The Machinery (2020) s01e01 Episode Script


Do you see anything?
Minister Henrik Asheim
received, on Thursday, the proposals
from the committee that has reviewed
university and college law.
The committee proposes
removing gender points
in admissions to higher education.
The Norwegian student organisation
believes it is a bad idea.
AP promises to fight for the points
in parliament.
Minister Asheim has not stated
an opinion,
but The Right and FRP have
expressed criticism
over less qualified students
jumping the queue.
There! You have a nice day.
Have a nice day, then! Okay?
Love you! Go!
Hi! Josefin?
We have a staff meeting tonight.
-Yeah, of course!
-So we close at four.
-Olle's doing pick up.
-Hey, darling!
Here's an extra news update.
A security guard was shot dead and
another taken hostage in a
cash depot theft last night.
I'll ring back.
The thieves are on the loose and
Magnus Helgesen from
Sandefjord police is appealing
to the public for information.
Good morning, ladies and gentlemen.
This is the captain with
a message to all passengers.
There has been a technical problem
and must unfortunately
turn back to Sandefjord.
The next boat to Strömstad
leaves in around an hour.
We apologise, and will return with
more information when we can.
We will not be opening the car deck
until this is all finished.
So getting off could
take a little longer.
We ask for your understanding
in this matter.
In connection with ongoing
police action,
passengers are asked to show
valid identification.
This is the police.
We need to check identification
against the passenger list
and take photos. Make space.
Hey! Didn't you hear?
I said make space.
Everyone needs to stay calm.
Hey, help out here!
-I'm needed below.
-No, help me here.
Check IDs.
Look into the camera.
What's going on?
One of the cars used in the robbery
is on the ferry.
Check all the passengers.
And the staff.
Check all staff.
I repeat, check all staff.
Hey, you! Stop, stop! Hey!
Hey! Come back!
The suspect is on deck four.
He's running toward duty free.
Hello! Hey!
Hey! Stop!
Hey! Down on the ground!
Down! Lay down!
On the ground! On the ground!
Get a boat! Now!
The boat is ready on the quay.
On the passenger side.
Hey, shit! What happened?
Go! Come on! Go, go, go!
-Keys. Give me the keys.
Give me the keys, I said!
Come on!
-We're at max speed!
-Damn! Damn it!
Hey, welcome.
What can I help you with?
Excuse me?
Are you going to order something?
-Two two chicken bagels.
Would you like something to drink
with that? Coffee?
-Yeah, yeah.
-Okay. What kind of coffee?
If she asks again,
I want a large latte. Okay?
Just calm down.
You're doing great.
They can't do anything as long as
you have a pistol to your head.
Where's the helicopter?
-Hi, it's Magnus. I'm at the scene.
-I need some good news.
-I think it's best if you come here.
Regarding the hostage situation,
we're still negotiating.
-Do you want us to arrest now?
-No arrest while he's got a hostage.
I'll be there soon.
There must be barbecue in here.
You need to eat or you'll waste away.
-Here. Eat up.
-I'm pregnant, please.
How nice. Eat.
Why didn't you say anything before?
Turn off, here.
Stop the car.
Hey trust me. Stop the car!
You get out,
then open the door for me.
Calm down, calm down.
Come. Come closer.
Calm down. Calm down.
It's going well. Turn around.
Drive, damn it!
Come on, come on.
Fourth floor, like you wanted.
We'll try again Hey?
-Hey, Magnus.
-Hey, Nina.
Nice to see you. I get to take this
off to greet you properly.
-Hey, nice to see you.
We've put together the most important
stuff we have so far.
So, what's it like to be back
in Sandefjord, then?
We'll talk about it later.
Yeah, sure. So, let's go, Rune.
So, there we have the guard.
Jan Frode Solberg.
Have we got anything
to identify them?
No, we don't know who
All we know is the last car there
The guy driving it,
he's on the run now.
Damn, what a bastard.
He's on the run with the hostage.
Three thieves.
They know what they're doing.
How much did they get?
About thirty million.
Look at this, now.
He didn't even hesitate.
He's done this before.
There's the angle-grinder. The wheel
loader came from the same place.
It's Laholmen Pty Ltd,
Strömstad, Sweden.
