The Misfit of Demon King Academy (2020) s01e01 Episode Script

The Misfit of Demon King Academy

Two thousand years ago,
during the Mythical Age,
one man laid waste to the human kingdoms,
reduced the sacred forests to ash,
and even killed gods.
He was feared by all as the Demon King.
By his hand, the most unimaginable
atrocities were commonplace.
In his presence,
law and reason were meaningless.
His name was
Delsgade is an institution that trains
those in the bloodline of the Ancestor,
the Demon King of Atrocity,
to become the new Demon King.
Two thousand years have passed
since the Ancestor's demise.
Legend has it
that he shall reincarnate this year.
The incoming class includes
members of the Generation of Chaos,
one of whom is believed
to be the reincarnation of the Demon King.
When the Ancestor has truly returned,
the Demon Realm will roar with joy.
Welcome to Demon King Academy.
You can do it, Misha!
Go! Misha!
Highbloods can skip the exam,
but my old man's all about tradition.
It's such a pain.
We're Highbloods, after all.
Misha Necron.
Is that you?
Thank you.
Do us proud!
You can do it!
Do your best!
Do it! Misha!
Remember to focus!
-You'll be fine!
-Just relax!
-You can do it!
-Misha! You'll be fine!
-Be strong!
-I guess we both have it rough.
Dropped off at the entrance exam
by your parents?
When did the Demon King Academy
become a playground for children?
That's Zepes of the Indu family!
I'm talking to you!
You had so little mana
that I didn't notice you.
Beg for your life and I'll forgive you.
You'd better hurry or I'll use this dark
flame which incinerated even the gods
to burn you
and the girl there to the bone!
You! What did you do?
I simply blew out a match.
My flame was a match?
You're not leaving here alive!
I can't move
You'll obey a weak command like that?
Stay there and be ashamed of yourself.
I deserve to be incinerated by my flame!
I wish I could just disappear!
We shall now conduct
the practical examination.
The practical examination is a series
of duels among the examinees.
Those who lose will fail.
Those who defeat
five opponents will continue
to mana measurement, nature assessment,
and acceptance into
the Demon King Academy.
Any and all weapons are permitted.
Do you have any questions?
None in particular.
Hey. We meet again.
Scared that you can't escape?
No. I pity you for being unable to escape.
I'm going to smash that impudent face
of yours and mop the floor with your tears
before drowning you in your own blood!
Know your place, clown.
That won't work on me now.
This anti-magic armor
is resistant to all magic!
I see.
If one examinee is unable to continue
or forfeits, the other shall win.
Now let the practical examination begin.
"Unable to continue" means
that I can kill you, right?
Magic Sword Zephride!
That's your idea of a magic sword?
That's right!
This artifact has been passed down through
the Indu family since the Mythical Age.
It multiplies my mana over ten times!
Multiplying 1 by 10 is still only 10.
You blew out my flame again?
It's a fake.
The two of us shouldn't be fighting
in the same arena in the first place.
I'll give you a handicap.
I will not move a step from this spot.
I won't use magic, and I won't
put mana into my breath or words.
I won't move my arms
or legs or even blink,
and I will still defeat you.
Enough of your bluffs!
I see what this is. You can't beat this
anti-magic armor, so you make excuses.
It seems your magic isn't for fight
Can you hear it?
The beating of my heart.
Where do you think you're going?
Don't waste your breath.
Do you want to die?
Then make me give up.
Without command magic,
you can't make anyone do anything
That's an interesting thought.
I'll take that wager.
If I make you surrender
without command magic, I win.
If I can't, you win.
Make a contract.
Very well.
Fool! I won't give up even if I die!
I held back, but you still died?
I'll lose at this rate.
Oh, well.
Did I
He came back to life?
Can magic do that?
How does it feel to experience death?
Do you feel like giving up yet?
Why would I
Don't worry.
So long as your essence isn't
extinguished, you will not truly die.
If I cast Ingar
within three seconds of your death,
I can resurrect you with no risk at all.
You could call it
the three-second rule.
