The Oath of Love (2022) s01e01 Episode Script

Episode 1

♪Time once stopped everything♪
♪There's someone special♪
♪I flip the eternity dictionary♪
♪And uncover the suspense
that makes my heart beat fast♪
♪At this special moment
we run into each other♪
♪As unconsciously as we breathe♪
♪Holding hands over a long time♪
♪Means more than any word♪
♪Among a sea of people♪
♪I hold the umbrella for you♪
♪You hold the umbrella for me♪
♪I'll be special for you♪
♪You shelter me from the rain♪
♪Don't be afraid♪
♪Your love gets me through the haze♪
♪You'll have me♪
♪I'll search and wait♪
♪For the love of our lives♪
♪The future spent with you♪
♪We shall no longer linger♪
♪Is the best arrangement of love♪
♪The best arrangement♪
=The Oath of Love=
♪Is love♪
=Episode 1=
Before I met you,
what was I doing?
When you suddenly asked,
I could hardly remember.
I was quite busy, I guess.
Every day, I walked
through the familiar campus,
played the cello in the music room,
and looked forward
to the unpredictable future.
But I still remember
the day I met you.
When I looked up,
I looked right
into your eyes unexpectedly.
It felt so special and beautiful
that every time I think back on it,
I want to tell you,
"even if life repeated many times,
in that spring,
I still wanted to meet you".
- Morning, Dr. Gu.
- Morning, Dr. Gu.
You have recuperated admirably.
Tomorrow afternoon, come to me
for the discharge paper.
Dr. Gu,
thank you for treating me.
May I come
and visit you later?
Every two months,
come to the hospital for a check.
No, no.
I don't mean seeing a doctor.
I only mean you.
This is my daughter, Meilu.
You're both young.
Why don't you get to know each other?
Dr. Gu, may I have your phone number?
Sorry, Aunt Zhao.
Dr. Gu
has a girlfriend.
It's true.
His girlfriend is Dr. Gao Xi
of our hospital.
Dr. Gu, give me your number.
Come on.
Oh, I suddenly remember.
Director asked to see me.
- I'll take my leave.
- Dr. Gu. Dr. Gu.
Give me your number.
Thank you.
Let me call him for you first.
Come on.
Hello, this is
the Gastroenterology Center
of Huaqing University
First Affiliated Hospital.
We don't usually notice it.
Gu Wei is really dedicated to his job.
Not to mention having a girlfriend,
he doesn't even
He doesn't even go home often.
You know? So, I think
he and Dr. Gao Xi
Gu Wei.
Learn more and gossip less.
- Yes.
- Okay.
(Huaqing University
First Affiliated Hospital)
(Application for Transfer)
Gu Wei,
Vice President Gao told me
that you applied for transfer
and gave up being a clinician.
But why?
Why didn't you discuss with me
such a big decision?
You're used to cooperating with me.
If I leave, you'll feel inadaptable.
But I've already made up my mind.
I may feel inadaptable at work.
But I care more about you.
When we finished postgraduate school,
you told me that you dreamed
to cure stomach cancer
during your lifetime.
We were studying so hard at school.
But now you tell me you're giving up?
- You
- Gao Xi.
Say no more about it.
Gu Wei,
could you rethink it over?
Giving up being a clinician
would be a shame to you.
(Huaqing University Orchestra)
How was my performance?
(Huaqing University Orchestra)
I was a little bit nervous.
What on earth do you want again?
I'm very unhappy.
Very, very unhappy.
- Hello.
- Hello.
Mr. Lin and Ms. Li
haven't come at all.
I guess they didn't come deliberately.
I'm still working.
Where shall we go?
You don't need to worry.
What am I afraid of?
Fine, fine. I get it.
I'll come after the ward round, okay?
He doesn't allow me to go there,
but I'll just go.
Deal, then. See you tonight.
Stand there.
(Huaqing University Orchestra)
(Huaqing University Orchestra)
- Zhixiao!