The company's having a seminar right
now at the Park Hotel in Sandefjord.
Do you think it's a coincidence?
We should definitely check it out,
What did he do?
It's hard to see. We've seen it
several times but we don't know.
And then they leave in the black
Mercedes you found on the ferry.
He might be your guy.
Very possible.
We've tried to hear what he says,
but we think he says
he'll pick up another bag.
Then he disappears.
It seems like he reacts, there,
to the first police car that comes.
So, now, he reacts to us.
He panics and leaves.
No, no, no. That's not panic.
He was just quick.
And there we come.
And then he takes the guard,
the hostage. Anja Holtvik.
Are we still following the hostage?
Shots exchanged ten minutes ago.
The fucker wrecked our cars.
He won't get away, I'm sure of that.
But we have another challenge.
The hostage is
She's pregnant.
And, there, our man goes down.
The thief takes the hostage out
another way. Takes her car.
We follow them on the outside where
there are unfortunately no cameras.
And we know the rest.
-Keep me updated.
-Yes, okay.
A bit strange.
I don't know
It's a long time since I've seen her.
But they say she's very good.
Her dad's in prison for
armed robbery, you know.
Olle Hultén here, leave a message.
I noticed you don't want
to talk to me today.
But you're working on a really lovely
surprise for me, so that's okay.
I'll be in a meeting soon, so
I can't talk for a couple of hours,
so we'll talk after that.
Okay, love you! Bye!
-Thanks a lot!
-My pleasure!
Phone? Is it possible to borrow one?
It's busy right now.
Do you want to order something?
-No, thanks. I'll just wait.
-Who's next?
-Hi! Can I get two shrimp sandwiches?
Yeah, yeah. Okay, bye.
What's wrong with Sandefjord?
Nothing's wrong with Sandefjord.
I'm just saying that the conference
is just an excuse for Håkan
and the gang to drink.
-Yeah, but they
-Are you kidding me?
Most people would kill for
a night in a hotel room.
Do you think it's fun to lie
in a hotel room alone?
-Have you been in a hotel room alone?
Darling, you don't need to be alone.
Who said that?
You can just Facetime me.
If you're good, maybe you'll
get to see something wet.
-Let me Facetime you.
-No, no!
We'll put her in front of the TV
and I'll Facetime you so hard
Not too hard!
That will be fine.
-I'm here to meet a Håkan Johansson.
Yes. I think that's him
sitting over there.
Have you got an aspirin
and a glass of water?
-Don't touch my beer.
-This is better for you.
Håkan Johansson?
Laholmen Construction?
-Yes. Nina, is it?
-That's right.
-Good morning. Thanks.
What a fucking thing. Unpleasant
that our things were used.
Do you have any idea
who could have done this?
Can we speak somewhere more private?
No, no, no, no.
Fuck! Get in the car, damn it!
Come on, come on!
Come on, hurry up, damn it!
Shit Here, turn in here!
Look there. Turn. Turn!
Nice. We lost them.
What the hell, stop crying!
Look out, cow!
Here's four hundred.
-Hey, have you got a light?
-Yeah, sure.
-Can I get a lift?
-I don't pick up hitchhikers. Sorry.
I need to cross the border.
I can't do anything about that.
I'm sorry.
Five thousand.
Have you got a phone?
Hey, you've reached Josefin Hultén.
I can't answer, so leave a message
after the beep. Bye!
Hey, it's me. I'm not going to be
able to pick Lilly up this afternoon.
I, um I'm still in Norway.
I'll call you.
Love you.
Help help me. Help me.
They're a bit blurry, but do you
notice anything in particular?
Body shape or clothes?
The robbers used equipment
from your company,
and everyone was here last night.
We had team building.
Did you notice anything
out of the usual that night?
Is this going to be in reports
and shit like that?
I mean, can just anyone find out
what I've said?
Why do you wonder?
there are certain things that
have nothing to do with this theft
but rather they might be a bit
Just let me decide what's relevant.
It's just that one of my guys,
Olle, he
he might have disappeared
a bit earlier, with a girl.
If you know what I mean?
Olle Hultén.
He's got a wife and kid.
It would be a huge fuss.
-Where is he now?
-I think he's on holiday.
He's probably working on the house.
