The Legacy (2014) s01e01 Episode Script

Afsnit 1

Stand still a moment.
That's the way!
And no. 22 takes the score to 27-25!
Andreas Baggesen!
Who was it who won today?
It was the team from South Fynen!
Hey, hey, hey!
Who was it who won today?
It was the team from South Fynen!
Hey, are you there?
- I'm never doing that again, mummy!
- You were fabulous, darling!
Next time he cries off sick,
you'll have to do it yourself.
Were you warm enough in there?
Well done!
- And what did you tell him?
- I just said: "Merry Christmas!"
- Hello!
- Hello!
- Can I help you?
- I'd like to buy a bouquet, please.
- Yes. What kind of price range?
- How about 500 krone?
Is it for a party?
Shall we do you a "fountain"?
Excuse me,
but I was actually talking to
To Signe, yes.
Tell you what,
can you make me five bouquets?
- Of course, certainly.
- Jolly good.
Did you have
any particular colours in mind?
- I'll leave that up to you.
- All right.
In that case I'll mix these calla lilies
with some of the white ones.
- Splendid.
- Yes.
Can you deliver them in person?
Yes, I can.
- Here's the address.
- Thank you.
Ah no, no, no, no, my friend,
too dark. Lighter, lighter.
Yes, yes, you are right.
How did the concert go, Kris?
Can I have some wax?
Wax, wax, wax, wax.
I thought we were going to cast today.
Er no, now it's apparently wax.
You heard the lady.
Come along, my darling.
You've slept on your shelf
for long enough.
- Rene. - Yes.
- Just a thin layer.
- Here.
- Right.
- Did you get onto them?
- Yes.
They promise
they'll be ready by 2nd January.
If you can be in Hamburg on 29th,
we can prepare the first room.
Book me an early flight then,
or everything will be too much of a rush.
I need the other moulds.
But everything is ready!
They're at the casting shop
in Copenhagen.
Ask Gro to bring them up here with her.
Of course, they'll pay.
Morten, remember to make sure those up
there are also in the first consignment.
Here she is,
the lady behind our huge success.
- Hi, Erik.
- Hi, Gro.
Oh, so you've already met?
Yes, I've written articles
about her before.
She is not exactly someone
you can just ignore!
Your first exhibition as director
and you break a record!
Yes. It's been quite overwhelming,
I must admit Excuse me.
- Hi.
- It's me. I need the old moulds.
- Your moulds?
- And I need them now.
- I'll take them with me when I go.
- Fine. Just leave right away.
But mum, I have a journalist here,
I can't just leave.
This is the important thing.
It's for Hamburg.
- And without the moulds we won't make it.
- Really? Of course, of course.
- Do you understand?
- OK, I'll go and get them. Yes, bye.
That was my mother. She has
an exhibition in Hamburg to finish off
and so she needs me right away.
Christina, can you bring me the basket
that's out there in the kitchen?
I'm sorry about that.
And this one.
Can you carry both of them?
- Yes.
- Great.
- This one is heavy.
- Yes.
And what's the temperature now?
No, it's 23rd December
and I am not coming in.
- Dad? When are we going to granny's?
- Mum's taking you in a moment.
- Frederik, that was work. - I see.
- I'm going to have to go in.
- The cooling plant has broken down.
- Really. - I've tried to phone Gro
but she's engaged the whole time.
So if you'd try to call her?
Otherwise you'll have to take the kids
over to your mother's.
- You can drop them off on the way.
- But I won't have time.
- Then say they're not going.
- But she's their granny!
I have told you before that
you can make any arrangements you like
but leave me out of it. You are the one
who thinks they should see her.
You haven't seen her for a year.
Can't you just let it go?
There is nothing to let go.
I don't go there, that's all.
You break it to the kids then.
- Are you coming to granny's then?
- No.
Why should we suffer
just because you fell out with her!
I haven't fallen out with anyone.
- I'll go by bike then.
- So will I.
No! It's too far to bike
in this weather.
We'll bloody well have to, seeing as you
won't let us visit our own relatives.