- Sansan!
I haven't seen you for ages.
Since you went abroad,
you've changed so much.
Have I?
Am I gorgeous now?
Of course.
You're not only gorgeous,
but also very fashionable.
But aren't you too sexy?
Come on.
This is how a supermodel looks.
Don't you understand?
Fine, supermodel.
I miss you so much, Sansan.
Why did you come to a pub
in such a suit?
I just I just didn't know
I would come here.
You still need me
to dress you up.
What are you looking at?
Don't move. Don't.
I'll put a different color
of lipstick on you.
Is that necessary?
Come on.
Lipsticks are very important to a girl.
Come over.
People are watching.
It's okay. You're beautiful.
Don't be afraid.
The lipstick smudged.
Press your lips together.
Something's missing, I feel.
Don't do this.
Look at your pigtail. How serious!
You look just like a little girl.
I do?
- How do I look now?
- Let me check.
Do I look like a woman?
Much better.
How do I look?
If I stayed with you these years,
you would have been
Shao Jiang's girlfriend
and needn't have
I can't bring him up?
Let's not talk about him today.
Go, go. Let's get in.
you're not hyper at all.
What are you doing? Giving an operation?
Why don't you celebrate your birthday
with your parents?
It doesn't matter
whom I celebrate my birthday with.
The most important thing is
that I'll have fun with you today.
Wei, look.
So many beautiful girls are around.
Don't you like any of them?
Keep filling the cup.
I've still got some in the cup.
Stop it.
Drink it up. Drink it up.
I can't drink anymore.
Where are the beautiful girls?
Why can't I see any?
You can't? They're all around us.
Let me find one for you.
Wei, Wei.
Look at her legs.
What long legs!
What do you think?
She has anterior pelvic tilt
and terrible spinal curvature.
She wears high-heeled shoes too much.
She should see an orthopedist.
How about that one?
She's wearing block-heeled shoes.
Even heavy makeup
can't cover her dark circles.
She must have always stayed up late.
She should see a neurologist.
What about that one?
She's got more problems.
She should have a complete checkup.
Good point.
Drink some wine, all right?
What have you ordered?
Alcohol-free mojito?
Drink something with alcohol.
I have to work tomorrow.
I can't drink any wine.
But it's been a long while
since you last gave an operation
when can you
return to normal?
Why not try?
Try some wine.
Someone's calling you. Don't you answer?
Hello? What again?
I'm not home.
- Cheers.
- Cheers.
To Sansan's coming back.
Stop, stop.
You'd better not drink it.
Have some ice tea instead.
You have to go home tonight.
I don't want to trigger
a family conflict.
Mr. Lin is horrible.
I don't want him to give me a lecture.
What are you talking about?
Zhixiao lives under strict family rules.
Her father Mr. Lin
has been a dean of a high school
for 20 years.
He is
Quite strict. Right.
Quite strict.
I'm his daughter.
He always punishes me
as a warning to others.
I'm one of the others.
Let's not talk about him.
Anyway, he's a ridiculous father.
don't worry.
It's not 11:00 PM yet.
Maybe she'll be back soon.
Then why did she turn her phone off?
It just ran out of battery
You always indulge her.
You and your daughter
always act in collusion.
Don't get me involved
when complaining about your daughter.
Did Lin Zhixiao mention
that Xiao Shan would return to China?
What's gone is gone.
Now, everything is different.
Mr. Lin can't restrain me all my life.
From this day on,
I'll be independent!
I'll drink with you, then. Cheers.
Bottoms up. All of us.
- Bottoms up.
- Fine.
(Sansan: I finally met Zhixiao.
How happy we are!)
She's indeed hanging around
with Xiao Shan.
Where are you going, honey?
Stop drinking if you can't drink a lot.
I can certainly drink more. I'm okay.
What are you doing?
Haven't drunk it up yet?
Who are you saving it for?
