The Midnight Romance in Hagwon (2024) s01e01 Episode Script

Episode 1

(Jung Ryeo Won)
(Wi Ha Jun)
(Scriptwriter: Park Kyung Hwa)
(Director: Ahn Pan Seok)
(The Midnight Romance in Hagwon)
(Episode 1)
Do whatever it takes
to make the first class grade.
As you know, ma'am,
Korean isn't the subject it used to be.
The level of difficulty went way up
I say that because I know.
Ji Woo's taking the advanced class,
and she managed to keep up.
She's a hard worker.
She's improving evenly in grammar,
composition, and literature
Can you bring her grade up to first class?
Ji Woo's textbook is of average difficulty
The questions are pretty hard.
The Daechi-dong girls' high schools teach at a high level,
so the teachers try to set questions to evaluate the students.
I went through them.
A lot of passages weren't from the textbook.
We handed out a new textbook
to familiarize the students with various styles
The textbook wasn't for free.
She gets flustered when she comes across something new.
Should I get her to read in her free time?
She's working on her writing skills.
A good reading habit is important.
We have a recommended reading list.
Will you take a look?
I don't need to.
(Regular Class Schedule)
Every parent is different, but most of them
ask those basic questions.
This was a simulation, so shall I ask again?
Reading is no longer noted in student records,
but you would suggest the student read more books?
You're not trying to be a great teacher, are you?
But Ms. Seo
Helping them adapt to various styles and passages
What if none of the passages are from the books you recommended?
Parents want me to improve the grade
of a student who lacks basic knowledge and
You say you'll do it.
Consulting is a hundred times harder than teaching a class.
Give me an example question.
A hard one.
It's best to strike fear in the parent.
A tough passage, complicated options,
and a long web of paragraphs.
If the secret to acing it all and getting a good grade
were common knowledge and reading, we wouldn't be needed.
The bottom line is,
"to set foot in the boundless sea of knowledge,"
"your child"
"came to us too late."
Make them believe in creative rote teaching and training.
Gosh. Shall we finish next time?
Oh, and
I think I was too harsh.
You weren't.
Sending our students to a good university
is our pride and joy.
Let's work together.
- Yes, that's true.
- Right?
Oh, hey. Ms. Seo.
(Daechi Chase Hall of Fame)
Go to the consultation room.
The kids' mock test is about to end.
The Chanyoung High moms. They insisted on seeing you.
- Which room?
- Number three.
(Daechi Chase Hall of Fame)
(Daechi Chase Hall of Fame)
She's here.
- Hello.
- Hello.
You suffer just as much during the exam period.
Not at all.
The make-up classes must be extra work for you.
The students keep up, so it's fine.
That's good to hear.
I set the kids a mock test and it will end soon.
- Ms. Seo.
- Yes? Go ahead.
We set up
a private study group for Ye Eun and her friends.
- Yes.
- I see.
But we're not sure the kids can manage on their own.
I know exactly what Ha Yul, Ye Eun,
and Jung Soo struggle with,
and I gave them extra tips too.
We're still anxious about their grades.
You teach half the kids at Chanyoung High.
We know and trust the quality of your lectures,
but we think
they could do with more intense tutoring.
Do you think
you could do a little extra to help our three kids?
You want me to tutor them as a group.
- Yes.
- Yes.
- Ma'am.
- Yes?
Guide your children so they can like and respect
their school teachers.
The people who teach them in school
set all the exam questions.
We have a few new teachers.
We don't know what kind of questions they prefer.
I researched what they teach as best I could,
and I trained the students well enough that they could handle
unfamiliar passages or questions.
It's their time now.
If you'll excuse me.
- Okay.
- Sure.
I got some pu'er tea
and I could actually taste the difference.
(Daechi Chase)
She got rid of the fearsome three in three minutes.
She started part-time in university,
and worked in Daechi-dong for years.
She never has a break or takes a day off.
How does she stay on her feet?
What does she live for?
Don't feel too bad for her.
She's signing a new contract.
Really? That's news to me.
That's what she lives for.
I'm so jealous.
(Payment Authorization)
(Lee Myung Jun June-August Performance Report)
Choiseon Academy
hired a teacher who taught at a foreign language high school.
Lee Myung Jun took the hit.
That's right.
You hired him, so I trust he's a good teacher.
Should we leave his contract as is?
He doesn't have a fixed salary.
