The Lost Pirate Kingdom (2021) s01e01 Episode Script

Hoist the Black Flag

[dramatic swashbuckling music]
Pirates. The stuff of myth and legend.
- [man whimpering]
- Hold him.
- [pirate] Keep him still!
- [agonized screaming]
[narrator] Swashbuckling outlaws,
bringing murder and mayhem
to the high seas.
These wild-eyed scallywags
are not a Hollywood invention.
They're all too real.
My name is Blackbeard!
[narrator] The Golden Age of Piracy
starts after a war
between England and Spain.
England wins,
but the Spanish Empire
is still a force to be reckoned with
[dramatic music]
until the night
she loses her treasure fleet.
[men shouting and yelling]
[mast groans]
[splash echoing]
[narrator] Spain is broke,
her riches scattered
at the bottom of the sea.
The sunken booty
is a beacon for rogue sailors
who prowl the Caribbean
and the East Coast of the Americas.
The Benjamin!
[narrator] Many of these pirates
become living legends.
- [yelling]
- [swords clashing]
[men cheering]
[narrator] Men like Benjamin Hornigold
Time to trim that bastard Jennings' sails.
[narrator] Henry Jennings
Which will break first?
Your will or my poor knuckles?
[narrator] Black Sam Bellamy
Hoist the black flag!
Right, lads, let's see
what these French sailors are made of.
[narrator] And they're not all men.
Anne Bonny.
No! No!
I think it's about time you let us leave.
[narrator] And the most famous pirate
of them all, Edward Thatch,
better known as Blackbeard.
Course I'm mad.
I'm as mad as a fox.
[cannon fire echoing]
On your feet.
The pirates of the Caribbean strike terror
into the world's most powerful empires.
The rich rob the poor under cover of law.
We plunder the rich by our own courage.
[narrator] These Robin Hoods of the sea
changed the course of history.
No sailor can get punished
without the agreement of the crew.
[narrator] They believe in equality,
and liberate slaves.
You are no longer slaves!
You are now subject to the laws of piracy!
They even create a democratic republic.
- [all] Aye!
- Nassau, the new Pirate Republic!
[narrator] They are the real forefathers
of modern America.
[epic, dramatic music]
[action music]
[blast echoing]
[narrator] The pirates of the Caribbean
are forged in a brutal conflict.
[cannon fire echoing]
For 12 long years, Europe is at war.
The War of Spanish Succession
might be better called World War Zero.
[cannon fire echoing]
[narrator] It all starts
when Spain forms an alliance with France,
to create the world's largest superpower.
The other European powers,
the English, the Dutch and the Austrians,
they considered that alliance a threat.
The war quickly spreads to the Caribbean,
the gateway to the New World,
the source of Spain's incredible wealth.
[male historian] The islands of the
Caribbean themselves were also the route
through to South America,
where the Spaniards were mining gold,
and especially lots and lots of silver.
All of that silver had to be traveled
through the Caribbean,
back to Europe.
[narrator] For a long time,
Spain has the Caribbean to herself.
Then, the English move in.
[Choundas] Spain discovered the New World
in the person of Christopher Columbus,
and so the presence
of other European powers,
be it England in Jamaica,
Barbados, Bermuda, Bahamas,
that presence was trespass,
pure and simple,
and Spain wanted them out.
But the English refused to budge.
The war is Spain's chance
to kick them out.
Jamaica is Britain's foothold
in the region.
But the crown has no money
to fund the Navy halfway around the world,
so they unleash their own pirate force.
She looks loaded, lads.
[pirates] Yeah!
[narrator] Of course, it would be
too vulgar to call them pirates.
They're given a posher title.
Sailors of fortune,
funded by private money.
They then fight the Spanish
under the Crown's official license,
known as a letter of marque.
During the Spanish War of Succession,
1,622 letters of marque were given
by the English Royal Court of Admiralty.
That is 1,622 pieces of paper,
which allowed a captain
to go out and rob a Spanish vessel.
[narrator] The Crown gets
a mercenary navy for nothing,
and the privateers make
big money robbing the Spanish.
Then, after 12 years,
the war grinds to a halt.
The cost of the war
had reached crippling levels
for all of the participants in the war.
The British came out the clear winner.
[narrator] They win,
but King George I is broke
and wants peace at any cost.
Attacks on Spanish traders must stop,
[pirates talking indistinctly]
[Choundas] The end of the war meant that
privateering commissions lost all value.