The bill, please.
Let's go for the midnight snack.
All right.
That man looks so handsome.
I quite agree.
He's so cool.
The plants prickle me.
I know, I know. Just walk.
Be careful. Walk carefully.
Mr. Lin and Ms. Li
Why do they think
they can look down on me?
Why do they look down on me?
They always deceive me.
They don't support my dream, right?
The point is
they always foist their beliefs
on me.
But I don't like that.
I'm a girl that nobody loves.
It's okay. It's okay.
They don't love you, but I do.
I love you. Good girl.
- Sansan,
- Good girl.
- I know you're the best to me.
- I love you. I love you.
I swear
I never want to see
Ms. Li or Mr. Lin again,
especially Mr. Lin.
I'll never see him again!
Okay. Don't see him again.
As you wish.
Am I drunk
or am I hallucinating?
I think I see Mr. Lin.
Is that Mr. Lin?
Oh, it is.
Didn't you just say you loved me?
Looking for Gu Xiao? He's out.
Didn't you hear me? He's out.
I know.
I just want to say hello to you.
Hello, sir.
I guess I drank so much
that I feel very dizzy now.
I can hardly walk.
May I stay here for a couple of minutes?
Just a couple of minutes.
Thank you.
If you feel too dizzy,
you lack alcohol dehydrogenase,
I'm afraid.
You'd better see a doctor
for a checkup.
Okay, okay.
No problem.
I'll go see a doctor tomorrow morning.
I'm sorry to disturb you.
Enjoy yourself. Ignore me.
May May I borrow your coat
for a few minutes?
But who are you?
Don't bother who I am.
- Give my coat back to me.
- What are you doing?
Could you keep quiet for a minute?
- Be quiet, please.
- Give my coat back to me.
Why can't you just lend it to me?
Don't pull it. Or you'll damage it.
- Give it back to me.
- What are you?
Why are you pulling it so hard?
- Stop pulling it.
- Security! I
- You
- It's
Lin Zhixiao?
Lin Zhixiao?
Lin Zhixiao!
Lin Zhixiao!
What have you done?
Who's he?
Your boyfriend?
- No.
- Yes.
What an unsavory man!
He even denied it
in front of your father.
He's my boyfriend.
My boyfriend.
You didn't show up when you should.
You didn't care about me
when I was in need.
Now you want to interfere?
You know what?
You can't.
You're quite out of control.
- Put your arm down.
- I won't.
Put your arm down!
Look how ridiculous you are!
Let me explain first.
I'm not her boyfriend.
You must be her father.
Take her back home
and give her a lecture.
A young girl like her got drunk in a pub
and harassed me.
Obviously, she has bad manners.
Please take her back home
so that she'll no longer trouble others.
Who are you talking about?
Why do you think
you can judge my daughter?
What were you doing just now?
Flirting with her?
Why do I have bad manners?
You're the one who has bad manners.
When you saw a drunk young girl,
you wanted to flirt with her.
You have quite bad manners.
Exactly. Bad man!
Bad man. Bad man.
You're the bad man.
You know what?
You're such a bad
Lin Zhixiao!
Wei, Wei.
what happened?
I was away for only a while.
What happened then?
Why did you try
to flirt with a girl?
Come on.
They were cursing you like that.
What on earth did you do to that girl?
Don't ask a ridiculous question.
never take me to such a place again.
It's just a pub
Zhixiao. Zhixiao.
Call me when you're home.
Call me.
Ridiculous girl.
Wei, Wei.
I left my wallet there.
You may leave. Don't wait for me.
Leave without me.
A glass of tequila.
Two glasses, please.
It's on me.
You dropped your coat.
Have you got a light?
tequila is not right for you.
Have a glass of milk instead.
Wipe your hand.
It's on me.
You're back?
It's really late.
- Zhixiao. Zhixiao.
- What?
Take a bath and go to bed.
Stand there.
Remove your lipstick.