He works for a percentage and gives the academy a cut.
Is this even right?
Let's wait for the midterm results.
I'll give him a stern warning then.
Did you post that we're looking to hire new teachers?
It will announce
that we don't just fight defensively in this war.
The message will get across that we'll now
be on the offence.
(Daechi Chase)
A stagnant pool can do with a catfish.
I hope this provides a jolt
to the existing teachers.
Do we have to pay this much to advertise
at the bus stop by Line Apartments?
That's where most of the students get on and off.
Darn it.
(Daechi Chase, Enjoy the competition)
Bus number 38 will arrive shortly.
(Show me the miracle!)
(Audition to become a teacher and win 50,000 dollars.)
(Daechi Chase)
(Daechi Chase)
- Hello.
- Hello.
Hi. Your Korean exam wasn't today, right?
- No.
- No.
- Hello.
- Hello.
(Meeting Room 2)
Are you working on the exams for the new hires?
Should I have gone for
fewer killer questions instead?
We want to see if they'll make mistakes.
An array of questions won't hurt.
The Korean questions.
The reading and grammar part is too much like the KSAT.
Are you okay with that?
I'm going to change my questions.
People are asking for tips.
- Tips?
- Yes.
It's a small world and there's a network of teachers,
and they're asking around
if anyone has sample questions.
So you changed your section
while helping students with their exams for a month?
Why bother when it's all down to
the test lecture?
It's best to be fair.
I don't want trouble down the line.
Am I late?
Hello, sir.
Are you looking over the exams you set for the new hires?
They'll be printed tomorrow.
I'll keep the sealed exam papers.
What about the test lecture?
We'll figure out a schedule for candidates for each subject
who passed the written exam,
and they'll have 20 minutes each.
Twenty minutes.
Let's make it shorter.
Ten minutes should do.
You can tell
after the first three minutes
who will become a future leader.
I thought long and hard.
Student numbers are declining,
and there are academies at each corner.
In this fierce competition,
what weapon should we use?
Where does our future lie?
However many times I wonder, I come to just one conclusion.
The assets of this academy are you.
The teachers.
The university entrance exam
is the first experience for a student and their parents
where their class is divided.
You teachers
must be like the North Star.
Mr. Lee, what must you be like?
The North Star.
The students' love for you and the parents' trust for you
must never waver as you
shine down on them.
Teaching skills?
That can be taught.
What I'm waiting for is an inherent charm.
Naturally born that can't be taught or trained.
A natural strength.
There are people who think of and work on
their strengths and charms and bring it out.
I'll find those with that extraordinary sense.
I'm facing a huge challenge
by opening an academy in north Seoul,
and this important event
- Excuse me.
- What is it?
We need Ms. Seo.
Ha Yul's crying.
Ha Yul? She's crying?
Excuse me.
What could it be?
Why cry when her exams are over? Did she make a mistake?
I don't know.
I asked, but she won't answer.
Ha Yul.
Ha Yul. What's wrong?
Sit up.
It's okay, Ha Yul. Look at me.
Did you make a mistake?
It's not that.
Number 11.
(We gradually get excited.)
The answer is number five?
Did you pick number two?
This question.
Can you explain to me
why you chose number two?
- "We gradually get excited." - Yes.
The speaker is a poor farmer.
He sold an ox to make ends meet.
And he said he got excited.
What did you take that as?
You're right.
Like how Kim So Wol's poem says he forgot his loved one.
It's okay. You didn't mess up.
You'd have felt confused even if you'd read all the options.
Could you do what you just did
and share your opinion with your school teacher?
I'm scared. I don't want to.
What if he puts it in my student record?
Your exam just ended today.
You know your grades can be adjusted until they're announced, right?
- Ha Yul.
- Mom.
Good job.
You didn't read your texts.
I was in the study hall. My phone was on silent.
Good for you.
You must be hungry. Let's go.
It was a bit suffocating when I first moved here.
I got used to it now.
Let's hang in there a bit longer and then get out of here.
Your dad's having a rough time at work too.
It's all up to you, Ha Yul.
I pray a lot, you know.
Is Dad at home?
Of course.
What's wrong?
What's the matter?
Ha Yul. Hey.
What's wrong? Did something bad happen?
What is it?
What's going on?
(Ha Yul's mother)
Ha Yul told me what happened.
Are you sure about what you said?
