The Mess You Leave Behind (2020) s01e01 Episode Script

En la boca del lobo

[suspenseful instrumental music playing]
[trackpad clicking]
- [doorbell buzzes]
- [gasps]
[buzzing continues]
[man panting]
[woman sighs]
[buzzing continues]
- [knocking on door]
- [woman breathing shakily]
[man continues breathing heavily]
[keys jingling]
- [jingling continues outside]
- [gasps]
- [panting]
- [lock rattling]
[security chain clatters]
- [both panting, grunt]
- Viruca. Viruca!
- What are you doing here?
- [man] Take the chain off.
- We need to talk.
- Why the fuck are you here? [gasps]
- Viruca.
- How dare you use that key!
- This is my apartment. Understand?
- I'm worried about you.
You won't pick up the phone.
You don't answer my text messages. Viruca!
Please, Mauro. Not you, okay? Don't
- Don't touch me!
- Viruca. Viruca!
- Tell me what happened.
- [Viruca] Don't pressure me.
I am this close to burning it all down.
Get out of here.
- [Mauro] Open the door, and let's talk.
- Get out! Stop!
Viruca, please!
Leave me alone!
There's nothing to talk about, you idiot!
- [sighs deeply]
- [door slams]
[Mauro] Viruca!
- [pounding on door]
- [breathing shakily] Leave!
Leave, or I'm calling the fucking police!
Get out!
[Mauro exhales]
[takes a deep breath]
[sobbing continues through door]
[Mauro, softly] Viruca.
[Viruca sighs, breathing slows]
- Viruca.
- [sighs, sniffles]
[inhales sharply, sniffles]
["La espina de la flor en tu costado"
by Xoel López playing]
- [seagulls crying]
- [rain pattering]
Germán? Hello. I'm home.
I bought one of those cinnamon candles
she likes so much.
- And look how beautiful this plant is.
- [dramatic music playing]
What's wrong?
It's over now.
A minute ago, your mother passed away.
[seagulls crying outside]
[woman breathing shakily]
[dramatic orchestral music swells]
[woman gasps, shudders]
[breathes deeply]
[shutters clatter]
[seagulls screaming outside]
[seagulls grow louder]
- Those fuckin' seagulls.
- [woman gasps]
[inhales sharply]
[exhales] Oof. Oh, shit.
- [Germán] Nightmares again?
- [woman] Mm-hmm.
- [dog panting, barks]
- Always the same one.
What are you doing?
I'm organizing what we're taking
to Novariz and what's staying.
Which edition of Variable Cloud
do you wanna take?
You've got three.
You could dial down your excitement
about leaving.
It's not even nine yet.
- [shutters whirring]
- Good morning.
- [woman grunts] Nanook!
- [Nanook whines and pants]
- Hey, sweetheart.
- Hi.
Like to tell me about the nightmare?
- [woman] Uh-uh-uh.
- Are you sure?
- [woman] Mm.
- [Germán] Hmm?
Mm? [exhales deeply]
When am I going to stop dreaming
about her?
Raquel, just think of how good
this change will be for us.
- Such an amazing opportunity.
- [sighs] Yeah.
- [barks]
- [Raquel] Here.
- Can you take these to my mom's apartment?
- Yeah, okay. [sighs]
- I'm gonna miss you so much.
- Oh, don't be so dramatic.
It's a two-hour drive away.
Two hours. Think about it, okay?
The kids are going to adore you.
You'll forget about me. You'll see.
- No, never happen.
- [woman] No?
- [Germán] Let's go.
- Fine, let's go.
- Come visit us.
- I will.
- [Germán grunts softly]
- [woman sighs]
Have a safe trip!
- [engine starts]
- [car door closes]
["Ningún nombre, ningún lugar"
by Xoel López playing on radio]
[singing along in Spanish]
[continues singing]
[Germán joins in]
- [in English] No.
- Huh?
- Oh, no.
- [Germán] What is it?
- I think I left my note cards in A Coruña.
- What note cards?
The ones I use to teach my class.
Can you see if they're in that box?
- So what?
- If not, we might have to turn around.
This isn't your first time teaching.
You always get like this,
and in the end, you do great.
- I won't.
- I'll look.
No. It's been so long
since I've been in front of a class.
And what's worse is that I've never gone
this long without teaching.
I have to do a good job.
You don't know what kids are like.
- They find your weak spot, you're fucked.
- You're so overdramatic.
No, I'm not.
It's… it's that they sniff out your fear.
They're like those drug-sniffing dogs
at the airport. Just like that.
Did you find them?
- Are they blue?
- Yes. No. No, no. Don't read them.
- You'll laugh at me.
- It's okay. [chuckling]
You're so cute when you're nervous.
This time,
it's gonna be like I'm a teacher for real.
Do you think I'll make friends
with the any of the other teachers?
All my other jobs,
they only lasted two or three weeks.