Not funny?
That joke guaranteed
a laugh 2,000 years ago.
You said you wouldn't give up
even if you died.
Did you think you'd only die once?
I'm a Highblood!
On that topic, there's an interesting
philosophical debate regarding Ingar.
Is the resurrected person the original?
Or would it be a different person with
the same personality, memories, and body?
Which do you think it is?
Not interested?
Then I'll just kill you again.
Please stop!
I lose.
He beat Zepes!
-He crushed him!
-Who is he?
You dare defy a Highblood?
We shall now conduct mana measurement.
Quite the number.
Will yours be even bigger?
I've never seen that before.
Your mana was so immense
that the crystal broke.
You understood that?
I have good eyes for magic.
We shall now conduct
the nature assessment.
-Until next time.
-Yeah. See you later.
This assessment measures your nature
in comparison to
the Demon King of Atrocity
and assesses your current knowledge.
The questions shall now begin.
Although it is considered disrespectful
to say the Ancestor's name out loud,
what is his true name?
Anos Voldigoad.
In the Mythical Age, why did the Ancestor
destroy his native Dilhade with Geoglaze?
To allow those who could not
survive the long war to reincarnate.
Suppose you had a daughter who was strong
but was lacking in Demon King aptitude
and a son who was weak
but was brimming with Demon King aptitude.
If both were on the brink of death,
which should be saved?
How would the Ancestor answer and why?
They're all such simple questions.
What are you doing?
For me?
You said, "See you later."
I did
It seems the day is over.
Would you like to come to my home
to celebrate passing the exam?
I'm certain Mom is waiting
with a feast tonight.
You mean me?
Are you sure?
I'm inviting you.
I'll go.
Then hold my hand.
I can use a flying spell.
It's faster than that.
Very well.
We're here.
The Solar Wind?
A teleportation spell.
A spell that was lost in the Mythical Age?
Oh, you're home!
Good evening, Mom.
Where's Dad?
He's in the workshop.
So how did it go?
I passed.
You got into the academy
only a month after being born!
How are you so smart?
We have to celebrate tonight!
What do you want to eat?
Well, let's see.
How about mushroom gratin?
I thought you'd want that,
so I prepared the ingredients in advance.
Who's this?
I have yet to introduce her.
This is Misha Necron.
I met her today at the academy.
Nice to meet you.
He's only one month old
and he's already brought home a wife!
I'm sorry. Mom likes
to jump to conclusions.
You did it! That's the son
I raised you to be!
We're having a feast tonight!
We'll go all out!
Your dad likes to jump to conclusions too?
As you can see.
Dinner is served!
Now dig in.
Help yourself to anything, Misha.
Thanks, Mom.
You still look like a child
when you're eating.
Now, if you don't mind me asking,
Misha, what do you like about him?
He's nice.
Am I?
You picked up the letter I dropped.
Yes! That's right!
He was going to come
to Dilhade all by himself,
but when we said we'd miss him,
he brought us with him!
Moving on. How did you two meet?
Who approached who first?
Who approached first?
I did.
Oh, I knew it!
You gave her a line! You ladies' man!
Look, Mom
Want some more gratin?
Yes, please.
It's as good as ever, Mom.
The secret ingredient is love!
Do you want seconds too, Misha?
That was fun.
Sorry, my parents are so loud.
I'm used to it.
Right. Your dad seemed quite similar.
He's not my dad.
He's my guardian.
What about your parents?
They're around, but they're busy.
My older sister is loud.
Do you get along well?
I don't know.
You really are nice.
Me? Nice?
Is that funny?
No one's ever said that about me before.
What did they say then?
That my existence
was a detriment to the world.
That I'm a villain,
an evildoer, and a thug.
You were bullied?
Don't be silly. I really did act that way.
I brought it on myself.
Bend down.
Like this?
There, there.
When I get home, I'll explain
to Mom and Dad that you're a comrade.
I guess you call them friends in this age.
We aren't?
-I'm glad.
-I see.
Creation magic?