- Oh, no, you won't.
- You are really mean.
Leave a message.
- Hi.
Yes. Come in.
Straight ahead.
- Just put them down.
- Yes.
- Over there will do.
- Just there. - Thank you.
Leave them a bit.
Don't put them in water right away.
Can I ask you to fetch that bucket
from the table over there? The white one.
Er, yes.
Pour it out. Go on.
That's lovely. Thank you.
Let me get rid of it for you.
That's it.
You can wash them over there.
Use the other one, that one's broken.
Would you like a glass of wine
or something?
Er No, thank you, I'm driving,
and I have to get back to the shop, too.
- Not even a cup of tea? Freshly made?
- All right. A small cup then.
- Rene, do you mind making Signe a cup?
- Of course.
- Hi, mum.
- Hi, Emil! How are you?
We're designing new cabins,
me and Lie.
They're going to be great.
They'll be 20 metres up in the trees now,
ready for you when you come.
Yeah, yeah,
I'm not going up any trees!
But you've got to come to see it.
Just look! See how beautiful it is!
- You'll love it, mummy.
- Emil, you'll get your money
just as long as
I don't have to make the trip!
- All right then. I'll let you off.
- But not till after Christmas.
Oh, that'll be perfect.
Have a lovely Christmas!
Merry Christmas, Emil.
Emil is my youngest son.
He's wonderful.
He is in Thailand,
building some kind of resort or other.
- Have you any children?
- No.
But you want them.
You've got a boyfriend though.
- Yes.
- Jolly good show.
- Thanks for the cuppa.
- Hang on a moment.
For you.
Wow! It's lovely!
- Is it me?
- Yes.
For Signe from Veronika.
- It's the most totally amazing place.
- Yes. I love it, too.
- I've been living here
for almost 40 years. - Gosh.
- Where do you live?
- In a little house.
I mean, it's nice enough,
but it is not at all like this.
The big house dates back to 1802.
The original burned down,
but they rebuilt it all over again.
- Do you really like it?
- Yes.
I do hope you like the flowers.
Thank you.
Drive carefully!
Drive carefully. Merry Christmas.
- Merry Christmas.
- You too.
- Hi, dad!
- Hi, troll!
No, stay off the pitch!
No, stay off the pitch I said!
- Hi.
- I'm all sweaty.
Give me a break, guys!
- Hi.
- Hi, mum.
Look, I've wrapped some left-overs
from the sponsors' Christmas,
so you'll have a bit to tide you
over the holiday.
Have a good break. Go for a few runs
and go easy on the trimmings!
See you! Bye!
I'll be along later.
I'll just lock up the office.
- OK. Bring me my coat, will you?
- Will do.
I, er We'll pop home first
but we'll be right with you.
- Sure, OK. - Lovely. See you soon!
- See you. - Hi.
- Hi, kids!
- Hi.
- Hi.
- Hi.
- How lovely to see you!
Can you give me a hand? - Sure.
I've got to give these to granny.
- Frederik? Are you here?
- Yes.
- Where is Solveig?
- She had to go into work.
- Bye.
- Bye.
No, no, no.
No. No, that's no good!
No, that's no good.
- Get rid of it!
- How about we give it a chance first?
Take it away.
- What if we sort of adjust
- Rene, get rid of it!
- Off it comes.
- Never to be seen again.
- It's off.
- Villads!
Lovely to see you, darling!
- And Hannah! My beautiful child!
- Dad's outside.
- Is he?
- Yes. - Where?
- Rene. Take the moulds.
- Yes.
Hi, kids!
Frederik, why are you doing this?
Can't you see she is making an effort?
Just get them home by 9.
- Here.
- Thank you.
You'll soon be looking
like your dad did at that age.
Has he ever told you he used to have
this giant barbell almost, just there.
Merry Christmas.
- Are we meant to have dinner on this?
- Yes, just clear the stuff off.
- Look what I found!
- Golly! How magnificent!
It used to be on the roof.
You can keep it if you want.
Hannah. This way.
Mum, not too much!
I'm very careful.
