The Nest (2020) s01e01 Episode Script

Episode 1

# Ae fond kiss, and then we sever
# Ae fareweel, alas, for ever
# Deep in heart-wrung tears
I'll pledge thee. #
Hello. What about Gordon? Gordon?
Are you actually suggesting Gordon?
Well, it's better than Hamish.
Yes, no, it's good. You've nailed
that, especially if it's a girl.
We're going to need
to agree on something.
I think I'm lost.
Where are you going?
Student recital in Bishopbriggs.
Where's Bishopbriggs?
I'm not telling you. Dan.
You're lost, it's late,
you might as well just come home.
Right. You are being no help.
I'll call you back in a sec.
See you.
# Ae-ae-ae
# Fare-thee-weel. #
I didn't see you.
It was never going to happen, never!
Do not touch me!
Don't you touch me. Kaya.
OK, put the bottle down.
We're OK here.
You need to stand back.
Look, just drop the bottle,
OK, and you can jump in my car
and we can go
and get your knee checked out.
I'll take you. Kaya!
Are you OK?
Right, you can let me out here.
The infirmary's just 10 minutes
down the road.
I'm not going to hospital.
Stop the car. Stop the car!
Look, if you won't let me
take you to A&E,
then you really should go yourself.
Here, take a taxi.
And that's to get you home again.
# Hey, baby
# Once again #
Where were you?
I'm your social worker,
not your granny.
Transitions are hard right enough,
but it's not a good start, is it?
What did you do?
Kettle, toaster, toastie machine.
The secret's to butter the bread
on the outside so it doesn't singe.
You need to get that looked at.
Right. You'll see us once a week,
every week.
Once a week, every week. OK?
And you know where we are
if you need us.
The world's your oyster.
Right, I'm off.
See you tonight? Mmm-hmm.
You all right? I hit her.
She ran out in front of you.
I know where your head's going,
but just don't.
This is nothing to do with Olivia,
all right?
It was an accident. Forget about it.
Her fault, not yours.
I'm off to get the boys.
Don't forget Sammy has rugby.
# I only lie when I love you
# I only crawl when I hit the ground
# You only cry when I love you
# I only cry #
Rugby's for dicks, wee man.
Posh boys are rubbish at football.
No telling your mum, right? I'll
drop you at school straight after.
What the hell kind of a name
is Campus Eastside?
Nothing to do with me.
They wanted my money, not my ideas.
Gregor, these are my nephews,
Jack and Sammy.
If either of you want to get
into journalism, stay clear of him!
Mr Souter, no? Hi, boys. All right?
Right, everyone, if I can
just take you this way, please.
Welcome to Campus Eastside.
15 hectares of state-of-the-art
facilities designed to divert
local at-risk youth away from drugs
and serious organised crime,
supported with a generous donation
from local businessmen Dan Docherty.
What do you think, boys?
Good as you thought it would be?
Amazing. It's amaze.
Relaxing into it.
Now bring it down really low.
Start bringing it back up.
Yes. Yes!
Yeah, you can smile!
OK, coming towards the end.
Stay in time.
Yes! That was brilliant!
Come on, you can clap yourselves.
Her knee's blown up.
Where there's blame there's a claim.
She ran out in front of me. That's
what you say, but what's she saying?
There's this scam
that goes on, right.
They chuck eggs at people's
windscreen so you can't see a thing,
putting your wipers on just makes
it worse, so you have to stop.
Then they've got you.
Come on. I'll take you to hospital.
Did you make up? What?
With the guy you were fighting with.
Is he your boyfriend? My boyfriend?
The state of him? He's like 30
with a face like a ripped flag.
Who is he, then, to you? Fuck all.
You're just a job to these
people at the end of the day.
I'm sorry I can't come in.
I've got something.
But ask for Hilary Rankin.
She's a senior nurse.
She's my sister-in-law.
You should have
come in on the night.
That's why you're in agony now.
Cos you've put weight on it.
OK. It could be a good few hours
before we get you X-rayed.
Just sit tight
and a nurse will call for you.
Somebody'll be back shortly.
It's not broken
but what you will need is physio.
And given the waiting list here
I recommend you get in touch
with whoever smashed into you
and get them to pay for it.
If you just wait there, I'll get
you a letter for their insurer.
Hilary Rankin? She works here.
She's a senior sister.
Are you a relative? Her brother.
And she's our surrogate,
she's carrying our baby.
Come this way, please.
I'm sorry.
You shouldn't be here.
