The Mob Doctor (2012) s01e01 Episode Script


GRACE: The first time I saw a dead body, it was the neighborhood drunk.
He was in this field not far from where I grew up, Bridgeport, south side of Chicago.
I wasn't afraid.
All I can remember, I just really wanted to touch him.
20 years later, during my first week of med school, an attending told me I'd eventually lose count of all the bodies.
But after 237, I still remember every one.
Then again, I'm not your typical doctor.
(SCREAMS) Lenny, stop moving.
That thing is in my head! Yeah, well, next time, don't rob a hardware store when you're drunk.
Hey, how's it going? Hey, did you give him the fentanyl? (SIGHS) Enough to knock out a Great Dane.
LENNY: Doc, No one can know I'm here.
(LAUGHS) That makes two of us.
There's a warrant out for me! Look.
Shut up.
I am trying to think.
Moretti said you won't tell anyone, said you owe him big-time.
All right, we got no slurred speech, no paresthesia.
(DOG BARKING) Ow! What the hell? Patellar reflexes are normal.
You got lucky.
Just hit your frontal lobe.
(CELL PHONE RINGING) I'm hearing bells.
That's my cell.
It means I got to get back to the hospital.
My break's over.
You can't leave me.
I am not here for you.
I am here 'cause of Moretti.
If it were up to me, I'd pound this thing in another inch and call it a day.
Doctor, please.
Douse him with betadine.
Let's do this.
(GROANING) Open wide.
Now, bite down.
And remember, this will hurt you more than me.
(DOG TOY SQUEAKING) On three, two, one.
(GROANS) Sew him up.
Give him a shot of ancef and tetanus.
I got to go.
Oh-oh-oh-oh, Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh, Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh Oh-oh-oh-oh, Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh, Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh Oh-oh-oh-oh, Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh, Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh I got lots of jealous lovers That all wish they had me back I got a pistol for a mouth, My own mama gave me that Making my own road Out of gravel and some wine And if I have to fall, Then it won't be in your line Good afternoon, Dr.
Where the hell have you been? You don't want to know.
They paged me when you didn't show.
Well, I'm here now, and I'd appreciate the assist.
Why don't you scrub in and join us? MIKE: Blood pressure's (MONITOR BEEPING) Thanks, Mike.
All right.
I'm gonna need a bigger field.
All right.
Can I get some suction? All right.
Who shoots an 8-year-old kid anyway? BGLD.
BGLD? Big gun, little, uh, discretion.
Grace, nice of you to join us.
Sorry, Dr.
I had a patient with a pounding headache.
And I got it.
(RAPID BEEPING) He's tachy.
BP's dropping, and profusion's gone to hell.
Patient's in shock, doctor.
Start a vasopressor.
It's cardiac tamponade JVD.
Check his jugular.
MIKE: numbers are going In the wrong direction.
Give me an echo, stat.
Where's the echo? Get it in here.
Pericardial effusion.
It is tamponade.
Let's go, let's go, let's go.
All right, guys.
MIKE: 10 over 40.
Pressure's not coming up.
Got to move, Grace.
You're cutting the pericardium? Ready to boost epinephrine.
Two more units, he could stabilize.
And the Cubs could win the world series.
There is no time.
MAN: Hold it steady.
Got it.
Come on.
(SIGHS) And he's back.
Clean him up and get him to SICU.
Yes, sir.
Kevin is gonna be fine.
Oh, thank God.
He'll be playing roller hockey on Burnham in no time.
Thank you.
Thank you so much.
Excuse me, Dr.
He is in recovery right now.
But I will check back with you in a little bit, all right? Let me guess, Flanigan wants to discuss my attitude again.
Because, let me tell you, that wasn't attitude in the OR.
RO: Flanigan didn't say anything.
It's your mom.
She's in the main lobby.
Why? What's wrong? You think she'd tell me? Clear the way.
Hey, Matt, what's going on? A 47-year-old male came in diaphoretic with ST Elevations.
He's got a proximal LAD lesion we couldn't get past.
The feds have the fourth floor on lockdown.
Get him to CCU.
Start an integrilin drip.
MAN: Yes, doctor.
(ELEVATOR BELL DINGS) Grace, meet me in surgical con "B" in 15.