Mr. Lin,
check the date, will you?
I graduated from high school
three years ago.
Still trying to restrain me
in the same old way?
Stop. You both sound aggressive.
Talk tomorrow.
Do you know where she was?
She was in a pub.
She drank wine and hang around.
She wore a heavy makeup
and even cuddled
an unsavory man.
She was going too far!
You'll finish college next year.
Look what your classmates are doing.
They're either looking for a job
or preparing
for the graduate entrance exam.
Yin Xi
has even got
the offer of an exchange visit overseas.
What about you?
You're still idling about
and have achieved nothing!
If you go on like this,
you'll be the scum of the earth!
This is too much!
Why will I be the scum of the earth?
I'm a decent college student.
I play the cello.
And I'll be a cellist.
Why will I be the scum of the earth?
I invited you
to today's concert,
didn't I?
What did you say?
You said
you would come and watch it
and you would allow me to be a cellist
if I did a good job.
But did you come?
You didn't.
When you didn't even see my performance,
you wouldn't know
how well I played the cello.
Zhixiao, actually, today
Stop talking.
Tell me.
I'm a cellist.
Is it humiliating?
Then why does he look down on me?
Why do you look down on me?
I just see how you're doing
and want you to avoid detours.
Think about it.
You play the cello so poorly.
How can you dream to make a living
by being a cellist?
Being a postgraduate
and serving as a teacher
after graduation
will be the best choice for your future.
Stop wasting your time!
I know you look down on me.
Do you think
you are a very good father?
Since I was little,
you've been a dean at school.
You've been a dean at home, too.
Have you not been tough on me
as a dean
for even one single day?
Do you know what my dream is?
Do you know what I want?
You've never cared about me.
You've never understood me either.
Since I was little,
you've only been giving me plans
and making me
live a life in the way you dream of.
But I have my own dream.
I dream to be a cellist.
Is it humiliating?
You're my family.
But you don't even understand me.
Let me tell you something.
I will not take
the graduate entrance exam.
I won't be a teacher either.
Perish the thought!
Stop complaining about her.
I'm sure she thinks
we didn't go to the concert
I'll just explain to her.
What's wrong, honey?
You've got a stomach ache again?
Don't get angry. Calm down.
I'll go get the medicine for you.
(Graphic Surgery Interpretation of the Key Points
of the Surgery from the Anatomy of the Membrane)
(Application for Transfer)
(Huaqing University First Affiliated Hospital
Electronic Gastroscopy Report)
You're up.
Your dad and Yin Xi's dad went fishing
early in the morning.
Why tell me that?
I don't care.
You two have the same temper.
Why are you all so stubborn?
I have to criticize you.
You need to change your temper.
Be nice to your dad.
Don't make him angry.
Then he has to be nice to me first.
Gastroenterology Center.
Lin Jianguo.
Here. Eat quickly.
What is this?
Nothing, nothing.
What happened to him?
He… He's good.
I have to go out quickly.
Hurry and eat it.
Remember to clean up after eating.
(Floor Guide
7F Gastroenterology Center)
(7F Gastroenterology Center)
Excuse me.
I'm here to see this report
for Lin Jianguo.
I'm looking for Dr. Gao.
Dr. Gao is busy now.
Please wait a moment.
I'll call you when she's ready.
Okay, no problem.
Well, I want to use the bathroom.
Where is it?
The bathroom is over there.
Oh, thank you.
Okay, I'll be right there.
What are you doing?
Who allowed you to touch it?
I did nothing.
It's the digital age.
Information backup.
I'm taking a picture
of my inspection report.
You again!
We seem to be meeting
for the first time.
What do you want, doctor?
I asked what you were doing.
Didn't I tell you?
I'm taking a picture
of my inspection report.
You're lying.
Normal heart rate
is 70 to 80 beats per minute.
But your heart rate right now
is already 130 beats per minute.
(Electronic Gastroscopy Report Lin Jianguo)
Lin Jianguo.