There wasn't any time
to get to know anyone.
Do you think I'll be able to do this?
I mean, maybe I'm not really ready
to go back to work now.
- [song continues playing]
- Oh, sweetheart.
[singing along in Spanish]
- [both chuckle]
- [Raquel exhales]
- [tense instrumental music playing]
- [river flowing]
[birds singing]
[school bell rings]
[students chattering]
[Viruca] Hey, hey, hey!
Hi there.
- What's this paper for?
- [Viruca] It's an exam.
What kind of an exam?
There's nothing on it.
Well, be patient. Iago.
- Come here.
- Me?
Yeah, yeah. You.
[Iago sighs]
On the board.
[Viruca exhales]
Is an art…
[Iago exhales, breathing heavily]
…like everything else.
I do it exceptionally well."
- What do you think her problem is?
- No idea. She gets weirder every day.
"I do it so it feels like hell.
I do it so it feels real."
Can't read your writing, Iago.
- [class laughs]
- Keep going.
[sighs] There's nothing funny about this.
Well, if you don't like Sylvia Plath,
you can say so on your exam.
Keep writing.
"I guess you could say I have a call."
- [sighs] What's after "I guess"?
- [Viruca inhales sharply]
Let me do it. Move.
[quietly] What's goin' on
with your boyfriend?
- He's
- He didn't tell you?
- About what?
- We broke up.
What are you saying? Seriously?
You can take your seat now.
Okay, all of you.
You have half an hour to respond.
You should take time
and think before you start writing.
What were Sylvia Plath's intentions?
Could the poem be a cry for help?
- Yeah, this whole thing is a cry for help.
- Have you got a problem, Roi?
Uh, no. No.
- No problem.
- [Viruca] Is she announcing her death?
[Iago clears throat]
- [Iago] Can I ask you a question?
- No.
Please. Just one?
- Ask me.
- [quietly] Why are you so cruel?
This is obviously
about the note I left you.
But it wasn't fucking serious.
I don't know what you're talking about.
Now, get to it, or you'll run out of time.
- [Raquel] Hey!
- [woman] Hi.
- Need help?
- [man] Hey.
It's all right. [sighs]
- [man] How was the drive?
- [Germán] Mom.
- [mom] Hi, my boy.
- [Raquel] Not bad. Stiff but fine.
You can tell she didn't have to drive here
twice a month like some of us.
- [Germán chuckles]
- Oh. Raquel did the driving?
Thank goodness
your father isn't here to see that.
He never let me get my license.
[Raquel] Well, thank goodness
things have changed. Am I right?
[mom chuckles] I'm not so sure.
He used to tell me I had enough work to do
here at the restaurant
to worry about driving.
[birds singing]
[students chattering]
- [Viruca exhales]
- [tense piano music playing]
[Viruca] What?
Oh, shit.
- [patrons chatting indistinctly]
- [slot machine sound effects playing]
Concha, did you see
who did that to my car?
Someone slashed all four tires,
and they painted a big lovely word
on the side.
Did you see anything, Mijaíl?
I try not to look over there much
because it brings back bad memories.
When he went there,
he was a horrible student.
Although it's not like he's much
of a bartender now, either.
[takes a deep breath]
Pour me something strong, please.
Looks like I'm not driving.
What about some chocolate cake
with a coffee liqueur?
- Gin, no ice and no tonic.
- So intense.
Ah, she's a tough one.
Uh, that.
Come on. Thanks.
[Concha] You teachers put up with so much
from these kids.
You don't get paid enough.
- [Viruca] They're getting to me, Concha.
- Never say that, sweetheart.
- You're so strong.
- Sure, I'm pretty strong, but… [sighs]
…I mean, they wear you down eventually.
One day, I'll leave for good.
Come on.
- Know what's better than alcohol?
- [Viruca] Hmm?
[Concha] Someone who listens to you,
and not an old woman like me.
Someone your age. A friend.
Don't you have anyone like that?
- [Viruca] Hmm.
- [Concha] Too bad.
Because sharing your problems
would really help.
You'll find someone special
to talk to, you'll see.
- [man] And now dessert.
- Seriously?
- [mom] Oh, wow.
- No, no. Please, I can't eat another bite.
- [man] Raquel, you gonna hurt my feelings?
- Okay, but just a little.
- [man] Much better.
- [mom and Raquel chuckle]
[door squeaks]
- There you are. What's with him?
- Thank you.
He's already got problems
with his prostate?
- That's the third time he's left.
- [Raquel sighs]
If things aren't working out in bed,
I've got some pills that'll do the trick.
- Please don't say such nasty things.
- [both chuckle]
- Thank you.
- [man] There you go.
[mom exhales]
- [sniffles, clears throat]
- [Raquel clears throat]
- And so, are you excited?
- [Raquel] Hmm?
It's great
you got assigned to a high school here.