[somber music]
No enemy, no plunder,
and so thousands of privateers
lost their livelihoods,
but they found themselves
in a sea of other unemployed able seamen.
The Navy scaled right back
in terms of size.
It went from about 50,000
in 1712 to just 14,000.
[Fox] Massive unemployment,
but particularly, massive unemployment
amongst a community of people
who knew nothing but sailing,
fighting, and stealing.
There's been 12 years of loyal service.
To be tossed aside
without pay off or pension,
it's nothing short of betrayal!
I hear you, my friend.
I hear you.
But it'll do you no good
to go against the Crown.
Ugh! Same again.
I can't see the peace holding up.
Men like Benjamin Hornigold
really made their careers
in the War of the Spanish Succession,
where he operated as a privateer.
We don't know much about his background
because it wasn't documented,
mainly because he was a merchant sailor.
So, he was just, you know,
an AB on a ship.
Hornigold was left marooned,
effectively, by the British,
and told to make his own way in the world.
[man] Twelve years.
[Hornigold] Shh, quiet, friend.
While there's a garrison still here,
well, I'd keep
treasonous talk to yourself.
[man] Not fair.
Hornigold knows you can't trust anyone,
least of all his rival, Henry Jennings.
Jennings was from
an established Bermuda family.
In addition to the Bermuda Holdings,
Jennings owned an estate in Jamaica.
[narrator] During the war,
Henry Jennings is notorious
as the cruelest of privateer captains,
and he sees himself
as a cut above rogues like Hornigold.
Well, well, well,
here he comes, Henry Jennings.
Captain at sea,
master on land, bastard on both.
[men laugh]
Keep your fucking men under control
or I will.
- [man groaning]
- [blows landing]
[sinister music]
He's grown up among the plantations,
he has seen how you treat slaves,
he knows how to make people do as he says
pretty much through torture and fear.
[dramatic music]
You're all right, aren't you?
Let's have a drink.
[narrator] What irks Hornigold
is that, while the King forbids him
from attacking the Spanish,
the old enemy continues
to attack England's merchant ships.
The Spanish Guarda Costa
were a legitimate force of privateers
employed by the Spanish government
in the Caribbean,
and their job, in theory, was to protect
the Spanish trade interests there,
but in practice,
they were a menace to trade.
[cannon fire echoing]
At the end of hostilities,
these coastal defense vessels
continued to seize English ships,
especially those coming
back-and-forth out of Jamaica.
[dramatic music]
Our problem, it's not complicated.
The Spanish continue
to plunder our ships and get rich.
And while we live under the noses
of the Royal Navy garrison at Port Royal,
my hands are tied.
let's move
from under the noses of the Navy.
Leave? Port Royal?
He's starting to get it.
Somewhere where we can be free
to do what we do best:
get rich off Spanish trade ships.
[all chuckle]
And that place
is right here
in the middle of the Bahamas.
[Woodward] The Bahamas
was an excellent choice,
particularly if you wanted
to raid Spanish territories,
because it was located
astride the main sea routes.
[narrator] The trade winds mean
no cargo can head for Spain
without running the gauntlet
of these islands.
[hulls creaking]
The sailors aren't the only ones
losing out to the Spanish.
[cannon fire blasting]
The local merchants in Jamaica,
as well as the merchants in England
who traded with Jamaica,
were unanimous in clamoring
for something to be done
to deal with the Guarda Costas.
[narrator] So, they lobby
the Governor of Jamaica,
Lord Archibald Hamilton.
Does the King know
that he is the only one
pursuing the peace?
I assure you,
I have raised the issue with His Majesty,
and he is not for turning.
Does he know that the Spanish
are still taking our vessels?
[narrator] For Captain Henry Jennings,
it's an opportunity too good to miss.
They're right, my lord.
The so-called Spanish Coastguard
are nothing but pirates.
Our cargoes were safer
during the war, for God's sake!
We're all plantation owners,
and we have the means
to do something about it.
[narrator] Jennings needs two things:
a good sized fleet,
and a letter of marque from the Crown.
What say you all to this?
No one has cut more
Spanish ears than you, Henry.
Now, I propose a fleet of gunships,
with you at the helm.
A kind of defense force, if you will.
it would be an honor, my lord.
Jennings was an ideal person
to be employed by Archibald Hamilton,
um, not only because
of his experience of privateering,
but also because he was a member
of the upper echelons of Jamaican society.