He's building a house for the family,
outside Strömstad.
Olle Hultén here. Leave a message.
He didn't pick up.
The car has been found,
hostage badly injured.
In hospital?
And the robber?
No trace of the robber.
Shall we wait for you?
No, we don't wait any longer.
Contact our colleagues in Sweden
and get help at the border.
Fine. Understood. Bye.
-Thank you.
Police report that the guard,
who was taken hostage
during the robbery at the cash depot
in Sandefjord last night,
has now been saved
through a car chase that ended
when the driver
lost control of the car.
The guard has been taken to
a hospital in Vestfold,
and her condition is described
as critical.
Police are still looking for the
perpetrator behind the robbery
where a person was killed.
According to our sources,
nobody has been arrested.
Now to international news.
How's it going with the guard?
No, she didn't make it.
The child?
I'm going to Strömstad
to check something.
Is there a problem?
A hundred thousand.
I'm going out to talk to them.
Fifty now, fifty in Sweden.
But you have to do exactly as I say.
I'm going to check that rusty car
back there.
Peter, come here.
You have to help me with this.
What a bloody mess.
Has something happened?
I just need to see your papers,
Can I see your license?
We need to look in your truck
and in your cab.
-Is it really necessary?
-We need to look.
Or we'll be here all day.
-Are you alone in the vehicle?
It's the only positive thing about
this, you could say.
Police! Hands where I can see them!
Hands where we can see them!
Come down, slowly!
Without a fight!
-Are his hands visible?
-I think they just found Annabella.
You said you were alone
in the vehicle.
Yeah. It's my my my doll.
-Your doll?
Hey, it's Josefin.
-Are you doing pick up today?
-No, Olle's picking her up.
Okay. Um he hasn't come for Lilly.
-And when do you leave?
-Can you get her?
No, I'm in Gothenburg,
unfortunately, so
-But I'll figure it out, of course.
I'm so, so sorry. I don't know
what could have happened.
But I'll make sure someone's there,
Here's another cola. There.
You can have as much cola
as you want. Luxury, right?
Such nice drawing.
Blue and everything.
And look who's coming?
Is it Mum?
Hey, sweetie! Hey!
You're a hero.
Of course. It's no problem.
It's my pleasure.
-So. Hey!
-Hey, have you heard from Olle?
No. Or, yes, he left a message
on the answering machine.
Something had happened,
I didn't get what.
Now he won't answer his phone.
Oh, right. But he's alive?
Yes! Yeah,
at least until I get hold of him.
There, now we have to go.
Hey, before you go, it might be an
idea to take her to the toilet.
-She's had a few colas.
Soft drink on a school night,
sweetie? Huh?
-Four of them.
Not okay, Palle.
You're uncle's spoiling you.
Oh yeah, so
-What what are you doing?
-I'm going to pay for it.
-No, stop it.
No, seriously.
The restaurant's going well.
-Cut it out.
-Okay, thanks.
But you know Olle and I can help you.
We don't need to say anything to Dad.
-Do you mean it?
-Yes, of course.
Okay, um, because
-The new Tesla.
-Oh, you.
No, but it's so beautiful.
You have to see it.
Wait, wait, a hug!
-Bye, sweetie! Look after Mum, now.
Mum, I'm not tired anymore.
Okay, sweetie.
-Mum, can we watch TV?
-Absolutely, but I have to pee first.
Take off your shoes.
My name's Nina, what's your name?
-And how old are you?
Nina Berge
from Organised Crime, Oslo.
Sorry to disturb you so late, but
I'd like to talk to Olle Hultén.
Are you Josefin Hultén?
Yes. Yes.
Can I come in?
Um yes.
Is he home?
Um, no.
Do you know where he is?
Um no. What's this about?
He was at a work seminar in
Sandefjord yesterday, right?
Yes. I just mean
I don't know where he is right now.
Have you talked to him today?
Mum, come now.
No, he should be home, but
Has something happened?
No, no, no. This is just routine.
-I want to play!
-Ask him to call me when he's home?
Have a nice night!
"Have you seen anything so crazy?"
said Julia.
"Someone has put a carrot in my sock.
And, look! Someone's hung
a guitar from my hook.
Who could it be?"
Hey, Daddy!
Where have you been?
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