Are there two possible answers?
Yes. We expected this passage would come up.
Yes, the student should make the objection.
It's only right to ask.
There won't be a disadvantage.
I'll talk about it with her.
Hey. It's Ha Yul's mom.
Have you heard?
When I asked yesterday,
Ha Yul had a good understanding.
I want her to get the extra points,
but I don't want her to object, still get it wrong,
and get on the teacher's bad side.
It's killing me.
I've known Ha Yul for a long time.
She's calm and she'll do fine.
The other moms told me not to make a big deal
of it for the kid's sake.
I'm not sure if we should let the kids handle it.
Her teacher will listen if she speaks politely.
Trust in the kids and the teacher.
How can we do that?
I'm done for, Mom.
Didn't you hear me?
Is that what your academy teacher said?
I just thought
the farmer feeling excited was
I explained many times.
It's logically contradictory, so it's paradoxical.
Sung Ha Yul.
- But
- But what?
Do you have more to say?
You can go.
Shouldn't you bow?
I feel so bad for Ha Yul.
A few other students asked him about it,
but he was adamant, so they decided to give up.
One or two questions
won't affect what class grade they get.
Calm down, ma'am.
We can make up for it in the final exam and quizzes.
My kid's spirit is broken!
Why not call the head teacher?
Ask for a board meeting to be held.
I don't want things to snowball.
Give me the teacher's number.
I don't know what's happening to our world.
It's just one midterm question for a high school freshman.
We can't change the world, so we should change the answer.
(Chanyoung High teacher Pyo Sang Sub)
What are you doing? You're getting involved?
Ms. Seo. Don't do it.
Hide your number at least.
Is this Mr. Pyo Sang Sub the teacher?
That's right.
Hello. I appreciate your hard work.
I want to ask you about number 11 from the midterm exam.
The student thought
Okay, sure.
Why? What did he say?
What did he say?
He wants to talk in person.
This could go on the student record,
so he knows you'll hesitate if he asks to see you.
Tell the moms to call the head teacher.
They don't want to snowball the matter.
So what?
You'll go?
- But
- Ms. Seo.
Ms. Seo.
Hye Jin. There are procedures and protocols.
It'll be even harder to make an objection
once grading is complete.
Not doing anything won't make you a coward.
See you later.
(Chanyoung High School)
(Chanyoung High School)
(Chanyoung High School, Teachers' Office)
The brats got someone to teach them in advance,
so they don't focus in class
when they can't remember a thing.
Excuse me. I'm here to see Pyo Sang Sub.
- Okay.
- I'm fine with it.
- They can't
- Mr. Pyo.
Someone's here to see you.
I'm Pyo Sang Sub.
Hello, sir.
What are you here about?
I called you about question number 11.
How about you take a seat?
- Could you
- Sure.
Let's let them talk.
You can sit here.
- Here?
- Yes.
Yes. It's not a topic we can't discuss.
Let's be transparent.
Take a seat.
You're young for a mom of a teen.
There's a problem with a question?
I wouldn't call it a problem.
This question
is to test if the student understands basic literary notions.
They're to identify an example that uses
a contradictory expression that portrays their true feelings.
Do the other Korean teachers share that opinion?
We all took turns
solving the question to ensure it was valid.
I'm not asking how you make and select exam questions.
I'm asking if other teachers interpreted this the way you did.
It's number 11.
The poem is "Farm Dance" by Shin Kyung Rim.
The backdrop is the 1970s.
When farming was collapsing.
The speaker
is cornered and feels helpless.
He's a farmer who sold his ox.
He's in despair.
And he described his feelings by saying he felt excited.
That's contradictory.
That makes it paradoxical.
If you don't understand,
look at the correct answer, number five.
"For our love to exist, we must part."
It's paradoxical, but you can't say it's only paradoxical.
The sentence where he says he got excited
isn't contradictory.
If you're talking about
expressions that oppose how you really feel,
don't you think number two could also be a correct answer?
It's irony.
You must be a mother and a Korean major.
I'm not.
Are you not a mother
or are you not a Korean major?
I'm neither.
Leave a business card.
Aren't you from an academy?
Many academies expected this question.
We fell into your scope of defence?
I came hoping to have a wholesome discussion
about the question.
I've never heard of
teachers from a school and an academy
having a discussion.
Could all the Korean teachers have another look at
I explained it to the students.
