,000.
Better than 20 million.
Oh, um, while I've got you,
a nuclear warhead
nicknamed Big Boy
was hijacked while
in transit yesterday.
MAN 1: Do we know who took it?
Well, we're pretty
sure it wasn't UNICEF.
The good news is that
it is non-operational
without a unique detonator.
Wait, is no one
worried about this?
Oh, these things happen.
Probably come to nothing.
Warheads get stolen a lot?
More than you
would care to know.
WES: Ah, hello!
- Uh
- Everyone, this is George.
- You're the mutant?
- Uh, yeah.
So, you just started
waking up on the checkpoint
with no idea what was going on?
Pretty much, yeah.
That's crazy, man. (CHUCKLES)
Elizabeth Wesley. You can
call me ma'am to my face,
and Wes behind my back.
Welcome to The Lazarus
Project, George.
Cheers, uh, ma'am.
Hey, I'm Greta.
- Blake.
- Erik Eriksen,
but everybody calls me The Dane.
BLAKE: And that ray
of sunshine is Shiv,
our other resident mutant.
Um, so how, how do
you all end up
Here? We got chosen.
- Ex-Danish Special Forces.
- Jaeger Corps.
- Royal Regiment of Scotland.
- Black Watch.
- Reykjavik Metropolitan Police.
- MI5.
BLAKE: So, what
do you do, George?
App developer.
Well, that's sure
to come in handy.
Don't worry about
him. I love apps.
- Yeah, Grindr.
Oh, are you gonna be
coming to our celebration?
- Uh
- Oh, we have a little tradition.
Every time we save humanity
from being wiped off
the face of the earth,
we go for two-for-one
cocktails and Karaoke.
Huh, how else would you know
what you're fighting for?
- Exactly.
It's a lot to take in.
I'm not a super-agent,
or whatever you are.
How do you know if I
can actually do this?
Look, at the moment,
you're a squidgy ball
of unhelpful dough,
that couldn't save the world
if his life depended on it,
which, of course, it does.
But you're in good enough
physical condition.
You're highly educated,
show an aptitude
for problem solving, can
work well under pressure.
Time skipped back six months,
but you didn't fall apart.
You looked for answers.
That matters.
I fell apart a little bit
Yeah, I know.
What does it feel like?
When you save the world?
Feels pretty good.
You'll see.
BOTH: Suddenly I see ♪
This is what I wanna be ♪
Suddenly I see ♪
Why the hell you mean so much to me ♪
Not singing tonight?
It helps them
unwind, that's fine.
Me? I don't.
- Don't?
- Unwind.
Yeah, I get that vibe from you.
There's a warhead missing.
So, there's that.
Apparently, we're
the only two mutants.
I didn't come from MI5, or
the police, or the army.
I was born with this gift,
you've had it for five minutes.
No, no. We're not the same.
And I doubt we'll be
working closely together.
Not for a long while.
Huh, I can handle it.
You've seen the world end twice,
how was that for you?
- Not very nice.
- Not very nice.
It changes a person.
Maybe everyone else thinks
they can deal with it
with a song and a
drink, but eventually,
it catches up with you.
Gets in your head.
Are you married?
I'm thinking of asking her.
Not many happy marriages
in The Lazarus.
Thank you, cheers.
Good chat. Thank you.
That's great,
it starts with an earthquake ♪
Birds and snakes, an aeroplane ♪
And Lenny Bruce is not afraid ♪
Eye of a hurricane,
listen to yourself churn ♪
World serves its own needs ♪
Don't mis-serve your own needs ♪
Speed it up a notch,
speed, grunt, no, strength ♪
The ladder starts to clatter ♪
With a fear of height, down, height ♪
Wire in a fire, represent the seven games ♪
And a government for
hire and a combat site ♪
Left her, wasn't coming in a hurry ♪
With the Furies breathing down your neck ♪
Uh oh, overflow, population, common group ♪
But it'll do, save
yourself, serve yourself ♪
World serves its own needs,
listen to your heart bleed ♪
Tell me with the Rapture
and the reverent ♪
WES: George, have you
got in The UN Report?
- It's in your inbox, ma'am.
- Good lad.
Feeling pretty psyched ♪
It's the end of the
world as we know it ♪
And I feel fine ♪
SARAH: How was work?
I love you. D'you know that?
Mm, yeah. But it's
always nice to hear.
Oh, by the way, Karl's having
a dinner party next week.
And I told him we'd go.
Sure. I'd hate to miss
Karl's dinner party.
George! Glad you could make it.
D'you want a glass of wine?
- Just a very big one, thanks.
- Yeah.
Oh, congrats on the
netball. Very cool.
Oh, thank you, and
don't forget the tennis.
- Oh, of course.
- That'll be nationals next week,
and then the third
goal this year!
- Cheers to that.
- Cheers to me.
- Thank you very much.
KARL: George.
I've been meaning to
ask you a question.
I've got a little bit of
money squirrelled away.
It's not much, but, um, I
wondered if your little, um
uh, app would recommend any
good investment opportunities.
- DeWhitt and Weston.
- DeWhitt and
- Weston?
- Yeah, it's an American firm.
Doing really exciting
work right now, but
- Yeah.
- their stock is still competitively priced.
You think it would be a
good market to get into?
It can't hurt to try.
All right.
- DeWhitt and Weston. Cheers!
- Yeah.
ALL: Cheers.
The algorithm I was using on
the app I was developing
Part of its job was to
monitor suspicious activity
on business accounts:
people skimming off the
top, insider trading,
that kind of thing.