It's the most beautiful school in Galicia.
That's an exaggeration, Mom.
How so? You've seen a better one?
Well, actually, it's hard to believe, um,
that a school
that looks like that is public.
[Germán claps] What did I miss?
Why don't we toast
to us all being together?
It's not all of us,
so there's not much to celebrate.
[Germán and brother sigh]
Well, Mom, we have to enjoy life
at some point, right?
Your father was buried
less than three months ago.
I don't see the rush.
Or a reason for joy.
- Do you, Raquel?
- [Raquel] Hmm?
How much time did it take
when your mother died?
[exhales] Well, um…
[sighs, clicks tongue] …a lot.
[mom] Hmm.
[chuckles softly]
- I got to go get ready for bed.
- Are you tired?
No, but I want to be well-rested
for school tomorrow morning.
- Everything was delicious.
- Thank you.
[Raquel] Good night. I'm heading upstairs.
- [Germán grunts softly]
- [Raquel] See you tomorrow.
Good night. [sighs]
Seriously, Mom?
No wonder she never wants to come here.
- Give it a rest, Germán.
- [Germán grunts]
- Let's have some peace and quiet.
- [Germán sighs]
She still having a hard time?
No, she's better now.
But those kinds of comments don't help.
[brother sighs]
[mom takes a deep breath]
- [Germán] Still here? Are you comin' up?
- In a minute.
Hmm. I already talked to her.
She's been impossible
for the past few months.
Well… people deal with death
in different ways.
[drawer opens, closes]
Although, you got the worst of it.
- Why?
- I don't know.
Did you do something?
Like what?
Don't listen to her. It's because… [sighs]
…I hung around here so much,
I lost all her respect.
- [Raquel] Sure.
- And she thinks I'm like a kid.
Quela, pretty soon we can rent a house
for ourselves, huh?
- I've had enough of her.
- [Raquel sighs]
- [Germán] Hmm? Hmm?
- [Raquel exhales]
Hey. Hey, hey, hey!
- Are you okay?
- Yeah, I'm just really tired.
Hey, Quela.
- [Raquel sighs]
- [Germán] What's wrong?
- Germán… [sighs]
- [cup thuds]
You went to the bathroom four times.
Even your brother noticed.
So what? [scoffs]
- Seriously?
- [Germán sighs]
I mean, I don't know what's ballsier,
snorting coke in front of your family
or lying to my face.
- I didn't snort anything.
- [scoffs]
- I swear.
- Really?
It's been forever since I did that.
And we did it together.
- Yeah.
- Don't you remember?
So, tell me.
Why all the trips to the bathroom?
Um, I didn't want to explode.
I love my family,
but seeing how my mother treats you…
[inhales sharply] …I go to the bathroom
to calm myself down.
But I promise you
that next time, I won't hide.
I promise.
- [Germán] Okay?
- [Raquel] Mm-hmm.
if I was high on coke,
would I be like this?
- [clicks tongue] Germán…
- What? Come on, just a quickie.
Wait until we've got our own place, okay?
All right. I only wanted to do it now
so we don't forget how it's done.
[both sigh]
You know that I love you.
[Germán] Hmm.
I'll be upstairs.
[somber piano music playing]
[crickets chirping outside]
[Viruca exhales]
I love the power of her verses.
Hypocrites should all just die.
Don't you think, Teach?
[Raquel singing
"Ningún nombre, ningún lugar" in Spanish]
[stops abruptly]
[in English] Mom?
[tense instrumental music playing]
Why do you look so surprised?
[Raquel] Um…
What are you doing here?
What are you doing with my note cards?
Oh, Raquel.
You're scared to death.
What will I do with you?
[Raquel] Give me those.
Why would you take them?
They were in one of the boxes.
- [Raquel sighs]
- Are you moving in here?
You haven't even buried me,
and you're gone.
Mom… don't you know you're dead?
"Dead," she says.
Oh, you say the funniest things.
[sighs, chuckles] Hmm.
[woman sobbing, muted]
[echoing] Why can't I hear it?
[woman continues sobbing]
- [sobbing grows louder]
- [Germán snoring]
[softly] Germán.
- Germán.
- [Germán] Hmm?
Someone's crying. Don't you hear it?
[Germán groans]
Mm, yeah. It's my mother.
She gets like that.
- [Germán sighs]
- Why don't you go comfort her?
No, she'd rather we left her alone.
- [exhales deeply] Try to sleep.
- How am I supposed to sleep? [sighs]
- [mom continues crying]
- [clicks tongue] Poor thing.
- [birds singing outside]
- [Viruca breathing heavily]
[cell phone vibrating]
[sighs, groans softly]
- [exhales]
- [vibrating stops]
[groans softly, exhales deeply]
[wind whistling]
Oh, shit.