That the reality and poetic expression
is contradictory.
If the kids understood the speaker's miserable and hopeless situation
I told you already.
This is about literary notions.
It's about literary notions,
but students should also be able to
understand the backdrop and deduce the speaker's feelings.
The multiple choice options
were quite refreshing.
I didn't ask you to comment on the level of our questions.
"We didn't know what to expect"
"from a new teacher."
That sounds like what you're saying.
You didn't expect this.
You collected past exams
and analysed the trend.
We analysed them every semester with respect.
That is irony.
You're here to challenge the school
and you mention respect.
What challenge?
Passage selection, level adjustment,
and connection to the KSAT.
Chanyoung High's exams are always well thought-out,
and I never considered challenging you.
You're saying
this isn't a challenge?
I call it a discussion.
Do you know how many students came by today?
I'm not rising up against what you think.
Let's not go too far.
Don't you feel ashamed?
I'd feel ashamed if I were wrong.
But saying paradox is correct and irony isn't
You sent the kids to me to beg for points
and mess up the grade system.
Aren't you ashamed of that?
Hey, how about
you take this somewhere else?
I think you should continue in another room.
Shall we go somewhere else?
Why should we?
Because I understand why you came up with this question.
Why did I come up with this question?
It's old.
Questions like this that focus only on
differentiating notions like paradox and irony
vanished from KSAT.
Because it's old.
But I still teach these notions to my students.
Because teachers still teach these notions.
At schools.
(What academy is she from?)
What academy is she from?
Doesn't she look familiar?
Is that for real?
It's no longer in KSAT?
I studied it in high school.
And you still won't reconsider my appeal.
Is it because you know
students won't object too much for fear
it'll go on their student records?
How dare you ridicule public education?
Sorry, guys. Wait outside.
I need to hand in a paper.
Five No. Come back in ten minutes.
- What?
- Do as you're told.
Go. See you later.
Am I the bad person for telling kids to ask about their grades,
or are you the bad person for misrepresenting
the school's authority by using the student record as leverage?
Awesome. That was insane.
She crushed him.
Hey, what does "misrepresent" mean?
- Who knows? Darn it.
- Is it a name of a woman?
All right. Mr. Pyo.
Calm down. Don't lose your composure here.
How dare I challenge the school?
Or cause a disturbance?
That's preposterous.
The direction of public education is our guideline.
You too. Enough is enough.
We'll have a discussion regarding this matter.
What discussion? No way.
I ask that you let the students retake the test.
Okay. I got your point. You should get going now. Please go.
What do you mean?
I'll get going now.
I ask that you have a wise discussion regarding this.
Hey, Mr. Pyo. You can't grab her shoulder like that.
- Did you say, "wise?" - You can't do this.
- Mr. Pyo. Let go.
- You must let her go. All right.
- You can't do this.
- Let go of her.
Get your hands off me!
You can't grab her shoulder like that!
One more thing.
As for the multiple choices of this question,
they included references to Middle Korean
which was never part of the school curriculum up until now.
Aren't you the one
who put that question on the exam,
assuming that they learned it at the academy?
There are many ways I can raise an issue with this.
Come on.
You people are parasites.
(Chanyoung High School)
(Eden Math)
(Math Academy)
(Grade One)
(Concentration booster for test-takers)
- Hello.
- Hey.
- Hello.
- Hi.
So which area
are you guys looking into for your marital house?
What? Not Daechi-dong?
Why? You can easily get a loan from your company.
I've been working only for two years.
How could I get a house in Daechi-dong with just a loan?
What did your family say?
Well, they said they would take out
a loan for me with their house as collateral.
All right then.
Why won't you accept it?
There's no depth in your thinking. Seriously.
What is it?
My younger sister was fiercely against the idea.
Park Tae Hee?
Gosh. She's like a viper.
Hey, the apartments here
are our parents' only retirement plan and pride.
Tae Hyun isn't like you. He won't let them risk it.
Is your girlfriend on the same page?
Well, I'll have to convince her, but it won't be easy.
She said she had never moved out of Gangnam.
Gosh. Like we ever moved out either.
Hey, you need to think carefully.
It's really hard to come back here once you move out.
You said you wanted to study more,
so you're still in the intellectual ivory tower.
How could you say stuff like that so carelessly?
I should say so more than others because I'm still in school.
Hey, do you see those kids?