Anyway, it flagged up
an account in Russia
that was bringing
in unusual funds.
So, I got past the
encryption and it turns out,
that account is linked
to a security company
that was safe-guarding Big Boy.
Ma'am, did you see
the last name there?
What is it?
It's an account we believe
is linked to a man called
Dennis Rebrov.
He's on almost every terror
watchlist in the world.
He used to have your desk.
- He's ex-Lazarus?
- One of our brightest and best.
(SIGHS) Right, oh,
this is a thing now.
- Good catch.
- Ha, thanks.
No, I mean it, good catch.
Hey, you remember
what tonight is?
Yeah, 'course I do.
ARCHIE: First checkpoint
as a Lazarus Agent.
Hey. You see, you
see Rebrov, yeah,
he's the only one of us
to have gone bad, right?
There were others.
He's just the worst.
- Hi, miss! Morning.
- Morning.
Your best pal
Right, you, I'll see you later.
- Woohoo
DeWhitt and Weston just tanked.
I don't know what that means.
It means George told me
to invest in a company
that just went belly up. It
means I've lost my savings!
- I'm sure he didn't
- No, no, no, it's his job,
to know when these
kind of things happen.
- He's done it on purpose!
- He wouldn't do that, Karl.
Listen, you tell him I want
to talk to him, all right?
I want my fucking money back.
I'm not sure there's
anything he can do.
Look, let's talk about
this later, okay?
No, I want to talk about it now.
- Are you okay?
- Jesus, Sarah.
I'm so sorry.
She could have been killed,
man! What's wrong with you?
- You could have killed her.
- I'm okay.
We'll talk about this later.
You know, I put all my money
into that company, yeah?
Well, that was a dumb thing
for you to do, ain't it?
Rebrov's team are
renting an apartment
in the fifth arrondissement.
We've been monitoring their
movement and identified
up to five men and women
entering and exiting
at various times of day.
- Any sign of Big Boy?
- Nope.
But one of these people
know where he is.
And we are going
to go and get them.
I want you suited and booted
and on the plane in the hour.
We are going to Paris.
That's you too, George.
I'm not a field agent.
Who told you that?
I just sort of assumed.
Go and grab your stuff.
You're about to pop your cherry.
- What happens now?
- They storm the building.
What do we do?
Well, I coordinate the
teams from this seat
and you sit and don't touch
anything from that seat.
- Lima 4-2, on my signal.
- ARCHIE ON RADIO: Affirmative.
You done this sort of
thing a lot, right?
THE DANE: Lima 4-2,
enter the building now.
GEORGE: I bet you seen some
shit in the Jaeger Corps.
Yeah, I wake up
screaming sometimes.
You should probably talk
to someone about that.
SHIV: Unit two.
Entering the first floor
- on the Southeast side.
- Roger.
SHIV: Affirmative.
ARCHIE: Approaching
the second level now.
THE DANE: Roger.
Unit One, hold your position.
We've got interference.
WES: What's going on in there?
THE DANE: Okay, we've
got visual back.
SHIV: Ground floor, stand by.
Lima 4-2, hold your position.
Code red.
Multiple hostiles
on the ground floor.
Unit One, move to provide back-up.
Lima 4-2 moving now.
- MAN ON RADIO: Man down.
What's going on?
- Who's got Rebrov?
Lima 4-2, suspect sighted.
Ground floor.
I'm going to the basement.
- Archie, come in.
ARCHIE: I'm hit.
THE DANE: Lima 4-2
needs backup now.
needs backup right now.
Buckle up.
SHIV: Lima 4-2 is dead.
I think we've lost
the detonator.
WES: We have local police
Oh, shit!
Oh, it's a red light.
Watch the red light,
watch the red light!
Watch out, watch out for
the watch out for the bus!
Jesus fucking Chri
Glove compartment.
I thought you told me
not to touch anything!
Well, now I'm saying something
different! Shoot the prick!
You want to take a short cut?
No, no, I don't I
really, really don't!
THE DANE: Take a shot, George.
Take the fucking shot, George!
Watch out for the cops,
watch out for the cops!
I literally said watch
out for the cops.
THE DANE: Get out of the way.
- Target down, we're approaching
Man down, man down!
- WES: Where's Rebrov?
- He's taking cover.
The police are surrounding him!
WES: He's gonna detonate.
Wha what's happened?
- I'm calling it Code Black.
- GEORGE: What?
WES: He's gonna detonate.
- Well, that was fucking shit.
I got shot in the head.
Oh, the Dane told me you
handled yourself well.
It didn't stop the bomb
going off though, did it?
Yeah, you lose marks for that.
What are we going to do now?
We'll have people going
to the Paris address now,
following up some leads.
You should take a day off.
First couple of loops
take it out of you.
If we'd have stopped Rebrov,
you'd have stayed dead.
Try not to think about that.
We're gonna get
him though, right?
Thing you've got to remember
about Rebrov is he's one of us.
He's aware of the time loops.
He'll know we're coming for him.
- Hey, miss.
- Morning.
- Sorry, babe, I gotta go.
- I thought you had the day off?
Yeah, something came up.
You work too hard.
See you later.
GEORGE: You got Rebrov?
ARCHIE: French police
raided the flat first thing
after a tip off from us.
Picked up some of his guys
and they gave us a location.
The grasses.
It's his job, to know when
these kind of things happen,
- he's done it on purpose!
- He wouldn't do that.
Listen, listen
GEORGE: That's fantastic.
ARCHIE: Yeah. We're
moving on him now.
Thought you might like
to be here for it.
Absolutely, um
Next Episode