[tense piano music playing]
[Viruca gasps]
[grunts softly]
[window latch clicks]
[Viruca exhales]
[breathing shakily]
[keys jingle]
[lock clicks]
[lock clicks]
- [Viruca sighs]
- ["Carlos Baila" playing on phone]
[water running]
[Viruca grunts]
["Carlos Baila" continues playing
through headphones]
Hi there. Could I get an espresso?
Wouldn't you prefer some milk in it?
An espresso
will burn a hole in your stomach.
- No, my stomach can handle anything.
- You got it.
- Slice of cake, fresh out of the oven?
- [Raquel] Uh-uh.
Mijaíl, get inside.
- Always smoking.
- [thunder rumbling]
[Raquel clears throat]
- Thank you.
- You the new gal?
[Raquel] Excuse me?
Where are my manners?
You ain't from around here, are ya?
No. No, I'm not.
I could see that in an instant.
Your age, your clothes,
and a youthful eagerness
in your bright eyes.
[Raquel chuckles]
I mean, I like it,
seeing how excited y'all are to work here.
And there are so many walking dead
around here, it looks like a funeral home.
And after the factory closed,
everything went downhill.
[Raquel] I see.
Here you go.
Everyone's first coffee is on the house.
And let me know
what you think about those kids.
[Viruca] Ana.
[Roi] It's kinda true.
Anyway, you don't know.
She could be just having a bad week.
- [girl] God.
- Roi.
[girl chuckles] Nice.
Looks like she was having a few
while she was grading papers
- Have something to say, Roi?
- Oh, no, Viruca. I'm sorry.
[girl] And what about mine?
- You and I will talk later, Nerea.
- [Nerea] Why?
Because I don't want to talk
to you right now.
I don't want to humiliate you.
You've got a lot of explaining to do.
Look, whatever you have to say to me,
you can say it in front of everyone.
If you don't, people will talk.
- What about?
- Nothing.
No, no.
- What will they say?
- You know perfectly well.
I thought someone with a critical mind
like yours would be above stupid gossip.
And I thought a teacher like you
wouldn't act like a cliché
out of a bad fiction.
- What are you accusing me of?
- You don't know? I have to spell it out?
- Did you see the graffiti on your car?
- Drop it!
[Nerea sighs]
Wow. Look who stepped up to defend you.
- What's your fuckin' problem?
- This is my fucking problem.
- This body ain't yours anymore.
- Get out.
- Fuck off!
- No, both of you. Both of you, out.
- Me? But I'm defending you.
- Both of you!
- [Iago huffs]
- [Nerea scoffs]
[Viruca sighs]
Who doesn't have their exam yet?
Here, then.
[indistinct chatter]
[bicycle bell rings]
[birds singing]
[dramatic instrumental music playing]
- Good morning.
- Hey.
[students cheering and applauding]
[Nerea] Okay, okay, okay.
Everyone, calm down.
Calm down. Take your seats, okay?
The heteropatriarchy, for centuries,
has been feeding all of us lies.
When we are
more than 50% of the population,
they told us that we were a minority,
and we believed them.
They told us that we were the weaker sex,
while they won their wars
with chemical weapons
and fucking drones.
And still, we ate up their bullshit.
I don't know
if I should applaud or heckle her.
- Since when was Nerea political?
- You need an explanation?
I'll show you the reading material
our friend gave her.
[Nerea] If they don't have
what it takes to break it…
Are… are you the new hire?
- Yes. Hi there. Raquel.
- Hi. Ramón. Mathematics.
- And Iria.
- Hello.
She tortures them with English.
[Nerea] Why is it
that when five scumbags beat
and raped a girl in Pamplona,
we bitched about it on Twitter?
We protested for one day. One day!
Why didn't we burn Pamplona to the ground?
And when the judges released those men,
why didn't we fucking
burn the country down?
[Ramón] Not all of our students have
such incendiary arguments as Nerea.
Most of them are just silly teenagers.
Nothing to say.
They're lucky
if they string together a sentence
with a subject, verb, and predicate.
One of us kills herself,
and what do we say?
"Poor thing.
She must have had trouble at home.
At school."
But you know that there is not
a single suicide of a woman
that is not the fault
of the heteropatriarchy.
Whether it be by their violence
or by their silence,
they kill us, and they keep on killing us.
And I wonder, how much longer?
- How much longer? How much longer?
- [boy 1] You said it!
[crowd cheering]
Whoo! Bravo!
- [boy 2] Bravo!
- [boy 3] Nerea!
[students shouting]
Tell me this isn't your first time
teaching a class.
- No, no, no.
- Are you sure?
I can see your little wide-eyed face.
And this thing of arriving early,
I don't know.
- Good morning.
- Morning. Hello.
- This is Raquel.
- Hello.
These are your colleagues.
You'll get to know them.
Nice to meet you.
I've got your class schedule right here.
Right here.
The list of students…
I need a couple of signatures,
and we're done.
