The New Adventures of Jonny Quest (1986) s01e01 Episode Script

Peril of the Reptilian

[theme music]
[fire crackling]
[music continues]
[aircraft droning]
[music continues]
[music continues]
[water gurgling]
[instrumental music]
[crickets chirping]
(male #1) 'Ah, the only thing
radar's picked up all night'
is one lousy satellite.
Would you like me to take over?
Sure. You think you can stand the excitement.
[radar beeping]
[dramatic music]
beep beep
crackle crackle
[music continues]
thud thud
- What the.. - Come on!
crackle crackle
What's going on?
Check over there. I'll look around back.
[dramatic music]
[glass shatters]
[gasps] The bungalow!
[fire crackling]
- What's happening? - Look out!
How soon before his arrival, doctor?
He's following our return signal
in record time.
Dr. Phorbus, they're already reporting the attack.
The radar base has been wiped out!
Ah-ha! Any word on who did the damage?
[chuckles] They don't have a clue.
[chuckles] Excellent.
He want to be congratulated, doctor.
There's much more to come, Simon.
(Phorbus) 'This is only the beginning.'
[aircraft droning]
A 180 arc at Mach 1.
Very impressive, Dr. Quest.
That was just a warm-up, general.
Quester-1 to Quester-2. Quester-1 to Quester-2.
(Benton) 'Are you ready for detach?'
- What do you say, crew? - We're all set.
I thought dad would never ask, right, Bandit?
Okay, Race. Engage.
Quester-2 detaching.
Amazing! Two jets in one.
And if you thought this craft could maneuver
just keep watching.
- Way to go, Race! - Hold on, boys.
We're going for a corkscrew.
- Wow! - Some roller-coaster ride.
Eh, boy?
[chuckles] It's okay, Bandit.
The show is over.
(Race) 'I think
the general gets the idea.'
It certainly outperforms anything else at our disposal.
Those were mainly emergency maneuvers, general.
Even your surveillance system
rivals that of our latest spy planes.
Yes, but it's for our research efforts.
(male #2) 'This design
is light years ahead'
'of the original Quest jet.'
(Benton) 'There probably
isn't a place on Earth'
'inaccessible to Quester-1.'
Which is precisely why you're here, Dr. Quest.
I had a feeling there is more behind this visit
than a simple demonstration.
[instrumental music]
(Jonny) The general has no idea
who's behind the attacks?
I'm afraid not. So far three radar stations have been
All on separate South Sea islands.
The islands themselves have been thoroughly searched.
That leaves us with this triangular area between them.
Which we are entering right now.
What exactly are we looking for?
A sub, a ship, an underwater base perhaps. I'm not sure.
According to all the charts, there's nothing but ocean.
Hm. That doesn't look right to me, doctor.
(Benton) A dense sea-level cloud cover.
Let's see what sonar can show us.
- Well, I'll be.. - What is it?
An uncharted island.
What say we get a closer look?
[intense music]
What the..
What was that?
It looks like a pterodactyl
but with a-a brontosaurus head.
A flying nightmare, if you ask me.
(Hadji) Hey, Jonny, look!
Gee, Hadji, it's like
the land that time forgot.
Maybe we should forget about it, too.
[intense music]
You mean, we're not going with you?
- Not this trip. - But all I want..
Is a shot of that goofy pterodactyl.
Sorry, Jonny. We are going to take the first look around.
- But you might need us. - If we do..
We'll call you on the commu-com.
- But-but-- - Case closed.
[engine starts]
We'll be back in a few hours.
Nice try, Jonny.
Though I can't say I'm sorry not to be going.
Hey, we still got the sea skimmer.
You heard the head man.
Where's your sense of adventure, Hadj?
We're only gonna give it a test run.
(Benton) 'Let's head for higher ground.'
[upbeat music]
Well, well, Benton Quest. After all these years.
[chuckles] Simon, get Patch.
You two are about to become a welcoming committee.
[chuckles] Some send-off, eh, Bandit?
Here we go, guys.
(Race) No doubt about it, doctor.
Another vehicle was through here not long ago.
We are not the only ones on this island.
Perhaps I should inform the general
and let the military take it from here.
What's that?
Great heavens!
- It's some kind of dinosaur. - Several kinds, I'd say.
(Benton) 'It's a pre-historic mutation.'
Just like that flying reptile we saw.
Another one.
He's part triceratops, part dimetrodon, part..
Uh-oh! I think we better get away from these parts.
- What? - Back off, beast!
I, I guess thanks are in order.
Yeah. That's a mighty handy gadget you got there.
It's a stunner, especially designed
to control these creatures
as well as unwelcome visitors.
[birds chirping]
I still don't see any sign of the pterodactyl, Jonny.
Well, if nothing else, I've got a few good shots of the island.
Say, Hadji, stand over there, and I'll take your picture.
Sure thing, Jonny.
(Jonny) 'Hold still
while I get you in focus.'
Okay, Hadj. Say cheese.
In my country we say Ganges.
[water gurgling]
- Hey, hold still! - Jonny!
It's another one of those nightmares!
And this one's all teeth!
Over there, Hadji. Look, the skimmer's drifting away!
Sim sim salabim. Sim sim salabim!
Good work, Hadj! Someday you've got to teach me this trick.