They start wearing that jacket
as soon as the heat of the dog days goes away.
The envious looks they get from people
help them forget all about the pain from heat rashes.
I get it, though.
If I scored better on Math
Gosh, they're also in med school.
That will be their heirloom.
That will at least work as a letter of credit.
Check out the community website for test-takers.
Forget about the test-takers.
You'll mostly find students from prestigious universities.
Acting like the king on that website is the most fun they can get.
So what's your point?
If I were you,
I'd deal with the embarrassment and never leave Daechi-dong.
Even if our country goes down,
this neighbourhood will never go down as long as there's still ambition.
Not leaving here is cool and all.
Why should he ask for his parents' help to do so?
Do you actually believe
being a self-made man is possible in this day and age?
Why can't he?
I think I can be one.
- Gosh.
- That crazy jerk.
So that's how a zoomer thinks?
What? Will you be an online streamer or something?
Don't be ridiculous.
Actually, he might be able to hit it big with that.
- That thing.
- Right.
Don't do it.
- The miraculous 8th class.
- The miraculous 8th class.
Your mother gave birth to you,
but Seo Hye Jin raised and brought a miracle for this dumbhead.
Hey, that was amazing. Seriously.
- Let's drink.
- Cheers.
(Daechi Chase)
(Daechi Chase Hall of Fame)
(Daechi Chase Hall of Fame)
(Kim Shin Jae, Lee Ji Soo)
(Daechi Chase's 1st Scholarship Student, Lee Jun Ho)
(Daechi Chase's 1st Scholarship Student, Lee Jun Ho)
(Korea University, PS and Econ, Lee Jun Ho of Chanyoung High School)
Thanks for the drink. Get home safely.
- Bye.
- Bye.
The moment we leave the nest,
we'll be refugees.
We must brace ourselves for it.
Then don't leave.
Yes. Let's be cool about this. Okay?
Hey, I'll put down roots here all on my own.
The vein of gold that never runs dry is located right here. You know?
All the cash in Korea
goes to plastic surgery clinics and academies in Gangnam.
I'll make that mine.
Gosh. If you know a shortcut, do share it with me. Yes?
Why don't you help out this poor grad student?
Bye. I have to stop by somewhere.
If you want another drink, I'll come with you.
I'm not going to drink. Go home.
You people are parasites.
Don't be ridiculous.
Who were you talking to?
Gosh. This is a sacred place of learning.
Look at this.
- Unbelievable.
- Lee Jun Ho.
Have you been well?
Gosh. I don't believe it.
I was just thinking about you.
Me? Why?
I was looking at that.
Gosh. The Hall of Fame.
I earned the glorious title at the age of 20.
(Korea University, PS and Econ, Lee Jun Ho of Chanyoung High School)
Don't forget my input.
That was the biggest thrill of my life.
Gosh. It's so nice to see you.
How long has it been? What brings you here?
It's nice to see you too.
We met on Teachers' Day last year.
I stopped by because I was in the area.
Yes, it's so nice to see you.
Yes. Same here.
Let's shake hands.
Gosh. You can't just grab a man's hand like that.
Come on. Stop goofing around now.
It's a bigger welcome than I expected.
You seem happier than the time I got into college.
Gosh. I'm not that happy.
To me, that was
the best moment of my life.
That's an honour I didn't see coming.
Call me right now.
- What?
- Come on. Call me.
(My Pride)
Isn't this awesome or what?
Oh, my.
That's who you are to me.
I feel liberated for some reason.
I get a feeling that I'll have a good life.
Of course.
The sky is the limit for you.
That's right.
Isn't work boring?
Don't forget this is Korea.
People still studied
for entrance exams even during wartime.
Boring? I'd be sad if you think there's a dull moment with my job.
Then how happy are you with your job?
I couldn't be happier. It's fantastic.
Do you mean that?
Yes, I do. I have the best job ever.
Is that really your honest answer?
Give me your employee ID card.
Come on.
I know
what new recruits say after the orientation.
That blue blood runs in their body.
It's not the same anymore.
My annual salary is probably higher than
that of your supervising manager who had to change his blood colour.
At least your general manager No.
I probably get paid more than your team leader.
Get home safely. It was fun talking to you today.
See you around.
- Sure.
- Okay.
(Daechi Chase, Enjoy the competition)
(Show me the miracle!)
(Audition to become a teacher and win 50,000 dollars.)