Chief, she just got off her 24.
And? ACGME rules, after 24 hours, residents are off and gone.
Good rule! Doctor, you are off rotation, but you're not gone.
I want it.
I'll see you in 15.
Reciting the federal rules to the Chief of Surgery? You're picking up my bad habits.
You let him work you like that, he'll only work you more.
That's kind of my plan.
All right.
Coffee, then mom.
RO: So, you recognize your new patient? He's been all over the news.
Sure do.
Witness protection for more than a year.
Everybody thought he was dead.
There you are, doctor.
I was on my way to see you in the lobby.
(SIGHS) Coffee.
I'd love a cup.
GRACE: Are you okay? I'm here about Suzie DeMarco.
Grace used to babysit her.
Sweet girl, but, poor thing, her parents split up when she was 5.
Her mother ran off with our lesbian butcher.
Spitting image of Valerie Bertinelli, swear to god.
Mom, what happened to Suzie? She came over to the house looking for you.
She said she wasn't feeling good.
I told her you weren't home, and she passed out right in front of me.
I called 911, and I rode in the ambulance with her.
Well, is she okay? How should I know? But your doctor friend's taking care of her.
Cuter than the photo I found on Facebook.
Did you call Suzie's father? He's driving up from Statesville.
Nine hours in traffic.
I will go check on her.
I will go with you.
You're going home.
I'm going home.
I'll call you a cab.
Oh, thank you, Ro.
And it'll be here by the time you finish your coffee.
Nice to see you, too, dear.
Hey, Brett.
I heard you're a friend of my patient's.
What's wrong with her? Not exactly sure.
Hypertensive on arrival.
We bolus'd fluids and normalized her pressure.
Appendicitis? Possible.
Lower-right quadrant pain.
I'm looking for a target sign now.
So, I heard you met my mother.
She said that I have good bone structure, but my sideburns were too long for my face.
(CHUCKLES) And she asked if I was the marrying type.
(LAUGHS) Want to know what I said? (CURTAIN SLIDES) WOMAN: Excuse me, doctor.
Yeah? Lab results.
Thank you.
This can't be right.
What's wrong? Beta HCG is positive.
She's pregnant.
Oh, God.
I know her dad.
He's gonna freak.
I mean, this can't be right.
I tried to do a pelvic, but her hymen's intact.
(PA BEEPS) She's a virgin.
Devlin to conference room "B.
" Dr.
Devlin to conference room "B.
" Um, okay, I got to go.
But unless that's an immaculate conception, you better check again.
Ralph Severino.
He's a former lieutenant to mob boss Paul Moretti.
(SCOFFS) Sounds like Al Capone stuff.
FBI's connected Moretti to over 60 deaths and disappearances.
Severino was our key to proving it all, until he face-planted in court this morning.
What'd you do, park him over at doughnut shop or something? Barbecue joint in Tulsa.
Puts meat on a man's bones.
And plaque in his arteries.
His coronaries are occluded.
He needs a CABG.
Coronary artery bypass graft.
Will he still be able to testify? Can't say.
Even if he survives the operation, there's always a chance of memory loss.
Unless we do the CABG off-pump.
Devlin studied with the surgeon who invented the procedure.
It allows us to stop each artery of the heart locally to perform the grafting.
It increases his odds, decreases his chance of memory loss.
But it's new, and it's never been done at this hospital.
There's always a first time, sir.
All right.
She'd lead.
I'd supervise.
We just have to wait for his INR to normalize.
How soon? Congratulations, doctors.
You just joined the prosecution.
You got something.
What's the occasion? Well, knowing your boyfriend, it's just to let you know he's thinking about you.
So romantic I could puke.
Is everything okay? Oh, yeah.
Everything's good.
How you doing? (WRIGLEY WHINES) Hey, Grace.
I got to go see Moretti.
Well, that's it? I ain't seen you in months.
That's all I get? Franco.
I mean, you know, I can handle it.
I'm tough.
But Wrigley, he's sensitive.
Okay, don't do this, okay? Come on! You know, after you left, he was in rough shape.
Every time somebody comes to the door, he hopes it's you.
Moretti's inside.
Go ahead.
Now, Sonny, Don't you play your dreams Grace.