Just a teeny drop of schnapps.
I miss you.
Are you catching the plane
this evening?
So you're staying the night?
- Granny? - Yes?
- Why don't you like Christmas?
What makes you think
I don't like Christmas?
- Dad said.
- Hmmm.
Well, you haven't got any decorations up
or a Christmas tree.
You can't have Christmas
without a Christmas tree.
Can't you? Oh.
Is he your boyfriend?
No. Robert has a wife
and children in Germany.
Come over here, Villads!
- What made you say that?
- Well, you have!
Who are you going to have
children with, actually?
Gro isn't going to have children,
she would be no good them.
We'll cut it in the middle.
Leave it to the gallerist!
- Stand it up, come on!
- Is there even room for it at all?
But mummy, it can't go here!
Villads, Villads, Thomas must have
finished by now, go and get him.
- Hi, sausage.
- Hi, dad!
- Splendid.
- Bloody hell, man! - Well done!
Have you seen the prospectus
for the museum?
- Oh, right, sure.
- The museum looks really marvellous.
Have you looked at it, Thomas?
The museum?
It's fascinating.
No, I'll have a look later.
Oh, go on, have a look now,
it's only just arrived!
- But I am in the middle of something.
- What is that?
I have made an instrument with ants
that play music.
- Do you want to help me?
- Yes!
Come with me.
You can put the ants through the system.
But it's nearly supper time!
It is so marvellous that you chose that
architect, darling. He is so visionary.
This gangway leads from where we are
sitting now to the museum extension.
will be converted into workshops
and there will be
changing exhibitions in here.
- With a start in the new year?
- Yes, look at this
It'll just be so splendid.
All you and I are going to do now
is actually percussion.
But there's no real beat as you know it.
Not like when we play the drums.
What we're doing is much more, much
freer in a way than what we do now, right?
Every time an ant passes
through that channel, right,
there's a thing that senses
that it is passing under it
and then it switches on
that green light.
Every time there's
a green light
it's someone's turn
to make some music,
and that's you and me.
We take turns, right?
When you get a green light,
you can use two instruments.
That's an instrument.
It's as if he just doesn't realise
that things are changing.
He will realise, don't worry.
Have you told him
that his caravan will have to be moved?
And have you told him
that you're moving to Italy?
- But none of all that is settled yet.
- But you've got to tell him!
But there is no need for all that trouble.
I don't know why you are so categorical.
You don't get it from me,
that's for sure.
Thomas and Villads. First time.
I can't see anyone moving there
whatsoever, can you?
Maybe they're asleep.
What now?
I'm hungry.
Oh, you're hungry? I am sorry.
I haven't really got anything to eat.
You are so beautiful, Hannah.
- You are so lovely.
- Thank you.
And you will get more and more beautiful,
my darling little treasure.
Any more wine for anyone?
I don't think you need
any more wine, Hannah, eh?
Tell you what,
that is for me to decide.
I was talking to Hannah, mum,
and it's not up to her, because I'm here.
- Hannah, would you like some more wine?
- On Frederik's behalf.
She is going to have more wine.
Glug, glug, glug.
- I talked to Emil today.
- Really?
- He is doing wonderfully.
- Lovely.
I was thinking of going to see him.
Hannah, you could go to see him.
- Thailand? -Yes.
- You can go with me.
- She can go to see Emil on her own.
- No, she can go with me.
- You don't want to have a nanny along.
- Not as a nanny. It would be really nice
a trip to Thailand.
You don't have to travel so far away.
You can travel in your
Crikey, how profound you are being
this evening! Such words of wisdom!
- Does it bother you?
- Nope.
OK. Just relax. Just try to relax.
Be here a little. In the present.
Cheers, darling. Cheers, damn it.
- Are you ready? - Yes.
- To stick that bit on? - Yes.
I just hope that one over there
is not too short.
It's leaning outwards again.
- We've had an idea.
- What?
One of the houses
should have a handball goal
on the gable instead of a window.
And then all we'll need is a handball.
- A handball. - Don't do those bits yet!