[narrator] Jennings has command of a fleet
funded by the island's merchants,
but with no letter of marque,
he can't attack Spanish ships.
[dramatic music]
Hornigold needs no official endorsement
as he arrives in the Bahamas
with his gang of out-of-work privateers.
This archipelago
of hundreds of uncharted islands
with uncharted and unmarked
reefs in between them,
and 1,000 hiding places
that a vessel could sneak into
and remain unmolested and undetected.
Hornigold identifies the perfect base:
the town of Nassau
on the island of New Providence.
[jaunty pirate music playing]
Gentlemen, welcome to New Providence,
and our new home, Nassau.
Nassau was less a town
than just a collection of huts and hovels.
[narrator] During the war,
the Spanish had laid waste to Nassau.
The Crown had turned its back
on the shanty town years before.
But for starving sailors,
it is a paradise,
a safe Caribbean home.
There's fresh water here,
and Hog Island yonder,
that's got meat aplenty.
[narrator] In better times,
these could be privateers
with commissions.
It's very simple math.
Privateers minus commissions
equals pirates.
- [grunting]
- [blades clanking]
[birds calling peacefully]
[narrator] But the old Colonial settlers
who stayed in Nassau
don't take kindly to this invasion
of uncouth Jamaican pirates.
Thomas Walker was a Colonial official,
and, in fact,
he was the only Colonial official left.
[Walker] Excuse me, sir.
Tell me, what is your business in Nassau?
To make it our home.
Allow me to introduce you
to your new neighbors.
And what would that business be, sir?
Patriots, sir.
Patriots doing our duty to the Crown
by doing to Spanish shipping
what they are doing to ours.
Are you mad?
The Spanish need
no excuse to attack us, sir,
and your business
will provoke them even further!
I reckon they'll think twice
about returning to Nassau, now.
You think of us as security.
You'll get us all killed!
You haven't heard the last of this!
[flames crackling]
[narrator] As Hornigold
and his band of pirates fall for Nassau,
1,200 miles north,
a future legend of the pirate world,
young Samuel Bellamy,
is falling in love.
Like hundreds of other
English sailors after the war,
he's been dumped by the Navy in America.
Now, he's unemployed and broke.
[somber hornpipe music]
Somehow or another,
he winds up in Eastern Massachusetts
and then legend takes over.
[romantic music]
He met our heroine,
our wonderful Mary Hallett.
Sam Bellamy
took one look at her, fell in love,
but he is a poor, impoverished sailor.
[romantic music continues]
[softly] Mary.
No, Sam Bellamy.
My love, you have been hurt.
[narrator] Mary is falling in love
with a man
from the wrong side of the tracks.
[thunder rumbling, whip cracking]
Sometimes it's better
to be in jail than on board a ship.
- [groans]
- [whip cracking]
The brutality and the bullying
and the predation
of many of the captains that are known.
[thunder rumbling]
This is a culture of horrendous violence.
Now, men could be beaten,
sometimes to death,
for minor indiscretions.
[whip cracking]
Do they repulse you?
Not at all.
I'm pleased to hear that
because women rarely marry
men they find repulsive.
[soft laugh]
Sam Bellamy's forbidden love for Mary
will drive this honest sailor
to become one of the most
effective pirates of all time,
but not yet.
[dramatic music]
[narrator] From their new home,
Hornigold's men are making
short work of Spanish traders.
[light, suspenseful music]
[cannon fire echoing]
Hornigold, operating out of the Bahamas,
continued trading up,
getting stronger and stronger vessels.
[Hornigold] Don't thank me, gentlemen.
I'll make you all rich before long.
Good days work for a fair share, right?
What will the Spanish do
with all that money anyway?
[narrator] The pirates are making a mint,
but the old Nassau
colonists are freaking out.
Thomas Walker was extremely
concerned that the pirates' actions,
the raiding of Spanish vessels,
were going to elicit
a military response from Spain.
He started sending letters to ask for help
from authorities
elsewhere and from London.
[narrator] Walker's complaints
are also picked up by the press.
[Choundas] Pretty soon,
Hornigold was finding himself
on the pages of
the only newspaper in North America,
a newspaper called The Boston News-Letter.
[narrator] Walker wants to draw
the attention of the Crown
to Hornigold's piracy,
but it backfires.