Come here, you.
Was it a boy or a girl?
I don't know.
It was too soon to tell.
Cos it was still so wee.
Will they not have
any children now?
I don't know.
Whatever's meant to be will be, eh?
I understand. It wouldn't be fair
on the boys. I'm so sorry.
Hilary has decided
not to try again.
Her boys were upset and she didn't
want to have to explain to them
if it happened again.
So we are where we are, but we've
still got one frozen embryo left.
One more roll of the dice.
And we've decided to go abroad.
You can take it, we've got time.
I'll just be a minute.
I need to get this.
Yeah. Yeah.
I think she was relieved. Hilary.
I felt that.
Because it's an
extraordinary ask, isn't it?
You know, just extraordinary.
To, erm
..bear a child for someone.
All right, neighbour?
Kian, but everyone calls me Doddy.
Are you from round here?
Me either. Well, I used to be, but
then I went away for a few year.
If you know what I mean.
But all that's behind me now.
So what do you do
when you're not flinging toasters
aff the top of buildings?
I'm going to be an entrepreneur.
Cool. Good for you.
You know that lassie that invented
that bra, Michelle Mone?
Well, now she's
a baroness or some fuck.
That's going to be me.
Fucking brilliant. Put it there.
That's impressive.
That's really good.
I've got kind of a Moroccan stew
thing on the go downstairs
if you're hungry.
Nah, you're all right.
I'm training to be a chef.
Well, it's not training.
It's more like teaching myself.
Another night?
I'm away.
What are you doing? Fuck.
Did you think
I was trying to rob you?
I've got a meeting. I can't stop.
Look, I'm just going
to come out with it.
I saw you.
In the hospital.
I saw what happened. I was there.
I just wanted to tell you that
..I'll do it. Do what?
If that's what you need -
another lassie to carry your baby
for you - then that can be me.
What's funny?
No, thank you.
Why did you knock me down?
Because you ran out in front of
my car. No. Why me? Why your car?
I don't know, you tell me.
Because I was meant to meet you.
Things happen for a reason.
They just do.
It's been a week, OK.
Please don't come
to the school again.
Hi, darling. Hi.
Where's Svetlana?
She's on her way back to Kyiv.
She's taken Yulia, Anya
and that Nina with her.
She told me every time you walked
past her you grilled her,
so they've all gone off
to a wee dacha get over it.
A wee dacha?
One of them had a good idea,
though. Thanks.
We should sack this off
for a bit. Go on holiday.
Somewhere mad, far away -
like Brazil.
I'll take a month off work
and we can stand under waterfalls
and be together.
Shag under waterfalls.
I don't know what else there is
there apart from waterfalls.
Waterfalls sound great.
There are so many great things
you could be doing.
Working or travelling or going to
Don't say college.
This is something I can do.
This is something I want to do.
I can change your life
and you can change mine.
I can't change yours.
You can't pay for surrogacy in
this country, it's expenses only.
I'm not after money.
Then what are you after?
All my life, I've had to be
grateful for everything.
I want somebody
to be grateful to me.
You're joking.
Why would an 18-year-old
want to carry someone else's baby?
Why would any woman? Money.
Which is why I wanted
to go somewhere
where it's legal to just pay for it.
Maybe there's another way.
A more ethical way.
Some kind of exchange. Ethical?
Using an 18-year-old fresh
out a children's home?
Jesus, Emily, come on.
I know, I know. It sounds nuts.
No, it sounds cracked.
Properly cracked. I know.
But just meet her.
I'm going to see her tomorrow.
Just come for dinner after.
So what's in it for you?
What? What do you get?
Well, what were you going to pay
if you went abroad? £50,000.
That will do me, then.
Have you not explained
how it works here?
You can't get paid to carry a baby.
It's expenses only.
That's the law, so end of chat.
You're allowed to pay a surrogate
reasonable expenses
and I think it's reasonable
to reward this fairly.
I want to start my own business.
Clearly. This isnae the business.
Dan. So 50K would be seed funding,
would it?
It's an investment in her life,
in her future.
Well, I can put you in touch with
the Prince's Trust and other places.
You can apply for some
career development loans,
albeit not to the tune of £50,000.
She's asking for £50,000.
The going rate is 15 here for
expenses -
which, as far as I can see,
she doesn't have
because she's an unemployed
fucking teenager from Possil.
We can help her, she can help us.
For fuck sake, Emily.
Here's a lassie who's had the
worst possible start in life.