- Go ahead.
- Huh?
Here, right here.
- Here?
- Yes.
Don't worry. They're good kids, you know.
I always tell the teachers,
if you go blank,
remember, you know more than them.
- Always.
- Good.
On any subject, on anything,
you know more. Much more.
All right.
Don't worry if they seem a little moody
or sensitive the first few days.
But if anything comes up,
my office door is always open.
And don't try to face it alone
or play the heroine or the martyr.
- We've seen enough of that around here.
- Okay.
You come and talk to me.
I think there's nothing left to say.
Any questions?
- No. At the moment, no.
- Wonderful.
Great meeting you, and good luck tomorrow
on your first class.
You don't need to worry
about being nervous, you know.
- Um, there's a lot to get used to.
- Yeah.
By the way, I'm Isa.
Nice to meet you.
- [tense music playing]
- You're the new hire?
Raquel. Yeah.
[sighs] I don't know
what the hell the people
from the Xunta were thinking,
sending someone like you.
They'll crush you in two days,
you hear me?
Two days.
[scoffs, sighs]
Don't hold it against him.
He's having a hard time
with his wife and all.
Look at what I got.
What are you doing with that? Put it away.
- Where did you get it?
- What? You a pussy?
- Fuck you.
- I brought it for you.
- No.
- We'll try it at the hot springs later.
What are you saying?
You can't go on pretending
like nothing's wrong.
- What the fuck is the matter? Huh?
- Hey, Iago. Iago! She's watching.
What? You have a problem?
- [Iago] Whoa!
- [Raquel gasps]
- Come on. Don't freak her out, dude.
- Have a good day.
- Bye.
- [snickers] She almost pissed herself.
[Raquel huffs]
[birds singing]
[Viruca sighs]
Shit, Viruca. I just heard
what happened to your tires.
- [Viruca] Hmm.
- Are you okay?
- Yeah, yeah, yeah.
- [Mauro] Now what?
What are you gonna do without a car?
Well, they lent me a new one.
And you really don't have to worry
about me.
We got a divorce, remember?
[Viruca sighs]
[engine starts]
- [both] Hey!
- [boy 1] Watch where you're goin'!
- [boy 2] You some kind of asshole?
- I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
- [boy 2] Dumbass!
- [boy 1] What the fuck?
- [Viruca sighs]
- [footsteps approaching]
[birds singing outside]
[Raquel sighs]
Fuck this.
Don't treat me like an idiot ever again…
and make me believe
I'm seeing things that aren't there.
- Got it?
- What happened?
- What happened?
- Yeah.
Well, this was a mistake.
Coming here, pretending
I was actually ready to teach again.
But do you know
what was even a bigger mistake?
Believing our marriage
was gonna be magically fixed.
I don't know what this is about.
- Oh, you don't know? Fine.
- At all.
Look. If you do coke again,
that's your problem.
But do not lie to me, okay?
- [Iago laughs]
- [Roi] Don't know why you brought me here.
Let's go to the springs.
You'll love 'em. You'll see.
Okay. But first, we need to get high.
- Wait.
- What do you mean, high?
Well, just wait.
- [laughs] Come on. Dude, is that…?
- You'll see.
- [Roi clears throat]
- [Iago inhales] Mm!
- Mm!
- [Roi] Ugh.
Try it. Come on, man.
- [Iago] Whoo-hoo!
- [Roi laughs] Bitch. Motherfucker!
- Come on, Roi!
- [Roi] Wait up!
[both panting]
[Iago] Ahh!
- Is it nice?
- It feels great.
- [can clatters]
- [Iago exhales]
- Whoa.
- [Iago] Are you taking your camera out?
Sure, of course.
Don't you wanna take pictures of me
without clothes, holding my gun?
There's nothing better
than the steam from the hot springs.
The sooner you stop being freaked out,
the better.
- Look, it's just that [sighs]
- Okay?
[scoffs] You're the worst, man.
[bird calls]
[Roi chuckles, exhales]
You're… you're insane.
You're fuckin' insane.
- Okay.
- [Roi] Pose.
[chuckles] Hey!
- Come on.
- And go. All right.
- Take your first shot. Let's see.
- Yeah.
- That works.
- [Iago] Whoo!
- [Roi] Okay. Good.
- Whoa.
- I can already feel the high.
- You're high, man.
- [Iago] Don't you feel it?
- Fuck yeah, I do.
Come on, Mr. Photographer,
I'll do whatever you ask.
Whatever you fuckin' want, okay?
- Uh, shit. I don't know.
- Say it, and it's done.
- Fuck, what do you want?
- Um, can you get in the water?
[Roi] Mm-hmm.
- You're going to?
- [Iago exhales]
[gun clatters]
I am.
- [chuckling]
- Sure, man!
[laughs] Yeah.
