The Nurse (2023) s01e01 Episode Script

I Will Survive

[dramatic music playing]
[birds squawking]
- Stauning!
- [dog barking]
[gasps] Boy.
[chuckles] Calm down.
- [barks]
- Get down.
[inhales] I ran into some of the guys down
at the docks,
and you know what they're like.
[chuckles] They went on and on.
They always want just another drink.
And time flies.
Well, now what have I got here?
- [barks]
- [sighs]
[Stauning whimpering]
Yeah, calm down.
I'll be all right.
Just a minute.
[groans, gasps]
[man on radio]
Well, it's a top-level match.
I played professionally
for a number of years,
but I'm telling you this
is a whole different league.
[woman] So do you think
Vejgård can beat Hobro?
[man] No, I don't think so.
Hobro is clear favourite.
[man 2] They're gonna have to be.
- [groans]
- [Stauning barking]
[woman] The game begins,
then after three minutes,
the Superliga player
breaks through the defence.
- Scores an early goal.
- [Stauning barking]
[woman] But then the underdogs
surprise everyone and fight back.
They equalise at 12 minutes.
- Then at 28 minutes, they're ahead 2-1.
- [groans]
[Stauning continues barking]
[barking continues]
- [doors open]
- [men clamouring]
Easy now.
- [groans]
- [nurse] It's just a bit further.
[laboured breathing]
[doctor] He smokes too much.
He drinks too much.
He has a poor diet.
He doesn't exercise.
Apart from that,
there's nothing wrong with him.
We've hooked him up on an IV
to give him some nutrients.
He probably hasn't had much
in the way of those for some time now.
Ah, doctor, hey, uh,
if you could just help me out of bed
and then I'll be on my way.
- Arne! [groans]
- [groans]
[chuckles] Well
- I need to feed Stauning.
- [man] No, no. He's fine.
He's at mine.
[doctor] I think we'll keep you in
for a few more days.
No. No way.
I'm going home. I need to cut the grass.
[doctor chuckles] Right, we need
to get your numbers in order first.
Couple more days
and you'll be good as new.
We'll come and check
on you again tomorrow, Arne.
- Yeah. [laughs]
- [woman groans]
- Yeah, well, bye, Arne.
- Yeah.
- Yeah. Drive safe.
- [man] Bye, Kenny.
- Dennis.
- [woman] Take care of him.
[chuckles, sighs]
[glass rattles]
All that doctors talk gives you a thirst.
- [Arne sighs]
- Ah, here you go.
- Ta. Have you got a smoke?
- [chuckles]
- Sure, I'll give you one. [groans]
- Ah.
- Here you go. There.
- [sighs]
What a nuisance, huh?
I'll say. We thought
you were gonna kick the bucket.
[chuckles] I'm not going
until I get that 400 kroner you owe me.
I knew I should have left you there.
[Arne groans]
[machines beeping]
[door opens]
[Arne] What
[exhales, mutters]
[exhales, gasps]
[mutters, exhales]
[electricity crackles]
[alarm blaring]
Cardiac arrest!
- [theme music playing]
- [woman vocalizing]
[indistinct whispering]
[pop music playing]
In this life of ours ♪
This time we have together ♪
I promise you ♪
[dog barking]
Or I kiss you good night ♪
- [girl] Ma!
- Hi, sweetie. Mmm!
- [man] Hey, Pernille.
- [Pernille] Hi, Morten.
Hurry up and put your pyjamas on, please.
You're going straight to bed.
- Yeah.
- Good night, darling.
- Good night, Dad.
- [chuckles]
- Sorry we're late.
- It went well?
[Morten] Yeah, really nice.
It's just great though
I can have her for a longer now, you know.
I think she still needs to settle
and get used to everything,
but it's gonna be great.
- I'm so pleased you moved here.
- Yeah, it's gonna be good.
- [Morten] Yeah.
- Mmm.
First day tomorrow?
It's my first day
as a fully qualified genuine nurse, yeah.
- Great.
- Yes.
I know it's not the greatest hospital.
But I know a few people who work there,
and they're really nice.
Well, I'm sure it's gonna be fun.
I'm looking forward to it.
- [Morten] You're not, um, nervous?
- Nah.
[Pernille sighs]
Okay I'm pretty nervous.
Well, I just want everyone
to think I'm the best nurse
they've ever seen in their life.
[laughs] They'll love you.