[monster growling]
Let's get out of here.
We've got to tell the others!
Yeah, back to Quester-1!
- Where are you taking us? - To a reunion of sorts.
Dr. Phorbus is eager to see you again.
Phorbus? The biochemist?
I thought you'd recognize the name.
Nice of you guys to provide the transportation.
[man chuckles]
beep beep
The urgency signal.
(Hadji) 'Dr. Quest and Race
are in trouble.'
We were going the wrong direction.
[birds chirping]
(Benton) Well, Phorbus, I see
you're up to your old tricks.
My hybrid experiments are not tricks.
I look forward to showing you some results
you timid doctors never dreamed of.
I think we've already seen a couple of your rejects.
Well, you need not worry about encountering any creatures here.
This entire area is protected by a power
- Will Hadji and my son be safe? - It's almost sundown.
Let's hope they have sense enough to stay inside your jet.
Otherwise, the reptile eat.
- How much farther, Jonny? - Pretty far.
'But at least they've stopped moving.'
- Jonny, look out! - Huh?
J-Jonny, he's got us!
He's too strong. The boat won't budge!
Got anymore tricks up your sleeve, Hadji?
- Ah! - Jonny!
Real nice knowing you, Hadji.
beep beep beep
What made him change his mind?
That light must have had something to do with it.
Maybe somebody's calling him.
(Phorbus) 'Undoubtedly,
you've been wondering'
how I created my dinosaur hybrids.
It crossed my mind.
See, I cloned them directly from the cells
of fossilized dinosaur bones.
I brought to life
creatures dead millions of years.
I imagine certain foreign interests
paid a great deal for those secrets.
And they'll pay even more for my ultimate creation.
[intense music]
What in heaven's name..
(Phorbus) 'You see before you'
'my reptilian.'
The result of combining dinosaur and human bones
in my cloning process.
I bet your lizard lips here attacked those radar bases.
Yes, to test his destructive potential
and response to commands.
You see, he's the first
shall we say, soldier of his kind.
beep beep beep
Those same foreign interests would pay a fortune
for an army of such powerful creatures.
whirr whirr whirr
(Phorbus) 'An army I'll shortly
be bringing to life.'
Only a mad man would create this.
Back off, doctor.
You back off.
[groans] Ah!
Stop him.
Got to get.. Huh?
Whoa! Oh, great.
That was very foolish, Mr. Bannon.
[engine revving]
Well, gang, it looks like the swampian's here.
The commu-com says they're straight ahead.
- Time for the dirt wheelers. - 'Right, Hadji.'
Hop on, boy.
I sure hope we find them soon.
Yeah, it sounds like there's a lot of restless reptiles around.
Hey, slow down. I think I see light ahead.
[birds chirping]
Oh, my gosh! Look.
The tyrannosaurus hybrid sounds pretty close to me.
He can smell a good meal miles away.
Maybe he smells a couple of rats, too.
But you're staying. The rats are leaving.
Bon appetite, Mr. Bannon.
Come on, Hadji.
(Jonny) 'Hey, Race!'
Jonny, Hadji, hurry.
I'm expecting a guest for dinner.
We'll have you free in no time.
Uh-oh! My guest is early.
[intense music]
Just about.. Got it!
Forget about me, run behind the power field
before it's too late.
Maybe I can slow him down.
Hey, big mouth, try to catch me!
- Whoa! - Jonny!
Uh-oh! Gotta think quick.
Say freeze!
Ah.. Good work, Hadji.
Come on, Jonny!
I'm coming!
Quick. Through here.
Come on, we've gotta help Dr. Quest.
- Where is he? - Yeah, and who are those men?
(Phorbus) 'You realize, of course,
that I can't take the chance'
of a search party coming to look for you.
What do you intend to do?
Unfortunately, your jet
will meet with an accident, doctor.
Yes, a crash landing in the ocean, miles away from here.
The authorities will presume that everyone perished.
And they will have, I assure you.
What.. What happened? The lights!
[intense music]
Uh, what's going on?
Dr. Phorbus, Simon, the cables have been cut.
I found this next to the generator.
It couldn't have been Bannon.
If the generator's out, that means the power field is down!
(Race) There's got to be a way
to rescue Dr. Quest.
- Uh-oh! - 'We've got a visitor.'
It's one of your monsters.
Quick, Simon. We must stop him.
Uh, stunner! I can't find it!
Got to get out of here.
Where's the stunner, you fool?
(Jonny) 'Dad, down here!'
- Jonny. - Hurry, doctor.
(Phorbus) 'If he gets inside,
we're finished!'
[glass shatters]
I found it!
Oh, my gosh!
Do you think they got out in time?
I hope so for their sakes.
(Race) 'Well, we've combed
every square inch of the place'
and still no sign of anyone.
That's too bad. Phorbus had a brilliant mind.
- Just a little weird. - No, a whole lot of weird.
Hey, look!
Hey, watch it, Bandit.
That thing can fly.
The island's disappearing!
That's the thickest cloud cover I've ever seen.
Cover for a mad scientist with a mad dream.
(Hadji) Now you see it. Now you don't.
I'd say that's our cue to disappear, too.
- Right, fellas? - Right.
[Bandit barking]
[theme music]
[music continues]
[instrumental music]
Next Episode