Tales of men
getting rich on sunken treasure
are an open invitation
to any would-be pirate.
Inspired by the exploits of Hornigold,
Paulsgrave Williams, our next player,
is a businessman in need of a skipper.
You look in need of a drink.
You're telling me.
Paulsgrave Williams was the son
of Rhode Island's attorney general,
and his mother was descended
from the Plantagenet kings of England.
Bellamy was a trained sailor
and probably a trained combatant,
and Williams was looking for somebody
who could handle themselves under sail.
I have problems, too.
I thought we might share them.
For a drink, I'll talk to anyone.
Sam Bellamy, ex-Navy,
in love with
the most beautiful girl in Cape Cod.
Paulsgrave Williams.
Neither seem like a problem to me.
Ah, the girl has a father,
and he won't give up his daughter to
"a penniless, no-prospect bum" like me.
Well, then, I might have a solution.
On April 5th,
Benjamin Hornigold took a Spanish ship
with a cargo of silk, rum and sugar,
and money, estimated
at 52,700 pieces of eight.
took it.
Now, I'm a shrewd businessman,
a silversmith,
and I can tell fool's gold
from real and silver from pewter,
so when I see a return like this
for a single day's work?
Well, I recognize
an industry worth exploring, hmm?
So, here's my problem.
- I'm an islander who can't sail.
- [chuckles]
Who knew such a creature existed?
I've the money to fund
an expedition to disrupt trade.
English, Spanish,
what the fuck do we Scots care?
- But I need a good captain.
- Mm.
Well, if you're half as good a sailor
as your reputation suggests,
then it seems to me we have two problems
with a single solution.
I'm not just a good sailor,
I'm a great sailor.
[Williams laughs]
if Mary's father
won't let her marry a bum,
my Mary would never marry a criminal.
Thanks for the drink, and the offer,
but I'm afraid
I still have my problem,
and you yours.
[somber music]
[narrator] And so the richest
partnership in pirate history
seems destined to be stillborn.
[thunder rumbling]
Until a single event
turns the Caribbean upside down.
July 23rd, 1715.
The most valuable flotilla in history
leaves Havana for Spain.
The so-called Plate Fleet
is laden with gold and silver,
mined in Spanish colonies
in South America.
Spain relied on this fleet
for hard currency,
for treasure, for revenue.
It was the most obvious way
for Spain to shore up
its adventurism around the world,
but also its maintenance
and its operations at home.
[narrator] War and weather prevent
the fleet from sailing for over a decade,
but now Spain needs the money.
Spain is almost bankrupt by the end
of the Spanish War of Succession.
It's desperate.
That treasure aboard those 11 ships
constituted about 14 million pesos,
which is hundreds of millions
of dollars in current US currency.
[narrator] The cargo is the most valuable
ever to set sail across the Atlantic,
but the Spanish know they're taking
a major gamble with the weather.
This is hurricane season.
As the fleet made its way
up the coast of Florida,
the worst anticipated happened.
[ropes creaking]
[narrator] The treasure fleet
heads straight into the eye of a storm.
Imagine the fear of the Spanish fleet
when it sees the sky begin to darken.
- [thunder cracks]
- [crew shouting]
They are facing 40, 50-foot waves.
[dramatic music]
These things are crashing down on them.
[crew shouting]
It's not so much the waves
that are the problem, it's the wind.
[wind howling]
The ships were being pushed further
and further by the storm
against the beaches
- [thunder crashing]
- [men shouting]
If you don't get your rigging
down in time, your mast will snap.
[wood groaning, mast crashing]
[crew groaning]
One by one the ships begin to crack.
[wood creaking]
[crew screaming]
[echoing splash]
A thousand men are drowned.
Eleven Spanish galleons are wrecked,
scattering a fortune in gold and silver
just off Vero Beach in Florida.
[somber music]
More money
than you could earn in ten lifetimes
are in these boats.
[narrator] News of the wrecks
spreads faster than the plague.
This is like discovering oil
on another level.
And the man best placed to cash in?
Benjamin Hornigold.
He's one of the first Englishmen
to reach the Spanish treasure,
and a quick fortune.
[gold clinking]
[narrator] It isn't long before
the news of Hornigold's windfall
hits Port Royal in Jamaica.
Governor Hamilton, when he hears word
that the Spanish treasure fleet
has been wrecked on Florida,
his first reaction
is actually to get in on the action.
This is getting ridiculous.