She could react in any number
of ways to being pregnant
and you're expecting her to give up
the baby at the end of it.
Do you even know why
she was in care?
Her mum couldn't look after her.
That's it?
That's your due diligence?
Well, I want to get to know her.
I want us to get to know her.
Do you know what childhoods
like that do to a person?
Mental illness, personality
disorders. She's damaged.
What, so everyone in care is for
the bin, are they? Irredeemable.
Hence why you won't adopt.
Let's not have that
conversation again.
you're not thinking straight.
This lassie has keyed into you
and you're not thinking straight.
You're talking about taking the
thing which is most precious to us -
which IS us - and putting it
inside the body of someone
we don't know
and have no control over.
You need to stop seeing
this lassie, Emily.
That's some fucking blow-dry.
Michelle Mone.
I googled her. Legend.
So glamorous and everything,
you know, with the hair.
I've made a chicken. It's not
my best but, still, it's good.
And there's plenty.
Coming in?
How is she? I wouldn't know.
She didn't show.
All that potential. It's like she's
deliberately trying to balls it up.
She's pissed with me because
I wouldn't let her live
with me and Frankie.
What? Well, that was never on
the cards. Of course it wasn't.
It was a fantasy, pure and utter.
But it made sense in her head.
I'm on my own with the wean.
She could just slot in
and, hey presto,
there she is with a place
in the world.
Right, I'm off. I've got 15 other
people to see today as well as Kaya.
She's in breach of her licence.
Who's referring this to the police?
You or me?
Let's leave it a wee bit, eh?
Give her the benefit of the doubt.
Callum's on nights.
He's going to lamp you.
It's that mental,
I was embarrassed to tell you.
Can you imagine the pain she must
be in to think that's a goer?
There's no talking to her.
Dan, it's grief.
The years of infertility,
the IVF, all the miscarriages
and now what's just
happened with me.
I know how much you wanted this,
but she has been through so much.
You both have.
Look, she can't buy
a baby off a poor girl
she picked up in Possilpark.
And somewhere, she knows that.
Hey. Hi.
Good day? Yeah, fine, thanks.
Look. From that place
we went to in Salina.
New nails?
You've dropped something.
It's a donation.
That's us drawing a line. Us?
So I take this and you get to
prove to Emily that I'm no good.
Dan Docherty.
Fucking hell, man. All right?
I can't believe you know each other.
Why didn't you tell me?
It's amazing what you've done, man,
being from round here.
I'm actually after a job or
something Not just now, pal, OK.
Come on, Dan
Can you fuck off, please?
Can I talk to you alone?
Leave the door. What? Leave it open.
Who is that paranoid?
What do you want?
You've just rocked up here
and you're asking me what I want?
I want what you have. Do you know
how hard I've worked to get that?
Not that. Not your cars and your
house and all that. I
I want a life.
And folk that care about me.
I want to get involved with normal
folk, not folk fae charities
and housing associations
that are paid to be nice to me.
Are there not less extremes ways of
going about it? Like go to college?
Aye. Did you go to college?
Then why have I
to go to college?
I want to do this.
Do you drink? Sometimes.
Do you smoke? Nah.
Why were you taken into care?
My mum couldn't look after me. Why?
Substance abuse? Mental illness?
Neglect? Whatever turns you on.
Don't you think I've got
a right to know? Death.
Violent death when I was 11.
There you go.
Have you got a criminal record? Nah.
Emily's already done a check.
I mean, feel free to do another one.
What about your psychiatric history?
What about yours?
You're edgy, man.
Are you a Christian?
Would it make you uncomfortable
if I was?
It might explain why you'd do
something so charitable.
It's not charity.
You're giving me £50,000.
I've seen you on TV.
You're always giving it all that.
I'm such a stand-up guy.
Salt of the Earth, so I am.
You should be more humble. You never
know when it's going to be of use.
What's your name? Kian. Kian Dodds.
You've got to understand
where I'm coming from.
Listen - justlisten.
One minute some mad wee lassie's
running out in front of your car.
The next, you want to trust her
with the thing that's
most important to us.
Well, is Svetlana any better?
Or Anya?
Or a stranger 2,000 miles away?
Maybe not.
So what about moving on?
What about deciding our lives are
going to be about something else?
Each other.
I can't.
I want a family.
We are a family.
With or without weans,
that's what we are.
But, Dan, we've got one more chance.
We've got one last embryo.
It's the last bit of us that's
left in the whole universe.
It's the last bit of us that
there's ever going to be.