Son of a bitch. [chuckles]
[Iago grunts]
[Roi chuckles]
- What are you lookin' at?
- Me? Nothing.
- Nothing.
- What are you looking at?
- [both chuckling]
- [Iago clears throat]
[exhales] Whew.
[Roi sighs, chuckles]
Get in there.
[Iago] Oh.
Oh, my God. [clears throat]
- Fuck yeah.
- [Roi] Is it good?
Whew. [exhales]
[Iago grunts]
Come on. [panting]
- Yeah. Looking good. It's good.
- Like this?
- Yeah, hold that. That's it.
- [Iago] Huh?
[Roi] Ah…
- Come on, get in here.
- Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. [grunts]
This shot's gonna be so great.
- [sighs]
- Like this?
[Roi chuckles] Right, right.
- Yeah. [laughs]
- [camera shutter clicks]
- Are you tryin' to fuck with me?
- Yeah, yeah.
[Iago] Are you fuckin' with me?
Should I blow my balls? Huh?
Uh, what are you saying?
Should I blow my balls off? Huh?
- Dude, what
- Go. Come on, take it.
Like this. Like a gangster.
Take it. Come on, man.
[camera shutter clicking]
[brakes squeak]
Come on, Nanook.
Look how pretty it is. Come on, boy.
[chuckles] Totally crazy.
- What else can I do?
- [Roi] I don't know. Whatever you want.
I'll just keep taking pictures.
[Raquel] Come on. Let's go.
- [Iago] Now let's take a fuckin' selfie.
- Okay.
- [grunts]
- Are you ready?
- I'm gonna kill you. I'll kill you.
- [both laugh]
[camera shutter clicks]
Gonna look cool.
[quietly] Hey.
What the fuck?
- They'd better not come ruin our party.
- No.
- Take this.
- [Roi] Keep going.
- Keep on working.
- [Raquel] Nanook!
- [Roi] Are you talkin' to me?
- You talkin' to me? Huh?
- Fuck you.
- [Raquel] Hey!
- Nanook!
- [Nanook barks]
- Stupid mutt.
- [Raquel] Come here.
- Come!
- Get the fuck out of here. Hey!
- Get lost! Get the fuck away, you!
- [Raquel] Hey, you.
- [Iago] Go on.
- Don't point your gun at my dog.
Shit. It's the new teacher.
She talks. [laughs]
What are you doing with a gun?
Don't worry. It's empty.
It's not even loaded.
What are you doing?
- Uh, we're just
- Nothing really. Posing for my friend.
This body's worth that, right?
Besides, you got here at the right time.
I'm about to take it all off for you.
Wanna see?
- [waistband snaps]
- [Iago] What? Check it out.
[laughs] What?
You know you want it. Everyone does.
Do you think I've never seen a naked man
or a limp dick before?
- Get it up if you want me to.
- No.
You're just a kid
trying to impress an adult woman.
But you're wasting your time.
[Iago sighs]
Get your dumb dog outa here.
[Raquel scoffs]
- Okay. Take your fuckin' pictures.
- [Roi] Yeah, yeah.
[Iago sighs]
[birds chirping]
[car door opens, closes]
[Nanook barking]
- [Nanook barks and pants]
- Hey.
[trunk closes]
I've been waiting for ya.
I thought you weren't comin' back.
- I was at the hot springs.
- I'm a total asshole.
Forgive me.
I made you take this job,
I brought you to this madhouse,
and then I go and fuck it up,
but I swear I won't do it again. I swear
You know what?
I think I'll be able to teach here.
- Yeah?
- [Raquel] Yeah.
Let's go upstairs.
[both panting]
- [Raquel moaning softly]
- [mattress creaking]
[Raquel groans]
- Ow, ow, ow! Wait, wait, wait!
- [Germán] What?
[Raquel groaning] I got a cramp!
- [Germán] Where?
- In my foot.
- Ow, ow, ow! Wait.
- [chuckling] There?
- [grunts] Yes, yes, yes.
- Where?
In my foot. [exhales]
- Can we?
- Yes.
- You sure?
- [sighs] Yeah.
- [exhales]
- [Germán sighs]
[Germán kisses]
Careful. You're… you're tickling me.
You're tickling me.
- [Germán sighs] I'm sorry.
- [Raquel chuckles] Ow, ow.
- [laughs]
- [Germán hushes]
- I'm sorry! Sorry!
- [Germán] Shh.
No, no, no, wait.
Wait, really. No, no, no.
You're tickling me.
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
[Raquel grunts]
- [laughing] I'm sorry.
- [Germán] Shh!
What is that? What are you doing?
You're distracting me.
- What do you mean, I'm distracting you?
- [sighs]
Oh, you need to concentrate?
Mm. [sighs]
- I don't know. Should we stop?
- I wanna keep going.
- What?
- So what?
[Raquel sighs]
- [birds singing]
- [dramatic instrumental music playing]
[Viruca sighs] Oh, my God.