[Jennings] Lord Hamilton!
You wanted me.
The Spanish treasure.
You have a well-armed fleet
sitting in port.
Should the investors
sit by while pirates get rich?
[narrator] The temptation is so great
it needs some official skullduggery.
Let me be clear
you know exactly what you're asking.
The Spanish have declared
the treasure protected.
Any scavenging will be seen
as an act of aggression.
But let's say
the Commission isn't to [laughs]
isn't to scavenge Spanish ships,
but to, uh, catch pirates
drawn to the treasure.
Jennings' defense fleet has one purpose:
to rob the pirates
who'd robbed the Spaniards.
And if some of this stolen treasure
falls into our hands?
Well, I see no act
against the Spanish in that.
[narrator] A deal is struck.
Jennings has his letter of marque
and is off the leash.
It's a decision
Hamilton will live to regret.
[sinister music]
Jennings sets off on his treasure hunt,
but weeks pass
with no sign of the Spanish wrecks.
He grows frustrated.
But then a Spanish
mail ship crosses his path.
It's one of life's mysteries.
Hornigold's navigator can take him
straight to the Spanish wrecks,
while mine flails up and down the coast
like a blinded bat!
Luckily, I have you
my very own Spanish captain,
to take me to the treasure.
I'm going to take your early reticence
as a passing phase.
You will tell me.
The question is,
which will break first?
Your will
or my poor knuckles?
Amongst Jennings's hardcore crew is
With your permission, sir.
[narrator]a vicious thug
who gives pirates a bad name.
Who the fuck are you?
Charles Vane.
At your service.
Very well.
[sinister music]
[inhaling deeply]
Charles Vane is born in London, Wapping,
and London is an incredibly tough
and brutal existence at the time.
[gulls crying]
[narrator] Little is known
about Vane's early life
in London's crime-ridden streets.
As the sinner's choking agony
reaches your ears,
[Conniff] Try to imagine
what it's like, a boy growing up
on the roughness of those streets.
Death, violence, the public execution
is public entertainment
[suspenseful music]
- [clunk]
- [man grunts]
[narrator] No surprises then,
that when society so brutalizes a child,
it spawns a brutal monster,
and, in Vane's case,
everybody's worst nightmare.
[Spanish captain] No. No. No.
- No?
- [Spanish captain] No!
- Sí. Sí.
- No!
[Spanish captain] No! No! No!
- [Vane laughs]
- [in Spanish] There is a camp.
- [in English] Anyone here speak gibberish?
- [Spanish captain] No!
[speaking Spanish]
[Spanish captain whimpering]
No! No! No! No!
[in Spanish] They have the gold.
[Vane laughs]
[in English] Your witness, Captain.
Charles Vane.
With Vane's powers of persuasion,
Jennings learns something more valuable
than the location of the wrecks.
He discovered that a lot of treasure
had already been retrieved,
and was being stored
in a camp on the shore.
[narrator] As Jennings sets sail
in a quest for Spanish treasure,
young Sam Bellamy appears
to have struck gold with Mary Hallett.
[panting softly]
Her parents were not in favor
of any kind of union between them.
They were wealthy farmers,
and they didn't think that
he would be able to provide for Mary
in the way that she was used to.
No way is she going to marry
this horrible man,
according to her parents.
However, she has another idea.
[panting softly]
This was a very strict religious society.
This is not a society
that has any kind of tolerance
for anything like premarital sex.
[older man] Mary?
[Mary panting]
- [older man] Slut!
- Keep your hands off her.
If I hear you touched a hair on her head,
I'll come back, I'll set you straight.
- You're not worthy of my daughter!
- Stop it. Stop shouting.
[Samuel] Mary?
I'll be back. I swear.
I'll be back with more than enough
means to satisfy your father.
And you, you don't lay a finger on her.
[shouting] Leave my property, now!
[narrator] And so the Spanish treasure
becomes Bellamy's only hope
[indistinct tavern chatter]
and Paulsgrave Williams
has the means to get it.
With every passing day
this Hornigold character
impresses me more.
Picking a fortune from the Florida sands
under the noses of the Spanish themselves.
God. [laughs].
[slams pint down]
Breaks my heart, but what a nerve, huh?
[tavern patrons] Yeah! Yeah.
I'll have that drink
you owe me, Paulsgrave.
Decided that the bachelor life
is for you after all, eh, Sam?