And I just want to be close to it.
And nurture it.
And look after whoever's
looking after it.
When I married you, I leapt.
After three weeks I said yes,
because I just knew.
And it worked.
And, Dan, it'll work again
if you leap with me.
Because I know
I just know that this is right.
Right for her, right for us.
We can change her life.
And she can change ours.
You're pulling my leg, right?
It's not illegal.
It's legal,
you just can't pay a fee.
Breathe in.
Breathe out.
It's a cold sensation.
Obviously we want to make sure
the lassie's looked after.
Can you get hold of a contract?
Just a standard boilerplate for
surrogacy, if there is such a thing.
Son, you are flying.
Don't go anywhere near this.
We don't need the attention.
You don't have to
take your shoes off.
It's going to be tight in here
with the three of you!
I don't know how
you are going to manage!
It's going to be our embryo
that goes in,
so you won't have any genetic
relationship to the child.
Yeah, I'm just cooking it.
Nothing to do with me.
Legally, though,
it's less straightforward.
When it's born the law
treats you as its mum,
even though biologically
it's Emily's.
And Emily can't be the mum until you
sign over parental rights to her.
Can I not just do that now?
You'd think, but no.
Not being funny, right, but why
would I want to keep your baby?
I don't even want my own one so
what would I be wanting with yours?
Can you imagine ever changing
your mind? Fuck, no.
I'm more worried that you do
cos if you do it sounds like
I'm stuck with it.
We won't change our mind.
I'm talking to my lawyer
about the financial side,
how to make all that work.
The idea is that we support you
completely over the period -
but also non-financially,
to help you achieve whatever
it is you want to achieve.
How does this all feel?
Well, look, I'm happy
to take you home if you want,
but you are welcome
to stay here tonight.
Hey, Kaya.
Wow, wee bampot!
I'll pass that on.
I'm just saying, I can't believe
he got from there to here.
That's what I'm going to do.
Make something out of nothing.
I don't doubt it.
Listen, if I fuss over you
and I make sure you're eating
properly, will you hate that?
I don't know.
Nobody's ever done it.
You know, you could always
just stay here.
I mean, I'm sure you have your own
ideas about where you want to live.
But if you wanted to
We've got loads of room
and you'd save money.
I don't know.
Yeah, OK.
I'll let you sleep.
What's that for? Expenses.
You know, you've been going
to all of these appointments.
I just want to make sure
you're not out of pocket.
And also, erm
You'll need these.
I've got hundreds of them.
WOMAN: The purpose of these
sessions is to make sure
everyone's on the same page
and has the same expectations.
I need to be satisfied not only
that Kaya will be able to
relinquish the child but
that she will be able to
come out of the experience
whole and unharmed.
Because I want to do something good.
Do you have a criminal record?
Yeah, I've got two convictions
from when I was much younger -
stealing cars, joyriding, nonsense.
That's why we never entertained
the American route, you know,
because they won't let me in.
I was a wee dick. I really was.
She's young.
I know this must seem
Is there any history of serious
discord or violence
in your family environment?
Yeah, loads.
I'm not going to lie about it.
It's a feeling. It's not rational
what draws you to people.
It's a no-brainer.
Why would I work in a call centre,
or a warehouse, or some other
zero-hour pish, when I
could do something amazing?
Do you know that wee voice
in your head?
My one's saying, "Kaya
" can do this.
"Do this."
There's a lot of magical
thinking on both sides.
"It was meant to be."
"We were supposed to meet."
That's quite common in surrogacy,
isn't it,
when Mum's been trying for years?
How old is the girl?
18, but she seems very sure
of what she wants.
So you get the phone, the clothes.
What does he get?
As if I didn't know.
Out of my business.
There was me thinking
I had some shared business.
My life's my own.
I could phone the papers
on that guy any day.
You wouldn't dare. Why?
On you go, then.
Let's see what happens when you do.
Don't remember any of this
when we were eight, hey?
Thanks. For putting it on.
You didn't have to. It's no bother.
She's like a different person.
How do you mean?
It's been that long since
I've seen her like this.
Aye. We're getting our head around
things, you know? Moving forward.
How did you get rid of the teenager?
Just what you said,
went away by itself.
It had to have been a scam.
Surrogacy fraud.
I looked it up.
Women who pretend to desperate
couples that they're pregnant,
get what they can out of them, then,
halfway through, lose the baby.
Well, that was never
going to happen.
We're a family
with or without weans.
Of course you are.