- [gasps]
- [bright instrumental music playing]
[Raquel] Hmm. Hi.
My name is Raquel,
and I'm going to be
your literature teacher
until the end of the school year.
[sighs] Um…
[snaps fingers] Okay.
Well, since I don't know you,
I thought that…
that maybe it would be interesting
to ask each other some… some questions.
[takes a deep breath]
Um… I will get started. Um…
I'll go first. Let's start with,
"Who's your favorite author?"
"Because poetry doesn't want followers."
"It wants lovers."
- [birds singing]
- [river flowing]
No. No, not that. [sighs]
Not that, Raquel.
[parking brake clicks]
[exhales deeply]
[somber instrumental music playing]
[objects clatter]
[inhales sharply]
[woman] Am I exaggerating,
or has this gone too far?
[man] Let's not make this a big deal.
She's going through a rough time.
[woman] It's no fun for us, either.
Especially her students.
[Ramón] Students, teachers, everyone.
Something must be done.
And Nerea's starting to gossip
about certain things.
[woman] What things?
Good morning.
You can keep talking as if I weren't here.
Or were you talking about me? Who knows?
- [papers rustling]
- [Viruca] Where the fuck are my things?
- [woman] We're worried about you, Viruca.
- Why?
[woman] You should think about
taking a few days off.
[takes a deep breath] Marga…
No one is going to push me out of my job.
No one.
If you don't like it, you can fuck off.
[Mauro sighs]
[footsteps fading]
[Marga exhales]
[indistinct chatter]
[student laughs]
[dramatic piano music playing]
[door slams open]
[man panting]
What are you doing?
This is the teachers' bathroom.
- [Iago] I should kill you. You hear me?
- Let go of me!
- [panting]
- You're killing me, Viruca.
You're driving me crazy, don't you see?
Can't you see that you're killing me,
you fuckin' bitch?
Can't you see you're driving me crazy?
- [Viruca yelps]
- Huh?
Stop, Iago. Please.
Can we talk like normal people?
What's normal about you? [panting]
What the fuck's normal
about you and me? Huh?
- [crying]
- [Viruca sighs]
- [screams]
- [Iago] God damn it!
[breathing shakily]
God fuckin' damn it!
[Viruca sighs]
[Iago] Don't you touch me!
- Don't touch me!
- Okay. Okay, okay, okay. I'm sorry.
Okay, okay.
Iago, please…
- [Iago grunts]
- [Viruca] Come on, now. Please. Stop.
Everything will be okay. Do you hear?
But you can't be in here.
Come here. Come here. [grunts]
Let's go. Iago, please.
No, no, no, no, no. Don't do that. Iago.
[Iago grunts, sighs]
- [Viruca] Please.
- [Iago crying]
Look at me.
Everything will be okay.
[Iago grunts softly]
[gentle instrumental music playing]
Look at me.
[Iago exhales deeply]
[indistinct chatter]
- Bye.
- Bye.
[Iago breathing shakily]
Come on, let's go.
Come on, you can't be here. Let's go.
The only thing that's important
is covering your ass!
- You only care about one thing!
- [Viruca] You can't be here!
- Don't fuckin' touch me!
- [Roi] What's the matter?
- What's going on?
- Get out of here.
- But Iago
- Get out.
Iago, are you okay? Iago?
Hey, hey. What happened?
- What the fuck did you do to him?
- [Viruca] What?
What did you do to him?
- [scoffs] This is your fucking fault.
- My fault?
It's your fuckin' fault.
Let's go. Let's go!
- [Iago] No!
- Come on. Let's get the fuck outa here.
[grunts] Just get up.
- Let's get outa here.
- [Iago grunts]
I wish you would have never come
into our fucking lives, Viruca.
- [Iago sighs]
- Let's go. Come on. We gotta get out.
- You'll regret this. I'm telling you.
- Let's get out of here.
- [Iago] Fuck you!
- [Roi] Let's go, man.
- [Viruca gasps]
- [door slams]
[Viruca exhales]
[Ramón] Look, Isa, I'm not going to give
more chances to those four students.
[Isa] But that's a lot of failing grades.
[Ramón] But they missed
more than five classes.
- [Isa] The parents come…
- Check out the homework they pass in.
[Isa] What is she doing?
- [Raquel reciting]
- [Isa] She's rehearsing a lot.
[man] Come on. The last one. I swear.
- Come on, guys. Smile.
- [groom] Come on.
Take the last one already.
Just a little bit longer.
- [camera shutter clicks]
- [groom] Honey, come on. What
[bride] What's that over there?
- [Roi] Huh?
- What's what?
[Roi gasps]
- What is that?
- [Roi, under breath] Shit.
[tense instrumental music playing]
You've been three weeks
without… without engaging… [sighs]
Oh, shit.