Don't do them, it's meant to go round
- What now?
- It goes all the way round.
Hey! I've completely forgotten!
I have something I want to show.
What now?
- What is it?
- Are you ready?
- Mum, you've got to look, too.
- All right, all right!
Do you see who it is?
- Yes. It's you.
- So she did.
- How did you get it?
I was up there to deliver some flowers
for her and she just gave it me.
- Can I have a look?
- What did she say?
Er, I gave her a bit of a hand
and then she showed me around and stuff.
- It's a genuine art thingy then?
- It's really nice. - Yes.
- It's lovely. -Yes.
- We should really hang it up.
Is there any beer?
- Yes, of course, there is some beer.
- Andreas, get the ones
- What?
- I bought. - Yes.
- What's going on?
- What? - Nothing.
Would you like beer, mum, or what?
No, no, tell you what,
we must be getting on home.
- We've just been given a beer.
- Yes, but you know,
- I have so much to do to prepare
for tomorrow. - You can't go now, mum!
- I really ought to.
- Lise.
- It's been a lovely evening, darling.
- Are you quite sure?
You know what mum's like
about Christmas dinner.
All the cooking and brazing and
the whole place covered in red cabbage.
- Bye, boss. - See you.
- Take care now. - Ouch! Bloody hell!
- Can I have a go?
- Yeah, yeah, yeah. Of course, you can.
No, Villads, listen
Mum, I am taking the children home now.
- I am hungry.
- Tell you what, grab this.
- But they're enjoying themselves.
- Get into the car.
Your art gallery makes you feel
all high and mighty
but you're just a secretary.
Go to bed.
I can see why you're mad about him.
But you'll never have him, and even
if you could, you wouldn't have the guts.
You need to let your hair down, Robert.
- You may stay the night.
- Oh, stop it.
Go upstairs to bed.
Go up to bed, mum.
I am unhappy and lonely.
Dare you say it?
"I am unhappy and lonely. "
Yes, I dare. I am lonely
and unhappy. How about you?
Dare you admit
that you are afraid of old age?
The only thing I am afraid of
is that I'll stop loving.
And who the hell do you love?
I loved all my men.
I have loved and I have remained
faithful to all my ideas.
- And I had children, Gro.
- Yes, you had children.
You had me,
your little secretary.
And you had Emil,
who only phones home
when he wants more money.
And Frederik who refuses
to set foot in this house!
And you had a daughter
who has no idea who you are.
Why didn't you say something to her?
Like what?
- I am her gallerist.
- Now
So any of your artists can just grope you
if they feel like it, or what?
Gro. She is an old lady
who could hardly stand.
You know, sometimes I wish
I didn't care about her at all
but could just think of myself
and do my own thing.
You can practice now. On me.
It is also so stupid of me
to let her provoke me.
I came out with the stupidest things.
I have to be at the airport by 6.
You can drive out to her place
and take her breakfast in bed.
Yes, I have to take oysters.
We always have them at Christmas.
Lie still.
Dear Signe, it is my final
and most passionate wish
after my death.
It will be a place
where you can raise your own family.
The works of art will become part of the
The rest of the state shall be divided
- Hello?
- Is that Signe?
- Yes. Who is that?
- Veronika.
I'd like you
to come over.
Yes, but what time is it?
I have something for you.
I wouldn't phone
if it weren't important, Signe.
Hi. Veronika?
Are you OK?
For you.
- What is it?
- Just read it.
Your house is not for me.
It is.
It is yours.
- No. Your house is not for me.
- Just take it. Take it.
You were born here.
John was fixing my roof.
I gave you to Lise.
My mum, you mean?
She is not your mother.
What's the matter, Veronika?
Don't prune the trees too hard.
Promise me that.
Can you send an ambulance?
I'm the one who found her.
Mum, answer your phone!
I am sorry about last night.
I am bring you oysters.
- Hello?
- Hello?
Veronika has collapsed.
I have called an ambulance.
- I am on my way.
- OK. Good.
- Are you in pain?
- I am in no pain.
- Do you know your name?