Fifty-five years old.
You are invading the privacy
of the patient.
Do you know that?
Come on, doctor.
You misunderstood me.
This Lin Jianguo
is my dad.
I just want to take a picture
of this medical record
to see what happened to my dad.
The same trick.
It's true.
Could you let me go first?
Well, let me go first.
Hello? Security?
Why call them?
This is Gastroenterology Center.
- There is a very suspicious person here.
- Why don't you listen to me?
- Please come here right now.
- I'm not suspicious.
I already said that.
Yeah, right now.
He's kidding.
Dr. Gu.
The patient in Bed 27 has an emergency.
(Pathological diagnosis: (gastric angle)
chronic inflammation, moderate, with erosion)
False alarm.
It is proved to be chronic inflammation.
That is gastric ulcer.
You mean it is not cancer?
From the results of the report,
it is not.
That's great.
But his ulcer is serious.
I suggest he get regular follow-ups,
take medicine on time.
and have a gastroscopy
every three months to six months.
You can consider letting him
take standardized treatment in hospital.
Of course, it's just my suggestion.
No problem.
I'll talk to him when I get back.
Thank you. Thank you.
Hello, Dr. Gu.
There is a patient named Lin Jianguo.
Which doctor is in charge of him?
It's Dr. Gao.
Let me see his information.
This is his medical record.
(Outpatient Information
Registration Form)
(Name: Lin Jianguo)
(Family: Li Huijuan (wife) Lin Zhixiao (daughter))
His Pathological Examination Report
(Family: Li Huijuan (wife) Lin Zhixiao (daughter))
and Gastroscopy Report.
(Electronic Gastroscopy Report
Lin Jianguo)
(Lin Jianguo Pathological Examination Report
Clinical diagnosis: gastric ulcer)
I have told you.
You made a fuss.
Okay, I'm hanging up.
Come on.
Here you go.
You resurrect in full health.
I was accumulating my power.
I will catch a big one later
for stew at home.
Take it to reward Zhixiao.
Yin Xi told me that
Zhixiao is doing very well.
She was elected the cellist
of the University Orchestra.
Not worth mentioning.
She is going to play in the grand theater
in the future.
And she has to work harder.
It's okay. Do it again.
It's okay.
Start from 41.
You give him more obvious speed.
Lin Zhixiao,
our teacher said your last performance
is not particularly good.
So we want you
to help the percussion group.
I heard that.
Your teacher
is going too far, isn't he?
That triangle is always
knocked casually by someone
who plays timpani, isn't it?
He almost said directly
I'm redundant.
That's nothing.
After finishing this Coke,
I will start afresh.
It's nothing to be ashamed
of being demoted to knock the triangle.
I will rise in the future.
I want to solo.
Go for it!
Zhixiao, I support you.
Hello, Zhixiao.
Here he comes again.
Go ahead.
I don't want to be a third wheel.
Go, go.
Then I'm leaving.
Luckily, you are with me.
From now on you are my boyfriend.
I want to fall in love with you.
Treat me well.
I'm back.
Just in time.
Dinner will be ready soon.
Lin Zhixiao.
Come here.
I bought you the materials
for the graduate entrance exam.
Starting today,
I'll supervise your study
for three hours a day.
Don't practice the cello.
I said I don't want to take the exam.
I want to be a cellist.
Lin Zhixiao!
Be obedient when you should be.
Have you ever respected me?
Have you ever listened to
what I told you?
I said I don't want to take the exam.
I will never take the exam.
You…! Why are you so stubborn?
- You…!
- Honey.
Haven't we agreed?
ignore your dad.
You go wash your hands first.
Let's eat soon.
We'll talk about it after dinner.
Could you cut it out?
Is that my phone?
Your phone, Ms. Li.
Could you pass it to me, Zhixiao?
Is this Lin Jianguo's home?
Yeah. You are…?