(Host: Daechi Chase)
Shouldn't you get a new AC in your bedroom?
What? Why all of a sudden?
The heat waves always get to you guys every summer.
Or change the TV in the living room.
Your older brother got us a new TV two years ago.
That's a waste.
What about a dishwasher, a dryer, or home appliances?
You wanted something like that at a new apartment.
Is there a promotion for employees?
Give me a list of appliances you need to upgrade.
How's work?
Nothing has changed. It still looks daunting.
A position in the strategy department is great.
See if you can apply to work in one of their overseas branches.
It's time for you to change your career paths.
Change my career path? Sounds good.
- Yes. Hello?
- Oh, that.
- Hello.
- I see. They're in a meeting.
- Yes. They're in a meeting.
- Gosh, no.
- Can I take a message?
- Nothing has been decided yet.
- Yes. Okay.
- They're still discussing.
- Would you like to leave a message?
- I see. Compensation?
Gosh. The teachers
- Hello.
- Hello.
- Yes, all the Korean teachers
- Yes.
- are in a meeting.
- Is that so?
- Oh, no. I'm sorry.
- Okay.
(Principal's Office)
(Chanyoung High teacher Pyo Sang Sub)
This is Seo Hye Jin.
(Chanyoung High School)
Come in.
- Please sit down.
- Thank you.
- We'll order in a bit.
- Sure.
My day starts in the afternoon.
Right about now,
the students must have gotten the notice.
They will retake the exam.
I'd like to know how you feel about this.
I didn't do it to make myself feel good.
The students could have notified me.
Up until last year,
I taught in a regular neighbourhood
with admission restrictions.
I was transferred to Daechi-dong, famously reputed for education.
And it was my first exam.
I must have unknowingly felt I had to prove myself
due to their scholarly ambition and educational level
which I didn't notice
at my last school.
I couldn't admit I had made an error
when the students first came to me
probably because I felt I was defeated.
I'm sure you can't understand that.
I'd like to say this again. It was a good question in my
You were right that my question was outdated and lacked depth.
I apologize.
I shouldn't be the recipient of that apology. The students
It was my first exam in a new district.
It wasn't hard for me to admit my error.
So I insulted you
acted improperly.
I don't need your apology. I just
You just
needed the students to retake the exam.
I'm well aware of your goal.
But it didn't mean
I should turn a blind eye
to my insulting remark and improper behaviour around you.
Well, I'm the one who may have overstepped the boundary.
I do have one question.
There were many peaceful ways you could have raised an issue
regarding the error in the question.
Why did you have to resort to such an offensive way?
knowing the reason behind that won't change anything now.
Actually, this incident
motivated me quite a lot.
I learned that the students trusted the academy more than the school,
to them, their school was just a place
where they earned grades,
and schoolteachers just filled out the student records.
I ended up admitting to them firsthand.
Knowing all these
and personally experiencing them are completely different.
Why are you telling me this?
I wanted you of all people to know something.
But please excuse me
for I can't bring myself to refer to you as a teacher.
It's all right. So what did you want to tell me?
That I am prepared
for a prolonged battle.
- A battle?
- I
chose to be a teacher at 19
and majored education in college.
In the corner of my old and rotten box
lies my last shred of dignity albeit menial.
am not someone who educates students
because I'm bound by contract to do so.
Someone who signs a contract that bounds them as an educator?
But even those people have a duty.
I'm glad to hear that.
are very well aware of where we stand.
I'm sorry, but can I take a rain check on the meal?
Some students have yet to finish their exams.
- Sure. We'll do that.
- Right.
We need to talk.
It's good news.
All right. Please take a seat.
Ms. Seo, grant me a bonus.
We're swamped with consultation bookings
to the point that makes me dizzy.
I even had to skip lunch today.
Gosh, I apologize.
I'm aware of all the hours you've been putting in,
but could you perhaps
adjust your class schedule starting next month?
Reducing the waiting list would be optimal.
For another school apart from Chanyoung High?
Yes, for Daesan Foreign Language High School as well.
Considering the amount of classes you currently teach,
I feel guilty asking for more of your time.
But the director is adamant.
I don't have time to fit in more classes,
but I'll see what I can do.
You'll wear yourself out at this rate.
I'm quite all right.
Excuse me. We're here for the 4pm consultation.
Right. Your children go to Chanyoung High, right?