We need to talk.
You shouldn't be here.
You got my balloons, right? I never agreed to kill somebody.
Grace, we have a deal.
Stitch a cut, patch a bullet, pry a screwdriver out of some moron's skull.
(POUNDS DESK) Hey, you came to me, begging and pleading for your brother's life.
"Call of your guys, please.
"I'll take care of his debt.
I'll work it off.
"I'll do whatever it takes.
" Remember? No, yes, you did.
No, I never agreed to kill someone.
Yes, you did! Next month, state house is passing a bill to legalize a distributor's cut on gaming machines.
That's me, okay? I'm gonna make millions.
And Severino, that trash-pail informant, he's not gonna mess this up for me.
You understand? (CELL PHONE RINGING) That's my hospital.
So answer it.
Your gunshot kid is alert, and his mom is asking for you.
Are you nearby? Yeah.
I just had to run an errand.
I will, uh, be right there.
I'll let him know.
(CELL PHONE BEEPS) I have to get to work.
Severino's a piece of crap.
Nobody's gonna miss him, okay? Nobody.
You understand me? If you don't want me pulled off this case, move.
All right, Grace.
I'll be in touch.
Say hello to your brother.
Look who's up.
Kevin, this is Dr.
Hey, how you feeling? Like I just got beat up by a transformer.
I brought you a friend, Kevin.
Meet superhero bear.
What do you say, Kevin? Can I keep him? (CHUCKLES) Kevin.
Thank you.
You're welcome.
Of course you can keep him.
Both of you guys are bulletproof.
BETTY: How do things look? No sign of infection.
Hemoglobin's in range.
He's doing great.
Devlin, a word? I'll be with you guys in just a bit.
What's going on? We need to lighten your load on account of this FBI thing.
I'm giving this post-op to Wilcox.
Well, no disrespect, but I can handle a post-op while I wait on a patient for surgery.
Straight from Dr.
And my babysitting is done.
All right, um, you need to get him started on sub-cu heparin for DVT prophylaxis, but check his platelets first, okay? I've done this before.
Yeah, I know.
I'm just Just what? Look, he's a good kid.
That's cute.
Also textbook countertransference.
You're still working on that, aren't you? Hi, Mrs.
You're crazy! That's crazy! Ms.
DeMarco I can't be pregnant.
I'm a virgin.
Technically, yes.
What do you mean "technically"? I know how it works! I'm 14! Like I said, you have a fimbriated hymen SUZIE: God, shut up with that! Am I interrupting? Grace.
No, not at all.
This doctor's a moron.
Suzie, I have to finish my rounds, so why don't you consult with Dr.
Devlin here? Still on for tonight? Good luck.
What was that? Do you have a thing with that guy? He's an excellent doctor.
Yeah, well, he's never taken sex ed.
Suzie, are you still dating Johnny Vacca? For more than a year.
But we never had sex.
I'm not an idiot.
No, I know.
Do you, um Do you remember when we used to watch Star Wars at your place? Yeah.
When I was like seven.
Um, yeah.
Well, do you remember that scene where Luke pops that one-in-a-million shot, and it goes straight through the air duct and blows up the entire death star? Yeah.
Okay, well, see, because of your anatomy, it's something called a fimbriated hymen.
You are like the death star.
You see, you have this air duct that has the potential to be penetrated, even if you're not doing it full-on.
No way.
It's called outercourse.
So if he ejaculated, even if he was just I got it.
It's gonna be okay.
Oh, God.
Grace, my dad is gonna kill Johnny.
(VOICE BREAKING) And I have a swimming scholarship next year to St.
If I If I'm knocked up, I lose it.
Look who's home for taco night.
Oh, no, thanks.
I'm not hungry.
How's Suzie? She'll be fine.
What's wrong with her? Right.
Got it.
Let's talk about your boyfriend.
I asked him if he was the marrying type.
Guess what he said? Guess what who said? Grace's boyfriend.
He's got very big hands.
This conversation is over.
I'll go eat dinner, by myself.
I don't like it when you're short with mom.
What? She's not as strong as she looks.
And she can get sick again.
Nate, her cancer's been in remission for 10 years.
Statistically, she's fine.
All I'm saying is cut her some slack.