- I know it, okay?
- Mm-hmm.
[sighs] Good.
[girl] How do you know that?
[Pernille] Because I know that
you're sweet and you're clever,
and you're funny,
so of course you'll make new friends.
It's gonna be really hard.
[inhales] Yeah,
it can be tricky sometimes.
But, Alberte, it's gonna be so good.
Mm-hmm. You're in a new school.
I've got a new job,
and on top of that,
you get to spend more time with your dad.
- You getting back together?
- No.
Because your father and I,
uh, really don't work well together.
As friends though,
we're really very good at that.
Also, we were very good
at making a little girl.
I'm a big girl.
Yeah, you're very big,
but you do have to go to sleep now.
Otherwise, you'll be exhausted
on your very first day.
- Good night, sweetheart.
- Good night, Ma.
[Pernille] It's nice here, right?
And your school is just over there.
- There's a space.
- [brakes squeal]
- Oh, for goodness' sake!
- Ma!
- That was shit of him. [huffs]
- Be calm.
[Pernille] He could see I was pulling in.
- [window clicks]
- [huffs]
[students chattering, shouting]
- [girl] I'll show you and only you.
- [girl 2] But that's so unfair.
- [girl] I know. It's embarrassing.
- [girl 2] I got mine done.
- And I'm worried that it looks weird.
- [woman] You girls worry too much.
[chattering, laughing continue]
[woman] You look a little bit lost.
Uh, yeah,
we're looking for 1X's registration.
- Do you know where we go?
- Yeah, it's just behind that block there.
- Super. That's very kind.
- You're welcome.
- First day?
- Yeah, Alberte's starting in 1X today.
Oh, how nice.
- Yeah, aren't you with Morten?
- Yeah.
- Well, we're not an item.
- [woman] Oh.
We we were together.
No, Morten is Alberte's dad.
- Okay.
- [Pernille] You know him?
Yeah, I've known him for years.
My little brother and him were at school,
and his ma's my dad's second cousin.
- You don't say. [chuckles]
- [woman] Yeah.
- [bell rings]
- Oh, we'd better go.
Well, good luck today.
Say hi to Morten. I'm Karen Møller.
I will, and I'm Pernille.
I know. Good luck at the hospital.
Ah, thanks. [chuckles]
Yeah, come on. Let's find your classroom.
[inhales, exhales]
- [woman chattering]
- [man coughing]
[machines beeping]
[nurse] Hang on.
What happened to Christina?
[nurse 2] Well, did you see
who she went home with?
- [nurse] No. Who?
- [nurse 2] Chris, the paramedic.
[nurse] No! That's Torben's cousin!
Did she do him too?
- [nurse 2] She sure did.
- [nurses muttering]
- [nurse] What, is she lying?
- [nurse 2] She's completely crazy.
So we have five
emergency departments here,
and ward three is for urgent treatment
of heart and lung conditions, infections.
Attempted suicide and overdoses.
They're supposed
to only stay here for 48 hours.
And then they're either discharged
or if not,
we move them onto another ward.
And you have to keep this beeper
on you all the time,
and if a patient needs you to come,
you'll hear two short beeps.
And then if a cardiac arrest
alarm goes off,
everyone's beeper starts to beep.
In here is the medicine room.
And only nurses are allowed in.
Doctors don't have access.
Yeah. In here is the emergency kit.
If a patient goes into cardiac arrest,
you must immediately take this with you
into the room.
And it has all you need to resuscitate.
Adrenaline, Cordarone,
atropine, potassium chloride.
And if there's a broken seal,
then you swap it for a new one, okay?
Yes. And where do you
write down what you take?
[nurse] You don't write it down.
We talked about putting in a system,
but it's really way too difficult
when it gets busy.
- So we scrapped the idea.
- [chuckles] Oh, okay.
- Let me show you the staff room.
- [sighs] Good.
Hey! Say hello to Pernille.
She's new on ward three.
- Hi. Hi.
- Hi, there. Trine.
- Pernille. Thank you.
- Nice to meet you.
We have Diana, Marlene
and Ditte over here.
- And Katja's over there. The grown-ups.
- Hi.
- The rest of us just talk about Tinder.
- [nurse] Trine!
Linda doesn't like
that we have lives outside of work.
It's not that.
I just don't wanna hear about them.
Come on then. Let's find
the girl you'll be working with.
Yeah, well, uh, it's nice to meet you.