Ms. Kim, then I'll
Please allow me to introduce you to the famous Ms. Seo Hye Jin.
- I see.
- I see.
You look 100 times better in person.
We're still wait-listed,
so we came by to ask how things were coming along.
I apologize for inadvertently causing you inconvenience.
Let me escort you to the consultation room.
You should know
that Ms. Seo might be accepting more students soon.
- This way, please.
- Right.
Right in here.
Raise your hand if you wrote the wrong answer
for question number 14 on my mock exam.
Aren't you taking your test tomorrow?
Never did I think you'd get that wrong.
I said you'd be asked to identify the speaker's alter ego
in "Recollections of a Beautiful Woman."
Don't try to relate to the speaker's feelings.
You won't be able to, right?
Just memorize the answers.
Remember what I said your purpose of studying was?
It's to answer questions on tests.
All right. Let's go over what'll come up in your exam.
Keep up.
These must come to mind regarding gasa poetry.
How many are there?
- Three.
- Three.
Don't lose your spirits. What are those three?
- Opening.
- Opening.
- Main.
- Main.
- Ending.
- Ending.
Bye. Have a good one.
- Gosh.
- Ms. Seo, are you done for the day?
Why are you still here at this late hour?
Things truly must be hectic for you.
- Sorry?
- I have tomorrow to prepare for.
The written test for new instructors.
Oh, right!
I have to clean up the classroom before heading home.
That's hard work you're doing.
As if my work could ever compare to yours.
Head on home, then.
(Audition to become a teacher and win 50,000 dollars.)
(Daechi Chase, Enjoy the competition)
(Daechi Chase, Enjoy the competition)
(Daechi Chase, Enjoy the competition)
(Audition to become a teacher and win 50,000 dollars.)
(Daechi Chase)
Your name has been confirmed.
- May I have your name?
- It's Nam Chung Mi.
Your name has been confirmed.
At the large classroom down the hall,
you will be told where the test is being taken.
- May I have your name?
- It's Kim Sung Woo.
Excuse me.
Which subject are you applying for?
I see. For me, it's Korean.
- Right.
- Is it your first time?
Is it your first time in Daechi-dong?
I've been teaching classes once a week,
but it's my first time applying for a full-time job.
I see.
It's my second time.
I applied for a job elsewhere but didn't make the cut.
Currently, I teach in Junggye-dong.
Junggye-dong is just as cut-throat.
you need to make it in Daechi-dong
if you want to be hired by the big names.
I wish you the best of luck.
I can't believe I'm retaking an exam
which is what I didn't even do for the KSAT.
Honestly, I'm in disbelief.
The result will depend on how hard we worked.
I bet they all graduated from SKY.
The universities they graduated.
It'll be hard to find those who haven't.
There's me.
I let my talents speak.
I wish you good luck.
The written test has begun.
How does it seem?
Will one of them be the next big academy instructor?
We won't know until we see their test lectures.
As if their test lectures can tell you anything.
Even those with 5 to 10 years of experience
choke a little during test lectures.
I had to drink two bottles of calming tonic before mine.
(Korean Department Written Exam)
Hold on a second.
(Daechi Chase)
Good job, everyone. Your time is up.
The applicant at the back of every row
will collect the test papers and answer cards
and bring them to me.
You may leave after handing them in.
(Korean Department Written Exam)
Excuse me.
Hi, I'm Nam Chung Mi who works out of Junggye-dong.
Right. I'm Lee Jun Ho.
It's not every day we get to meet others this way,
so how about a cup of coffee?
Drinks would also be fine.
We can exchange information about other academies.
It's a good opportunity.
Shall we?
Maybe next time.
I forgot I had a previous engagement.
Sorry about that. Have a good one.
- Sure. I'll see you around.
- Right.
Let's go.
What is this?
I took the test.
Why, exactly?
I'm looking for a job and taking a new career path.
(84 out of 100)
It's raining hard.
- Do you have an umbrella?
- Yes.
- Let's go.
- I have the card.
- I'll ask.
- Right.
- What's on your mind?
- Mr. Yoon.
We're all going out to eat. Join us.
- Mr. Yoon.
- Yes?
It's nothing.
Why? What is it?
It's really nothing. I'll take a rain check.
You should head out first.
(Night Flight)
What? Ms. Seo!
- It's pouring, isn't it?
- Gosh.
That's what I call a refreshing shower, Ms. Seo.