[Roi panting]
[Raquel sighs]
[Isa] You'll do fine. You'll see.
- Thank you.
- You just have to be patient with them.
They've been three weeks
without a literature teacher.
Getting back to normal
will be hard for them,
but I hope it won't be
too much of a struggle for you.
[Roi continues panting, cries out]
Honestly, I think you're being very brave.
Why is that?
[Roi sobbing]
[Isa] I mean,
because I don't think it will be easy
to replace a teacher
who committed suicide.
[sobbing] Wake up, wake up, wake up!
She committed suicide?
Nobody told you that?
[Isa] It was three weeks ago.
She took her own life.
- It was a tragedy.
- [Raquel sighs]
[Isa] A student found her body
in the river.
[Roi, muffled] Help me!
[indistinct chatter]
[paper rips]
Viruca! [continues sobbing]
[Roi crying hysterically]
Please, no!
Viruca! [echoing]
[students chattering]
- Good morning!
- [girl 1] Hi!
[boy 1] This is crazy, bro.
[Raquel clears throat]
[chatter dies down]
how is everyone?
My name is Ms. Valero,
but you can call me Raquel.
- [boy 2] Hi, Raquel.
- [girl 2] Hi.
And I'm going to be
your literature teacher
until the end of the school year.
- [girl 3] Cool.
- That's cool.
So, I just found out about what happened
to your other teacher.
The other teacher had a name, too. Viruca.
Yeah, of course.
It's gonna be very hard
for you to live up to her.
Well, I didn't know
I had to live up to anyone,
but thank you for the vote of confidence.
- You're welcome.
- Just ignore her, Teach.
- Nerea hated her lately.
- What are you talking about?
It's normal
for you to have mixed feelings about this.
It's never easy to know what to think
when someone commits suicide, right?
You know what?
We already got three talks about this.
We don't need another from you.
- [boy 3] Yeah!
- Okay, lets move on. [chuckles awkwardly]
Can anyone tell me
the last thing you were reading?
Uh, just books, I think.
- Books?
- [Roi] Uh, here.
- We were reading Sylvia Plath.
- [boy 4] Shut up, smart-ass.
And we, uh… [chuckles]
[class murmuring]
[Roi] And before that, uh,
we read Sándor Márai and Stefan Zweig.
- I don't know if you know that all
- Yes, they all took their own lives.
- They killed themselves, I mean.
- [Raquel] Yeah.
I have a question. Do you think she…
that she was trying to tell us something?
And that we didn't see it?
Shut the fuck up, asshole.
No. Don't you ever think
about blaming yourselves.
Never, you hear me?
[laughs, clears throat]
What's so funny?
Nothing. I mean,
you've only been here five minutes,
and we already miss her more.
You suck at this, lady.
You're shit at this.
Like, really, really bad.
- [class laughs]
- You should keep tryin'.
- Okay.
- [book opens]
- You came to the wrong class.
- [Nerea laughing]
- [boy 5] Oof.
- Can anybody help me hand these out?
[boy 5] Are you gonna give us
a test the first day?
Come on, man. Stop it.
I wanna see what level you're at.
Will anyone help me pass these out?
- [boy 6] Do it yourself.
- All right, I'll hand them out.
[boy 7] Come on. It's your first day.
[Nerea sighs]
- [boy 7] We didn't study.
- [Raquel] You didn't?
Oh, a one-page essay
on The House of Ulloa.
Wow, so exciting.
[Raquel] Do you think you were incendiary
with your feminist speech?
Do you know Emilia Pardo Bazán?
Well, she really was.
- [class snickers]
- [boy 8 laughs] Oh!
[Nerea] Okay, she got me.
Enough with the laughing.
Well done, well done, well done.
[Raquel] You've got 15 minutes.
Start writing.
[school bell rings]
[students and faculty chattering]
- [Raquel] Hey.
- [inhales sharply] So?
How did the first class go?
Okay. I got off on the wrong foot,
but then I gave 'em a pop quiz.
- [Iria] Oh. That never fails.
- [chuckles] Never.
- [Iria] See you later.
- See ya.
Let's see… [takes a deep breath]
- [dramatic instrumental music playing]
- [pen clatters]
[music swells]
[birds singing]
[men chatting indistinctly]
- [Germán] So?
- [Raquel] Hello.
- How was your first day?
- [Raquel] Um…
Good. Good. [sighs]
Uh, I'm gonna drop my stuff upstairs.
- Can I… Can I grab one of these?
- Sure.
Wow, your wife is really in a mood, huh?
[bottles clinking]
[water splashing]
[Raquel sighs]
[swallows, exhales]
[papers rustling]
AGE: 33 - HEIGHT: 1.73 M - WEIGHT: 55 KG
[tense instrumental music playing]
[music fades]
[tense music resumes]
Leave while you can.
["La Espina de la Flor en tu Costado"
by Xoel López playing]
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