Well, Frank. I think Frank got too much.
If you look, uh, further down, you'll see
[Linda] Stay here. I'll go find her.
[machines beeping]
- You got time for another one? Hmm?
- Yeah.
[pagers beeping]
[beeping continues]
[nurse] It's ventricular fibrillation.
- [nurse 2] Should I intubate?
- [nurse 3] No, let's wait a bit.
- What do we have in this IV?
- [doctor] Let's do a rhythm check.
- [flatlining]
- Stop compressions.
- There's a shockable rhythm. Charging.
- [air hisses]
[device powers up, beeps]
- All clear. Defibrillation.
- [loud thud]
- [nurse] In cardiac arrest.
- [doctor] Start chest compressions.
- Adrenaline?
- [nurse 4] Here.
[doctor 2] So is she on
any meds we should be aware of?
[doctor] Does anyone know anything
about the patient?
[nurse 5] Yeah, this is Alma. She's 59.
She was admitted
with respiratory difficulties.
She had irregular heart rate,
atrial fibrillation
and now ventricular fibrillation.
- SAT of 69, pulse can't be measured.
- [nurse 4] Rhythm check.
[nurse 5] Blood pressure is 60 over 20.
Respiratory rate close to zero.
[doctor] Anything else?
We've had her on oxygen
while she's been here.
- And there's nothing cardiological.
- [doctor] Thanks, Christina. Well done.
- [nurse 4] Rhythm check.
- [doctor] There's a shockable rhythm.
Continue chest compression.
- Charging.
- [machine powers up]
[nurses chattering]
[doctor] Clear. Defibrillation.
[loud thud]
- [nurse 3] She's breathing.
- [nurse 2] And we've got sinus rhythm.
- What about ECG?
- [doctor] Yes, we need an ECG.
Thank you, Christina.
[nurse 3] Remaining stable.
[Linda] Oh, there she is.
She'll be training you.
Christina, this is Pernille.
She's new on ward three.
- Hi, Pernille. Welcome to emergency.
- [Pernille exhales] Thanks.
[Christina chuckles]
- Where were you before?
- Nursing school.
- Okay. First job?
- Yeah, it's my first real job as a nurse.
2.5 milligram for the guy in room 32.
- Okay.
- [Christina] Yeah.
- But I'm eager to learn.
- Good, 'cause there's a lot.
- Looking good, Gerda. [exhales]
- [Gerda] Thanks.
- I'll bring you some juice in a mo.
- [Gerda] Oh, lovely. Thanks.
I read everything I can get my hands on.
- Can you show up on time?
- Yeah.
- Bloods?
- Yes.
Start an IV?
I can also change a nappy
while shopping online.
Single mum?
- Seven-year-old daughter. Alberte.
- Ah! You should have said.
Then you're ready.
I'm a single mum too.
- I see.
- My girl's eight now. They can play.
- Yeah, sure.
- Hmm.
So what you need
to know about emergency three
is that it's unlike any other ward here.
Everything here moves faster.
It's more extreme.
- Hmm.
- It's a kind of war zone. Here.
Hi, Bjarne. Just checking up on you.
- Did Linda talk about the doctors here?
- [Pernille] No.
Well, we get the ones
that can't get a job elsewhere else.
Yeah, if we're lucky,
they might know a bit of the language.
A lot of the time
us nurses are on our own.
On emergency,
you need to think for yourself.
Need to make quick decisions.
- Luckily, we're really good here.
- Hmm.
[both chuckle]
- Will you help me turn him?
- Sure.
On three. One, two, three.
- [grunting]
- Ah, good, Bjarne.
You said hi to Pernille?
She's really competent and nice.
- [nurse] Hi.
- Hi.
- Is she emergency girl potential? Hmm?
- [Christina] We'll have to find out.
[both chuckle]
- Can you make a note for SATs?
- [chuckles]
- I'll be right back.
- Yeah. Mm-hmm.
- Will you check the guy in room 38?
- [nurse] Yeah.
- Hi. Ditte.
- [Pernille] Pernille.
- [nurse] Hi.
- Hi.
- Welcome, Pernille.
- [Pernille] Thanks.
- So you've already got a fan, I see.
- No, no. She's just teasing.
I'm very green
and trying to keep up with it all.
- But it's good. Hmm.
- [Katja] Hmm.
And Christina's training you?
Yeah, and she's really cool.
