The Midwich Cuckoos (2022) s01e01 Episode Script

Bad Things

-[Man] Alright.
[Vehicle approaching
in distance]
Let's go.
Yeah. Yeah.
Hannah. Don't.
-Hannah. Please
what have you done?
[Women vocalizing eerily]
[Upbeat music playing]
-[Man] This is what's
really interesting is that
there were Celtic tribes
who used to make
this exact journey
thousands of years ago
for ritual
and trading purposes
-Is that interesting?
-Yeah, it's very interesting,
just to think that on this exact
road that we're traveling on
right now, there were --
-You're such a history teacher.
-Which is why you love me.
That's not why I love you.
-Well, why, then? Is it -- Oh.
It's my sexy dancing, isn't it?
-We will still go dancing,
won't we?
-Yeah, of course we will.
[Cellphone ringing]
Hi, Mary-Ann.
Okay, yeah, sure.
We're on our way.
We can pick up the keys.
Afraid of the darker days ♪
Rolling with the times ♪
Don't be late ♪
Rolling with the times ♪
Rolling ♪
Don't be late ♪
-[Girl] This one's Katherine kangaroo,
and this one's Dottie.
This is Pablo the Penguin.
This one
is Miriam the Magic Girl.
And this is Lazy Mary.
She's asleep all the time.
This is Eunice the Unicorn.
This one is Miss Smilla,
and this is Sadie Spider,
and this one
is Brian the Lion.
-[Woman] Thank you for introducing me
to your friends.
And your mummy tells me
that when you go to bed
it's very important
that all your friends line up
in exactly that order.
Is that right?
And if one gets lost --
in the car maybe,
or behind the sofa?
-Then I find it.
-And if you can't find it?
-Then Mummy finds it.
-And if Mummy can't find it?
-Then I can't sleep.
-And why can't you sleep?
-Because bad things will happen.
[Birds chirping in distance]
-Charlotte, I have that feeling
too sometimes.
And that's when I have
to be very brave.
I want you to be brave for me
this weekend.
You're going away
to your granny's,
and I want you to leave one
of your friends
here in Midwich with me.
And in return, I promise to do
my very best
to make sure
nothing bad will happen.
Do you think you can do that?
Have a great weekend.
[Car door closes]
[Engine starts]
[Television playing]
I finished.
-roamed in these jungles
almost 11 million years.
-Want a tea, love?
-And under this canopy,
we can get to the roots
of the cat family tree.
Because here, the cats on the
most ancient branch of the tree
still exist.
This most primitive
feline is
-You've remembered I'm going up
to London tonight?
-Yeah, I know.
"The date."
-You'll be alone
for a few hours.
How do you feel about that?
Therapy language.
[Television volume increases]
-all the skills
that she'll need
to become
the perfect predator.
-I give you your happiness.
-Thanks, Mary-Ann.
For everything.
-Now don't do what most people
do and become strangers
just because you've bought.
-[Chuckles] We promise.
-Come over for a glass
of wine some time.
-Oh, I don't drink.
[Telephone ringing]
Yes, we do irony here too,
I better get that.
Case & Wilson.
Yes, Mr. Harrison.
I got your e-mail.
Of course.
[Bell jingling]
One more thing.
When you walk through
your front door,
go in backwards.
It's Midwich good luck.
-Only sixth?
-Shut up!
[Bell tolling]
-Have a great weekend.
Say hi to Granny for me.
-[Charlotte] Bye, Daddy!
-You first.
-they can take down
the biggest prey
-You didn't come in backwards.
-Oh, come on.
-Oh, Mr. Clyde.
What have you done?
-[Gasps playfully]
[Both laugh]
[Classical music playing
on radio]
-Jane, sorry to bother you.
Um, Sue's not well,
and the new teacher
from London's
not starting until Monday.
I'm afraid we're one short
for night duty tonight.
-Sure. I can stay.
-I'm not ruining any plans?
-I'll need to fetch Tilly
from home.
Is that okay?
-Of course.
Thanks a bunch.
-[Chuckles softly]
Thanks a bunch.
[Horses snort, whinny]
[Birds chirping noisily]
[Energy pulsing]
[Electricity crackling]
-[Mark on radio] And that was
your 4:00 news bulletin.
Now it's time for the weather
with Sally.
How are things looking
out there, Sally?
-[Sally] Thanks, Mark --
-Watch out! Watch out!
Watch out!
-Come in. Oh.
[Bottles clanking]
[Scoffs] You can have
one glass of wine, can't you?
-Trying to kill it already.
Sorry I'm late.