This is Dr. Gu Wei
from Gastroenterology Center,
Huaqing University
First Affiliated Hospital.
Dr. Gu of Gastroenterology Center?
We've always seen Dr. Gao.
We apply a multidisciplinary consultation
in our hospital.
Dr. Gao and I
work in the same team.
Glad to know you.
What can I do for you?
I want you to be hospitalized
as soon as possible
to treat gastric ulcer
and take another gastroscopy
at the same time.
Another gastroscopy?
We already took one.
With my experience,
there is one possibility
that he has stomach cancer.
It's just my suggestion.
For the specific situation,
we can only come to a conclusion
until you take the examination
in the hospital.
Okay. Okay.
I get it.
Then please go for the admission procedure
as soon as possible.
Mm. Bye.
What? What's going on?
Nothing. It's from the hospital.
Let's talk about it later.
Go wash your hands.
We will be hospitalized tomorrow.
Your gastric ulcer
should be well treated.
I have a business to do tomorrow.
I won't go.
Just follow the doctor's advice.
You forget what you said to me?
Be obedient when you should be.
I will go with you tomorrow.
Everything has its vanquisher.
Here, Zhixiao.
Eat more vegetables.
Here we are, sir.
Please open the trunk.
Thank you.
It's okay. I can do it.
How about this?
I'll go through the formalities first.
- Hey.
- You and your
Mr. Lin.
Mr. Lin!
Honey! Honey!
Why is he gone?
Excuse me.
We are here to handle the admission
for Lin Jianguo.
One doctor surnamed
A doctor surnamed Gu asked us here.
Dr. Gu has given you a list.
You can go handle it now.
The patient can follow me
for an examination.
He didn't come.
I said I'm fine.
I'm not going back to the hospital.
I tell you,
Zhixiao suddenly
had a stomachache just now
and she almost passed out.
The doctor said
she may have acute appendicitis.
Maybe she has to have an operation.
Who are you kidding?
Is it so easy to get appendicitis?
Do you think I'm a three-year-old child?
Ms. Li,
my stomach hurts.
Did you hear that?
Look at her.
Hurry up.
Did you hear me?
You are trying to trick me!
Did I play well?
Did I exaggerate it?
A little. I'll go downstairs first.
Oh my goodness. My superb acting skills.
It's a pity that I'm not an actress.
Where is she?
There she is.
Zhixiao, what's wrong with you?
Mr. Lin, why are you here so late?
It hurts like hell.
Okay, okay.
Have you handled
the admission procedure?
Yes, I have.
Where is the ward?
- That one.
- This one.
- This one.
- That one.
Then get in the ward quickly.
This this one
Why are you squatting here?
- This one.
- This one?
Slow down. Slow down.
I got you.
- Let me help you.
- It hurts.
Will I be alright?
You'll be fine.
You'll be fine.
There are doctors in the hospital.
You'll be fine.
Lie down. Lie down.
Mr. Lin…
- My stomach hurts.
- Where's the doctor?
Where's the doctor?
I'll call the doctor.
You stay with her.
- Don't leave.
- Hurry up and go.
Mr. Lin.
I'll be fine, right?
I'm so young.
You'll be fine, Zhixiao.
Don't worry. I'm here with you.
You don't have to be afraid.
- Okay.
- If it hurts badly,
you just grab my hands.
- Okay.
- All right?
Be strong.
I am strong.
Think about the hero's story
that I told you when you were a kid.
(Bed 14 Wang Changyou, Gender: male)
Hold on, okay?
(Bed 14 Wang Changyou, Gender: male)
(Bed 14 Wang Changyou, Gender: male)
Be good.
Where are you going, Mr. Lin?
I… Why isn't your mother back yet?
I'll take a look at the door
and come back soon.
No, I'm very vulnerable right now.
I can't stay without people around me.
I won't go. I won't go far.
Oops, it hurts.
Zhixiao, be good. I'll be back soon.