Yeah. Yeah, she's certainly the nurse
who knows the most here
on the emergency ward.
Oh, and there's a lot to keep track of.
It's hectic.
[Katja] Very hectic.
You need eyes
in the back of your head here.
[Pernille] Hmm.
- [Katja] But welcome anyway.
- Thanks.
But they'll see. I'll show them
that I can be a proper emergency girl.
A what? Where does this go?
[Pernille] Uh, by the sofa.
An emergency girl.
It's just that someone said
You know what? [sighs]
It doesn't matter.
I'm gonna show them
how great a nurse I really can be.
- [cell phone rings]
- It's Pernille.
Hi, Linda.
Oh, as in for tomorrow?
Yes, a night shift sounds great,
and I'd really love to do it,
but, uh, I have my daughter.
- And I can't
- [Morten] Hey, hey, hey.
Um, would you excuse me for a second?
I can drop her in.
And then you can pick her up
when you've had a sleep.
Yeah, hi, Linda. I can do it.
Yeah, uh, what time then?
Okay, great. Looking forward to it.
See how easy everything is
now that you've moved here? [chuckles]
- Hi, Katja.
- Hi, Pernille. Hi.
- [man] Out the way, please! Thanks!
- [Pernille] Oh!
- [men grunting]
- No! I've got it! Nearly there.
- Yeah, well, you've just met Niels.
- [men shouting]
The hospital joker? [chuckles]
[men groan]
Well, I think he'd prefer that title.
- But no, he's our chief physician.
- [men clamouring, exhaling]
- That guy?
- Yep.
- [laughs]
- That's Niels Lundén.
He tells really awful jokes, you know.
But he's clearly the best physician
we have on this ward.
Hello, ladies, how are you?
- Hello.
- Ciao! All good?
Well, he's kind of handsome.
Yeah, you're not the first nurse
to think so,
but I really wouldn't go there.
- People around here gossip like crazy.
- No, I wouldn't dream of it.
- I don't want [chuckles]
- Pernille.
- Hey.
- Hi. [chuckles]
- Good luck.
- Ta.
[Christina] Ready
for your first night shift?
- It's just you and me.
- It sure is. [chuckles]
[machines beeping]
[fan whirring]
[car approaches]
[spoon clatters]
- [siren wailing in the distance]
- [sighs]
These night shifts can seem endless.
That's okay.
Other times, you're rushed off your feet,
and they're the fun ones.
I think that maybe I should do a round,
check if everything's all good.
[Christina] You do that.
[sighs, yawns] I'll just sit here
and bore myself to death.
[machines beeping]
- [machines continue beeping]
- [respirator hissing]
[air hissing]
[pager beeping, vibrating]
[Christina] This is
your first cardiac arrest.
Room 37. Get an emergency kit.
- Hurry!
- [pagers beep]
[Pernille panting]
[alarm blaring]
- [Christina panting]
- [Pernille] What shall I do? Get someone?
I've pressed the alarm.
Cardiac arrest team are on their way.
- Turn on the defib.
- Yeah. Uh
- I've never done this before.
- It's okay. [panting]
- [beeping]
- [Pernille] Uh
Turn it on. [panting]
- Done chest compressions before?
- On a dummy.
Let me show you how to do it.
Come round here. Come, come, come, come.
- Okay, hands here.
- Mm-hmm.
- Hard as you can. Even if his ribs break.
- Mm-hmm. [panting]
Yeah, okay. Now listen carefully.
And so you're back ♪
In rhythm.
- From outer space ♪
- [panting]
I just walked in to find you here
With that sad look upon your face ♪
I should have changed that stupid lock ♪
I should have made you leave the key ♪
If I had known for just one second
You'd be back to bother me ♪
[snapping fingers] Join me.
Follow the rhythm. We'll count.
Just turn around now ♪
'Cause you're not welcome anymore ♪
Weren't you the one
Who tried to hurt me with goodbye? ♪
Did you think I'd crumble? ♪
Did you think I'd lay down and die? ♪
Oh, no, not I ♪
I will survive ♪
Oh, as long as I know how to love
I know I'll stay alive ♪
I've got all my life to live ♪
I've got all my love to give ♪
I'll survive ♪
- [Pernille panting]
- I will survive ♪
- [Christina] Yes, it's ready.
- Stop compressions.
[doctor] We have a shockable rhythm.
- Charging.
- [device powers up]
All clear.