I had a nightmare getting here.
There was an hour delay
on the train.
And then your local
traffic lights went AWOL,
and they almost wiped out
a perfect nuclear family.
I don't think they want me
in this town.
They set traps.
-Yeah, well, we had a local
meeting about it actually.
How to keep Jodie Blake
out of Midwich.
-[Scoffs] Bet you did too.
[Indistinct conversation
in distance]
-[Woman] I reckon London.
-[Man] South or North?
Battersea maybe.
-[Man chuckles] Nah.
They're too cool for Battersea.
-As if you'd know.
-They thought they liked
the smell of the city.
Until it started to stink.
Come on, sunshine,
let's get you fed.
-It's so great.
It needs work,
but that's what we wanted.
You must come soon.
[Upbeat music playing
faintly on radio in distance]
Yeah, he's really happy.
He starts at the school
on Monday.
This was my idea, Mum.
I needed a new environment
and all the evidence says
getting out of the city
can help.
Look, maybe you should
accept that
I actually want to be here.
And I also chose him.
Maybe it's time to deal
with that too.
Listen, Mum, I've got to unpack.
I'll call you later.
Love you, too.
-She okay?
-Yeah. She sends love.
And yes,
we are keeping her clock.
-Not in the bedroom.
Not in the bedroom. Please.
The landing?
I just need to show it
when she comes.
-Ah, deal.
-Put a light on, would you?
[Lights buzzing]
["Benedictus" playing]
[Dog barking]
-Shn! Tilly.
[Light buzzing]
[Barking continues]
[Static crackling]
[Car alarm wailing
in distance]
[TV buzzes]
[Dog barking in distance]
Alright, Mitchell,
what the hell's going on?
I've got terrified old ladies
telling me we're at war.
-So we're getting intermittent
power from Kilmorey Avenue
right across Beynon Grove,
to the school,
the riding stables,
Hatchfield in the east,
Baker Lane in the south.
Outages followed by random
pulses, all unpredictable.
-You checked the sub-stations?
-Three times.
No faults.
All the arrestors
are operational.
-So what is it?
-I honestly don't know.
[Cellphone ringing]
-Great bloody use you are.
[Cellphone beeps]
-Sorry, just got your messages.
We were talking.
-That's alright.
How is she?
-Steve's left her.
For good this time.
-Oh, I can't say I'm surprised.
-Yeah, well, she's drunk
a vat of wine already.
I think she should probably
stay the night.
-Yeah, that's a great idea.
Listen I-I'm gonna be here
for a while.
I need to write a report
on all this.
Do you need anything else?
-It's a power cut, Paul.
We'll be fine.
-'Course you will.
-I love you.
-Yeah. I --
Right, Mitchell.
If it's not your wiring,
what the bloody hell is it?
[Birds chirping]
-There are candles in the living
room drawer if you need them.
Eat whatever you like.
Order a pizza
if they're still delivering.
Don't use the freezer
just in case.
-Trains are running, are they?
-Yeah. It seems so.
It's like it's just
our area that's out, so
-You look good.
Hope he's worth it.
-He won't be.
-No, well, if you don't go,
then you'll never Know.
Got my phone, so any problems,
just call, okay?
I'll come straight back.
-You're going to
miss your train.
[Clock ticking]
[Woman speaking indistinctly
on PA]
-They're away for
the whole weekend.
[Switch clicking]
-How long has it been like this?
-A couple of hours.
Wouldn't happen under my watch.
-Stewart, this is weird.
Why can't we go to a hotel?
-Because if anyone sees us
at a hotel, we'll look guilty.
-We are guilty.
-Oh, nonsense.
We are just having
a campaign meeting.
[Horse neighs]
-I dunno.
[Horse neighing]
-You're a teenager.
You're meant to go to parties.
We'll be there from the start.
We'll look after you.
[Horse neighs]
-So you'll come.
-Alright, maybe.
-9:00 p.m.
-Bring your headphones.
-See you there.
[Horse grunting]
Hey. [Clicks tongue]
[Horse neighs]
[Clock chiming]
-[Jane] ls someone awake up here?
-This reminds me of camping
in Bodmin.
-Oh, Jesus.
Never again.
-[Laughing] You loved it.
-All I remember
is going down on you
while rain dripped relentlessly
on my head.
[Liquid pouring]
-It was true what I said
to my mum on the phone.
-I wasn't listening.
-Yeah, you were.
-Yeah, I was.
-I chose you, Mr. Clyde.
To new beginnings.
-New beginnings.
-And to our family.
If and when.
-If and when.