- That is one dull chat-up line!
- Do you remember what happened?
- I have an exhibition to prepare.
Are you a relative?
Want to come along?
- We are losing her again.
- Get her into hospital right away.
She is unconscious.
- Get hold of Thomas.
- Thomas?
He lives round the back. In a caravan.
You can't miss it.
- Tell him to use my car. - Yes.
- And to come right away. - Yes.
Excuse me
Are you Thomas?
Come in and close the door.
- Veronika has been taken to hospital.
- What?
- What's happened to her?
- She collapsed.
- Excuse me, but who are you?
- My name's Signe.
Listen, a lady said
you should take her car.
I'll be blowed! Sunshine!
Golly, you've
- Yes. - You had better go
- Yes, I know, I know.
How amazing!
I am on my way.
Please wait out here.
She's stable now.
She's had an anticoagulant
to prevent any more strokes.
- So she'll live?
- All indications are yes.
How could she have a stroke
just like that?
it's not unusual with cancer.
- Has she got cancer?
- No!
She came in yesterday too
and was told that
her breast cancer had spread
- to her Iymph nodes and to her lungs.
- She hasn't got breast cancer!
She came in a few weeks ago.
She'd found a lump in her breast
and she's been having tests since then.
- What is this doing here?
- It fell off the roof in a gale.
Give it to me.
No, Granny said I could have it.
It's a present. No, stop it!
- Give it to me! Do as you are told!
- Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.
- She's wrecking that house completely.
- He can't help it.
- My father brought this back from France.
- Why should your children suffer?
You are the one
who's damned well ruining Christmas.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry, darling.
She's not going to get
another chance to spoil things.
We'll have a lovely Christmas Eve,
just you, me and the kids.
Put your hands in the air
when you see one of them.
- Why is it so slow?
- Because you are no good at it.
- Turn around. You do look lovely!
- You're terrible.
- Did you get 118?
- Yes.
It's because you are so small.
Look at mum's, well
not BIG bum, but it has to
No, no, no!
- Did you know anything about this?
- I hadn't the foggiest.
She hadn't said a word.
No, but it's also probably
why she began to talk about Sunshine.
- Sunshine Signe?
- Yes.
What has she been saying about her?
she must have phoned her.
How come?
Because she was there. She was the one
who gave me your car keys.
Signe? That wasn't her!
Oh, yes, it was!
Dad, don't touch!
- I'm not doing anything.
- Leave her in peace!
I'm not doing anything!
I was only looking.
Bloody hell! There is so much stuff.
Merry Christmas, mum.
When I met your mum
it was love at first sight
and there was this incredible energy
between us.
Dad, it was 40 years ago and
you were shagging all your choir girls.
Give me a break.
I didn't know any better back then.
What do you mean?
You still live in a kennel and you haven't
published anything for 25 years.
You are so callous!
She needs to rest.
This will help to bring
her consciousness back to us.
I need more room.
Could you let me get to her?
Is it meant to sound like that?
Do you mind waiting outside
for a moment?
Yes, of course.
Excuse me,
could you let me get to her?
What's the patient's heart rate
and blood pressure?
- No heartbeat.
- Who is she?
A 68-year-old female
with presumed cardiac arrest.
- Start the cardiac massage.
- I am starting.
Prepare the adrenaline.
2 minutes until rhythm check.
- Adrenaline ready.
- Administer 1 milligram.
- Blow. - 1 milligram administered.
- 1, 2
- You did put redcurrant jelly
in the gravy, right? - Of course.
- Come on in. Merry Christmas!
- Hi! Merry Christmas!
- Whoops!
- Excuse me!
- Great to see you.
- Hi, boss. - Hi.
We were wondering where you'd got to.
- Merry Christmas! - For you.
- Thank you! How lovely!
- Yes, aren't they?
- Will you deal with them?
- It looks really great!
- What do you think of the tree?
- Did you make any of those decorations?
- That one.
I can see you made that one.
As long as there are presents too!
- Are you coming?
- It looks great. - It looks this great.
- Cheers!
- Yes.