Completely clear. Defibrillation.
[loud thud]
He's stable.
- He survived?
- Well, just barely.
But only because you started CPR so fast.
Very cool.
- Whoa.
- [doctor] Yeah.
You just saved his life.
It was the song that saved him.
And he was thinking, "Fuck,
that can't be the last song I ever hear."
- You're joking.
- [doctor] Well done, you two.
You're like a dream team.
Did you hear that?
Dream Team, baby.
You haven't seen the best thing. Come.
[door closes]
[birds squawking]
[Pernille sighs, chuckles]
- [Christina] So.
- [chuckles]
So then, you tired?
Strangely, no.
I actually have loads of energy right now.
- Mm-hmm.
- You're just high.
I felt the same way my first night.
[exhales] And I still do.
[both laugh]
Seriously though, we just saved a life,
and fuck, it's such a kick!
- [chuckling]
- It's insane.
[Alberte] "Look, an island. Look, a lake."
"An island in a lake. Look, Bob and Vips."
Hey, you've only been going to
this new school for a month,
and you're already so good.
We're learning about poems,
and poems don't have to rhyme.
You're absolutely right.
Now it's sleep time.
- Really?
- Afraid so.
Can I have a play date with Vera?
Yeah, of course you can.
It's great you found a friend.
Now you have to go to sleep.
- [clears throat]
- Have you got new friends too?
Hmm, well, yeah. I have actually, yeah.
I work with someone who's really cool.
You're so lucky.
Yeah, I'm really lucky.
You can stay here.
That's a good boy. [chuckles]
- [clears throat] Stauning.
- [Stauning whimpering]
Oop. [clears throat]
Stay here, Stauning.
I have to deal with this.
[Stauning whimpers]
[doctor sighs]
As I told you on the phone,
we've carried out your brother's autopsy.
And even though
it won't bring Arne back, uh,
at least now,
uh, we've been able
to determine the exact cause of his death.
Oh. What was it then?
Arne's tests show
a rather large concentration
of morphine and diazepam in his blood.
[splutters] What are you saying?
That he had an overdose.
That was the reason why his heart stopped.
You say an overdose.
But but why
did you give him an overdose?
No, no. We didn't give him an overdose.
I assure you,
Arne wasn't given morphine or diazepam
by the doctors at this hospital.
If that was the case, it would be here
in his records, and I assure you it's not.
Oh, well, was it given to him by mistake?
Arne took the medicine himself,
I'm sorry to say.
Your brother took his own life.
- So you said that he took his own life?
- [doctor] Mm.
Oh. No, no, no.
He wouldn't do that. I'm sure.
For some time now,
Arne was on a course
of antidepressant medicine.
After his son, um
- Yeah, yeah, Jimmy. Yeah.
- [doctor] Yes, after Jimmy died.
Oh, I don't understand what you're saying.
Um, Arne was in such a good mood
when I left him.
When I come back, I'd take him home.
- Yeah, yeah, we made plans.
- I understand this is really hard for you.
How'd he do it?
Where did he get the pills then?
He didn't take any pills,
or we would've surely found traces
there in his stomach.
Then what?
Somehow or other,
he must've got into the medicine room
late in the night and found, uh, ampoules
with morphine and diazepam.
So you're saying he went
to the medicine room.
- [doctor] Mm-hmm.
- And found
- Ampoules. Mm.
- Ampoules.
So he went to his room
and just injected himself
with diazepam and morphine.
And then he got back into bed?
[doctor] Exactly.
[exhales] No.
- [dance music playing]
- [woman] Whoo! Okay, cheers!
- [laughing]
- [shouting]
Okay, so you know,
I'm not saying there are cliques here.
[Pernille] Go on.
It's just that some are too fucking boring
to hang out with.
Okay, they're boring.
Yeah, and there's me,
Trine, Diana and a few others.
And we're hilarious. Hang out with us.
That sounds dangerous, all right?
We're fucking lethal.
[woman 2] Okay, no, no. If I have
any more, there'll be nothing left.
- [laughing]
- [chattering]
Dance floor.
- Hey, Dream Team, wanna dance?
- Nah.
- [Christina] Come on!
- Okay, yeah.
That's it. That's it!
["Do Your Thing" playing]
I know the dance floor
Be heating up, heating up ♪
I hear the speakers
They are dusting it, dusting it ♪
- So, did you win then?
- What was that?