-We'd better
-You shall not escape.
I have ordered my guards
to secure the area.
I am the Demon Lord Leorg Indu.
You already met my brother.
In Delsgade, Mudbloods can't defeat
Highbloods even if they're strong.
Do you know why that is?
If they win, they're assassinated?
Get ready. My brother's way stronger
Stop talking, you shameless fool.
The Indu family has no use
for weaklings who lose so pitifully!
You didn't come here
for your brother's sake?
You will disappear regardless.
We, the Highbloods,
inherit the nobility of his majesty,
the Demon King of Atrocity.
We cannot stand
to be affronted by crossbreeds.
Highbloods? Crossbreeds? Nonsense.
A Demon King is one who bends all
to his will by his own power.
The purity of your blood doesn't matter.
You dare to make light
of the great feats of our Ancestor?
I'm talking about myself.
How can I make light
of my own great feats?
I guess you're just thickheaded.
What nonsense is this?
Your irreverence will be
punished by death!
You will be tortured and killed.
Haven't you noticed yet?
Open those demonic eyes
and gaze into the abyss.
Their hands
My magic circle
It's running wild!
I can't control it!
Hurry and get them
under control. Otherwise, you'll die.
What did you do?
I merely intimidated you a little.
Mana comes from your essence,
from deep within you.
It can cower before an opponent of
higher class and sometimes even run wild.
As a Highblood, I cannot be defeated
by the likes of a crossbreed!
I will show you something special.
A forbidden spell
passed down only to Highbloods!
Origin magic?
Now you will see the difference
between my class and yours!
Just now, you borrowed a great deal
of mana from one closely related to you,
someone who killed
even gods 2,000 years ago.
What of it?
Origin magic cannot affect
the originator of its mana.
In other words, it can't affect me.
You have no shortage of flaws,
but since you were prepared to use a spell
that posed a danger to your own life,
I will give you a chance.
A chance?
What are you doing?
You've never seen this before?
It's a spell to resurrect
a dead man as a zombie.
It hurts!
Leorg! Why did you kill me?
Stay away, you ghost!
A zombie gains a great deal of mana.
In exchange, they are controlled by their
anger and hatred from being killed
and tormented by the pain
of wounds that will never heal.
You would have Zepes kill me?
Unfortunately, I'm not so tasteless.
I told you. This is a chance.
You looked down on Zepes earlier,
but now he's stronger than you.
Acknowledge your brother,
join forces, and fight me together.
How can I trust him?
He doesn't have
a shred of sanity left in him.
but shouldn't family think of each other
even in the midst of hellish suffering?
It hurts!
I'll kill you!
Are you insane?
Wouldn't killing him be just and merciful
rather than giving him life as a zombie?
You're trying to take the easy way out
Believe in your familial bond.
Remember when you had
no status of your own.
You were the older brother.
He was your younger brother.
There must have been a time
when that was all that mattered.
I refuse!
Curse you!
Call him! Call his name!
I said call him!
So bonds have grown that weak in this age?
When you're killed, you die.
When you turn into a zombie,
you lose your reason.
Honestly, I've got my work cut out for me.
It appears that my brethren have grown
quite weak in the past 2,000 years.
Come back when you're stronger.
I'll fight you whenever you wish.
Like I'll ever fight you again,
you monster!
Just who are you?
Listen well,
my beloved descendants.
Your Ancestor has returned.
I am the Demon King of Atrocity,
Anos Voldigoad!
Hello, everyone! It's a beautiful morning!
Starting today,
I will rule over this class.
All who oppose me will be killed!
Mind if I sit here?
How was that joke just now?
I don't think they took it as one.
I see.
It was a good one 2,000 years ago.
Not anymore.
It feels like everyone has
been watching me today.
Do you know why?
Rumors are spreading about you.
You mean those brothers?
That mark.
It shows the results of mana
measurement and nature assessment.
More vertices indicate superior results.
This is the first time that mark
has been used in the Demon King Academy.
What does it mean?
Next episode, "The Witch of Destruction."
Next Episode