[Glasses clink]
-I really do adore
these floorboards.
[Indistinct conversations]
[Indistinct conversations]
How many bandos
did I run through ♪
Gambian brudda, Mr. K. Kunte ♪
Follow my rules,
still I rise and take ♪
Graveyard shifts of the day ♪
-[Jodie] I'm really pleased
for you, Debs.
I Know I used to take the piss
out of you for being all safe.
But look at you.
Great house.
Decent man.
-I thought you said he was
thick as shit, a Northern twat.
-Yeah, well, he's that, too.
But he makes my sister
happy, so
-Yeah, he does make me happy.
He really does.
-Yeah, and that's no mean feat.
-It'll happen for you.
-Hello, sweetheart.
This is your crazy Auntie Jodie
out here.
And you don't know
how lucky you are.
-It's a boy.
-A boy.
Oh, my God, you're a boy.
A boy.
[Both laugh]
[Door creaks]
[Breathing shakily]
[Footsteps depart]
[Door closes]
[Static hissing]
[Door closes]
Hi, Ryan.
I need something.
What have you got?
[Feet stomping,
horses neighing]
[Crackling, buzzing]
[Feet stomping,
horses neighing]
[Lights buzzing]
-[Breathing heavily]
[Lights buzzing]
[Alarm wailing]
-[Woman] What the hell?
-[Man] Where are the fucking curtains?
[Both laugh]
[Switch clicks]
-What's going on?
-It's fine. It's fine.
Just go. It's fine. It's fine.
-Hi. This is Paul Haynes.
Leave your message
after the beep.
-Hi, Paul. It's me.
Um, it's gonna sound
a bit weird.
The lights are on again
and now they won't turn off.
[Switch clicking]
[Dog barking]
-Back to bed, George.
[Dog barking]
[Horse breathing heavily]
[Warbling continues]
[Clock ticking]
[Jazz music plays]
-Don't know. She won't talk
to me about it, to be honest.
I think she's in denial.
I mean, it's been two years.
Of course
we're gonna see other people.
I think she just likes
to maintain surveillance.
-What about your children?
-Oh, I don't know.
I think they're alright
about it.
Maisie's at Exeter,
constantly in love
and unhappy with the course.
And Tommy's younger.
But he's fine.
Born under an angel's wing.
-That's rare these days.
-So I hear.
-No, it's -- it's unnerving.
I have kids as young as 6
coming to me,
dreaming of terrible violence --
men attacking them with knives,
buildings falling.
There's a-a wave of anxiety
crippling our young.
We're not doing enough about it.
-I bet you're very good
at what you do.
-I bet you are, too.
-Well, I'm good at winning,
if that's what you mean.
So have you dated many men
in Midwich?
-Not really.
Uh, there's a bit
of a limited selection.
And, uh --
And then I always worry,
what if they know
one of my patients?
So it's best to --
to keep a separation.
-It's a long way
to come, though.
-Well, I don't do it very often.
-I might take that
as a compliment.
Look, I was wondering
do you have to go back tonight?
I thought we could walk
through the city together.
And I have a very good bottle
of whiskey back at home
that does need finishing, so
-That's very flattering,
But, um, it's not
really possible.
-Your daughter.
I think I mentioned on --
on my message.
-How old is she?
-Well, she's 23,
but that's not really the point.
Cassie has, uh
She has some issues.
She tried to live
on her own, but
it didn't really work,
so now she's --
-Back in the nest.
I need to look after her a bit
at the moment.
-At some point you'll have to
confront that, you know.
-Yeah, maybe.
-Come on.
Kids'll push things
as far as they can.
They need firm boundaries.
-Well, thank you.
I'll consider that advice
for the future.
Right, well, uh
Um, sorry.
I think there's a 10:40.
So I should --
I should probably
-Yeah. Yeah.
Um, so could we get
the bill, please?
-Uh, Michael.
Don't take this the wrong way.
But, uh, perhaps you also
need time
to think about your relationship
with your ex-wife.
Because I don't think that
that's as resolved as you claim.
-Hi. You've reached
Cassie's phone.
Leave a message
and I'll get back to you.
-Listen, darling, it's me.
I'm on the way.
It was nice.
Uh, give me a call,
let me know you're okay.
-This is a customer
We're sorry
to have to inform you
that all services towards
Aylesbury and High Wycombe
have been canceled.
This is due to a power failure
in the Midwich area.
All customers are advised
to seek alternative transport.
We apologize for
any inconvenience
this may cause you.
[Line ringing]
-Hi. You've reached
Cassie's phone.