Your sack race, did you win it?
- Yeah! Yeah, I won. Yeah.
- Yeah? Okay.
Okay, it's just that they looked
a bit younger than you.
Those two porters that you were racing.
Exactly, and, uh,
they don't have the experience I have.
And not everyone knows the tactics
or strategy you need for sack racing.
No, don't need to tell me, 'cause I was
the sack race champion at pre-school.
Who are you again?
I'm Pernille.
- New nurse at emergency three.
- Oh, yeah.
Settled in?
- Some of the nurses there can be a little
- That's where you are!
I'm going home with that guy now.
He says he's got a tattoo on his dick,
but I don't believe him.
- Have fun.
- See ya. [chuckles]
- She's direct.
- You're not wrong.
[Pernille sighs]
Down the hatch.
Go on then. [chuckles]
Monday morning blues ♪
I feel I make it through
A week of nine to five ♪
Until I met with you ♪
Fantasising, got the weekend ♪
- [music continues muffled]
- [retches, spits]
[inhales, coughs]
Hi, Janni.
I'm Pernille.
I'm a nurse. I'm on call today.
- [Janni] Hi.
- Hi. How are you?
I'm fine now,
but it hurts a little when I talk.
Well, how about I do
all the talking then, so you can rest now?
And if you think I talk too much,
you can just pinch me.
[Janni] Mm-hmm.
[Pernille] Well,
it looks like you only ate your dessert.
Not that I can blame you.
I wouldn't eat this either.
- Mm.
- Hmm, shall I get another one for you?
It's not great for our reputation
if the patients die of hunger.
- Thank you.
- Yeah? Good.
I'll be right back, and you just
pull the cord if there's anything else.
- Thanks for your help.
- You too. See you Saturday.
- [Christina] Yeah.
- Hmm.
- [Pernille] Hi.
- Hi.
- [chuckles]
- Fun night.
Yeah, it was.
- I'm really sorry for everything.
- No, no. I'm the one who's sorry.
I was so embarrassing.
I had too much to drink.
- Can't handle those shots.
- [exhales]
We talked about, um, sack racing.
- [Pernille] Oh, yeah.
- [exhales]
After that, uh, it's blank.
- Really.
- But but what I remember was nice.
From around here?
Uh, no. No, I lived in Odense for years.
- [Niels] Ah.
- [exhales]
Well, let me know if you need any tips
about Lolland-Falster.
- Mm-hmm.
- I was new here once too.
- Can be hard to settle in.
- Hmm. [chuckles]
[both chuckle]
- Uh, I'd like that.
- What?
To get some of your tips.
Unless of course
you didn't really mean it.
Sometimes people just say stuff, you know.
[inhales, exhales]
So tomorrow.
At five?
- Where do you live?
- Uh, 4 Folisvej in Maribo.
4 Folisvej, Maribo. Hmm.
Pick you up.
Thank you.
Hey, so do I need to dress up?
Oh, yeah. Yeah.
See ya.
[Niels exhales]
[water sloshing]
- Great, huh?
- Oh, wonderful.
I just love to come out here.
So good to get away
from all the chaos and tittle-tattle.
Yeah, and an ambulance,
if we were to capsize.
Yeah, don't do that.
- I don't do CPR. [laughs]
- [laughs]
- I've been thinking.
- Yeah.
Did you choose to work down here?
Nah, my, uh, ex and my son
are here, so I'm kind of trapped.
But if you weren't though?
Would you rather be somewhere else?
Well, I did when I first came here.
Everyone said it was the worst hospital
in Denmark.
But I actually ended up thinking
it's the best job in the world.
It's always busy. I like that.
And these people somehow ended up
in Denmark's rectum
with all these health problems.
And they drink a lot
and smoke way too much, you know.
They don't eat a balanced diet.
But most of them are wonderful people.
And they just need someone there
to help them,
who doesn't see them as hopeless.
I know it sounds a bit [chuckles]
No, no. I understand.
So what do you say
we see how fast this thing can go?
- Yeah, okay.
- Got sea legs?
- No, not really.
- Let's give it some gas.
There's headwind.
- It won't go as fast as usual.
- [chuckles] Okay.
Usually it goes really fast.
Let's see.
- [Trine] Have a good one.
- Thanks.
The guy in room 34 likes
to take out his IV.
- Good to know. Get home safe.
- [Trine] Thanks.
- Pernille.