My Mary won't marry a villain,
but I don't think
there's a law against scavenging.
Bellamy wants the money,
so he can go back home to his sweetheart
and convince her parents
that he's a good bet.
Get Captain Bellamy a drink.
[dramatic music]
Captain? Captain Jennings?
There they are.
The Spanish gold is being guarded
by a paltry crew of Spaniards.
No contest for a bunch
of seasoned British privateers.
Under cover of darkness,
he lands three detachments of soldiers.
Jennings definitely had
a profit motive in mind.
There was an enormous
amount of treasure there
and he was beelining right to it.
He may have felt that
there was nothing immoral
about him taking treasure
back from the Spanish.
[narrator] And they know
full well they're playing with fire.
The Florida coast is Spanish territory.
[sinister music]
- [men shouting]
- [blades clashing]
[male Spaniard] Captain!
On your feet. Quickly!
- [in Spanish] Is this war?
- [mocking speech]
Admiral Salmon tried
to negotiate his way out of it,
you know, offering them 25,000 pesos
if they'd just go in peace.
They would have none of it.
[man coughing]
We want everything. Comprende?
[speaking Spanish]
Uh-uh. Every fucking thing.
[man on ground keeps coughing]
- And if you [sighs]
- [man groans]
I can't hear myself think.
Vane? Could you?
[man coughing wetly]
- [man chokes]
- [Vane] Shh.
[choking and coughing]
Men? Take everything.
Leave nothing.
[man chokes softly]
[man keeps choking]
[bone snaps]
[in Spanish] Yes.
[in Spanish] It's war.
Jennings and his men ended up
leaving with almost £80,000 in treasure.
Spain and Britain
were at peace at this point,
so it risked re-igniting open conflict.
[narrator] On the way back to Jamaica,
Jennings decides
to take a detour to Nassau
to rub his triumph in Hornigold's face.
[Woodward] There's this archness
condescension that you'd actually do that.
Who are you, Hornigold,
with your rag-tag group of men
operating out of this
crappy failed colony?
[narrator] But Hornigold's
Flying Gang is growing by the day,
and the latest recruit is a diamond.
- Mr. Hornigold, sir.
- Who wants him?
- Another fan, Captain.
- [Hornigold laughs]
Uh, apologies. I'm Edward Thatch.
You're a legend, sir.
Been reading
The Boston News-Letter by any chance?
- What can I do for you?
- [Thatch] Um
I'm from Jamaica.
My family own land there.
[Woodward] Thatch gave
his inheritance to family members
and had been a mate
on Jamaican merchant vessels.
It suggests that
he was relatively educated,
not completely penniless.
I was interested in joining your crew,
you know, to learn the ropes.
I can pay you for my own keep.
Oh. [laughs]
- [Hornigold laughs] Pirate's apprentice?
- Yeah.
Well, I reckon I've heard it all now.
You handle a musket?
Lift a barrel?
[chuckles] Yeah.
Neck grog and not spew your ring?
Waste your wages on women?
Catch a rat? Sleep with lice?
Captain? We've trouble.
Jennings is in town.
He's fresh from the wrecks and he's flush.
[Hornigold] You come as a pair, do you?
Very much so.
Quartermaster, set these two men to work.
[narrator] Hornigold doesn't
welcome Jennings and his gang
disturbing the peace of his pirate haven.
Oh, no, no. Mine, I think you'll find.
- [laughs] Whoa, feisty.
- Get off!
- [Jennings] Feisty, huh?
- [woman] Get off!
- [Jennings laughs]
- [woman] Stop!
You wanna play,
you pay like everyone else, Jennings.
Fuck off, Hornigold!
You jumped up powder monkey.
- [blade clinks]
- This isn't Port Royal.
The women here need to be treated
[Vane tuts]
I don't think you've met Mr. Vane.
He's quite mad.
No, I mean properly, properly insane.
I wouldn't upset him
any further if I were you.
[pistol clicks]
[narrator] Hornigold has
his own enforcer, Edward Thatch.
And so, battle lines are drawn
between two very different pirate leaders,
united by their greed and opportunism.
[wind blowing]
[knocking at door]
[pirate] Mr. Hornigold?
- [knocking continues]
- [pirate at door] Hornigold, sir.
[pirate] It's Jennings.
[sinister music]
That night, Jennings sails off to Jamaica
in Hornigold's ship.
[dramatic swashbuckling music]
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