Leave a message
and I'll get back to you.
[Indistinct talking on TV]
-What we do know Is that
the town of Midwich
has been sealed off.
No one Is going in,
and as far as we can see,
no one is coming out.
Normally by now we would have
messages on social media,
we'd have footage
from people's phones
-ls Daddy there?
- something to tell us
what was happening inside
-It's okay. It's okay.
Shh. Shh.
-But tonight there is nothing
whatsoever coming from
inside the area,
and that has to be
of slight concern.
-Hi. You've reached
Cassie's phone.
Leave a message
and I'll get back to you.
-What's going on?
-[Cabbie] Looks like no way through.
-I'm, uh --
I'm gonna jump out here.
-Excuse me.
[Police radio chatter]
[Clears throat]
I live in Midwich.
-There's no entry at the moment.
If you could turn
your vehicle 'round
and go back to Warham, park up.
Then go straight to the
village hall and wait there.
-Until when?
-We hope to have
more information soon.
-I have a daughter.
She's home on her own.
-How old is she?
-Well, it -- it's not
about her age.
She -- She has health issues.
-If you head to
Warham village hall,
you'll be looked after there.
There's no entry to the town
at present.
-Well, can you at least
tell me what's happened?
[Police radio chatter]
Cassie, darling, it's Mum again.
Call me back.
[Radio chatter]
[Deep breathing]
-Hey! You!
You shouldn't be here!
[Police radio chatter,
indistinct conversations I
-Sir, London's sent someone.
-DCI Paul Haynes.
-Bryony Cummings.
-Come through.
-The military
are sending hazard units
from Aldershot and Porton Down.
$O15 are also on their way.
I've set up roadblocks
outside town,
a cordon around
the affected zone itself.
-How many people in the town?
-And the affected area?
-A few hundred, maybe.
We're gonna get
more precise data.
It seems to be centered
around the prep school.
Three or four streets
of family houses,
a small estate,
and the riding stables.
-Since 9:47 p.m.,
we've had a complete blackout,
no communication
possible in or out.
Anyone trying to get in
falls instantly unconscious.
What do you mean, unconscious?
-Visible bodies.
We can't reach 'em
but we've eyes on 'em.
-Are they dead or alive?
-We don't know.
No mobile signals.
I sent a small UAV over.
But it picked up nothing.
-Show me.
[Mouse clicking]
-Something's blocking
the infrared.
We've got no idea what it is.
Anything you're not telling me,
Miss Cummings?
[Knock on door, door opens]
-Sir, we've got another body
passed out
right on the edge of the zone.
-You should see this.
[Muffled rustling]
[Muffled talking]
-[Man] Come on.
-Get her under a light.
-Pulse normal.
-What's your name?
-Dr. Susannah Zellaby.
-It's okay.
I know her.
Dr. Zellaby? DCI Paul Haynes.
We met last year.
-Yeah, I-I Know your wife.
You, uh -- You live
on Clemency Drive.
-Could you get her
a hot drink, please?
-Thank you.
-Dr. Zellaby,
my name's Bryony Cummings.
I'm from the Home Office.
I'd like to ask,
how did it feel when you fell?
Well, I, uh --
I remember running.
And then I --
then I think I felt
and dizziness
It was very quiet.
-Well, listen, the guys are
going to take you for tests.
Get you warmed up, okay?
-No. My daughter.
I need to know if she's alright.
-We can't get in there
at the moment.
-She's vulnerable.
I'm worried about her.
-I understand.
But we can't do anything.
Not at the moment.
Take her, please, make sure
she's well looked after.
[Clock chiming]
-Your wife's in there?
-Her sister's with her.
-[Bryony] Have you heard anything?
[Keypad beeping]
-Hi, Paul. It's me.
Um, it's gonna
sound a bit weird.
The lights are on again
and now they won't turn off.
I'm a bit scared.
Would you just come home?
-[Woman on TV] We still have no news
as to the fate
of those inside
the Midwich blackout.
With every passing minute,
uncertainty only increases.
The zone affected
remains sealed off
as military and police
work tirelessly
to find out what has happened.
[Indistinct conversations]
[Radio chatter]
[Engine shuts off]
-DCI Haynes?
John Lancaster.
SO15 commander.
I have your
Incident Response Report.
Good job on the cordon.
But we'll take it from here.
-Well, given how little we know,
I'd like to recommend
a phased evacuation
of the rest of the town.
-Not yet.
We're going to work out
what this is.
Get your team on to the local
population outside the zone,
knock on doors,
keep them in their homes.
-What's happening there?
-Sending an NPAS team up.