I'm sorry, but can I order in a moment?
I hope I didn't make you wait long.
Was it tricky to find this place?
I didn't wait long, and it was easy to find.
You must've gotten caught in the rain.
Only briefly.
Did you have some of it?
You can cut right to the chase.
You have a way of shocking someone.
I may not seem like it,
but I gave someone the best moment of her life.
- Enough with the jokes.
- I'm not joking.
You didn't teach me to be a fool who took his life as a joke.
So this is what you really want?
How many times must I say it for you to believe me?
I made up my mind a few weeks back,
and I put in the time to study.
I'm expecting a perfect score.
- Are you saying you resigned
- I did.
My resignation is being processed.
Was corporate life not treating you well?
- It wasn't like that.
- Be honest with me.
You can tell me anything.
You want honesty?
This isn't a job interview, so I'll give it to you.
Over the next ten years,
I wanted to earn a ton of more money than I would've at my previous job.
- And?
- That's it. The end.
Money? That's your goal?
Does one need another reason?
How stupid are you?
Where do you live?
Don't you know what it means to live in Gangnam?
Of course, Ms. Seo. You went right for the jugular.
All that isn't mine. It's my parents' money.
Ms. Oh Jung Hwa.
Sleep properly in your own bed.
What are you doing out here?
I was waiting for our son to come home.
Is he still not home?
There's nothing good
about one coming home after work at a given time.
I hear companies
don't have as many team dinners as they used to.
The news can't teach you everything about corporate life.
Why are you giving me attitude in the middle of the night?
During the IMF Crisis,
my dad came to purchase an apartment unit in Daechi-dong,
and that cost him a lifetime's worth of luck.
The money he earned
went into educating his three children.
Me and my siblings have nothing to inherit,
and it's not something we've been seeking.
Hear me out. You graduated a prestigious university
and got a job at a company everyone wants to work at.
We'll say your parents' money isn't solely yours to inherit.
you're not desperate to the point that required uncanny measures.
The pointers I have for getting into a good college
was going to waste,
and the company everyone wants to work at
doesn't allow me to fully spread my wings.
But most importantly,
my parents' money not being mine
is the focus here.
People will call you insane.
I'm saying that I can't earn money at the same pace they do.
There are other options.
Dive into academics again and pursue a specialized job.
That's what I did. I chose a specialized job.
What they say about star academy instructors online
is all a lie.
That luxurious life only applies
to about a half of a handful of people.
I know I can do it.
My score was at the eighth class after my first mock exam.
Remember how short it took for my score to reach first class?
Who else but me can be a better instructor?
Studying the subject and teaching it
are two different things.
As if I don't know that.
That's something that doesn't require your concern.
You taught me to be someone who studied in advance.
Ms. Seo,
I'll create another best moment for you.
Will you stop it with that?
- Why?
- You
Did I perhaps
- Were you an influence?
- Yes.
A huge influence, actually.
Darn it.
There are more than enough academies in Daechi-dong,
so not hiring me at yours won't do a thing.
I want you to rethink this.
I have thought about it enough.
This job robs you of your evenings and weekends.
You can't even attend events for families and friends.
I don't need to enjoy my evenings or weekends.
And people prefer monetary gifts over actual attendance.
You can say goodbye to a love life.
That truly
is none of your business.
(Night Flight)
Did you come up with the questions? They were quite tough.
Have you told your parents?
I should get around to that.
What do you think they'll say?
What others think isn't important.
Do you think you can persuade them?
- Of course.
- How?
I just took a mock exam.
Its difficulty level was low-intermediate
with no killer questions.
- Ms. Seo.
- What?
Address me the same way.
Refer to me as an instructor too.
I bet it'll feel amazing.
(The Midnight Romance in Hagwon)
Don't tell me that's what you meant by the vein of gold
that never runs dry.
I was hoping you'd reject him.
How can I let my student throw a childish tantrum?
I handed in my resignation.
You didn't even work there for a long time!
How dare you talk to me about such a vulgar thing?
You need experience in this field
to be offered a hefty salary.
What? Jun Ho's here?
- Jun Ho, seriously?
- Leave my classroom.
I lied.
Teachers like me are a dime a dozen in Daechi-dong.
Ms. Seo!
Gosh. That was embarrassing.
But why do you act like a teacher?
Don't you think you're crossing the line?
Next Episode