Go have a taco.
All I'm saying is get off my back.
You go have a taco.
What's going on with you? Nothing you need to worry about.
Moretti? Look, I appreciate everything you're doing for me, but I didn't ask for your help.
I had a foolproof system.
Nate, he would have killed you.
(CELL PHONE CHIMES) You knew Moretti's reputation, okay? Your eyes were wide open.
Um, Mom, I got to go.
Rest assured, witness for the prosecution Ralph Severino is receiving excellent medical care, and his testimony against Paul Moretti will proceed at the earliest possible time.
MALE ANCHOR: Today's events are just the latest twist in the government's ongoing case against the Chicago outfit.
Convicting Moretti would represent their biggest victory since 1997.
The legendary mob boss Constantine Alexander was sent to prison.
The former kingpin was paroled in June.
Fellas, ladies, I realize I've done wrong in the past.
(TELEPHONE RINGING) I can only hope that with God's help I'll be able to do some good for the community.
It's good to be back.
Alexander ANCHOR: Now to another story that's been making waves for several months.
Hey, it's me.
(BUZZER SOUNDING) a stolen-car raid on the south side.
All right.
The insulin's gonna work, but you should have called me earlier.
I don't like needles.
You like hospitals better? As long as there are no bars on the windows.
How's your mom? (LAUGHS) Well, today, she stopped by the hospital, introduced herself to the guy I'm seeing, and asked if he was the marrying type.
That sounds like your mom.
What'd he say? Um, I actually don't know.
Hey, can I ask you, why would you frame that? To remind me of the mistakes I've made.
So how's everything at the hospital? Good? Yeah.
Today, I saved a boy's life.
I see.
You like feeling powerful, don't you? I like making a difference.
Lord Acton, said, "Power corrupts, and absolute power" "Corrupts absolutely.
" But, like I said, it's It's not about power.
You're overpaying me.
You know anybody can give you these shots? Yeah, well, I don't trust anybody.
You've always been like family to me, Grace.
I want you to know I'm real proud of you.
You tell your ma if she needs anything, I'm here.
I think she knows.
Good night.
Good night.
(CAMERA SHUTTER CLICKING) (TIRES SCREECHING) (SIRENS WAILING) I don't like you But I love you Sorry I was late.
I'm not complaining.
I just got caught up.
I don't care.
I have rounds in 15 minutes.
(CELL PHONE RINGING) You treat me badly I love you madly Mmm-mmm.
Stop! I'll make it quick.
Are you Is everything all right? Oh, yeah.
Is it the FBI thing? 'Cause you've done this procedure before.
Well, not under these circumstances.
So, anyway, how's Suzie? Suzie? Yeah.
Suzie DeMarco, your patient.
Oh, um, well, the pregnancy's a nonissue.
It's a ruptured ectopic, nonviable.
I'm scheduling her for surgery as soon as I get the dad's okay.
Well, but wait a second.
If her dad finds out she's pregnant, viable or not, he's gonna go ballistic.
Not to mention the fact she's gonna lose her scholarship.
Well, if I don't get her father's consent, I'll lose my license.
But her dad works at the state pen.
I mean, they don't have a dollar to their name.
You know, that scholarship is her one shot at making something of her life.
"One shot of getting out of Bridgeport.
" It gives her options, and you're standing in her way.
Grace, listen to yourself.
You're over-empathizing.
(PA BEEPS) And I don't think you're empathizing enough.
WOMAN ON PA: Code White, pediatric ICU, room 16.
Code white, pediatric ICU, room 16.
That's Kevin's room.
Who? Kevin.
He's my patient.
(BETTY SOBBING) What the hell happened? It was hypovolemic shock.
He had dropped three liters of blood into his chest before the Code White.
Tell me you didn't give him heparin when I specifically told you to recheck his platelets.
Olivia! I got overruled.
By who? Who do you think? Flanigan.
He felt the initial count wasn't low enough to be a concern.
All right.
You have to file a report.
The man's incompetence just killed a kid.
A gunshot killed him.
Flanigan didn't do anything illegal or against protocol.
(SCOFFS) Okay, fine.
Maybe he didn't violate protocol, but for one doctor to overrule another, he better have a reason other than his freaking ego! Okay, look At least mention it to your father, okay? He is on the board.