- [Pernille] Hi, Ditte.
Inger's got kidney stone pain,
but the morphine's not working.
[Pernille] Try Oxynorm.
And then assess her pain level
in half an hour or so. She has a PRN.
Dream Team. Coffee on the roof soon?
- Yeah.
- Okay, great.
- I'll just do this.
- [grunts]
- Okay.
- [device beeps]
How are you? Can you sleep at all?
- Yeah, I'm sleeping fine. Feel good.
- That's good.
- Hi.
- Hi.
- Need to take your blood pressure.
- Yeah.
- [air hisses]
- [machine whirring]
There. So did your family come by today?
- Yeah.
- Yeah? That's nice.
They must be looking forward
to having you home.
- [Janni] Mm-hmm.
- Hmm.
Looks really good.
- [rips]
- [Janni] Mm.
[exhales] So do you need anything?
Good, then you try
and get a bit more sleep, okay?
[alarm blaring]
[pager beeping]
[Christina] Pernille,
cardiac arrest in room 26!
- Get an emergency kit!
- [panting]
- [alarm blaring]
- [gasps]
[doctor] We have a shockable rhythm.
[respirator hisses]
[device powers up]
- She's too young for her heart to stop.
- [doctor] Everybody clear.
Remove oxygen. Defibrillation.
- [loud thud]
- [beeping]
- [nurse] No change.
- Continue chest compressions.
Uh, can I have
300 milligrams of Cordarone?
Yeah, got 300 mils here.
Get the adrenaline ready.
- [nurse 2] Giving her 300 milligrams.
- [doctor] Thank you.
- [nurse 2] Rhythm check.
- [doctor] Stop.
[doctor] We still have a shockable rhythm.
- And charging.
- [panting]
- [device powers up]
- [beeping]
[doctor] Yes. Everyone clear.
Remove oxygen. Defibrillation.
[loud thud]
- [nurse 2] No change.
- [doctor] Chest compressions.
[doctor] Oxygen.
- [nurse 2] Listening.
- [panting continues]
[doctor] Stop compressions.
We no longer have a shockable rhythm.
We are on 12th cycle.
We have been at it for 26 minutes.
We don't have a shockable rhythm.
[nurses panting]
Are there any objections
to stopping the treatment?
- No?
- [panting continues]
- [doctor] What time is it?
- [nurse 2] 3:16.
- [panting]
- [doctor] Record that as time of death.
Yes. Thank you.
[continues panting]
Hi. You look worn out.
It's been intense.
- Why?
- We lost a patient.
A young girl that
who shouldn't have died, so
Shit. Crazy shift, huh?
- Where are the records?
- Aren't they over there?
[Christina] Ah.
What's up, Dream Team?
Wanna go up top?
[Christina] Fuck. What a shift.
- I really thought she'd be all right.
- Her name was Janni.
You okay? You're pale.
- I don't know if this is for me.
- What?
Working here on ward three.
[scoffs] Oh, come on.
She was very young.
I don't think I'd considered how, um,
intense it is.
So maybe a regular job
would suit me better.
One where in the morning you come in,
have lunch at 12 and work till six.
[Christina scoffs]
It's better.
What is?
Being a regular nurse
in a regular department.
Emergency sucks.
Not enough sleep and too much stress.
It's too much.
And you work just as hard
whether you save lives or not.
And no matter how great we are,
we only control 95%, yeah?
And the other five [inhales]
we really have no control of whatsoever.
It's in the lap of the gods.
Just call it fate.
[Pernille chuckles]
Sometimes people die.
That's all.
People here often have multiple diagnoses,
and that puts them at high risk.
With you and me, they stand a chance.
I've seen how you work.
You know what to do, and you take no shit.
Clear-headed under pressure.
And the more pressure you're under,
the more clear-headed you are.
Just like me.
I guarantee that the kick you get
when everything falls into place
you will only find that here.
And I know you don't wanna hear it,
but I'll say it anyway.
You belong here.
[both laugh]
[Pernille sighs] Mm.
And you and I are a fucking dream team.
- Yeah?
- Mm.
- Do you need help with anything?
- No, no. Thank you.
- Okay.
- Uh, Ditte.
[Ditte] Yeah?
Do you know whether or not
diazepam was administered to her?
Yeah, I know it wasn't.
- Yep, well, I'll see you tomorrow then.
- Yeah, okay.
[theme music playing]
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