-I sent a drone up earlier.
It couldn't see anything.
-Excuse me.
[Indistinct conversations]
-Mission is to identify
any hostile presence.
If there are live bodies
within the zone,
maintain height of 1,200 feet
until we can verify the extent
to which they may be armed.
[Helicopter blades whirring]
-What is it?
-They shouldn't be up there.
-India-11, sitrep?
-Nothing, sir.
Something's blocking the signal.
[Indistinct conversations]
-India-11, zero.
Descend for eyes on. Over.
-[Pilot on radio] Roger, wilco.
[Indistinct conversations
[Helicopter blades whirring,
engine whirring]
-Still can't see anything, sir.
-Should we return to base, sir?
-[Lancaster] No.
Go in closer.
-[Officer] Go in closer, India-11.
-[Pilot] 1,000.
I have a visual, sir.
-I can see something.
I can see bodies, sir.
[Warbling, buzzing]
-[Officer] India-11, climb.
Climb immediately!
[Rapid beeping]
India-11, respond!
India-11, respond!
[Rapid beeping continues]
-India-11, respond!
India-11, respond!
[Soft boom]
[Indistinct conversations]
[Keypad beeping]
[Line ringing]
-Hi. This is Deborah.
Sorry I can't take your call
right now,
but leave a message
and I'll get back to you
as soon as! can.
-Deborah, my wife, she's, um --
she's pregnant.
-Do your team know?
-It's been a while.
So we thought we'd keep it
to ourselves for a bit.
But I'm worried about her.
-We'll get her out.
-[Announcement] Implement phased evacuation
of all areas of the town
as per emergency plan 243.
-[Officer] Ladies and gentlemen,
we're evacuating this area.
Please make your way
outside now!
[Indistinct conversations]
-Excuse me.
Excuse me.
What's going on?
-Full evacuation.
-Where are we taking them?
-We have various
out-of-town hotels
and conference centers
on standby.
You should join them, madam.
-What's going on?
-They're evacuating everybody,
but they can't get to our area.
-I just drove back
from my mother's.
And I-I can't get Stewart
on the phone.
-[Soldier] Okay, listen, please.
-It's okay.
-We're going to be
moving everyone
out to the perimeter
of the town.
Everyone onto the buses,
where you'll be registered
and given a temporary permit
for residence
in local accommodation.
-Well, what do we do?
-Move along, please. Let's go.
Move along, please.
-I'm not going anywhere
until I Know about Cassie.
-[Soldier] Let's go.
This is an enforced evacuation
under police
and military command.
-No, no, I'm not --
I'm not going anywhere.
-Get on the buses.
-Get your hands off me!
[Dog barking,
indistinct shouting]
[Gun cocks]
-Bloody guns away.
Get back!
Get back!
[Cellphone ringing]
[Indistinct shouting]
[Shouting stops]
[Ringing continues]
[Horse grunting]
Mum, where are you?
[Cellphones ringing]
-[Woman] Hello?
I'm here, baby.
I'm here.
[Ringing continues]
-Mum, I need you.
Oh, my God.
Are you okay?
Are you okay?
[Cellphone buzzing]
Are you okay?
-Um, I'm fine.
W-What --
What's -- What's going on?
-There's been a blackout
for 12 hours.
We thought you were all dead.
Um, the police are on their way.
Don't move. Okay?
-O-Okay, love.
-What happened?
-You -- You can't be here.
[Indistinct conversations]
-Right. I want our units to join
the ambulance and the fire teams
at the border of the zone.
You go in slowly
and you go according to
strict emergency procedures.
Let's move.
-You have to stay here?
-Yeah, I have to coordinate
all my units.
-[Officer on radio] Gamma Alpha
on channel three.
We are approaching Zone Limit.
-Move in slowly.
-Have you tried your wife?
-Nothing yet.
-What's your address?
[Car door opens]
Wait here, please.
[Police radio chatter]
[Engine shuts off]
[Doorbell rings]
[Gas hissing]
-Deborah? Deborah?
-Are you Deborah?
[Hissing stops]
[Cellphone buzzing]
[Birds chirping]
[Dog barking]
-[Breathes deeply]
-[Voice breaking]
Cassie, I'm sorry.
I am so, So sorry.
-It's okay.
It's okay.
It's okay.
It's okay, Mum.
["Cuckoo" plays]
In April, I open my bill ♪
In May ♪
sing night and day ♪
In June ♪
I change my tune ♪
In July ♪
Far, far I fly ♪
In August ♪
Away ♪
Away ♪
Away ♪
Next Episode