He can ask the chief to, you know, keep an eye on him.
Are you kidding me? I've been here for four years, and people still call me daddy's girl.
(SCOFFS) Then you are just as bad as Flanigan! Grace, you handle your cases, and I will handle mine.
We're done here.
Ro, where's Dr.
White? Uh, ward two, prepping for an add-on, draining an empyema.
Why? I need your page line.
What's going on? Ro Just remember, I'm still paying off nursing-school loans.
If anybody asks, I ripped it out of your hands.
Ian Flanigan, report to operating room two.
I just got your page.
You need an assist? I didn't page you, Ian.
Must have been a mistake.
A mistake? No, a mistake would be not checking the platelets before giving heparin.
(MONITOR BEEPING) What's going on here? Dr.
Flanigan overruled my instructions, and now an eight-year-old boy is dead! Grace, I'm your attending And this is not the first time he overruled a resident without justification! Dr.
White, you need to do something.
Or what? If you don't open an investigation into his conduct, you can find somebody else to perform Severino's CABG.
Under ACGME rules, I should be off and gone by now.
Stafford, you're not actually considering this? Take the weekend off.
We'll talk Monday.
This isn't over.
JEFF: Grace! Mr.
Grace, I got here as soon as I could.
How's Suzie? Uh, let me take you to her doctor, okay? She's gonna be fine.
She's stable, but she does need surgery.
JEFF: Are you sure? Yeah.
Robinson's a wonderful surgeon.
Hold it.
What's wrong with her? It's a ruptured ovarian cyst.
JEFF: Oh, God.
Now, it sounds worse than it is.
She's gonna be just fine.
Yeah, yeah.
We just need you to fill out some forms at the nurse's station, and then I can prep her for surgery.
Thank you.
This way.
What the hell was that? Suzie needs surgery, okay? We'll just keep quiet.
Well, what about everyone else in the OR? The operation is almost identical to what I just told her dad.
Ro will scrub in.
She'll do the paperwork.
This isn't legal! Well, then, it's a good thing we're not lawyers.
Devlin, what's up? Here's the fix.
In the operating room, we have lidocaine syringes marked with black tape.
For Severino's operation, one of them's gonna be marked with red tape.
You're gonna use that syringe.
Why? What's in it? Pure epinephrine.
Coroner's gonna think you used it trying to save him.
But it's gonna kill him.
If you care about your brother, it's time to do your job, Grace.
WHITE: Morning, Dr.
Mark? Yeah.
(RAPID BEEPING) WOMAN: Pressure's MIKE: He's coding! He's in v-fib! Paddles! Grace.
Grace! Dr.
Give me an amp of epi and bicarb.
Grace, get out of the way.
Charge of 300.
Severino's INR is normal.
(ELEVATOR BELL DINGS) It's showtime, Grace.
WHITE: Morning, Dr.
Mark? Yep.
Spill in aisle five.
Hey, you know you're shaking.
I'm fine.
Just give me another shot of lidocaine, please.
Doctor, how did it go? Dr.
Uh, the operation was textbook.
Thank you, both of you.
I've never seen you so nervous before a procedure.
I'm sorry.
Don't be.
A life was in your hands.
Well, I mean, that's the case with all surgeries, isn't it? Yes.
And a good surgeon never forgets that.
Now, we need to talk about Flanigan.
You can't sanction me for reporting a superior.
It is It is prohibited by hospital bylaws.
But the most he's gonna get from the board is a slap on the wrist.
Then he's back to being your boss.
Think you can handle that? Yeah.
I've handled worse.
All right.
Hey, I said I didn't want Flanigan written up.
He didn't get written up.
I told you he overruled me, and then you blabbed to the chief, and now Flanigan blames me.
Well, I didn't think it would come back at you.
Yeah, that's right.
You didn't think.
Your knight in shining armor.
How are you gonna defend her this time? Who says I will? Grace, I realize you're a plucky south-side girl who became a big-city doctor, but you are no better than anybody else here.
And at the end of the day, we all want colleagues who have our backs.
Nobody wants to work with a rat.
Winning hearts and minds.
Look, I'm glad you exposed Flanigan, but I don't agree with your approach, and not just on this.