I'll be
Doctor, you're here in time.
My daughter is suffering
from acute appendicitis.
It hurts badly.
Please check on her.
No worries. I
It really hurts, doctor.
Enjoy yourself. Ignore me.
May May I borrow your coat
for a few minutes?
But who are you?
Don't bother who I am.
Exactly. Bad man!
Bad man. Bad man.
You're the bad man.
Normal heart rate
is 70-80 beats per minute.
But your heart rate
is 130 beats per minute.
Hello? Security?
There is a suspicious person here.
Please come here right now.
It's acute appendicitis, right?
No worries.
Let me check on you.
Let your hands go.
Does it hurt?
It hurts?
It hurts.
is here, isn't it?
Is it?
Does it hurt?
It hurts, too.
- It hurts?
- Yeah.
This part hurts, doctor.
You have a big problem.
I have to operate on you right away.
No need, doctor.
You are a bit rushed, aren't you?
Are you having an operation
without an examination?
Yeah, doctor.
You should be prudent.
Is the operation dangerous?
Please don't worry.
There are risks
associated with any operation.
Bur rest assured,
I will try to minimize the risks
of the operation.
after your examination,
I feel
it doesn't hurt so badly now.
I don't think I need an operation.
I've seen too many patients like you.
They always thought
acute appendicitis is not a big problem.
The longer it takes,
the worse it becomes.
Finally, it may lead to a major disease.
- Xiaowei.
- Yes.
Notify the Operating Room to prepare
for an operation immediately.
Okay, Dr. Gu.
Wait a minute.
Hang on!
I feel better suddenly.
I'm good.
I mean it.
Mr. Lin, I'm fine.
Sorry, I was wrong.
I pretended it.
I'm actually fine.
It's all because you refused to come.
I had no other way.
I had to do this.
Lin Zhixiao, you!
You're willful!
Don't you know I'm worried?
Don't you know this is a hospital?
No noise in the hospital.
Okay, okay, okay.
Sorry, doctor.
Since you are not sick,
just go out.
I'm not sick. But he's really sick.
No, I mean,
he needs hospitalization.
Sorry, doctor.
We didn't mean to make a scene.
I just saw that
the bed is temporarily unoccupied,
so I used it for a few minutes.
The patient in Bed 14
is under observation after an operation.
He may be pushed back at any time.
You occupied
another people's bed like this.
It's against the hospital regulations.
Do you know?
Sorry, sorry.
Let's go. Go.
- Let's go.
- Zhixiao.
The formalities are done.
Let's go find that Dr. Gu.
She screws it up.
You guys come with me to the office.
- It's you.
- It's you!
Zhixiao, you are so beautiful.
=The Oath of Love=
Of course.
=The Oath of Love=
I mean the night view.
(Lin & Gu's Sweet Little Theatre)
Say it again.
- Speak well.
- You are more beautiful.
Fine. You are more beautiful.
You know what?
That time in the hospital,
you were wearing a mask
and I didn't recognize you at all.
But let me tell you something.
I looked at you
wearing the mask
and my heart was racing.
But I don't think my heart raced
because I was lying.
I think it's because you have nice eyes,
so my heartbeat became faster.
I'll tell you one thing, too.
What's it?
In fact, I felt your pulse that day.
I didn't touch anything at all.
I lied to you.
Explain to me.
=The Oath of Love=
(Little theater)
♪Pass by the bustling scenery♪
♪Fascinated by a raindrop♪
♪Watch it glide on my fingertip♪
♪Kind of like
the intersection of pressing strings♪
♪Some small things♪
♪Have been kept in my mind♪
♪Later I smiled and remembered,
leaning on you♪
♪I couldn't help myself then♪
♪One likes another♪
♪They show love
by slowly getting closer♪
♪Secretly glad how incredible it is♪
♪One likes another♪
♪Leave all care♪
♪Without a trace, without reservation♪
♪All myself to you♪
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