- Yes.
- Yes!
- Merry Christmas, darling.
- Merry Christmas. - Merry Christmas.
Merry Christmas.
- Cheers, darling.
- Cheers, darling.
Lovely! Roast apples too!
- I hope the gravy hasn't got cold.
- I just have to ask you something first.
Aren't you my mother?
Of course, I am your mother.
What a strange thing to ask!
It's just because
I have been talking to Veronika.
Tell her the way it is, eh, Lise.
- Lise
- Yes, I am your mother, but
But just not
- that way.
- Is Veronika?
- Is there a beer?
- Yes, of course.
- I can get it. I'll get it.
- I'll get it, don't worry.
It was the summer I got back.
I'd been travelling round Europe
as a travelling journeyman.
Veronika asked me
to come over to fix her roof.
That summer we slept together
and she got pregnant.
It was a huge shock to both of us.
After all, she was 42.
But we decided that we wanted
to keep the baby. I.E.: You.
You were born in hospital
and I cut the cord myself.
We took you home
and suddenly Carl appeared.
Carl was her ex-husband.
She showed me the door
and I wasn't allowed to see you anymore.
When I met dad originally
I knew who you were, of course.
I'd seen you at handball.
- You were one of the stars.
- Oh, come now
- Well, you were.
- Well
But when I met him properly,
he was sitting on a step outside a pub.
He was so miserable.
If you hadn't given me a real boot up
the arse who knows what I'd have done?
A few months later she phoned.
I mean Veronika.
Carl had died.
Everything was in chaos.
She wanted me to take you away.
It was
She was completely
It was awful.
- Darling, you were so lovely!
- Yes.
You are the best thing
that's ever happened to us.
Why didn't you tell me?
- Well, we
- We wanted you to
to have a quiet life.
And not to live amidst all that chaos.
To have a family.
To have a proper mother
who'd look after you and
- I just wish you had told me!
- Yes.
Signe, how could we tell you
your own mother didn't want you?
- I'd like to go home now.
- I don't think - Can we go now?
- that's a good idea.
- Of course. - Signe. Signe, please.
- Yes.
- That's not a good idea.
We have to enjoy the Christmas tree first.
Yes, we do.
- Signe, you mustn't go now!
- Now then, Lise
- Mum, no. - No!
- Lise, now then
It really isn't a good idea to go now.
No! It really isn't a good idea.
Lise, there, there, shhhh
- Now then
- No! She mustn't go!
She's gone now.
Stop it. Stop it. Stop it
A blood vessel burst
very close to her heart.
It happened very suddenly.
She is dead.
I see.
- Thanks.
- You're on the phone?!
It was Gro wishing us
a Merry Christmas.
Ho, ho, ho! Merry Christmas!
Hi, Santa!
Hello, little fellow!
- Good evening to you!
- Hi.
- Have you been a good boy?
- Yes, I have!
- Well, I expect you have, too.
- I have tidied my room.
Gosh! Clever chap!
- Look, mummy!
- Yes, come here!
- Ha! Yours is a load of rubbish!
- It's really neat!
It's far better than yours!
It's what I was really, really wishing for.
Do you like it? Yes, it is great.
- Are you Solveig then?
- Yes, I am.
In that case
there is a present for Solveig.
They're in the land of nod.
Here's to Santa!
Veronika is dead.
It was a stroke.
- A couple of hours ago.
- Why didn't you say?
I wasn't going to let her
spoil our Christmas.
The house will be ours now.
I must get hold of Emil.
- Yeah! - I did it!
- Nice one!
What was that?
I can hardly hear you.
- Aren't you coming with me, sausage?
- No, I'll stay a bit.
It's just that
we've only got one car here.
You can just take my car.
See you back home.
I am sorry
for saying all those horrid things.
I think I'll go to see Veronika
in hospital.
And now for news of a death.
The world-famous Danish artist Veronika
at Svendborg Hospital.
For 40 years she was
one of the most influential
and controversial artists in Denmark.
Her work enjoyed international acclaim.
and she leaves three grown-up children.
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