Suzie's being prepped for surgery right now.
I still haven't decided what I'm gonna do.
You shouldn't have put me in this situation.
Devlin, you got a second? Oh, uh, yeah.
AG wants to know when we can get Severino back on the stand.
It's hard to say.
A lot depends on how he does in the first 24 hours.
I have to take this.
Hey, Mom.
MORETTI: Try Again.
Grace, I heard our chatty little friend made it all the way to post-op.
What went wrong? Where's my mother? She's nearby.
I came here to get your dumbass brother, but she answered the door.
Let me talk to her.
Why don't you come get her? (SIGHS) (TIRES SCREECHING) Can I at least get some, uh, get some ice? MORETTI: No! Shut up.
Okay? Be quiet.
Stupid (ENGINE REVS) (HORN HONKS) (TIRES SCREECHING) (HORN HONKS) (BUZZING) Constantine! Constantine, let me in, please! What's wrong? What's going on here, Paul? This ain't got nothing to do with you.
Grace, come on.
I got to talk to you.
We got to figure this out now.
Think you better cool down first.
What, are you telling me what to do? Just some friendly advice.
You got to watch that temper, pal.
No, no, no, "pal.
" Why don't you go back inside your house and let me deal with her? Hey, Bruto, you're the one who drove on my property, waving a gun.
Hey, this isn't the old days, all right? Nobody's scared of you any (GUNSHOT) (BIRDS CAWING) You didn't see anything.
Go home.
Go! (ENGINE TURNS OVER) All right.
I think you're gonna live.
Not if it gets infected.
I know a good doctor, Mom.
Gracie, what have you gotten yourself into? It wasn't Grace, Ma.
It was me.
Nate No! I screwed up.
I'm sorry.
Grace was just trying to help.
What happened to Moretti? Uh, he followed me for a little bit, and then he just disappeared.
Where'd he go? I don't know.
He He left town.
He got arrested.
Moretti doesn't just back off! Nate! Enough.
No! I'm just saying, Grace I'm just saying enough.
Hey, I thought you'd want to know Suzie's out of surgery.
Okay, thanks.
I'm on my way.
I got to go.
JEFF: Thank you, doctor.
Thank you.
She'll be waking up any minute.
You can go ahead in.
Robinson? Dr.
Suzie's father looks happy.
The operation was a success.
Cyst removal.
You're a bad influence.
(CELL PHONE CHIMES) Everything all right? Yeah, yeah.
I just I got to take care of something.
You'll make it up to me.
Hey, you.
Long time, no see.
Franco, what are you doing here? Got invited to supper.
You? Grace I got your Your, uh, your text.
Walk with me.
Does Franco know you killed his boss? Who do you think got rid of the body? It seems nobody around here really liked Moretti.
Truth be told, that's how I got Severino to roll.
You? I needed a way back in.
Would have worked, till you came charging in here with Moretti on your tail and forced my hand.
What about all that stuff about you being reformed? The parole board ate it up.
And the newspaper article you had framed to remind you of your mistakes? The mistakes that I made that got me caught.
(SCOFFS) This is who I am, Grace.
Look, I like you.
Point is, you have to leave Chicago.
What? You know too much.
If anybody out there is still loyal to Moretti, you know how this town can be.
You're a doctor, Gracie.
And like you said, you want to make a difference.
You can do that from anywhere.
My family is here.
This is my home.
Are you saying you can't protect me? Okay.
You choose to stay, I'll cover you as best I can.
But your debt to Moretti, that would now belong to me.
(CHUCKLES) You know, your lord Acton, he had another saying.
He said, uh He said, "Great men are almost always bad men.
" You saying I'm a bad man? I'm saying we have a deal.
I'll see you around.
And remember, you had a choice.
GRACE: If you ask me, choice is a moving target, like what we choose to share and what we choose to keep secret.
See, I didn't tell you something about my first dead body.
He wasn't just any drunk.
He was my father.
And I wasn't just fascinated when I saw him.
I was relieved.
Never again would he come home drunk.
(ENGINE TURNS OVER) Never again would he hurt my mother or my brother or me.
Finding him dead, it meant we were safe.
And for a while, I guess we were.

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