I think you still can't believe
she actually married you.
MAN: I got your message.
Where does the girl live?
Excuse me, pal, you got a minute?
I was wondering if you
knew a Kaya McDermott.
I was hoping you might be a pal
or a colleague. And you might be?
Sorry, I've not introduced myself.
John Souter.
How come you're here?
How come you've not been
answering your phone all day?
New number.
Where'd you get that?!
Can I get by?
I wasn't expecting you.
A guy was here wanting to know
all about you. Who?
Apparently, you've applied for
work at Docherty Developments.
Yeah. Kaya, what's going on?
What do you mean?
I'm getting a job,
what do you want me to do?
Sit on my arse all day in front
of the telly? See you Thursday.
You need to take this seriously!
I'm not covering for you any more!
One more meeting missed with me
or with Janice, you're going
to end up back in the jail!
Nothing. She's not on social media.
Data protection is a bastard.
I'm just waiting for somebody
in the Records Office
Look, it's got to be today!
It's got to be today
or it's no use to me!
They said no.
I called the clinic and I told
them we were ready to go but
..but they said no,
because of her age, so
..they want us to wait a year and
see if she still wants to proceed.
It's OK.
It's going to be all right.
It's gone away.
Thank fuck for that!
It's done, it's all gone away.
MUSIC: Old Old Fashioned
by Frightened Rabbit
# So give me soft, soft static
# With a human voice underneath
# And we can both get old fashioned
# Put the brakes on these
fast, fast wheels
# Oh, let's get old fashioned
# Back to how things used to be #
Emily's away out to get some flour.
Fuck knows why but she's
wanting to bake a cake.
They said no, Emily.
I'm not abandoning her.
I'm not using her
and then discarding her.
I'm not going to create expectations
and then Emily! They said no!
No, they didn't, they said wait!
No, no!
If we have to wait a year,
then we'll just wait a year! No!
No more waiting!
Not a year, not a minute, no more!
Well, what are you saying?
I'm saying it's enough!
I'm calling it, it's finished.
Well, I'm doing it.
No, you're not. I'm doing it!
Emily, you're not!
Listen With or without you!
Jesus, fuck
She's not there.
She doesn't stay there.
Not for ages.
She just comes back for show,
to see you.
She's in there.
Where's that?
I don't know.
What's it worth to you, pal?
Guy drives a Bentley. Minted.
Owns half of Glasgow.
Daniel Docherty, he's called.
Prick's up to no good.
Hi, is your daddy there?
No, he's at work.
He's driving an ambulance!
Nice house. Don't just open it,
see who's there first!
I'm sorry to disturb you,
I'm looking for Daniel Docherty.
He's in Brazil.
Sammy, will you go inside, please?
Are you his wife?
I'm sorry, what's this about?
Look, he's obviously not expecting
you so I'm going to have to
ask you to go I'm looking
for a girl, Kaya McDermott.
She's 18, vulnerable
and missing from home.
I think your man Docherty
might know where she is.
Why would he know where she is?
Look, he's in Brazil
with his wife. Maybe so.
But he's also making regular trips
to Possil, and there's a lassie
there with nothing who suddenly
has money for new clothes.
And? And where is she?
What's he giving her money for?
Should I just take this
to the cops instead?
I can guarantee you Dan has nothing
to do with that girl.
VOICEMAIL: Leave a message.
I know what you're doing, Dan.
I know exactly what
you're doing, and
..if you think you can just
spirit this kid away
without any consequences
A guy has just turned up at your
door and he's onto you as well!
He thinks she's a missing person!
He's going to go to the police!
You have never lied to me before.
Or else I wouldn't even have
known what to look for.
You can't go ahead with this,
you must know that.
It is dangerous and's fucking immoral!
Mum, what's going on?
Nothing, go inside. Who are you
phoning? I said go inside!
# Ae fond kiss, and then we sever
# Ae fareweel #
Follow me, please.
# ..forever #
VOICEMAIL: Daniel Docherty,
leave a message.
Call me back. The lassie's
story doesnae add up.
Something's not right.
# ..sighs and groans I'll wage thee
# Had we never lov'd sae kindly
# Had we never lov'd sae kindly
# Never met-or never parted
# We had ne'er been broken-hearted
# Ah-ah-ah-ah
# Fare-thee-weel,
thou first and fairest!
# Fare-thee-weel,
thou best and dearest!
# Thine be ilka joy and treasure
# Peace, enjoyment
# Love and pleasure! #
Next Episode